Church Bulletin - abundant springs

Our Mission:
To reach the unchurched and disciple believers to be like Jesus.
Our Vision:
Our desire is for us to be a church with one hand in the Kingdom and one hand in the
community. A church that is undeniably Christian, but cares unconditionally for the souls of all
God’s children. A church that accepts the unacceptable person and asks the Spirit to work
within them. A church that is uncompromising in its values and in its reliance on God’s Holy
Spirit. A church that has compassion on the sick and the needy, the widow and the orphan, the
broken family and the broken individual. A church people can call home, a church body that
people call family.
We desire to be a church where people undeniably experience God’s power through the gifts
of His Holy Spirit being used by all God’s people. We desire to be a church where people grow
in their faith with Christ; where inclusive groups meet together to teach and support one
another and to help others within and without their group. A place where mentors seek out
disciples and teach them what it means to be like Christ. A place where it it is not left to the
church to attract people, but where the church body reaches their neighbours and friends for
Christ and brings them in.
We desire to be a church that is always growing, and not just in numbers but in relationship
with Jesus. A church that, through Christ’s blessings, reaches its fullest potential. A church
where people love one another and love Christ; where young and old, rich and poor, believer
and unbeliever commune together in God’s presence and come to know him and worship him
We desire God’s church. We desire to be a church that reaches the unchurched and strives to
disciple believers to be like Jesus.
the big thing: What do you ________________?
You need to know _____________ you are
• You are a _______________________ and a __________________________
• You are a _______________________________
• You are a ______________________________________, reconciled to God
• 2 Corinthians 5:17-18
• You are ___________________________________ God
• Galatians 3:24-29
• You are not your own. You are ______________ accountable only to
You need to know __________________ you’re here for
Today’s message:
• You’re here to be an ______________________________ of God’s love
• 2 Corinthians 5:18-21
• You’re here to ________________________________ children
• Proverbs 22:6; Ephesians 6:4
• You’re here to love and support _____________________________
We are affiliated with the PAOC (the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada).
For more information on the PAOC head over to
• Ephesians 5:25-28
• You’re here to ________________________ for your family
Our Programs:
How to Contact Us:
You need to know _____________________ you’re going
Sunday Service: Sundays at 10:30am
Children’s Church: Sundays at 11am
Youth Group: We actively participate in the
Community Youth Group (Now on break for
the summer)
Life Transformation Groups: See for details
Praying for Breakthrough: Thursdays noon
to 12:30 and the Final Thursday of every
month at 7:30pm. Check online Calendar for
Women’s Ministry: Will resume in the Fall.
P: 1-403-627-3653
M:Abundant Springs
PO Box 1288,
Pincher Creek, AB T0K 1W0
Location: 968 Kettles Street,
Pincher Creek, AB
For Further Reflection:
— Ladies: how can you show your appreciation and respect to your father
and/or husband…even if he doesn’t deserve it?
— Men: how can you begin to live differently when you know what you
know about yourself in light of what was discussed this morning?
If you have any questions, please forward them to Pastor Stephen:
June 21, 2015
Our Affiliation:
We’d love to hear from you! Fill out
a “Connect With Us” card from the
back of the seat in front of you and
drop it in the offering or place it on
the white chair in the back and
we’ll be sure to follow up with you!
Important info
Washrooms are located downstairs.
All of our weekly messages are
available for free on iTunes later in
the week(search for “Abundant
Springs Sermons”)
Life-Transformation Groups
The Christian life should be full of lifetransformation and evangelism. Is yours? LifeTransformation groups provide a great place to
grow and be challenged to new heights with 1
or 2 other individuals of the same gender.
Meeting once a week for as little as an hour,
these small groups are flexible to your schedule
while providing accountability, support, and
prayer. Join one today by noting your interest
on a “Connect With Us” Card from the seat-back
in front of you.
What to expect today
a general idea of what we plan to do & why
[everything should last about 75 minutes or so]
For all the latest information, be sure
to check us out on Facebook and
read our blog online at or see
our website at
Praise & Worship
we sing songs about God together.
If you require childcare for your
0-2 year old during the service
please let our greeter know and
we’d be happy to help!
[use a giving envelope if you’re paying by cash or
cheque and need a tax receipt. Feel free to give
online at]
Children ages 3-12 will be
dismissed to go to their classes
during the coffee break.
