Greetings from Cerberus Cottage Family & Friends! Luna Park April Edition Thank you to all the families who joined us on the 28th of March at Luna Park. Eighty four people attended, our best turn out yet. Many families went by train and tram and others arrived on their own accord. The weather was perfect and the sun shone all day long. We had two birthday parties held on the day also, so a big happy birthday to the birthday girls. We love holding these adventure days and are in the process of organizing our next adventure. Do you have a place you would like to go? We would love to hear your ideas? Change of Committee We would like to formally welcome Alice to our committee. Alice has chosen to become a general member. We would also like to welcome Pia. Pia has come along and chosen to take the place of Vice President We also welcome Di to or committee. Di has offered to be our playgroup coordinator. Lastly we would like to welcome Christine to our team. Christine has taken over as secretary. Thank you ladies for giving up a few hours a month and being part of this team as the more people who can give just a few hours to help us bring the best groups, and recourses to the community the more we can offer. Luna Park This means we sadly say goodbye to Zoe. Zoe has done a fantastic job in her role as playgroup coordinator and will be missed by many parents and children. Thank you Isabelle for all the time and effort you have put in this past year. It is appreciated and you have bought many changes into this community house. We wish you luck with your studies and adventures ahead. Finally we say thank you to Sharon. Her commitment to other volunteer roles, working and being a mum, means she does not have enough time to be everywhere and at the same time. So we sadly see her leave her official role but will continue to see her here as a member. Thank you for your time and dedication. Important Dates: Friday 1st May Frozen Movie Night Sunday 10th May Mothers Day Thursday 14th May Ladies night at hot springs Saturday 16 May DCO Family Day Sunday 31st May Bunnings BBQ Regular Events— 1st and 3rd Monday of each month Coffee Morning 10am Wednesdays—Playgroup Friday and Sunday—Swimming Lessons Thursdays 1140am—Pilates 16 Cook Road HMAS Cerberus Victoria 3920 PH: 03 5983 0274 PLAY GROUP 0 YEAR—5 YEARS We have arts and crafts, to go with fun games and even time for us parents to have a chat, support each other in parenting, offer advice, get given advice,, but most of all have lots of fun.. We share fruit, and snacks. Come and join this fun group of mums. Newborn-5 years is the general age range and is a great opportunity for par- ents to relax and work together with their children whilst engaging in exciting play. Looking forward to seeing you at WEDNESDAY MORNINGS 1000-1200 Playgroup soon! $3 per week members $5 per week non members FIRST VISIT FREE Playgroup Membership is $24 p/a. Includes a FREE playgroup shirt Bunnings BBQ—We need your help PLEASE! Each year we hold our fundraisers and we have booked in for a Bunnings BBQ in Hastings. These BBQ and fundraising events, allow us to offer family days out, mothers day spas, event parties such as Christmas, Halloween and Easter egg hunts. “These are our loyal sponsors” Thank you We need your help! If you can spare just one hour of your time on Sunday 31st May we would really appreciate it. Lets work together as a community and help us give you the discounted and fun events. Please call us to put your name down all times are still available! May 2015 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 1 2 3 Swimming Swimming Movie Night 4 5 Coffee Morning 11 12 6 7 8 10am Play Group 1140 Swimming 19 Coffee Morning 25 26 10 13 14 15 16 17 10am Play Group 1140 Swimming National Families Day Bowling Swimming 23 24 Mothers Pilates Day Pilates Ladies 18 9 20 21 22 10am Play Group 1140 Swimming 27 28 29 10am Play Group 1140 Swimming Swimming Pilates Pilates 30 31 Swimming BUNNINGS BBQ Children of any age welcome more details Call Jill on 0412694268 for Where: Now Bittern possibly moving to Cerberus Cottage When: Thursday 1pm-3pm Are