CLEEVE CLARION No. 47 17th March 2015 - 18th May 2015 N e w s le t te r o f B i s h o p ’ s C l e e v e U 3 A MONTHLY MEETINGS At Woodmancote New Village Hall on 3rd MONDAYS, at 2.15pm. We welcome visitors interested in joining Bishop’s Cleeve U3A. Monday 20th April 2015 CANCELLED — due to Village Hall refurbishment (Main Hall & Kitchen out of action) Monday 18th May 2015 “Mary Queen of Scots” by Dr Gill White ADMISSION 50p Refreshments served after the presentation until 4pm Front cover photo: “Spring Lambs” - taken by Rosemary Pullin Chairman’s Clarion Call March 2015 This Chairman job is starting to feel more comfortable now, as I get into it. The committee are settling down into our new roles, and I have been reassured by all your good wishes as I get to know more of you. Keith Woodman and I will be attending the Cotswold Link AGM in Ledbury in a couple of weeks’ time, to get our heads around the wider aspects of the U3A community. Malcolm Jukes is leading a group on a national U3A-sponsored visit to the RAF Museum at Hendon to celebrate the people and machines of WW1. There’s a lot going on, both within Bishop's Cleeve and beyond! As you will read elsewhere, we have had to cancel the April Open Meeting and also a Local History meeting because of the refurbishment works in the Village Hall. This is unfortunate, but as an investment for the future it is good news, and we will all enjoy the benefits in the years ahead. Speaking of Open Meetings, the last two were very successful: Mark Cummings of BBC Radio Gloucestershire left us entertained and informed about how radio works, and in particular he banished some lazy assumptions that some of us had (including me) about his weekday morning programme: a magazine of Gloucestershire happenings, with no wallpaper music. Why not try it? Di Alexander’s talk on the Mitford Sisters was also entertaining and educational – not my usual fare, but interesting nevertheless. It is good for us to learn about things we don’t think we are interested in: it challenges our habits of mind, which can be uncomfortable but is stimulating. It was also uncomfortable and stimulating for the organisers when she didn’t turn up until the very last minute (she got lost on the way): but I was pleased and surprised to find that we had two members with talks at their fingertips, ready to step into the breach. Never despair! I was also pleased by the response to Debbie Jones’ pitch for her new Classical Greek Drama group – seven of you were so inspired by her evident enthusiasm for her topic that they signed up there and then. So if you also have an enthusiasm for something, however exotic, why not see if you can persuade others to share your passion? Go for it! Alan Green MESSAGE FROM YOUR SPEAKERS’ SECRETARY Monthly Meetings - If you know of a speaker that will be of general interest to our members, or a subject on which you’d like to hear about, please contact me (Speaker Secretary), Joan Hall on 01242 680575 or at I’ll be pleased to hear from you. FROM YOUR SECRETARY (LIZ REILY) Hello members, With spring now here hopefully we’re all enjoying the better weather. I very much enjoyed my walk with the “Local Walks” group at the end of February but, oh dear, was it muddy! Thank you to Barrie Hall for giving me all his back copies of “Cleeve Clarion” for the U3A’s archive. I now have an almost complete collection. However we are missing no. 1 and no. 42, so if anyone has a copy of those and can part with them I’d be very grateful to receive them. Business Diary: Cotswold Link: AGM, Half-Yearly meeting and Seminar – 20th March, Ledbury. Attendees – Alan Green, Keith Woodman Third Age Trust: AGM – 27th August, Nottingham – Attendees TBA Liz Reilly From the editor: Sorry about the mistake on the back page of the January Clarion! Thanks to the mass e-mail sent out, most of you will have been informed about it? Of course our web address should have been (- the “u” got lost somehow!) If anyone spots any mistake - or has any suggestions for the Clarion, please contact me. Rosemary Pullin COACH TRIP FOR B/C U3A MEMBERS & FRIENDS NATIONAL MEMORIAL ARBORETUM, STAFFS DATE: WEDNESDAY 20TH MAY 2015 COACH PICK-UPS: 8.40 am DENHAM LAYBY, WOODMANCOTE, 8.50 am BISHOP'S CLEEVE, LIDL CARPARK CONTACT: BRENDA WILSON (01242 679777) - The planning of this trip is well advanced. Most details will be via e-mail, but for those NOT able to receive e-mail and interested in joining the trip, please