weekly Bulletin 06-05-15.pub - Chabad Lubavitch of Riverdale

Shabbat Parshat Balak
Friday July 3 - Shacharit Minyan will be at 8:45 am.
Friday, July 3, 2015
16 Tamuz, 5775
NEW Time - Mincha: 7:30 PM Shiur for Men Rabbi Levi Shemtov will be teaching a Ma’amar based on the
Latest Candle lighting 8:12 PM teachings of the Rebbe next Thursday evening, July 9, 8:45 pm. Call the office for info
about the venue.
Shabbat Services
Tanya: A Tale of Two Souls 8:30 AM
9:00 AM
Jr. Congregation 10:45 AM-12:00 PM
Mincha & Pirkei Avot - 6
8:02 PM
Havdalah Service/Living Torah DVD
of the Rebbe
9:21 PM
Fast of 17th of Tammuz
Camp Gan Israel 2015 We began a wonderful first week of summer with our
amazing campers See page 4-5 for pictures.
Chabad of Riverdale’s Early Learning Center Give your child the very best start in
life! We pride ourselves on providing a warm and nurturing environment for our
preschoolers. Ages 2-4. Email Preschool@ChabadRiverdale.org for more information.
Show Your Loved Ones You Care…. While Supporting Chabad Last opportunity
to place a greeting in honor or memory of a loved one in our upcoming calendar. Only
$18 for one ad, $36 for a New Year’s greeting! Reserve your greeting ad at
Fast Begins:
Sunday Shacharit
Fast Ends:
3:42 AM
8:45 AM
9:11 PM Shop at AmazonSmile, and Amazon will make a donation to Chabad of Riverdale for
Mon. - Fri. Shacharit
6:55 AM
each purchase you make!
Riverdale and Beyond Find out about the many amazing upcoming Jewish programs
and event for children and adults all year round. Read page 6.
Did Bilaam have his head
screwed on right?
Inside this issue
Parsha in a Nutshell
Chai Club
Camp Pictures
Chabad Family Circle
Article of the Week
Mikvah Update - This past Shabbos women from all over Riverdale came together to
pay tribute to Keila for her years of outstanding service to our community and to wish
her well in her new community. Keila deeply appreciates the outpouring of support,
from those who came to honor her on Shabbos as well as from those who have
accessed the gift registry.**
During the month of July, as we begin the preliminary stages of the much
anticipated renovation, the Mikvah will be open as usual at the following times:
Sunday – Thursday 8:30pm – 10:45pm
Saturday Night Fifteen minutes after Shabbat – 11:15pm
Please call the Mikvah at 718-549-8336 for Friday night appointments or specific
The Keilim Mikvah will continue to be open during daylight hours.
The Mikvah Committee
**The gift registry has been expanded to include Bed Bath and Beyond registry
number 542348863 http://www.bedbathandbeyond.com
National Jewish Retreat Spend five days of learning and discovery this August with
master Torah teachers. Explore new ideas and expand your horizons in an open,
embracing environment. Relax, reflect, and refresh your spirit in a luxurious setting.
Meet new friends and experience meaningful Jewish living.
Register www.JRetreat.org.
Numbers 22:2–25:9
Balak, the king of Moab, summons the prophet Balaam to curse the people of
Israel. On the way, Balaam is berated by his ass, who sees, before Balaam does,
the angel that G‑d sends to block their way. Three times, from three different
vantage points, Balaam attempts to pronounce his curses; each time, blessings
issue forth instead. Balaam also prophesies on the end of the days and the coming of Moshiach.
The people fall prey to the charms of the daughters of Moab, and are enticed to
worship the idol Peor. When a high-ranking Israelite official publicly takes a
Midianite princess into a tent, Pinchas kills them both, stopping the plague raging among the people.
Moses leads the people in battles against the Emorite kings Sichon and Og (who seek to prevent Israel’s passage
through their territory) and conquers their lands, which lie east of the Jordan.
Camp Pictures 5775
Camp Pictures 5775
Riverdale and Beyond
New Linear Siddur from Kehot Publications A new siddur with linear translation has just
been released. The linear layout of the Hebrew phrases facing its English translation allows
the reader to immediately identify the proper translation, thus helping the reader appreciate
the meaning of the words while reciting them in Hebrew. The phrase-by-phrase layout also
allows for proper pronunciation, enhances the comprehension of the prayers, and improves the
reader’s Hebrew skills as well. The Siddur can be purchased from the Kehot website
Chesed Opportunity An elderly widowed Holocaust survivor with no family in Riverdale is
requesting visits. She is currently in the Methodist Nursing Home. If you are able to visit this
woman, please call Judy (Yehudis Chaya) Kahn at 718-791-3847
National Jewish Retreat Spend five days of learning and discovery this August with master
Torah teachers. Explore new ideas and expand your horizons in an open, embracing environment. Relax, reflect, and refresh your spirit in a luxurious setting. Meet new friends and experience meaningful Jewish living. Register www.JRetreat.org.