you interested in joining a group of ladies to share life’s up and downs and learn more about the bible? Ladies Fellowship Group Cerberus Cottage is Available to hire for whatever you have in mind! Well set up for the kids with indoor and outdoor facilities, Oven, Fridge, Microwave, change table & BBQ. Heating and Cooling If you’ve got a birthday coming up, or any other special occasion, this might be a nice change of venue from only $20 per day/night hire. Please phone 5983 0274 for bookings or any further Information Send us an email or give us a call 5983 0274 Face Painter upon request $70 (pending availability) DCO National Families Week Date of function: Saturday, 16 May 2015 No. of people: 100 Venue location: Strike Bayside Self Contained Cottages Time of arrival: 4:00 PM Finish time: 6:30 PM Just $88* per night low season (Apr-Oct) and $98* per night during high season (Nov-March) Where else on the peninsula can you get a 2 bedroom fully self contained house. We have 2 houses available to you. You can book up to 3 months in advance so get in quick. Book for To BOOK PLEASE CONTACT PH: (03) 5931 6095 2 Queen Beds 2 Single All Linen and Towels supplied Television/DVD player Lounge, Kitchen and Dining area Family reunions Bathroom (with bath) Graduation Parades Laundry (washer and dryer) Weddings Ducted Heating And so much more….. Air-conditioning Price above is for 6 people. We have available a pull out couch Porta cot available to hire Werner Gallina LEUT, RAN Military Support Officer Cerberus Dry Cleaners and Laundry HMAS Cerberus, near ADCU and Glendenning's. The proprietor Sean and his lovely girls are there to help you with your laundry and/or dry cleaning services. Phone: 5931 5633 Opening Hours Monday - Thursday Financial Member 2014/2015 0700 - 1700 Our Major Sponsor The VVCS is a free, confidential community mental health service for Australian veterans, peacekeepers, their families and eligible ADF personnel and their family members. VVCS counsellors are experienced and qualified psychologists and mental health social workers. VVCS provides: Individual, couple and family counselling Crisis counselling and after hours telephone counselling through Veterans Line Psycho educational Group Programs Referrals to other services For further information please call VVCS on 1800011046. VVCS Victoria has an office in central Melbourne, Wodonga and a large network of contracted allied health providers throughout outer metropolitan suburbs and regional Victoria SAVE ON ALL COURSES, GROUPS EVEN ACCOMODATION* Call Us Today 59 830 274 *Accommodation for Defence Families Only A Note from our President Hi All. Firstly let me introduce myself. My name is Krystyl and I am now the current President of the Cerberus Cottage. I have live a defence life all my life and I am originally from Perth. We have had so much fun happen over the last school holiday period. Luna Park was a hit and I have heard nothing but good feedback from everyone who attended. We have coffee morning coming up first one back on the 27th April at 11am. This is for anyone to attend and feel free to bring one morning tea or nibblies to share. Kids are welcome but please note nothing is structured for them. But don’t forget Playgroup is on Every Wednesday during the school terms. On a sad note this month we say good bye to Sharon our treasurer and I wish to thank you for all that you have done and wish you all the best and wish you luck for your future endeavours. And also we will be saying bye to Zoe who has been our awesome playgroup coordinator. Thank you Zoe for all the wonderful work you have done and wish you all the best for next step in your adventures.. I would also like to welcome a few new members to our committee. Pia as our Vice President, Christen as our Secretary , Di as our playgroup coordinator and Alice as a general committee member. I look forward to working with you all. We have a Bunning BBQ on the 31st May and need volunteers to help out so if you can please let us know. I hope you all have had a wonderful Easter and all have a safe Anzac day. Kind regards Krystyl OK LADIES IT’S BACK…. AN