get in touch with me as soon as possible, if you have not already done so. We are hoping to take a 48 seat coach, which will have space enough for Spouse/Partner/Friend if required. Cost (with full coach) £10 per head, plus Donation (see below). Any extra costs will apply for booking of tours, talks or site transport at the venue. Our party will be met by a Guide in order to advise arranging our requirements. Any member wishing to book anything ahead of 20th May, eg: wheelchair or electric scooter, may do so independently. In order to maintain Free Entry to the site, a request for donations is made. I would advise that a minimum of £2 per head be added to our coach charge, allowing a one-off donation to be made. I am open to comments or ideas on this point. As our April Open Meeting is cancelled, time is limited for final bookings and payments. Therefore, I intend a CLOSING DATE of MONDAY 13TH APRIL, including PAYMENT. (CHEQUES PAYABLE TO: Bishops Cleeve U3A Events) I have a quantity of Information leaflets available on request . Brenda Wilson WE WELCOME THE FOLLOWING NEW MEMBERS Ida Austin ; Jackie Bourne ; Sue Brisk ; Deidre Dee Judith Fryer ; Margaret Goodenough ; Fiona Lawro Tim Powell ; Anne Rands ; Helen Revell Jaclin Surman ; Caroline Utteridge GROUP NEWS Whether it’s because Spring’s around the corner and the sap is rising but we’ve had an outbreak of new group suggestions – which shows what a vibrant U3A we are! Greek Drama has an eager band of participants and we are slowly collecting members for the Natural History group – more of that later. Quilting and Patchwork has attracted enough members to make a workable group and it is hoped to run it as an informal get-together where members can compare notes, help each other and socialise - more details from Pat Cornelius on 603894. Sadly we had no takers for the Bridge group (for those who know how to play), but the sign-up list will be on the Information Table so think again, you card players, there’s still a chance to start something. The Group Leaders’ annual meeting was held at the beginning of February and leaders and their representatives turned up in force – which shows what a dedicated lot they are! The question of paying group subs cropped up and, just to clarify – everyone who attends a group pays their 50p, whether they are a regular member, someone you’ve brought along as a friend or a non-member trying out the group to see if they want to join. Anyone from another U3A – in other words, not a member of Cleeve U3A - can attend one group as a regular member (don’t forget – the monthly meeting counts as a group), but if they want to attend an additional group they will need to join Cleeve U3A as a Link Member. Back to the Natural History group. I will be contacting those of you who expressed an interest to see if we can sort out a plan of action from what is a pretty broad subject area. The sign-up list will be on the Information Table again at the next members’ meeting, so still time to get your name on the list. (You can ‘phone me too if you can’t make the meeting). Watch this space! Gill If you wish to join a “membership closed” group, please contact Gill, who will do her best to try to start a new group. GROUP INFORMATION ARTS & CRAFTS - CRAFTY CRAFTERS Contact: SUE HAMER (672541) Meet 3rd WEDNESDAY 10am — 12 noon in Woodmancote Village Hall. The group is working well and at the moment we have a full group. ARTS AND CRAFT Contact: CAROLINE UTTERIDGE (01684 299920) e-mail: This new group meets at 2pm on the 2nd and 4th FRIDAY each month. Presently only a small group, but hopefully growing. There are no set agendas, but a case of sharing ideas of knowledge. Anything transportable goes! - from knitting, crochet, sewing, card making, beads, quilling and calligraphy. New members will be very welcome. Please contact Caroline for further information. BEGINNERS BRIDGE Contact: DAVE ATKINSON (674169) Meets every 2 weeks on a MONDAY, 2pm — 4pm. Marie Brain (674121) has kindly offered to host our meetings. Some variations may be expected when Marie is not available or when the times clash with the regular monthly meeting. Members will be advised when alternative arrangements are necessary. APR 6 ; APR 20 ; MAY 4 ; MAY 18 ; JUN 1 ; JUN 15 BOOK CIRCLE (1) Contact: VI FAIRMANER (673504) Meet 1st WEDNESDAY at 2pm in members’ homes. This group is now full. APR 1 “The Lovely Bones” by Alice Sebold presented by Moyra MAY 6 “ And