CHARFIELD PARISH COUNCIL th Draft Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 14 April 2015 commencing 7:30pm in the Main Hall of Charfield Memorial Hall, Charfield. PRESENT Parish Councillors: Mr M Rosher (Chairman), Mrs N Newns, Mrs J Law, Mr P Patterson, Mr I Kershaw, Mr R Rawlings, Mr I Williams and Mr M Cheskin Clerk: Ms H Saunders Public: None 10419/15 To note Apologies for Absence & Acceptance of Reasons These were received from Ward Councillor John O’Neill 10420/15 Declaration of Interest in items on Agenda Clerk declared an interest in Item 14 (min ref 10432/15) and will either leave room / refrain from comment. 10421/15 To approve Minutes The minutes of council meeting held on 10th March 2015 were proposed by Mr Kershaw and seconded by Mr M Cheskin and APPROVED before being signed by Chairman. 10422/15 Public Participation None 10423/15 To note Clerks Report on Matters Arising Clerk wanted to let council know that there were issues getting statements / copy statements from NATWEST – so may have to defer a couple of the later items regarding the accounts. Clerk wanted to thank all of those that had volunteered / helped out with Litter Pick. Sadly the attendance wasn’t that great – but it was felt that there actually wasn’t as much litter as there has been in the past. Planning Enforcement issues regarding Devils lane are really no further forward – they acknowledge that there is an issue – and that development hasn’t been carried out in accordance with planning. Retrospective planning was meant to be being submitted to SGC – but as of evening of 13th April it hadn’t been. Clerk has logged potholes as an issue – but they (like the drain clearing) don’t seem to be getting done. 10424/15 To comment on Planning Applications Clerk apologised to those present that there were issues with SGC planning website at moment – so possibly not able to project plans…. ] PT15/0772/F | Erection of single storey side and rear extension to include conversion of existing garage to form additional living accommodation. | 54 Farm Lees Charfield Wotton Under Edge South Gloucestershire GL12 8JA. After due consideration it was agreed that councillors had no issues with proposals. PT15/1037/F | Erection of front porch | 88 Manor Lane Charfield Wotton Under Edge South Gloucestershire GL12 8TY. After due consideration it was agreed that councillors had no issues with proposals. PT15/1080/F | Erection of extension to existing agricultural building and erection of glasshouse. | Gray Cottage The Drive Charfield Wotton Under Edge South Gloucestershire GL12 8HX. After due consideration it was agreed that councillors had no issues with proposals. PT15/1088/F | Erection of timber decking and steps to east elevation. | Gray Cottage The Drive Charfield Wotton Under Edge South Gloucestershire GL12 8HX. After due consideration it was agreed that councillors had no issues with proposals. 10425/15 To note Planning Decisions 14th April 2015 1295 PT15/0019/F | Installation of dormer windows to provide additional living accommodation and erection of detached double garage. | Green Pastures Churchend Lane Charfield South Gloucestershire GL12 8LJ. APPROVE WITH CONDITIONS 10426/15 Other Planning Matters No further forward / further information regarding the inquiries / appeals. Clerk has received information from Kingswood Parish Council regarding Environmental Impact Assessment that is open for comment in relation to outline planning permission for more homes in the village, one of the developers being Gladman. Clerk confirmed that S Glos Council had commented. It was agreed that Parish Council would support Kingswood PC as they supported Charfield. ACTION CLERK 10427/15 To receive Burial Ground Report Nothing to report at this time. 10428/15 To receive Clean up Green up Charfield Report No official report received – however Clerk has been informed that they are working on an ‘Open Garden’ afternoon one Sunday in June……they will be at Annual Meeting to present further. 10429/15 To receive Youth Group Report The Youth Group Committee met on 19th March when extra staff numbers (in particular a male member of staff) was discussed as group is going from strength to strength and it is felt that a male role model would be beneficial and mean that more young people could also attend. It was put to the Memorial Hall committee that on second Tuesday of month – if group wanted to use hall then this could be facilitated and PC would use Sportsman’s Lounge. Simon will liaise with Clerk. They have got enough storage space now and are going to help with the refreshments at Annual Meeting. The next meeting of the committee is scheduled for 24th June 2015 at 7pm. ACTION MC, NN, MR & CLERK 10430/15 To receive final report following meeting where village plan steering group dispanded Minutes of this meeting had been emailed out to all members – of note was fact that remaining monies had been allocated to various groups within the village – meaning that there were no funds left. Groups that benefitted included CuGuC, Junior Football Team, Memorial Hall and Village Fete as well as money towards kissing gate at Hawthorn Close. The Chairman of the group will be presenting at Annual Meeting. It should be noted that some of the actions that group haven’t managed to achieve – are now in hands of Parish Council – this will be looked into further in May. ACTION CLERK 10431/15 To finalise details for Annual Parish Meeting Clerk will bring along all refreshments – and YG will help to serve. All local groups have been invited / informed. Clerk will bring projector, etc…can get into hall early to set up. ACTION ALL 10432/15 To receive report / recommendation from Working Party re Clerks Pension Clerk refrained from