Principal: Mrs. S. Balogh
Secretary: Mrs. S. Trudell
Vice Principal: Mr. P. Bertrand
Office Assistant: Ms. M. Watson
Messages will be retrieved between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. by office staff. Provincial protocols require that
schools exhaust all emergency contacts prior to calling the police in the event of a missing child. Please ensure that you notify
the school and that your information is accurate.
School Website:
Mission Statement
St. Andrew School, a partnership of students, staff, home and Church is dedicated to exemplifying Catholic values in an
enabling environment which promotes dignity, respect and potential of all students.
Principal’s Message
Over the last two months we have been delighted by the support of our wonderful school community. The partnership between home, school, church and community is an integral part of St. Andrew Catholic School’s success. Your involvement with Cross Country, Catholic School Council, Treat Lunch days, the Boogie‐a‐Thon fundraiser, the We Scare Hunger initiative, and other volunteering initiatives is gratefully appreciated. By continuing to work together, we create many opportunities for staff, students and families to get involved to affect positive change for our students and our greater community. November will also be a busy month! In November, we will recognize Bullying Awareness Week and the Feast of St. Andrew. In addition, Progress Reports will go home and parent‐teacher interviews will take place. During the month of November we will also take the time to reflect and pray for all of those who have made sacrifices for us all and for a world of peace. We encourage all families to pray together for peace in our world. The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month ‐ this is Remembrance Day. We bow our heads in respect and reflection, proudly and loyally wearing a poppy. The poppy is a symbolic reminder of the many people who were killed, fighting for our freedom. We take part in simple but moving ceremonies to honour the many Canadians who were killed in the service of their country throughout the world. We will join together in the gym at 10:30 on Monday, November 11th for a memorial service. Parents are welcome to join us for this Remembrance Day prayer service. jx exÅxÅuxÜAAA
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Yours in Catholic Education, Mrs. Balogh Mr. Bertrand Principal Vice‐Principal School Hours
Morning Bell - 8:45 a.m.
Lunch - 11:50-12:30 recess, 12:30-12:50 lunch
Dismissal - 3:20 p.m.
Please note that supervision outside begins at 8:30 a.m. Students should not arrive at school before this time.
Superintendent and Trustee Information
Mrs. Lorrie Naar is the Superintendent of Education for the Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School and its associate
schools, which includes St. Andrew Catholic School. She can be reached at the Halton Catholic District School
Board 905- 632- 6300.
There are four Oakville trustees who can be reached at the Board office: 905-632-6300
Alice Anne LeMay: ext. 113 ( )
Paul Marai : ext. 7180 (
Ed Viana: ext. 7187 (
Anthony Danko: ext. 7181 (
The week of November 18-22 is Provincial Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week
and this year’s theme is “Love one another, as I have loved you” (John 15:12).
Although there is a heightened awareness regarding bullying this month, it certainly is something that we’re dedicated to all year and that we work hard at all the time. We believe that our
youth, with the support from the adults around them, can provide the leadership and modeling
that promotes a caring and respectful school environment. We continue to encourage our students to be
the best that they can be on a daily basis. We have Acoustic Opera coming in to do age-appropriate
presentations to each division of students on Tuesday, November 19, regarding bullying in an entertaining and meaningful way.
• Bullying is wrong and harmful and needs to be reported to a caring adult.
• Bullying cannot be addressed with "simple" solutions.
• Bullying requires relationship skills and strategies that encourage respect and empathy for others.
• Bullying is a community issue, we all need to play a part in addressing it.
• Youth involvement and leadership is very important.
• Challenging bystanders or "silent majority" to not accept bullying as a behavioural norm is critical.
• Everyone has the right to be respected and the responsibility to respect others, in person and online!
Grade 2 Reconciliation Grade Two students will be receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation at Mary Mother of God on Satur‐
day, November 30th at 9:30 a.m. Students are currently learning about forgiveness in order to prepare for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Students are learning that they are the sheep and Jesus is the Shepherd, always watching over them and leading them back to His flock whenever they stray. As human beings, we all make mistakes, and it is important that we learn from our mistakes and move forward. We should seek forgiveness when we do something that breaks one of Jesus’ top two rules, which are: love the Lord Jesus with all your heart and treat others as you would want to be treated. Students are asked to dress in their “Sunday best” and to arrive at 9:15 a.m. PARISH NEWS
Thank you to all who have submitted their forms.
