Clemmons Moravian Church NEWSLETTER~APRIL 2015 Mark your calendar April 2 April 3 April 4 April 5 April 6 April 12 April 19 April 26 Maundy Thursday - Holy Communion Good Friday - Lovefeast Community Easter Egg Hunt (10:00am) Gravestone Cleaning (12:00pm) Easter Sunday (No 8:30am Worship) Salem Congregation Sunrise Service (6:15am) Easter Monday - Office Closed Men’s Fellowship Breakfast Childcare Family Sunday - 30th Anniv. Celebration RCC Joint Music Festival @ New Philadelphia (3:00pm) Inside this issue: EASTER ACTIVITIES & EVENTS 2 3 SUNNYSIDE EXEC. DIRECTOR POSITION, EASTER EVENTS CONT. CONGRATULATIONS & YADKIN 4 VIEW RCC NEWS MUSIC DIRECTOR NOTES, MEMO- 5 RIALS & SYMPAHTIES YAH, BIRTHDAYS & CHILDCARE Our Holy Week Services will be held in the sanctuary each night from Palm Sunday, March 29, through Friday, April 3. They will begin at 7:00 pm. Please join us for these meaningful services and feel free to wear casual clothes. There will also be special music each evening. Copies of Reading for Holy Week, including large print editions, will be available for those who do not have their own copy. On Maundy Thursday, the very night our Lord instituted it, we will celebrate Holy Communion. Let us accept his gracious invitation to come and to “do this in remembrance of Me”. On Good Friday, following the readings, we will hold a traditional Lovefeast. As this service marks the death of our Lord, its mood is more somber and reflective than a normal Lovefeast. During it you are invited to meditate on the real meaning of Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross for you. 6 SUNDAY THANK YOU’S 7 2015 MORAVIAN BUILD PROJECT, FOOD PANTRY, NURSERY WORKERS & GREETERS 8 MARCH CHILDCARE MATTERS, PRESCHOOL CHATTER & COMM. LIAISON MGR. NOTES 9 PROVINCIAL SR. FRIENDS RETREAT, HOLIDAY TRIP & GA TRIP 10 WOMEN’S FELLOWSHIP, CIRCLE MEETINGS & MEN’S BREAKFAST 11 YOUTH MINISTRY & MISSIONS 12 TRUSTEE REPORT & ADDRESS 13 FINANCIAL REPORT & STOCK 14 DONATIONS INFORMATION CMC NEWSLETTER Page 2 Easter Egg Hunt - Saturday, April 4 at 10:00 a.m. All children of our church and community, along with their families and friends, are invited to our annual Easter Egg Hunt, which will take place on Saturday morning, April 4th at 10:00 am (SHARP). There will be crafts, snacks, a bounce house and the Easter Bunny will even make an appearance!! Please join us for this wonderful Clemmons Moravian tradition! Easter Sunday Cross and flowers Please help us decorate our Easter Flower Cross before the worship service on Easter Sunday. Bring flowers and greenery from your yard or garden and place them on the cross at the front of the sanctuary. The cross is different every year, but always beautiful! Many families also enjoy taking an annual Easter picture after the service, so help us make this year's cross another great visual celebration of the beauty of Easter. EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE IN OLD SALEM The 2015 Easter Sunrise Service will be held on April 5, 2015, beginning at 6:15 AM and will be led by The Rev. Joe Moore, pastor of Fries Memorial Moravian Church. Worshipers will gather in front of Home Moravian Church, 529 S. Church Street (at the corner of Academy Street and S. Church Street) in Winston-Salem to begin the service. In reverent procession, worship continues as participants assemble in God’s Acre for the conclusion of the service. The Church Office will be closed on Monday, April 6 for the provincial holiday of Easter Monday. We hope everyone has a Happy Easter! CMC NEWSLETTER Page 3 Sunnyside Ministry - Executive Director Position Sunnyside Ministry seeks applications for the position of Executive Director. Sunnyside Ministry, an agency of the Moravian Church in America Southern Province, expresses the love of Christ by providing short-term emergency assistance for life's basic needs to families in Winston-Salem who find themselves in crisis situations. The Executive Director serves as Sunnyside's CEO, is responsible for executing its mission, and works to build collaboration and trust between Sunnyside and its key stakeholders necessary to achieve that mission. Any and all interested candidates should visit to read about Sunnyside, to learn more about the position, and to apply. The Great Sabbath Service will be presented in worship on Saturday evening, April 4th, 7:00 PM at Home Moravian Church in Old Salem. Rutter’s Faure’ REQUIEM is being presented. There is a 75 member chorus, orchestra and soloists making this service happen. This service is sponsored by Salem Congregation. The conductor is Drake Flynt, and the accompanist is Mary Louise Kapp Peeples. This is a wonderful service which helps us remember the Good Friday Crucifixion and helps us await the glorious resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ. The 41st Annual Good Friday Cross Walk will be held on Friday, April 3. Once again this year, we are holding the event in cooperation with