St Mary Bourne & Woodcott Hill & Valley Parish Magazine for Hurstbourne Priors, Longparish and St Mary Bourne & Woodcott January 2015 Coffee at The George All ages are welcome, from all the villages, to a social coffee morning on Tuesday 13th January at 10.30am in The George Inn, St Mary Bourne - £2.50 for coffee and biscuits. If you need a lift, contact Win Coventry 01264 738199 for St Mary Bourne, and Dorothy Millward 01264 738373 for Stoke. Freya MACFARLANE - 8 on the 4th Phoebe CARTER-DESAI - 6 on the 6th Mark ROBERTS - 5 on the 6th Elliot DAY - 7 on the 7th Sophia LUMSDEN - 5 on the 7th Daisy MARKS - 9 on the 11th India ANNALS - 9 on the 13th Bertie GOLDING - 4 on the 14th Theodore BURGESS-CROSS - 7 on the 16th Lucy MONEY - 7 on the 19th Charlotte RAWORTH - 8 on the 19th Zach CHAMBERLAIN - 6 on the 29th A huge thank you to all those shoppers and local businesses who supported our Christmas Fair on Friday 28th November. The hall was full of quality gift stalls to suit all pockets with a busy café serving lunch, tea and delicious cakes, plus a raffle and a silent auction providing plenty of opportunities to complete Christmas shopping. After school finished, Year 6 children ran fun stalls for the lower years. There was a Teddy Tombola, Toy stall and children's tea was provided to help make the afternoon a memorable occasion for all age groups. We raised over £5,000 which is an event record. We recently raised £133 through 'Phil the Bag' which we will repeat next Spring throughout the parish. If you would like to join the Friends of the School Supporters email list to find out how else you can contribute to our ongoing fundraising efforts, please contact Co-Chair Jo Strong by email . From the Ringing Chamber We Will Remember Them… St Mary Bourne bell ringers rang a specially-composed ‘date touch’ comprising 1914 changes on Sunday 9th November. It was rung half-muffled immediately prior to the Remembrance service to mark the Centenary of the outbreak of World War One. The ringing took 67 minutes to complete. Chris Caryer Coffee at The George on 9th December 2014 Photo: Chrissie Henderson Dear St Mary Bourne and Stoke, Our Pioneer Group knocked on doors in November to collect tins, jars, packets and cartons for the Andover Food Bank. We collected lots of full bags and Dodie took it into the Andover Food Bank headquarters and they were very happy to receive all we had collected. We collected over 80 kg of food. Many thanks to every household we visited. Thank you very much. Next term we are going to visit the food bank to learn how to pack the boxes up. Pioneers 2014 MITYANA THANKS It is impossible to say thank you to everyone for everything they drop off at my house or in the church because so much of it doesn’t have a name tag attached - but thank you to everyone - for gifts of all sorts; from carpentry tools to keyboards, printers, shoes and mice (not of the four legged variety). Thank you, but I want to add, BA have reduced our luggage allowance so we will be unable in future to take a huge amount of excess baggage. So I hope I won’t offend anyone by saying, can you please ring before you deliver items, as much of what we have taken before we will not have room for. Dodie 01264 738211 Scramblers … for the Under 5’s Our first Scramblers for the year is on Thursday 8th January at 2.15pm in the church. We will be looking for three men who are wise, their three camels and a star. Dodie SAVE THE DATE! St Mary Bourne Tennis Tournament Sunday 7th June 2015 1 St Mary Bourne & Woodcott Hill & Valley Parish Magazine for Hurstbourne Priors, Longparish and St Mary Bourne & Woodcott January 2015 Welcome to The Rev’d Craig Marshall The ceremony in St Peter’s Church, St Mary Bourne on 19th November for the Institution of the Rev’d Craig Marshall as Vicar of the Benefice of Hurstbourne Priors, Longparish, St Mary Bourne and Woodcott was a very happy occasion. He was also commissioned as Diocesan Rural Adviser. The Rt Rev’d David Williams, Bishop of Basingstoke conducted the service which was attended by Area Dean Kevin Inglis, our Archdeacon Michael Harley, the Lay Chair of the Deanery Synod Jonathan Taylor, and other clergy, churchwardens and parishioners from throughout the benefice. The Mayor and Mayoress of Basingstoke were also at the service and many friends and family members of Rev’d Craig Marshall had travelled from all over the UK to be present. Bishop David thanked the Rev’ds Dodie Marsden, Richard Sutcliffe, Terry Hemming and the churchwardens for the extra burdens they had carried since the sad death of Canon Michael St John-Channell. He welcomed Rev’d Craig Marshall as an artist and a theologian, and he looked forward to hearing exciting