Attend the Scoutrees Information Sessions

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April /2015 ‐ Chinook Council Attend the Scoutrees Information Sessions
Looking to get Transportation to attend Pacific
Jamboree 2015?
Introducing the New 272 Culinary Cooking Company
Bring your Beavers, Cubs and Scouts to the Nose Hill
West Rally
We will be holding information sessions at the Calgary Scout Service Centre, Gibson Room from 7
PM until 8:30 PM on Tuesday April 07 and Thursday, April 09. Come to either (or both) of the
sessions and learn about the Scoutrees Program, Program benefits to the environment, the Sears Eco­
Scouts opportunity, fundraising, program ideas and planting trees. Pre­registration is not required. For an
information session in your area, contact any of the scouters listed below. We will be more than willing
to accommodate you. For more information contact Mike Strachey
Be Part of the Gardner Club Breakfast!
Survivorman 2015
Registrations must be in groups of 3 ­
5 Venturers/Rovers for Level 1 participants; youth will
attempt to complete the challenge in the group they
register with.
For Level 2 participants please register with your group
from previous year's event. You will spend one night as
a group and the second on your own (you must have
completed Level 1 to do Level 2).
For Level 3 participants will spend both nights on their
During the day groups will participate in
survival activities to challenge the skills of your team &
to earn rewards.
Two advisor from each section needs to attend, but will
stay separately from the youth. Advisors will bring own
food for Friday and Saturday, an advisors potluck will
take place Saturday evening.
A risk management plan for each activity group must
be submitted to Blake Edwards by e­mail at by May 31, 2015.
When: Friday, June 12 ­ Sunday, June 14, 2015. On
site check in from 6 ­ 9 PM on Friday.
Where: Camp Impeesa. Beaver Mines Lake, AB
Who: Registered Venturer Scouts (ages 14 ­ 17),
registered Rover Scouts (ages 18 ­ 26) and their
Registered Advisors.
Register: $26 per person due at sign up (before May 4);
$30 per person due at sign up (after May 4); $20 for
Advisors & volunteers due at sign up contact Cindy at
the Calgary Service Centre 403 283 4993 or
Those groups who cannot complete 2 nights over the
weekend can make arrangements to start a day early.
Please contact Paulette Harrison as listed below.
Questions & contact for the event please
email Paulette Harrison at
Click here to get the flyer
Chinook Council is Receiving Registrations
for 2015 Summer Camp
Even though some details are still being defined,
Chinook Council is already receiving registrations for
summer camp. Later we will the final dates and
brochure to distribute, but on the meanwhile you can
download the 2015 forms
reserve­campgrounds and register through Cindy at or call her at (403)283­4993.
If you have any questions, please contact Blake
Edwards at .
Learn To Fly Fish
Chinook Council is offering dry land and on the river fly
fishing sessions in the spring and fall of 2015.
Scout, Venturers, Rovers & Leaders
Dry Land Sessions:
Learn the basics of fly fishing from an experienced fly
fishing outfitter. We will cover how to setup your rod
and reel, how to hold your rod, tying on flys, types of
casting and practice those casting techniques.
When & Where: June 6, 2015 at Camp Gardner / June
13, 2015 at Camp Impeesa Time: 11:00 am ­ 4:00 pm
Wet Session ­ On the river:
Here we take the skills you have learned in the dry land
session or come with previous experience to spend the
day on the West Castle River. With help from an
experienced outfitter.
When & Where: September 12, 2015 on the West
Castle River. Meet at Camp Impeesa for directions.
Time: 10:00 am ­ 4:00 pm
Soapbox Derby Hosted by 224th Sandstone
Dry Land Sessions: $20 per person
Wet Session: $25 per person
Included: Full instruction and all equipment.
*Note for Wet Session only: Those 16 years and older
MUST purchase an Alberta Fishing License prior to the
session! Those 16 & under do not need a license.
Please bring snacks & lunch for the day. Dress
appropriately for weather in the mountains and on the
Register Today. Call the Calgary Scout Centre and
talk to Cindy at (403)283­4993 or email Cindy at
Click here to download the flyer
Looking to get Transportation to attend Pacific
Jamboree 2015?
Dear Scouters,
We have been getting a growing number of requests for
help coordinating bus travel to PJ this summer.
Paulette Harrison in Chinook Council has agreed to be
the coordinating point for units who want to share a bus
or who have already rented a bus and have space for
more patrols on their bus.
If you have any questions, please contact Peter Adams, 224th Sandstone Group Commissioner, at
(403)274­8498 or at . You can also check the video for the 2014 Soapbox Derby The next step is simple and it is up to you.