If you have not yet submitted the registration form and wish for your child to be confirmed this year you must submit it to Mary Mother of God immediately. Please include:
the blue registration form
a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate
a cheque for $40
a wallet sized photo which will be displayed at the church
Confirmation Important Dates CONFIRMATION (10:00am at the church)
January 11th, 2014
1st Reconciliation and 1st Communion REGISTRATION FORMS ARE NOW OVERDUE.
Thank you to all who have submitted their forms.
If you have not yet submitted the registration form and wish for your child to receive the sacraments of 1st Reconciliation and 1st Communion this year you must submit it to Mary Mother of God immediately. Please include:
the blue registration form
a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate
a cheque for $30
a wallet sized baby photo and a wallet size current photo of your child or email them to (please state your child’s school and teacher in the email)
1st Reconciliation and 1st Communion Important Dates November 30th, 2013
1st RECONCILIATION (9:30am at the church)
February 26 , 2014
1st Communion Parents meeting (7pm at the church)
May 25 , 2014
1st COMMUNION (1p.m. at the church)
Remembrance Day
In Memory of the soldiers who fought for us.
Please join us for one of our Remembrance Day Liturgies in the gymnasium on Monday,
November 11th:
10:30 a.m. in the Gym
During the First and Second World Wars, millions of men and women fought, risked their lives and even
died in the efforts to defeat tyranny, and to preserve freedom for all of us. To honour them, Mrs. Linse’s
and Mrs. Mihalides’ Grade 3 classes have organized the above liturgies.
If you have a child who belongs to the Girl Guides, Boy Scouts or Cadets, and is interested in wearing
their uniform on Remembrance Day, they are encouraged to do so.
Feast of St. Andrew
On November 29th we will be celebrating the Feast of St. Andrew with a liturgy at 2:30 p.m. in our
school gymnasium. Parents are welcome to attend this important day in the spiritual life of our school
Catholic School Council
Thank you to the parents and staff who have come forward to serve on this year’s Catholic School
Council. We are looking forward to working together for the benefit of our students and school
community. Meetings are open to all parents.
Next meeting date is Monday November 18th at 6:30pm in the library.
Parent Representatives
John Allore—Co-Chair
Lorraine Cipparrone—Co-Chair
Maria Bastiampillai
Hugh Comerford
Susan English
Maggie Lippert
Elisabeth Michienzi
Tracy Rego
Parish Representative—Emilia De Simone
Community Representative—Mary Tabak
Teaching Staff Representative—Nancy Harrison
Non-Teaching Staff Representative—Lynne Bucik
The Grade 8 classes are very busy with the transition to high school, here is a list of their activities during the month of
November for you to add to your calendar:
Tuesday, November 12, 2013—Holy Trinity visit (9:00—11:00 a.m.)
Tuesday, November 26, 2013—Holy Trinity Guidance Dept. visits all Gr. 8 students
Thursday, November 28 2013—Parent Info Night at Holy Trinity (7:00-9:00 p.m.)
What an exciting month it has been here at St. Andrew School. All of our Eco Teams are up and run‐
ning. We would like to thank our Eco‐detectives, Indoor Green Teams, Outdoor Green Teams. Anti‐
idlers and Terracyclers for all their hard work. You are wonderful Stewards of God's Earth. At our school we encourage the students to bring in a litter‐less lunch every day. Remember, a litter‐less lunch is one that comes in reusable containers. Zip lock bags are allowed provided you are taking them home to be re‐
used. If your child is participating in the Milk Program, recyclable milk cartons are acceptable. Also, all food waste, such as apple cores and banana skins are permitted. Parents, we encourage your child to bring home food that they do not want to eat. This allows you to talk about it and maybe together, come up with ideas for food that your child will eat. Surveys show that it is a really good idea to get children involved in choosing and making their own lunches. Of course, they do have to choose from healthy options!! Our goal is for every student to bring in a totally litter‐less lunch.
