17373 EAST LEHIGH PLACE, AURORA, COLORADO 80013 PHONE: 720-886-8100 FAX: 720-886-8188 ATTENDANCE: 720-886-8180 Calendar of Events: May Message from the Principal May 21, 2015 21 - Spring Choir Concert 6:00 p.m. 22 - PRIDE Assembly CIMARRON PRIDE We are… POSITIVE RESPECTFUL & RESPONSIBLE INCLUSIVE DEDICATED EXCELLENT 25 - Memorial Day. NO SCHOOL! 29 - Field Day 29 - PTCO Spring Carnival 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. June 1 - Morning Kindergarten Celebration 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. 1 - Afternoon Kindergarten Celebration 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. First Day of School Thursday, August 13, 2015; First Grade through Fifth Grade ONLY School Hours: 8:50 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Kindergarten: No school for KG students on Thursday 8/13 and Friday 8/14. Instead, KG students will be given an apt. for KG screening with one of the teachers. Class Lists: Class lists will be posted in the main hallway on Wednesday, August 12, after 2:30 p.m. Lunch Account: Pre-payment for meals will take place in the cafeteria Wednesday, August 12, from 10:00-3:30 Meet & Greet: Wednesday, August 12 from 2:30-3:30 p.m.: Meet Teachers, Visit Classrooms & Tour Cimarron Back to School Night & Family Picnic: August 27th 5:00-7:00 p.m. Meet teachers; learn grade level curriculum & expectations Picnic at the park (across the street at the track) Bring family, food, and blanket (Connect with Cimarron staff & Cimarron families) Extended Care Programs: Please call if you are interested in these wonderful academic enriching programs. Summer Care, Before and After School Care: 720-886-8120 Kindergarten Enrichment: 720-886-8165 Respectfully, Diana Roybal & Cimarron Staff 1 - 5th Grade Continuation 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. 2 - Last Day of School. (Grades 1-4) 12:00 p.m. dismissal. July Complete On-Line registration after July 1. Ghirmay (G) Alazar, Ph.D. Assistant Principal Cimarron Elementary 17373 E. Lehigh Pl., Aurora, 80013 720.886.8100 720.886.8106 Voice galazar@cherrycreekschools.org May 13, 2015 Dear Cimarron Family: The purpose of this letter is to inform you that I will be resigning from my position of Assistant Principal at Cimarron Elementary with Cherry Creek School District on June 30, 2015 as my family is relocating to Indiana. I never thought I would ever leave such an excellent school such as Cimarron and the Cherry Creek School District, but a wonderful career opportunity was presented to our family in Indiana and we accepted the opportunity. As you can imagine, it has been a very emotional process for me and my family in making this decision, but in the end, I feel that this is the right decision for my family. I want to thank each and every one of you for all your support and for entrusting me with your children for the past year. I am honored and feel so fortunate to have been given the opportunity to be part of the Cimarron Family. I cannot say enough wonderful things about Cimarron’s staff and their commitments to your children’s education and well-being. I am particularly thankful for working with our incredible principal Diana Roybal because of her passion for kids and leadership style; she is the kind of principal I want to become. Although it’s hard to say goodbye to our parents and adult community, the hardest part of leaving is saying goodbye to the children. Please give them a hug for me and let them know how they touched my heart and life. I have a special place in my heart for Cimarron PRIDE. Thank you again for everything. Take care and be well. Sincerely, Ghirmay (G) Alazar, Ph.D. Online Parent Forms Cherry Creek Schools requires each family to update their student information. If these forms have not yet been completed for the 2014-15 school year, please update them as soon as possible. You can register and/or login to the system at http://my.cherrycreekschools.org. Please call the office at 720-8868100 if you have any concerns or questions. * * * * * * * * * * Important Cimarron Café news: Message from Ms. Kim: It’s that time again at the end of the year when we need to clear all our lunch accounts. If you are on free & reduced you may have a balance that was accumulated before you went on the free & reduced program. You should be receiving recorded messages at this time with the balance owed. You may also contact Ms. Kim @ 720-886-8135 to receive your balance. Thank you so much for taking care of this. As always, the lunch ladies enjoy serving your children with healthy meals and 4/ever smiles everyday! Have a great summer and we will see you again next year. Attendance is VERY important! * * * * * * * * * It is difficult for a student to learn if they are not in the classroom. Please encourage your student to be STEM “2015” Summer Camp Opportunities in school, but don’t send them when they are sick. TARDIES are very disruptive, not only to the late student, but to every student and teacher in the