Charlie’s Produce March 27th, 2015 Fresh News Commodities at a glance... HOT PICKS! PLEASE CALL TO CHECK AVAILABILITY. Some items may have limited inventory, may require a special order, or may be out of stock. COMMODITY Apples QUALITY Good MARKET Steady Foraged Asparagus Good Steady CastelFranco 016-01914 Check first--Wild mushrooms are in low supply Avocado (Mexican) Good Steady Red Watercress!!! Beautiful 017-03132 Sea Beans 017-01210 Avocado (California) Good Steady Opal Apple USXF 011-01112 031-02071 Mandarin 5# bag 031-00940 Bell Peppers (Western) Good Lower/Higher Meyer Lemon 20/1# 012-01434 Black Truffles- Pre-order FiddleHead Ferns, 5# ctn Fresh Morels Bell Pepper (Eastern) Good Higher Easter Egg Radish 016-02773 Berries: Strawberries Fair Steady DragonFruit 013-01318 Berries: Raspberries Fair Steady Dried Cherry, tart 5# 033-05323 Berries: Blackberries Fair Steady Kumquats 10# Ctn CaraCara Orange 013-01336 012-01615 Berries: Blueberries Fair Steady Broccoli Good Steady Blood Orange 012-01982 Carrots Good Steady HoneyComb-----PreOrder 011-00002 Cauliflower Fair Lower Tomato Grape Golden 15/10.50z 022-01413 Celery Good Steady Kale Sprouts Lollipops 4.5# case 016-02716 Citrus: Lemons Good Steady/Higher Frozen Huckleberries 5# bag 014-01513 Citrus: Oranges Good Steady/Higher Rhubarb Hothouse grown, 5# Ctn 016-02301 Cucumbers (Western) Good Steady Lady Alice Apples 011-01895 Cucumbers (Eastern) Excellent Lower Romanesco--Great quality!! 18# 017-01396 Eggplant (Western) Good Higher Baby Tatsoi 3# case 017-01507 Eggplant (Eastern) Fair Higher Muscat Grapes--Seeded, 16# 014-01951 Spring Garlic, 10# Ctn 023-01290 Grapes, Green Good Steady Spring Garlic by the # 031-01301 Grapes, Red Good Higher Baby Romanesco 24ct 017-01392 Green Onions Fair Steady Nettles!! Nearly Spring item!! 1# 031-02721 Lettuce: Leaf Fair Steady Miner's Lettuce- pre-order, short window! 017-01363 Lettuce: Iceberg Fair Steady Carmen Pear---Beautiful!! Delicious!!! 011-03005 Melons: Cantaloupe Good Lower Purple Asparagus 016-01092 Melons: Honeydew Good Steady Squash Blossoms 25ct 017-01440 Baby peeled Rainbow carrots w/tops 5# 017-01322 Green Almonds 25# case 034-00532 Baby Veggie Crudite 4 oz. clamshell 017-03112 Fava Beans 25# case 016-01126 Conventional 017-01215 031-01583 16-10oz San Marzano tomato 019-05091 Organics Opal Apples Sunchokes 10# Braising Mix Easter Egg Radish Watermelon Radish Kumquat 10#ctn King Oyster mushrooms 16/6oz. Broccolette 18ct Lacinato Kale 24ct Black Radish 10# case Red Sunchokes 10# bag Ruby Crescent 24# Gold Beet bulk 25# Russian Fingerling Potatoes Lady Alice Apples Rainbow Shred Carrot(AWESOME) 2/5# Green Garlic 10# ctn. Red Spring Onions Broccoli Di Cicco English Peas 25# Carton White Spring Onions 24ct "Calcot" spring onions-limited--short window Burdock Root 10# Fava Beans….In very soon…ASK FIRST Red A Potatoes 50# ctn NW Rhubarb 15# Ctn Baby Purple Artichokes 016-01028 70/90ct Red Bartlett Pears Pomegranate 10CT. 013-01474 Power Greens 2# mix Comice Pears 011-03317 040-00279 040-05113 040-05163 040-04748 040-05115 040-00688 040-04416 040-04030 040-04673 040-05107 040-05319 040-05475 040-05097 040-05524 040-00163 040-03555 040-05402 040-04717 040-04104 040-04313 040-04707 040-04705 040-05101 040-04052 040-05477 040-04404 040-00367 040-04781 Onions Fair Higher Pears Good Steady Potatoes Good Higher Squash (Western) Good Lower Squash (Eastern) Good Lower Excellent Higher Fair Steady Tomatoes (Eastern) Fair Steady Watermelon Good Steady Stone Fruit Tomatoes (Western) Seattle: 206-625-1412 · Portland: 503-491-5974 · Spokane: 509-535-7393 · Anchorage: 907-258-1412 Page 1 Conventional APPLES & PEARS Red Delicious are steady on all sizes. They are still peaking on 80ct and larger in the premium grades. Golden Delicious are steady on all sizes and continue to peak on 88/100ct. Granny Smith remain steady on all sizes. The availability of 80ct and larger is excellent while the 88ct and smaller remain short. Grannies are peaking on Washington extra-fancy 72/80ct with light supplies of the smaller sizes. Washington Gala are slightly higher and are peaking on 88/100ct. Fuji are steady to higher and peak on 64/72ct. Braeburn, Jonagold, Honeycrisp, and Pink Lady are still available but the availability is light. The Honeycrisp market is steady to higher with light supplies. Many packers will finish shipping them within the next couple weeks. Washington D‘Anjou pears are steady & continue to peak on 80/90ct while 120ct and smaller remain short. Washington Bosc are steady, peaking on 80/90ct. Most packers are finishing up with domestic Bosc. Washington red D’Anjou availability is light, but they are steady on all sizes, peaking on 45/50 half-cartons. Imported Bartletts are peaking on 100ct and larger. ASPARAGUS This market is firm. Demand was expected to be strong for the Easter pull but so far, demand has been light. Moderate supplies exist on Mexican product. The main packs continue to be in standard and large sizing out of the Mexico region. Supplies will be very tight on extra-large and jumbo packs. Domestic supplies are available to load out of Salinas but pricing is higher. Standard and large will be the main sizing available. AVOCADO Supplies from Mexico are lighter. Mexico’s growers are currently in clean up mode in some groves. 