2015 Bone & Joint Research Retreat Start Time AGENDA ITEM PARTICIPANTS LOCATION May 5th MSK Trainee Community University Community Centre - Western University 7:30 Coffee Student Council Chambers, 3rd Floor 7:50 JuMP Summer Student Orientation Session JuMP Summer Students Student Council Chambers, 3rd Floor 8:00 Welcome Shannon Woodhouse MSK Trainees Student Council Chambers, 3rd Floor 8:05 "Who's the lucky one?, What this program can mean to you ." Yara Hosein and Jim Dickey MSK Trainees Student Council Chambers, 3rd Floor 8:15 Procrastination: "How to stop being the PRO in Procrastinator " Speaker - Kim Cullen Have you ever thought any of the following: How do I get started?; What if my idea stinks? But - it's not ready to share until it's perfect; Where can I find the time to finish?; How do I finish it now that I hate this thing?; or, I'll do it tomorrow... MSK Trainees Student Council Chambers, 3rd Floor 9:45 Media Relations "Telling your research story " MSK Trainees Speakers from Western Communications Western’s Media Relations team will provide an overview of why telling Western’s research stories is important, how to tell our stories and share practical advice on how best to interact with the media. Time will also be allotted for a group discussion about individual students’ projects and how these stories might be shared with the broader public through the news media Student Council Chambers, 3rd Floor If you see yourself in any of those statements then you might be a PROcrastinator. This session will help you learn more about what procrastination is (and what it isn't) and provide several concrete strategies to help you get things to DONE. 10:45 Networking break MSK Trainees Student Council Chambers, 3rd Floor 11:15 "Research Integrity" MSK Trainees Speaker - Tom Drysdale There is evidence that misconduct in science is increasing. In this session, we will look at some of the common causes of unethical behaviour and try to understand what causes it. We will go through specific things that you can do to prevent and deal with unethical behaviour. Several scenarios will be discussed to demonstrate the importance of ethical behaviour to both the individual and the process of scientific inquiry. Student Council Chambers, 3rd Floor 12:15 Lunch & Learn "Mentorship in Research" Speaker - Nancy Lane (UC Davis) MSK Trainees Student Council Chambers, 3rd Floor 2:00 Dr. Suzanne Bernier Memorial Lecture MSK Community McKellar Room - UCC 4:00 Bernier Reception MSK Community The Wave
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