SUMM E R CATALOG 2 0 14 w w w.fashionpat service@fashionpatter PO BOX 370 HANSVILLE, WA 98340 PHONE: (360) 638-2629 FAX: (360) 638-0296 BUTTERICK B6070 CAMP SHIRT XS-XL OR XXL-6X A B size charts available on page 43 Signature Patterns p.32 Sedona Patterns p.35 Butterick Patterns p.8 Textbooks p.4-6 DVDs p.2-3 Interfacing p.41 Tools & Supplies p.42 New Erté Wrap p.30 CHECK O NLINE FO R BUNDLE DISCO UNT S Page 2 DVDs from the fashion industry expert! Learn the same sewing and fitting techniques Coni teaches in her studio classes, at sewing expos, and in seminar venues across the USA. Can’t travel to a sewing class, seminar, or expo show this year but still want to sew a new wardrobe that fits and flatters your figure? These DVDs can be your answer! These helpful visual DVDs show you the successful techniques Coni teaches for sewing, fitting, designing and draping clothing that will flatter your body shape and match your sense of style. You can view these at a time convenient for your busy schedule. You can stop and start and watch each step repeatedly until you are comfortable with the useful information and techniques you are shown. (You can’t do that at one of Coni’s power classes). Invest in yourself and the image you present to others by ordering this set of DVDs today. Custom Dress Form DVD You and a “fitting buddy” can help each other make a dress form in the privacy of your own home. Make an economical, pinnable and long-lasting dress form that’s a true reflection of your body shape. Then enjoy the ease of fitting your garments without twisting and turning to fit hard-to-reach areas and repeatedly taking the garment on and off. Use tested, recommended techniques from a nationally published author as seen in her article “Sewing Stunt Double” in Sew News. This volume will have you draping a bodice on your body or custom dress form. Tired of necklines that pull to the back and choke you? Fed up with commercial patterns designed for a B cup that does not match your needs? Wishing that you could have a longer, leaner torso line by having armholes that fit under your arm rather than start down around your waist? This DVD will show you how to fit your figure, flatter your personal shape, and let you customize your sense of style and fashion regardless of your size. Approximate Running Times: Custom Dress Form: 1hr 45 min Custom Bodice: 1hr 10 min Custom Pant: 1hr 15 min Studio Sewing: 1hr 56 min Custom Fitting: 1hr 5 min www. fas hionpat t erns . com SUMMER CATALOG 2014 Page 3 Custom Pant DVD Tired of crotches that reach your knees, waistbands and hip areas that don’t fit? Coni gives you the power of well-fitting pants. Draft your own pants from your own measurements and see the profound difference of how your new pants fit and give your body custom definition. This draft makes you look and feel comfortable for the office, errands, travel, or sports. SPECIAL: Pay only $5.00 for Fashion Your Own Pants The Simple Way when you buy the Custom Pant DVD. Studio Sewing Skills DVD This SEWING INSTRUCTION DVD provides students with efficient techniques to learn to sew in this fast-paced world. This DVD allows students to learn at their own pace. These sewing skills are designed to build knowledge progressively while learning the basics of sewing as well as how to assemble a garment in a logical and time efficient sequence. Students will complete a project that encourages them to sew more and more. This DVD will be useful for sewing labs, fabric stores, home educators as well as traditional school curriculum. As students practice, they will refine the skills presented throughout the DVD and obtain a greater understanding of how to construct any garment. Each order includes Connie’s Easy-To-Sew