classroom. School starts at 9:00 a.m. They should be in their seats ready to learn at that time. EARLY DISMISSALS are also very disruptive to the classroom environment and take away significant learning time for the student. Please avoid picking your child up early when possible. * * * * * * * * * * Platte River Academy http://bitsbytesbots.com/bitsbytesbots/summer-camps/ Math Pioneers http://mathpioneers.org/our-classes/ SouthGlenn Learning Center https://engineeringforkids.com/location/denver/camps Noteablekids arts center http://noteablekids.com/vlt25289.htm Denver Museum of Nature & Science http://www.dmns.org/learn/children/summer-day-camps/ ID Tech Camps https://www.idtech.com/locations/colorado-summer-camps/ denver/id-tech-university-of-denver/ The Trails Recreation Center www.aprd.org Summer Sports / Drivers Education Denver Children’s Museum https://mychildsmuseum.org/daily-programs/camps.aspx CCSD provides sports and drivers' education opportunities. Please see the websites below for information. Exl learning Summer Sports: www.cherrycreekschools.org/athleticsactivities/ summercamps http://wingsmuseum.org/ Drivers Education: www.cherrycreekschools.org/athleticsactivities/driversed * * * * * * * * * www.exllearning.com Space Voyage Summer Camps http://www.spacevoyage.com/sum-2015/brochure/index.html Wings Over The Rockies Air & Space Museum Follow this link for more camp opportunities provided by the Denver Post: http://www.denverpost.com/summercamps * * * * * * * * * P.R.I.D.E. AWARDS CIMARRON ELEMENTARY May 15, 2015 SCHOOL WE HAVE CIMARRON PRIDE: We are ……..Positive We are ……..Respectful & Responsible We are ……..Inclusive We are ……..Dedicated April 24, 2015 Aneesa S. Mason B. McKaelyn H. Makayla C. Winter L. Lillian W. Harper L. Jacob G. Aspen G. Cody M. Chauncey S. Derrick D. Mia J. Lucy R. Justin S. Jeremy K. Reilly M. Alena F. Quincy H. Nicholas H. Annabelle C. Christian K. Alonso G. Makayla J. Owen B. Yosabet M. Paul J-U. Reid G. Ethan H. Gage G. Dante D. Yoana G. Amanda R. Lucas R. Zander R. Aiden L. May 1, 2015 Raiden A. Cecil W. Hunter H. Christian G. Abigail S. Taylor T. Benyamin N. Zoe I. Derrick D. Darryanna G. Ulises G. 3-5 Grade PRIDE Awards Assembly Ms. Campbell Makenzie W. Michael P. Ny’lah L. We are about…...Excellence April 17, 2015 Taryn T. Cordell F. Julia B. Jada G. Jayhaun T. Grace E. Jaiden W. Francisco R-B. Jamie J. Eliana G. Edna G. Nelayah F. May 8, 2015 L.J. Hines Gabriel J. Madison W. Christian G. David P. Dana T. Ray H. Angelique G. Ms. Rapp Jacob G. Sabah A. Risolat M. Mr. Ricker Dominique O. Raven G. Casey R. Ms. Showell Jasmine S. Joshua M. Alexander M. Ms. Cardillo Noah M. Lexmarie D. Mariah L. Devin J. Heldana M. Ms. Carkhuff Angelique G. Taryn T. Leonardo A. Nathan C. Daniela B. Carson S. Ms. Whitney Makenzey G Kirby E. Karsyn S. Ryan M. Sharif G. Ms. Firebaugh Jada G. Wesley G. Dashiell M. Zandon P. Ms. Jackson Taylor S. Cidrina K. Isaac M-S. Phillip S. Mr. Tretten Jordan C-J. Kimberly C-Q. Kaitlyn M. Salvador R. Ms. Ewing Kaitlyn K. Lucy R. Ama J. Katelyn V. Sanai P. Mr. Lopez Javier S-H. Brenden A. Haley R. Hunter H. Branden T. Cimarron’s yearbook is coming! Place your orders NOW to ensure your lasting memories. Only $17 Make checks payable to Cimarron Elementary Limited Quantity First-come, first-served * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Cimarron’s Annual Spring Carnival May 29th Attention Business Owners! Would you like to advertise and promote your business at Cimarron’s Carnival? If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact Nitosha Jackson for more information. She can be reached at mnitosha@yahoo.com STEAM = Science & Technology interpreted through Engineering & the Arts, all based in Mathematical elements. Cimarron is turning up the heat with projects and programs that will have our students ready to burst with knowledge and useful information! STEAM is an acronym that shows how all topics in subject areas relate to each other and to the real world. Cimarron STEAM activities this month: Science: Science Fair was lots of fun for everyone! Twenty-four students from grades 1st through 5th displayed their science projects. Technology/Library: On-line subscriptions/Databases are available to students all summer. Be sure to encourage your children to read over the summer months. Reading all summer long will keep kids sharp and ready to get ahead in the fall. And, check this out; the library will be open 4 days this summer, for two hours after summer school. Dates: July 9th, July 16th, July 23rd, and July 30th. Be sure to stop by this summer and check–out our books. Engineering: Robotics Club students have completed their Robotic race courses. Experts agree that robotics will be a big part of our future, from cars that drive themselves to actual robots that can help around the house. The Cimarron Robotics Club is a great place to gear up for the future. Look for information next fall about this exciting program provided through Colorado 4H. Arts: Dance Club is