19/15 26/04/2015 Order of Services for the week 26/04-03/05/2015 Ss Peter & Paul, Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral 35 Canning Street, North Melbourne, VIC. 3051 Phone: (03) 9320 2566 Fax: (03) 9320 2544 Email: melbourneparish @catholicukes.org.au http://catholicukes.org.au/ parishes/north-melbourne/ ______________________ Eparch Most Rev. Peter Stasiuk, C.Ss.R. mob.: 0407 653 862 Cathedral Administrator Fr. Olexander Kenez mob.: 0413 097 652 Parish Priests Fr. Peter Struk mob.: 0457 912 924 Fr. Brian Kelty mob.: 0468 348 204 Fr. Ivan Mysiv mob.: 0426 812 982 Parish Deacons d. Edward Kostraby (03) 9459 9564 d. Justin McDonnell mob.: 0402 324 694 d. Michael Zylan mob.: 0419 966 789 ______________________ Noble Park Fr. Robert Stickland 97984968 or 0438884968 _____________________ Parish Council Mr. Stefan Romaniw mob.: 0419 531 255 Mr. Eugene Hawryshko mob.: 0412 475 470 Sunday (26/04/2015) - Divine Liturgy Monday-Friday (20/04/2015) - Divine Liturgy Saturday (25/04/2015) - Divine Liturgy Sunday (26/04/2015) - Divine Liturgy 8 a.m; 9.30 a.m; 11.30 a.m 9.00 a.m. 9.30 a.m. 8 a.m; 9.30 a.m; 11.30 a.m. Today the forthcoming 40th Anniversary Concert of CYM choir, Cheremosh, to be held at 1.30pm at the Ukrainian Hall Essendon. The Artistic director and conductor is Prof Volodymyr Holovko, Awarded Artist of Ukraine, who is also the conductor of the Cathedral Choir. The combined choirs toured Ukraine in 2011. Cheremosh Choir has been an integral part of the Ukrainian community in Melbourne, and indeed Australia, and everyone is encouraged to celebrate this milestone occasion. Спілка Укранської Молоді запрошує вас на концерт з нагоди відзначення 40-лiття хoру Черемош, котрий відбудеться сьогодні 26-го квітня о год 1.30пп в Народному Домі, Ессендон. Художний керівник і дириґент заслужений діяч мистецтв України, Володимир Головко, котрий також є дириґент нашого церковного хору. Можна замовити квитки в Григорія Моравського, або придбати в день концерту. Благословення гробів/Blessing of graves Fr. Zenon Chorkawyj Saturday 25th of April – Footscray Cemetery: 3.00 pm Parastas Sunday 26th of April – Altona Cemetery: 2.00 pm Parastas Saturday 2nd of May – Williamstown Cemetery: 2.00 pm Parastas Sunday 3rd of May – Sunbury Cemetery: 2.00 pm Parastas Fr Robert Stickland Saturday, May 2 at 3.00 PM. – Springvale Cemetery Подяка / Thank you Духовенство та Парафіяльна Рада нашої парафії щиро дякують усім, хто допомагали у підготовці та проведенні Спільного Свяченого в минулу неділю. Спасибі Вам! The Clergy and the Parish Council would like to thank to everybody who helped for preparing and organizing the Easter Food Sharing on last Sunday for our parishioners. Thank you all for your dedication and love for your parish. Великодня Пожертва/Easter donation: родина Скоробагата, І. С. Семчишин, Ігор Пекар, Ana Hrsto, J. & N. Sulema, Marija Lutrov, Anna Moravski, Є. І Л. Бучма, Anna Rybalko Чищення Катедри Церковний податок Родина Скоробагата С. Пекар І. С. Семчишин J. & N. Sulema A. Hrsto $50.00 $50.00 $30.00 $20.00 $20.00 M. Lutrov A. Moravski A. Rybalko $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 P. Fijalka $20.00 Жертводавці на ремонт катедри Church & parish buildings renovation І. Ф. Фігурек P. Fijalka MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALL AND REWARD YOU HUNDREDFOLD! $50.00 $15.00 ДЯКУЄМО УСІМ ЗА ВАШІ ПОЖЕРТВИ! На похороні св. п. Миколи Магура у п’ятницю 17 квітня 2015 р. Б. замість квітів було зібрано $540 на потреби катедри. Дякуємо усім за вашу щедру руку. Нехай Господь прийме душу померлого Миколи до Царства Небесного. Христос Воскрес! ПРОХАННЯ Просимо всіх наших парафіян, хто змінив свою адресу проживання, повідомити на парафію вашу нову адресу, щоб ми її внесли в нашу базу даних, бо від цього залежить чи до вас прибуде згодом священик із благословенням домів, привітальні листи і т.