48ct and larger continue to be very short. California fruit is coming to market in light supplies. Overall supplies are light; quality remains good and the market is firm. BELL PEPPERS Market is slightly lower on Green Bell peppers due to demand and supplies leveling out. Green bells are getting active with larger size becoming short and quoted at a premium. Smaller size and choice green bells are more readily available. Southern California has started in light volume and production should increase in the next couple of weeks. Colored Bells are slightly higher. Gold Bells continue to be short and in limited hands BERRIES The Strawberry market is steady and quality is fair to good. Volume is increasing out of California with fruit now coming out of Oxnard, Santa Maria, Salinas and Watsonville regions. Oxnard and Santa Maria volumes continue to rise with lighter volumes available out of the northern districts. Watsonville received one half inch of rain Sunday evening / Monday morning which resulted in some harvests being cancelled early this week. Crews have returned to those fields to cull and clean the plants and have returned to production efforts. We will see increased demand this week as we get into the pull for Easter fruit. Blackberries: the market is steady and quality may suffer this week as recent rain and hail in central Mexico have disrupted harvests and diminished projected available volumes. Availability will be lighter and loading will be affected out of all areas. Overall, volume should be increasing for this period of the season, so we look for this disruption in supply and quality to be short lived (5-7 days). Raspberries: the market is steady and quality has improved with fewer reports of soft fruit. Production out of Santa Maria has increased as Oxnard and Mexico have come off. Blueberries: the market is steady, quality is fair to good. Domestic supplies have begun in a small. Quality reported as good with domestic fruit. Pints and larger pack specials are limited to not available, best availability in 4.4 and 6oz clams. BROCCOLI The market is steady. Demand is light and supplies are moderate at best. CARROTS California’s desert crop is going well with fair size coming out of the fields. Jumbo size carrot availability has improved. Quality of carrots is good. CAULIFLOWER This commodity remains steady in the marketplace. Yuma continues to have light supplies and Salinas’ production is moderate at best. Issues on quality include rough curd, brown spotting and yellow casting. CELERY Large celery continues to have big production numbers. Overall this market has remained on a steady path. Small sizing continues to demand a higher price. Oxnard is the growing region at this time. Yuma is just about finished with most suppliers. Santa Maria has been in and out in terms of availability. CITRUS Lemon demand is picking up. Crop is peaking on 140ct and larger right now with the 165ct and smaller remaining tight in supply. Oranges: Navels are moving very well with supplies peaking on 72ct and larger. Demand exceeds supplies on smaller fruit, (113 & 138ct). External color is very good. Internal maturity is good and eating quality is excellent. Limes: The market has jumped up again and the trend for the next month or so is upward. Demand has increased and supplies have dropped. Less than favorable weather in the growing areas has slowed down production. The winter crop is the lowest volume crop of the year, and we are into that crop now. The forecast of lighter supplies from April through mid-May will probably continue to support these higher prices. The overall quality continues to be acceptable with some yellowing and minor defects showing. CUCUMBERS Market is steady. Production from Sonora is lower volume with the majority of the production still coming from Sinaloa. Expected warmer weather ought to increase production and keep the market steady for the next few weeks. EGGPLANT The market is slightly higher as some growers are experiencing gaps. Production has been steady and warmer weather should help production keep pace with demand. We are seeing some adverse effects of the warm weather on some lots of eggplant. We anticipate the continued on page 3 Seattle: 206-625-1412 · Portland: 503-491-5974 · Spokane: 509-535-7393 · Anchorage: 907-258-1412 Page 2 Conventional market to have continued strength as some growers are slowing in production. GRAPES The green seedless grape market has plunged due to excessive inventories. This is especially true on the smaller 500 and 700 code fruit. The larger sizes have better quality but lighter supplies. The red seedless market continues to be firm and steady. Crimsons are now the predominate variety, with good quality and adequate numbers to meet demand. LEAF LETTUCE The romaine market has a pricing gap depending on the supplier. Overall, this market is steady. The reports on romaine quality include instances of staining and discoloration due to epidermal peel and mildew. Weights on