The Newsletter of the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack A Reformed Church in America Congregation The Fisherman April 2015 2015 CONSISTORY Elders Bill Better Louise Bliss Glenn Holzhauer Lloyd Lawrence Steve Race Julie Veronezi Deacons Donna Lynk Campion Roger Case Mike Daly John Dunham Cheryl Halleran Cindy VanAlphen Missionaries RCA -Partner in Mission(PIM) Staff Rev, Linda Miles Pastor Lloyd Lawrence Director of Bell Choir Andrea Mastrianni Director of Music Shelley Robinson Administrative Assistant Nelson Santiago Sexton Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack Drawer K Claverack, NY 12513 518-851-3811 518-851-9790 (fax) PASTOR'S CORNER Grace and peace to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, It is with great joy that I announce to you that I will be installed as the pastor and teacher of the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack at 4 pm on Sunday, April 19th. All are invited to witness and share in the sacred vows which will be administered by the Columbia-Greene Classis president, Nancy McClure Long. These vows affirm the covenant between the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack and its minister. There will also be a charge to the congregation which will be delivered by Rev. David Tipple, supervisor of the church and a charge to the minister which will be delivered by Rev. Dr. Renee House who was my advisor and professor in seminary. As we embark on this holy relationship I am filled awe. I am deeply aware of my responsibilities and I ask the church family to recommit to their promises to faithfully serve the church as it declares the good news of Christ to the world. My prayer is that my ministry here may be long and fruitful. There will be a reception after the service in the fellowship hall. Please kindly RSVP by email, or phone 518-851-3811 if you will be able to attend the reception. In the service of Christ, Pastor Linda LENTEN SERVICES We will have several services in the next few months to enhance your Lenten journey and to celebrate Palm Sunday and Easter. All are welcome to attend. More information is available by calling the church office at 518-851 -3811. Maundy Thursday April 2nd 7:00 pm Tenebrae Service and Communion Easter April 5th 9:30 am Celebration of the Resurrection in word and music KEEP UP TO DATE WITH NEW OPPORTUNITIES & HAPPENINGS!! April 12th: No Sunday School April 19th: Pastor Linda Miles Installation at 4 pm at the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack followed by a reception. Save the Date: Sunday, May 3rd Annual Boy Scouts Spaghetti Dinner Financials: During the month of February, the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack took $15,571.60 in income and expended $12,161.63 in expenses respectively. Fully itemized reports are available at the church office upon request Coffee Hour Signup Sheet is located on the bulletin board on the right by the calendar just inside the front doors of the CEB. Is there a special date or event that is important to you? Please consider hosting coffee hour Sunday. All you need to do is make a pot of coffee. CORRESPONDENCE: From Ghent Food Pantry: "Thank you for your kind letter and very generous donation to our pantry. We are so blessed to be on the receiving end of such kindness. We appreciate your faithfulness to the many families that we serve" Pastor Linda Miles office hours will be posted in each Sunday's bulletin. She is also available by appointment. The best way to reach her is by cell phone: 845-430-3348 or by e-mail: Church office hours are: Tuesday thru Thursday 9 am to 2 pm. Boy Scout Corner Troop 121 The scouts finished another successful fundraiser at Applebee's on behalf of the church. They are currently working on their Personal Management merit badge. Sunday School Corner - There will be no Sunday School on April 12th On March 22nd Sunday School made "resurrection rolls". On Palm Sunday, March 29th Sunday School made "pretzels" which everyone at coffee hour also get to enjoy every year! The Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack Consistory Meeting - Wednesday, February 11, 2015 Approved March 11, 2015 Present - Lloyd Lawrence, Mike Daly, Rev. Dave Tipple, Bill Better, Donna Lynk Campion, John Dunham, Pastor Linda Miles, Julie Veronezi, Cindy VanAlphen, Steve Race, Roger Case, Louise Bliss, Cheryl Halleran Absent-Glenn Holzhauer An agenda is attached. 