the firing line O f fic ia l N ew s le t t e r o f t h e C h e r r y C re ek G u n C l u b, I n c. - Fo u n d e d i n 1 9 5 0 March 2015 - Vol. LXV No. 3 Contact ATF: Oppose 5.56 M855 Ball Ammunition Ban The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has announced it is seeking to ban commonplace 5.56 M855 ball ammunition as “armor piercing ammunition.” ATF is seeking public comment on the proposal, so all industry employees, target shooters and gun owners should contact ATF to oppose this unnecessary ban, which is truly a solution in search of a problem and that raises serious questions about executive agency attitude and overreach. Stopped cold on Capitol Hill, this action appears to be the Obama administration’s attempt to pursue gun control by other means. Commonly available steel-core, “green tip” M855 and SS109 rifle ammunition that is primarily intended and regularly used for “sporting purposes,” like target shooting, has been exempt from federal law banning armor piercing ammunition for decades. There is no question that the 5.56 ball ammo has been in wide use by law-abiding American citizens for sporting purposes. It is with the increasing prevalence of handgun versions of rifle platforms, that ATF now apparently sees an opening to now ban the widely used M855 and SS109 ammunition. It would be legally permissible to continue to possess and use so- defined “armor piercing” ammunition currently possessed. However, rescinding the decades-old exemption will have a major impact. It will become illegal to manufacture, import, distribute or sell at retail this very popular rifle target ammunition. ATF’s proposed “framework” for applying the “sporting purpose” exemption test rewrites the law passed by Congress to disregard the manufacturer’s intention that a projectile or cartridge is “primarily intended for a supporting purpose.” ATF inappropriately places the focus on how criminals might misuse sporting ammunition in a handgun. Just as disturbing, language used by ATF in its long white paper refers to criminals as a “consumer group.” The implication that the industry purposely sells firearms and ammunition to criminals is misleading and echoes the shopworn charges of the gun control lobby. Manufacturers will face serious limitations in their ability to develop and market alternative ammunition in other popular hunting rounds, such as .308 rifle hunting ammunition, if ATF’s so-called “framework” is adopted. This will have a detrimental effect on hunting nationwide, especially in California where a total ban on traditional ammunition for hunting is being phased in now. ATF is soliciting comments on how it can best implement withdrawal of this exemption while “minimizing disruption to the ammunition and firearm industry and maximizing officer safety”. Under the proposed framework, 30-06 M2AP cartridges would continue to be exempt because there are no multi-shot handguns generally available that accept such ammunition. The proposal is useless since standard lead-only 5.56 ammunition is “armor piercing” simply due to the round’s velocity. Rifles in this caliber, or any caliber for that matter, are rarely used in crimes. ATF will accept comments on this proposal until March 16, 2015. Email or write ATF today and tell them you oppose this unnecessary, misguided and damaging ban on commonly used ammunition for America’s most popular sporting rifles. ----Email: Fax: (202) 648-9741. Mail: Denise Brown, Mailstop 6N-602, Office of Regulatory Affairs, Enforcement Programs and Services, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, 99 New York Avenue, NE, Washington, DC 20226: ATTN: AP Ammo Comments. Cherry Creek Gun Club, Inc. 1310 S. Clinton St. Denver, CO 80247-2330 (303) 750-4462 (leave message) Mailing Address: 1155 S. Havana St. #11-319, Aurora, CO 80012-4017 Information about CCGC: CCGC also publishes.... Timely news and information for members CCGC Board of Directors & Program Contacts Jim Bailey - President (303) 912-8520 Tom DeHerrera – Rifle Tube (303) 333-8491 Jack Orischak - V-P/Maintenance (303) 941-8949 Carlton Steubing - Safety/Sgt-at-Arms (303) 717-1107 Mike Thomas, Secretary Webmaster/Newsletter Sandy Rudolph - Locker Mgr. John Buglovsky - Treasurer (303) 746-8558 Gary Trisdale - Youth Activities (303) 367-8733 Jack Priest, Maintenance (303) 220-9424 Bill Spinuzzi Membership Coordinator (303) 956-2047 Program Leaders Air Gun Matches - Bill Spinuzzi - (303) 956-2047 / John Lee (e-mail) 2700 Matches - Steve Locatelli – (303) 697-5748 