March 24, 2015 STATE OF ALABAMA MOBILE COUNTY The Chickasaw City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, March 24, 2015 at 7:00 PM with the following members present: Henry Phillips, Eloise Clubbs, Jennifer White, Adam Bourne and Mayor Byron Pittman who presided. Mickey Day was absent. City Clerk Rachael Stubbs was also present. Mr. Bourne opened the meeting with prayer. Mr. Phillips made a motion seconded by Mrs. Clubbs to approve the minutes of the March 10, 2015 meeting and conference as previously distributed. Motion carried and so ordered. CORRESPONDENCE First Quarter Working Test Report was presented for Tywone Johnson, Public Safety Officer, which the Department Head stated that he was continuing to investigate and observe the merit, efficiency, fitness, and moral responsibility of the employee named above, and had made no decision to recommend acceptance or dismissal of this employee. Mr. Phillips made a motion seconded by Mrs. Clubbs to accept the department head’s recommendation. Motion carried and so ordered. REPORTS Attorney’s Report: Mr. Minus was absent. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Public Service: Program. Mrs. Clubbs asked for volunteers to help with the Meals on Wheels Public Safety: Mr. Phillips had nothing to report. Parks and Recreation: Miss White made a motion seconded by Mr. Phillips to adopt a Proclamation from the Mayor declaring April as Autism Awareness month. Motion carried and so ordered. Finance: Mr. Bourne presented the Accounts Payable in the amount of $20,546.01, and made a motion seconded by Mr. Phillips and Mrs. Clubbs to place the bills in line for payment. Motion carried and so ordered. Mr. Bourne made a motion seconded by Miss White to authorize the Chickasaw Kiwanis Club to give away beer at the Freedom Run. Mr. Phillips voted, “No”. Motion carried and so ordered. Maintenance and Sanitation: Mr. Day was absent. Mayor’s Report: Mayor Pittman stated that the Planning Commission recommended that March 24, 2015 Derrick Jones be appointed to the Planning Commission. Mr. Phillips made a motion seconded by Mr. Bourne to make the appointment of Mr. Derrick Jones to the Planning Commission. Motion carried and so ordered. Mayor Pittman stated that the City was in need of two new lawn mowers. Mr. Phillips made a motion seconded by Mr. Bourne to authorize to purchase two new mowers with a three year warranty at a cost of $7,459.96 from Tractor Supply Company. Motion carried and so ordered. Mayor Pittman presented the MS4 annual report. Mr. Phillips made a motion seconded by Miss White to approve the MS4 report. Motion carried and so ordered. Mayor Pittman said that the City’s cost on the UOP Honeywell Grant would be $7,600. Mr. Bourne made a motion seconded by Miss White to authorize $7,600 to be paid to Lawshe Construction for the improvements. Motion carried and so ordered. Mayor Pittman stated that the Police Department was in need of re-modeling. Mr. Phillips made a motion seconded by Mrs. Clubbs and Mr. Bourne to authorize up to $15,000 to be spent on the re-model. Motion carried and so ordered. Mayor Pittman presented an updated Vehicle Use Policy. Mrs. Clubbs made a motion seconded by Mr. Bourne to adopt the policy. Motion carried and Resolution 2015-05 was adopted. ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS Resolution 2015-05 was adopted earlier in the meeting. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm on motion by Mr. Bourne and second by Mrs. Clubbs. ____________________________ Rachael Stubbs, City Clerk
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