Camp Gan Israel in the Poconos—for girls ages 7-16. For more information, email
Jewish Girls Unite — Join a global community of empowered Jewish girls and women, using innovative approaches in education and technology. Through creative Jewish education
programs focusing on the arts and self-discovery, we inspire girls to "shine their inner light"
and become leaders of the future. We encourage girls to nurture their unique talents and pursue their dreams to change the world. Visit JewishGirlsUnite.com to register today for free!
Mayanot Birthright—Free Trips to Israel Registration for Mayanot Birthright trips opened
this week. There will be having more than 75 trips this summer (including specialty trips),
from the beginning of May through the end of August. There will be trips from a number of
different departure cities and on dozens of dates. Please note, for three of the specialty trips,
the age of eligibility is raised to 29! Visit www.MayanotIsrael.com for more information.
We compile and maintain a Tehillim list of the names of people who need a refuah shlaima (speedy recovery) so
we may all daven for them. Dr. Frimet Skolas has volunteered to coordinate names for a Tehillim list for the
weekly Shabbat bulletin. So if you know someone who isn’t well, please contact Frimet at 1-347-602-7951, fax 1347-602-7951, or e-mail: skolasf@outlook.com. All names need to be reinstated 8 weeks after submission or they
will automatically be deleted. Frimet will update the list every Wednesday evening.
Aaron Ben Rachel
Golda Shira bat Yenta Rochel
Sarah bat Ellen
Adina Elisheva bat Ariel Michal
Golda Raizel bas Riva Chaya
Sarah bas Yael
Amaram ben Soulika Liora
Geyser Krausz
Schneur Chaim Yitzchok Alexander Ben Nechama Dina
Avraham ben Esther
Harav Dovid ben Sorah
Shira Miriam bas Bracha
Avraham Uriel ben Mirele
Hadassah Raizel bat Sorel
Shlome Alter Dov Yehuda Halevi ben Gila Esther
Avraham Ben Devorah
Hinda Sorah Rochel bas Yitta
Shmuel ben Ellen
Avraham Abba Ben Sara Chana
Huna ben Esther
Sholom Mordechai Halevi Ben Rivkah
Baruch Moshe ben Esther
Ita liba bas Minna
Shlomo Reuven ben Hinda
Benjamin Ben Chana
Beila bas Sarah
Kalman ben Dobe
Sima bas Chana
Kayla Sarah bas Malka Yentel
Tova bat Ettie
Baruch Ben Yitzhak
Leah bat Rachel
Tzvi ben Miriam
Cecile bat Eva
Lieba Chaya bas Devora Yuda
Tzadik haLevi ben Masha Rachel
Chana bas Devorah
Yael bas Sarah
Chana Genedel bas Perl
Maguy bat Ester
Malka Devorah bat Ella Chava
Yakova bat Rachel
Chanan Gibor ben Bryna Chana
Masha bas Tzimi
Yehudit bat Sarah
Chaim Dovid ben Blume
Malka bas Chaya
Yehudis Chaye bas Gittel
Chaya Sorah bas Devorah Yuda
Menucha Rochel bas Gilah Elkah
Yehudis Tirtza Chana bas Bracha
Chaye Sarah bat Devorah
Moshe ben Malka
Yehudis bas Sarah
Channah Liba bat Chaya Sarah
Moshe Dovid ben Breindel
Yona bas Chana
Cherna bas Liba
Moshe Yoel Lee ben Chana
Yoshua Tzvi ben Nechama Lea
Doba Baila bas Malka
Miriam bas Chaya Sorah
Yosef Yisrael ben Dina
David Shlomo ben Lea
Miriam Raiza Shoshana bas Henna Chana Yonatan Halevi ben Malka
Devorah Shulamit bas Chava Sora
Miriam Esther Bas Sorah
Dovid ben Sarah
Naftali Hertz Chaim ben Feiga Gitel
Dovid ben Pesha
Nechama bas Chana
Eheskiel Baruch Ben Leah
Pesha Soroh bas Esther
Eliyahu ben Miriam
Reuven ben Aliza
Elisheva Malka bas Sarah Miriam
Esther bas Rochel
Reizel Gitel bas Rochel Leah
Ezra ben Gita
Rahel bat Dina
Ruth bas Rivka
Feigele Frimet bas Devorah Blima
Rivka Pessa bat Devorah
Zehava Nechama Chaya bat Elisheva
Freida Rochel bas Esther
Ronit Bat Haddasah Esther
Gershon Elchanan hacohain ben Tzvia Ruchama Maita bas Malka
Gitel bas Sheindel
Sara bat Shoshana
If you only knew - The Tzemach Tzedek said - the power of verses of Tehillim and their effect in the highest Heavens, you would recite
them constantly. Know that the chapters of Tehillim shatter all barriers; they ascend higher and still higher with no interference; they prostrate themselves in supplication before the Master of all worlds; and they effect and accomplish with kindness and compassion (Chaf). We
know that when an individual says any amount of Tehillim (Psalms) she/he can merit many blessings. This is particularly true when the
entire book of Tehillim is recited by a group of individuals, since G-d blesses us when we are united in peace with one another. It is also
considered as if each of the individuals who take part in the group recited the entire Tehillim, not just their allotted chapters. You can say
it anytime and anywhere that Shabbat. If you wish to participate, please indicate how many average-sized chapters (psalms) you would
like to say and your preference. I will contact you to let you know your allotted chapters. In the merit of saying Tehillim may we receive
the blessings we need individually and for Klal Yisrael. Please reply to Frimet Skolas at skolasf@outlook.com or call 1-347-602-7951.