Bullseye League - Brent Cain - (303) 898-3647 Bowling Pin Shoot – Joe Edwards - (303) 693-7466 Smallbore – Gary Trisdale - (303) 367-8733 Door locks receive safety upgrades Basic NRA Safety Rules: This is the new door exit push button When it is RED. the door is latched. Press the button and it will turn GREEN It will stay GREEN for about 30 seconds At this time you will be able to exit by pushing on the door. Below is the Motion Sensor that is located above the door. You are able to walk up to the door, the light will turn GREEN and the door latch will release and you will be able to exit by pushing on the door. If the Motion Sensor does not turn GREEN, move around until the light does turn GREEN or press the Button to exit If you have any questions or problems contact: Bill Spinuzzi “Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.” 1. ALWAYS KEEP THE MUZZLE IN A SAFE DIRECTION 2. ALWAYS KEEP YOUR FINGER OFF THE TRIGGER UNTIL READY TO FIRE 3. ALWAYS KEEP YOUR FIREARM UNLOADED UNTIL READY TO USE Mark Twain (1835-1910) Please read and abide by the Range Rules as set forth in the Cherry Creek Gun Club Rules Book! 3 Revised Guest Policy - effective immediately A Liability Waiver must be completed for EVERY guest UPON entering the facility. The Guest Fee is $10.00 per guest per day for any individual age seventeen (17) and above. Guest Fee applies only to guests who shoot. A CCGC Liability Waiver (found at the left of the main door) must be filled out and signed by the Member and Member’s Guest(s) prior to shooting. Waiver and Guest Fee (if any) must be placed in the slot in the vault door. A Red Guest Tag must be filled out & worn visibly above the waist by each guest. A Member may take no more than four (4) Guests at any one time into a CCGC shooting range. Exceptions may be made upon approval of the BOD. No more than two (2) adjacent shooting lanes may be occupied by the Member and Guest(s) at any one time. Member is responsible for Member’s Guest(s) at all times, Member must remain in the shooting range with guests. FOR SALE Dillon 650XL Quickstand for loading .41 Magnum. Includes stand, powder measure and Redding dies. Total purchased new $170 - asking $900. Justin, 303-748-6024 You can join the NRA or renew your membership just by clicking the NRA logo to the left. Right now, your one-year membership through this link will be discounted by $10*. All CCGC members must be NRA members, and joining through this link helps support the club and its activities. * As of March 30, 2008. The discount is offered by the NRA and is subject to change at any time without notice. Your access to the latest at CCGC: 4 Cherry Creek Gun Club February 13, 2015 Part I. General Membership Present – Jim Bailey, Jack Orischak, Mike Thomas, John Buglovsky, Tom DeHerrera, Gary Trisdale, Sandy Rudolph, Carlton Steubing, Jack Priest Absent – None 1. Call meeting to order 2. Pledge of Allegiance ance -– 100%; 2014 members not renewed - 60 Resignations – 21 10. Ongoing Board/Committee Reports Bill Spinuzzi - Update on second New Member Safety Orientation – felt by participants to be very positive, coordinated with Carlton Steubing and John Lee Tom DeHerrera – Is well on the way to good health again, ready for anyone who wants to contact him for Rifle Tube certification 14. Introductions / Voting on New Members – 6 new members – All Approved Patricia McMaster, Danyel McMaster, Charles Lawson, John Ivy, Jennifer Kunugi, Craig Schottenstein 15. Topics of interest from Club Members – Open Forum – Board of Director topics to discuss from members February 21 - Bicentennial Park, Alameda & Potomac, Aurora – show support for Aurora Police 3. Presentation of guests 11. Correspondence - None 4. Approval of General Membership Meeting minutes 5. Presidents Report Jim Bailey – Clark Calve had a biopsy for spot on lung, results unknown; Chuck Towne fell and broke his hip, now in rehab 12. Old Business Bill Spinuzzi – Outside camera update – Installed outside the west wall of the Meeting Room, covers West Range entrance, parking lot entrance and Meeting Room (west side). More cameras planned in coming weeks. 6. Vice-Presidents Report Part II. Board of Directors NOTE: This is now the beginning of the CCGC Board of Director portion of the Monthly Meeting. This is not open to membership discussion unless the BOD determines membership participation will be helpful. 