Centenary United Methodist Church, and we invite folks from all Winston-Salem Churches to join us! We will gather at LOAVES & FISHES, 657 West 5th Street, the Building across the street from the Downtown Library. Parking is available in the Centenary UMC lot next to Loaves & Fishes, and we will gather in the 5th Street “Gathering Place,” the open lot between Loaves & Fishes and Bib’s Restaurant. Please arrive between 10:30 am and 11:00 am. The Walk will begin at 11:00 promptly. The route will be the same as last year, moving down 5th to Liberty St, then up Cemetery St., where we will enter Gods Acre, and finish in Salem Square at approximately 12:00. It is a silent walk, carrying a full size wooden cross, reflecting on the steps that Jesus took carrying the cross the last days of his Earthly life. All are welcome to join and take their turn carrying the cross. If you aren't able to walk with us, please join us as we arrive in Salem Square where members of the Salem Band will be waiting to greet us. If you do this please be there by 11:45 so as not to miss the Liturgy. Dogs are welcome as long as they are on a leash and under control at all times. We will be escorted by two Winston-Salem police officers to ensure safety at intersections. There will be shuttle transportation from Salem Square to take you back to the Centenary parking lot. For more information, visit: Or contact the Church Office at 336-724-5541. Pastor John Jackman Trinity Moravian Church CMC NEWSLETTER Page 4 Congratulations to our members who have some amazing accomplishments to share: Hilda McKnight has illustrated her first book, titled, Crazy Cow of the Appalachians, by Nancy Fussell Perryman. It is a beautifully illustrated juvenile fiction book based on a true story. Way to go Hilda!! Zach Fair has been accepted to NASA Langley Research Center in Va. starting June 1 with a paid internship. He will be researching Earth's atmospheric chemistry and planetary atmospheric research in action. He is a Senior at NCSU with a double major in Astrophysics and meteorology. He has been accepted to two graduate schools but plans to get recommendations from NASA before choosing between the two programs. His family asked that we keep him in our prayers during this time. Yadkin View RCC Is A-Bloomin and A-Singin The Women’s Gathering “Blooming Where You’re Planted “at New Hope Moravian Church March 7 was attended by 80 women. Evaluations by the attendees gave it an excellent overall rating. The Reverend Patricia Garner expresses appreciation for the $754.00 collected for the Unity Women’s Desk project, enough to make 46 Birthing Kits for Honduras or Tanzania. The next event will be a Joint Music Festival at New Philadelphia Moravian Church April 26 at 3:00. The band prelude begins at 2:30, and the program will feature choir, band, bell choir, children’s choir, praise group and more from the combined five churches in the Yadkin View RCC. When this event was first held two years ago, it was an overwhelming success. Come early for a seat. Meetings of the Yadkin View RCC are held bimonthly, attended by RCC delegates from Clemmons Martha Rowe, Bob Sharp, and Pastor Ray. Activities and events are planned, and ideas from other RCC groups are shared. Malissa Bumgarner from New Hope is the Chairman. CMC NEWSLETTER Notes From the Music Director Page 5 Holy Week completes the journey to the cross and ultimately to the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Maundy Thursday and Good Friday our musicians will provide “music from the “heart” to assist the congregation in the conclusion of our Holy Week readings with Communion on Thursday and Lovefeast on Friday night. Then join us for Easter Sunday morning at CMC ….the most uplifting service of the season. Everyone is invited to an afternoon of music and fellowship with your brothers and sisters in the Yadkinview RCC Churches. Musicians from Clemmons, New Hope, Unity, Macedonia, and New Philadelphia Moravian churches will join in praises…. singing, ringing, and playing instruments - all to the glory of God. Our last meeting was two years ago in the spring of 2013. It was a moving experience when all of the bands, choirs, and ringers combined in one sanctuary. Your Brother In Christ, Jerry V. Jones, Music Director th Mark Your Calendar: April 26 Sunday 3:00pm RCC Yadkinview Music Service May 3 Sunday 10:30am Moravian Music Sunday April Rehearsal Schedule Lovefeast rd April 5th Sunday NO Handbell Rehearsal April 8th, 15th, 22nd, & 29th Wednesdays 7:30pm Church Choir April 12th, 19th Sundays 5:00pm Spangenberg Ringers April 25th Saturday 10:00am Ringers RCC New Philly Rehearsal April 26th 1:00pm Combined Choirs RCC New Philly Rehearsal We extend our Christian sympathy to: Family of Ruby Harriman on her passing; Judy Griffin Culler on the passing of her mother, Ruby Monterose and on the passing of her brother-in-law, Jack Fischer; and Marcia Barney and family on the passing of her aunt, Clara Barney. Memorials Keith Smith Ruby Harriman CMC NEWSLETTER Page 6 Friday April 10th- Young at Heart will welcome Ruth Burcaw , Executive Director of Board of Cooperative Ministries, who will share updates about the Aging Team and the Care Giving Congregation at our church at10:00 a.m. We will take the our bus to the Dash Baseball Game on Friday, June 19th. If you would like to go with us please send a check for $22 to Carol Quinn by May 10th. This will include your ticket; all-you-can-eat hot dogs and hamburgers and soft drinks; a cap; and the fireworks. We will leave the church at 6:00. Plan to join the fun and go with us! Happy Birthday! 