The Mountains Echoed” by Khaled Hosseini presented by Mary BOOK CIRCLE (2) Contact: EILISH TALBOT (675557) Meets 3rd THURSDAY at 10am in members’ homes. Membership currently closed. MAR 19 “The Time of their Lives” by Maeve Haran APR 16 “Daughters of Mars” by Thomas Keneally BOOK CIRCLE (3) - BOOKWORMS Contact: ANNE LAWRIE (676225) Meets 4th WEDNESDAY at 2.30 pm in members’ homes. This group has vacancies. MAR 25 “The Septembers of Shiraz” by Dalia Sofer APR 22 “Brooklyn” by Colm Toíbín MAY 27 “The Lie” by Helen Dunmore COMPUTER BUDDIES Computer Buddies support those of us having problems with our computers or wanting to brush up our skills. Both Jenny and Dave are willing to help people on a 1-1 basis. These sessions will last approximately 2 hours (for which you have to pay the usual 50p sub). JENNY MACKELWORTH (602286) j.mackelwor th@btintern DAVE OWEN (699797) ECONOMICS Contact: TIM POWELL (676919) This group meets twice a month at 10.30am on WEDNESDAYS at Tim’s house. FAMILY HISTORY Contact: WENDY STOW (701303) This group meets on 4th FRIDAY of each month 11am — 1.0pm in the Woodmancote (Small) Village Hall. MAR 23 Please bring along any pre-school memories you have to share with the group APR 24 Apprenticeship records FRENCH CONVERSATION Contact: MARIE BRAIN (674121) The group continues to enjoy fortnightly meetings usually at Marie's. Group membership is closed at present. GARDENING Contact: LINDA COOLE (674830) The group arranges activities each month, themed according to the seasons. MAR 23 Visit to Oxenhall Gardens + daffodils. Arrive at 11.00 (coffee) Lunch available - £9 APR 27 Visit to Forest of Dean + bluebells Arrive at 11.00 - Wenchford area GERMAN CONVERSATION Contact: CAROL HARRIS (602872) This group is for members who have a basic knowledge of German. Meets twice a month usually on the 2nd and 4th MONDAYS, 10.00 — 11.30am at members’ homes. GREEK DRAMA *** NEW GROUP Contact: DEBBIE JONES (677423) If interested, please phone for details. I.T. GROUP Contact: BARRIE HALL (680575) Group meets on the 4th THURSDAY at Barrie’s home at 2pm. It is not a hands on teaching group. Its aim is to share expertise & experiences and offering mutual assistance. It is intended to provide interest and a stimulus for those who would like to take on new challenges or whatever members may wish to raise. If you are interested please contact Barrie by phone or email. MARCH 26 ; APRIL 23 LATIN Contact: CELIA GORDON-SMITH (677195) STAGE Ⅱ This group meets on the 2nd THURSDAY of the month from 10.00 — 12.00, at Celia's house. Any more proficient linguists are welcome to join them. APRIL 9 ; MAY 14 STAGE Ⅰ This group meets on the 4th THURSDAY of the month from 10.00 - 12.00, at Celia's house. If anyone is interested, please get in touch with Celia. MARCH 26 ; APRIL 23 LOCAL HISTORY (1) Contact: HILARY SWAN (674825) The group meets on the 2nd THURSDAY of the month at 2pm. Membership currently closed. LOCAL HISTORY (2) Contact: JOAN HALL (680575) This Group meets in the Woodmancote Village Hall, at 2 pm on the first MONDAY of each month – except for Bank Holidays when the date will be changed accordingly. New members will always be welcome. MONDAY, APRIL 13 NO MEETING ( due to hall refurbishment) MONDAY, MAY 11 "Richard Pate and his Family" by Eileen Allen LOCAL WALKS Contact: SHEILA BROCKMAN (674736) Local walks starting at 2pm from junction of Millham Road and Station Road (Woodmancote end) on alternate FRIDAYS. MAR 27 ; APRIL 10 ; APRIL 24 ; MAY 8 ; MAY 22 LUNCHEONS * New Contacts: DOUG & JUNE BEAUMONT (674197) Bookings for both the next venues will be taken at the March monthly meeting. MARCH 26 at the Bay Tree Restaurant, 78 Church Street, Tewkesbury. APRIL 23 at Newlands Park Sports and Social Club, Southam Lane. MUSIC APPRECIATION Contact: STELLA CANEY (676143) Meets at 2.30pm on 2nd WEDNESDAY of the month at a member’s home. PETANQUE Contact: Dave and Tricia ATKINSON (674169) This group plays at the new bouledrome at the Woodmancote Village Hall on the 3rd FRIDAY of the month at 10.30 am. PHOTOGRAPHY Contact: KEN ROSS (672874) The group meets monthly on the 2nd MONDAY, and aims to meet all levels of ability and interests. APRIL 13 Show and Tell — sharing images from recent Gloucester outing + Topic of the Month "Animals" — 2.15 pm in Woodmancote Village Hall — please bring images on a memory stick. MAY 14 - Thursday Visit to Showborough House Sculpture Garden, Twyning, nr Tewkesbury. Please