Contact Information - Christ Covenant Presbyterian Church

Contact Information
Church Staff
Staff members may be reached by calling the church office: 256-739-0505.
Andrew Siegenthaler, Pastor
Judy Taylor, Church Secretary
Jonathan Knappenberger, Youth Director 256-339-7406
Tracie Rakestraw, Children’s Director 205-527-4238
The elders are elected by the congregation to be servant leaders and shepherds of God’s people.
They guide the direction and outreach of the church, oversee its teaching and worship, and care
for the spiritual needs of the members. Please contact them if you need counsel or prayer.
Billy Atchison
Jonathan Haynes
Mike Burton
Linton Newlin
Steve Nyquist
Shane Sheffield
Jay Weatherly
Wes Rakestraw
Andrew Siegenthaler 256-531-5504
The deacons are elected by the congregation to assist the elders, primarily by caring for the
physical and material needs of church members. They also extend the love and generosity of
Christ to those outside the church. Please contact them if you or someone you are concerned
about has a physical or material need.
Johnny Cook
Woody Jacobs
James Laminack
Wyatt Pettus
Derek Rakestraw
Mike Durhan
Roger Kornegay
Scott Lewis
Daren Rakestraw
Bo Shirey
Presbyterian Church
March 22, 2015
Because lawlessness will be increased,
the love of many will grow cold;
but the one who endures to the end
will be saved.
Matthew 24:12-13
A Congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA)
Order of Worship
Isaiah 55
Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters;
and you who have no money, come, buy and eat!
Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost.
Why spend money on what is not bread,
and your labor on what does not satisfy?
Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good,
and your soul will delight in the richest of fare.
Give ear and come to me; hear me, that your soul may live.
Thanks be to God!
Come And Welcome
WORDS: Thomas Haweis, 1792
MUSIC: Matthew Perryman Jones, 2004
From the cross uplifted high, Where the Savior deigns to die,
What melodious sounds I hear, Bursting on my ravished ear!
Love’s redeeming work is done—Come and welcome! sinner, come!
Sprinkled now with blood the throne; Why beneath thy burdens groan?
On My piercèd body laid, Justice owns the ransom paid;
Bow the knee, and kiss the Son, Come and welcome! sinner, come!
Spread for thee, the festal board, See with richest dainties stored;
To thy Father’s bosom pressed, Yet again a child confessed,
Never from His house to roam; Come and welcome! sinner, come!
Soon the days of life shall end. Lo, I come—your Savior, Friend!
Safe your spirit to convey To the realms of endless day,
Up to My eternal home—Come and welcome! sinner, come!
Come and welcome! sinner, come!
TEXT: Clara T. Williams, 1875 MUSIC: Karl Digerness, 1997
All my life long I had panted for a drink from some cool spring
That I hoped would quench the burning of the thirst I felt within.
Hallelujah! He has found me, the One my soul so long has craved!
Jesus satisfies all my longings, through his blood I now am saved
Adult Bible Fellowship
The purpose of Adult Bible Fellowship is to teach consistently the whole counsel of God through the study of
the Bible and biblical topics; to encourage the fellowship of believers; and to build disciples by equipping
Christians to make an impact for Jesus Christ beginning in the home and church, and moving to Cullman and
beyond. Coordinator Randy Hays.
Family Life Room 3
For young couples and parents with children at home.
“Family Life is for married couples of all ages with children still at home, although there have been some
single adult sightings! Our ultimate goal is healthier, spirit-filled homes. Our immediate objective is to equip
and encourage participants in their marriages and parental responsibilities. We typically adopt relevant
books by Christian experts as study and discussion guides. However, this is a dynamic group. Our times
together are characterized by honest interaction, healthy dialogue, and occasional off-the-wall comments!
Please come and partake of the Family Life experience!” Led by Jay Weatherly and Steve Turner
Deeper Life Room 8
A study of “Essential Truths of the Christian Faith”.
“Deeper Life is for parents with older children who will be leaving home soon, are already away at college
or just entering their careers. This life stage can be difficult and stressful for parents. Our goal is to apply
how the Lord has prepared us and our children for this through the study of His Word, open discussions and
the fellowship of other believers. Come join us each and every Sunday as we grow together in the
knowledge of God’s promises.” Led by Randy Hays.
Sojourners Room 4
For Empty nesters and grandparents.
The primary goal of Sojourners Adult Bible Fellowship is not presenting information about the Bible.
The primary goal is encouraging ABF members to follow hard after Christ according to the plain meaning
of the biblical text. Join with us in the exciting adventure every Sunday morning after our worship service.