Mini Projects. Student Packet Sewing Samples Custom Bodice DVD Pricing: Custom Dress Form: Custom Bodice: Custom Pant: Studio Sewing Skills: Custom Fitting & Trueing: Any 3 DVDs: All 5 DVDs: NEW LO WER PRICE S $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $75 $115 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35 $90 $140 To make things easier for the beginning student, Coni is also offering her Studio Sewing Skills Student Packet. It has all of the samples necessary to practice the DVD sewing exercises. Student Packet Price: $9.00 Custom Fitting & Trueing DVD In a time of busy schedules and many fitting issues, Connie Crawford’s Fitting DVD saves the day with up-to-date garment fitting techniques. This fitting DVD leads students through a shirt / blouse fitting project. Details cover the following: selecting the correct size pattern, checking the pattern size, checking the pattern for front to back balance, side seam balance, and armhole balance. It continues with drape-fitting the project, fitting the neckline, shoulder, armhole, sleeve, and trueing the pattern changes. Mastering the vital fitting principles of patterns will help avoid common fitting problems after the fashion fabric is cut. CHECK O NLINE FO R BUNDLE DISCO UNT S Page 4 Patternmaking Made Easy, 3rd Ed. 488 pages, hardcover $107.00 $89.00 Completely modernized: new and up-to-date designs with completely redrawn and enlarged illustrations, highlighted with color to show each pattern step more precisely. Furthermore, the layout and style differences draw the reader’s attention more effectively. Better contents outlines have also been added, making pertinent information easy to find. This text has also been reorganized to demonstrate the process of patternmaking more intuitively and clearly. Projects flow and progress logically from basic foundation pattern skills to intermediate projects to advanced projects. The straightforward directions and clean illustrations demonstrate to the average reader that they too can enjoy a refreshing creative workflow, efficiently bringing design to reality. Fitting Patterns Using Draping Techniques Drape-fitting is the oldest and longest continuous means of evaluating and correcting the fit of a garment. This fitting book offers solutions to solve fitting problems for bodices, blouses, dresses, jackets, sleeves, knits, skirts and pants by using the drape-fitting methods. By following these draping solutions, the designer will learn how to proportion the garment and fit it correctly, without any obvious pulls and wrinkles. The designer will learn how to evaluate the hang of center front, center back and side seams. $20.00 25 pgs, color, illustrated, softcover Fashion Your Own Skirts the Simple Way This skirt patternmaking book offers an easy to read and comprehensive text with clear step-by-step instructions and illustrations to guide the beginner or experienced designer to create basic, simple, to more complicated skirt designs. This text promises to be an excellent teaching guide for fashion design, clothing and dressmaking. This unique skirt pattern concept has been proven through the author’s own application in the education of her sewing and design students. www. fas hionpat t erns . com NEW LO WER PRICE S SUMMER CATALOG 2014 Page 5 A Guide To Fashion Sewing, 5th Edition This fully-updated sewing instruction book includes anything and everything within a fashion garment. It progresses from basic theory to simple sewing techniques, concluding with more complex techniques and applications such as plackets, linings, bustiers and tailoring. Readers will learn how to assemble and construct designs of various styles using proven fashion industry techniques for more