1. Opening Prayer & Devotions: by Pastor Linda 2. Additions/Deletions to Agenda: incorporated below. 3. Rev. Tipple's Report: Pastor Linda was excused from the meeting & Rev Tipple presented & read the recommended compensation package and call for Pastor Linda Miles. Following discussion of the package, Louise made a motion to accept the recommended package which was 2nd by Cheryl and passed unanimously. All Consistory members present signed the recommended call agreement which will be presented to the Commission on Congregations in mid-March for their action. Rev Tipple then left the meeting with our thanks & Pastor Linda returned. 4. Minutes: Minutes of December 18, 2014 were reviewed & approved (Julie moved, John 2nd, passed unanimously) They will be sent to the office for filing. 4a. Election of Consistory Officers/Volunteers: i. Vice President - Mike made a motion that Bill continue, 2nd by Roger, passed unanimously, ii. Clerk - Cindy made a motion that Mike continue, 2nd by Cheryl, passed unanimously. iii. Senior Deacon - Julie made a motion that Cindy become Senior Deacon, 2nd by Mike, passed unanimously. 5. Property Usage Requests: There were two requests & they were unanimously approved on a motion by Lloyd, 2nd by Julie. 6. Correspondence: We received numerous thank you notes from groups & persons which were circulated. 7. Ushering Sign up: List was passed around. Communion/Preparation was also circulated. 8. Deacon's Report: There was nothing to report at this time. 9. Elder's Report: A baptism has been approved and will be scheduled. Julie is continuing to update the current list of active members. A letter inviting people for Easter is going out shortly. Rev. Kathryn Beilke of the 1st Presbyterian Church, Hudson will join us in Ash Wednesday services. Pulpit supply is needed for April 26 and will be addressed. 10. Old Business: a. Website -There was discussion and approval to purchase a package for a theme for our website at a cost estimated to be $48. Julie made a motion to approve, 2nd by Cheryl, passed unanimously. Steve will handle this. Louise volunteered to try & update the site with current information. A timeline was estimated to be mid-March. b. Email Usage for voting - A proposed policy developed by a subcommittee was reviewed, and following discussion Bill made a motion that we not use any email voting, 2nd by Steve, passed unanimously. c. The portable microphone was previously approved. 11. New Business: a. The Classis request for the Chalice will be looked into. b. There was an updated form for Building Use Requests. Following a review & discussion Cheryl made a motion to approve the form, 2nd by Steve which passed unanimously. The form will be sent to VP or Minister, Administrative Aide & the Property Committee for review & approval. c. The date of the Annual Meeting was confirmed as March 15, 2015. There will be a brunch served. 12. Committee Reports: a. Christian Growth - Cheryl There are some new children in SS and a confirmation class is planned for next year. b. Cemetery - Mike presented an annual report produced by the Board of Trustees. c. d. Missions -Lloyd stated We will be collecting for Mercy Ships during Lent. Nurture - Julie states she is planning to visit the area nursing homes with Sunday School gifts. e. Finance - Nate provided the usual monthly report as well as the proposed 2015 budget. He explained that most of the income figures in the proposed budget were based on 2014 numbers. The 2015 assessment by RCA is $88.02 per member. There is a small increase in salary built in for church employees. There is a small surplus & Nate suggested that we consider safely investing some of the surplus to gain some return on those monies. There was also a recommendation to use funds from a People-lnMissions half share (previously