A study of James. Led by Phil Gatlin & Linton Newlin.
Faith Followers Gloria Edwards Room
Faith Followers is for women of all ages who, despite our many and varied God-assigned roles, find our
identities in Jesus Christ. We study Scripture and pray for one another, empowered by the Holy Spirit to
serve with the strength the Lord provides. We are studying The Acts of the Apostles and finding out how
through His Spirit and His Word, the Lord turned the world upside down to build His church while the gates
of hell raged against it. Led by Allison Siegenthaler, Connie McGriff and Gina Nobinger.
Next Step Bell Tower
Biblical perspectives for young women and women with infants to college age children who find themselves
single again: Led by Diane Burton
Iron Sharpens Iron Session Room
Biblical applications and topical discussions concerning the Christian life choices facing men of all ages:
Led by Steve Nyquist
Wisdom Seekers Room 10
For men over 50 who desire a more significant role in the home as mature leaders who acknowledge “the
fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom”. Bible study, open discussion and fellowship each Sunday.
Led by Mike Burton
Sunday Morning Classes
Feeding on the filth around me ‘till my strength was almost gone,
Longed my soul for something better only still to hunger on.
Church Membership
During the Sunday school hour we have a class for those interested in church membership
called the Inquirers Class. Taught by Andrew Siegenthaler and Brad Eidson, it covers the
basics of what our church believes and the privileges and duties of church membership.
We always have interesting and lively discussions and look forward to getting to know
you. Please speak to Pastor Andrew after the service if you would like to attend.
Hallelujah! He has found me, the One my soul so long has craved!
Jesus satisfies all my longings, through his blood I now am saved
Poor I was and sought for riches, something that would satisfy,
But the dust I gathered ‘round me only mocked my soul’s sad cry.
Well of water ever springing, Bread of Life so rich and free,
Untold wealth that never faileth, my Redeemer is to me.
Nursery & Cry Room
A nursery is available for infants through age four. There is also a cry room in the back
of the sanctuary for mothers with young children.
Children’s Sunday School
Sunday school classes for all ages are held after the worship service. The children’s
classes use graded material that covers the big stories and themes of the Bible.
Coordinator Steve Turner and Jonathan Haynes
3 & 4 year-olds
1st Grade
2nd &3rd Grade
4th, 5th & 6th
Grade Boys
4th, 5th & 6th
Grade Girls
Kristi Nyquist & Sue Eidson ……………………………….Room 14
Scott Lewis & Karena Haynes ……………………………...Room 15
Katie Shirey & Neva Cochran………………………………Room 13
Denise Knappenberger & Donnette Rakestraw……………..Room 12
Jonathan Haynes & Bo Shirey ……………………………...Room 8
Jennie Reid & Caroline Lunsford……………………………Room 6
Youth Sunday School
Jonathan & Amanda Knappenberger
Wes Rakestraw & John Knappenberger
Brandon & Laura Reeder
Shane & Tamara Sheffield and Randy & Tara Quinn
Psalm 19:12-14
Who can discern his errors? Forgive my hidden faults.
Keep your servant also from willful sins; may they not rule over me.
Then I will be blameless, innocent of great transgression.
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.
The Solid Rock (Cornerstone)
TEXT: Edward Mote, 1834, refrain Hillsong Music, 2012 TUNE: Hillsong Music, 2012
My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus’ name.
Christ alone, Cornerstone.
Weak made strong in the Savior’s love.
Through the storm He is Lord, Lord of all!
The youth classes cover various biblical and theological topics.
Jonathan Knappenberger, Youth Director
7th & 8th Grade
9th &10th Grade
11th & 12th Grade
Youth House
Youth House
Youth House
Youth House
When darkness veils His lovely face, I rest on His unchanging grace;
In ev’ry high and stormy gale my anchor holds within the veil.
His oath, His covenant, His blood support me in the whelming flood;
When all around my soul gives way, He then is all my hope and stay.
When He shall come with trumpet sound, O may I then in Him be found,
Dressed in His righteousness alone, faultless to stand before the throne.
Sermon Notes
Please place visitor cards in the offering plate.
John 6:49-71
“False Disciples”
Jesus Loves Me
TEXT & MUSIC: Chris Tomlin, Reuben Morgan, Ben Glover, 2014
I was lost, I was in chains, The world had a hold of me;
My heart was a stone, I was covered in shame when He came for me.
I couldn’t run, couldn’t run from His presence;
I couldn’t run, couldn’t run from His arms.