than 100 step-by-step sewing applications. All the illustrations are highlighted with color to show more precisely what to do at each step of the sewing process. A companion DVD helps the reader learn basic sewing skills and techniques such as seams, darts, bias bindings, zippers, and garment assembly. Brand new to this edition is an expanded chapter on fashion fabrics; it includes a color insert, as well as information on the newest fibers, blends and eco-friendly categories. The Art of Fashion Draping, 4th Edition NEW 4TH EDITION FOR 2012 An invaluable teaching tool for fashion design, apparel, and patternmaking students and professionals, this user-friendly bestseller teaches the different methods of -- and principles involved in -- draping fabric on a dress form. The Art of Fashion Draping, 4th Edition is organized from basic to advanced topics and includes a wide variety of styles. A wealth of two-color how-to illustrations, updated for the 4th edition to reflect current fashion, visually spell out every step of the draping and pinning process. 512 pages, softcover $107.00 Fashion Your Own Pants the Simple Way This pants patternmaking book promises to be an excellent teaching guide for fashion design. The clear step-by-step instructions and illustrations guide a beginner or experienced designer in creating a basic pants pattern along with simple and more complicated pants designs. This unique pants concept has been proven through the author’s own application in the education of her sewing and design students. 68 pages, softcover $24.75 117 pages, softcover ,spiral bound $89.00 $17.75 SPECIAL: Pay only $5.00 when you buy the Custom Pant DVD 400 pages, softcover $106.00 $89.00 www. fas hionpat t erns . com Page 6 SUMMER CATALOG 2014 Page 7 BUTTERICK B6071 Grading Workbook 2nd Ed The Grading Workbook, Second Edition serves as a reference guide for the designer, patternmaker, costumer, and cottage industry designer. Within this new edition more content is added for more grading variations. Completely modernized with redrawn, full color illustrations to show each grading step more accurately. For greater precision we are also offering this text as an e-book. You might be amazed with the quality and versatility of this added feature. $37.50 ©2013, 126 pages, illustrated, softcover, spiral bound Grading Ruler This ruler has been redesigned by Connie to better meet the needs of today’s students and enthusiasts. Connie’s grading ruler is now produced on a clear plastic. For 2013, we have increased the thickness slightly to have a better balance. $9.00 This ruler is intended to accompany the Grading Workbook. NEW Summer Pants XS-XL OR XXL-6X $12.00 B A B BUTTERICK B6033 Princess Yoke Dress XS-XL OR XXL-6X $12.00 Available Now M O RE PA T T ERNS PA GES 3 2 & 3 5 Page 8 DON’T MISS CONNIE’S SIGNATURE LINE Butterick # Coni # Pattern Description Sizes Available Price Page Butterick # Coni # B5047 B2130 Pinwheel Collection XS-XL XXL-6X $12.00 9 B5620 B5049 D7141 Magic Dress & Overblouse XS-L XXL-6X $12.00 11 B5053 MX8001 Easy Jacket, T-Top & Pants XS-XL XXL-6X $12.00 B5105 B2131 Flounce Collection XS-L XXL-6X B5106 B2126 Tuck Blouse & Cocktail Skirt XS-L B5108 J3117 Cocoon Wrap and Pants XS-XL B5154 D7140 Evening Gown XS-XL B5155 D7129 Yoke Dress w/Short Sleeve XS-XL B5192 J3118 Quilt Jacket and Pants B5193 NA B5215 www. fas hionpat t erns . com SUMMER CATALOG 2014 Page 9 Pattern Description Sizes Available Price Page NA Sheath Princess & Jacket XS-XL XXL-6X $12.00 18 B5654 NA Spring & Summer Knit Tops XS-XL XXL-6X $12.00 17 11 B5689 NA Parka Jacket XS-XL XXL-6X $12.00 16 $5.00 31 B5690 NA Swing Jacket & Pants XS-XL XXL-6X $12.00 16 XXL-6X $5.00 31 B5720 NA Ruffled Neckline Jacket XS-XL XXL-6X $12.00 15 XXL-6X $5.00 30 B5761 NA Princess Dress & Spiral Wrap XS-XL XXL-6X $12.00 15 $5.00 29 B5793 NA Shawl & Kimono Jacket XS-XL XXL-6X $12.00 14 XXL-6X $12.00 29 B5827 NA Princess Yoke Dress XS-XL XXL-6X $12.00 14 XS-XL XXL-6X $12.00 28 B5828 NA Scarf Jacket XS-XL XXL-6X $12.00 13 Spring Dress XS-XL XXL-6X $12.00 28 B5863 NA Easy Knit Tops XS-XL XXL-6X $12.00 13 NA Perfect Knit T - Top XS-XL XXL-6X $12.00 27 B5898 NA Wrap Dress XS-XL XXL-6X $12.00 12 B5222 NA Perfect Pant XS-XL XXL-6X $12.00 27 B5931 NA Hooded Rain Jacket XS-XL XXL-6X $12.00 12 B5261 B2107 Raglan Shirt / Easy Jacket XS-XL XXL-6X $12.00 26 B5967 NA Empire Blouse XS-XL XXL-6X $12.00 10 B5262 NA Raglan Coat / Jacket XS-XL XXL-6X $12.00 26 B5999 NA Pleated Yoke T-Top XS-XL XXL-6X $12.00 10 B6033 NA Princess Yoke Dress XS-XL XXL-6X $12.00 7 B5300 NA Holiday Blouse XS-XL XXL-6X $12.00 25 B6070 NA Camp Shirt XS-XL XXL-6X $12.00 1 B5301 U8101 Scrub Top & Elastic Waist Pants XS-XL XXL-6X $12.00 25 B6071 NA Summer Pants XS-XL XXL-6X $12.00 7 B5336 NA Spring Jacket & Skirt XS-XL XXL-6X $12.00 24 B5337 L9002 Lounge Dress XS-XL XXL-6X $12.00 24 BUTTERICK B5047 B5365 NA Tuck Blouses XS-XL XXL-6X $12.00 23 B5366 NA Flip Flounce & Vionnet Skirts XS-XL XXL-6X $12.00 23 B5402 NA Casual Sport Jacket XS-XL XXL-6X $12.00 22 CONI# B2130 PINWHEEL COLLECTION XS-XL OR XXL-6X $12.00 B5403 NA Casual Sport Pants XS-XL XXL-6X $12.00 22 B5430 NA Cowl Dress & Evening Gown XS-XL XXL-6X $12.00 21 B5434 NA Pajama & Robe XS-XL XXL-6X $12.00 21 B5473 NA Metro Jacket, Vest & Pants XS-XL XXL-6X $12.00 17 B5503 NA Easy Yoke Blouse XS-XL XXL-6X $12.00 20 B5504 NA No Zip Capri Pant or Shorts XS-XL XXL-6X $12.00 20 B5538 NA Princess Blouses XS-XL XXL-6X $12.00 18 B5574 NA Princess Jacket & Skirt XS-XL XXL-6X $12.00 19 B5575 NA Flounce Blouse & Pants XS-XL XXL-6X $12.00 19 www. fas hionpat t erns . com Page 10 SUMMER CATALOG 2014 Page 11 BUTTERICK B5999 BUTTERICK B5049 Pleated Yoke T-Top XS-XL OR XXL-6X $12.00 CONI# D7141 MAGIC DRESS XS-XL OR XXL-6X $12.00 B A BUTTERICK B5967 Empire Blouse XS-XL OR XXL-6X $12.00 A B BUTTERICK B5053 CONI# MX8001 EASY JACKET, T-TOP, & CLASSIC PANTS XS-XL OR XXL-6X $12.00 www. fas hionpat t erns . com Page 12 SUMMER CATALOG 2014 Page 13 BUTTERICK B5931 BUTTERICK B5863 Hooded Rain Jacket XS-XL OR XXL-6X $12.00 Easy Knit Tops XS-XL OR XXL-6X $12.00 VIEW C B A BUTTERICK B5898 BUTTERICK B5828 Wrap Dress XS-XL OR XXL-6X $12.00 Scarf Jacket XS-XL OR XXL-6X $12.00 VIEW A VIEW B www. fas hionpat t erns . com Page 14 SUMMER CATALOG 2014 Page 15 BUTTERICK B5827 BUTTERICK B5761 Princess Yoke Dress XS-XL OR XXL-6X $12.00 Princess Dress & Spiral Wrap XS-XL OR XXL-6X $12.00 A B C BUTTERICK B5793 BUTTERICK B5720 Shawl & Kimono Jacket XS-XL OR XXL-6X $12.00 Ruffled Neckline Jacket XS-XL OR XXL-6X $12.00 VIEW A VIEW B VIEW C www. fas hionpat t erns . com Page 16 SUMMER CATALOG 2014 Page 17 BUTTERICK B5690 BUTTERICK B5654 Swing Jacket & Pants XS-XL OR XXL-6X $12.00 Spring & Summer Knit Tops XS-XL OR XXL-6X $12.00 VIEW A BUTTERICK B5689 BUTTERICK B5473 Parka Jacket XS-XL OR XXL-6X $12.00 Metro Jacket, Vest & Pants XS-XL OR XXL-6X $12.00 VIEW B VIEW C www. fas hionpat t erns . com Page 18 SUMMER CATALOG 2014 Page 19 BUTTERICK B5620 BUTTERICK B5575 SHEATH PRINCESS with CROPPED JACKET XS-XL OR XXL-6X $12.00 FLOUNCE BLOUSE & PANTS XS-XL OR XXL-6X $12.00 BUTTERICK B5538 BUTTERICK B5574 PRINCESS BLOUSES XS-XL OR XXL-6X $12.00 PRINCESS JACKET & SKIRT XS-XL OR XXL-6X $12.00 www. fas hionpat t erns . com Page 20 SUMMER CATALOG 2014 Page 21 BUTTERICK B5504 BUTTERICK B5434 NO ZIP CAPRI PANTS OR SHORTS XS-XL OR XXL-6X $12.00 PAJAMA & ROBE XS-XL OR XXL-6X $12.00 BUTTERICK B5503 BUTTERICK B5430 EASY YOKE BLOUSE XS-XL OR XXL-6X $12.00 COWL DRESS & EVENING GOWN XS-XL OR XXL-6X $12.00 www. fas hionpat t erns . com Page 22 SUMMER CATALOG 2014 Page 23 BUTTERICK B5403 BUTTERICK B5366 CASUAL SPORT PANTS XS-XL OR XXL-6X $12.00 FLIP FLOUNCE & VIONNET STYLED SKIRTS XS-XL OR XXL-6X $12.00 BUTTERICK B5402 BUTTERICK B5365 CASUAL SPORT JACKET XS-XL OR XXL-6X $12.00 TUCK BLOUSES XS-XL OR XXL-6X $12.00 www. fas hionpat t erns . com Page 24 SUMMER CATALOG 2014 Page 25 BUTTERICK B5337 BUTTERICK B5301 CONI# L9002 LOUNGE DRESS XS-XL OR XXL-6X $12.00 CONI# U8101 SCRUB TOP and ELASTIC WAIST PANTS XS-XL OR XXL-6X $12.00 BUTTERICK B5336 BUTTERICK B5300 SPRING JACKET & SKIRT XS-XL OR XXL-6X $12.00 HOLIDAY BLOUSE XS-XL OR XXL-6X $12.00 Includes bust fitting for A/B/C cup or D/DD cup. www. fas hionpat t erns . com Page 26 SUMMER CATALOG 2014 Page 27 BUTTERICK B5262 BUTTERICK B5222 RAGLAN COAT / JACKET XS-XL OR XXL-6X $12.00 PERFECT PANT XS-XL OR XXL-6X $12.00 BUTTERICK B5261 BUTTERICK B5215 CONI# B2107 RAGLAN SHIRT / EASY JACKET XS-XL OR XXL-6X $12.00 PERFECT KNIT T - TOP XS-XL OR XXL-6X $12.00 www. fas hionpat t erns . com Page 28 SUMMER CATALOG 2014 Page 29 BUTTERICK B5193 BUTTERICK B5155 SPRING DRESS XS-XL OR XXL-6X $12.00 CONI# D7129 YOKE DRESS XS-XL OR XXL-6X $12.00 BUTTERICK B5192 BUTTERICK B5154 QUILT JACKET & PANTS XS-XL OR XXL-6X $12.00 CONI# D7140 EVENING GOWN XS-XL $5.00 SALE $5.00 www. fas hionpat t erns . com Page 30 SUMMER CATALOG 2014 Page 31 BUTTERICK B5108 BUTTERICK B5106 CONI# J3117 COCOON WRAP & PANTS XS-XL OR XXL-6X $5.00 CONI# B2126 TUCK BLOUSE & COCKTAIL SKIRT XS-L OR XXL-6X $5.00 CLE ARANCE CLE ARANCE NEW FOR 2014 CS1401 - Erté Wrap, Circular Wrap and Cocoon Wrap ERTÉ DESIGN: This Erté design is a sleeveless flounce tunic to add a comfortable flounce feel to accent any dress or pant outfit. Make this artistic tunic in your favorite sheer, lace, or print lightweight fabric. BUTTERICK B5105 CONI# B2131 FLOUNCE COLLECTION XS-L OR XXL-6X $5.00 CIRCULAR WRAP: This is a single layer spiral wrap that works for almost any occasion. The wrong side of the fabric will show, therefore, using a fabric that is similar on both sides is suggested, such as chiffon or lightweight woolens. COCOON WRAP: This is a hip-length wrap with a bias bound neckline and easy access sleeve openings. This is a perfect wrap to take on vacation or simply throw over your shoulder for a warm, comfy feel. ONE PACKAGE CONTAINS ALL 3 WRAPS ONE LOW PRICE: $12.00 CLE ARANCE www. fas hionpat t erns . com Page 32 SUMMER CATALOG 2014 Page 33 Sizes Available Price Page CS1201 Designers Blouse Block / Sloper 8 - 20 $20.00 33 CS1204 Dartless Knit Blocks / Slopers $20.00 33 CS1205 Princess Dress with Collar 8 - 20 1X - 6X $20.00 34 CS1207 Perfect Knit Sloper & Styled T-Shirt 8 - 20 1X - 6X $20.00 34 CS1208 Easy Knit Cowl Dress 8 - 20 1X - 6X $20.00 34 CS1301 Shoulder Princess Blouse Master Patterns 8 - 20 1X - 6X $20.00 32 CS1302 Armhole Princess Blouse Master Patterns 8 - 20 1X - 6X $20.00 32 CS1401 Erté Wrap, Circular Wrap and Cocoon Wrap $12.00 30 1X - 6X XS-6X XS-6X CS1301 & CS1302 Shoulder or Armhole Princess Blouse Master Patterns Sizes 8-20 & 1X-6X - $20.00 These patterns enable an aspiring designer to have their own Shoulder or Armhole Princess Pattern with the bust cup and shoulder fit everyone has been looking for. When using these patterns, you can create your own princess blouses, vests, jackets, dresses, or formal gowns. By interchanging or adding different collars, plackets, pockets, sleeves, or changing the neckline, you can become your own designer and have correct fit every time. Cup sizes available: A/B, C/D/DD(E),(DDD)F/G, H/I. CS1201 Designer’s Blouse Block / Sloper Available Now - Sizes 8-20 & 1X-6X - $20.00 This pattern enables everyone (no matter what