stories of new life and surprises coming from the Benefice brought by the spirit of Christ. Afterwards everyone was invited to meet Rev’d Craig in St Mary Bourne Village Centre. John Woodcock, Patron of the Living of St Nicholas, Longparish, presented him with a framed selection of paintings by some of the artists within the benefice. Rev’d Richard Sutcliffe and Rev’d Craig Marshall admiring the picture Watching the presentation Brigadier Philip Winchcombe with Bishop David Rev’d Dodie Marsden Rev’d Terry Hemming On Sunday 23rd November the St Mary Bourne bell ringers rang a quarter peal to celebrate Craig’s first Sunday service. The method rung was called St Mary Bourne Doubles and took 42 minutes to complete. St Peter’s Choir Members Jen Gunnell Imogen Collins & Livi Anning Photos: R. Widén 2 St Mary Bourne & Woodcott Hill & Valley Parish Magazine for Hurstbourne Priors, Longparish and St Mary Bourne & Woodcott ‘The Film’ at St Mary Bourne Village Centre January 2015 continues to be a great success and over a hundred people attended our festive Christmas Lunch in December at the Village Centre. With sherry on arrival, all enjoyed a traditional roast turkey meal followed by mince pies and tea or coffee. Once again there was a superb raffle, and children from St Mary Bourne Primary School came along to entertain us so well with Christmas carols. Our thanks go to everyone who supports and helps us each year. In particular, the Bourne Valley Pick Your Own, the Vitacress company, the Village Shop, the Village School, all who generously donated raffle prizes, and all who come along each month. Last, but not least, many thanks to the Lunch Team for all they continue to do. Returning to the third Wednesday of the month, our next lunch will be on Wednesday 21st January, 12.30pm at St Mary Bourne Village Centre as usual. If you need a lift please phone Chris Smith on 01264 738110 on the Tuesday before. Chris Smith St Mary Bourne VILLAGE CENTRE (12A) - 95 min Doug (David Tennant) and Abi (Rosamund Pike) and their three children travel to the Scottish Highlands for Doug's father Gordie's (Billy Connolly) birthday party. It's soon clear that when it comes to keeping a secret from the rest of the family, their children are their biggest liability... th Tuesday 20 January - 7.30pm Hall and Licensed Bar open from 7pm Tickets £5 in advance or £6 at the door 01264 738 164 or Film dates: ● 17th February ● 17th March ● 14th April A Romantic Date for Your Diary: Enjoy a great Valentine’s Party on 14th February 2015 in the Village Centre ● Dancing to the sounds of Tuxedo Jazz ● With a three course supper ● Great raffle prizes All proceeds to Willow Court Amenities Fund This is a great cause helping elderly people who have no funds or family to pay for an occasional outing away from their residential home. Tickets £35 each with 8 people to a table Contact Swee on 01264 738288 to book Our local used stamps box in the back of the church has helped to raise a record £122,610 for the vital work of the Leprosy Mission this year. Please don't forget to save even your first and second class stamps for our box as collectors will buy these to search for printing flaws. JG Thanks to everyone who supported the FairTrade stall in church and at the bazaar. We sold over £280 of goods. CH A cleaner for the Village Centre is required on a permanent basis. Flexible hours, payment by agreement. For more details contact Karen Crofts on 01264 738025 or email . Trustee VACANCIES St Mary Bourne Village Centre is a registered charitable trust set up for the benefit of the community. Trustees are responsible for controlling the management and administration of the Village Centre. The Management Committee consists of five Trustees and a number of co-opted members. Trustees are elected for a term of five years at the Annual General Meeting. There are currently vacancies for new trustees. If you are interested in becoming a trustee of the Village Centre charity or wish to obtain more information, please contact the Hon Secretary, Karen Crofts, 01264 738025, email , or write to: Karen Crofts, Wendover House, St Mary Bourne, Andover, Hampshire, SP11 6AY. Grant application success The Management Committee was delighted to hear from the Borough Council just before Christmas that our funding application for the ‘enhancement of community facilities’ had been successful. We were awarded £2,832 for refurbishment of the Main Hall floor and redecoration. The works were completed recently. Annual General Meeting Thursday 26th February 2015 - at 8pm in the Club Room of the Village Centre - Everyone is welcome. Please come along, air your views, meet the trustees and ask any questions. It is YOUR