Announcements (March 29, 2015) - St. Peter`s Episcopal Church

Prayer List
(Sunday, March 29, 2015)
In Thanksgiving
For all God’s mercies, God’s holy name be blessed and praised; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
For those in need, pain or sorrow
Alex, Anna, Larry Armstrong, Esther Badgley, Kerwyn Barbour, Ann Marie Bourne, Hazley
Bourne, Joanne Bourne, Judy Bourne, Marilyn Bourne, Salimah Bourne, Wayne Bourne,
Florence Brown, Loraine Brown, Elise Clinkscales, Kim Creighton, Shirley Dombroski, Adam
Elsbree, Patricia Elsbree, Blanche Feiock, Leeann Gillett, John Haney, Beverly Haraty, Eunice
Henry, Laurie Hill-Michael, Jeane Hinds and family; Herminia James, Scott Janowski, Jerry,
Linda Lattin, Alice Lewis, Whitney Lewis, Bill Lindsay, Dan Lindsay, Michael Lindsay, Marie
Long, Laura Lowell, Kathleen Lynn, Kwadir Mack, Peter Majask, Debbie Matthews, Gloria
McCall, Yvonne McDonald, Casey McGowan, Darwina Michael, Melissa Michael, Patrick
Michael, Jr.; Delores Monroe, Jim Moore, Cheri Morrison, Judy Oglesby, Frankie Pickett,
Lavern Pickett, Tracey Povio, Denver Radix, Harold Rappleye, Kaydin Rogers, Christopher
Rowson, Patti Sanderson, Judy Shepherd, Rodney Shepherd, Jocelyn Smith, Margaret Stephens,
Sue Stone, Marcia Thomas, Maudrey Tyndale, Kathy Wallach, Ingrid Yearwood, Renee Zasprow
For those serving in the Armed Forces
Kyle Cicora, Jeffrey Crieghton, Josh Cruz, Ryan Goodwin, Joseph Higgins, Steve Karlsen,
Jeremy Kolb, Joshua Phillips, Kyle Tatem
For those who have died:
Candace Landon
For those whose needs are known to God alone
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