bring cameras — for sculpture and garden photographs. PLAY READING Contact: GILL TARLING (674983) Meets at a member’s home on the last TUESDAY in the month at 2.30 – 4.30pm. POETRY FOR PLEASURE Contact: KAY DUCK (672474) Meets on second TUESDAY of the month at 10.30 a.m. in a member's home. New members welcome. APRIL 14 Seamus Heaney and other Irish Poets MAY 12 Poetry in Song (old or modern) MORE POETRY FOR PLEASURE Contact: TRICIA ATKINSON (674169) Meets on the fourth WEDNESDAY at 2.30pm in a member's home. RAMBLING GROUP Contact: ROY BUTLER (529664) Roy hopes to organise a walk once a month . The day and time may vary — and it will depend on the weather. Details will be sent (by e-mail) to those members who have shown interest in joining this group. If you would like your name to be added to this list, please contact Roy. FEBRUARY ramble:- Met at 10 am at Woodmancote Village Hall and drove on to the start of the walk in Dumbleton. The weather was good and not too bad underfoot. We made our way to Alderton where we had lunch at the Gardeners Arms. After being fed and rested we continued around Dumbleton Hill back to our start point. The length of the walk was about 6 miles. New people are always welcome. SINGING FOR FUN Contact: CHRIS LAMMIMAN (461169) Meets at the Methodist Church Hall, Bishop's Close at 10.30am on the second FRIDAY of the month. SOLOS Contact: DIANA JONES (672454) Meets at 2.30pm on first THURSDAY of the month. RECENT ACTIVITIES LOCAL HISTORY (2) On Monday 5th January 2015 we met at Woodmancote Village Hall to hear a talk by Mick Kippin, a local military historian and researcher entitled "Richard Rogers - the Dick Whittington of Cheltenham". Mick Kippin spent over 32 years in the army hence his interest in Ald. Col. Richard Rogers and military history. Richard Rogers was born near Oxford and came to reside in Cheltenham in 1860 where he practiced for many years as a dental surgeon eventually becoming Vice President of the British Dental Association. He first entered the Town Council in l892 to fill an Aldermanic vacancy and three years later was elected Mayor a role which he performed 5 times once more than Dick Whittington who was Lord Mayor of London 4 times! Richard Rogers also served as a volunteer with the 1st Gloucestershire Royal Engineers for 44 years (1859 - 1903). His first commission in the Corps he finally commanded was given him in 1876 and he become Colonel twenty years later. Owing to the great efficiency of the 1st Glos. Royal Engineer Volunteers he was allowed no fewer than three extensions when his regulation period of service expired. Among his many other services to his adopted town he served as a magistrate and Governor of the Grammar Schoool. At his funeral the people of Cheltenham lined the streets to pay their respects. Our thanks to Mick Kippin for sharing his research with us on the life of Alderman Colonel Richard Rogers - who like Dick Whittington had devoted much of his life to public service. Annie Clement 15/1/2015. LOCAL HISTORY (2) “150 Years of the Battledown Estate, 1859-2009" On 2nd February 2015, David O’Connor, the Estate’s historian, gave us an interesting slide-talk, where we learned that Battledown is one of the few remaining Victorian private residential estates in England. Regulated by a deed of covenant, it covers 120 acres, with 2 miles of private roads and about 180 homes, developed slowly over many years, resulting in a wide variety and size of houses and bungalows. Much more housing was developed since 1950, when large properties were erected, with existing housing stock rebuilt and extended, but all on half acre plots with no possibility of breaking up the gardens to build on them and sell them off! There is a restful semi-rural feel to this estate. Since 1992, 3 of the 4 entry roads have been closed by automatic barriers to through traffic, but the 4th road - Battledown Approach - is always open, and David said that walkers, joggers, cyclists and tradespeople come and go freely, admiring the quiet verges. Battledown is seen from a distance as a green wooded hill, where the houses are hidden by the trees - “Rus in Urbe” (rural but in reach of the town) Originally known in Saxon times as Baedala’s Tun(farm), it became Badleton by 1617, Battledons by 1799, and Battledown by 1810. Atop the hill, there are remains of an iron fortress and an ancient monument called the Camp, but there was no battle here, merely a