FREIGHT & TRADING WEEKLY Mini feature – Oil & Gas FTW2739SD FRIDAY 24 April 2015 NO. 2147 For import / export decision-makers Hauliers slam truck ban plan Liesl Venter Proposed regulations banning trucks over 9 tons from all public roads during rush hour will not just have a drastic effect on the freight industry but will increase transport and logistics costs significantly, said Road Freight Association spokesman Gavin Kelly. Minister of Transport, Dipuo Peters, last week announced that new regulations restricting goods vehicles with a gross vehicle mass (GVM) exceeding 9000kg from operating on public roads between 6-9am as well as 5-8pm weekdays would be implemented by the end of the year. “The proposed legislation is ill-conceived and not clearly thought through and will damage logistics, raising costs and causing severe bottlenecks in the logistics chain,” he said. “Just as worrying is the fact that these comments around the introduction of regulations are being made without any public comment or industry input.” Already in their draft phase, it is believed the minister aims to have the regulations implemented by the end of the year. “It would seem irrespective of what anyone says these regulations are going to be introduced,” said Kelly, who confirmed the RFA was obtaining legal counsel on the matter. “We are also going to be engaging urgently with the Minister’s office in an effort to get clarity on several issues, including why the Minister is choosing to restrict freight on these specific days and at these proposed times. What is the basis for these restrictions?” Kelly said the Department of Transport would be asked to not only provide information supporting its proposal but also the research conducted to determine the effect these regulations would have on traffic flow, freight movement and scheduling, to name but a few. Fesarta back in action Mike Fitzmaurice FTW3138SD Transport consultant Mike Fitzmaurice has taken over the running of the Federation of Eastern and Southern Africa Road Transport Associations (Fesarta) following the resignation of Barney Curtis at the end of February. He will continue to run the organisation on a voluntary basis – as Curtis did – until he can make it financially viable. “Mike has been working in the road transport field for many years and is therefore familiar with what we do,” Curtis told FTW. Fitzmaurice’s own personal business has been, and will continue to be, carrying out projects in the road transport sector throughout East and southern Africa. “We see no problem with his continuing this business, providing there is no bias towards any one country,” said Curtis, who will provide guidance for the March 2015 to February 2016 year after which the new arrangement will be assessed. The industry has heaved a collective sigh of relief in the knowledge that the good work already achieved by Fesarta under Curtis’s watch will continue – from the harmonisation and NTB process to the maintenance of the e-corridor handbook and the website. The Johannesburg office of Fesarta will remain open and Fitzmaurice, who runs his consultancy business from Port Elizabeth, will man it for 3-5 days every month or as often is required. He can be contacted at Page 5 “ Does the truck now only leave the port at 9am en route to Johannesburg? – Gavin Kelly “This is not just affecting the trucking industry but a host of other sectors – retailing, manufacturing and warehousing will have to re-examine their operations because trucks have been taken out of operation for six hours a day,” he said. The restriction is also being applied for public roads across the country. “That means trucks are not moving on the N3 between Durban and Johannesburg during those hours. Does the truck now only leave the port at 9am en route to Johannesburg for example? Where does it go at 5am when it has not yet arrived at its final destination? Do the drivers park on the side of the road? What is the security risk of this and has it been determined? Who carries the cost of overtime of workers at depots, warehouses, retail outlets and the host of other industries affected, To page 12 2 | FRIDAY April 24 2015 FREIGHT & TRADING WEEKLY Publisher Anton Marsh Editorial Editor Consulting Editor Assistant Editor Senior Journalist Photographer Joy Orlek Alan Peat Liesl Venter Adele Mackenzie Shannon Van Zyl Correspondents Africa/ Port ElizabethEd Richardson Tel: (041) 582 3750 SwazilandJames Hall Advertising AdvertisingJodi Haigh (Manager) Yolande Langenhoven Co-ordinators Tracie Barnett, Paula Snell Design & layout Jani Rust Printed by JUKA Printing (Pty) Ltd Annual subscriptions Circulation – Combined Print & Internet – (SA Only) R595.00 Southern Africa (Free Internet) R1 090.00 International Mail (Free Internet) R1 962.00 Published by NOW MEDIA Phone + 27 11 327 4062 Fax + 27 11 327 4094 E-mail Web Now Media Centre 32 Fricker Road, Illovo Boulevard, Illovo, Johannesburg. PO Box 55251, Northlands, 2116, South Africa. Sacu import requirements The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, in terms of the Animal Diseases Act, on 17 April published for comment proposed revised import requirements for cattle, sheep and goats from Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia and Swaziland (BLNS countries). The BLNS countries, along with South Africa, constitute the Southern African Customs Union (Sacu). The proposed requirements, on which comment is due by 17 May 2015, are available on the Internet or at the Agricultural Production and Health & Food Safety Animal Health Import/ Export Policy Unit of the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (Daff). Pomegranate measures Audit Bureau of Circulations of South Africa transparency you can see FTW3080SD Riaan de Lange ( DUTY CALLS On 17 April the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries announced the receipt of a request from the Pomegranate Association of South Africa (Pomasa) for the implementation of statutory measures in the pomegranate industry for four years effective from January 2016. Comment is due by 16 May 2015. the licence fee (levy) payable by licensed generators of electricity to the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (Nersa), for the period 1-31 April 2015, was set at 0.07625 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh). Modest trade recovery The Department of Trade and Industry (the dti), in conjunction with the Mpumalanga Economic Growth Agency (Mega), has invited participation in an outward selling and investment mission to Rwanda and Burundi. The closing date for applications is 24 April 2015. The World Trade Organisation (WTO) announced on 14 April that it expected that the growth in the volume of world merchandise trade would pick up only slightly over the next two years, rising from 2.8% in 2014 to 3.3% in 2015 and eventually to 4.0% in 2016. According to the WTO, by withdrawing protectionist measures, improving market access, avoiding policies which distort competition, and striving to agree reforms to global trade rules, governments can boost trade. Electricity generation On 17 April the Department of Energy announced that Rwanda and Burundi mission German investment mission The dti has invited participation in an investment mission to Germany from 29 June-3 July 2015. The mission has a focus on the rail sector. The closing date for applications is 30 April 2015. Duty Calls Watch List The 2015 WCO Picard Conference will be held from 8-10 September 2015 in Azerbaijan. Comment on the Special Economic Zones (SEZ) Regulations is due by 30 April 2015. Applications to attend the Ghana and Nigeria mission are due by 30 April 2015. Applications to attend the outward selling and investment mission to Indonesia are due by 30 April 2015. Comment on the Sunset Review on fresh or chilled garlic originating in or imported from the People’s Republic of China is due by 27 April 2015. Online These statements have been edited because of space constraints. For the full versions go to Note: This is a non-comprehensive statement of the law. No liability can be accepted for errors and omissions. FRIDAY April 24 2015 | 3 Integrated Transport Solutions Beitbridge one-stop border gets a fillip Adele Mackenzie Industry has welcomed the signing of an agreement of “mutual assistance between South Africa and Zimbabwe’s customs administrations” which is set to boost efforts to establish a one-stopborder post (OSBP) between the two countries. The agreement was signed by president Jacob Zuma and Zimbabwean president, Robert Mugabe, during the first Zimbabwean state visit in two decades earlier this month. “A move like this is extremely important from an African perspective but