your cup size is) to have their own custom Blouse Block / Sloper with the bust cup and shoulder fit everyone is looking for. By using this custom blouse master pattern, you can be creative and design your own blouse, dress, vest, and jacket by simply adding different collars, plackets, pockets, changing necklines, and/or changing sleeve styles. Center Front Pattern Description Center Back Coni # Because this pattern has special custom shoulder fit, the pattern and cup size is easily determined by using the special spec’s chart, measuring the full bust and referring to your bra cup size. Cup sizes available: A/B, C/D/DD(E),(DDD)F/G, H/I. CS1204 - Dartless Knit Blocks / Slopers Available Now - XS thru 6X - $20.00 The knit blocks / slopers are master patterns that are to be used in developing patterns for various knit designs. These master patterns provide the designer with a consistent fit, silhouette, ease allowance, armhole size needed for a specific knit design. Therefore, it is important to match the proportion, size and fit of the target customer. These blocks are used to make: Fitted Knit Top: leotards, bathing suits and body suits. Woven Dartless Block: dartless designs with a slight ease amount out of woven fabrics. Semi-Fitted Knit Top: knit designs with a slight ease amount. Man’s T-shirt: knit designs with a dropped shoulder and shirt sleeve and shirt armhole. www. fas hionpat t erns . com Page 34 SUMMER CATALOG 2014 Page 35 CS1205 Princess Dress with Collar Sizes 8-20 & 1X-6X - $20.00 J3111 LINED CARCOAT XXL-6X $22.50 Long or short, this princess dress with a front and back “V” neckline and a sheer collar is perfect for day and evening wear. The princess seam allows for easy fitting adjustments. Fully lined with a center back zipper opening. This dress can be worn full length or dress length. to a simple occasion or a very wonderful evening occasion. Designed for polyester, lightweight to medium weight silk, crepe, rayon, sateen, lightweight linen, shantung, peau-de-soie and sequined fabrics. Coni # Coni’s Older Sedona Patterns Sizes Available Price Page B2101 Yoke Shirt XXL-6X $15.50 36 B2104 Tailored Shirt XXL-6X $15.50 36 B2112 Camp Shirt XXL-2X $15.50 36 B2114 Traditional Cardigan XXL-6X $17.50 37 B2118 Styled Camp Shirt XXL-6X $15.50 36 CS1207 CS1208 B2121 Pleated Yoke Shirt XXL-6X $15.50 37 Perfect Knit Sloper & Styled T-Shirt 8-20 or 1X-6X $20.00 Easy Knit Cowl Dress 8-20 or 1X-6X $20.00 D7107 Sweetheart Tunic Dress w/ Skirt XXL-6X $17.50 38 D7109 Scoop Neckline Dress XXL-6X $17.50 38 D7110 Princess Sheath Dress XXL-6X $17.50 38 D7112 Jumpers/Sleeveless Dresses XXL-6X $17.50 38 D7128 Sleeveless Yoke Dress XXL-6X $17.50 40 D7142 Empire Dress w/Overlays $5.00 39 J3111 Carcoat XXL-6X $22.50 35 L9105 Classic Slip/Camisole XXL-6X $17.50 40 L9108 Knit Panties XXL-6X $15.50 40 XXL-6X $20.00 37 The knit blocks / sloper is a master pattern that is used in developing patterns for various knit designs. Or, you can simply sew it up as a simple knit top. This fabulous cowl “scarf” neckline dress can be trimmed with a contrast bias for a more stylish finish. Any time or any place, it adds comfort and flexibility to your wardrobe. MX8002 Hooded Jacket, T-Top & Pants XS-L XS-L P4107 Knit Petty Pants XXL-6X $15.50 40 V5106 Princess Styled Vest XXL-6X $15.50 39 V5107 Fun Jumper $15.50 39 V5110 Sleeveless Duster $5.00 39 S-L XS-L XXL-2X 3X-6X www. fas hionpat t erns . com Page 36 SUMMER CATALOG 2014 Page 37 B2101 B2104 B2121 B2114 YOKE SHIRT XXL-6X $15.50 TAILORED SHIRT XXL-6X $15.50 PLEATED YOKE SHIRT XXL-6X $15.50 TRADITIONAL CARDIGAN XXL-6X $17.50 B2112 B2118 MX8002 CAMP SHIRT XXL-2X $15.50 STYLED CAMP SHIRT XXL-6X $15.50 RAGLAN HOODED JACKET, T-TOP, & STYLED PANTS XS-L OR XXL-6X $20.00 www. fas hionpat t erns . com Page 38 SUMMER CATALOG 2014 Page 39 D7107 D7109 D7142 V5106 SWEETHEART TUNIC DRESS with STRAIGHT SKIRT XXL-6X $17.50 SCOOP NECKLINE DRESS XXL-6X $17.50 EMPIRE DRESS with OVERLAYS XS-L $5.00 PRINCESS STYLED VEST XXL-6X $15.50 CLEARANCE D7110 D7112 V5107 V5110 PRINCESS SHEATH DRESS XXL-6X $17.50 BASIC JUMPERS XXL-6X $17.50 FUN JUMPER S-L, XXL-2X, 3X-6X $15.50 SLEEVELESS DUSTER XS-L $5.00 CLEARANCE www. fas hionpat t erns . com Page 40 SUMMER CATALOG 2014 Page 41 D7128 L9105 SLEEVELESS YOKE DRESS XXL-6X $17.50 CLASSIC SLIP / CAMISOLE XXL-6X $17.50 INTERFACING HTPO-1348 WEFT interfacing -- white and black 60” wide -- 2 yard package: $11.00 NYLON/RAYON BLEND FUSIBLE WITH A POWDER DOT POLYMIDE. A weft interfacing is a woven and knit process in one. This product is ideally suited for women’s wear front jacket applications and in many dress weight fabrics. This interfacing is a lightweight weft-inserted warp knit offering a soft, lightly resilient, round hand. HT15P-7927 interfacing -- white and charcoal 48” wide -- 2 yard package: $9.00 ALL PURPOSE POLYESTER / NYLON -- FUSIBLE 15 MESH PASTE DOT Works with almost any fabric, especially 100% rayon, cotton, or challis. Gives a softer tailoring hand. It has a special glue designed for rayon and other hard-to-fuse fabrics. HTPP 4420 interfacing -- white and black 60” wide -- 2 yard package: $11.00 100% NYLON -- FUSIBLE TRICOT FOR KNITS. Offers a unique softness and drapability to a wide range of knitted fabrics. It fuses easily and performs well on most knitted fabrics. L9108 P4107 KNIT PANTIES XXL-6X $15.50 KNIT PETTI PANTS XXL-6X $15.50 HTFM-4091 interfacing -- white and black 48” wide -- 2 yard package: $11.00 100% POLYESTER TRICOT -- FUSIBLE FINE MESH DOT Designed for sheers, georgettes, and very lightweight fabric. A soft, stable, and sheer polyester tricot designed for today’s fashion fabrics for blouses and dresses. DRAPING INTERFACING 1803 48” wide -- 2 yard package: $7.00 Connie puts a special emphasis on interfacing. We only sell the same quality professional interfacing that she uses everyday. Does not need to be pre-shrunk. See and discover the difference for yourself. www. fas hionpat t erns . com Page 42 SUMMER CATALOG 2014 Page 43 Connie’s Custom Fit Size Charts TOOLS & SUPPLIES The first chart applies to almost all of Connie’s patterns, including all Butterick patterns. ALL Butterick patterns include all sizes XS-6X. IMPORTANT: not all of Connie’s older “in-house” patterns include all sizes. Please refer to the index pages for available sizes. Mini Projects $9.00 Student Sewing Packet - $9.00 Arm Pattern $10.00 Connie’s patterns use the FULL BUST MEASUREMENT in inches. For pants or skirts, please use the FULLEST HIP MEASUREMENT. Pattern Paper (3 yds) - $4.00 MISSES SIZES: XS - XL XS SIZE VF Skirt Curve (metal) - $20.00 VF Skirt Curve (plastic) - $14.00 VF French Curve (metal) - $16.00 VF French Curve (plastic) - $10.00 S 3-4 6-8 M WOMEN’S SIZES: XXL - 6X L 10-12 XL XXL 1X 2X 3X 4X 5X 6X 16 18W20W 22W24W 26W28W 30W32W 34W36W 38W40W 42W44W 14 Bust 34-35 36-37 38-39 40-41 42-43 44-45 46-48 50-52 54-56 58-60 62-64 66-68 Waist 25-26 27-28 29-30 31-32 33-34 36-37 38-40 42-44 46-48 50-52 54-55 56-58 Hip 35-36 37-38 39-40 41-42 43-46 48-52 54-56 58-60 62-64 66-68 70-72 74-76 – – – – – 15½ 16½ 18 19½ 21 22½ 24 Bicep These size charts for use with Connie’s “CS” patterns only. A/B CUP MISSES SIZES: 8 - 20 Multifunction Ruler $15.00 French Curve (generic) - $7.00 Red C-thru Ruler $6.00 Tailor’s Tape $5.00 A/B CUP WOMEN’S SIZES: 1X - 6X SIZE 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 1X 2X 3X 4X 5X 6X Bust 34-35 36-37 38-39 40-41 42-43 44-45 46-47 48-49 51-53 55-57 59-61 63-65 67-69 Waist 