on Wednesdays from 3:35-4:30. This club is for all ages, both boys and girls. We start off by doing a little warm up to get our bodies ready to dance. We stretch and talk about the importance of taking care of our bodies and always being careful so we do not injure ourselves. The kiddos then work on their dance that they will perform for the school at the end of the year PRIDE Assembly. The kiddos are excited to show off what they have learned! Math: Before School 4th Grade and 5th Grade Math Clubs have been working hard to hone their math skills. They know that having strong math skills will help them in the grades to come. Math skills are cumulative, so staying in the numbers game just adds up. Becca attended Cimarron Elementary. She always loved animals, especially horses, ever since she could ride a stick horse. She got her first horse when she was 14 years old. She did competitive riding and Eventing, which is Dressage, Cross Country and Stadium Jumping. She graduates from the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at Colorado State University with a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine this month! Congratulations Becca!!! As the end of the year gets closer, I want to remind you to pick up any over the counter medications that your child has in the clinic by June 2. If you do not pick them up, I will add them to the clinic stock. Any prescription medications, inhalers, and EpiPens, etc., need to be picked up on the last day of school unless your child attends our Mustangs on the Move program. However, please let me know if you want me to give the medication to Pauline, our director. Please be aware that I am not able to keep medications over the summer and they will be disposed of. Substitute School Nursing Positions in CCSD If you are a registered nurse looking to work part-time CCSD is looking for nurses with pediatric or public health experience to assist and provide coverage when our regular nurses require a day off. Substituting is a great way to experience and explore the autonomous and independent practice of school nursing. Come join our team and help us change the world, one child at a time. For more information about this opportunity please contact Health Services at 720-554-4274 or HealthServices@cherrycreekschools.org or follow this link to start the application process: http://cherrycreekschools.org/HumanResources/ Substitutes/Pages/default.aspx. Are you moving? Please contact our Cimarron office if: You have moved or will be moving out of our attendance area. You have moved or will be moving within our attendance area. Please complete the form below if: Your child(ren) will not be attending Cimarron next year. Your fifth grade student will not be attending Horizon Community Middle School next year. My child(ren) will not be attending Cimarron and/or Horizon during the 2015-16 school year. STUDENT NAME 1) 2) 3) 4) GRADE TEACHER’S NAME NEW SCHOOL Cimarron Kindergarten Enrichment Program Ms. JoBeth Pilate Cimarron Kindergarten Enrichment Specialist Jpilate3@cherrycreekschools.org 720-886-8165 Program Goals: To provide qualified, caring staff members who participate in regular training and education. To involve children and parents in continuous program development. To provide children with positive interactions and opportunities to establish relationships with peers and adults. To assist children in their physical, intellectual, social, emotional, and creative growth. Program Benefits: The Cimarron Kindergarten Enrichment Program, also known as K.E.P., is an extended, fee-based opportunity for kindergartners to participate in quality activities that extend and support what is being taught in half-day kindergarten. Kindergarten Enrichment gives parents and guardians the peace of mind and security knowing that their children are provided with a quality program that is safe, affordable, and convenient. Space is limited, so please contact Ms. JoBeth Pilate to reserve a spot for your child! Children receive continuous support through small group and individualized instruction and teacher feedback Children are given the “gift of time” to practice their learning through constructive activities and center time Children are exposed to rich content and language in literacy, math, social studies, and science. Children are engaged in enriching activities that support and reinforce the kindergarten curriculum. A great place to learn and grow! Play Adventures in & Around Denver: Places to Explore with Your Young Child Below are some great hands-on places for children to expand their knowledge of the world and make connections with what they are learning at school. They are also engaging places where families can laugh and learn together. I hope you enjoy exploring! Art Museum, Denver Phone: 720 865-5000 / denverartmuseum.org FREE for children 0-18 every day the museum is open FREE days for 2015: Sat., March 7; Sat., April 4; Sun. April 26., Sat. May 2; Sat. June 6, Sat., July 11; Sat., Aug. 1; Sat., Sept. 5; Sat., Sept. 12; Sat., Oct. 3; Sat., Nov. 7; Sat., Dec. 5 Aquarium, Denver Phone: 303 561-4450 /aquariumrestaurants.com (select Denver then visitor info or exhibits) 1. FREE kids’ indoor playground with sea creatures to climb on and run around. Walk through the restaurant, out the back door and across the patio to this covered play space. It is open during the week but only for parties on the weekends. Admission ticket not needed. 