romaine are ranging from 30-35 pounds. Green and red leaf pricing is steady. Huron has stronger production compared to the previous week. Warm temperatures are creating insect issues. Shippers have been spraying heavily in the attempt to minimize the bug issue. Supplies are light in Yuma on all leaf items LETTUCE Strong supplies exist on this commodity in Yuma and Huron. Bugs and gnats are an issue in both growing regions as temperatures reach high 80s in Huron and 90s in Yuma. The weights are ranging from 41-46 pounds. Blister, misshapen heads, mildew, weak tip, and epidermal peel continues to be seen upon arrivals but the percentage is less than in past weeks. Supplies look to be strong throughout the week. MELONS Cantaloupe supplies are picking up and demand remains good. The market is beginning to come down because of better supplies. The sizing is peaking on 12ct and 15ct with fewer 9ct. Offshore melons continue to arrive on the west coast in very light volumes with 12ct the main size. Honeydew: offshore dews are peaking on 6ct. Supplies are steady for the rest of the week. Rainy weather during the planting stages and abnormal overcast weather has caused low yields. Demand is at a steady level and its matching current supplies. Mexican dews have been coming into Nogales but demand for them continues to be light. Quality has been good overall and looks to stay this way. Watermelons are becoming short due to fields running their course with lighter production out of Jalisco. Supplies are extreme demand exceeds. The market will continue short although there is slight increase in production by week’s end.. ONIONS The onion market is active on yellow, red and white onions out of all growing areas. The Northwest season is starting to wind down and will finish up around the end of April. The Texas growing area should start harvesting around the second week of April followed by California. Quality is fair with a few good lots coming out of the Northwest. Mexico finally had a dry week, so better supplies are starting to come across into McAllen, TX the middle of this week. Currently they are just harvesting Yellow and Whites onions. Red onions are about a week away. We should see moderate supplies crossing through next week, and then the crews will take a week off for Easter which will limit supplies. Quality is being reported as Fair to good depending on the lots. Demand is good to moderate. POTATOES Washington- Demand is still good on large cartons (60ct and larger) which has this market firming. All other sizes have good to moderate supplies with a steady market. Quality is being reported as good. Idaho – As you all know the Idaho crop this year is small in size peaking on 80ct and smaller. Norkotahs have a little better size but this variety will finish up in the next three weeks. Look for the large cartons (40ct -70ct) to continue to be very limited for the balance of the storage season. Market on these sizes is very active. All other sizes have good to moderate supplies. Quality is still being reported as good. COLORED POTATOES Western Washington – the market for Reds is steady, most packers aren’t quoting golds anymore. The reds are still peaking on A-size. Bakersfield, California – Red, Gold, and white potatoes are steady on all sizes. All three colors are peaking on A-size. White supplies are limited and will remain so until they start packing desert product in early April. SQUASH Yellow squash and Zucchini are very unsettled with light supplies of quality product. We anticipate Sonoran squash to start by this week which should relieve the market slightly. STONE FRUIT California fruit is on the horizon! Early season peaches, nectarines and apricots are expected to start the week of April 6. Good promotable volume in these items is projected to be available the last week of April. Cherries are also on the horizon. Early season cherries should be available the last week of April. Quality on all is reported to be good although the higher than normal heat has hurt some early cherry crops. TOMATOES Western/Mexico: growers expect supply and quality to improve in the next couple of weeks now that the rains have passed. Mexican production remains sufficient for western demand as the east continues to support their own. Availability is best on medium sized fruit. Roma production is moving into better numbers this week with a couple of growers out of Baja Mexico, (Vizcaino) beginning harvests, with no significant volume until San Quentin comes into the mix in May. With improving supply and quality on both coasts, Roma promotions are recommended. Baja is slowly increasing the amount of grape tomatoes crossing into Nogales to meet western demand. Florida: the Immokalee/Naples growing region in Florida has moderate production as they begin to wind down. For the next couple of weeks, size will continue to drop off with fair quality. Spring production from Immokalee/ Naples and the Palmetto/Ruskin regions will get underway early April. Seattle: 206-625-1412 · Portland: 503-491-5974 · Spokane: 509-535-7393 · Anchorage: 907-258-1412 Page 3
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