29-30 31-32 33-34 35-36 37-38 39-40 41-42 44-46 48-50 52-54 56-58 60-32 64-66 Hip 38-39 40-41 42-43 44-45 46-47 48-49 50-51 53-56 58-60 62-64 66-68 70-72 74-76 Bicep 12¼ 13 13¾ 14½ 15¼ 15¾ 16 16¾ 18¼ 19¾ 21¼ 22¾ 24¼ SIZE 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 1X 2X 3X 4X 5X 6X Bust 34-35 36-37 38-39 40-41 42-43 44-45 46-47 48-49 51-53 55-57 59-61 63-65 67-69 Waist 29-30 31-32 33-34 35-36 37-38 39-40 41-42 46-47 49-51 53-55 57-59 61-63 65-67 Hip 38-39 40-41 42-43 44-45 46-47 48-49 50-51 53-56 58-60 62-64 66-68 70-72 74-76 Bicep 12¼ 13 13¾ 14½ 15¼ 16 16¾ 16½ 18 19½ 21 22½ 24 SIZE 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 1X 2X 3X 4X 5X 6X Bust 38-39 40-41 42-43 44-45 46-47 48-49 50-51 52-53 54-56 58-60 62-64 66-68 70-72 Waist 32-33 34-35 36-37 38-39 40-41 42-43 44-45 46-47 49-51 53-55 57-59 61-63 65-67 Hip 38-40 41-42 43-44 45-46 47-48 49-50 51-52 54-56 58-60 62-64 66-68 70-72 74-76 12¼ 13 13¾ 14½ 15¼ 16 16¾ 16½ 18 19½ 21 22½ 24 C/D/DD(E) CUP MISSES SIZES: 8 - 20 C/D/DD(E) CUP WOMEN’S SIZES: 1X - 6X (DDD)F/G CUP MISSES SIZES: 8 - 20 Seam Ripper $5.00 Tracing Wheel $8.00 Screw Punch $30.00 Pattern Notcher $24.00 Bicep (DDD)F/G CUP WOMEN’S SIZES: 1X - 6X H/I CUP MISSES SIZES: 8 - 20 Loop Turner $5.00 Draping Pins $4.00 Pattern Hook $1.75 Simflex Sewing Gauge - $20.00 H/I CUP WOMEN’S SIZES: 1X - 6X SIZE 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 1X 2X 3X 4X 5X 6X Bust 40-41 42-43 44-45 46-47 48-49 50-51 52-53 54-55 56-58 60-62 64-66 68-70 72-74 Waist 34-35 36-37 38-39 40-41 42-43 44-45 46-47 48-49 51-53 55-57 59-61 63-65 67-69 Hip 38-40 41-42 43-44 45-46 47-48 49-50 51-52 54-56 58-60 62-64 66-68 70-72 74-76 12¼ 13 13¾ 14½ 15¼ 16 16¾ 16½ 18 19½ 21 22½ 24 Bicep PO Box 370 Hansville, WA 98340 Telephone (360) 638-2629 Fax (360) 638-0296 A B O U T C O NNI E Connie continues to share her love of sewing, patternmaking, and draping by bringing together the necessary skills for the professional and home clothier. Connie Amaden-Crawford is a nationally known patternmaker and apparel industry professional. She has 35 years experience in apparel manufacturing and 23 years of teaching at the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising. She successfully launched her own pattern line, and is now a licensed designer for The McCall Pattern Company under the Butterick label. Connie can be reached through her web site: The American Sewing Guild awarded Connie with the 2009 selection for the Sewing Hall of Fame. O N L Y C U S T OM F I T T I NG W I L L D O All patterns are developed on live models (size 10 for smaller figures and size 2X for larger figures). When creating patterns on live models, the patterns are able to add fullness in the bust, waist and hip, and, at the same time, the shoulders and neck remain the same as smaller figures. This also allows the patterns to be developed on the principles of balance and proportion so that they are flattering for all women whether they are a size XS or 6X. This pattern collection is a fabulous array of design options including blouses, shirts, tees, skirts, pants, jackets and dresses. There’s something for every taste and figure type. And they all come in ready-to-wear size range.In other words, sizes are designated by Small, Medium, Large, XL, 1X, etc. with the corresponding retail size. Or you can use your EXACT measurements -- just have a look at our size chart on the last page. These patterns are multi-sized, so you get five Misses’ size -- XS, S, M, L, XL -- in one envelope, and seven Women’s sizes -- XXL, 1X, 2X, 3X, 4X, 5X, 6X -- in one envelope. The goal is to unlock the mystery of fit and make your sewing experience successful, painless, and fun!
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