By Rabbi Yanki Tauber
A Tale of Two Birds of Paradise
Many wonderful things were said in praise of the Jewish people by our own holy prophets and sages. Yet, every morning, we begin our prayers with
the words of the evil prophet Balaam, a man who would have cursed the nation for gold and silver, had G-d only allowed. Some explanation is
needed. And so, we have this story, which I heard from my teacher, Rabbi Elimelech Zwiebel:
In another dimension of time, in a world beyond ours, is a forest filled with magnificent creatures. Of all the creatures there, the birds are the most
spectacular, and of all the birds, the tzidikel bird is more beautiful than them all. And of all the tzidikel birds, one stands out with dazzling beauty,
beyond anything words can describe.
Every morning in this splendorous forest, the creatures gather before sunrise about the tree of the tzidikel bird. As the sun reaches the tops of the
trees, its rays shine down through the canopy and the tzidikel opens its wings in full glory. A panorama of colors glisten and sparkle in its feathers,
dancing in the sunlight like so many magical stars and fairies to entertain the bird's delighted audience. Each morning is a more glorious spectacle
than the day before. Each morning all the creatures ahhh and ooh in wonder. All this occurred every day within that dimension of time, until, one
year, a new bird came to the forest. Soon enough, the creatures began to gather at the roost of this new bird each morning, leaving the tzidikel all but
alone. "Is she then more glorious than I?" demanded the tzidikel of her few remaining faithful. "How could this be? There are no colors left in the
universe that I do not possess!"
"But she," her faithful muttered, their heads hanging from shame, "she has no colors. She is black." The fury of the tzidikel knew no bounds. She was
the perfection of the art of beauty, and if black was to be beautiful, then there was no beauty at all. In rage, she tore herself from her branch and flew
to see her rival. There stood the creatures of the forest in silent wonder. Perhaps it was the oils of the black bird's feathers that refracted the light of
the sun as a prism into so many rainbows. Perhaps it was the mystery of her absolute blackness, or the contrast she held against the bright morning
sky. All that could be said is that it was an intangible beauty, not of something that could be painted, or described or known in any way. It was beauty
as indefinable as black is dark.
"Is she then more glorious than I?!" screamed the tzidikel from her perch above the crowd."We cannot tell," the animals explained, trembling. "For it
is no longer dawn." "Very well then," cried the tzidikel. "We will have a contest at dawn! But who will be the judge?"
No creature dared volunteer for such a task. And neither could the two birds themselves come to a consensus. So it was decided that the two would
appear at dawn at a position known only to them and the first creature to appear would adjudicate their contest.
All night they prepared their feathers and rehearsed their movements, all night at their secret post in the forest. And as the sun began to rise, they
ruffled their feathers and then with a dramatic swoosh spread them wide in the most glorious scene ever to come to the most glorious of forests. Yet
there was no witness to that scene, none but the two birds themselves. Until, from behind the bushes below, a sound was heard that almost toppled
the tzidikel from her tree in horror. It was the grunt of a wild boar.
Covered in mud and smelling of its own excrement, the boar appeared, and yes, even he was delighted with the beauty that encountered him. And
the two birds, surrendered to the fate of their contest, both spread their feathers and turned elegantly, displaying their pride to the pig below. He
grunted, he snorted, he coughed. He asked for a replay again and again. And after an hour or so, he finally set forth his verdict: The black bird was
the most beautiful of them all.
"If so," cried the tzidikel, "my beauty is not beauty. There is no place left for me." And she flew away from the forest, never to be heard of again.
The tzidikel is the light G-d brings into His creation. Through miracles, through tzaddikim, through righteous acts that have no tint of personal motives. The black bird is the darkness. But when the darkness is turned to beauty, it is a beauty so great that light is dim and impotent before it.
As for the pig, it is this lowly world, the world of action, which the Creator Himself has declared the final judge of truth and beauty.