1055 NORTH SILVERY LANE • D EARBORN, MI 48128 • (313) 277-3110 • F AX (313) 277-3211 • www.churchofthedivinechild.org PASTOR Rev. James Bilot ASSOCIATE PASTOR Rev. John Kopson PERMANENT DEACON Rev. Mr. Roger O'Donnell Rev. Mr. James Thibodeau IN RESIDENCE Rev. Thomas Urban MASS SCHEDULE Weekday: 6:30 and 8:30 AM Saturday: 8:30 AM Sunday Vigil Mass: Saturday: 4:30 PM Sunday: 8:00, 9:30, 11:30 AM and 1:00 PM Holy Day: 6:30, 8:30 AM and 7:00 PM RECONCILIATION SCHEDULE Saturday: 3:-3:45 PM and after the 4:30 PM Mass until all are heard RECTORY OFFICE HOURS 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM Mon-Wed 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Thurs & Fri Closed for lunch from 12 - 1 PM MAY 3, 2015 T he I nfant PARISH MISSION STATEMENT The Church is the work of God initiated by Christ and held together by the Holy Spirit. The Divine Child Parish is entrusted with the responsibility of bringing people to the Lord and answering the call to holiness. Page 2 Church of the Divine Child, Dearborn, Michigan Altar Server Schedule Monday, May 4 8:30 am E. Berry & A. Rugiero Tuesday, May 5 8:30 am L. Giroux & J. McMichael Wednesday, May 6 8:30 am A. Rea & H. Rich Thursday, May 7 8:30 am S. McHenry & J. Harrison Friday, May 8 8:30 am J. Rugiero & D. Major Saturday, May 9 8:30 am I. Dziadzio & N. Dziadzio 4:30 pm C. Skidmore, C. Stoops, M. Charnley, J. White Sunday, May 10 8:00 am A. Cruz, B. Bustamante, J. Bustamante, L. Bustamante 9:30 am L. Bergeron, M. Bergeron, L. Giroux, M. Giroux 11:30 am C. Scalf, G. Scalf, A. Rugiero, J. Rugiero 1:00 pm Q. Brick, G. Van Buhler, J. Van Buhler, M. Van Buhler SUNDAY, MAY 3, 2015 (Fifth Sunday of Easter) 9:30 am People of the Divine Child Parish 2:00 pm Baptisms MONDAY, MAY 4, 2015 6:30 am Augustine & Nicholas Anton, requested by Gary and Gail 8:30 am Sherie P. Raona, requested by Dominic & Vanessa Raona TUESDAY, MAY 5, 2015 6:30 am (4th Anniv) Charlotte Potok, requested by Her Three Sons 8:30 am Chester Gawronski, requested by Diane Gawronski 7:00 pm Confirmation WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 2015 6:30 am Rosemary Wlodyka, requested by Daughter, Carol Beard 8:30 am Marcial Taub, Jr., requested by Maria Sibi THURSDAY, MAY 7, 2015 6:30 am Debra Ann Ploucha, requested by The O’Brien Family 8:30 am Marie Krochmalny, requested by Family FRIDAY, MAY 8, 2015 6:30 am Mary Ann Masson, requested by Her Cousins 8:30 am Frances & Anthony Cilia, requested by Daughter SATURDAY, MAY 9, 2015 8:30 am Patrick Will, requested by Maria Will 10:30 am 1st Holy Communion SUNDAY, MAY 10, 2015 (Mother’s Day) 11:30 am People of the Divine Child Parish The Altar Server schedule can be accessed at www.churchofthedivinechild.org and click on Ministries. MASSES TO THE MISSIONS MAY 03 - Poor Souls in Purgatory, requested by A Friend MAY 05 - James Thomas, requested by Wife and Family MAY 07 - Marie Krochmalny, requested by Family MAY 08 - Sophie Soave, requested by The Pacos Family Please Pray For Our Sick Grandmother of Madelyne & Kassidy Charnley Friend of David & Ann Marie Fryer Father of Deacon Jim Thibodeau Rest in Peace “Happy are those who have died in the Lord; let them rest from their labors for their good deeds go with them.” (Rev. 14:13) Our deepest sympathy and prayers go out to the families of: Brother of Stephanie Ryczko Marian Tillman Eileen Hoen Fr. Erwin Bauer EMHC/Lector Schedule Saturday, May 9 4:30 pm M. Hughes, N. Charnley, M. McCoy, F. Bova, F. Misewicz, B. O’Donnell, K. Stupakis Lector: J. Condon & M. Lemire Sunday, May 10 8:00 am V. Micallef, C. Brookins, E. Zalupski, J. Pierce, S. Gibb, R. Mangulabnan, T. Bailey, K. Bailey Lector: A. Kronk 9:30 am W. Grysko, J. Gorski, T. Gorski, A. Calka, S. Berry, N. Berry, K. Ritchie, M. Redmon Lector: R. & E. Bridgnanan 11:30 am M. Ebert, K. Crombie, L. O’Brien, T. Pelachyk L. Cruz-Young, J. Stewart, M. Tomilo, C. Ballnik Lector: N. Bialy & M. Kosch 1:00 pm S. Franchina, B. Franchina, J. Cairns, K. Matusz Lector: M. Manchell Monthly Canned Food Collection Baptisms - April 26, 2015 James Maulion Arriola Son of Ramir & Karen (Maulion) Arriola Joseph Benedict Fisher Son of Paul & Lauren (Temple) Fisher Mary Elizabeth Diez Daughter of Timothy & Susanne (Wolski) Diez Natalia Danielle Greco Daughter of David & Raquel (Araujo) Greco George Francis Fisher Son of Paul & Lauren (Temple) Fisher Kennedy Ann Kross Daughter of Bryan & Kathleen (Denton) Kross Please remember this is the weekend for canned food for the less fortunate. Thanks for your generosity each month. Leave your donations in the gathering room or any entrance to the church. Church of the Divine Child, Dearborn, Michigan Things Above from Fr. Bilot Many of us have a tendency to make assumptions. We assume that things should be a certain way or be done a certain way. We assume that our way of living, moving and being is best. Perhaps it is, but not everyone will agree. When it comes to the Church, we should never assume that it will always be here, especially if we don’t take an active role in making the parish our home. I am indirectly talking about Divine Child, because the Church is the people. Without the people, you and I, the church becomes a museum, like many of the churches in Europe. They are beautiful places to visit, but there is a lack of faith. These days, there are so few faithful who come to pray and worship the living God. One could ask: Is God dead? Why isn’t anyone here to be with Him? Why is it that many don’t want to be with God? Secularism? I am too busy? It is irrelevant or unnecessary? All the above apply until people need the church, such as for a baptism, wedding, funeral or needing a priest. Don't get me wrong, I