Jesus, He loves me, He loves me, He is for me;
Jesus, how can it be, He loves me, He is for me.
And it was a fire deep in my soul—I’ll never be the same.
I stepped out of the dark and into the light when He called my name.
I couldn’t run, couldn’t run from His presence;
I couldn’t run, couldn’t run from His arms.
He holds the stars and He holds my heart With healing hands that bear the scars;
The rugged cross where He died for me, My only hope, my everything.
Matthew Fox
Roger & Cathy Tew
1. Do you acknowledge yourselves to be sinners in the sight of God, justly deserving His
displeasure and without hope save in His sovereign mercy?
2. Do you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Son of God and Savior of sinners and do you
receive and rest upon Him alone for salvation as He offered in the Gospel?
3. Do you now resolve and promise in humble reliance upon the grace of the Holy Spirit that you
will endeavor to live as becomes the followers of Christ?
4. Do you promise to support the Church in its worship and work to the best of your ability?
5. Do you submit yourselves to the government and discipline of the Church, and promise to study
its purity and peace?
Pray for our Missionaries
Gregg and Julie Nicholson live in Bangkok, Thailand where Gregg does church planting
and leadership training. Julie teaches special education at a prominent international
school. They have four children, Joy, David, Sarah, and Grace.
All Things New
WORDS & MUSIC: Mike Lunsford, 2013
You’ve said you know the plans you have for me;
You’ve said that I am wonderfully made.
But I’ve forsaken all you have for me,
For idols that will all melt away.
March 2015
Hello from Bangkok,
But you stayed true, My God, I praise you!
You came to me in my brokenness,
And pulled me out of the mess,
And you turned me around.
Recently I was downtown at the U.S. Embassy to renew Julie and Joy’s passport. As I walked with
the thousands of people cramming on the sky train, and going to work in the center of the city, I was
hit again with the magnitude of the task before the church here in Thailand. I go downtown once or
twice a week for meetings, but that particular day was special day for making merit and taking
offerings to the idols in front of businesses and homes. In this mega city of 12 million people, how
can we see God’s glory made known to the Thai people? I believe it’s through seeing one person at a
time come to know Christ and their life being transformed by the gospel.
You heard me call out in my distress,
In spite of your holiness, You came down.
And you’re making all things new,
You’re making all things new.
You’ve told me I was made in your image,
That you’ve adopted me as your son.
I've walked through life more like I’m an orphan
And not as one of your chosen ones.
For example, let me tell you about a Thai friend named Angela. I met Angela in 2008 when we were
working on the World Evangelical Alliance General Assembly that was held here. Angela and her
husband, Anusorn, own a small tour company and travel agency, and they had gotten the contract for
overseeing the 600 plus delegates from 100 nations. Over the months, the chairman of the WEA
shared with Angela about Christ, and I had bought her the Purpose Driven Life. On the last day of the
General Assembly meetings Angela told the crowd that she had given her life to Christ.
About two years later, her husband, Anusorn, prayed to receive Christ also. And then two years ago,
they invited one of my teammates and me to come and teach English for several weeks to their staff
and also share the gospel with them. Angela texted me recently and said that her father wanted to
become a Christian. Then the next week he was with her in church and also sitting with Angela was
her brother, and two other women from her office. Now two these women have come to Christ in the
last few weeks. Angela is on fire, and God is using her in an incredible way. Many people have had
an influence in Angela and Anusorn’s life, but it’s encouraging to have a small part in what God is
doing through her. Pray for them, as they are transformed by the gospel and pray that Bangkok and all
of Thailand will one
day be transformed by the grace of God.
Thank you again for your prayers for Thailand and for us as we work to see Jesus glorified in this
nation. Friend us on Facebook if you haven’t already, we post often there.
Gregg & Julie
My God, I’ve forsaken you,
Still you’re making all things new.
Father, I’ve forsaken you,
Still you’re making all things new.
Jesus, I’ve forsaken you,
Still you’re making all things new.
Spirit, I’ve forsaken you.
Still you’re making all things new.
CCLI #499311 All songs used with permission.
Christ Covenant News
1310 St. Joseph Dr . NW ∙ Cullman, Alabama 35055
This Week’s Activities
4:00 p.m.-Session meeting
9:15 a.m.– Grace Group
6:30 p.m.–Youth, Covenant Groups &
Covenant Kids
11:30 a.m.-Grace Group
5:30 p.m.-Grace Group
7:00 a.m.-John DuBose Men’s Prayer Group
9:00 a.m.-Worship Service & Communion
10:30 a.m.-Sunday School
Covenant Groups
Please speak to Andrew or any elder if you are
interested in becoming a part of a Covenant Group.