designated for the Hawleys, who have since retired from the missionary field) for local missions. Following discussion Donna made a motion to accept the budget, 2nd by Cheryl and passed unanimously. Nate explained that changes in his job have required him to step down as Treasurer of our Church. He believes he has located a suitable replacement (Shirley Sullivan, who has since accepted) and he will assist in the transition. Consistory thanked Nate for his many years of meticulous attention to our finances. f. Building & Property - John & Julie - The missing chairs have still not been located. There is now a sign out sheet for members to use when borrowing chairs, dishes, etc. . There are some issues with a tree in front of the church and an arborist is going to evaluate it and provide an opinion. g. Worship - Cindy - We should rise during Praise songs h. Personnel - Mike & Julie will be complete employee reviews/evaluations. Salary increases will be retroactive once these are completed. 13. Meeting Adjourned with a closing prayer offered by Pastor Linda. Next Consistory Meeting: March 11, 2015 Respectfully submitted, Mike Daly Bible Trivia - Answers are after birthdays and anniversaries. 1. How did Judus identify Jesus to the soldiers? 2. Who was surprisingly released before Pontius Pilate sentenced Jesus to death? 3. What was the name of the high priest's servant who had his ear cut off by the disciple and subsequently reattached by Jesus? RDCC Historical Trivia - Answers are after birthdays and anniversaries. 1. 1947-48 marked the year of what sanctuary happening? 2. The brass cross, candle holders, and vases that are used during worship services were donated to mark what occasion? 3. Galleries were first introduced in the present sanctuary in what year? (1817? 1845? 1854?) mm ^^IWI^^BI •THIS MONTH Anniversaries April Birthdays Judy Brousseau Katherine Cook Andrew Mackerer Holly Barton Lori Lennon Arlene Snyder Jan Dunham Sarah Veronezi 4/3 4/4 4/4 4/6 4/8 4/8 4/10 4/10 Vinessa Bowman Ashley Zapp Anne Stone Florentina Campion Lydia Skoda Amy Race Jim O'Neill William Krein Jennifer Lynn Stupplebeen April Anniversaries 4/13 4/18 4/19 4/19 4/19 4/25 4/26 4/30 4/30 Gary &Shanda Steenburn 4/20 Stanford & Edna Card 4/21 Bible Trivia answers: 1. By giving Him a kiss (Matthew 26:47-49). 2. Barabbas (Matthew 27:15-26; Mark 15:6-15; Luke 23:18; John 18:40) 3. Malchus (John 18:10) RDCC Trivia answers: 1. The building faced condemnation due to cracks in the walls and ceiling (cost to repair and decorate $12,000). 2. The death of Rev Hageman (age 92) by his family. 3. 1817 as part of the first renovation of the church APRIL LECTIONARY READINGS The Lectionary is a list of scripture readings that are traditionally used for each Sunday of the church year. Many preachers choose from these readings for their sermon texts. They are created in a three year cycle to cover many important bible passages. Here are the readings for April 2015. April 5th Easter: Resurrection of the Lord Acts 10:34-43 or Isaiah 25:6-9, Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24; 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 or Acts 10:34-43; John 20:1-18 or Mark 16:1-8 April 12th Second Sunday of Easter Acts 4:32-25; Psalm 133; 1 John 1:1-2:2; John 20:19:31 April 19th Third Sunday of Easter Acts 3:12-19; Psalm 4; 1 John 3:1-7; Luke 24:36-48 April 26th Fourth Sunday of Easter Acts 4:5-12; Psalm 23; 1 John 3:16-24; John 10:11-18 Special thanks to the following members of our congregation for the Easter Lily donations. Donated By: Bill Better In Memory of deceased members of the Alstead family Sharon Kavanaugh In Memory of my father Richard Albert! Nickolas & Linda Miles In Memory of William & Ann Miles In Memory of James Willmore In Memory of Heather Miles The Skoda Family In Celebration of Easter The Mayo Family In Memory of Winfield Hotaling In Memory of Kenneth & Alice Mayo The Stupplebeen Family In Memory of Loved Ones Norma Barnard & Family In Memory of Abram Barnard Kitty Osterhoudt In Memory of my parents In Memory of my dearest friend, Kevin John & Jan Dunham In Celebration of our