am glad that people turn to the Church to find help in their time of need. The Lord desires us to go to him at these times, too. Jesus never turns his back on his children. We assume that the Church and the Lord will always be there for us, and that is comforting and reassuring. Eventually, however, having the Church available for our needs will only take us so far if there is no relationship with the Lord. As I said, the Lord will never turn his back on us, and Jesus will always remain faithful to his promise. The question is: why do we turn our back on the Lord because we don’t need him at any particular moment? Or, things are okay, so I don't need to pray as much or pray at all? This is not helpful in drawing deeper into the mystery of the Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) and into the mystery of our lives. All relationships are a gift to be nurtured, grappled with, and appreciated. I am asking all of us to look at the assumptions we make about our relationship with the Lord and with the Church. I am also asking us to challenge the assumptions of those in our families, neighborhoods, schools and workplaces who are neglecting their relationship with the Lord and the practice of their faith in the Church. As I said, the Lord will never abandon us. The problem arises when we are in a time of need. Why? Because it will be extremely difficult to see, hear, feel or experience Jesus’ presence only when we need him. We expect that we can just jump back into a relationship and get what we need. Wouldn’t it be better if we had an established relationship with Jesus already nurtured in our soul and in our way of life, so that when the storms, struggles and uncertainties of life unfold, we are secure in knowing God provides for us and the Holy Spirit guides us to the verdant pastures where he gives us repose? Take some time to ponder on our assumptions and how they affect our relationship with God. Page 3 Please pray for all of our eighth grade students who will be receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation on Tuesday. Auxiliary Bishop Donald Hanchon will preside. On Saturday, our second graders will be receiving the Sacrament of the Eucharist. These two foundational Sacraments are needed for Salvation. They are the path to those restful waters amidst the turbulence of life. Please pray for our youth, that the Grace of God will touch their souls so that they fall deeply in love with the Lord and stay with Him! Please pray for their parents, that they will fulfill their promise to raise their children in the faith by being “the best of teachers, bearing witness to the faith by what they say and do, in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Rite of Baptism) Next Sunday is Mother’s Day. This day presents another opportunity to reflect on and pray for the gift of life. In our reflection, we come to realize that all life is sacred, from the moment of conception until natural death. For if our mothers did not believe this, we would not be here today! Blessings, Fr. Jim Bilot Due to the Sacrament of Confirmation, there will be no Novena or Prayer Team on Tuesday, May 5. Page 4 Church of the Divine Child, Dearborn, Michigan Fr. John Kopson’s Commentary Fr. John is away this week and will have an article next weekend. God’s blessings and peace to you. The Parish Pastoral Council cordially invites you to our NEW PARISHIONER MEET And GREET Monday, May 18, 2015 7:00pm - 8:30pm Church of the Divine Child Gathering Room The Church of the Divine Child cordially invites your family to a. May Crowning Sunday, May 9, 2015 9:30 Mass First Holy Communicants are invited to participate in a processional preceding the crowning of our Blessed Mother. The students are encouraged to wear their Communion outfits. If you would like your child to participate, please call Terri Walker at tlife325@yahoo.com. May you be blessed with God’s love and Mary’s protection! The Mother's Day Plant Sale Next Weekend! After all the Masses on Mother’s Day, the High School Pro-Life Club will be selling heirloom seedlings they've planted and raised in the high school greenhouse for $2. The proceeds will help fund their trip to Washington, D.C. for the March for Life in January. A variety of herbs, vegetables and flowers will be available including sage, basil, oregano, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, marigolds, zinnia and more! Please support this worthwhile cause! Please join us for light refreshments and get to know your Pastor, Fr. Jim Bilot, Associate Pastor, Fr. John Kopson, and Divine Child Commission Representatives. Come along on a tour of the church and learn the history of DC ! RSVP to Marilyn O!Brien by May 11 at marilyn@divinechild.org or call the Parish Office 313-277-3110 We look forward to seeing you! Bring the kids along, too! Casual attire Fr. Tom Urban!! May you be blessed on your birthday (May 8) with a year full of peace, joy and happiness! Happy Birthday Fr. Urban! Join us to find out how you can join the tradition! Divine Child CYO Football Sign-ups Fall 2015 For Grades 3 - 8 Call, text or email: Tim Lee 248-321-8692 TIM_L@HMF-TORTILLA.COM Church of the Divine Child, Dearborn, Michigan Page 5 Please pray for our young people receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation May 5, 2015 Brandon Alvarado Justin Arriola Brian Azzopardi Madison Bacher Jacob Balash Luc Bergeron Dominic Boccarossa Molly Boudreau Quinn Brick Lachlan Broekman Jacob Bustamante John Paul Bustamante Maria Bustamante Ethan Cannon Diego Castillo Mary Collins Rebecca Creedon Anne Cruz William Daguanno Madison D’Andrea Parker DeMarco Gabriella Dias Natalie Duffy Cara Dunn Richard