1. Approval of BOD Minutes – No changes 13. New Business Jack Orischak - Occupanncy sensors have been installed in restrooms and locker rooms 7. Secretary Report Mike Thomas – Comments on survey results mostly favorable since e-mailing it, most said the survey comments represented true conditions, positive AND negative 8. Treasurer Report John Buglovsky – E-mailed financial statement 9. Membership Coordinator Report Bill Spinuzzi – CCGC membership update - 509; NRA compli- 2. Old BOD-Specific Business Carlton Steubing - Revisions to Guest Policy – generated a lot of discussion, held over for Board Meeting – Final text will be available in next few days for inclusion with minutes. Approved is $10 fee for ages 17+, youth 16 and under Free, limits on number of guests members can bring. Bill Spinuzzi – place updated BOD contact information by telephone – 3 locations, by both phones, in Rifle Tube by exit door Phone installation in Rifle Tube – wiring in place, Jim Bailey will provide phone Monitor in Meeting Room – what would you like to see? Contact Bill to install Mike Thomas – Instructor Qualifications & Instruction Guidelines – Introduction of latest guidelines and e-mail changes, explanation of importance that Club sponsors some sort of ongoing training for members and families, discussion led to creation of committee to study guidelines further – Jim Bailey, Mike Thomas, Carlton Steubing, John Buglovsky, Tom DeHerrera, Bill Davis 3. New BOD-Specific Business Carlton Steubing – Shelf to be built on back wall of East Range– approved, allotted $250 budget to get job done 4. Adjourn 5 Web Cinema Membership issues? Access problems? CCGC is a &utm_campaign=b4576c5570-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_ medium=email&utm_term=0_6f6fac3eaa-b4576c55707170817#axzz3SxpF46sa 6 facility How to shoot a Pistol with world champion shooter, Jerry Miculek NO SMOKING Contact: Bill Spinuzzi (303) 956-2047 get the maximum amount of exposure possible! advertise in the newsletter! CCGC members may post - items for sale - items being sought - services rendered in this newsletter or on the website. All items must include an ending date. Please limit your text and allow for editing. Only items in good taste will be advertised, as determined by WebAdmin or the Board of Directors of CCGC. Contact: to have your ad posted. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS IS??? This is a Backstop Damage Eliminator Device (BDED), also known as a “Laser Pointer”. You will see these commonly used during present-ations. This is one of the simplest ways to determine if you are correctly hanging your target at the height that will not cause any bullet hits in the “RED” backstop area, the “CEILING”, or the “FLOOR”. When you set your target at the height and distance you plan on shooting, take about 15 seconds and use your BDED, standing, sitting, on a rest, or whatever position you choose. Point the BDED at the target and then move it off the target to see where your bullets are going to go once they go through the target. Oh, yea, surprise, guess what? The targets do not stop the bullets! The backstop stops the bullets, or the ceiling, or the floor, or the mechanical hanging system. If you do not believe it, take a stroll down range sometime when it is safe and look for yourself. Remember, we are all owners of this fine facility and it takes ALL of us to be aware of the fact that one person’s damage does affect all of us. 7 NEW!! CCGC Meeting Format Cherry Creek Gun Club __________________, 2015 Part I. General Membership Present – Absent – 1. Call meeting to order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Presentation of guests 4. Approval of General Membership Meeting minutes 5. Presidents Report 6. Vice-Presidents Report 7. Secretary Report 8. Treasurer Report 9. Membership Coordinator Report 10. Ongoing Board/Committee Reports 11. Correspondence 12. Old Business 13. New Business 14. Introductions / Voting on New Members 15. Topics of interest from Club Members – Open Forum – Board of Director topics to discuss from members Part II. Board of Directors NOTE: This is now the beginning of the CCGC Board of Director portion of the Monthly Meeting. This is not open to membership discussion unless the BOD determines membership participation will be helpful. 