Please reply to Paulette at
confirming that you have space on your bus or want to
share a bus. She is going to organize a virtual meeting
of contact Scouters in the next couple of weeks to help
you get organized.
Paulette will need to know which group you are with,
which council you are in and how many youth and
adults you have travelling.
At least one group has asked about planning an
adventure on the way to and/or from the jamboree and
we'll leave that up to you to work out. Add on activities
are a great idea because they break up the trip and give
the Scouts a chance to see more of this great country
we live in (other than out a bus window).
Douglas MacDonald
Council Executive Director ­ Northern Lights & Chinook
Service Alberta and the Northwest Territories
Soapbox Derby 2014
Introducing the New 272 Culinary Cooking Company
Attention all Venturers and Rovers, we are the new 272 Culinary Cooking Company and are looking for
anyone who is interested in Cooking. The members of this new company will learn different cooking
techniques, menu planning, pack packing /camp foods. These members will also have the opportunity to
prepare, plan and cook at camps, host cooking events to help raise funds for the company so that we as
group are able to travel to other areas where we will either learn about foods or compete in competitions. One of the first things you need to know is that you do not need to change from your current Group to be
a part of this company you just need to have an interest in food, so in other words you will just be part of
two groups.
Interested please see the attached brochure for more
information or contact:
Scouter Martin at email or via cell
403.669­4051 or
Scouter Kathryn Limbert at email or via cell 403.650.8640
Click here to get flyer
Beaveree 2015­ Fun at the Movies
Throughout the day Beavers Scouts will enjoy many
activities based on our theme of "Fun at the Movies".
Each Colony will represent a movie of their choosing
and activities will be based on those movies. Youth will
be given a ticket book the day to collect admissions
from each "theatre" they visit during the day. Full
uniform is required.
Bring your Beavers, Cubs and Scouts to the Nose Hill West Rally
What does the day look like?
To facilitate activities for the day, each Colony will be
responsible for picking a movie to represent. Please
keep them age appropriate. We recommend Colonies
choose a few movies they are interested in, as choices
could be taken as other Colonies register.
When: Saturday June 6, 2015. 10:00 am ­ 3:00 pm
Where: Camp Gardner, 20 minutes West of Calgary.
Parking will be in the camp's main parking lot and
check in at the Eagle's Nest cabin.
Who: All registered Beaver Scout Colonies in Chinook
Council. Colonies must register as a group.
Cost: $20 per person, this includes youth, leaders,
parents and all volunteer helpers. This will cover site
fees, BBQ lunch and snack, and event crest.
Registration: Please call the Calgary Scout Centre and
register with Cindy at (403)283­4993.
Click here for more information
Scotia Jamboree 2015
Scotia Jamboree is about the adventure of being a Scout.
You will be challenged, you will try new things, and you will
have memories you will cherish for a lifetime. It will be the
best scouting experience you will ever have! The Nova Scotia Council will be holding the next in a series
of very successful Scotia Jamborees. SJ'15 will take place
July 11 to 17 2015 at Camp Nedooae (a 45 minute drive
outside Halifax). In short, the perfect place to have the best
scouting experience you will ever have! The registration fee is $190. Click here to register For more information go to the official webpage or reach Carol Mack
Registration will be done on a first come first serve basis. We have capped the registration at 200 total
particpants (Beavers, Cubs and Scouts). We can not guarantee registration on rally day.
Jamboree On The Trail
Jamboree On The Trail is an annual day for the World
Scout Movement to hike together. All Scouts, whatever
their age and wherever they may be in the world, are
invited to participate in whatever way they can. Cubs
and younger Scouting sections could visit a local nature
trail as part of a weekend camp. A Scout Troop might
check out a hiking trail while working on badge
requirements. A Rover Crew might make a Service
Project out of restoring or maintaining a hiking trail.
Registration cost is $5/entry. Youth are only permitted to enter one car each. Each group must ensure
that they provide approiat ratio for attending youth throughout the event. Section scouters will be required
to help organize their youth during the races. Questions and Registrations can be sent to: Brian Paulssen
Registration fees can be made payable to: 243 Tuscany Scouts
For more information click here
In their own way, everyone will be hiking the same
direction: towards a better future through Scouting.
JOTT is held on the second Saturday of May each
Adventurous Pacific Jamboree
July 11­18, 2015
Attention Scouts! Are you looking for your next great
Scouting Adventure? Why not challenge yourself and
sign­up for the Pacific Jamboree! This July you and
your Scout Troop can discover Vancouver Island and
participate in fun, challenging Scouting adventures that
include, sailing the Salish Sea, Kayaking the Gorge
waterway, scaling rock faces, scuba diving, and so
much more!
New to the Scout Shop!
To find out more details or reserve your spot today, visit
the Pacific Jamboree website.