DuRoss Jillian Ebert Lauren Elliott Nathan Elliott Cullen Fox Austin Fredericks Adam Fregolle Nicklas Fudala Nathan Garay Colin Garner Christina Gondek Jenna Gondoly Joshua Guevara Jonah Guevara Madison Hall Erin Helka Anissa Jaber Mary Johnson Caleb Kelly Daniel Kenrick Amanda Kiefer Genavieve Kowalski Kristen Kukla Emily Kuczajda Ethan Laszlo Justin Lesinski Jillian Lovett Zackary Major Grant to us, O Lord, a heart renewed; recreate in us your own spirit, Lord. Rachel Mangulabnan Michael McCliment Alexandra McIntosh Liam McKeever Adeline Meyers Madison Moore Peter Moore Adriano Murillo Olivia Murray Abigail Neill Erik Norwood Camryn Pieknik Nicholas Rachwal Sydney Ringwelski Gabriella Rolak Reagan Rose Adrianna Rugiero Ryan Saladin Steven Sargent Ryan Schafranek Lindsay Schwartz Amelia Senatore Loren Solomon Michael Suchyta Nicholas Tafelski Anna Tarnogorska Lilian Thibault Madison Thomas Isabella Torres Makenna Turchan Marina Traub Alexander Tucker Cameron Urbanick Magdalen VanBuhler Vincent Varady Erin Wade Nicole Waldenmeyer Mark Waszkiewicz Lucas Watson Elena Welker Noah Wing Abigail Witten Noah Zuccaro Hanah Zuk Pray also for our non-Catholic 8th grade students and those who have already been confirmed: Natasha Ali Julianna Fadlallah Jakob Hoffman Megan Sutton Valencia Vidinovski Page 6 Church of the Divine Child, Dearborn, Michigan You are invited to attend the Christ Life Series….. “Following Christ” Friday May 1, 2015 Topic: The Power of the Sacraments 7-9pm in the High School APR Friday May 8, 2015 Topic: Forgiving One Another 7-9pm in the High School APR Friday May 29, 2015 Topic: The World and the Devil This evening is a Mini-Retreat from 6-9pm in the HS APR and includes dinner. To attend, please RSVP to Karen Mitchell at (313) 562-8667. Friday June 5, 2015 Topic: Advancing the Mission of the Church. 7-9pm HS Library So Many Marys... Jesus’ mother was unmarried and pregnant. Searching for shelter, she gave birth to him in a very humble place. Mary, Joseph and their little boy were refugees in Egypt. Many of the women who call the St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) are like Mary. They have children, and their lives are complicated. Sometimes, they work but aren’t earning enough to pay all the bills. They often face eviction, moving from place to place to find more affordable homes. Sometimes, they’re immigrants or have moved from outside the area and are trying to make a new start. Sometimes, they simply need clean beds for their kids, free of bugs. Or, a few nights in a motel so they can transition to a new job or living situation. May is the month of Mary, our Blessed Mother. If you’re looking for a way to honor her or your own mother, grandmother or wife, please consider a donation to the SVdP. You can simply drop your contribution in the Divine Child poor box on the back wall of the church. We will do our best to help bring some peace to a mother and her children. Meanwhile, thank you, as always, for your support and please remember to pray for the poor! Our Lady of Fatima Pilgrim Statue Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament "We are to be icons of mercy, radiating love and mercy to others. There is no greater way to energize ourselves to this task than by spending time in the Presence of the Source of Love and Mercy, Our Lord in the Most Holy Eucharist." ~St. Faustina Please visit our Lord in our chapel any day or time or come to Tuesday Exposition in the church from 9am to 7pm. For more information, please call Dina at 734-718-2873 or email at dina@provide.net. Our Lady of Fatima Pilgrim Statue has been in the parish since the 1970’s. If you would like to request a visit from the Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of Fatima, please contact Laurie Lundblad at 313320-3127 or Llundbl@aol.com. If you are looking for a way to come to know Our Lady better, consider joining the special devotion to Our Lady of Fatima on the first Saturday of each month. The Divine Child Parish Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of Fatima is brought to the church and beginning at 7:45 am parishioners say the rosary as part of the fulfillment of the requests of Fatima. Church of the Divine Child, Dearborn, Michigan Page 7 Do you have questions about God or the Catholic faith? Do your non-Catholic and non-practicing Catholic friends and family ask you questions about God or the Catholic faith? If so, join us for The Divine Child Parish Book Group lead by Deacon Jim Thibodeau as we read and discuss the new book selection: Because God Is Real Sixteen Questions One Answer by Peter Kreeft ,ŽǁƚŽ͞ĞƌĞĂĚLJƚŽŐŝǀĞĂƌĞĂƐŽŶĨŽƌ ƚŚĞŚŽƉĞƚŚĂƚŝƐŝŶLJŽƵ͘͟ͶϭWĞƚĞƌϯ͗ϭϱ Tuesday, May 12 7. Why be Catholic? 8. Why go to Mass? 9. Why be moral? 10. Why is sex so confusing? 11. Why do we have families? Tuesday, June 9 12. Why are there virtues and vices? 13. Why pray? 14. Why aren’t we happy? 