FOR SALE > LAND Commercial Land in Neptune Beach POINCIANA ROAD, NEPTUNE BEACH, FL 32266 May por tR d 0.25± ACRE AVAILABLE Atlantic Blvd Penman Rd rida Flo d Blv Property Features >>0.25± Acres on Poinciana Rd, off of Florida Blvd in Neptune Beach >>Zoned NC-2 (Neptune Commercial 2)- see enclosed for allowable uses >>Property Dimensions- 100’ wide x 108’ deep >>Quick and easy access to Atlantic Blvd and Beaches >>One of the last undeveloped commercial sites in Neptune Beach >>Great location for a service contractor >>Convenient to restaurants, shopping and hotels >>Sale Price: $75,000 5281 BART HINSON +1 904 358 1206 | EXT 1113 JACKSONVILLE, FL ROBERT SELTON, III +1 904 358 1206 | EXT 1111 JACKSONVILLE, FL COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL NORTHEAST FLORIDA 50 N. Laura Street, Suite 1725 Jacksonville, FL FOR SALE > LAND Street & Plat Map Ma ypo rt R d POINCIANA ROAD, NEPTUNE BEACH, FL 32266 Atlantic Blvd id a 3rd St or Penman Fl vd Rd Bl Poi d aR ian nch 5281 COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL NORTHEAST FLORIDA 50 N. Laura Street, Suite 1725 Jacksonville, FL FOR SALE > LAND Aerial POINCIANA ROAD, NEPTUNE BEACH, FL 32266 Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Blvd Flo rid co as tal lvd Wa te Forest Ave ay Kings Rd rw Demographics Pop. Est. 2015 1 Mile 8,325 3 Mile 58,918 5 Mile 126,636 2015 Est. Households 3,436 25,108 50,572 $67,683 $73,008 $77,698 2015 Est. Avg. HH Income 5281 aB Rd er Penman Int COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL NORTHEAST FLORIDA 50 N. Laura Street, Suite 1725 Jacksonville, FL FOR SALE > LAND Zoning: Commercial (NC-2) POINCIANA ROAD, NEPTUNE BEACH, FL 32266 (i) Commercial-2 (C-2) (1) Intent. The C-2 zoning districts are intended to provide for retail sales and service for one (1) or more neighborhoods. This district corresponds to the commercial medium designation on the adopted future land use map. (2) Permitted uses. The uses permitted within the C-2 zoning district shall be: (a) Interior service restaurant, carry out and delivery restaurant (b) Business and professional offices as follows: Building contractors and subcontractors (no outdoor storage of vehicles, materials, equipment or supplies), architects, accountants, doctors, dentists, miscellaneous health offices and clinics, veterinary clinic, and legal services (c) Financial institution, insurance and real estate offices (d) Travel agencies (e) Retail sales, shopping center, wholesale sales (no on-site storage of stock), furniture and appliance sales, package liquor store and pharmacy (f) Personal service establishments as follows: laundry, cleaning and garment services; photographic studios; beauty and barber shops, day spa, nail and waxing salon; shoe repair and miscellaneous personal services (not including tattoo establishments); cleaning and janitorial services (no outdoor storage of vehicles, materials, equipment or supplies) (g) Motor vehicle rentals (h) Dance, art, dramatic, gymnastics and music studio (i) Library, museum and art gallery (j) Public park/recreation area (k) Recreation, amusement and entertainment (including; bowling alley, skating rink, billiard and pool hall, arcade, miniature golf, indoor athletic and exercise facilities, tennis, handball or racquetball facility) (l) Radio and television broadcasting studio (m) Accessory structures and uses as defined by Article V (3) Uses by special exception. The uses permitted by special exception within the C-2 zoning district shall be: (a) Planned Unit Development (PUD) (b) Outdoor seating/dining for restaurant, fast food restaurant, drive thru service window for a restaurant (c) Kiosk sales (d) Retail sales with drive-thru service window (e) Motor vehicle sales and motor vehicle service (f) Parking lot (not associated with any business) (g) Moving business (no mini warehouses) (h) Government uses, buildings and utilities (i) Recycling collection center (j) Elementary, junior and high school, trade business or vocational school, college, community college or university (k) Worship facility and child care associated with facility (l) Social, fraternal club, lodge and union hall (m) Recreation, amusement and entertainment (including; theater, night club, private club and bar/tavern) (n) Light manufacturing 5281 COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL NORTHEAST FLORIDA 50 N. Laura Street, Suite 1725 Jacksonville, FL FOR SALE > LAND 0.25± Acre Available POINCIANA ROAD, NEPTUNE BEACH, FL 32266 Contact Us BART HINSON +1 904 358 1206 | EXT 1113 JACKSONVILLE, FL ana nci Poi Rd ROBERT SELTON, III +1 904 358 1206 | EXT 1111 JACKSONVILLE, FL Please contact us to see this property COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL NORTHEAST FLORIDA 50 N. Laura Street, Suite 1725 Jacksonville, FL 5281 This document has been prepared by COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL | Northeast Florida for advertising and general information only. COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL makes no guarantees, representations or warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, regarding the information including, but not limited to, warranties of content, accuracy and reliability. Any interested party should undertake their own inquiries as to the accuracy of the information. COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL excludes unequivocally all inferred or implied terms, conditions and warranties arising out of this document and excludes all liability for loss and damages arising there from. COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL is a worldwide affiliation of independently owned and operated companies. This publication is the copyrighted property of COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL and /or its licensor(s). © 2015. All rights reserved. Available Land Property Summary (5281) Poinciana Rd Land Poinciana Rd Neptune Beach, FL 32266 County: Duval Market: Jacksonville Sub Market: Beaches Property Near: Florida Blvd Lot Dimensions (LxW): 108' x 100' Land Size (SF): 10,890 SF Land Size (Acres): 0.25 Acres General Listing/Transaction Information Asking Price: $75,000.00 $6.89 Per SF Parcel Number: 173340-0000, 173341-0000 Price/Acre: $300,000.00 Zoning: NC-2 Transaction Type: Sale Access: Via Florida Blvd Contacts Frontage: 100' on Poinciana Rd Listing Broker(s) Site Utilities Water: City Water Sewer: City Sewer Power Supplier: JEA Comments Listing Comments: - 0.25± Acres on Poinciana Rd, off of Florida Blvd in Neptune Beach - Zoned NC-2 (Neptune Commercial 2)- see enclosed for allowable uses - Property Dimensions- 100’ wide x 108’ deep - Quick and easy access to Atlantic Blvd and Beaches - One of the last undeveloped commercial sites in Neptune Beach - Great location for a service contractor - Convenient to restaurants, shopping and hotels Bart Hinson Colliers International | Northeast Florida 904.861.1113 Robert Selton, III Colliers International | Northeast Florida 904.861.1111
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