Macroeconomic Theory, Fall 2014 Instructor: Dr. Yulei Luo SEF, HKU October 2014 Suggested Solution to Problem Set 2 1. [10 points] Consider the following Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans model with …scal policy. First, we assume that the private sector (households-…rms) is modeled as a representative agent who maximizes its lifetime utility and has access to a technology to produce consumption goods using capital and labor as inputs. The single good in the economy can either be consumed or saved in the form of physical capital. In addition, the government in the economy collects taxes on output and consumption for …nancing its spending. The government does not print any money or does not issue bond. Therefore, the single-period government budget constraint is gt = y t yt + c t ct ; t 0; (1) where gt is government spending, yt is the output tax rate, ct is the consumption tax rate, yt is output, and ct is consumption. For simplicity, we assume that yt and ct are constant over time, i.e., yt = y and ct = c . With population growth equal to n, the resource constraint for the representative agent is y (1 + n) kt+1 = (1 ) kt + (1 (1 + c ) ct ; (2) t ) yt where yt = f (kt ) = kt , is to 2 (0; 1). The objective of the representative agent max fct ;kt+1 g where 1 X t=0 1 t ct 1 1 ; (3) > 0 and subject to (2) and given k0 . (a) Derive the Euler equation for this RCK model with …scal policy. Solution: Given the balanced government budget, the resource constraint facing the representative agent can be written as: (1 + n) kt+1 = (1 y t ) yt The Lagrangian for this problem is ( 1 X c1t 1 y t + t [(1 L= t ) yt 1 t=0 1 c (1 + (1 + c ) ct + (1 ) ct + (1 ) kt : ) kt (4) ) (1 + n) kt+1 ] : The FOCs w.r.t. ct and kt+1 yields: ct (1 + n) c = (1 + t = ) t; (5) y t) (1 kt+11 + 1 t+1 and the TVC is t lim t!1 t kt+1 = 0: (6) Combining the two FOCs yields the following Euler equation: (1 + n) ct = y t) (1 kt+11 + 1 ct+1 : (7) (b) Find the steady state values of k and c. Solution: In the steady state, we have kt+1 = kt = k and ct+1 = ct = c. Using (7), we can pin down: k= 1=(1 y t) (1 (1 + n) = (1 ) : ) Using the resource constraint, we can pin down: i 1 h y c= k (n + ) k : (1 ) t 1+ c (8) (c) After linearizing the two-di¤erence equation system around the steady state, show that the model economy is saddle-point stable in the neighborhood of the steady state. Solution: We can now linearize the two di¤erence equation system around the steady state: #" # " #" # " 1 1+ c e e k 1 0 kt+1 t 1+n = ; (9) e ct Q 1 e ct+1 0 1 | {z }| {z } | {z }| {z } J u v M where x et+1 = xt+1 x (x = c; k) and Q = 1 1+n (1 0. The above system can be rewritten as " # " #" 1 1+ c e kt+1 1+n = c 1 e ct+1 Q 1 + Q 1+ 1+n | {z } | {z }| u jbI Kj = 0 =) K=J 1M 1+ c 1+n 1 b 1 2 Q b 1 y t) ( # e kt : e ct {z } v c Q 1+ 1+n =0 1) k 2 c> (10) b2 1+Q 1+ c 1 1 b + = 0 =) + 1+n trace (K) = b1 + b2 = 1 + Q det (K) = b1 b2 = 1 1 1+ c + > 2; 1+n >1 Hence, the discriminant should be positive because = trace (K)2 4 det (K) = 1+Q 1+ c 1 + 1+n 2 4 1 >0 which means that both roots are real. Also, because det = 1 > 1 and trace > 2; the two roots must individually be positive. We can also judge the magnitudes of the two roots as follows: jbI Kj = 0 () p (b) = (b b1 ) (b p (1) = (1 = b1 ) (1 b2 ) = 1 1+ c < 0: Q 1+n b2 ) = 0 =) trace (K) + det (K) This can only be true if one root (say b1 ) is less than 1 and the other root is greater than 1: We can then conclude (and con…rm the predictions of the PD) that the equilibrium is saddle-point. 