15. Why is there evil? 16. Why must we die? 7:00 - 8:30pm in the Elementary School Multi-Purpose Room (enter through the east doors of school building) What to do: • Purchase the book (available in paperback, audio book, Kindle and Nook) • Read the chapters prior to the session date • Come to the meeting to discuss - or - just listen • There is no pre-registration needed • Attend as many sessions as you can... please join us! Job Networking Group If you have lost your job or are thinking of switching careers, please join us! You may find just what you are looking for! If you would like to speak with the group facilitator and ask questions before attending a meeting please feel free to call Bob Jensen at (313) 278-0707. Our job networking group is very proud to claim that since its inception, we have placed over 500 people in some line of work. MEETING DATES: MAY 4, 18, JUN 15 & 22 Meetings are from 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm in the Divine Child High School APR Together, we seek to deepen our relationship with God through the Catholic faith. “We cannot live Easter without entering into mystery. To enter into mystery means the ability to wonder, to contemplate, the ability to listen to the silence and hear the tiny whisper amid the great silence by which God speaks to us.” Pope Francis During your quiet time, listen for God speaking to you , Sister Caroline Page 8 Church of the Divine Child, Dearborn, Michigan !!!!!DIVINE CHILD HIGH SCHOOL DIVINE CHILD ELEMENTARY IN DEARBORN SCHOOL TOURS AVAILABLE SHADOW VISITS AVAILABLE Current 7th and 8th graders can be a “Falcon For A Day” most school days between now and May 20. Shadow visits are a great way to experience Divine Child’s spiritual, academic, athletic, social and creative programs. Visits begin at 8 a.m. and conclude at 2:15 p.m. To schedule your child’s visit, please call Matt Saxer, Director of Admissions, at 313-216-0891 x268. Divine Child High School is located near Telegraph and Ford Roads in West Dearborn. Addition information about our school can be found on our website at www.divinechildhighschool.org. Divine Child Elementary School, located near Telegraph and Ford Roads in West Dearborn, welcomes prospective families to tour our school and find out more about our spiritual, academic, athletic and creative programs. Please contact Matt Saxer, Director of Admissions, at 313-216-0891 x268 or msaxer@divinechild.org to schedule your tour or to obtain an admission folder. Additional information can also be found on our website at www.divinechildelementaryschool.org. Divine Child High School Art Show Sunday, May 3 & Sunday, May 10 Location: High School Atrium After all the Masses you are invited to see the beautiful works of art created by our DC High School Students. DIVINE CHILD CATHOLIC SCHOOLS SUMMER ATHLETIC AND ENRICHMENT CAMPS Divine Child High School is offering athletic camps in six sports as well as leadership, programming, art and theatre camps this summer. Camps range in length from three days to two weeks. Our camps provide a great opportunity for students in grades 3 – 8 to improve their skills while meeting new friends. Registration forms are available on our website at www.divinechildhighschool.org. For more information regarding our athletic camps, please contact Denise Brewis at 313-562-1990 x227 or brewis@divinechildhighschool.org. For more information regarding our enrichment camps, please contact Jessica McVettie at mcvettiej@divinechildhighschool.org.! NEW ALTAR SERVER PERMISSION FORM ______ I would like my child to participate in the altar server ministry at the Church of the Divine Child. Server’s name: __________________________________________ Parent’s name: __________________________________________ Please return completed form to: The Rectory Office or DC Elementary School Office Attn: NEW Altar Servers Registration Due: Friday May 8, 2015 Phone number:_____________Parent’s email address* : ________________________________________ Grade (2015-2016 school year)**: _________School of attendance (2015-2016 school year): _________ * All altar server schedules and communications will be sent to this email address ** Altar servers must be in at least 6th grade in 2015-16 to participate • • • Fr. Kopson will conduct the new altar server group training during May. You will be notified of the dates and times. Once training is completed you will be added to the altar server rotation beginning July 2015. On average - each server will serve one to two weekend Masses per month Church of the Divine Child, Dearborn, Michigan Page 9 Page 10 Church of the Divine Child, Dearborn, Michigan Church of the Divine Child, Dearborn, Michigan photo by Carolyn Primeau Elementary School Construction update: Poured footings for the new steel columns. Set the new structural steel in place of the removed bearing walls. This part of the project, especially in an existing building with restricted access was the most perilous of the phases as they installed two 1,000 lb. beams in a very confined area with temporary supports holding up the existing roof framing and remnants of the old wall above the roof line. Patrick Murray and Carlo Greco with his team accomplished the mission with some creative ways of lifting the steel from outside building envelope while working and installing inside the building. Jack J. Zelazny, AIA/NCARB Consulting Architect Page 11 Page 12 Photos by Carol Brinton Church of the Divine Child, Dearborn, Michigan Church of the Divine Child, Dearborn, Michigan PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR LOVED ONES IN THE MILITARY “Heavenly Father, protect these members of our Armed Forces. Be their constant companion and their strength in battle, their refuge in every adversity. Guide them, Lord, so that they may return home safely.” Amen. MA3 Sean Abraham 2nd LT Elizabeth Aceves (Walker), RN TSgt Ronald Attard PFC Keith Bizek Tony Boyd Staff Sgt David Brash Lt Colonel Louis A. Camardo II PVT Michael Dawson HN Ryan Desjarlais Lieutenant Colonel Jay Deyonke Major Kevin J. Dobzyniak PVT Brandon Ebert IT3 Perry W. Edgell V Corporal Aaron Fryer Major Joseph Johnson Lieutenant Colonel Robert S. Kafka Captain Natalie Ann Korona Airman First Class Jamison R. Kucinski Lieutenant Daniel Kuriluk Captain Matthew Kuriluk Commander Ron Kuzdak Airman 1st Class Lauren LaCaprara Airman Christopher J (Seraceno) Lapinski Private Ian W. Laskey Lance Corporal Joseph Leach Major Adam