even more so for South Africa to retain its gateway status,” said customs consultant David Liebenberg. He added that it would require the buy-in of all parties to ensure success. According to him, the relevant authorities should work with trade to establish the most favourable processes around the establishment of the OSBP – and ensure that the interaction is positive, workable and has all parties’ interests at heart. “One only has to look at how successful SA was when we implemented the ‘new’ Customs Procedure Codes. This was definitely down to the fact that the South African Revenue Service (Sars) collaborated with trade prior to implementation. This ensured that all parties were aware of what was expected of them and how the system worked,” Liebenberg pointed out. South African Shippers Transport and Logistics Council (Sastalc) CEO, Brenda Horne Ferreira, hailed the move. She said that the starting point for successful implementation of an OSBP between SA and Zimbabwe would be political will and support for bilateral trade facilitation. “National Treasury is currently developing an OSBP policy strategy and this ought to guide the process going forward,” said Horne Ferreira. “The major stumbling block to this is the fact there is no cohesion with the two countries’ governing legislation. It will also be a major challenge to get all the different authorities – border police, health authorities, immigration etc – to sing from the same song sheet,” said Liebenberg. INTERMODAL FREIGHT Clearing Forwarding Transportation/Local Long Distance DBN CPT PLZ JHB Tel: 082 935 7072 Email: FTW7268 We can handle your warehousing and depot needs Your trusted NEUTRAL service provider to the freight industry Depots in Cape Town, Durban & Johannesburg ZACPAK the right way! T + 27 11 820 8000 E Your Neutral “Container Freight Station” FTW7236 WORLDNET LOGISTICS Air & Seafreight Forwarding - Customs Clearing - Warehousing Logistics Services - Air Charter Services - Express Johannesburg Cape Town Durban East London Port Elizabeth T: + 27 (0) 11 409 9700 T: + 27 (0) 21 385 0205 T: + 27 (0) 31 581 0000 T: + 27 (0) 43 736 6851 T: + 27 (0) 41 582 3500 FTW1725SD FTW3114SD 4 | FRIDAY April 24 2015 Business fuming over carbon tax Business is fuming following the Treasury’s recent announcement that it is on track to implement the proposed carbon tax next year, saying that the timing is off and that foreign direct investment flow will be negatively affected. “The main question around this is, what is the tax for – to lower the country’s carbon footprint or to raise money for treasury? If it is the former, there are other ways to ensure compliance. If the latter, why doesn’t government simply raise the fuel levy rather than add another costly administrative burden in the form of another tax?” asked director and chief economist of Efficient Group, Dawie Roodt. Carol O`Brien, executive director at the American Chamber of Commerce, also raised the administrative costs of the proposed carbon tax as a concern. “The experts on the carbon tax say the system for the government to administer and for carbon credits to be traded is not yet fully developed. “It is difficult to propose a tax where the administrative mechanisms aren’t fully understood,” she said, adding that the implementation was premature as there was no global carbon price and very few other countries – including SA’s main trading partners – had implemented a carbon tax. O’Brien commented that the timing was off in other ways as well. “South Africa is in a very difficult position with a major CO2 tax revenue shortfall and an economy that isn’t growing. The country needs to find ways to grow the tax base by attracting new industries and investments rather than broadening the current tax base,” she said. Yet another tax burden would, according to her, further impact foreign direct investment (FDI) as the carbon tax needs to be built into new business cases and compared to the cost of doing business in other competing countries. “SA is becoming less attractive and this will reflect when initial assessments of FDI destination countries are done by investors. Some pundits already question whether SA is the gateway to Africa as we are seeing companies going directly to the countries in Africa they want to invest in,” said O’Brien. Energy and chemicals company, Sasol – which would be majorly impacted by a carbon tax – supports Judge Dennis Davis’s announcement that the Davis Tax Committee is reviewing the carbon tax proposals, which offers opponents to “ SA needs to find ways to grow the tax base by attracting new industries and investments. – Carol ‘O Brien the tax the opportunity to air their views. The committee will receive comments up until May 8 this year. A Treasury statement noted that it would be releasing a draft bill “within the next two months” for public comment. “While we will provide comment on the draft carbon tax bill during the public consultation process, it remains our position that the implementation of a carbon tax as proposed is not the appropriate policy for South Africa, as it will have a negative impact on the country’s competitiveness and lead to further increases in electricity prices,” said Sasol spokesperson, Elton Fortuin, in an e-mail to FTW. He added that in Sasol’s view South Africa needed appropriate incentives to invest in new, more energyefficient processes and projects. – Adele Mackenzie Swaziland needs R662m to repair road Mbabane – Swaziland will be hard-pressed to meet the cost of upgrading the country’s most accidentprone stretch of highway to reduce accidents, but at least a price has been established. R662 million is required to rehabilitate the Malagwane Hill section of the MR3 highway east of Mbabane. The switch-back road is the site of weekly accidents, one of which one year ago caused such havoc that a commission of inquiry was assembled to quell a public outcry. One year later the commission released a report that did more than explain the fatal accident that closed the road. It also recommended ways to make the perennially dangerous, steeply descending portion of road more user-friendly, albeit at considerable expense. Part of the cost of making the Malagwane Hill section of the MR3 safer could come from savings incurred from accidents that have been avoided, suggested the report. – James Hall DIRECT WEEKLY CONTAINER SERVICES SPECIALISING IN REEFERS AND DRY CARGO TRANSIT TIMES FROM DURBAN TO: APAPA TINCAN TEMA COTONOU JNB: 011 784 2876/77 DBN: 031 534 3300 10 Days 12 Days 17 Days 22 Days FTW7108 If we cannot guarantee the service we don’t touch it NGL Logistic Solutions Same-day deliveries Special Projects Closed distribution from customer site Sophisticated vehicle tracking system Own dedicated fleet Warehousing BBBEE For a tailor-made solution Landline: 0861 000 NGL (645) ● Direct: 011 615 6458 Mark Scott +27 82 557 4869 ● Quinton de Villiers +27 82 573 0595 ● FTW7235 FRIDAY April 24 2015 | 5 OIL and GAS Ed Richardson A n October 1 deadline for the blending of biofuels with diesel and petrol is still on the cards – although the fuels will have to be imported because there are no operational biofuels refineries. Hauliers are unable to plan in order to accommodate biofuel mixtures in a fleet running on engines with increasingly complex and sensitive fuel management systems. The rest of the logistics value chain is also subject to ongoing stop-go scenarios. Biofuels could generate major logistics opportunities Refineries announced for the Coega and East London IDZs would make use of imported feedstock initially, while a refinery touted for Bothaville would use locally planted sorghum. The cabinet approved a five-year biofuels industrial strategy in 2007, which allowed for a five-year pilot phase. From October 1 this year all Petrol Diesel 2-10% 5% Bioethanol Bioethanol oil refineries will be required to blend between 2% and 10% of locally produced bioethanol into their petrol, and 5% into diesel. A levy of between 4.5 cents and 6.5 cents per litre to offset the costs of biofuels is proposed by the Department of Energy, which published a position paper in January 2014. No final regulations have been published as yet, and the Department of Energy is not responding to questions by the industry. To date there has been much talk with little spark when it comes to investing in refineries or securing the land required to grow the feedstock. The first crops would need to be in the ground already to feed refineries ahead of the October 1 deadline. Incentives such as a 50% M&S Logistics A member of the Multistar Group • Global ISO tank operator • Founded in South Africa in 1996 • Safe environmentally friendly transport