1. Approval of BOD Minutes 2. Old BOD-Specific Business 3. New BOD-Specific Business 4. Adjourn can save booths you want to revisit, documents or videos in a booth, catalogs, and brochures. Your Sportshow Show Bag saves everything you put in it until the show closes. You can access it at any time. Several times during the Show Management will place Product Sales and Special messages in your Show Bag. Check your Show Bag whenever you log in and visit the show. From the show site: How the North American Sportshow works. Free Prize Drawings are easy to enter using the Sportshow Click to Enter feature. No one wants to fill out separate entry forms for every free drawing. When you click on a Free Drawing Button in any Booth Exhibit a box will open showing the free drawing item. Below the Free Drawing item you will see a box that says “Save Free Drawing to Show Bag.” Click on Save to Show Bag and you have automatically entered that free drawing. The Drawing is also saved to your Show Bag so you can check at any time the Free Drawings you have entered. You can only enter each free drawing one time. The Sportshow is virtual reality event you attend on line. You attend the show by logging in using the unique password from your ticket purchase or FREE Admission and the email address you used to register for the Sportshow. The Sportshow has a Lobby Hall, Exhibit Halls, a Networking lounge, New Product Showcase and an Auditorium. You move around and navigate the show by choosing the halls you want to visit. Every Hall and Booth exhibit in the show shares a navigation bar at the bottom of your computer screen. You can delete items from your Show Bag but do not delete any of the free drawings. If you inadvertently delete a free drawing from your Show Bag the show system allows you to go back to that booth and reenter that drawing. Winners of Free Drawings and Giveaways will be notified by Email. You can use the navigation bar to move quickly to any location in the show. The Locations choice in the Navigation Bar can take you to any hall or location in the Show. In the Exhibit Hall you will see an arrow half way up your screen page on the both the left and right hand side. Scroll over either arrow and you will move that direction in the hall. Scroll closer to the tip of the arrow to walk down the hall at a faster pace. There are many videos in the show. Videos can be replayed or turned off by clicking on the video. Every booth, in the Exhibit Hall has a tab in the upper right hand corner of the booth. You can click on the tab choices to move to the next booth, the previous booth or back to the exhibit hall. The march of improvement in any given field is always marked by periods of inactivity and then by sudden bursts of energy which revolutionize existing methods sometimes in a day. George Eastman You can also use this tab to save the booth to your Show Bag. At the bottom of every booth the Navigation Bar is available so you can go from any booth directly to any Hall in the show. There are also hyperlinks in the show that will take you to different areas or directly to an exhibitors booth. In most booths there is a contact us button that allows you to email directly with company reps. The navigation bar also includes a personal Show Bag for each show visitor. It is an electronic literature bag that you 8 Only in Canada! by Bryan Conover These photos were taken in Alberta, Canada. Bambi & Thumper really do exist. May you always have Love to Share, Health to Spare, And Friends that Care. May You Be Blessed! These were sent by a Canadian friend. Enjoy them. A rare Ontario treat. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did!!! With all the madness in this world there is still magic in nature. What an incredible photographer to have caught these shots. Copyright Tanja Askani They can’t have my apple. 9 OK, I’m curious. Oh, yes! I know mother-love in any form. Very nice. I’m glad you came by. You never would have believed me if you hadn’t seen it for yourself. Mom’s going to be mad, but I would like to stay. Now the dog has calmed down Oh, you’re not like the thing I just sniffed. What are you. The dog looks a little nervous , check out the hair on his back, sort of the attack mode!! Beautiful Snow Moose A must see. You probably won’t see this again in your lifetime! l ook behind the moose on the left. 10 It really doesn’t matter what color the outside is, white chocolate or dark brown chocolate. These animals were photographed just north of the Barber Lake on a highway near Mine Center, Ontario. . Once in a while there is an opportu- Hunter Education Safety Rules Always assume the gun nity to take in a piece of nature that you may never see. In these days of unrest and turmoil it’s great to see that GOD still produces some wondrous beauty. is loaded The odds of seeing an albino moose are astronomical near Mine