Participating Scout Troops are able to register up until
January 31, 2015, so make sure to visit the registration
page soon and reserve your spot for this summer's
number one event, the Pacific Jamboree!
For more exciting news, please visit:
3 Quick Reference Guides ­ Plastic coated! Only $7.95 each!
Knots­ Color photos of basic knots to hitches and in between!
Night Skies ­ Maps for Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter skies at the 49th latitude.
Animal Tracks of Western Canada ­ Gives you pictures of tracks from large to small mammals, birds
and reptiles.
"Scouting is a vital part of the Aaronic Priesthood activity program." 1 "This is coming from our Church leaders. They're not asking me if I would like to go to training if I have
time. They're saying that all those with responsibility for young men have a duty to be fully trained in
Scouting and Aaronic Priesthood in order to help strengthen and save our youth." 2
1 ­ Charles W. Dahlquist II, former Young Men general president
2 ­ Christopher M. Grimes
Excerpts from Ensign magazine, July 2014 issue­training­was­the­answer?lang=eng&query=Training+was
Awards and Recognition
Remember: April 12­18 is National Volunteer Week ­ be sure to thank a volunteer! For ideas both formal
and informal check out the Recognition Guide at­recognition/Recognition­Guide_web.pdf
Congratulations: to Lloyd Carefoot of 14th Lethbridge. A long time scouter in southern Alberta, Lloyd is
off to Ottawa next week where he will be awarded the Governor General's Caring Canadian award by the
Governor General, David Johnston
Outstanding youth might be eligible for the Medal of the Mapleaward:­maple­requirements Forward application forms to the DCC Recognition ­
Linda King (
Long time scouters: Do you know a scouter who has given outstanding service for many years? The
Council welcomes nominations for The Chinook Council Lifetime Achievement Award. Please contact
the DCC Recognition ­ Linda King ( with the name of a scouter you feel is
deserving of this honour.
For questions and/or suggestions, contact:
Linda King ­ DCC Recognition 403­388­5041
Apr 17 ­ 19, 2015. Location: Camp Gardner. The Iron Scout camp is returning for its 11th year with this year's theme: "Greek Mythology". Scout patrols will
compete at Saturday's cooking competition, using their culinary skills and this year's secret ingredient to see if they are this year's Iron Scout. Please contact
Cindy Friesen at (403)283­4993 to register, or email her at
Camp California 2015
Apr 24 ­ 26, 2015. Location: Lost Lake Camp. A weekend of fun and frolic for Venturers and Rovers.HOSTS: Knights off Artemis. Rover Crew. COST: $20 per
participant (under review). Click here for more info­california­2015
Good Turn Week
April 25th to May 3rd, 2015.
Soap Box Derby Hosted by 224th Sandstone
Saturday May 23, 2015. Time: 9 am to 1 pm. Please contact: Peter Adams 224 Sandstone Group Commissioner 403.274.8498
A5O Scout Skills Camp
May 29, 2015. Come join the 3rd Annual Area 5 Operations A5O Scout Skills Competition as Scout patrols come together to compete in a series of challenges to
determine the top Patrol. For more information, please contact Scouter Jim Taylor at Cub O Rama
May 29­31. Cuborama is a Scouts Canada event for Cub age youth held near Calgary. For more information go the Cub­O­Rama page or email .To register call to the Calgary Service Centre at (403)283­4993 and
ask for Cindy Friesen or email her at . Registration will be $40 per person, including leaders, helpers and parent volunteers. A deposit of $20
per person will be required to hold your spot.
Beaveree 2015­ Lethbridge
May 29 & May 30, 2015. Registration: Please contact Mary Hughes at or 403 394 6811. Please register as early as possible. At least by May 1, 2015.
Click here for more information­2015­lethbridge
Beaveree 2015 ­ "Fun at the Movies"
Saturday June 6, 2015. 10:00 am ­ 3:00 pm. Cost: $20 per person, this includes youth, leaders, parents and all volunteer helpers. Click here to get more information Fly Fishing Program­ Dry Session & Wet Session
Dry Land Session. June 6, 2015 at Camp Gardner / June 13, 2015 at Camp Impeesa. Wet Session ­ On the river. September 12, 2015 on the West Castle River.
Meet at Camp Impeesa for directions. For more info click here­fishing­program
June 12 ­ Sunday, June 14, 2015. Click here for more info­2015
23rd World Scout Jamboree­ WJ2015
July 28­ August 8, 2015. Location: Kirara­hama, Yamaguchi City, Japan. Watch the calendar on for on­line webinars and more in­person sessions! Forward this email
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Scouts Canada ­ Prairie Operations | 2140 Brownsea Drive NW | Calgary | Alberta | T2N 3G9 | Canada