of bulk liquids, into and out of SA • Specialists in the Oil & Gas Industry • Highest standards of service, quality and safety • ISO tanks are completely multimodal and can be used for bulk storage Johannesburg: (011) 510 0011 | Durban: (031) 312 3212 | Cape Town: (021) 418 5870 E-mail: | FTW6311 FTW3163SD rebate on general fuel levy for biodiesel producers and threeyear accelerated depreciation have proven insufficient to attract investment into the biofuel sector. Maize is specifically excluded, which leaves potential producers having to look at alternatives. The government has decided using sorghum and soybeans will alleviate concerns around food security. This means that proven feedstock such as rape seed and canola are being sidelined in order to revive the growing of sorghum. Mass plantings of these crops would need to be supported by their own logistics infrastructure to keep production costs down and to transport millions of tons of feedstock to the refineries. “ The likelihood of the biofuel engine spluttering into life in 2015 seems remote. One ton of soya beans can be converted into around 171 litres of fuel. Beans will have to be transported to the refinery, and the biofuel from the refinery and then to a blending facility – which requires another process in the fuel distribution system. South Africa’s biofuel industry therefore promises to power a number of opportunities for the logistics and transport sectors. But the likelihood of the engine spluttering into life in 2015 seems remote. 6 | FRIDAY April 24 2015 Liesl Venter I n the Namibian concession areas oil and gas exploration has quietened down in recent months but companies are remaining vigilant and ready to jump back into action at a moment’s notice. According to various experts, the current slump in the industry is attributed to the global oil price slump and exploration companies seeking more financing, consolidating resources and re-evaluating prospects. Nolito Marques, general manager: public relations and marketing for Manica Group Namibia, told FTW there was limited activity in the Namibian waters at present. “The final investment decision on the Kudu Gas Project has been moved to the middle/end of this year, pending full financing of the project,” said Marques. Manica has been involved in oil and gas exploration logistics since the 1970s – and while the industry may be quiet at present, it FTW3140SD OIL and GAS Volatile environment demands flexible solutions challenges in the industry at still provides services and the moment,” said Marques. supplies to some of the rigs “The scope of work, however, drilling in Angolan and can change very swiftly Nigerian waters that opt to and one needs to be able use Walvis Bay for repairs to respond to this volatile and stacking. environment Marques and have said with the capacity several available. In licensing this regard we blocks having are striving not yet been We believe timing to remain explored, and uncertainties are flexible.” and seismic Patrick exploration the key challenges in Kohlstaedt, ongoing to the industry at the acting find new managing targets, there moment. director of was still major – Nolito Marques Manica, said opportunity in they had the industry. established new ventures “At this stage the volumes to support the industry are however still unknown. in Namibia. “Monjasa We believe timing and Namibia is a bunkering uncertainties are the key “ service provider, supplying fuel to the Namibian Marine industry. Orca Marine Service is a launch service operating in the port of Walvis Bay, supporting rigs and vessels in the bay. Operations follow the highest safety standards to comply with stringent industry requirements,” he said. The oil and gas industry demands a dedicated onestop-shop service, he added. “Time is money, and they do not want to have to deal with any delays, hassles or red tape. As a service provider you need to meet their expectations.” FRIDAY April 24 2015 | 7 A TURNKEY SOLUTION for the oil, gas & mining industries in Africa Transit cargo buoys Swazi rail In the face of economic challenges impacting the movement of local cargo, Swaziland Railway can find solace in the country’s strategic geographic position that requires neighbouring countries to ship cargo through its rail system. “90% of our transit cargo comes from South Africa. Altogether 70% of our cargo volumes come from transit traffic,” Sive Manana, corporate communications specialist for Swaziland Railway, told FTW. “Minerals from South Africa make up the bulk of transit traffic,” added Stephenson Ngubane, the company CEO. The iron ore mining operation that in 2013 returned Swaziland Railway to its origin as a shipper of iron ore 50 years ago, was liquidated on 31 January 2015, leaving millions of rand in debts owed to its road and rail freight haulers. The termination on 31 December 2014 of Swaziland’s participation in the US trade initiative, the African Growth and Opportunities Act (Agoa), devastated Swaziland’s textile industry built to take advantage of duty-free access by Swazi FTW3162SD products into the American market. However, the subsequent shuttering of textile firms affected Swaziland Railway less than road freight operators. “This has affected Swaziland Railway like most transport operators, but a lot of players in (the textile) industry use road transport because of timeline problems,” said Manana. “We are still moving largely the same commodities that we were moving last year, with the exception of iron ore.” On average four million metric tonnes of cargo are moved through Swazi’s rail system yearly. Containerised cargo is handled at the Inland Container Depot or so-called dry port in Matsapha, where 3m, 6m and 12m containers are loaded and offloaded. Upgrades carried out at the port in 2002 have seen a rise in traffic from 2500 TEUs annually to 10 000 today. The facility is getting crowded and will likely see further expansion. This expansion will become urgent with the opening of the Lothair Link, a joint project with Transnet Freight Rail that will substantially increase cargo traffic. Nucleus Mining & Africa Logistics provides high levels of service to clients seeking world-class supply chain management solutions. Transport Warehousing Project Management Procurement +27 (0)71 6788184 | FTW7269 8 | FRIDAY April 24 2015 OIL and GAS High hopes for Moz natural gas prospects Liesl Venter A ll eyes will be on Mozambique in the foreseeable future where large shale gas finds could see the country becoming one of the biggest exporters of gas in the world. But there is still much to be accomplished before that happens. Project experts such as Paul Runge, managing director of Africa Project Access, are upbeat about the prospects and what can be achieved in Pemba and Palma where gas exploration has been ongoing. “The Rovuma Basin gas deposits are probably the hottest spot in Africa at the moment,” said Runge. Whilst the exact figures around finds varies, one of the world’s premier oil and Airlines feel the pinch in depressed sector gas exploring and producing constructed to the Pemba companies, Anadarko, has and Palma industrial parks, confirmed it has found more the activity will be massive, than 75 trillion cubic feet as will the opportunities,” of recoverable natural gas said Runge. “The support resources in one area – and industry that will have to it has the potential to elevate be brought on board, the Mozambique to the world’s support infrastructure that third-largest exporter of will have to be constructed natural gas. – including ports, roads and Having launched accommodation to name but the Mozambique Gas a few – will bring even more Development opportunities Project, the for company companies.” has invested Gas billions of explorers have Gas explorers dollars in the said they are area and this optimistic have said they are is just the that the gas optimistic that the beginning. finds are just gas finds are just the the first of “From the LNG plant many and the first of many. and floating prospects for – Paul Runge gas facilities finding more that will be are excellent. “ WE THRIVE ON EXCELLENCE Slick Safe Efficient Tel +264 64 275 180 Fax +264 64 275 190 Email FTW3113SD extraction of reserves were the two most likely trends of a depressed oil and gas sector, he added. “We are starting to see the impact of this. Volumes have been declining and are down over 20% when compared to 2014.” According to Gadhia, the impact of lower oil and gas prices on the economies of Nigeria, Angola, Algeria and Ghana will be challenging in the immediate future. But, he said, organisations such as Astral remained committed to the oil and gas industry and to improving its