minor skirmish during the Civil War. In 1856, Charles Higgs put Battledown up for sale - 65 acres of arable land and 25 of pasture, with house and barn. A successful solicitor, George Ridge, envisaged an estate for the gentry near town, and teamed up with Somerset Tibbs and William Bain, who owned adjoining land, to buy and develop the hill. Pittville park provided the inspiration *see Clarion no. 30*. The three original trustees spent £14,000, but disastrously underestimated the costs of road laying, trees, and fencing, and plots sold too slowly. Poor George Ridge plunged into debt, his associates deserted him, and he died a penniless and disappointed man in 1884. However, in the 20th century, plots were taken up steadily by minor aristocrats, civil servants, clergymen, senior members of army and navy, and Cheltonian professionals. This era ended after World War 2, when allocations were changed to the smaller half acre plots of the present day-enabling more diverse cross sections of the public to buy. We saw some contrasting photos of the buildings, old and new, and enjoyed the sheer uniqueness of this estate. George Ridge would have been proud of it had he lived on to see it grow! Kay Duck GARDENING GROUP Visit to Boddington Manor gardens On the afternoon of Sunday 15th February, members of the Gardening Group visited Boddington Manor and Gardens. The Manor, mentioned in the original Doomsday Book, was purchased in 1976 by Robert Hitchens and both the house and the grounds have undergone sympathetic restoration. The old garden has been developed since 1985 and now includes wild flowers, mature specimen trees, extensive lawns and lakes. We were free to wander the grounds and view, in particular, the many varieties of snowdrop and yellow winter aconite. The weather was good, the gardens delightful, the company great, and the photography opportunities excellent. Having enjoyed the gardens, we were treated to tea and cake in the conservatory where there was also a book and card sale. For those wanting to take home “a little bit of Boddington” there was a stall with snowdrops and miniature cyclamen plants for sale. A much enjoyed first outing for 2015, a big “Thank you” to Linda for arranging the visit. Sally Lavis POETRY FOR PLEASURE Sometimes our poetry meetings coincide with events happening around us and in the world in general — and it feels very satisfactory! In September, for instance, we chose Autumn for our subject, and what a lot of material we found for the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness. In November, we chose war poetry, and this felt so appropriate in 2014 as we discussed and read about World War 1, 100 years before. We especially enjoyed looking at the poem by the poet laureate Carol Ann Duffy entitled "The Christmas Truce" printed in all the national press in that month. In January we enjoyed humerous poems to keep cheerful during the post Christmas anti climax. We re- arranged Scottish poetry to February to be close to Burns Night, but have no members with a Scottish accent, so had to imagine it as best we could since no one fancied trying to be a Scot! Soon we will try something new when we look at the poetry in songs - a lot of scope there, both old and new. We look forward to warmer months ahead when our thoughts will turn to Spring and then Summer with all its delights. Would anyone like to join our group? - It really does give us pleasure, and we will share it with any new comers! Kay Duck CHRISTMAS LUNCH at FARMER’S ARMS APPERLEY DEC 1st. 2014 Photos taken by Hilary Swan Current Committee Chairman Alan Green 01242 672964 Vice-Chairman Keith Woodman 01242 679301 Secretary Liz Reilly 01242 674253 Treasurer Celia Gordon-Smith 01242 677195 Groups Co-ordinator Gill Tarling 01242 674983 Membership Secretaries Sheila Gardner 01242 236885 Margaret Merry 01242 262998 Clarion Editor Rosemary Pullin 01242 321983 Committee Members Margaret End 01242 672686 June Hall 01242 675711 Speakers’ Secretary Webmaster Refreshments Organiser Joan Hall Jenny Mackelworth Pat Backhouse 01242 680575 01242 602286 01242 517992 NOTE: For Copyright purposes – No items printed in this Newsletter to be copied or printed in any other publication without reference to the Editor and/or originator. *** PLEASE NOTE *** Copy for the next newsletter must be sent to ROSEMARY PULLIN by Sunday, MAY 3rd, 2015 or Tel: 01242 321983
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