Going for Gold
This year we will be participating in the Ontario Eco Schools Certification Program. St. Andrew School has taken part in this initiative before, achieving gold status on three occasions. You can help us by sending a litter‐less lunch to school every day. You can also help by volunteering with our school greening projects. This might involve weeding existing garden areas or helping to put down mulch. If you would like to volunteer for this (no green thumb required) please contact Mrs. Guerin.
This month we have invited John Watson from Halton Region to come to our school. John knows everything about proper recycling and will share his knowledge with us. Save the earth..... It's the only planet with chocolate!
Thank you from the Eco Team.
Tell Them From Me: Your opinion counts! In our continuing effort to increase school effectiveness, the Halton Catholic District School Board will be imple‐
menting an online school survey– Tell Them From Me (TTFM). Students in Grades 4 to 12 are invited to complete a, voluntary, web‐based survey during school hours. The survey will take place from October 15th until December 13th and our school will participate the week of November 11. TTFM is an online school survey that allows students to give their input into school improvement initiatives in an anonymous way. The survey was designed by researchers to give the most useful information for determining what needs to get done to improve schools. The student survey explores such topics as student engagement, emotional health, physical health, safe schools and risky behaviours. If you would like more information about the survey, please contact Mrs. Balogh/Mr. Bertrand. We hope you will encourage your child to complete the survey and greatly appreciate your support in helping us to make our school the best it can be. Parent Webinar with Chris Stafanick—CHANGE OF DATE! This is to advise that the parent webinar with Chris Stefanick, “Raising Pure Teens”, which was originally sched‐
uled to run on Tuesday, October 29th, will now take place on Monday, November 4, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. For more information about Chris Stefanick or this free parent webinar, please visit the Board’s website at: To register to participate in this event via your computer, tablet device or telephone, please visit: https:// . PLEASE NOTE: Parents who have already registered for the event need not register again. If you registered for the event as originally scheduled, but are now unable to participate on November 4th, please notify us
Homework Help Homework Help provides live one‐on‐one tutoring with Ontario math teachers every Sunday to Thursday from 5:30 pm—9:30 pm ET for Ontario math students in grades 7 to 10. Homework Help is run by TVO’s Independent Learning Centre with support from the Ontario government. Find out more about the program at Progress Reports
Grades1-8 Progress Report Cards will be sent home Tuesday, November 19, 2013. Interviews will be held Thursday, November, 21 after school. An interview time form will be sent home for families to indicate when they
would be available for an interview. Times will be sent home with the Progress Reports. ELKP students will not
receive reports, but parents will be invited in for ELKP observations. Information will follow.
The Learning Skills/Work Habits section of the Ontario Provincial Elementary Progress Report is a separate
section for reporting on the student’s development of the learning skills required for effective learning. These skills
can be demonstrated by the student across all subjects and courses. The six learning skills identified on the elementary progress report are:
· Responsibility
· Initiative
· Organization
· Self-Regulation
· Independent Work
· Collaboration
There is a section on the progress report that provides parents/guardians and students with an opportunity to comment on student achievement, learning skills/work habits, learning goals, and home support. Please return this section to the classroom teacher.
Spirit Day:
This year St. Andrew School has put together a
team of teachers with a group of grade 4 and 5
students who would like to share their spirit
with the entire school. This exciting and enthusiastic club will organize a fun event each
month for the school to participate in. For the
month of November, the Spirit Club would like
you to show your St. Andrew School spirit by
coming to school in your pyjamas on Friday,
November 29th. We look forward to seeing
you participate in the special events each
The Treat Lunch/Snack day for November is:
Friday, November 1st
Friday, November 15th
Friday, November 29th
If you have ordered pizza lunch and need to cancel the
order, please contact Mrs. Bruce at: at least two weeks in advance, and a
refund can be provided.
Professional Activity Day
A reminder that Friday, November 22nd is a Professional Activity Day. There will be no school for students on that day. Staff members will be involved in
Faith Day.
The St. Andrew Social Justice Committee is growing and going strong. Our first
task of raising non-perishable food items for the "We Scare Hunger" Campaign is a
huge success! The school community has collected well over 1,000 items and we
anticipate the number to grow quickly. The final date for donations is November 8th
when the Committee will see how well the St. Andrew community demonstrated our
distinctly Catholic faith in helping out in our local community. Way to go St. Andrew
Soup-Er-Heros! Thank you Miss Garvey for all your hard work!