EVENING AT THE PENINSULAT HOT SPRINGS DINNER INCLUDED….. JUST IN TIME FOR MOTHERS DAY! Thursday night pizza and bathe: THURSDAY 14TH MAY Bathe in our Bath House pools from 7pm until 10pm and enjoy a gourmet pizza of your choice from our Bath House Cafe between 7pm and 8:30pm Your booking & Payment must be confirmed by Thursday 7th of May $35per person* We do try to car pool on this evening so when you book please let us know if you need a lift! *Members of Cerberus Cottage will receive a $10 discount If you would like to pre purchase a gift voucher for this for someone special or for mothers day please let us know and we will send you our own special gift certificate valid for this night Hope to see you there! Available to purchase: Popcorn, Pop tops, Soft Drink, Lolly bags All just $1 each (Cinema between medical centre and recruit school) Where: Cerberus Entertainment Centre Movie starts @ 530pm When: Friday 1st May Held on the 1st Friday of every month. You are invited to come along to our Family Friendly Movie Night Cerberus Cottage Family & Friends Inc Some useful phone numbers & Information Cerberus Switch 1300 333 362 HOSPITALS GANGWAY 5931 5250 Frankston Hospital EMERGENCY FIRE EMERGENCY (married Quarters and base) AMBULANCE EMERGENCY Hospital Ward 000 Hastings Road, Frankston 5931 5555 5931 5111 5931 5412 LOCAL COUNCIL Mornington 1300 850 600 1300 322 322 Library 5931 5295 Frankston Post Office 5931 5120 VIC ROADS Mail Room 5931 3586 One central number Hairdresser- 5931 5478 or Hearing Impaired CERBERUS COTTAGE 5983 0274 CHILDCARE 9784 7777 13 1171 TTY 1300 652 321 2 closest locations Frankston 71 Hartnett Rd, Seaford. Childcare - CERBERUS 5983 8855 Dromana Shop 11, 143 Pt Nepean Rd Crib Point Pre-School 5983 9348 TAXI OSHC—Crib Point PS 5983 9282 HELP LINES (Outside School Hours Care) CENTRELINK Office Locations 13 10 21 CREDIT UNIONS 5981 2233 Lifeline 13 1114 Suicide HelpLine 1300 651 251 Parentline 13 2289 Defence Family Helpline 1800 624 608 Men’s Line Australia 1300 78 99 78 Australian Defence Credit Union 5931 6025 Alcohol & Drugs 1800 888 236 DEFCREDIT 5983 8123 Gambler’s Help 1800 156 789 DEFENCE COMMUNITY ORGANISATION TTY 1800 624 608 Women’s Domestic Violence Crisis Service 1800 015 188 Parent Zone 9783 4888 Anglicare 5982 2586 Good Shepherd 5979 4443 Oz Child 5975 7644 Nurse on call (24hr) 1300606024 DEFENCE HOUSING AUTHORITY General Enquiries 13 9342 TOLL TRANSITIONS 24hr Hotline 1800 819 167 UTILITIES AGL Elec Enquiries 13 12 45 Faults & Emergencies 13 20 99 Origin Energy Gas Enquiries 13 24 61 Rubbish bins are collected every Wednesday morning and recycling bins are picked up on alternate Wednesday mornings (off pay week). 1800 777 706 WEBSITES DCO DHA Dept of Defence Electoral Commission ANZAC Day 2015 25 April 2015, 06:00AM Commemorating the Centenary of Gallipoli ANZAC Day, originally a commemoration of the landing of Australian and New Zealand forces at Gallipoli on the 25th April 1915, has grown to become perhaps the most important national day in Australia. In addition to recognising the service and sacrifice of all Australians who have served in war or on peacekeeping operations ANZAC Day has become core to the identity of Australia itself, a day on which Australians reflect on the ANZAC spirit and its place in Australia today. This Anzac Day marks an important milestone: the centenary of the Gallipoli ANZAC landing on the 25th April, 1915. Attend the Anzac Day dawn service to commemorate the service and sacrifice of all Australian service men and women. On this day, we honour and reflect on the impact of war, conflict and peacekeeping operations in Australia’s history. 6am Dawn Service (MC pre-amble starts from 5.40am) On the 100th anniversary of the Gallipoli landings, join millions across the world to honour Australian service and sacrifice. One minute of silence will be observed. It is recommended that visitors assemble on the Shrine Forecourt between 4am - 5am. Email: Telephone/Facsimile: 03 5983 0274 HMAS Cerberus VIC 3920 16 Cook Road Cerberus Cottage Family & Friends Inc
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