any comment during this item – following discussion between councillors – Clerk was asked to minute:Clerk had passed all details regarding LGPS which is run via Avon Pension fund to Mr M Cheskin – who had looked into it – and on reflection – it is prohibitively expensive for a small Parish Council such as Charfield. Mr Cheskin and Mr Rosher had then looked at other schemes and shared information with council. One of the schemes was the National Employee Savings Trust (NEST) set up by the government when Pension Reforms were brought in. This appears to be one of the most cost effective schemes in the long run and as such it was proposed by Mr M Cheskin and seconded by Mrs N Newns and agreed that this would be the Pension Scheme that the Parish Council would select / join and offer to Clerk. ACTION MC + CLERK 14th April 2015 1296 10433/15 To discuss and note SGC change to contract for Buy Back of Services Clerk has read through all of the information that was sent out in 2014 and the contract that was signed…currently in process of seeking advice from ALCA as to whether PC should pay the extra or what was originally quoted. It is only £300 a year – but it is more principle of matter and fact that work hasn’t been good from SGC and has led to a lot of comments from parishioners. ACTION CLERK 10434/15 To approve changes to NATWEST Bank Account This was to add Clerk as a signatory (although she won’t sign cheques – just so bank will deal with her), to take signatories no longer required off, to change address for Parish Council. It was proposed by Mr M Cheskin and seconded by Mrs J Law and agreed that resolution be passed to ……and forms were duly signed by Chairman M Rosher and Councillor M Cheskin. ACTION CLERK 10435/15 To receive draft figures for End of Year Accounts in preparation for Internal Audit As Clerk explained at start of meeting – has had issues getting copy statements from NATWEST – it was therefore agreed to DEFER this item to future meeting when all the information was to hand. 10436/15 To approve Risk Assessment – in preparation for Internal Audit It was proposed by Mr M Cheskin and seconded by Mrs J Law and agreed to approve the Risk Assessment. It was duly signed by Chairman M Rosher and Clerk. 10437/15 To approve Annual Governance Statement – in preparation for Internal Audit As for the draft accounts – it was agreed to DEFER this item – until Clerk was happy that all statements had been received and accounts had been reconciled correctly for year end. 10438/15 To note following S Glos Consultations and agree comment (if necessary) Staying Put Policy Single Equality Plan After due consideration it was agreed that no comment directly from Parish Council was necessary – however – should councillors wish to comment in a personal capacity they may do so. 10439/15 To note the following Correspondence – including:Most correspondence has already been covered off – a lot regarding Elections, etc. Other items include complaint that was received regarding CEMEX that Clerk forwarded on to Ian Southcott their Community Liaison Officer. This was from a couple of residents along Church End Lane – that live opposite St James Church. Representatives from CEMEX have arranged to go out and visit residents and speak to them face to face. 10440/15 To note the following Circulation Items:Noted / mailed out….. 10441/15 To receive Reports of Meetings a) To receive report from Ward Councillor John O’Neill – none. b) Charfield Playing Field – Play Ground Inspection Report from Clerk – KLH has repaired bridge and roof of train. Sand was delayed coming into suppliers but will be sorted out by end of week. Posket Bench could do with staining at some stage and there is a build-up of moss by the skate park that Clerk will ask Kevin to sort out. c) Charfield Village Hall Management Committee –there AGM is scheduled for 14th May 2015. They are looking for a new Vice Chairman and Treasurer and volunteers. Meetings have been held in last few weeks with Window suppliers – as with Ibstock grant as well as gate they are going to be replacing some of the double glazed windows and doors. For those of you that haven’t seen Sportsmans lounge since it has been decorated – it is worth a look…. d) Any other meeting reports – Clerk attended Town and Parish Council Forum, in next couple of weeks there is the Quarry Liaison Meeting and Safer Stronger Meeting. 14th April 2015 1297 10442/15 To receive March’s accounts and approve March’s cheques for payment Chairman checked accounts against print out from bank and it was proposed by Mr M Cheskin and seconded by Mr P Patterson and following payments were approved prior to Chairman signing accounts. Approval March Cheques - at April PC Meeting Chq No Amount £ to be paid 2593 1000.17 Clerks Salary & Travel (net) Travel (Miles = 109 ) Broadband Connection (3 MiFi) HMRC Q4 Payment Memorial Hall Litter Pick and Room Hire BT Direct Debit (4 March) TOTAL 2593 2595 2594 dd 30.00 313.56 124.00 148.89 1616.62 10443/15 Minor Items raised by Members or for Future Agenda’s Litter Pick seems so ill supported these days – is it worth still doing it? Query about when new play area at Longs View is going to open – as it appears finished and yet gates are still padlocked. Smell from local farms….quite overpowering and repulsive. Chairman wanted to say a massive Thank you to Mr Paul Patterson and Mr Ian Kershaw who are standing down from Parish Council this election. Their support over years has been invaluable – they will be missed. Reminder about Annual Parish Meeting – May 5th at 7pm This concluded the business of the meeting which closed at approximately 2110hrs Chairman 12th May 2015 14th April 2015 1298
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