J. Lytle D.D.S. Airman 1st Class Brittany Mack Captain Matthew J. Malinowski Corporal Mitchel G. Malinowski Nova Martin Staff Sergeant Christopher W. Owen Captain Aaron Peacock BM2 Claudio D. Polo BM1 Samantha Polo Airman Courtney Porter SSG London Quicci Brandon Raona Sgt Joseph Reames LT Andrew Roscoe TSgt Jeffrey M. Selonke Seaman Jannel Skiver Warrant Officer Kevin P. Sullivan Staff Sgt Matthew Taylor Major Leah Voelker Ensign Catherine Walker Sergeant Anthony Watkins Master Sergeant Randy Williams LT Col Patrick Wnetrzak LCPL Robert Wnetrzak Major Thomas Wnetrzak Please let us know if you have a family member who is serving in the military and we will acknowledge them in our weekly column. Please share the good news with us when one of the above soldiers returns home! Page 13 PRAY FOR THOSE IN NEED: May the Lord bless you and keep you. May He show His face to you and be gracious to you. May the Lord look upon you with kindness and give you peace. ~ Blessing of St. Francis Jolanda Karson Jeanette Reitmeyer Barbara O’Brien Michael Thomas O’Brien Bob Cuppetilli Mary Patterson Fred Wiedling Diana Shinske Ken Backiel Sandy Blair August French Jamie McAdam Judi & Ralph Woodward Ron Kraska Michelle DeGuzman Laura Gee Marie Parker April Shaw Jim Parton Leah Becker Ruth Becker Kerri Kwilos Amando Jayme Dan Moylan Bernice Moore Ken Schaffer Gerald Borg Michael Taylor Sally Dixon Stuart Harris Jerry Borycz Addy Donahue Brian Greenlee Arlene Thomas Marco Rea Margaret Kennston Joanne LaFleur Karen Craig Michelle Bilbrey Alec Mizer Pat Hansen Michelle Cibor Raquel Sobecki Veronica Morgan In order to keep this list current, names will be kept on the list for one month only. Please call 313-277-3110 to keep a loved one on the list. Thank you. Celebrate Life Dinner! DID YOU KNOW? LIFESPAN has been working for Life for 45 years! Our dedication and purpose remain the same: protect innocent human life from conception through natural death. Please join us on May 5th for our Annual ‘Celebration of Life’ Dinner at the San Marino Club in Troy. As always, the Silent Auction and Tin Can Raffle will help entertain our guests. This is an event that you don’t want to miss! Call our office for more information: 734.422.6230. Please pray for these young men and women who are discerning God’s call to the priesthood and religious life. Colleen Bailey, a 2007 Edsel Ford HS graduate and a parishioner, is in formation for the Miles Christi Religious order in Northville, MI. Jeffery Edmonds, a 2005 DCHS graduate and a parishioner at St. Mary, Wayne, in formation for the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales. Sr. Rita Clare Yoches, a 1997 DCHS graduate and former parishioner, in formation for the Franciscan Sisters, T.O.R., of Steubenville. Page 14 Church of the Divine Child, Dearborn, Michigan WEEK AT A GLANCE MAY 3 - 9, 2015 9:30 AM 9:45 AM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 6:00 PM 5/3 Sunday High School Art Exhibit this week CYO Spring Teams Mass - Church Gr. 7 & 8 Religious Ed. - ES Rm. 200/201 Baptisms - Gath. Rm. HS Spring Band Concert - HS Auditorium HS Youth Ministry Meeting - HS APR 3:00 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 5/4 Monday Confirmation Rehearsal - Church Education Commission - ES Library Worship Commission - ES MPR HS Choir Concert - HS Auditorium 5/5 Tuesday 9:00 AM Eucharist Adoration - Church 3:00 PM ES Choir - ES MPR 7:00 PM Sacrament of Confirmation - Church 5/6 Wednesday Gr. 8 - No Classes 10:45 AM Moms & Tots Music Program - Gath. Rm. 7:00 PM Catholic Bible School/MI - HS APR 5/7 Thursday First Holy Communion Rehearsal - Church ES Choir - ES MPR HS Band Banquet - HS APR/Cafeteria Middle School Youth Ministry - ES Cafeteria Adult Choir - Choir Loft ES "Sound of Music" - HS Auditorium 1:30 PM 3:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 5/8 Friday Current Kindergarten - No Classes 8:00 AM Kindergarten Orientation - Elem. School 7:00 PM ES "Sound of Music" - HS Auditorium 7:00 PM ChristLife Workshop - HS APR 5/9 Saturday Mother's Day Plant Sale Weekend 10:30 AM Sacrament of First Holy Communion Church 2:00 PM ES "Sound of Music" - HS Auditorium 3:00 PM Confessions - Church 5:30 PM Confessions - Church 7:00 PM ES "Sound of Music" - HS Auditorium Readings for the Week of May 3, 2015 Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wed: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sun: Acts 9:26-31/1 Jn 3:18-24/Jn 15:1-8 Acts 14:5-18/Jn 14:21-26 Acts 14:19-28/Jn 14:27-31a Acts 15:1-6/Jn 15:1-8 Acts 15:7-21/Jn 15:9-11 Acts 15:22-31/Jn 15:12-17 Acts 16:1-10/Jn 15:18-21 Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48/1 Jn 4:7-10/Jn 15:9-17 Archdiocesan News CSA Minute Catholic Services Appeal This year’s CSA theme, Bringing Jesus Christ to All, emphasizes Christ’s message in St. Matthew’s Gospel to make disciples of all nations. Our theme is indeed fitting as the Church focuses on the New Evangelization spreading the Good News of Christ to the world. Gifts to the CSA make possible a wealth of ministries, programs, and services that touch the lives of thousands of Catholics throughout the Archdiocese of Detroit each day. No one parish, on its own, could provide all of the blessings that benefit so many. The CSA is a pledge program, allowing you to spread your gift over several months. Please prayerfully consider the most generous gift possible to support the 2015 Catholic Services Appeal. For information about CSA-funded ministries, programs, and services, please go to www.AOD.org. Encore Remarriage Workshops Considering getting married again? Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan (CCSEM) can help you and your future spouse welcome Christ into your union, improve your communication skills, and position your relationship to grow stronger over time! Adhering to Church teachings and led by Dr. Janusz Wrobel, a skilled CCSEM therapist, Encore remarriage workshops focus on replacing communication styles from the previous relationship with new ones based on trust and friendship as well as addressing issues that can arise in a blended family, and talking with children about the pending marriage. Three Encore workshops are available: Saturday, July 18 or Saturday, October 24. Each gathering begins at 10:00 am with a 30 minute lunch break at noon, and concludes at 2:30 pm. All sessions are at CCSEM in Royal Oak at 1424 East 11 Mile Road. Cost is $100 per couple. To learn more, email blaulw@ccsem.org. To register, call 248-548-4044 ext. 3100 Two Become One “Marriage, the clinging together of husband and wife as one flesh, is based on the fact that man and woman are both different and the same. They are different as male and female, but the same as human persons who are uniquely suited to be partners or helpmates for each other. The difference between man and woman, however, cannot be restricted to their bodies, as if the body could be separated from the rest of the human person. The human person is a union of body and soul as a single being. Man and woman are two different ways of being a human person.” – Marriage: Love and Life In The Divine Plan, US Bishops Life is now in session. Are you present? Church of the Divine Child, Dearborn, Michigan St. Sebasan Holy Hour for our country and ƌĞůŝŐŝŽƵƐĨƌĞĞĚŽŵ͘ May 3, 2015 aer the 12:30pm Mass Exposion of the Blessed Sacrament, Patrioc ZŽƐĂƌLJ͕ŝǀŝŶĞDĞƌĐLJŚĂƉůĞƚ͕,LJŵŶƐ͕ Adoraon and Benedicon. All are welcome The Patrioc Rosary ! "# The Marian Peace Center of Detroit presents…. Science Confirms Faith with Dr. Ramon Sanchez The Flame of Love of the Blessed Mother with Maria Meszaros Saturday, May 9, 2015 Fr. Ben Luedtke, Homilist St. Sebastian Church 3965 Merrick - Dearborn Hts, 48125 Day includes Holy Mass and May Crowning. 8am registration. Cost: $15/person or $30/family For more information please call 248-559-4544 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Events: Outdoor May Procession followed by the Rosary in the church; 7 p.m. Monday, May 4. Rosary Walks to the neighborhood Rosary Shrines each Sunday of May. Meet on the front steps of the Church at 1 p.m. Joyful Mysteries (Sunday, May 3) Luminous Mysteries (Sunday, May 10) Sorrowful Mysteries (Sunday, May 17) Glorious Mysteries (Sunday, May 24) For further information, call Debbie 734-934-2599 976 Superior Blvd - Wyandotte, MI Organ Dedication Concert May 3, 2015 4:00 pm at Immanuel Lutheran Church 415 North Ninth Street St. Clair, MI 48079 We would like to invite you to another free dedication concert of a brand new organ - this time for Immanuel Lutheran Church! We are on a roll!! The concert will feature artists Rick Cucchi and Lance Luce, both of which will demonstrate the classical and contemporary sounds of the Chapel CF-15 Allen Organ. Page 15 Page 16 Church of the Divine Child, Dearborn, Michigan PERRY CELLINI, D.D.S., P.C. Kramar Jewelry, Inc. GENERAL DENTISTRY Hours By Appointment Emergencies Welcome 2845 Monroe, Dearborn 313-561-0500 Adams Family Home Services Handywork & Home Improvement John Adams • Senior Discounts 313-581-2443 • 313-461-2548 In all things, give God thanks Fine Diamond Setting Expert Jewelry Repairing All Shapes of Diamonds Wholesale Prices 25766 Woodward Ave. Royal Oak, MI 48067 (1/2 mile north of I-696) Call for Hours www.kramarjewelry.com FARON ROOFING CO., INC. Res. & Comm. Roofing Kitchen & Bath Remodeling 37520 Glenwood, Westland, MI Lic. #2104060860 Ins. 734-326-8321 248-968-3010 WE BUY GOLD LOGAN GLASS CO. DON’S PLUMBING 22667 Michigan Avenue • Dearborn, MI 313.563.7000 Expert Plumbing Sewer & Drain Cleaning LICENSED MASTER PLUMBER www.loganglasscompany.com Donald J. Wood Complete Glass Service Residential • Commercial Auto Glass 313-255-1199 TIRE DISCOUNT HOUSE Come Taste the Difference! Great Savings & Friendly Service PARISHIONER DISCOUNT NOW CATERING BAPTISMS • FIRST COMMUNIONS WAKES • ALL SPECIAL EVENTS TIRES • MAGS • BRAKES • SHOCKS • ALIGNMENTS 25751 West Warren (at Beech Daly) 6565 N. Telegraph Road Dearborn Heights (1/2 Mile N. of Ford Rd.) (313) 278-4060 • Delivery-n-Carryout www.Carieras.com 313-277-9656 Rick Bixman, President DC Alum ‘74 Bill Dombrowski KRISTA L. HAROUTUNIAN Attorney & Counselor at Law Wills • Trusts • Family Law * Free Consultation 313-278-4500 248-594-9071 Custom Painting & Wallpaper • Faux Finishes • Staining FULL SERVICE CONTRACTOR Since 1978 - Fully Insured Call LPI at 800-477-4574 or 216-325-6825 313-563-5207 Marianne L. Baran, D.D.S., P.C. Parish Member & D.C. Alumnus Family and Cosmetic Dentistry 23100 Cherry Hill, Suite 1 Dearborn, MI 48124 (313) 274-5210 www.barandds.com Senior Living At Its Best! www.OakwoodCommon.org Tour - (800) 642-4663 Schrader Collision, Inc. COMPLETE COLLISION SERVICE Companionship Grocery Shopping Respite Care Meal Preparation Personal Care & Much More Housekeeping Dementia Care Quality in-home Senior Care Serving The Dearborn Area Since 1940 1700 N. Telegraph, Dearborn 313-561-0650 (734) 522-9390 Parish Member 313-561-0651 www.schradercollision.com www.comfortkeepers.com Occupational Therapy All ages • All diagnoses In-Home Therapy PAINTING I N T E R I O R & E X T E R I O R Experienced & Reasonable Powerwashing • Wallpaper Removal Plaster & Drywall Repair • Deck Cleaning & Staining Free Estimates “Free, No-Obligation Consultation” for you, or a loved one. Parish Members Brian & Jade Collins GARY R. LAUSE 