For the wisdom that fashioned the universe and can be read in the earth’s dark depths and in heaven’s infinity of lights thanks be to you, O God . . . Let wisdom unfold in our heart and mind and in the men and women of every nation. Let us see the foundations for a new harmony within us and between us, the foundations for a recovered unity with the earth and all its creatures, for the ground of life is in you, O God, the ground of all life is in you. John Philip Newell, Sounds of the Eternal, A Celtic Psalter The Church of Universal Fellowship 82 Main Street Orono, Maine 04473 207-866-3655 email: web address: Dear Friends, Dark, wet, and rich--the actual ground beneath our feet is now visible again. We can feel and smell the soft earth. We can plunge our hands into it, scrape away the dead leaves, and revel in the tiny green shoots of a crocus or a fiddlehead. Here in the northern climes, spring is poignant and emotional as we celebrate with joy the cycle of life beginning again. We relate strongly to Paul’s description of God as the Ground of our Being because we literally see the ground transformed from “earth stood hard as iron” to “robed in the blooming garb of spring”. God is indeed the ‘ground of our being’, the source of our transformation, new beginnings and new life. This month here at CUF reflects our rejoicing spirits—from the Earth Day Clean-up to the Euphony Concert of Rilke poems, from the Shabbat Dinner to the Children’s Flower Communion, from book discussions of Man’s Search for Meaning and Philomena: A Mother, A Son, and a Fiftyyear Search to the 59th Annual Plant Sale! And let’s not forget the Annual Church Picnic on June 7th! The very ‘ground of our being’ is indeed the ‘ground of all life’, God, the Ground of Our Being! See you in church, Lorna The Reverend Lornagrace Grenfell Minister’s Message1 Around CUF 2 Green Fund 3 Green Thumb 4 Young People 5 Adult ED 6 Info Coffee 6 New Members 6 Comm. Minister 7 Church Picnic 8 Around CUF . . . Dozens of coats and jackets were collected on Palm Sunday and delivered to the Thrift Shop!... Fifteen people turned out to make Pysanky Easter Eggs with Annie Homola!... All the Easter celebrations were so very meaningful! Twenty-five hardy souls turned out for the Sunrise Service The Church of Universal Fellowship welcomes to formal membership the 2015 Coming-of-Age Class Katherine Elizabeth King Elijah Bay Marx McGill George Hamilton Smith Cards of condolence to the family of Theodore “Ted” Curtis, Jr. Rose Marie Curtis 123 Main St., Orono ME 04473 i n 14 degrees! The sun rose right on schedule—no clouds after the snowy night--and Susan Heath’s piccolo music and the red cardinals in the tree made worship all the more beautiful!... The Hospitality Team and Crew served an extraordinary Easter Breakfast to 50 people! Thank you to all who contributed—especially Will Hunter’s Pancakes and John Hackney’s Poached Eggs!... At 10:15, Fred Heath’s Brass Quintet (Ted Duffy, 1st Trumpet; Alex Fergusson, 2nd Trumpet; Susan L. Smith, French Horn; Elijah McGill, Trombone; Fred Heath, Bass Trombone) was terrific, and we loved watching Molly Webster conduct all of us in singing Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus!... Coffee Hour was a delight with Steffi’s Easter Egg Tree and Emily’s bunny cookies!... Welcome home to snowbirds Paul and Joyce Harris and Randy and Lyn Adkins!... So many familiar faces from far away have been in worship recently—Dale Mitchell from Maryland, Dana Dolloff from Vermont, Brenda Zollitsch from Portland, and Brandon Cook from Indiana!... Resource Specialist Barbara Turner has a table in the Library of items relating to C.S. Lewis!... So many upcoming events are scheduled here at CUF! Keep checking your calendar! VÉÇzÜtàâÄtà|ÉÇá àÉ V{Ü|áà|x tÇw gÜtä|á fÇxÄÄ tÇw U|z f|áàxÜ ftÜt{ ZÜtvx ÉÇ à{x u|Üà{ Éy VtÅxÜÉÇ g{ÉÅtá4 May Gospel Lessons May 3 John 15:1-8 May 10: John 15:9-17 May 17: John 17:6-19 May 24: Pentecost Acts 2:1-21 May 31: John 3:1-17 Abigail Curtis P.O. Box 815, Belfast ME 04915 Ben and Lynn King Katie and Sarah P.O. Box 328, Seal Harbor ME 04675 John and Sarah Curtis and Kyal 2796 Alapa Loop, Wahiawa, HI 96786 Lara and Jim Campbell and James 1 Caxton Street, Wetherby, L522 6RU, United Kingdom Cards of love and encouragement to: Imogene Brightman, Carl Gridley and Doris Gray all: c/o Ross Manor 758 Broadway, Bangor ME 04401 Jane Ann Cooper (CUF will deliver) Gary Noyes: 79 Havasu Road, Orono ME 04473 ? Who ? Who ? Who ? Who ? How well do you know your church family? Each month, the WIND asks a question about someone in our congregation. Can you discover the answer? Ask around! Talk to people! May Challenge: What TWO CUF members ran the 2015 Boston Marathon last month? April Challenge: What CUF member said the following in a radio interview this past month? “I was so thrilled to do those (public announcements) because it made me feel like things were becoming whole again. To read out those locations, that station, ‘World Trade Center’, made such a difference to me.” Answer: Carolyn Hopkins, the celebrated and familiar voice of the NYC subway system! 