October’s Healthy Halloween Snack! On October 25th we served our Halloween themed healthy snack for each student. Our spooky snack included mini pumpkins and witch fingers! Yummy! Each classroom received a tray of clementine oranges and cheese slices with green peppers. This fun and nutritious snack consisted of three food groups, fruits, dairy and vegetable. Clementine's are an excellent source of vitamin C. Cheese is a source of protein and calcium to help keep students full and the green pepper is an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin K and vitamin B6. We know that when students have full stomachs and are well nourished they can concentrate better and perform better in daily tasks. We also find that students try different foods when they are together in a group. I hope your child enjoyed this spooktacular Halloween snack! We would like to offer sincere gratitude to all participating staff and volunteers and especially Mrs. Pom‐
pilio and Mrs. Robertson. If you would like to volunteer to help with the breakfast program or monthly snack pro‐
gram please contact Mr. Bertrand. Did you Know? One Clementine contains: 22 milligrams of calcium 36 milligrams of vitamin C 35 calories 8 grams of carbohydrates 1.3 grams of fiber, which maintains healthy digestion! Avengers Volleyball
Avengers Cross-Country
BOYS Volleyball has been one of St. Andrew's strengths over the last couple of years, and this year's boys team is rounding into a solid group that should put forward a strong run at the playoffs. "We have a very large team numbers wise, so there are lots of challenges in getting everyone into games, but it's great how every‐
one wants to contribute and work hard at prac‐
tice" said coach Mr. Maillet. In recent tourna‐
ment play the Avengers captured the B Pool Championship at the prestigious Catholic Cup and in league action, the team has posted 2 wins and 1 loss. "Serving is improving and now we are working on some of the finer points of our defensive game," said coach Mr. Tallevi, "we like the makeup of this group but it really is up to the boys how far they want to take it." Look for the boys to ramp up their play this month with the Sacred Heart tournament first on the list! The boys’ team includes Robert P, Corey Z, John N, Andrew D, Anthony C, Matthew L, Christian B, Matthew O, Anthony M, Dario G, Matthew S, Ivan M, Patrick H, Na‐
than V, Michael G and Enrico W. GIRLS The girls volleyball team had a successful sea‐
son this year! The girls have shown extreme dedication to the sport by attending practices everyday at lunch, and attending after school games. This year the girls placed 2nd overall in the division and have advanced to the playoffs. Good luck girls! This years’ members of the team are: Hannah T, Julia S, Fiorella G, Lauren T, Haley M, Brenna A, Nino S, Sophia B, Madison S, Victoria T, Tay‐
lor G and Brianne D. Congratulations to our St. Andrew’s Avengers Cross-Country Teams! On October 4th
and 5th the Halton Catholic District School
Board’s Cross Country meet took place at
Bronte Park for Grade 4-8 students.
Highlights from these awesome days include
the Tyke Boys placing 3rd in their division, the Atom Girls
placing 2nd in their division, and the Bantom Boys who
placed 3rd in their division.
A special congratulations goes out to the following students
who placed in the top ten of their races:
Jasmine L. (Gr. 4) - 3rd
Reyer B. (Gr. 4) - 6th
Chiara E. (Gr. 5) - 3rd
Mark S. (Gr. 5) - 5th
Mariah T. (Gr. 5) - 9th
Owen K. (Gr. 6) - 3rd
Lauren T. (Gr. 8) - 1st
Fiorella G. (Gr. 8) - 2nd
Bravo to all!!
St. Andrew’s PROPS (Peers Running Organized
Play Stations) has begun! Through this program
primary students will have the opportunity to
make new friends, play with others and get active at recess! This program is run, weather permitting, on Tuesday and Thursday lunch recesses by our Grade 6 PROP Leaders. All primary students (grade 1-3) are invited to play.
Ms. Nedelko, Ms. Penwarden, Mme Paolini and Mrs. Forsyth
are very proud of their athletes who displayed team spirit,
sportsmanship and competitive talent.