service offerings. “We have therefore recently commenced flights for oil equipment from Nairobi to Lokichar in Turkana which is the area near a site where there is ongoing exploration for oil.” National Airline Service is the GSA for Astral Aviation. – Liesl Venter For FTW subscriptions, please contact Gladys Nhlapo 011 327 4062 est 353 IN THE PORT OF WALVIS BAY FTW7242 Thanks to the low oil and gas prices globally, local industry is preparing itself for the likelihood of low demand for oil and gas equipment. That’s according to Sanjeev Gadhia, CEO of Astral Aviation, a cargo airline that operates dedicated oil and gas flights from its Nairobi hub to Juba in South Sudan, Lagos in Nigeria, Pemba in Mozambique as well as to Dares-salaam, Mwanza, Zanzibar, Entebbe and Kigali. “Prices have dropped and one can therefore expect a drop in demand for equipment in southern Africa – even Africa as a whole at the moment,” he told FTW. “We expect this will gradually increase towards the third quarter of the year and that volumes will then start to pick up,” he said. A reduction in budgets for oil and gas exploration along with the postponement of FTW4640 FRIDAY April 24 2015 | 9 ASTRAL AVIATION AIR CARGO SOLUTIONS TO EAST AFRICA Despite the challenges, shipping lines deliver African shipping such as the ongoing Successfully servicing the African piracy issue in the Gulf of Guinea project sector means delivering although our vessels for the most part customised solutions on a regular are not the direct targets,” he said. and frequent seafreight service at Shipping experts maintain that competitive rates. servicing the project Arguably a big ask sector remains difficult for shipping lines in in light of the challenges the current economic experienced at ports due environment, yet more to a lack of equipment often than not these or many ports just not briefs are met, according Equipment for the being deep enough to to Benjamin Nobel, oil and gas sector accommodate vessels. senior chartering broker and infrastructureWhile several ports for BBC Chartering. related projects seem on the continent “We are seeing have committed to developments in the to be the biggest upgrading and investing east, west and south,” in equipment there he said. “Equipment for requirements in the are still areas where the mining industry, the region. equipment is used oil and gas sector and – Benjamin Nobel beyond its maximum infrastructure-related capacity, raising projects seem to be the serious safety concerns. Regulatory biggest requirements in the region.” He said the African market required environments are also very different between countries while there seems to a consistent service that often had be a definite move in several countries to be customised as cargo was often towards increasing regulatory time-sensitive, while minimum risk procedures. had to be ensured. “There are of course also challenges in – Liesl Venter SCHEDULED FREIGHTER SERVICE ADHOC CHARTERS SERVICES Johannesburg – Nairobi Nairobi – Juba (Sudan) Nairobi – Dar-es-salaam, Mwanza & Zanzibar (Tanzania) Nairobi – Entebbe (Uganda) Nairobi – Pemba (Mozambique) Nairobi – Mogadishu (Somalia) Nairobi – Kigali (Rwanda) For Telecom, Relief Project, Motor Vehicles, Oil and Gas Equipment to over 50 destinations in East, Central, Southern, Horn of Africa and the Indian Ocean Islands. “ FREIGHTER FLEET: FOKKER 27, DC9 FREIGHTER, B727 FREIGHTER T: +27 11 394 0021 W: E: FTW7273 ANGOLA SOUTH LINE Containerised service including reefer cargo and hazardous cargoes Calling Angolan Ports from South Africa Prompt, efficient service Specialise in breakbulk & project cargo For further information, please contact: Cape Town (General Agents) Meihuizen International Richard Fortune/ Maria Anderson T: +27 21 440 5400 F: +27 21 419 8952 E: E: FTW6287 Johannesburg Seascape Jillian Appleby T: +27 11 616 0595 F: +27 11 616 0596 E: Walvis Bay Express Services (Pty) Ltd Louis Reichert/ Koen Coetzee T: +264 64 205859 Fax: +264 64 206518 E: E: Durban Transmarine Logistics CC Preggie Pillay T: +27 31 301 2001 F: +27 31 301 2096 E: 10 | FRIDAY April 24 2015 OIL and GAS African gas and oil boom goes pop Namibia, Mozambique and the Karoo have yet to meet the hype of a year or two ago. ogistics companies Explorative fracking of the that have geared up to Karoo, which in March 2014 support the expected was reported to be “just weeks boom in oil and gas away”, is now seemingly on exploration and exploitation hold. across Africa In October are experiencing 2014 Royal mixed fortunes. Dutch Shell According to announced an International that as part of Energy Agency With the current oil a review due to (IEA) special glut it may well be falling oil prices, report published the company in October 2014, more profitable to had adjusted almost 30% of “bank” the oil and its activities in global oil and gas by leaving it shale oil and gas gas discoveries in the ground until opportunities made over the last five years world prices recover. outside of the Americas were in suband would be Saharan Africa. downscaling its planned South The Mamba and African operations. Prosperidade field off It cited the falling oil prices Mozambique is one of the as one of the reasons for pulling biggest gas reserves in out. the world. Oil has been Oil drilling rigs are lying found offshore Kenya by idle off Walvis Bay for the same Pancontinental Oil and Gas reason. NL, which is believed to be the From approximately $100 first oil discovery off the East per barrel in June 2014, oil African coast. prices plunged to less than $50 Close to home, projects in Ed Richardson L “ in early 2015. This is 40% less than the 10-year average of just over $80. In Africa this is affecting freight volumes as governments run out of reserves and put the squeeze on imports. At the height of the oil boom, the governments of Angola, Nigeria and Chad drew 70% or more of their revenues from their oil sector. Plunging revenues forced these governments to slash spending, freeze construction of new projects and delay the payment of civil servants’ salaries. This has had a knock-on effect on the demand for project cargo. Spending power by government, mines and consumers has also been affected by related movements in other commodity prices, which have dropped on average by 10 to 50% from their 10-year averages. For example, in early 2015, iron ore prices were down 50% and rubber prices down 37% from their 10-year averages. Red tape is also putting the plug on hopes for a quick profitable to “bank” the oil injection of investment into the and gas by leaving it in the oil and gas sector. ground until world prices Mozambique’s hopes of recover. becoming the world’s third Logistics suppliers to the largest liquefied natural gas industry will be keeping a (LNG) exporter after Australia close watch on developments. and Qatar by the end of this decade have been bogged down by legislation. Further up the coast oil companies seem to be in little rush to exploit reserves in Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia and Uganda where costs are high due to a combination of geology and lack of infrastructure. With the An oil rig berthed where the new container current oil terminal is now being built in Walvis Bay. The glut it may rig operation will move to Berth 1 at the far well be more end of the quay wall. FTW3161SD LEADERS... in the provision of integrated shipping solutions for the oil & gas industry by sea road rail air A 100% owned South African company Consistent and seamless logistics solutions Bitutainer and IsoTainer specialists Contact the dedicated team Durban Head Office +27 31 261 4647 +27 83 627 6328 Branches in: Gauteng, Beira, Walvis Bay FTW7271 FRIDAY April 24 2015 | 11 Management team expands Knut Beining has joined the management team of Lee Botti & Associates. With 30 years’ experience in the clearing and forwarding and logistics industries, he takes on the role of Johannesburg branch manager based at the Greenstone office. “Having been a client in the industry, I have a good knowledge of what is required and I believe I am in a position to guide and train the Lee Botti’s national team in putting the ‘best fit’ forward,” he said. One of the most pressing issues facing the industry is the skills shortage, says Beining. “Companies without the resources to train are seeking skilled staff to ensure that service levels are not compromised,” he said. “Lee Botti's has seen a huge demand for proven sales executives, indicative of the fact that companies are looking for new business. There’s also been an increased call for more senior positions,” he added. When it comes to the recruitment industry, there’s no compromise on