д. Хто не впевнений, чи є в наших даних, просимо зголоситися і провірити, а ті, хто бажає бути записаним, але ще не є в нашому листі, просимо звернутися на парафію. We ask all parishioners who have recently changed their address to please notify the parish so that we can update our records. Порядок Богослужінь 26/04/2015 – Sunday – 10 am – Божественна Літургія / Divine Liturgy 29/04/2015 – Wednesday – 12 pm – Молебень / Moleben 03/05/2015 – Sunday – 10 am - Божественна Літургія / Divine Liturgy Просимо наступних людей приготувати зал в Нобл Парку для Святої Літургії: Чергові: П–і О.Стефин - тел. 9795 2679 та моб. 0422 737 404 26.04.2015 – род. Селемба Черговий: Пан С. Бабійчук - тел. 9796 6910, 0400 635 959 03.05.2015 – род. Бабяк, пан Романюк 10.05.2015 – п–во Осюрак, п–во Гуменюк Зал потрібно приготовляти в неділю о 9 год. ранку або, за домовленням з черговим, у суботу після 3.00 год п.п. Якщо не зможете приготовити в назначений день, то просимо заздалегідь помінятися з кимось іншим і про це повідомити чергового. Просимо не пропускати своєї черги, бо це несправедливо накладає тягар на чергову особу, яка лишається cама, а для одного це затяжко. "Congratulations, Noble Park parishioners! (1) Thanks must go to the Rupa family for providing an abundant feast on St Thomas Sunday. (2) In our parish we blessed our collection of food items for the Greater Dandenong area on that same Sunday. I was amazed at the sensitivity of and the wise selection by our people of those items: for children (sweets, Easter chocolates), young mothers (yes, even nappies for their babies), and families (soups, drinks, biscuits, cereals and what you will; it was incredible). My car was laden down with transporting the blessed items. We are a vibrant community, not only supporting each other as Ukrainians but the wider community in our area. God bless, for our parish is following the Gospel of Matthew 25: 31-46." Fr Robert. Please Note: Because of a clash of dates, the blessing of graves at the Springvale Cemetery will take place on Saturday, May 2 at 3.00 PM. (NOT April 19 as mentioned in the Cathedral’s Easter Letter - it is mistake) (Please, notify other people) Читання на тиждень/Readings 26/04/2015 - Act. 6, 1-7; Jn. 15, 43-16,8 27/04/2015 - Act. 6, 8-7, 5; 47-60; Jn. 4, 47-54 28/04/2015 - Act. 8, 5-17; Jn. 6, 27-33 29/04/2015 - Act. 8, 18-25; Jn. 6, 35-39 Altar boys and girls for the coming month of May 2015 May 3 Peter Pelyshchuk, Marko Lescesin, Damian Figurek, Nicholas Dudij, Julian Levkut, Simon Herczaniwski May 10 Ella Solozynskyj, Alissa Soloczynskyj, Talya Herczaniwski, Olivia Figurek, Justina Flunt, Melanie Flunt May 17 Matthew Doma, Theodore Rossetto, Zachary Rossetto, Damian Figurek, Lian Sikora, Alek Sikora May 24 Talya Herczaniwski, Olivia Figurek, Iryna Loboda, Joanna Ckuj, Mia Burlak, Sasha Burlak 30/04/2015 - Act. 8, 26-39; Jn. 6, 40-44 01/05/2015 - Act. 8, 40-9, 19; Jn. 6, 48-54 02/05/2015 - Act. 9, 20-31; Jn. 15, 17-16, 2 03/05/2015 - Act. 9, 32-42; Jn. 5, 1-15 Парафіяльні вісті на email! Якщо ви бажаєте отримувати вісті на свій email щотижня, просто напишіть до нас електронного листа з вашою електонною поштою і вкажіть, що ви бажаєте отримувати вісті. Наша адреса: melbourneparish@catholicukes.org.au Parish Newsletter via email If you are unable to attend Divine Liturgy on Sundays, we are now able to send you a PDF copy of the Parish newsletter to your email address. Should you like to receive such an email, please email us indicating your interest in receiving the Parish newsletter in this format. Our email address is: melbourneparish@catholicukes.org.au SUNDAY OF THE MYRRH-BEARING WOMEN Ch rist has redeemed us by giving Himself as our ransom; He is the price paid for every soul, and by redeeming us from death and giving us immortality He has made us His own. So now that