313-274-8321 CollinsTherapyServices@Gmail.com CollinsTherapyServices.com ACCURATE DRIVING SCHOOL Monthly Classes At Divine Child High School www.accurate-driving.com Complete Plumbing Service & Installation Backflow Certified $5 OFF Segment 1 onlyWITH THIS AD 313-268-9432 • Lic/Ins Master Plumber 800-846-9980 (313) 605-2216 3-B-4-2 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 10% Off with Ad www.4LPi.com ©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc 15-0009/a Bifano Eye Care Financial Security Analysis Retirement Planning Insurance Planning/Strategies Estate Analysis/Conservation Contact: Vincent Bartolomucci Financial Services Representative, and Fellow Parish Member 800 638-1186 x121 Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, One Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10010 L030FQEZ (exp0207) (MI)MLIC-LD 24545 Ford Road 5 blocks W. of Telegraph (313) 730-5020 274-2350 Rhonda Bifano, O.D. - Chris Bifano, O.D. 26388 Ford Rd. Unbaked Pizza $8.99 Treatment of Eye Diseases Glasses and Contact Lenses offer good on Unbaked Pizza Only with coupon with Cheese & Pepperoni JOHN WOOD PLUMBING 313-278-9300 John Jacobs • 313-574-8238 Fast Professional Service Expert Sewer & Drain Cleaning Lic. Master Plumber Reasonable Rates LEE’S WALL REPAIR fourcorners14@gmail.com Commercial & Residential LMS Housekeeping Drycleaning & Shirt Service Mon-Fri 7am-7pm • Saturday 8am-6pm Lisa Sulak, Parish Member 313-561-0672 Parish Members 313-410-2017 lisas2017@yahoo.com $10 Off For DC Parishioners PUZZUOLI’S GOODTIME Bar & Grill (313) 561-8486 HEATING & COOLING BUY 1 CHEESEBURGER & GET 1 FREE WITH THIS AD & PURCHASE OF 2 BEVERAGES 313-277-7630 EXPIRES 06/30/2015 • DINE-IN ONLY KITCHEN OPEN 11:30AM TO 1:00 AM MON THROUGH SAT Your whole house health and comfort specialists 27553 Cherryhill 1/2 block West of Inkster Rd. DC Coupon not valid on Fridays; Also not valid with other coupons. METRO DETROIT Free Estimates-Senior Discounts Weekly/Bi-Weekly/Monthly Services One Time Cleaning/Deep Cleaning 313-274-0005 Jon’s Licensed & Insured DEARBORN CLEANERS 2815 Monroe • Dearborn Specializing in Dust-Free Plaster & Dry Wall Repairs Small Jobs Welcome • Free Estimates 8500 Middlebelt, Westland • 734-421-5299 20200 Goddard, Taylor • 313-291-3880 Jim & Chris Puzzuoli Parish Member Family Owned for Over 30 Years AUTHORIZED SERVICE CENTERS Tires • Brakes • Mufflers • Shocks • Oil Change • Under Car Service • Custom Pipe Bending • Shuttle Avail. 14441 W. Warren, East Dearborn 584-8770 584-6060 DAVE Z’S IRRIGATION CO. Automatic Sprinkler Systems New Installations • Repairs • Winterize DEARBORN HGTS. 313-359-2646 Clean your house, Clean your gutters, Clean up your debt with our Spring Cleaning Home Equity Loan Special Call today for a low rate quote!! United Churches Credit Union 20252 Ecorse Rd • (313) 382-6533 www.unitedchurchescu.org !""#$%&'&()*)$%&'&+,--./0 Porches • Kitchens • Baths 313•277•7676 Plant Health Care • Disease Diagnosis Tree & Stump Removal • Pruning Fertilizing • Consulting Kevin J. Schilbe, President !"#$%&'()*&+$#',-').( www.nwconst.com Call...Terry Burke (313) 565-3092 • (313) 565-5552 www.schilbetreecare.com schilbe@comcast.net “It’s All About the House” 21505 Nowlin • Dearborn, MI 48124 Vincent C. Yu, M.D. VOTED ONE OF HOUR MAGAZINE’S “TOP DOC” OPHTHALMOLOGISTS IN METRO AREA www.qualityicare.com www.laserforyou.com Follow us on Facebook Now Offering Bladeless Cataract Surgery Free Lasik Screenings • Cataract Evaluation Exams Routine Exams Performed with Convenience of Full Service Optical Shop 23550 Park St., Suite 200, Dearborn • Call 3-B-4-2 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 www.4LPi.com (313) 724-2273 Home Improvements Established 1917 Specializing In: • ROOFING • GUTTERS • DOORS • ALUMINUM & VINYL SIDING & TRIM • STORM WINDOWS & DOORS • REPLACEMENT WINDOWS • ALUMINUM AWNINGS AND CANOPIES • SKYLIGHTS VINYL WINDOWS UP TO 35% OFF McGlinch & Sons Four Generations of Dependable Service Westside 313-278-2777 Oakland County 248-987-6300 ©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc 15-0009/b Attorney At law Complete Plumbing Sewer & Drain Cleaning MASTER PLUMBER Michael J. Wood ORTHOPEDIC SURGEON FOOT & ANKLE SPECIALIST DEARBORN ORTHOPEDICS & SPORTS MEDICINE, P.C. 313-730-0500 FUNERAL DIRECTORS 734-427-3800 We have private apartments with all the personal amenities and medical services you’d expect, plus Mass and Rosary groups. • 3 complete meals daily • hourly visits • assistance with bathing, dressing, grooming, & medication • room cleaning, laundry, concierge services • social programs • activities • and much more Call Today for a FREE lunch and tour! (734) 326-6537 3600 Campus Drive • Westland MI 48185 Visit us at: www.themarquettehouse.com RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL WIRING QUALITY WORKMANSHIP FREE EST. • LIC. • INS. SENIOR DISCOUNT PARISH MEMBER (313) 565-8366 ORTHODONTICS Independently Owned & Operated Jeff Darwish Re/Max Hall of Fame Nolan and Guest Cell (313) 999-3699 Office (313) 561-0900 Fax (313) 561-0468 CANTON, MI 48188 E-mail: jeff.darwish@gmail.com www.jeffdarwishhomes.com 23676 Park Street • Dearborn, MI 48124 (734) 981-2444 • NolanOrtho.com For Advertising Information call Terry Sweeney today! www.aligndoc.com For Divine Child members: Get up to $1000 off comprehensive orthodontic treatment 22320 Garrison, Dearborn (313) 278-8000 4'#5'*&6&'*&'.)7#08'&*#9#06&%-.&*#:&:3&%#0;#<%=*&'.5-)#+&-)#>?.-.()5-.&?