service levels, says Beining. “References and checks are key when placing successful candidates, ensuring a thorough process is completed.” Supplier of Skilled & Semi-Skilled Staff as well as Project Management in the Warehousing & Logistics Industry Lee Botti & Associates management team from the left: Morne Schuin (Cape Town branch manager), Kim Botti (director), Jill Morris (director), Lee Botti (MD), and Knut Beining, Photo: Shannon Van Zyl (Johannesburg branch manager). Job opportunities 031 205 0800 Durban | Cape Town | Johannesburg | East London | Richards Bay | Escourt | Malmesbury FTW7182 Toll Global Forwarding Perishables Toll Global Forwarding is expanding its product offering, and is currently looking to employ experienced individuals in this specialised market. Should you be interested in applying, please email your CV to Please note that only qualified, experienced individuals will be considered. If you meet the minimum requirements, Toll Global Forwarding will make contact with you. FTW7267 EUKOR - FAR EAST / BRAZIL VESSEL GRAND EAGLE MORNING CORNET TAIPAN VOY 009 071 060 KOR sld 01/05 02/05 JPN sld 24/04 - SIN 19/04 10/05 14/05 MAP 30/04 20/05 - SIN 27/04 14/05 HAM 01/05 19/05 DBN 02/05 22/05 30/05 ELS 03/05 24/05 - SAN 12/05 01/06 - MDV 15/05 05/06 11/06 VIT 20/05 11/06 - TBA TBA - BRH 02/06 25/06 - FTN TBA 22/06 ANT 02/06 - ZAR via MVD EUKOR - FAR EAST / WEST AFRICA VESSEL LORD VISHNU TAIPAN VOY 009 060 XIN sld - SHA sld 06/05 DBN 11/05 30/05 LUA 18/05 - LAG 22/05 - TEA 23/05 - DAK 27/05 - EUKOR - SA / EAST AFRICA VESSEL ASIAN VISION VOY 152 BRH 29/04 IMM 01/05 ANT 05/05 TIL 03/05 WVS 19/05 PE 23/05 DBN - TAM 28/05 DES 01/06 MOM 04/06 DBN TBA GENERAL AGENTS JOHANNESBURG DURBAN CAPE TOWN PORT ELIZABETH RICHARDS BAY SALDANHA BAY (011) 263-8500 (031) 570-7800 (021) 419-2734 (041) 373-1187/373-1399 (035) 789-0437 (022) 714-3449 ABI ANT BAL BRH CHA CIA COL COT DAK DBN DES DOH DUU ELS FRE FTN GUN HAM HAR HUA IMM JEB - Abidjan Antwerp, Belgium Baltimore B’Haven Channai China Colombo, Sri Lanka Cotonou, Benin Dakar, Senegal Durban Dar es Salaam Doha, Qatar Douala East London, SA Fremantle, Australia Freetown, Sierra Leone Gunsan, Korea Hambantota, Sri Lanka Le Harve, France Huangpu, China Immingham Jebel Ali JPN KEM KIS KOB KOR KWA LAS LAG LIB LOB LOM LUA LYG MAP MAS MEL MDV MOJ MOM NAG PE PKG - Japan Port Kembla, Australia Kisarazu, Japan Kobe, Japan Korea Kwanngyang, Korea Las Palmas Lagos Libreville Lobito, Angola Lome, Togo Luanda Lianyungang Maputo Masan Melbourne, Australia Montevideo Moji, Japan Mombasa Nagoya Port Elizabeth, SA Port Kelang POI PVE PYU QNG REC RIO SAL SAN SAV SNR SHA SIN SOU TAM TEA TIL ULS VIT WVS YOK XIN ZAR - Pointe Noire, Congo Providence Pyaungtaek, Korea Qingdao Recife, Brazil Rio De Janeiro, Brazil Salvadore, Brazil Santos Savannah, GA Sheerness, UK Shanghai China Singapore Southhammpton, UK Tamatave Tema Tilbury, UK Ulsan, Korea Vitoria, Brazil Walvis Bay, Namibia Yokohama Xingang, China Zarate FTW4707 THE TRULY WEEKLY SERVICE ! MEDITERRANEAN SHIPPING COMPANY SA DURBAN TEL: (031) 360-7911 CAPE TOWN TEL: (021) 405-2000 PORT ELIZABETH TEL: (041) 505-4800 GENEVA SWITZERLAND EAST LONDON TEL: (043) 722-6651 PRETORIA TEL: (012) 335-6980 FTW0337 THE DEPENDABLE INDEPENDENT JOHANNESBURG TEL: (011) 263-4000 12 | FRIDAY April 24 2015 “ Kelly says it is a misconception that trucks are responsible for road carnage. “In fact statistics on the N3 show that accidents involving trucks have decreased in recent months,” he said. The new regulations do not apply to fire-fighting vehicles, emergency medical response vehicles, rescue vehicles or ambulances. The DoT confirmed the regulations had not been published but said they were already in draft form and would soon be presented to Parliament before being published, like all other legislation and regulations, for public comment and discussion. BUNKER WATCH (Fuel Prices) This week $371 Last week $339 This week $445 Last week $410 $ Per Metric Ton The Department of Trade and Industry (dti) could face a legal challenge if it pushes ahead and implements the revised broad based black economic empowerment (BBBEE) codes before completing and aligning nine sector codes as well as the codes guiding small companies. Brad Green, executive chairman of B1SA, says while it may very well be embarrassing for government to have to extend the deadline a second time, it is by far the most sensible option available. “The codes were supposed to be implemented in October last year but implementation was delayed to May 2015 to give the dti the time to align the different sector codes to the amended generic codes and to complete all other regulatory work,” he told FTW. “As yet not one sector code has been promulgated, while there are still numerous technical and interpretive issues that have to be clarified. The technical guidelines of the codes have not been published and neither has the verification that sector-specific entities methodology. The most must continue to use their sensible thing at this point – sector-specific codes – but with less than a week before because they have not been implementation – is to extend aligned to the new codes this the deadline or at the very will not be possible. The sector least give clarity on the status codes still refer to the old codes of the sector codes and other that refer to an old regulatory work.” piece of legislation The nine that no longer sector codes are exists.” for transport, Green said construction, there was a tourism, ICT, lot of talk that forestry, finance, It is impossible property, to implement the companies in the sectors, come May accountancy and generic codes if 1, would be subject agriculture. Green believes the sector codes to the generic that if the dti are not aligned. codes and not their sector codes forges ahead – Brad Green because of the lack businesses could of alignment. very well have “That is the a legal foot to legal conundrum because stand on when it comes to legally you can’t do that – the compliance with the new generic codes that will now be regulations. He, like many in place stipulate they must other BBBEE experts, says it still use the sector codes.” is impossible to implement Even if the dti were to the generic codes if the sector provide aligned sector codes codes are not aligned. prior to May 1 the BBBEE “There is a lot of speculation Act requires at least 60 days’ and opinion around this issue notice for public commentary and subsequently also a lot of following publication of confusion,” said Green. “The proposed changes in the generic codes that will be government gazette. implemented on May 1 state Durban Liesl Venter From page 1 not to speak of the drivers?” he asked. “To make up the time lost during the day are we going to increase truck activity at night? Is that a safer option than the day in light of the fact that the reasoning for this regulation is less road carnage?” In a statement Peters said a spate of truck accidents and the increasing road carnage on South African roads had led to the initiative. While several accidents involving trucks have made headlines in the past few months, organisations such as the RFA are querying this saying there has hardly been a “spate” of accidents. Cape Town Revised BBBEE codes present legal conundrum Hauliers slam truck ban Figures supplied by Tel: +27 (0) 21 422 1111 Email: 840 820 800 780 760 740 720 700 680 660 640 620 600 580 560 540 520 500 480 460 440 420 400 380 360 340 320 300 280 260 Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Keeping a watchful eye Sea freight Air freight • Container locking with high security lock • Real time container tracking (GPS) • 24/7 control room service • Lock removal at final destination • Hijack recovery • R2m liability insurance cover per container* • Airside protection including in-check procedure • Photos & reports on condition of cargo • Repair damages on cargo • Land side service including armed escorts General • No recorded loss in 5 years • 12 hi jackings all successfully recovered • Strict implementation of SOPs for drivers FTW7181 * Terms and conditions apply Contact CPI for all your cargo protection requirements Johan: 082 872 0557 011 265 3601 Tiaan: 082 859 0553 Updated until 11am COMPILED AND PRINTED IN ONE DAY Updated daily on FTW Online – 20 April 2015 OUTBOUND BY DATE - Dates for sailing: 27/04/2015 - 11/05/2015 Name of Ship/Voy/Line WBAY CT PE EL DBN RBAY Loading for To: The Far East and South East Asia CMA-CGM Verdi 347W CMA/DEL/MSK/SAF Kota Sahabat SAH009 Seroja Empat 1508 Updated daily on - 3/5 - PIL - 29/4 - CMA/MSK/SAF - - 2/5 - - - PKG 20/05,TXG 30/05,TAO 02/06,SHA 04/06,NGB 05/06,NSA 08/06,CWN 10/06,SIN 16/06,TPP 18/06 - - - SIN 