2015 Spring Newsletter - Cimarron Homeowner`s Association

Cimarron Home Owners Association
Q1 2015 Newsletter
Welcome to the New Year here in Cimarron. We know it will be a great one! We have
new Board Members and new Architectural Committee Members. The new Board and
ACC members have brought fresh ideas as well as continued support of the successful
programs of past years. We are providing the names and contact information for all of
the members for your convenience. They are attached to this newsletter. We are all
looking forward to meeting many of you for the first time, and getting reacquainted with
It appears that spring has already sprung. The tulips and daffodils are in bloom and it
won’t be long until planting season is in full swing, and spring fix up and cleanup will be
underway. The Architectural Committee would like to take this opportunity to remind
you of some of the conditions and requirements of any landscaping or remodeling you are
planning for this spring:
Hi neighbors. We have had several changes to the current board and our committee and
look forward to meeting and working with you in the future.
As you know, we are charged with reviewing the homeowners’ requests for landscape and
building projects to ensure Covenants, Codes, and Restriction (CCR) compliance. We
certainly want to keep the Cimarron Neighborhood as attractive and livable as it has been
and continues to be. We are one of the desired neighborhoods to live in, in the Vancouver
area and we appreciate your efforts in that regard.
Spring is coming soon and there will be many projects going on in Cimarron. The process
is easy to get coordination on from the ACC. Simply obtain an ACC request form and put
the details of your project on the form. This form and other helpful information can be
found on the neighborhood website(www.cimarronvancouver.org). Go to Events and
News, scroll down to Home Improvements, then click on the link to download the ACC
form. You may want to include attachments with renderings of the overall project
including basic dimensions, paint samples (if painting exteriors), and brochures of
materials you are using for windows, roofing, hardscape, or landscape materials, etc…You
may need to consider permits as applicable. You can discuss that with your contractor or
the City of Vancouver and/or Clark County.
Once you provide the completed ACC form to one of the ACC or Cimarron Board
Members, we will sign off on the request as soon as possible. As always we encourage you
to review the CCRs and neighborhood guidelines to see how they affect your project. We
certainly encourage you to talk to your neighbors if a project will have an impact on their
property such as building a children’s playhouse or a landscape project in the back or side
Last year we had a Yard of the Month program that was administered by the ACC. This
year a decision was made to discontinue the program due to the high amount of volunteer
time that it took to administer. But we do, however, appreciate all the efforts that many of
you take to maintain your beautiful landscapes and house exteriors. It makes a huge
difference in property values and livability as compared to many of the neighborhoods
around us.
Thank you from the Cimarron Board and ACC. See you out there. Feel free to contact us
with any questions or concerns. We are all here to help.
Board of Directors:
Brad Lasher lblasher@comcast.net
Justin Yost Justin.yost@mac.com
Mary Shockey mary_shockey@hotmail.com 949-521-3263
Bruce Clark clarkb@pacifier.com
Rod McCallum rodmccallum@msn.com 360-882-4678
Tom Swegles techytom@gmail.com
Wayne Harrison wrh222@comcast.net
Architectural Committee Members:
Gary Haskett ghaskett@comcast.net
Steve Crawford sc965awac@comcast.net
Josh Tobias chubbs3392@hotmail.com
Tom Phillips tadaphillips@gmail.com
Randy Stine randy_stine@msn.com
Some events to place on your calendars:
June 5th and 6th is the Neighborhood Garage Sale! The cost will be $10.00 for joining
the sale. The sale will run from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on both days. This is a great way
to repurpose your unwanted items and earn a little money as a bonus.
Anyone that would like to volunteer to help with this event, please contact a Board
Member or Bonnie Parks at: blwgog@gmail.com. We would love your help and need
volunteers to work the traffic detail. It is for a 2 hour shift and is a very important
function to insure a safe and successful sale.
June 27th is Neighborhood Cleanup. The dumpster will arrive at 7:00 a.m. and will be
picked up at 3:00 p.m. We have also asked for a box to be dropped off to collect metal.
Get rid of your bulky items!
We are looking to do a Neighborhood Picnic this year. We are in need of volunteers
that would be able to help with the details. If you are interested, please contact any board
member. It is a wonderful event where the community and come together and have fun.
Clark County Electric Company will swap burned out CFL bulbs and replace them with
new ones. Just take your burned out bulbs to their office and they will exchange the
We have sent out the 2015 HOA Dues. If we have an email address for you, they went to
your email. If we do not have an email, we sent them standard mail. If you have not
received your billing, please contact a board member. We will be happy to reissue the
invoice. The amount is the same at $225.00.
Last but not least, the new Cimarron Board and ACC would like to thank all the
outgoing Board and Committee Members for their past dedication to this community.
You dedicated your time and energies to help make Cimarron one of the premier
communities in Vancouver and we have all benefitted greatly from your efforts. We will
do our best to continue your success.
Thank you.
The Cimarron Board of Directors and
The Architectural Committee