Congratulations to all on a wonderful experience!
St. Andrew Hockey Blast 2013
Our beloved Knights of Columbus Council 14446 invited our
grade 5 to 8 students to participate once again in the annual
Hockey Blast shooting competition. While we had many
sharpshooters who competed, we would like to congratulate
our winning grade level competitors:
Travis R.
Grade 5
Allessia F.
Grade 5
Mackenzie S.
Grade 6
Kate L.
Grade 6
Daniel B.
Grade 6
Michael G.
Grade 7
Nora M.
Grade 7
Nathan V.
Grade 8
Hayley M.
Grade 8
We wish our representatives the best of luck as they continue
to compete with other students from Oakville schools on Friday, December 6th from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. at St. Ignatius
of Loyola High School. Thank you to Mr. Spence and Mr.
Klutt for running our finalist competition! Congratulations to
all students who participated!!!
Picture Retakes
Picture retakes will take place on Wednesday,
November 13th, 2013 at 9:30 a.m.
BOOGIE-A-THON A Great success
We danced and danced and danced to our hearts content! What fun! All the students
and staff and even our visiting parents enjoyed dressing up and participating in the
Halloween Dance-a-thon! Thank you to the wonderful volunteers who decorated and
cleaned up our gym and for those who helped with organizing the raffle! A big
THANK YOU to all the families that generously donated money to our school! It is much appreciated! We will let you know the amount of money that was raised in the next newsletter. As in previous
years we will continuously share with you how these funds are being spent to support the students of our
The Advent season is fast approaching and it is the season of joy and giving. It is all about
God entering into our darkness with light in the form of His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus, the
Light of the World, changes us and enables us to spread the light to others. Once again this
year, we will spread Jesus’ light to the less fortunate families in our community through our
Tree of Light initiative.
We are asking for donations to be in the form of gift certificates only. This will allow our
“Tree of Light” families to make personal choices when shopping for the needs of their own
family. More information will be sent home later in November.
Save the date! Family Advent Mass @ MMOG December 5th. Big Brothers/Big Sisters
Can you spare a few hours a week (Tues., Wed. or
Thurs./AM or PM) to be a reading coach? It is not as
scary as it sounds. The students work on reading strategies to help them become independent readers. We provide the strategies, books and next steps and any help
that you require. It is a very rewarding job. Come try us
out—we really need you! If you are interested, please call
Mrs. Slomka at the school.
The Grand Opening of the Big Brothers
and Big Sisters Homework Club took
place on Wednesday, October 10th in the
Library at St. Andrew. Twenty-three students, nominated by teachers, will participate in this program every Wednesday
from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The Breakfast Program is now up and running from Tuesday
to Thursday. We have started off with great success and we
would like to thank all of the volunteers who have returned and
our new volunteers for the wonderful things they are doing for
our students.
The Annual Scholastic Book Fair
is coming to our school! What better way to promote reading to our students than by supporting
this important literary event. The Book Fair will
be at St. Andrew School Library from November
18-21, 2013 during the day for students to
visit. The Book Fair will also be open on Thursday, November 21, 2013 until 8:00 p.m. during
Parent Teacher interviews.
We invite your entire family to participate by purchasing the latest and greatest in children’s
books. Did you know that for every $10 you spend at the Fair up to $6 comes directly back to
our school? Your support of this vital literary event is key in helping us obtain new books and
resources for our library and classrooms.