11/06 - 29/4 - SIN 20/05,KEL 21/05,PKG 23/05,UKB 25/05,BUS 26/05,KHH 27/05,NSA 29/05,INC 29/05,HKG 30/05,YTN 31/05,PGU 31/05,CWN 01/06,TAO 01/06, OSA 01/06,NGO 01/06,BLW 01/06,SUB 02/06,HUA 03/06,SRG 03/06,PEN 03/06,XMN 04/06,KAN 05/06,SGN 05/06,HPH 06/06,YOK 08/06 Msc Agadir FI514R MSC - - SIN 16/05,HKG 21/05,SHA 24/05,NGB 25/05,CWN 28/05 Kota Lambai 068 CSC/EMC/HLC/KLI/MOL/PIL - 3/5 - - 29/4 - PKG 21/05,SIN 23/05,KHH 28/05,XMN 29/05,HKG 31/05,SHK 01/06,KEL 04/06,YOK 07/06,NGO 07/06,UKB 07/06,BUS 08/06,INC 08/06 Kota Laju 114E COS/CSC/EMC/KLI/MBA/ - - - - 30/4 - SIN 14/05,PGU 16/05,PKG 16/05,LCH 17/05,JKT 17/05,SUB 17/05,PEN 17/05,SGN 17/05,DLC 18/05,BLW 18/05,BKK 18/05,SRG 19/05,MNL 19/05, MOL/PIL - - 29/4 - SHA 20/05,UKB 21/05,TYO 21/05,XMN 21/05,HPH 21/05,NGB 22/05,NGO 22/05,OSA 22/05,KEL 24/05,BUS 24/05,TAO 26/05,TXG 28/05, YOK 28/05,KEL 31/05,TXG 01/06 Maersk Conakry 1504 TPP 22/05,XMN 28/05,FOC 29/05,BUS 01/06,SHA 03/06,NGB 04/06,NSA 08/06 CMA/MSK/SAF 1/5 - - - - - CMA-CGM Chopin 353W CMA/DEL/MSK/SAF 2/5 - - - - - Biwa Arrow 005 GRB/UNG - - - - 2/5 8/5 Cezanne 1514 CMA/MSK/SAF - - 9/5 - 6/5 - PKG 10/06,TXG 20/06,TAO 23/06,SHA 25/06,NGB 26/06,NSA 29/06,CWN 01/07,SIN 07/07,TPP 09/07 QZH 29/05,ZHA 01/06 SIN 27/05,KEL 28/05,PKG 30/05,UKB 01/06,BUS 02/06,KHH 03/06,NSA 05/06,INC 05/06,HKG 06/06,YTN 07/06,PGU 07/06,CWN 08/06,TAO 08/06, OSA 08/06,NGO 08/06,BLW 08/06,SUB 09/06,HUA 10/06,SRG 10/06,PEN 10/06,XMN 11/06,KAN 12/06,SGN 12/06,HPH 13/06,YOK 15/06 Berlin Bridge 025 CSC/EMC/HLC/KLI/MOL/PIL - 10/5 - - 6/5 - PKG 28/05,SIN 30/05,KHH 04/06,XMN 05/06,HKG 07/06,SHK 08/06,KEL 11/06,YOK 14/06,NGO 14/06,UKB 14/06,BUS 15/06,INC 15/06 Ever Reward 123E COS/CSC/EMC/KLI/MBA/ - - - - 7/5 - SIN 21/05,PGU 23/05,PKG 23/05,LCH 24/05,JKT 24/05,SUB 24/05,PEN 24/05,SGN 24/05,DLC 25/05,BLW 25/05,BKK 25/05,SRG 26/05,MNL 26/05, MOL/PIL Mol Garland 0115B MOL Maersk Cabinda 1504 CMA/MSK/SAF SHA 27/05,UKB 28/05,TYO 28/05,XMN 28/05,HPH 28/05,NGB 29/05,NGO 29/05,OSA 29/05,KEL 31/05,BUS 31/05,TAO 02/06,TXG 04/06, YOK 04/06,KEL 07/06,TXG 08/06 - 8/5 - - - - SIN 28/05,HKG 03/06,TXG 09/06,DLC 11/06,TAO 13/06,BUS 15/06,SHA 18/06 8/5 - - - - - TPP 29/05,XMN 04/06,FOC 05/06,BUS 08/06,SHA 10/06,NGB 11/06,NSA 15/06 CSCL Oceania 510E CMA/CSV/HJS/SAF - - - - 8/5 - PKG 25/05,SIN 26/05,HKG 31/05,SHA 04/06,NGB 07/06,CWN 09/06 CMA-CGM Wagner 0034 CMA/DEL/MSK/SAF 9/5 - - - - - PKG 17/06,TXG 27/06,TAO 30/06,SHA 02/07,NGB 03/07,NSA 06/07,CWN 08/07,SIN 14/07,TPP 16/07 Msc Amalfi FI516R MSC - - - - 9/5 - SIN 26/05,HKG 31/05,SHA 03/06,NGB 04/06,CWN 07/06 - - - - 3/5 - HFA 02/06,ASH 02/06 To: Mediterranean and Black Sea Updated daily on Kota Nilam NLM071 PIL Kota Naga NAD101 PIL - - - - 2/5 - HFA 09/06,ASH 09/06 Msc Agadir NZ517R MSC/HLC/HSL/LTI - 29/4 - - - - VEC 17/05,SPE 22/05,LIV 22/05,GOI 23/05,NPK 23/05,HFA 23/05,FOS 24/05,BLA 27/05,AXA 29/05 Safmarine Kuramo 1508 MSK/SAF 27/4 - - - - - ALG 09/05 Msc Maureen NZ518R MSC/HLC/HSL/LTI - 6/5 30/4 - 28/4 - VEC 24/05,SPE 29/05,LIV 29/05,GOI 30/05,NPK 30/05,HFA 30/05,FOS 31/05,BLA 03/06,AXA 05/06 MOL Proficiency 153B DAL/MOL/MSK/SAF - 3/5 1/5 - 28/4 - ALG 16/05,ORN 19/05,CAZ 22/05,BLA 23/05,VEC 24/05,AXA 24/05,GIT 24/05,PSD 24/05,UAY 25/05,LIV 27/05,KOP 28/05,MAR 28/05,SAL 28/05, GOI 29/05,NPK 29/05,BEY 29/05,SKG 29/05,IST 30/05,TRS 30/05,PIR 01/06,MPT 01/06,MER 02/06,SKG 03/06,EYP 06/06,GEM 07/06,IZM 08/06, HFA 11/06,CAR 16/06,ASH 18/06 Elafonisos 1509 MSK/SAF 29/4 - - - - - ALG 16/05 Kota Anggun AGN166 PIL - - - - - - HFA 07/07,ASH 07/07 Safmarine Boland 153B DAL/MOL/MSK/SAF - 10/5 8/5 - 5/5 - ALG 23/05,ORN 26/05,CAZ 29/05,BLA 30/05,VEC 31/05,AXA 31/05,GIT 31/05,PSD 31/05,UAY 01/06,LIV 03/06,KOP 04/06,MAR 04/06,SAL 04/06, GOI 05/06,NPK 05/06,BEY 05/06,SKG 05/06,IST 06/06,TRS 06/06,PIR 08/06,MPT 08/06,MER 09/06,SKG 10/06,EYP 13/06,GEM 14/06,IZM 15/06, HFA 18/06,CAR 23/06,ASH 25/06 Msc Arbatax NZ519R MSC/HLC/HSL/LTI Vivien A 1507 MSK/SAF Kota Nazar NZR083 PIL - - 7/5 - 5/5 - VEC 31/05,SPE 05/06,LIV 05/06,GOI 06/06,NPK 06/06,HFA 06/06,FOS 07/06,BLA 10/06,AXA 12/06 6/5 - - - - - ALG 23/05 - - - - - - HFA 14/07,ASH 14/07 - - - - - VGO 14/05,LZI 16/05,RTM 18/05,PFT 21/05,IMM 21/05,HUL 21/05,HMQ 22/05,ANR 24/05,BXE 24/05,ORK 24/05,DUO 24/05,KRS 24/05,LAR 24/05, To: UK, North West Continent & Scandinavia Bright Sky 5113 MACS 28/4 Updated daily on Msc Agadir NZ517R MSC/HLC/HSL/LTI - 29/4 - - - - OSL 25/05,OFQ 26/05,CPH 26/05,GOT 26/05,GOO 26/05,GRG 26/05,HEL 26/05,BIO 27/05,HEL 28/05,KTK 28/05,STO 28/05 RTM 15/05,LZI 15/05,LGP 16/05,HMQ 17/05,ANR 18/05,LEH 20/05,LIV 21/05,BIO 21/05,BRV 22/05,VGO 24/05,HEL 24/05,LEI 25/05,KTK 25/05, STO 27/05,KLJ 29/05,LED 01/06 Safmarine Kuramo 1508 MSK/SAF Msc Maureen NZ518R MSC/HLC/HSL/LTI 27/4 - - - - - VGO 11/05,LEI 12/05,LZI 14/05 - 6/5 30/4 - 28/4 - RTM 22/05,LZI 22/05,LGP 23/05,HMQ 24/05,ANR 25/05,LEH 27/05,LIV 28/05,BIO 28/05,BRV 29/05,VGO 31/05,HEL 31/05,LEI 01/06,KTK 01/06, STO 03/06,KLJ 05/06,LED 08/06 MOL Proficiency 153B RTM 20/05,VGO 21/05,LGP 22/05,BIO 23/05,BRV 24/05,LZI 25/05,ANR 26/05,DUO 27/05,MTX 27/05,LEI 27/05,LEH 29/05,HMQ 29/05,CPH 01/06, DAL/MOL/MSK/SAF - 3/5 1/5 - 28/4 - HEL 01/06,GOT 01/06,OFQ 02/06,OSL 02/06,OSL 02/06,GDN 04/06,GDY 04/06,LED 06/06,URO 23/06 Elafonisos 1509 MSK/SAF LEI 19/05,LZI 21/05 Blue Master 5114 MACS 29/4 - - - - - - 8/5 - - 4/5 3/5 Msc Arbatax NZ519R MSC/HLC/HSL/LTI - - 7/5 - 5/5 - VGO 28/05,LZI 30/05,RTM 01/06,HMQ 04/06,PFT 04/06,IMM 04/06,HUL 04/06,ANR 06/06,BXE 06/06,KRS 06/06,LAR 06/06,ORK 07/06, DUO 07/06,OSL 07/06,OFQ 08/06,CPH 08/06,GOT 08/06,GOO 08/06,GRG 08/06,HEL 08/06,BIO 10/06,HEL 10/06,KTK 10/06,STO 10/06 RTM 29/05,LZI 29/05,LGP 30/05,HMQ 31/05,ANR 01/06,LEH 03/06,LIV 04/06,BIO 04/06,BRV 05/06,VGO 07/06,HEL 07/06,LEI 08/06,KTK 08/06, STO 10/06,KLJ 12/06,LED 15/06 Glovis Captain 001 GLV - - 5/5 - 7/5 - EME 04/06,BRV 05/06 Safmarine Boland 153B DAL/MOL/MSK/SAF - 10/5 8/5 - 5/5 - RTM 27/05,VGO 28/05,LGP 29/05,BIO 30/05,BRV 31/05,LZI 01/06,ANR 02/06,DUO 03/06,MTX 03/06,LEI 03/06,LEH 05/06,HMQ 05/06, CPH 08/06,HEL 08/06,GOT 08/06,OFQ 09/06,OSL 09/06,OSL 09/06,GDN 11/06,GDY 11/06,LED 13/06,URO 30/06 Vivien A 1507 VGO 25/05,LEI 26/05,LZI 28/05 MSK/SAF 6/5 - - - - - OUTBOUND BY DATE - Dates for sailing: 27/04/2015 - 11/05/2015 Name of Ship/Voy/Line To: East Africa Barrier 3N Hoegh Trader 119 Petrohue IZ518A Msc Jasmine ZN517A Onego Buran 0028RR Glovis Captain 001 Frontier 318N Msc Rita IZ519A Msc Denisse ZN518A To: West Africa Hedda Schulte MU829W JPO Leo MU831W Kota Nilam NLM071 Bravo MU833 JPO Volans 30235A Kota Naga NAD101 CMA-CGM Verdi 347W Msc Agadir NZ517R Greta 5/15 Frontier 318 Safmarine Kuramo 1508 Maersk Cuanza 1503 Hoegh Chiba 17 Msc Maureen NZ518R MOL Proficiency 153B Elafonisos 1509 Kota Sahabat SAH009 Bermuda 833W Safmarine Longa SA15002 Maersk Izmir 1505 Anna Chris 44/15 Kota Anggun AGN166 CMA-CGM Chopin 353W EM Ithaki ZA517A Letavia MU843W Zim Pacific 827 Safmarine Boland 153B Glovis Captain 001 Msc Arbatax NZ519R UTE Oltmann 1503 Vivien A 1507 Fria 10/15 Nordic Wismar 835W Maersk Innoshima 1505 Border 119 CMA-CGM Wagner 0034 African Piper Tba Kota Nazar NZR083 Bosun MU845W Northern Decision 828 WBAY CT EL DBN RBAY Loading for Updated daily on OAC GLV/HOE/HUA MSC MSC CMA/DEL/UAF GLV OAC MSC MSC - - - - - - 8/5 - - 29/4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5/5 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5/5 2/5 2/5 3/5 5/5 7/5 - 9/5 10/5 - - - - - - - - - CMA/DEL CMA/DEL PIL CMA/DEL PIL PIL CMA/DEL/MSK/SAF MSC/HLC/HSL/LTI ASL MSC/DAL/MOL/MSK/OAC/SAF MSK/SAF CMA/MSK/SAF HOE/HUA MSC/HLC/HSL/LTI DAL/MOL/MSK/SAF MSK/SAF PIL CMA/MSK/SAF SAF MSK/SAF ASL PIL CMA/DEL/MSK/SAF MSC CMA/DEL GSL/ZIM DAL/MOL/MSK/SAF GLV MSC/HLC/HSL/LTI CMA/MSK/SAF MSK/SAF ASL CMA/MSK/SAF MSK/SAF MSC/DAL/MOL/MSK/OAC/SAF CMA/DEL/MSK/SAF MUR PIL CMA/DEL GSL/ZIM - - - - - - - - 28/4 - 27/4 28/4 - - - 29/4 - - 30/4 - - - 2/5 - 10/5 - - - - 5/5 6/5 - - - - 9/5 - - - - - 29/4 - 7/5 6/5 - 3/5 29/4 - 29/4 - - - 6/5 3/5 - 29/4 30/4 4/5 - 1/5 - - 2/5 - - 10/5 - - - - 6/5 7/5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 30/4 1/5 - - - - - - - - - - - 8/5 5/5 7/5 - - - - - 10/5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 27/4 5/5 3/5 11/5 - 2/5 - - - - - - 28/4 28/4 28/4 - - - 11/5 1/5 - - - - - 4/5 5/5 7/5 5/5 - - - - 8/5 9/5 - 10/5 - - 11/5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LAD 25/03,PNR 28/03,TIN 01/04,COO 06/04 LAD 02/04,PNR 04/04,TIN 09/04,COO 11/04,LFW 13/04 LOS 10/04,LFW 12/04,TEM 16/04 LAD 07/04,PNR 09/04,TIN 14/04,COO 16/04 PNR 14/05,LAD 17/05,BOA 21/05,MAT 22/05,SZA 24/05,LBV 24/05,CAB 25/05,DLA 25/05,LOB 26/05,MSZ 31/05 LOS 15/04,LFW 16/04,TEM 18/04 PNR 22/04,LAD 25/04 LPA 10/05,DKR 12/05,ABJ 13/05,TEM 15/05,APP 21/05,TIN 22/05 LAD 02/05,SZA 06/05,MAL 