2 CUF Green Fund! Fund! In November, the Board of Trustees commissioned an energy analysis by joining Interfaith Power and Light, a non-profit focused on saving money through energy efficiency for faith communities and low-income residences. The audit was performed by Osher Environmental, an Orono company. The team included an engineer and a person with over 20 years of experience in saving energy in homes. Osher Environmental measured the entire building (all 3 sections) and built a detailed model that included heat flow throw walls, ceilings and windows, and airflow through doors, windows and the rest of the building throughout a year of typical weather outside. Using this model they very accurately predicted existing energy usage based on past heating bills. They then analyzed reductions in heating costs due to various building modifications that change air flow or heat flow. The detailed report is an extensive ten pages and fairly technical. Several copies are available in the office and Trustee Brian McGill and property Chair John McCormack are happy to answer questions. However, the report is easily summarized by three numbers: • Cost to perform the particular modification (estimates of construction costs) • Energy saved per year (obviously an estimate that depends on fuel prices) • Pay back (number of years needed for the savings to cover the costs The table below lists all of the modifications studied that will pay their costs back in 15 years or less. Please note that many other options were also considered. Action 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Keep blinds on average 2/3 closed (100% closed=$225 saved/year) Window inserts for skylights in MacKenzie Room & windows in Narthex Air sealing (door gaskets, caulking, outlets, new door to Bell Tower) Spray-foam insulation in crawl space under Minister’s Office nd Replace tiles with sheetrock in 2 floor over McKenzie Room & Library (reduce airflow) Cover basement Vestry walls with spray-foam insulation (and cover insulation) Add cellulose insulation up R60 in new connecting addition & Sanctuary ceilings Total Savings/ year Payback Cost $0 $150 Immediate $1,000 $500 ~2 years $6,500 $2,000 ~3 years $4,000 $900 ~4 years $6,000 $1,000 ~6 years $9,000 $900 ~10 years $8,000 $650 ~12 years $34,500 $6,100 5.6 years One of the main conclusions is that our church is a very drafty building! CUF has 40% of the air leave the building and be replaced (and heated up to room temperature) every hour. This is the same as having a 3’x 4’ hole in the side of the building that is wide open to the outside. The lobby/bell tower/kitchen area is especially bad. The good news is that this is among the cheaper things to fix (items #2, 3, 4 and 5). The last items under 3 the 15 year pay back cut-off are insulation on the vestry walls and the addition ceiling (#6 and #7). Note #4 has both airflow and insulation benefits since spray-foam covers the sills which are typically fairly leaky. As everybody is aware, money is tight these days at CUF, and we are actively investing in program offerings to build for the future. Unfortunately, even though this would be an ideal use of endowment funds under other circumstances because the payback is quick, the current endowment is so close to the level of the restricted funds below which we cannot spend that the Board of Trustees did not feel it prudent to spend endowment on this project. Doing so would eliminate CUF’s financial cushion and hasten the day when we might no longer be able to withdraw from the endowment. At the same time, it is hard to see paybacks of 1-5 years and do nothing because these paybacks turn into savings in our Annual Budget each and every year once the investment is made. This is especially true when these activities are also good for the environment. In order to move forward, the Board of Trustees has elected to share this information with CUF members and to establish a dedicated “Green Fund” for people who wish to donate towards these costs. As money comes in, we will spend our way down the payback list, accomplishing #2, then #3, then #4 etc. as funding becomes available. Final bids will be obtained and work will be managed by the Property Committee. Please contact the Church Office at any time if you wish to be a part of this ongoing project by making a donation to: “The Green Fund”. Thank you! GREEN THUMB SALE Saturday, May 30 30, 2015 2015 on the lawn from 9:00 – 2:00 pm Due to the late spring, the Green Thumb Sale at the Church of Universal Fellowship will be later than usual. Empty pots and plants are still needed and can be left on the church porch. We invite all gardening enthusiasts to come on Saturday, May 30 to the 59th annual Green Thumb and Food Sale on the church lawn from 9am to 2 pm, rain or shine! No early birds please. Gardening enthusiasts will find a large selection of perennial plants, seedlings, shrubs and trees, and a selection of beautiful geraniums, petunias, pansies, lobelia and salvia. All perennials come from local gardens, are reasonably priced, and more likely to do well than plants bought at chain stores. In addition to the plants, a food sale will also be offered inside with baked goods. Please call the church office at 866-3655 for more information. Proceeds benefit the church's Benevolence Fund. Hospitality and Greeting