@#A'B, Patient Centered Gentle Staff Flexible Financing Options - Most Insurance Accepted 23851 Ford Road • Dearborn, MI (313) 274-4800 FREE Exam and Records $300 Value - New Patients only (313) 291-1800 Preplanning and Cremation Services Available OPEN 24 HRS, 7 DAYS A WEEK 10% OFF WITH THIS COUPON Valid this location only • Not valid on any Breakfast specials • Valid 1 coupon per family TOM WALIGORSKI ROOFING Quality Materials Guaranteed Workmanship (313) 278-8953 Established Over 50 Years ORTHODONTICS (313) 928-2300 Phone: 313-253-0200 DC CIRCLE HEATING & COOLING NORWICK 23750 Goddard Every Sunday afternoon come in to see our balloon waitress from 5-8pm Also bring coupon in on Sunday and receive an additional 5% off Whether you’re interested in listing your home or buying a home I’m here to help, give me a call! 10% Parishioner Discount TAYLOR 5900 Allen Rd !!"!#$%&&'(&)*#+*,#-.#/0%*#+*#1#2&-%30%' (734) 915-0029 & Models ALLEN PARK LEO’S CONEY ISLAND PARISH MEMBER www.atozheating.com (313) 278-5100 Family Owned & Operated Brenda Goerke OL CO IR G & EPA N I R T CE EA L H LIAN All Makes TA P TO & AP 23701 Ford Rd, Dearborn 1.800.477.4574 ext. 6323 tsweeney@4lpi.com cannot combine it with any other offers/discounts, one per family member, expires 4/30/15. ING Member of Parish PRICE ELECTRIC Team 2000 313-291-8200 313-565-3411 don@donrivardlaw.com 1139 Inkster Rd., Garden City, MI 48135 23550 Park St., Ste. 100, Dearborn Parish Member !"#$%#&'()*+, 734-697-1979 -+"./%.#&'()*+,& 313-565-0880 8283 N. Telegraph Dearborn Heights, MI 48127 & SON INC. 313-255-5063 Robert E. Meehan, Jr., M.D. DONALD M. RIVARD JOHN N. MIKE’S PLUMBING Lennox Dealer !"#$%&%'$#()*+$*, !"#$%&'()*%+,-%.%/*(01203 Fax (313) 278-4655 25431 W. Warren Dearborn Heights, MI 48127 313-386-6781 Duane Buono, Owner and Parishioner In service to One. In service to all. 444-5267-208 Located 2 Blocks North of the 50’s McDonalds le Lo&uMO’sRE Unc URGERS 11:00 AM-3:00 PM HAMB Hamburgers -- Sandwiches -- Breakfast (313) 914 - 7370 20% OFF with Coupon or School ID ERIC A. PARZIANELLO Attorney and Counselor Service Available 7 Days/Week Military & Senior Discounts Insured Katie Yee (313) 588-8055 www.katiesappliancerepair.com 3-B-4-2 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 Planning, Transactions & Litigation 313-672-7300 www.hspplc.com eparzianello@hspplc.com Parish Member TOTAL TREE SERVICE TREE TRIMMING, REMOVAL, FIREWOOD, STUMP GRINDING Insured, Senior Discounts 30 Yrs. Exp. • I.S.A. Certified Arborist Free Estimate 734-266-4015 www.4LPi.com www.frankstree.com Garage Doors Openers, Steel & Fiberglass Entry Doors Residential / Commercial / Industrial 14351 W Warren - Dearborn www.jandoor.com • 313.581.7300 ©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc 15-0009/c KATIE ZAKAR 248-669-0701 www.katiezakar.com ~ Class of ‘99 ~ 27100 Van Born Road • Dearborn Heights, MI 48125 ACCIDENTS HAPPEN, BE READY! 313-299-9711 www.kortescollision.com Lifetime Warranty* • On-line estimating Accept all insurances Parish Member A Family Tradition Since 1964 Additions • Dormers • Garages Kitchens • Bathrooms • Concrete Roofs • Siding • Porches • Windows MOST SELECTED, MOST RESPECTED PARISH MEMBER ITALYAMERICAN.COM Lunch & Dinner Specials Banquet Facilities • Cocktails 26356 Ford Road, Dearborn Heights (313) 278-6000 In the Heights Center “Great Employment Opportunities!” Troubleshooting/Repair • New or Old Construction Code Violations • Service Updates Danny Testani, Master Electrician Call for Estimate Parish Members !"#$%&'()*)+'),-./01-'2'3%44&'()*)+',,5.565- CARPET HARDWOOD VINYL • TILE LAMINATE AND MORE Andrea Fitzgerald, Parish Member/Alumni andrea.fitzgerald@live.com 313.283.1729 Jason Armstrong, D.D.S., 24521 Ford Road Dearborn, MI 48128 10% OFF LABOR & 1% !"#$%&!'($)*'%"' %+&',+-.)+ 313.278.6333 Contact me TODAY to find out the value of your home, how long it will take to sell and what I do DIFFERENT to get homes SOLD. !"#$%&'()*+,& Monday- Thursday 9am to 6pm Parish member Carl Meyers Senior Vice President, Investments 15% OFF all dental services for new patients at the parish www.cosmeticdentistdearborn.com NO INSURANCE NO PROBLEMS! Exam, (4) XRays & Cleaning ONLY $99 WE OFFER EVENING APPOINTMENTS! Raymond James “Feel free to call with your investment questions” Established in 1998, Hollywood Nails has been providing a wide variety of professional beauty and personal grooming services for our customers - including manicures, pedicures, waxing, etc. 401(K) ROLLOVERS TAX FREE BONDS TAX FREE INCOME INVESTMENT SERVICES /01,234'52/,6789':6;'<2=<'/,<664'/975189/ :744'/19'6:'3,;>42,'8324/':6;'?@ABAA'C29<'C<291'920 SUMMER & FALL HOURS: Mon - Sat 10am - 8pm WINTER & SPRING HOURS: Mon - Sat 10 am - 7 pm Closed on Sundays 313-240-5099 Carl.Meyers@RaymondJames.com NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS 300 Town Center Dr. #100 Dearborn, MI 48126 D@DEFGFEG@HD'I'JJJB+"KKLJ""!#$MKN$K"#B)"O Raymond James & Associates, Inc. Member New York Stock Exchange/SIPC (Parish Member - Please Support Us) Todd’s Pharmacy Tim Sarb Parish Member COMPLETE REMODELING KITCHENS • BATHROOMS BASEMENTS • ADDITIONS AGING IN PLACE Fast, Friendly, Convenient L P P Porches • Steps Brick Pavers • Chimneys Concrete Work • Garages Roofing • Siding & Trim LICENSED & INSURED GENERAL CONTRACTOR All Small Jobs Welcome (313) 563-5053 313-562-8337 www.homerepaircontracting.com 25871 Ford Rd. • Dearborn Heights SW Corner of Ford Rd. • Beech Daly 313-406-5279 • www.toddsrx.com • “Free Delivery” CONSTRUCTION CO. INC PA R I S H M E M B E R 3-B-4-2 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 ‘daDean’ of Real Est8 KNOWLEDGE - EXPERIENCE - RESULTS !!! Dean Eveslage (313) Curran & Christie www.4LPi.com 274-1700 x263 dean.eveslage@century21.com ‘Psalm 91’ ©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc 15-0009/o
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