Village Centre See our website: 3 St Mary Bourne & Woodcott Hill & Valley Parish Magazine for Hurstbourne Priors, Longparish and St Mary Bourne & Woodcott Summary Report - Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 9th December 2014 The full parish council and the Clerk were present. County Councillor Tom Thacker and Borough Councillor Graham Falconer attended part of the meeting; so did three members of the public on behalf of Priors Players, the Flooding & Emergency Group and the Long Term Planning Group (LTPG). Borough Councillor Report - Bells Field Update: Cllr Graham Falconer gave an update on the planning progress for Bells Field. He and Cllr John Izett had attended a local meeting and listened to the views of 22 residents. The final decision on the application will be taken by the full Development Control Committee. Cllrs Falconer and Izett had met Brian Conlon, the relevant planning officer, to explain some of the background. After a further meeting on 9 December, Cllr Falconer reported that the developers had now asked for an extension to make some changes to the existing application or to submit a new one. Therefore the earliest the application could go to the Development Control Committee would be end-February 2015. County Councillor Report - Cllr Tom Thacker reported on: a) the possible increase of powers to local government as an outcome of the Scottish referendum; b) a new free support service in Hampshire for adults and families with disabled children; c) HCC’s response to extra government funding in respect of groundwater flooding in rural communities; d) a HCC grant of £60,000 to B&DBC for “Have Your Say” projects, and finally e) the possibility of Superfast broadband in StMB in 2015. Priors Players - Application for a grant towards Portaloo provision for the outdoor production of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ to be staged in June 2015: Priors Players chairman, Sophy Blakeway, explained that this was a special event only held every 25 years. Priors Players was embarking on a series of fundraising events and it hoped also that ticket prices would cover the usual staging costs whilst still being affordable for all parishioners. However, Portaloos would be needed for rehearsals and on the night itself, and this was an exceptional cost item for which Priors Players was applying to the Parish Council for a grant. She suggested a grant of £500 which could be repaid from any production surplus over £1,000. Following a vote on this suggestion, the council agreed to make a grant of £500 to Priors Players. Flooding and Emergency Measures - The council and Clem Jones held detailed discussions on various matters such as dredging watercourses and groundwater levels. A PC flier to the parish about potential risks, useful contacts, and flood-proofing measures was under consideration and would shortly be finalised. Details of B&DBC sandbags provision, flood grants to affected houses and EA warnings were also discussed. Clem Jones felt that there would not be a repeat of flooding this winter but it would be useful to know who had spare pumps and Andrew Shegog offered hay bales to assist in flood protection. Hants Highways would be asked about the option of digging-out under the pinch-point of the main bridge in Stoke to increase water through-put. Clem also suggested that the PC commission a hydrological engineer to advise on an extension of the current main street drainage pipe to discharge below the Summerhaugh Bridge instead of above the bridge as at present. Neighbourhood Plan (NP) - Update: Andrew Shegog addressed the council. An updated draft NP had been forwarded to the parish council. Andrew outlined various clashes between the NP’s findings (through public consultation) and B&DBC, such as a lack of coordination between B&DBC planning and housing departments, the January 2015 delay in producing the B&DBC Local Plan to which the NP is linked, and also that B&DBC does not recognise the supply of new housing within a few miles of StMB in Test Valley BC area. After employing a consultant to finalise the draft plan, the LTPG will return to the parish council in early 2015 to take a decision on whether to go ahead with a Neighbourhood Plan or a Parish Plan. Black Garden - Community Right to Bid: The PC agreed that a Community Right to Bid (CR2B) application on Black Garden should be made with B&DBC. Finance Committee’s Budget Proposals for the 2015/16 Financial Year - A number of matters were discussed in detail and would be further discussed and agreed at the next Parish Council meeting on 20 January. The Precept and Grant deadline is 31 January 2015. Recreation Ground and Lake - The Clerk had received