Sermon discussion questions are on the table in the
Today following the service in the Narthex
All proceeds go to the students
For the Youth Mission Trip.
Women’s Grace Groups
“The Lamb of God”
By Nancy Guthrie
Leaders Will Contact You With Start Dates
9:15 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
(bring your lunch)
5:30 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
Gloria Edward’s Room
Childcare Available Upon Request
For further information, contact Gina Nobinger
(256) 297-1030 or email
Men’s Retreat
Men, make plans now to attend our retreat on May 1
-2 at LeConte Lodge. Cost is $150, which includes
meals. Contact Johnny Cook for details: 256-3388085.
High atop Mt. LeConte in the Great Smoky
Mountains National Park, LeConte Lodge is the
highest guest lodge in the eastern US. It is situated
in an open glade just below the summit at an
elevation of 6,400 feet where it commands
spectacular views of the Smokies. The Lodge is
accessible only by hiking, with five optional trails
ranging in length from 5 to 8 miles.
Youth Fundraising
If you have any work that needs to be done, from
babysitting to yard work, please contact Jonathan @
256-339-7406. All the money raised will go
directly to the student’s account for the youth
mission trip.
Youth Fundraising Dinner
Friday April 24th at 7pm the youth will be hosting a
dinner in the fellowship hall. This will be a white
table cloth event with the youth serving and
providing live entertainment. Tickets to this event
will be $20.00 per person. Childcare and dinner will
be provided for $5.00 per child. Tickets will be on
sale starting March 29th
Holy Week Service,
Wednesday, April 1, 7:00 p.m.
Is your heart ready for Easter? Prepare to celebrate
Christ’s resurrection by remembering his words and
actions in the Upper Room on the night he was
betrayed. Singing, Gospel readings, and the Lord’s
Table take us back in time to that most holy night.
Please join us, you’ll be glad you did.
Nursery provided.
Covenant School
Registration for 2015/2016 School Year
starts March 2nd. We offer classes for
children ages 3 – 1st grade.
Tuition Prices:
Preschool – Monday/Wednesday/Friday
8:00 – 11:30 -- $145/month
8:00 – 2:30 -- $165/month
Kindergarten: Monday - Friday
8:00 – 11:30 -- $190/month
8:00 - 2:30 -- $225/month
First Grade: Monday – Friday
8:00 –
2:30 -- $275/month
Registration forms can be picked up in the church
office or see Jennie Reid. Registration fee is $100
and must be turned in with the registration form.
Return forms and money to Judy in the office.
Jennie Reid can be reached at 256-338-1114.
Prayer Chain
Your brothers and sisters in Christ are eager to pray
for you. Please call with any requests and know that
God’s people are praying.
Prayer Chain Leader: Terri Johnson 739-5247
Nursery Volunteers’ Schedule
March 22
9-10:15 - Gwen Hays, Dawn Cook
10:30-11:15 - Bo Shirey
March 29
9-10:15 –Laurie Ewing, Janice Newlin
10:30-11:15 - Steve Nyquist
March Birthdays
23 - Wood Nesbitt
26 - Gary Cornelius
26 - Kelley Johnson
27 - Glenda Murcks
28 - Jarett Anders
Attention Wallace Students
& Career Young Adults
Feeling out of place? Do you have a desire for
community? As an extension of our College class
this summer, we have seen the need for an ongoing
fellowship among our local college students and
those that go directly into the work force. Please
join us during the Sunday school hour in the
chandelier room. We will be starting the fall with
discussions on singleness, relationships in a social
media age, and biblical principles for manhood,
womanhood and marriage. Please join us!
The Sheffields & the Quinns
Shorter Catechism
27. Wherein did Christ’s humiliation consist?
Christ’s humiliation consisted in his being born,
and that in a low condition, made under the law,
undergoing the miseries of this life, the wrath of
God, and the cursed death of the cross; in being
buried, and continuing under the power of death for
a time.
Men’s Conference in Cullman
Men and boys ages 10 and up are invited to “The
Unique Male” men’s conference, held at The Loft
on Saturday, March 21 from 8:30 til noon.
Speakers include Chad Williams, retired Navy
Seal, John Croyle, founder and director of Big Oak
Ranch, and Jerry Lawson, pastor of Daystar
Church. Flyers available in the narthex. See Dave
Ozment for more details.