Center , ON is even greater than astronomical. To see two of them together is nearly impossible. Control the muzzle - Keep it pointed in a safe direction Trigger - Keep your Absolutely stunning! finger off the trigger until ready to shoot Target - Know what you are shooting at and what is behind it The driver is really wishing his camera was handy. We wanted to share these photos with as many people as possible because you will probably never have a chance to see this rare sight again. This is a really special treat, so enjoy the shots of a lifetime! The Little Things... There are five key relationships: a relationship with God, a relationship with the members of our families, a relationship with others, a relationship with ourselves, and a relationship with things. If we fail to follow this order, we can be certain that, sooner or later, problems will arise. After all, true happiness does not come from things themselves or from what we accumulate or achieve. True happiness comes from the right relationship with God, others and things. Things and achievements -- of course it is always good to have them -- may provide undeniable pleasure. but it is the kind of a momentary and evanescent pleasure and can never provide the deep fulfillment one is looking for. Favorable circumstances may produce enjoyment, but they are unable to provide fulfillment. If we were overly concerned about big things in life, we would usually miss the little things that make all the difference in the world. Ironically, these little things can be more important than the big things because they embody, in one way or another, our relationship with God, with others, and with ourselves. They tell the story of our subtle connections, exhibit our values, and define our very identity. No mater what, we cannot escape this simple truth: we do what we are. Confucius put it this way: “And remember, no matter where you go, there you are.” Jean Maalouf, Your New Adventure: Make the Most of the Rest of Your Life 11 March - April 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 6 1 2 3 4 5 Tanner Gun Show Denver Mart Bullseye Shooting 4:00 to 8:00 PM Both Ranges Pin Shooting 6:30 to 9:30 PM West Range Small bore 5:00 to 9:00 PM East Range Juniors 5:00 to 10:00PM Both Ranges 8 9 10 11 12 13 Pin Shooting 6:30 to 9:30 PM West Range Small bore 5:00 to 9:00 PM East Range Juniors 5:00 to 10:00PM Both Ranges General/Board Meeting - 7:00 PM 18 19 20 Bullseye Shooting 4:00 to 8:00 PM Both Ranges 15 Airguns - 9 am, West Range 16 Bullseye Shooting 4:00 to 8:00 PM Both Ranges 17 Pin Shooting 6:30 to 9:30 PM West Range Small bore 5:00 to 9:00 PM East Range 22 23 24 25 26 Bullseye Shooting 4:00 to 8:00 PM Both Ranges Pin Shooting 6:30 to 9:30 PM West Range Small bore 5:00 to 9:00 PM East Range Juniors 5:00 to 10:00PM Both Ranges 1 2 29 30 Bullseye Shooting 4:00 to 8:00 PM Both Ranges 5 12 Airguns - 9 am, West Range Pin Shooting 6:30 to 9:30 PM West Range Small bore 5:00 to 9:00 PM East Range Juniors 5:00 to 10:00PM Both Ranges 14 21 Hunter Education 10 am - 12 Noon East Range closed Tanner Gun Show 27 28 2700 Match 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM East Range 3 4 Hunter Education 3:00 to 5:30 PM East Range closed 6 7 8 9 10 11 Bullseye Shooting 4:00 to 8:00 PM Both Ranges Pin Shooting 6:30 to 9:30 PM West Range Small bore 5:00 to 9:00 PM East Range Juniors 5:00 to 10:00PM Both Ranges General/Board Meeting - 7:00 PM Hunter Education 8 AM to 3:30 PM East Range closed 13 14 15 16 17 18 24 25 Bullseye Shooting 4:00 to 8:00 PM Both Ranges 19 31 7 Hunter Education - 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Meeting Room & East Range closed TENTATIVE Hunter Education - 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Meeting Room & East Range Closed East Range closed. Juniors 5:00 to 10:00PM Both Ranges Tanner Gun Show Denver Mart Saturday 20 Bullseye Shooting 4:00 to 8:00 PM Both Ranges Pin Shooting 6:30 to 9:30 PM West Range 21 Pin Shooting 6:30 to 9:30 PM West Range Small bore 5:00 to 9:00 PM East Range 22 Juniors 5:00 to 10:00PM Both Ranges 23 Small bore 5:00 to 9:00 PM East Range East Range Closed Juniors 5:00 to 10:00PM Both Ranges 2700 Match 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM East Range Tanner Gun Show 26 27 Tanner Gun Show Bullseye Shooting 4:00 to 8:00 PM Denver Mart Both Ranges 28 Pin Shooting 6:30 to 9:30 PM West Range 29 30 Small bore 5:00 to 9:00 PM East Range 12 Juniors 5:00 to 10:00PM Both Ranges
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