no response to a S106 application to B&DBC for monies for pavilion refurbishment. Highways/Transport/Services - The clerk continued to advise Hants Highways of potholes and other road matters via the Hants Highways Report portal. This portal is open to any resident to notify Hants Highways of any problems. The clerk was asked to set up a date for Hants Highways to meet to discuss various highway matters including parking in the Square and the road / river bank along Gangbridge Lane. Community Speed Watch (CSW) - Due to the lack of new volunteers for this initiative, the CSW team had decided to temporarily suspend their services. The chairman sympathised with their decision and expressed his thanks for their work. The clerk was in discussion with the police about how volunteer recruiting could be stepped-up. Full parish council meeting minutes can be viewed at or at the Parish Council Office. Next Parish Council Meeting: Tuesday 20th January 2015, 19.30 Next Parish Council Planning Committee Meeting: Tuesday 27th January 2015, 18.30 Summary Report of recent Local Planning Authority Decisions Application for Certificate of Lawfulness for an existing development at land at Hopgoods Farm, Stoke (14/02275/LDEO) - Granted Conversion of traditional agricultural building to residential use and associated works at Upper Wyke Manor (14/02003/LBC) - Application Withdrawn Newly registered Planning Applications Erection of 4 bay oak frame carport and storage area at Oak Tree Farmhouse, Upper Wyke Lane (14/03465/HSE) Planning Committee meeting reports can be viewed at Details of all Planning Applications for the Parish can be accessed on the B&DBC website: or by contacting the Parish Council Clerk 01264 738 039 Could parishioners who own water pumps and might be willing to lend them to local residents who experience flooding this winter, please 01264 738039 or email 4 St Mary Bourne & Woodcott Hill & Valley Parish Magazine for Hurstbourne Priors, Longparish and St Mary Bourne & Woodcott Village Shop and Post Office News New Year… New Beginnings… This New Year will be a time of great upheaval for our Village Shop and Post Office but we hope that we will get through it together! We will try to keep a smile on everyone’s face as we deal with the changes. But it may be challenging in the early days. Please be patient. First of all, you may have noticed building work going on at the shop. Various modifications had to be made to incorporate Post Office property into the structure and the remaining space in the stockroom will be reorganised. We hope that this work will have been completed by the time you read this magazine. Watch this space! The Village Shop and Post Office will be closed for one day only on Monday 5th January. The Post Office facility only will be closed from Thursday 8th to Thursday 15th January inclusive. It will re-open as a Post Office Local on Friday 16th January. We regret any inconvenience these closures will cause and will try to limit this as much as possible. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help during this time, particularly if you are without transport. Lisa is making good progress with her knee injury and would like to thank everyone for their kind messages and gifts. She looks forward to seeing everyone again soon. Well done, Cydni and all the team for everything you have done over the festive period. Cydni's outfits have been brilliantly uplifting for the spirits in the cold weather! January 2015 PRIORS PLAYERS QUIZ FUNDRAISER FOR A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM (Community production to be held in June 2015) FRIDAY 30TH JANUARY AT THE GEORGE INN ST MARY BOURNE Arrive 7pm for 7.30pm start. Tickets £5 to include sandwiches half way Tickets available from Jane Snow on 01264 738456. Please put the date in your diary! Teams of any size but maximum 8 players St Peter's Church Christmas Bazaar on Saturday 6th December raised a record total of over £1,650! With our very best wishes for a prosperous New Year from the St Mary Bourne Village Shop Committee. My name is Rebecca Butler. I am 16, live in St Mary Bourne, and I am currently doing my AS Levels at Peter Symonds College. Rev’d Craig with Bat & James Redfern on the Bottle Tombola Many thanks to the organisers, Sandra and Swee, the stallholders and everyone, including Father Christmas, who came to support the event. St Mary Bourne Bowling Club held a most For my Photography AS Level I am doing a project on how St Mary Bourne has changed over time. I would be very grateful to borrow any old photographs of St Mary Bourne, including any old Frith postcards of the village. I would scan any items lent to me and return them promptly. Please