grandchildren: Elliot, Lindsay, Joel, Casey, & Mina Tom & Tanya Hotalen In Celebration of Easter Shirley & Stephen Shumsky In Memory of Mary & Frank Shumksy In Memory of Helen & Tremaine Dallas Carol, Judy, & Jeanne (The Ham Girls) In Memory of Merlin & Irene Ham Betty Ostrander In Memory of Loved Ones Nancy Winch In Memory of Edward & Esther (Stark) Gilligan and Loved ones Mike Daly In Memory of Ralph Bielefeldt Mr & Mrs. Bruce Kline & Family In Memory of loved ones Andrea & Frank Mastrianni In Memory of Barbara K Beebe & Charles E Beebe In Memory of Frank A Mastrianni Jr. Carol, Jim & Conor O'Neill In Memory of Veronica & Fred Doerfer In Memory of Roberta & Noyes O'Neill In Memory of Ginger Castle & Blanche Krupowicz In Celebration of Adeline Boroski Joan Anderson In Memory of Al Anderson PRAYER CONCERNS LIST Please pray for: Norma Barnard's neighbor...Wanda Bill Better Louise Bliss' family/friend...Gene, Aunt Alice, Uncle Willard, Geneva/ William, a friend Mike Bowman's friend...Ed, Jr. Joan Brown's family...Sister Kent+Jill Busman Campion Family friend...Robert Andrea Mastrianni's family...Aunt Linda Phyllis Mayo's friend...Jane Kathy McNamee's family...nephew Pastor Linda Mile's friends...Reverends Carol+Kathy, Cathy's+Rosanne's loved ones, burned-out family of 7 Linda Van Loon Mack's nephew...Justin Heather + Ryan Niver's family/friends Grandfather Otis/Ricardo, Michelle Cook Family friends...Teresa, Frances Carol O'Neill's family/friend...Aunt Addie, Cathy, Jeff's loved ones/dear friend Dunhams' friends...Shaquanda, Marta Jean Orlich's friend...Mary The Hallenbecks + friend...Velma Hazel Ormerod Cheryl Halleran's friend...Mikey Sylvia Hardy Ostrander Family/friends...Mary, Kay/ Nancy, Sue Harriet Hegeman's brother...David Jenny Post's friends...Marie, Corrie Hotalen Family...Virginia Race Family...Susan, Neal Sue Ihlenburg's niece...Lisa Shelley Robinson...Chris Anna and Erik Kauppinen Schoep family/friend...Terra/Robert Irene Kitchie...Wayne + family Schroeppel Family friend...Harriet Pam Kline's family...Jake, Maureen, brother-in-law Dianne Slusar's mother...Joyce's loved ones Jan Lynch's family/friends...Darla, Darin+Crystal+Bryce/Hugh Klose's loved ones, Nancy+Son, Koa Jon Jennifer Stupplebeen's Grandfather...James Margaret Mac Intyre's loved ones Ruth Manning's Family...Chantal Denise Smith's friend...Susan Frieda Van Deusen's nephew...Nick Julie Veronezi's friends...Jane, Brittney, THCS friend Weinmans...Aunt Lillian's loved ones Wilber Family/friends...John, Carolyn, Jackie, Kevin, Deena+husband, Blake/friend's granddaughter ...and those who are housebound or are in rehab/nursing/assisted-living homes: HOME: Nelson Dickey (Virginia Ambrose's father, who is living with her) KAATERSKILL CARE: Donald Gilmour (Mary Lou Knull's father) PINE HAVEN: Hazel Ormerod, Pauline Gowen (P-L's Mom) THE PINES: Aunt Addie (Carol O'Neill's family) WHITTIER: Lois Gorts, Mary and Charles Hallenbeck, Laura Cornell (former member) April 2015 Mon Sun Tue Thu Wed Fri 1 Lectionary Mtg 1 1am L 6 5 EASTER Worship 9:30am AA 8 pm DS HVCS 7 - 9:30pm F 13 12 Worship 9:30am 19 Worship 9:30am Pastor Miles Installation 4-7pm F&S AA 8 pm DS HVCS 7 - 9:30pm F 20 A A 8 pm DS HVCS7-9:30pmF 27 26 Worship 9:30am AA 8 pm DS HVCS7-9:30pmF 7 Lectionary Mtg 11 am L 8 14 Lectionary Mtg 11am L 23 Bible Study 9:30am L Bell Choir 6:50pm S Choir 7:30pm S 29 28 Boy Scouts 7pm F 30 Bible Study 9:30am L Bell Choir 6:50pm S Choir 7:30pm S Columbia Land Conservancy workshop 4-9pm F C: Cemetery Rm DS: Downstairs classrooms K: Kitchen F: Fellowship Hall L: Library S: Sanctuary 4 10 Peer Support 9am L 11 Krein Shower 3pm F 17 16 Bible Study 9:30am L Bell Choir 6:50pm S Choir 7:30pm S 22 21 3 GOOD FRIDAY Peer Support 9am L 9 Bible Study 9:30am L Bell Choir 6:50pm S Choir 7:30pm S 15 Boy Scouts 7pm F Lectionary Mtg 11am L Lectionary Mtg 1 1am L 2 Bible Study 9:30 am L Tenebrae Service & Communion 7:00pm Consistory Mtg 7pm L Elders/Deacons Mtg 6:45pm L Sat 18 Peer Support 9am L 24 Peer Support 9am L Girl Scouts 7pm8am F 25 (girl scouts till Sam F) Kline Shower 15pm F
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