Schedule Hospitality (refreshments) Greeting May 10 Janet and Mark Bilyk Lori and Jonathan Smith and family May 17 Nancy Leavitt & Stefanie Egenhofer Lyn and Randy Adkins May 24 Rachel Dobbs & Raechelle Edmiston-Cyr Sandra and Emily Feher May 31 Renee and Will Hunter and family Susan and Fred Heath June 7 Celebration Sunday: Church Picnic! Emily and Joe Taylor Please contact Stefanie Egenhofer, 866-3862, with any changes. Thank you! 4 Flower Communion! Celebrate our Young People! Sunday in Worship, May 31st The celebration of all the teachers and volunteers who have worked with our children and youth this year will happen during the service on Sunday, May 31st. Please be sure to put it on your calendars! You won’t want to miss this service, especially if you have a child in our RE programs or if you yourself have volunteered in a classroom, participated in Mystery Friends or in any other way interacted with our wonderful children and youth this year! The children and I ask that everyone who is able please bring a flower (or 2 or 3) with them to this service on Sunday May 31st - absolutely any kind of flower is fine. Hopefully, we will all have some flowers blooming in our yards by then! There will be vases up front on the altar where you can place your flowers as you arrive. Thank you in advance! News from Religious Education K-12 Shabbat Dinner May 15th A Shabbat dinner will be hosted by our friends from Beth El synagogue right here at the CUF on Friday May 15th at 6pm. This will be a chance for the larger CUF community to join with the children and celebrate all we have learned this year about first century Palestine and about the Jewish roots of our Christian faith. Suggested donation of $7 per person and $20 per family (donation basket at the door). Anyone who is able to come help set up at 5pm would be greatly appreciated. If you have not yet RSVP’d but would like to attend, please contact Sarah right away – spaces are limited! OWL (Our Whole Lives) information – Coffee Hour on May 17th For anyone interested in learning more about the Our Whole Lives sexuality education program created by the UCC and the UUA, the CUF members who will be teaching the curricula will be offering information during Coffee Hour on the Sunday the 17th. Beginning next fall, CUF will be offering the year-long program for 4-6th graders and 7-9th graders. Our teachers will have samples of the two curricula, OWL values and principles lists, and lots of other information for you to check out – plus they would be happy to answer any questions you may have. These CUFers attended a two-day training together in March, and they are a very well informed and friendly bunch! Congratulations to our young members! Eli McGill is a member of the Orono Middle School Show Choir, which recently won first place in Division 1 at the Maine State Show Choir Festival. The Show Choir is directed by YAWP Co-leader Cami Carter. Trent Lick was named a student of the month in March. Anna Ellis was awarded first prize in the DAR essay contest. Xander Lanigan was interviewed for the “Question of the Week” by the Penobscot Times. Katie King won the Mayflower Award for the State of Maine. Jessie Walker played several parts in the Orono Community Theater production of the Jungle Book. ALLIANCE Daffodil Luncheon, Tuesday, May 12 12:30 pm in the Vestry Following lunch, the Thrift Shop models will be entertaining us with a wonderful fashion show! 5 Alliance takes the summer off. We'll meet again on Tuesday, Sept.8. Church of Universal Fellowship Adult EducatioN -- spring 2015 All are welcome to all programs and events! *May 17, Sunday, #12:10 in The Library: Who Is Theologian Marcus Borg? Host: Barbara Turner *May 18, Monday at 5:30 pm at Judy Perkins-Walker’s house: State of Grace Women’s Book Group Philomena: A Mother, A Son, and a Fifty-year Search by Martin Sixsmith Host: Johanna Szillery *May 29, Friday at 6:30 pm in the McKenzie Room: Movie & BYOWhatever! Movie: see description under Movie Night on page 7 Host: Judy Kuhns Hastings ~ WILL YOU BE A NEW MEMBER? MEMBER? ~ If you are new to our church, your presence in worship and your participation in any and all of our services, programs, and events are greatly valued by the congregation and the minister. We hope you will continue to be with us on a regular basis for a long time to come and that your relationship with the Church of Universal Fellowship will continue to grow. Twice during the year, the church extends an invitation to formal membership. If you desire at this time to become a formal member of our church, and we sincerely hope you do, here are two dates to remember. “Info“Info-Coffee” Sunday, May 31st 9:00 AM The MacKenzie Room (upstairs at the end of the hall) Trustees, Deacons, and the Minister will be available to talk with you and to answer any questions you may have. Although it is not necessary to attend an “Info InfoInfo-Coffee” in order to join the church, we do hope you will take advantage of this time to get better acquainted with us! Children welcome! The Receiving of New Members Sunday, June 7th Sunday Morning Worship Service at 10:15 AM If you have any questions whatsoever about the process of membership or if you would like to meet