2. There are build-your-own ice cream sundaes on the kids menu for $2.49. You can watch the fish in the huge tanks while you enjoy an afternoon treat. Botanic Gardens, Denver Phone: 720 865-3500 / botanicgardens.org FREE days for 2015: Sun., March 22; Wed., April 22; Tues., July 21; Mon., Aug.31; Wed., Sept. 9; Friday, November 13 (Holiday sale); Saturday, Nov. 14 (Holiday sale) Children’s Museum, Denver Phone: 303 433-7444/ mychildsmuseum.org Play FREE the 1st Tuesday of every month from 4-8pm Denver Museum of Nature and Science Phone: 303 322-7009/ dmns.org FREE days for 2015: Mon., March 2; Sun., April 12; Sat., April 25; Sun., May 31; Mon., June 29; Sun., July 26; Mon. Aug.17; Sun., Sept 27; Mon., Oct. 19; and Mon., Nov.9 On free days admission to the museums is free but there is still a fee for IMAX films, Planetarium shows and temporary exhibitions. Four Mile Historic Park Phone: 720-865-0800 / fourmilepark.org: Visit for FREE every first Friday of the month. Lookout Mountain Nature Center Phone: 720 497-7600 / lmnc.jeffco.us The Denver Zoo Phone: 720 337-1400 /denverzoo.org 2015 FREE days: Mon., Nov.2; Fri. Nov.13; Thurs., Nov.19; kids 2 and under FREE everyday For additional ideas check out these resources: Playdate with Denver & Colorado’s Front Range by Kyrie Collins. This book includes “nearly 200 creative adventures” for kids and tots around Denver. Look for free copies of “Colorado Parent” magazine (at supermarkets) or check them out online at ColoradoParent.com. Each month’s issue has fun ideas for family fun as well as a monthly calendar of kid-friendly events going on around town. Phone/IPad App: Denver Official Visitors Guide News: New immunization rules approved by Board of Health Mark Salley, Communications Director | 303‐692‐2013 | mark.salley@state.co.us FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 15, 2015 DENVER – The Board of Health today passed new immunization rules to strengthen school immunization exemption policy and improve access to immunization information. The rules require parents to obtain non‐medical exemptions from school and child care immunization requirements more frequently. Currently, parents who wish to sign a non‐medical exemption do so just once, and it is carried through the student’s academic career. The new frequency requirement begins in July 2016. Beginning in July 2016, parents seeking non‐medical exemptions for prekindergarten children will need to submit exemption forms at each age when recommended vaccines are due. Then from kindergarten through 12th grade, they will need to submit exemption forms annually. "These new rules are a positive step forward in strengthening our immunization rates and protecting our kids and the communities in Colorado," said Gov. John Hickenlooper. "Yet we know our work is not done and will continue to work with the Board of Health, medical community and our state agencies to ensure parents have the facts about immunizations." Dr. Larry Wolk, chief medical officer and executive director at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, said, Reducing vaccine exemptions is just one part of ensuring Colorado school children and communities are protected from vaccine preventable diseases. We will continue working with immunization partners to educate parents on the importance of childhood immunization, and encourage parents to keep their children up to date on vaccinations. Research shows that children whose parents claim exemptions are more likely to get and transmit vaccine preventable diseases. Increased exemption rates lead to greater rates of vaccine preventable diseases in communities. States with strengthened exemption policies have lower overall exemption rates. To decrease the burden on schools required to collect exemption data, the department will develop an online form for parents to use. Also beginning in July 2016, schools and child care centers will be required to annually submit data on immunization and exemption rates to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. The department will make the data available to the public. This will allow parents who are concerned about risks of vaccine‐preventable diseases to make informed decisions on school and child care choices. It also will provide more timely and accurate data for schools and public health officials in case of outbreaks of vaccine‐preventable diseases. For more information go to: https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/cdphe/newimmunizationrulesboh
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