Don’t forget to mark the Book Fair dates on your calendar! We look forward to seeing you
during our Scholastic Book Fair and thank you, in advance, for supporting this great literary
Things are going along “swimmingly” in the audition process for the main roles in this year’s musical production “The Little Mermaid”. We are up to our “gills” in musical talent here at St. Andrew’s and the main “cast” will soon be chosen. Classes from grades 1—8 will be “diving” into dance rehearsals with our choreographer Miss Jackie in the new year. The excitement is definitely building to make this year’s pro‐
duction the biggest and most ter’reef’ic St. Andrew’s musical yet! Artist of the month
Featured artists for the month of November: Drake D. and Clair M. The St. Andrew School gallery has 2 new featured artists for the month of November. Viewing of our very talented students work is in the display cases on the 2nd floor next to the Library. Drake in grade 5 from Mrs. Milner’s class is one of St. Andrews artist of the month for November. Drake’s art medium is Perler Beads. Perler Beads are little beads that you can arrange in any shape or pattern and after you iron them they stick together to make fabulous artistic creations. Drake has been creating masterpieces with Per‐
ler Beads for 2 years now. It all started when he was shown how to use Perler Beads in Scouts and instantly loved it. Claire in grade 7 from Mrs. Bowels‐Epp’s class is one of St. Andrew artist of the month for November. Claire’s art medium is Drawing. Claire has always enjoyed drawing but only seriously started to draw about 6 months ago. It all started when Claire began taking art lessons in September at Street Dog Academy. Claire’s favourite part of drawing is looking at her finished pieces and comparing older pieces to more recent one to see how much she has improved.
Please take some time if you are visiting the school to view our St. Andrew Art Gallery. Mrs. Hough PARENTS CORNER—MATH FUN! - NOVEMBER 2013
A Great way to develop deeper mathematical skills is through engaging in math games with your child. This month
let’s try gaming with your child!
Grade 1
Number Sense and
Patterning and Algebra
Grade 2
Number Sense and
Patterning and Algebra
Grade 3
Number Sense and
Patterning and Algebra
Grade 4
Number Sense and
Geometry and Spatial Sense
Patterning and Algebra
Have your child to collect magazine pictures showing different daytime and nighttime
activities. Have them sort the pictures into two groups and then give their rule for sorting. Try this game using pictures of different seasons.
Play a game where you compete to make 10 cents by rolling a dice and taking pennies
to match the number rolled. Trade pennies for nickels, nickels for a dime etc… until
you make 10 cents exactly.
Thread A Pattern: Have your child make a pattern necklace using different lengths
straws and a slim shoelace. Ask your child, “How can you use the straw to make a
Use a calculator to find as many ways as you can to reach a target number such as 10
using only the 1, 2, 5, + and – keys.
Play a game where you compete to make 50 cents by rolling a dice and taking pennies
to match the number rolled. Trade pennies for nickels, nickels for dimes etc… until
you make 50 cents exactly.
Sort a collection of items ex. (cards, pictures etc.) in different ways. Arrange the same
items in patterns.
“Who Has The Greatest Number?” Math Makes Sense Textbook page 35
“How Many Are Missing?”
Math Makes Sense Textbook page 68
Use cards from Ace to 9. Each person draws 3 cards. The person who arranges their
cards to make the largest number scores a point. Play until one person has scored 10
points. Play again with the target being the lowest number.
Find examples of angles equal to, less than and greater than 90 degrees in the newspaper. Trace the angles onto a 3column chart with the same headings
“Number the Blocks”
Math Makes Sense Textbook Page 24
Grade 5
Number Sense and Numeration
“Multiplication Tic-Tac-Toe”
Geometry and Spatial Sense
“What’s My Rule”
Math Makes Sense Textbook page 51
Math Makes Sense Textbook page 105
Grade 6
Number Sense and Numeration
Geometry and Spatial Sense
Search the internet for sites on how to create origami and learn the progressive folding
steps of creating origami models
“And the Number is…” Each person writes a simple equation with one unknown number and one operation. Then trade with the other player and solve the unknown number.
Mathematical Literacy
Patterning and Algebra
Grade 7
Math Makes Sense Textbook page 53
Number Sense and Numeration
“Organizing a Math Notebook”
Math Makes Sense textbook page 66
Geometry and Measurement
“Decoding Word Problems”
Math Makes Sense Textbook page 104a
Patterning and Algebra
“Using Different Strategies”
Math Makes Sense Textbook page 32
Number Sense and Numeration
“Posing Math Problems”
Math Makes Sense Textbook page 86
Patterning and Algebra
“Features of Word Problems”
“Use Visual Text Features”
Additional suggestions for Intermediate students
Play games – Chess, Checkers, Cribbage, Euchre, Sudoku, Backgammon,
Involve you child in projects around the home involving math such as banking, cooking, baking, or home renovations.
Grade 8
Math Makes Sense Textbook page 122
Math Makes Sense Textbook page 40