2. [6 points] (a) Find the unique invariant unconditional probability distribution for the Markov chain with transition probabilities described by 2 3 0:7 0:2 0:1 6 7 P = 4 0:3 0:4 0:3 5 : (11) 0:1 0:1 0:8 Solution: (a) The unique invariant unconditional probability distribution is = [0:4000 0:2857 0:3143] : (b) Given the following AR(1) process: yt+1 = yt + "t+1 + c; where (12) 2 (0; 1), and Et ["t+1 ] = 0; Et "2t+1 = 3 2 ; Et ["t+k "t+k+1 ] = 0: (13) Compute (i) the unconditional mean and variance of y: E [yt ] and var [yt ], and (ii) the conditional expectation and variance of yt+k based on the time-t information set: Et [yt+k ] and vart [yt+k ], for k 1. Solution: (i) E [yt ] = 2 c ; var [yt ] = 1 2 1 : (ii) Et [yt+k ] = k yt + 0 k 1 X vart [yt+k ] = @ j=0 k 1 X j c; j=0 1 2j A 2 ; for k 1: 3. [5 points] Consider the following AK model with distortionary taxes: max fct ;kt+1 g where 1 X 1 t ct 1 t=0 1 ; (14) ct + Tt ; (15) > 0 and the resource constraint is kt+1 = (1 ) Akt where is the tax rate on capital income levied by the government and Tt is a lump-sum transfer from the government. Assume that the government runs balanced budget: Tt = Akt : (16) Derive the growth rate of consumption in terms of model parameters when the economy is on the balanced growth path and show that this growth rate is a decreasing function of the tax rate, . Solution: Note that the agent takes the transfer from the government (Tt ) as given. The Euler equation is ct = (1 ) Act+1 ; (17) where (1 ) A is the after-tax return return on capital. The growth rate of consumption can thus be written as ct+1 = [ (1 ) A]1= : ct It clearly shows that @ ct+1 ct @ 4 < 0: (18) 4. [9 points] In the optimal growth models discussed in class, we assume that the agent does not value leisure and labor supply is inelastic and …xed. Here we relax this assumption by allowing the agent to decide how to split his or her time between enjoying leisure and working. Speci…cally, we assume that the agent need to solve the following optimization problem: max fct ;lt ;kt+1 g 1 X t u (ct ; ht ) ; t=0 subject to kt+1 = (1 ) kt + f (kt ; ht ) ct ; given k0 , where kt is capital, ct is consumption, ht measures the units of labor used to produce goods, 1 ht measures the units of leisure, and the production function and the utility function are de…ned as f (kt ; ht ) = kt ht1 and u (ct ; ht ) = ln (ct ) + B ln (1 ht ) ; (19) respectively. Here B is some positive constant. (a) Find the …rst order conditions for ct ; lt ; and kt+1 . Solution:Set up the Lagrangian: "1 X t L=E ln (ct ) + B ln (1 ht ) + t (1 ) kt + kt ht1 ct t=0 kt+1 # (20) where t 0 denote the multiplier on the resource constraint, (??), at time t. The FOCs w.r.t. ct , lt , and kt+1 are 1 ct B 1 ht t = t; = t (1 = Et (21) " ) 1 kt ht + ; (22) kt+1 ht+1 1 ! t+1 # : (23) (b) Using all the …rst-order conditions together with the resource constraint to derive the steady state values of ct ; lt ; and kt+1 . Solution: Combining two intra-temporal …rst-order conditions, (21) and (22), gives B 1 kt = (1 ) : (24) 1 ht ct ht 5 ; By the de…nition of steady sate, the steady state values of ct ; ht ; and kt+1 must satisfy B 1 1 (1 c = h 1 = k h ) 1 ; k h + 1 0 = (25) ! 1 k+k h ; (26) c: (27) From (26), we can determine 1 k 1 = h 1=( + 1) 1 : (28) Substituting it into (27), we have c 1 = k 1 k h and Combining the expressions for 1 c 1 = h + 1 h = 1 c k gives 1 1 Substituting the expressions for c + k h 1 and c k 1 1 B : 1 1=( + 1) 1 (29) into (25) gives =( + 1) 1 : (30) Using (29) and (30), we can determine h: 1 h h 1 = = h = " 1 + 1 1 ( " 1+ 1 1 1 1 + 1 1 # 1 1 + 1 B 1 B # =) B 1 ) 1 ; which means that @h < 0: @B Using (31), (28), and (29), we can easily determine k and c. 6 1 1 1 1 + 1 (31) (c) What is the e¤ect of an increase in B on the steady state value of capital? Explain brie‡y about the economic intuition behind your result about the e¤ect of B on the steady state capital stock. Solution: Since k= and @h @B 1 1 1=( + 1 1) h; < 0, an increase in B will reduce the steady state level of capital stock: @k < 0: @B The intuition behind this result is that an increase in B means that the agent values leisure more and supplies less labor to the labor market; consequently the economy will produce less goods and services and then lead to less capital stock and consumption in the steady state. 7
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