with the minister individually, please call the church office. If it is your desire to join the church at this time, please call the church office at 866.3655 and let us know. Know that we always welcome your presence among us and would look forward to welcoming you formally on June 7th. 6 State of Grace Women’s Book Group 5:30 pm Gathering Place Come join us. Call Johanna Szillery at 8274172 for more information. May 18, 2015 - Philomena: A Mother, A Son, and a Fifty-year Search by Martin Sixsmith We will gather in the Mackenzie Room at 6:30 pm. May 29: Oscar-winner Forest Whitaker delivers a powerful performance as Cecil Gaines, who served as the White House butler under eight presidents. His three decades of service unfold against a backdrop of unparalleled change in American history Host: Judy Kuhns-Hastings. ...from the Commissioned Minister Welcome to the beautiful month of May. Ah, finally the sun is shining, grass is “greening” and birds are singing. What a joy! On the Alzheimer's unit the folks are busy. They made dog biscuits for the Bangor Humane Society, a project that they enjoy. On Palm Sunday I brought palms to distribute to the residents. I gave a brief understanding of the gospel story - Jesus' peaceful entry into Jerusalem on a donkey and the people's celebration, contrasting this joyful celebration with Rome's show of power on horseback and soldiers, the other side of Jerusalem. A CNA, Hope, led the hymn singing, Geneva read the scripture. The following Sunday, Easter, folks reminisced as we enjoyed the Hot Cross buns compliments of our church. Two packages were left over, so after work I stopped at the fire station adjacent to the Veterans Home to give it to them, in the name of our church for them to enjoy at the station. Two weeks later, I surprised the residents with my rabbit ears headpiece, much to their amusement. We heard the origins of Nursery Rhymes. This month we will honor the many volunteers for their work with the residents. It is blessing for me to be on the Alzheimer's unit, where I am needed, that I sometimes bubble over with enthusiasm when I speak about them. Indeed! Without a doubt this has become my ministry. The residents do feel wanted and loved. **I will be available every Sunday after Service to stamp bills. Check out We need a renaissance of wonder. We need to renew, in our hearts and in our souls, the deathless dream, the eternal poetry, the perennial sense that life is miracle and magic. -- E. Merrill Root (1895-1973) American Writer My love, prayers and blessings to you. Anne Borreggine, Commissioned for Ministry to Older Persons Library News We will be featuring different authors each month and showcasing their books. Books can be signed out on the sheet on the library table. This month's author is theologian C.S. Lewis, an English professor who was also a Christian apologist and fantasy author. In addition to his scholarly works, he wrote the Narnia series of books, a science fantasy trilogy, and many books explaining Christianity in plain language. We have The Screwtape Letters, Mere Christianity, and two of his Narnia books available to borrow. We would like to encourage people to borrow our DVDs and tapes. They can also be signed out on the sheet on the library table. This month's selection is Film Clips for Character Education. This is a series of DVDs, which uses film clips to generate discussion on topics such as teamwork, honor, and caring for others. While these are intended to be used in middle school classrooms, they are equally good for adults to think about. For example, Film Clips uses a clip from the movie Batman Begins to ask: Can intentions be honorable without action? And what is the meaning of "actions speak louder than words"? These might be useful sometime for a movie night or an after church discussion. Barbara Turner, CUF Resource Specialist 7 Honoring All Who Participated Sharing what was learned "Moving Forward with Truth, Healing and Change" Invitation to attend the Closing Ceremony of the Maine Wabanaki-State Child Welfare TRC Join us as we celebrate this historic process, featuring: Sharing of the TRC's findings and recommendations, inspiring speakers, film, music, ceremony, early evening meal Sunday, June 14th Ceremony at 2 pm, Buffet dinner at 5 pm Morgan Hill Event Center, 82 Morgan Hill Lane, Hermon, ME 04401 No charge to attend but seating is limited. Confirm your attendance by email at Deadline for registration: Friday, May 15th. Celebrate CUF! Church Picnic! Sunday in Worship, June 7th CUF’s Celebration Sunday will be a time to rededicate our church and receive new members! After worship, everyone is invited to the Annual Church Picnic on the front lawn. Again this year, our picnic will be catered by Dewey and Emily Hasbrouck of Moe’s Original BBQ! Tickets will be on sale for $6 each, $21 family starting on Sunday, May 10th after church. All ticket proceeds will benefit CUF’s Orono to Africa benevolence project! In Malawi, CUF helps send children to school and assists in more than a dozen community gardens. In Mozambique, CUF helps fund the tuition for a medical student. Any questions? Call Ed Brazee at 576-8401. 8
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