contact me either on my mother’s email address ( ) or by telephone 01264 738 046. RB enjoyable coffee morning on Saturday 13th December. Attendance was fantastic and we were able to have hot sausage rolls and mince pies. All the attractions did well and the Grand Draw was a huge success. It was a delight that so many people from the village attended as well as a good number of bowlers. A magnificent £363.60 was raised. The club would like to say a big thank you for the wonderful support that the village gives us and to remind everybody that Bingo evenings continue (dates from Angie Cook 01264 738158) throughout the winter. All are most welcome. Finally we start to bowl again in April and our Open Day is 25th April, so do come along and meet us all. Every best wish for 2015. Rod Sutcliffe President SMB Bowling Club 5 St Mary Bourne & Woodcott Hill & Valley Parish Magazine for Hurstbourne Priors, Longparish and St Mary Bourne & Woodcott January 2015 A Lighter Touch Conservation and Local Crayfish Food, Glorious Food Turkey, Stilton and Leek Flan This is an excellent way of using up Christmas Leftovers... delicious with salad and a baked potato. 500g packet fresh short crust pastry 500g turkey meat 225g stilton... crumbled 675g leeks trimmed 50g butter 200ml cream Salt and pepper and nutmeg 3 eggs Cayenne pepper and a few dots of butter Roll out the pastry and line a large greased and floured quiche dish and refrigerate. In a small bowl beat the eggs and cream together. Chop up the turkey and mix with the stilton on a plate. Finely slice leeks and cook slowly in butter until soft. Season them and remove from the heat. Add the egg mixture, turkey and cheese to the leeks and mix well. Fill pastry case with this mixture and dot with butter and cayenne pepper and bake for about 35 minutes until golden brown and firm, and serve warm. This recipe comes from a book called "In a Stew" Yum… yum… This year’s Lighter Touch articles will focus on conservation issues, and this month we have the perfect crossover topic which combines the provision of a local sustainable food with the protection measures currently being taken to avoid the eradication of one of our native species. Our indigenous white clawed crayfish are under threat of extinction from the American signal crayfish which not only kill our wild fish and amphibians, but also eat water plants. They reduce cover for our own wildlife and burrow into the river banks causing erosion and poor water quality. However, the signal crayfish also happen to be delicious to eat and a couple of Whitchurch entrepreneurs are starting up an aquaponics farm on a local brownfield site. This sustainable project will involve feeding up (farming) the American signal crayfish (which have been caught as part of a local licensed eradication programme) and Tilapia fish on one level, whilst growing vegetables on a higher tier, using the fish excreta in a closed loop system which has a very low environmental impact. You can find out more at This project is being backed by a not-for-profit voluntary organisation called Incredible Edible North Hampshire who are trying to create vibrant and resilient local food networks in local communities. They are also planting a new orchard of 33 apple trees in Whitchurch on January 17th and are looking for volunteers. Look at CH The Spiced Sticky Nuts recipe in Hill & Valley December issue came from ‘Make it Easy’ by Jane Lovett. CALLING ALL MARMALADE MAKERS See Longparish page 5 IMPERIAL WAR MUSEUM STAMP POPPY MUG The very attractive pictured mug is available from the Imperial War Museum and I am delighted with the appearance and quality of the small number I have purchased for my own use. They are not easy to obtain but I have now established a link with the IWM. The cost of each mug, including postage, is £9.50. I am happy to co-ordinate one bulk purchase at £10 each, with any surplus going to the village WW1 group. Anyone wishing to place a firm order should please contact me on 01264 738225 to arrange how I can receive a cheque or £10 note by Saturday 10th January, without which I will not be able to place an order. Philip Winchcombe - Mobile Library St Mary Bourne Village Shop - 11.45am to 12.15pm Stoke Gate - 13.15 to 13.45pm Monday 26th January 2015 ● 23rd February ● 23rd March ● 20th April Bin collections If your normal collections day would be Put your grey / green bin out on Monday 29th December Monday 5th January Monday 12 January Wednesday 31st December Wednesday 7th January Tuesday 13 January Collections should return to normal from Monday 19th January. For more information about bin collections see or 01256 844844. 6
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