we belong to the Lord we must follow His will in all things, not living for ourselves anymore but only for Him who has purchased us with His life. We are no longer autonomous but belong to the One who has bought us, and we must be ruled by His will. As long as death had power over us we were ruled by sin, but now that we belong to the Lord of life we must give our allegiance to our new Master. Sin must never again make us disobey Him, for that would bring us once more under the domination of the evil one and of death. We feel bound to Christ when we know that He is, as Paul tells us, both victim and priest, that He was actually offered for us as our paschal sacrifice, and that He W hile yet a servant of the law, the blessed Joseph recognized Christ as God, and this is why he dared to do such a praiseworthy deed of courage. He did not stop to think to himself, "I am a wealthy man, and I will lose my wealth if I ask for the body of one condemned by the rulers authority, and I will be slandered by the Jews." No such thoughts did he harbor, but placing all other considerations second, he begged to bury the Body of the One condemned. "Pilate wondered if He were already dead," for Pilate thought that Jesus would endure on the cross for a long time, as did the thieves. So he asked the centurion if Jesus had already died some time before. Joseph then took the Body, having bought linen, and when he had taken It down from the cross he wrapped It in the linen, and buried reverently that which was worthy of all reverence. For Joseph too was a disciple of Christ, and he knew that it was necessary to honor the Master. He was noble, that is, devout, pious, and blameless. And he held the rank of counsellor, a title which conferred duties of public service and responsibility; the counsellors supervised Himself was the priest who made this offering to God. He gave himself up, says Paul, as a sacrifice to us. Those who realize that Christ gave himself up and became our Passover will in their turn offer themselves to God as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable. They will become spiritual oblations. Refusing to conform to the standards of the world, they will change their whole outlook so as to know the will of God, what is good, pleasing to Him, and best in every way … While our minds remain subject to our lower nature we are at enmity with God and refuse to obey His law … Meditating on Christ’s offering of His own blood in atonement for our sins should teach us to imitate Him and to make atonement for our own sins, mortifying our bodies in order to purify our souls. St. Gregory of Nyssa the affairs of the marketplace, and danger often befell one holding this position because of the evil doings in the market. Let the wealthy, and those engaged in public business, heed that Josephs high rank in no way hindered him from living a virtuous life. Joseph means "increase," and Arimathea means "taking hold of that." Let us be like Joseph, always increasing in virtue, and taking hold of that which is truly good. Let us also take the Body of Jesus, through Holy Communion, and place It in a tomb hewn out of a rock, that is, place It within a soul which always remembers God and does not forget Him. And let that soul be hewn from a rock, that is, from Christ Who is the Rock on which we are established. Let us wrap the Body of Jesus in the linen, that is, let us receive It within a pure body. For the body is the linen and the garment of the soul. We must receive the divine Body of the Lord not only with a pure soul, but with a pure body as well. And we must wrap It and enfold It within ourselves, and not leave It exposed. For this Mystery is something veiled and hidden, not something to be exposed. By St. Theophylact, Archbishop of Ochrid and Bulgaria
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