08/05 LUD 01/05 LAD 20/04,LOB 23/04,CKY 01/05 APP 03/05,TIN 05/05,COO 07/05 LAD 05/05,DKR 13/05 LPA 17/05,DKR 19/05,ABJ 20/05,TEM 22/05,APP 28/05,TIN 29/05 AGA 21/05 LAD 23/04,LOB 24/04,CKY 08/05 LFW 07/05,LOS 09/05,COO 12/05,ONN 14/05 TIN 09/05,LFW 12/05,ABJ 16/05,PNR 24/05 SON 18/05,BOA 24/05,MAT 25/05,PNR 31/05,POG 04/06 LAD 11/05,APP 15/05,TIN 17/05,COO 19/05 LAD 08/05,SZA 12/05,MAL 14/05 LOS 15/05,LFW 17/05,TEM 21/05,LOB 28/05 PNR 06/05,LAD 09/05 LAD 08/05,LOB 11/05,MSZ 14/05 LAD 14/05,PNR 18/05,APP 21/05,TIN 22/05,COO 26/05,LFW 30/05 APP 13/05,LOS 16/05,TEM 21/05,COO 24/05 AGA 28/05 LAD 16/05,LOS 20/05,TEM 22/05,ABJ 23/05,DKR 27/05 LPA 24/05,DKR 26/05,ABJ 27/05,TEM 29/05,APP 04/06,TIN 05/06 APP 10/05,TIN 12/05,COO 14/05 LAD 27/04,LOB 01/05,CKY 15/05 LAD 13/05,SZA 17/05,MAL 19/05 TIN 16/05,COO 19/05,ABJ 23/05,PNR 31/05 LAD 18/05,APP 22/05,TIN 24/05,COO 26/05 LUD 15/05 PNR 13/05,LAD 16/05 LOS 23/05,TEM 06/06,ABJ 09/06 LOS 22/05,LFW 24/05,TEM 28/05 LAD 21/05,PNR 25/05,APP 27/05,TIN 29/05,COO 02/06,LFW 06/06 APP 20/05,LOS 23/05,TEM 28/05,COO 01/06 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 27/4 - 4/5 - 6/5 - 11/5 - - - - - - - 30/4 2/5 7/5 5/5 9/5 9/5 - - - - - - - - PLU 05/05 PLU 11/05,TMM 14/05,LON 15/05,PDG 16/05,MJN 17/05,TLE 18/05,DIE 19/05 PLU 12/05 LON 20/05 TMM 13/05,LPT 16/05,PLU 18/05 PLU 18/05,TMM 21/05,PDG 23/05,TLE 25/05,DIE 26/05,LON 30/05,MJN 02/06 PLU 19/05 To: Indian Ocean Islands Centaurus 1506 Petrohue IZ518A Sagitta 1506 Onego Buran 0028RR Viking Adventure 2 Msc Rita IZ519A Mdv Exotic 1501 PE DAL/MSK/SAF MSC DAL/MSK/SAF CMA/DEL/UAF GLV/HOE/HUA MSC DAL/MSK/SAF BEW 14/05 MPM 03/05 FTU 20/05 MPM 04/05,BEW 06/05,MBA 11/05,DAR 15/05,MNC 19/05 MPM 08/05,BEW 11/05,MNC 15/05,PMA 18/05,UEL 25/05 MPM 08/05 BEW 27/05 FTU 27/05 MPM 11/05,BEW 13/05,MBA 18/05,DAR 22/05 Updated daily on Updated daily on To: North America Updated daily on To: Australasia Updated daily on Maersk Vilnius 030 MSC/MSK/SAF - 28/4 - - - - NYC 20/05,BAL 22/05,ORF 23/05,CHU 25/05,FEP 26/05,NAS 27/05,MIA 28/05,POP 28/05,MHH 28/05,GEC 29/05,SDQ 29/05,TOV 29/05, SLU 30/05,PHI 30/05,GDT 30/05,SJO 31/05,BAS 31/05,VIJ 31/05,RSU 01/06,PAP 01/06,KTN 01/06,HQN 02/06,BGI 02/06,STG 02/06, MSY 04/06 Msc Challenger 011 MSC/MSK/SAF - 5/5 - - 1/5 - NYC 27/05,BAL 29/05,ORF 30/05,CHU 01/06,FEP 02/06,NAS 03/06,MIA 04/06,POP 04/06,MHH 04/06,GEC 05/06,SDQ 05/06,TOV 05/06, SLU 06/06,PHI 06/06,GDT 06/06,SJO 07/06,BAS 07/06,VIJ 07/06,RSU 08/06,PAP 08/06,KTN 08/06,HQN 09/06,BGI 09/06,STG 09/06, MSY 11/06 MOL Proficiency 153B DAL/MOL/MSK/SAF - 3/5 1/5 - 28/4 - BAL 02/06,MIA 07/06,HAL 08/06,POS 09/06,CAU 13/06,SAV 13/06,SEA 13/06,NYC 14/06,BCC 14/06,ORF 16/06,LGB 16/06,PDX 16/06, MTR 17/06,CHU 18/06,TOD 19/06,KIN 19/06,SJU 23/06,HQN 23/06,MSY 24/06,PEF 24/06,SCT 24/06,ATM 25/06,LAX 28/06,PCR 29/06, MAN 29/06,OAK 30/06,PAG 02/07 Hoegh Chiba 17 HOE/HUA - - - - 28/4 - SCT 25/05 Buxlink 002 MSC/MSK/SAF - - 30/4 - 6/5 - NYC 03/06,BAL 05/06,ORF 06/06,CHU 08/06,FEP 09/06,NAS 10/06,MIA 11/06,POP 11/06,MHH 11/06,GEC 12/06,SDQ 12/06,TOV 12/06, SLU 13/06,PHI 13/06,GDT 13/06,SJO 14/06,BAS 14/06,VIJ 14/06,RSU 15/06,PAP 15/06,KTN 15/06,HQN 16/06,BGI 16/06,STG 16/06, MSY 18/06 Kota Laju 114E COS/CSC/EMC/KLI/MBA/ - - - - 30/4 - LAX 26/05,OAK 29/05,TIW 31/05,BCC 02/06 MOL/PIL Safmarine Boland 153B DAL/MOL/MSK/SAF - 10/5 8/5 - 5/5 - BAL 09/06,MIA 14/06,HAL 15/06,POS 16/06,CAU 20/06,SAV 20/06,SEA 20/06,NYC 21/06,BCC 21/06,ORF 23/06,LGB 23/06,PDX 23/06, MTR 24/06,CHU 25/06,TOD 26/06,KIN 26/06,SJU 30/06,HQN 30/06,MSY 01/07,PEF 01/07,SCT 01/07,ATM 02/07,LAX 05/07,PCR 06/07, MAN 06/07,OAK 07/07,PAG 09/07 Ever Reward 123E COS/CSC/EMC/KLI/MBA/ - - - - 7/5 - LAX 02/06,OAK 05/06,TIW 07/06,BCC 09/06 MOL/PIL Msc Maria Pia 003 MSC/MSK/SAF - - 7/5 - - - NYC 10/06,BAL 12/06,ORF 13/06,CHU 15/06,FEP 16/06,NAS 17/06,MIA 18/06,POP 18/06,MHH 18/06,GEC 19/06,SDQ 19/06,TOV 19/06, SLU 20/06,PHI 20/06,GDT 20/06,SJO 21/06,BAS 21/06,VIJ 21/06,RSU 22/06,PAP 22/06,KTN 22/06,HQN 23/06,BGI 23/06,STG 23/06, MSY 25/06 Aida CO511 WWL - - 29/4 30/4 1/5 - FRE 13/05,MLB 18/05,PKL 20/05,BSA 22/05 Glovis Challenge 17 GLV/HOE/HUA - - - - 29/4 - FRE 12/05,MLB 18/05,PKL 20/05,BSA 21/05,TRG 24/05,NPE 25/05,WLG 27/05,LYT 28/05 Seroja Empat 1508 CMA/MSK/SAF - - 2/5 - 29/4 - AKL 30/05,TRG 31/05,NPE 01/06,LYT 02/06,TIU 03/06,POE 03/06,FRE 03/06,NSN 05/06,NPL 05/06,SYD 09/06,MLB 10/06,BSA 14/06, ADL 14/06 Kota Laju 114E COS/CSC/EMC/KLI/MBA/ - - - - 30/4 - BSA 25/05,SYD 27/05,MLB 30/05 MOL/PIL Hoegh Trader 119 GLV/HOE/HUA - - - - 2/5 - MLB 17/05,PKL 19/05,BSA 21/05,TRG 25/05,NPE 26/05,WLG 28/05,LYT 29/05 Petrohue IZ518A MSC - - - - 2/5 - FRE 22/05,ADL 23/05,MLB 27/05,SYD 30/05,TRG 03/06,LYT 05/06 Cezanne 1514 CMA/MSK/SAF - - 9/5 - 6/5 - AKL 06/06,TRG 07/06,NPE 08/06,LYT 09/06,TIU 10/06,POE 10/06,FRE 10/06,NSN 12/06,NPL 12/06,SYD 16/06,MLB 17/06,BSA 21/06, ADL 21/06 Viking Adventure 2 GLV/HOE/HUA - - 6/5 - 9/5 - FRE 28/05,TRG 04/06,NPE 05/06,WLG 07/06,LYT 08/06 Ever Reward 123E COS/CSC/EMC/KLI/MBA/ - - - - 7/5 - BSA 01/06,SYD 03/06,MLB 06/06 MOL/PIL Tiger CO512 WWL - - 7/5 7/5 9/5 - FRE 20/05,MLB 25/05,PKL 28/05,BSA 30/05 Msc Rita IZ519A MSC - - - - 9/5 - FRE 29/05,ADL 30/05,MLB 03/06,SYD 06/06,TRG 10/06,LYT 12/06 Msc Amalfi FI516R MSC - - - - 9/5 - FRE 22/05,ADL 23/05,MLB 27/05,SYD 30/05,TRG 03/06,LYT 05/06 OUTBOUND BY DATE - Dates for sailing: 27/04/2015 - 11/05/2015 Name of Ship/Voy/Line WBAY CT To: Middle East, Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka Hedda Schulte MU829W CMA/DEL JPO Leo MU831W CMA/DEL Kota Nilam NLM071 PIL Bravo MU833 CMA/DEL Kota Naga NAD101 PIL Centaurus 1506 DAL/MSK/SAF Msc Agadir FI514R MSC Kota Laju 114E COS/CSC/EMC/KLI/MBA/ MOL/PIL Kota Anggun AGN166 PIL Petrohue IZ518A MSC Letavia MU843W CMA/DEL Sagitta 1506 DAL/MSK/SAF Ever Reward 123E COS/CSC/EMC/KLI/MBA/ MOL/PIL Msc Amalfi FI516R MSC Msc Rita IZ519A MSC Kota Nazar NZR083 PIL Mdv Exotic 1501 DAL/MSK/SAF PE EL DBN RBAY Loading for Updated daily on - - - - - - - - - 29/4 - 7/5 - - - - - - - - - 27/4 - - - - - - - - - - 27/4 5/5 3/5 11/5 2/5 30/4 29/4 30/4 - - - - - - - - MUN 10/05,KLF 13/05,JEA 15/05 MUN 17/05,KLF 20/05,JEA 22/05 CMB 19/05,NSA 23/05,HZL 25/05,JEA 31/05 MUN 24/05,KLF 27/05,JEA 29/05 CMB 26/05,NSA 30/05,HZL 01/06,JEA 06/06 JEA 14/05,MUN 19/05,NSA 21/05 CMB 09/05 CMB 19/05,NSA 21/05 - - 10/5 - - - - - - - - - - 4/5 - - - - - - - 2/5 - 7/5 7/5 - - - - - CMB 23/06,NSA 27/06,HZL 29/06,JEA 04/07 SLL 19/05,JEA 23/05,BQM 25/05,NSA 28/05,MUN 30/05 MUN 28/06,KLF 01/07,JEA 03/07 JEA 21/05,MUN 26/05,NSA 28/05 CMB 26/05,NSA 28/05 - - - - - - - - - - - 11/5 - - - - 9/5 9/5 - - - - - - SLL 19/05,CMB 19/05,JEA 23/05,BQM 25/05,NSA 28/05,MUN 30/05 SLL 26/05,JEA 30/05,BQM 01/06,NSA 04/06,MUN 06/06 CMB 29/06,NSA 04/07,HZL 06/07,JEA 11/07 JEA 28/05,MUN 02/06,NSA 04/06 To: South America Updated daily on MOL Proficiency 153B DAL/MOL/MSK/SAF - 3/5 1/5 - 28/4 - PBL 18/06,BAQ 21/06,GYE 22/06,CLL 23/06,LAG 23/06,LIO 24/06,VPZ 27/06,SAI 29/06,IQQ 30/06,BUN 03/07,PRQ 03/07,ARI 04/07, ANF 05/07 Adrian Schulte FI515A MSC - - - - 3/5 - SSZ 13/05,BUE 16/05,MVD 18/05,NVT 21/05,PNG 25/05 Safmarine Boland 153B DAL/MOL/MSK/SAF - 10/5 8/5 - 5/5 - PBL 25/06,BAQ 28/06,GYE 29/06,CLL 30/06,LAG 30/06,LIO 01/07,VPZ 04/07,SAI 06/07,IQQ 07/07,BUN 10/07,PRQ 10/07,ARI 11/07, ANF 12/07 Msc Arica FI516A MSC - - - - 10/5 - SSZ 20/05,BUE 23/05,MVD 25/05,NVT 28/05,PNG 01/06 EASIFINDER GUIDE TO AGENTS AGENT JHB DBN CT PERBAY EL PTA WBAY Misc. 011 031021 041 035043012 09264 64 Africamarine Ships Agency 450-3314 306-0112 510-7375 -- --- - Africa Union Transport 783-8611 301-6025 --- --- - Alpha Shipping Agency (Pty) Ltd 450-2576 207-1662 --- --- - BLS Marine - 201-4552 --- --- - 625-3300 460-0700 927-9700 -- --- - CMA CGM Shipping Agencies 409-8120 - Combine Ocean 407-2200 328-0403 419-8550 501-3427 - --- - Cosren Shipping Agency622-5658 307-3092 418-0690 501-3400 - --- - CSAL (Mitchell Cotts) - Bridge Marine 788-6302 319-1300 302-7555 552-1771 421-5580 087 803-3380 - 797-4197 788-9933 - - - 274-450 - 219-571 CSAV Group Agencies SA 771-6900 335-9000 405-2300 -- --- - Delmas Shipping - - - --- -- 274-467 Diamond Shipping 263-8500 570-7800 419-2734 363-7788 789-0437 - - - Saldanha Bay (022) 714-3449 DAL Agency 881-0000 582-9400 405-9500 398-0000 - 726-5497 - 219-550 Mozambique (258) 21312354/5 334-5880 431-8701 - - - - - - Evergreen Agency (SA) Pty Ltd 284-9000 Fairseas 513-4039 - 410-8819 -- --- Galborg 340-0499 Gearbulk Hapag-Lloyd 365-6800 402-1830 581-3994 788-9900 731-1707 - 202-771 - 277-9100 --- --- 0860 101 260 583-6500 0860 101 260 - - - - - Maputo (092581) 430021/2 - - Hamburg Sud South Africa 615-1003 334-4777 425-0145 -- --- - HUAL Hoegh Autoliners - 513-2900 536-3500 -487-0381- Hull Blyth South Africa - - - - 360-0700 --- --- Ignazio Messina & Co 881-9500 365-5200 418-4848 - - - - - - Independent Shipping Services - - 418-2610 -- --- - Island View Shipping - - 302-1800 425-2285 - 797-9402 - - - John T. Rennie & Sons 407-2200 328-0401 419-8660 501-3400 789-1571 - - - - King & Sons 340-0300 301-0711 402-1830 581-3994 797-9210 700-8200 - 219-550 Maputo (0925821) 226 600 K.Line Shipping SA 253-1200 328-0900 421-4232 581-8971 - 722-1851 - - - Lagendijk Brothers Holdings - 309-5959 --- --- LBH South Africa - 309-5959 421-0033 - 788-0953 - - - Saldanha Bay (022) 714-1203 Lloydafrica 455-2728 480-8600 402-1720 581-7023 - --- Macs 340-0499 365-6800 402-1830 581-3994 788-9900 731-1707 - 202-771 Maersk South Africa (Pty) Ltd. 277-3700 336-7700 408-6000 501-3100 - 813-0100 - 209-800 Mainport Africa Shipping - - Maputo (092581) 430021/2 - - 202-9621 419-3119 - 789-5144 --- - Marimed Shipping 884-3018 328-5891 --- --- - Mediterranean Shipping Co. 263-4000 - Meihuizen International Mitchell Cotts Maritime 360-7911 405-2000 505-4800 - 722-6651 335-6980 - - - 440-5400 -- --- 788-6302 302-7555 421-5580 581-3994 788-9933 700-8200 - 219-550 580-2200 402-8900 501-6500 788-9700 700-6500 - 201-2200 - Saldanha Bay (022) 714-1259 Mitsui OSK Lines SA 601-2000 Metall Und Rohstoff 302-0143 - --- --- - Neptune Shipping - 807-5977 - --- --- - Nile Dutch South Africa 325-0557 306-4500 425-3600 -- --- - NYK Cool Southern Africa - NYK Mitchell Cotts Maritime - - 913-8901 -- --- 788-6302 302-7555 - 581-3369 788-9933 731-1707 - 219-571 - Ocean Africa Container Lines- 302-7100 412-2860 -- --- Panargo PIL SA - 335-2400 434-6780 - 789-8951 - - - - Saldanha Bay (022) 714-1198 201-7000 301-2222 421-4144 363-8008 - --- - Phoenix Shipping (Pty) Ltd. - 568-1313 --- --- - Portco (Pty) Ltd. - 207-4532 421-1623 -- --- - RNC Shipping - - 511-5130 -- --- - Safbulk - - 408-9100 -- --- Safmarine 277-3500 Seaglow Shipping 336-7200 408-6911 501-3000 - 813-0100 335-8787 209-839 - 236-8500 570-7800 --- --- - Seascape (Appelby Freight Svcs) 616-0595 - --- --- - Sea-Act Shipping cc 475-5245 - --- --- - Seaclad Maritime 442-3777 327-9400 419-1438 -- --- - Sharaf Shipping 263-8540 584-2900 --- --- - Southern Chartering 302-0000 - --- --- - Stella Shipping 450-2642 304-5346 --- --- - Voigt Shipping - 207-1451 911-0939 581-0240 788-9900 - - - Saldanha Bay (022) 714-1908 Mossel Bay (044) 690 7117/9 Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics - 584-3600 - 581-1103 - 726-9883 - - - Wilhelmsen Ships Service - 274-3200 527-9360 360-2477 751-3400 726-9883 - - Saldanha Bay (022) 714-0410 082 556 1977 534-3300 - - - - - - - ZIM Integrated Shipping Services LTD MEDITERRANEAN SHIPPING COMPANY SA THE DEPENDABLE INDEPENDENT GENEVA SWITZERLAND WE BRING THE WORLD CLOSER COMPILED AND PRINTED IN ONE DAY Updated daily on FTW Online – JOHANNESBURG TEL: (011) 263-4000 DURBAN TEL: (031) 360-7911 CAPE TOWN TEL: (021) 405-2000 PORT ELIZABETH TEL: (041) 505-4800 EAST LONDON TEL: (043) 702-8293 PRETORIA WALVIS BAY TEL: (012) 335-6980 TEL: (+264) 64 209-600 FTW6234 INBOUND BY DATE - Dates for sailing: 27/04/2015 - 11/05/2015 Name of ship / voy Line WBAY CT PE EL DBN RBAY Name of ship / voy Line WBAY CT PE EL DBN RBAY Adrian Schulte FI515A MSC - - - - 01-May - Kota Nazar NZR083 PIL ------ Aida CO511 WWL - - 29-Apr 30-Apr 01-May - Kota Nilam NLM071 PIL - - - - 02-May - Anna Chris 44/15 ASL - 28-Apr - - - - Kota Sahabat SAH009 PIL - 28-Apr - - - - Barrier 3N MSC/DAL/MOL/MSK/OAC/SAF - 27-Apr - - 02-May - Letavia MU843W CMA/DEL 09-May ----- Berlin Bridge 025 CSC/EMC/HLC/KLI/MOL/PIL - 08-May - - 03-May - Maersk Cabinda 1504 CMA/MSK/SAF 06-May ----- Bermuda 833W CMA/MSK/SAF - 29-Apr ---- Maersk Conakry 1504 CMA/MSK/SAF 29-Apr ----- Biwa Arrow 004 GRB/UNG ---- 27-Apr - Maersk Cuanza 1503 CMA/MSK/SAF 27-Apr ----- Blue Master 5208 MACS ----- 28-Apr Maersk Elgin 153A DAL/MOL/MSK/SAF - 11-May - - - - Border 119 OAC - Maersk Innoshima 1505 DAL/MSK/SAF - - - - 06-May - Bosun MU845W CMA/DEL ------ Maersk Izmir 1505 DAL/MSK/SAF - - - - 29-Apr - Bravo MU833 CMA/DEL -06-May- Maersk Stralsund 1507 CMA/MSK/SAF - - - - 09-May - Buna Arrow 003 GRB/UNG ---- 06-May Maersk Vilnius 030 MSC/MSK/SAF - 27-Apr - - - - Buxlink 002 MSC/MSK/SAF - - Cezanne 1513 CMA/MSK/SAF - CMA-CGM Chopin 353W CMA/DEL/MSK/SAF CMA-CGM Verdi 347W CMA/DEL/MSK/SAF CMA-CGM Wagner 0034 CMA/DEL/MSK/SAF Cosco Jeddah 016W COS/CSC/EMC/KLI/MBA/ -10-May-05-May- 11-May 29-Apr -10-May- 03-May - Mol Garland 0115B MOL - 07-May - - - -08-May-02-May- Msc Amalfi FI516R MSC - - - - 06-May - Msc Antigua 515A MSC/HLC/HSL/LTI - 06-May - - 11-May - 29-Apr - - 04-May - 01-May ----- 01-May - - - - 08-May ----- - - - 10-May - MOL/PIL - - - - 07-May - Msc Arbatax 514A MSC/HLC/HSL/LTI - Msc Arica FI516A MSC ---- 08-May - Msc Challenger 011 MSC/MSK/SAF - 04-May - - 30-Apr - Msc Charleston 516A MSC - 08-May - - - - Msc Denisse ZN513A MSC - - - - 30-Apr - Msc Maria Pia 003 MSC/MSK/SAF - - 06-May - - - CSCL Oceania 510E CMA/CSV/HJS/SAF Elafonisos 1508 MSK/SAF EM Ithaki ZA517A MSC ------ Msc Maureen 512R MSC - - - - 06-May - Ever Reward 123W COS/CSC/EMC/KLI/MBA/ - Msc Nicole ZN514A MSC - - - - 07-May - Niledutch Dordrecht 30236A PIL - - - - 11-May - Nordic Wismar 835W CMA/MSK/SAF - 06-May - - - - 28-Apr ----- - - 03-May - MOL/PIL Fria 10/15 ASL - 03-May ---- Frontier 318 OAC 03-May 28-Apr ---- Northern Decision 828 GSL/ZIM - - - - 09-May - Frontier 318N MSC/DAL/MOL/MSK/OAC/SAF - 11-May ---- Onego Buran 8R027R CMA/DEL/UAF - - - - 05-May - Gemini Pioneer TBA MUR ---- 04-May Petrohue 511R MSC ---- 28-Apr - Glovis Captain 001 GLV - -04-May-06-May- Red Cedar 5209 MACS - 29-Apr 02-May - 04-May10-May Glovis Challenge 17 GLV/HOE/HUA - - Safmarine Boland 153A DAL/MOL/MSK/SAF - 27-Apr 29-Apr - 02-May - Golden Karoo 5210 MACS 09-May ----- Safmarine Highveld 154A DAL/MOL/MSK/SAF - 04-May 06-May - 09-May - Greta 5/15 ASL 27-Apr ----- Safmarine Longa SA15002 SAF - 07-May - Hammonia Berolina 1503 CMA/MSK/SAF 11-May ----- Sagitta 1506 DAL/MSK/SAF Hoegh Chiba 17 HOE/HUA - San Pedro 503 CSA/HLC 05-May - - - Hoegh Trader 119 GLV/HOE/HUA ---- 01-May Seroja Empat 1507 CMA/MSK/SAF - - 01-May - IDC 3 009 GLV - MSC -----10-May ----- - - - - - - - - 29-Apr 27-Apr 11-May - - Shasta ZA519A JPO Leo MU831W CMA/DEL - 29-Apr - - 03-May - Silverfjord 1510 GAL JPO Volans 30235A PIL - 06-May - - 01-May - Tiger CO512 WWL Kota Anggun AGN166 PIL ------ UTE Oltmann 1503 CMA/MSK/SAF Kota Lambai 068 CSC/EMC/HLC/KLI/ - Viking Adventure 2 GLV/HOE/HUA Vivien A 1506 MSK/SAF Zim Pacific 827 GSL/ZIM 01-May - - - - MOL/PIL Kota Naga NAD101 PIL - - - - 01-May - 27-Apr 03-May - - - -02-May-06-May- - 10-May11-May - - 06-May07-May08-May - 04-May ----- -06-May-08-May- 05-May ----- - - - 02-May - ABBREVIATIONS ASL Angola South Line ESL Ethiopian Shipping & Logistics Services LMC PIL Pacific International Line - (Foreshore Shipping) (Meihuizen International/Seascape cc) EUK Eukor Car Carriers (Diamond Shipping Services) MACS Macs Maritime Carrier Shipping (Pty) Ltd SAF Safmarine (Safmarine) CHL Consortium Hispania Lines GAL Gulf Africa Lines (King and Sons) (King & Sons) SHL St Helena Line (RNC Shipping) (Seaclad Maritime) GLV Glovis (Sharaf Shipping Agency) MAR Marimed (Marimed Ship.) STS Stella Shipping (Stella) CMA CMA-CGM (Shipping Agencies) GRBGearbulk MBA Maruba (Alpha Shipping) TSA Transatlantic (Mitchell Cotts) CNT Conti Lines (Portco SA) GSL Gold Star Line (Zim Southern Africa) MSC Mediterranean Shipping Co. (MSC) UAFL United Africa Feeder Line (DAL Agency) CSA Canada States Africa Line (Mitt Cotts) HJS Hanjin Shipping (Sharaf Shipping Agency) MSK Maersk Line UAL Universal Africa Lines (Seaclad Maritime) CSC China Shipping Container Lines HLC Hapag – Lloyd MOL Mitsui Osk Lines (Mitsui Osk Lines) UASC United Arab Shipping Company (Seaclad Maritime) (Seaclad Maritime) HSD Hamburg Sud South Africa MOZ Mozline (King & Sons) UNG Unigear (Gearbulk) CSV CSAV (CSAV Group Agencies SA) HSL Hugo Stinnes Schiffahrt (Diamond Shipping MUR MUR Shipping WHL Wan Hai Lines (Seaglow Shipping Services) COS Cosren (Cosren) Services) NDS Nile Dutch Africa Line B.V. WWL Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics DAL Deutsche Afrika Linien (DAL Agency) HOE Hoegh Autoliners (Socopao) (Nile Dutch South Africa) ZIM ZIM Integrated Shipping Services LTD DEL Delmas CMA-CGM (Shipping Agencies) KLI K.Line Shipping SA NYK Nippon Yusen Kaisha Line DSA Delmas ASAF (Century) LAU NYK Cool Southern Africa (Mitchell Cotts Maritime) ESA Evergreen Agency (SA) (Pty) Ltd LIV Livchem (Alpha Shipping) OAC Ocean Africa Container Line (Ocean Africa) Ignazio Messina (Ignazio Messina) Notice any errors? Contact Peter Hemer on Cell: 084 654 5510 • email:
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