Nursing Mothers’ Room is
available downstairs!
Do you find you lose your bulletin,
but need the information that it
contained? Each week we post our
bulletin on our website!
If you would like prayer, please send
your requests to, or
contact Pastor Stephen
Children’s activity packets are
available at the lobby coat rack.
we bring you up to speed on coming events
to be thankful, help others & pay the bills
we talk about what God has been doing in
our lives and/or ask for prayer.
Coffee, Snacks & Conversation
grab a treat, say hi to someone, or stay seated
—it’s up to you.
[grab a free Bible in the lobby to use during the
service and take it home if you’d like]
pastor Stephen talks about a section of God’s
Instruction Manual (the Bible) and how it
impacts our lives
Questions & Answers
anyone with a question about today’s
message is given the opportunity to ask
either via text message or by raising a hand
Show love to our community’s hungry families
Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter are not the only times of the
year people need food. Help us support those who don’t have
enough to eat!
The kids from our Children’s Church have set a box in the lobby
for your non-perishable food bank donations.
Keep connected this summer with #asccsummer
With the nicer weather comes holidays and getaways, which can
cause us to feel disconnected from the other members of our
church family. This summer we’re encouraging you to take photos
of the fun things you are doing and post them either to Instagram
or our Facebook page ( using
the hashtag #asccsummer
Each week, we’ll select from the photos submitted and show them
on the screen Sunday morning so we can all stay connected this
Praying for breakthrough
Come pray with us!
Thursdays noon to 12:30 and the
Last Thursday of every month.
7:30-8:30pm. Next Evening
Meeting: This Thursday, June 25
Please check online church
calendar for cancellations.
Praying for spiritual breakthrough
in our church, our community,
and our own lives is of the utmost
Join with us as we pray for God to
do big things!
Weekly for women
Women’s Ministry
Breaking for the summer. Look
for us to start in September!
Important Notice!
We will be closed Sunday,
July 5th to give our
servant leaders a much
needed break! You are
encouraged to head over
to Crowsnest Christian
Community Centre for
service. Their service
begins at 10:00am and
they are located at
8534-24th Avenue in
Coleman. Services at
Abundant Springs will
resume July 12th at
Happy Father’s Day!
To all our men. Know that
you are a blessing.
Your chance to make a difference
NEW! Keep the bulletins coming by folding them
This only requires approx. 10-15 minutes and can be done Friday,
Saturday, or before 10am on Sunday. Talk to Pastor Stephen for
Make Others Feel Welcome With Snacks at the Coffee Corner!
Help keep snacks available in the coffee corner. Sign up to bring
snacks on a week or two. Sign up sheet is in the lobby on the coffee
corner table.
Help Us Remember What’s Coming Up
We are currently looking for more people comfortable with speaking
that would be willing to be added to the announcements rotation.
Fo r m o r e d e t a i l s p l e a s e c o n t a c t Pa s t o r S t e p h e n : or 403-627-3653
Put That Musical Ability To Use!
If God has given you the ability to sing or to play an instrument we
would love to speak with you about your involvement on our Sunday
morning music team! Sign up sheets are on the table in the lobby.
FIRST: realize God Loves you: John 3:16 says, “For God so loved
the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes
in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” The Bible teaches that
regardless of your background, age, race, or any other factor, God
loves you and desires a genuine, personal relationship with you.
SECOND: realize everyone is a sinner. The Bible says in Romans
3:23, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” No one
is perfect. We have all broken God’s commandments. This is called
sin, and it separates us from God.
THIRD: realize sin has a price that must be paid. Romans 6:23 tells
us, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in
Christ Jesus our Lord.” The ‘wage’ or payment for our sin is death,
which according to the Bible is eternal separation from God in a
place called Hell.
FOURTH: realize Jesus Christ died to pay the price for your sin.
Romans 5:8 says, “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this:
While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” If we choose to
accept Christ, we do not have to pay the price of death and Hell for
our sins because Jesus paid for our sins when He died on the Cross
and rose again three days later!
FINALLY: believe and give yourself to Jesus. In Acts 16:31 the Bible
says, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.” That is a
promise directly from God that if you believe in Jesus—that he is the
only way to receive forgiveness for your sins—He will save you and
give you the free gift of eternal life.
If you accepted Christ as your saviour, please contact us by phone
or by email so we can pray with you and send you additional
First time here?