3 - Emily Ruth Hauser David Rowe 4 - Stu Claassen Rick Korczyk Patsy Petree Trey Wilson 5 - Phil Bargoil Clark Brittian 5 - Brad Whitley 6 - Peggy Cassada 7- Amy Barton Charlie Cherry 9 - Chris Hege Heather Kimel Alexis Mann 10 -Jacob Coburn 11 - Marcia Barney Daniel Herko 12 -Mary Bush Richard Hughes 15 -Scott Romahn 17 -Ashton Mann 18 -Paulette Brewer Randy Fulton Roger Shronts 19 -David Hunter Jim Mair Sherry Marthinuss Bonnie Plitt 20 -Marisa Baskin 21 -Shannon Reeder Caroline Larkin 24 -Kay Burke Patrick Fair 25 - Colin Shronts 26 -Jodi Gray 27 -Jeff Laws Joyce Smith 28 -Arlene Baker Bob Sharp 29 -Karen Snow If this is your birthday month and your name is missing, please contact the church office with your birth date. Childcare Sunday - 30th Anniversary Celebration Please join us on Sunday, April 19, at our 10:30am worship service to celebrate the 30th anniversary of our Clemmons Moravian Childcare. The 3’s, 4’s and Pre-K’s will sing a few songs and the School-Agers will perform a skit. There will be an Open House after worship with an art gallery of the children’s artwork and refreshments. We will also have a “Day-In-The-Life” video showing a typical day in our Childcare! CMC NEWSLETTER Page 7 I recently received a note regarding the donation in memory of my father, Donald Henry, to the Wounded Warrior Project and it brought tears to my eyes. I thank you; my mother thanks you; and as a veteran of the Korean War and the grandfather of a Marine, my father thanks you. God’s Peace! The Henry Family As always, thank you all for the support through emails and cards. I gave some of Hilda McKnight’s Moravian Stars to my c0-workers here. One is our cleaning lady, our A Yi. She is a sweet little old lady who at first refused to accept any kind of gift. Upon seeing the star, she said, “ Ay ya! Hao kan!” “Wow! Beautiful!” and has now become one of my rocks here in Changzhou. The rest of my friends here were able to help themselves to healthy doses of Moravian cookies, of the ginger variety of course, and a few of our handmade candles thanks to the ladies of the Women’s Circle groups. In grace, Jake Matlock Dear CMC Friends, We thank you all so much for the many phone calls and cards while I was recovering from knee replacement surgery. I had the best surgeon and an outstanding therapist, so the outcome has been just wonderful. It was nice to know that we could call on so many of you if we needed anything, and to know that your prayers and good wishes helped with my speedy recovery. We are grateful to have such a loving, caring church family. Sincerely, Dave & Myra McGonigle Dear Congregation, Thank you for the cards and well wishes after my surgery. Your thoughts were deeply appreciated. Warmly, Ben Matlock CMC NEWSLETTER Page 8 The 2015 Moravian Build Begins This Spring! Forsyth County Moravians are joining together to build a Habitat home for a local deserving & hardworking family in need. (The Habitat House is being built in memory of Rev. Dr. Cedric Rodney) Construction on the Moravian Build begins April 25 on site at the southwest corner of W. 14th St. and N. Cherry Street To sign up to volunteer visit: Or contact Debbie Cesta at: 336-765-8854 To donate to Moravian Build send your donation to Habitat for Humanity, 339 Witt St., Winston-Salem 27103. Or contribute online at Designate “Moravian Build” on your check or online payment. Questions? Call 336-765-8854x106 or Unsweetened Applesauce Nursery Workers Greeters April 5 Mark & Tracy Cini April 5 Ralph & Debra McBride April 12 Sara, Jacob & Nora Rhyne April 12 Paul Justus & Barb Martin April 19 Charles & MJ Plitt April 19 Frank & Carlius Myers April 26 Ed Welborn & Peggy Hagood April 26 Tommy & Jenny Taylor CMC NEWSLETTER CHILD CARE MATTERS Page 9 Welcome Spring! We are so happy to have sunshine & warm weather. This allows us to have more time spent outside in the bright & beautiful spring. Even our infants have enjoyed daily strolls & time spent on the playground. Our schoolagers enjoyed their spring break time here with during the first week of April. Our childcare children have enjoyed their usual activities: art, music, PE, enrichment, chapel, Compu-Child and many spring activities such as egg hunts, nature walks & planting. We also had spring & Easter pictures taken. We are excited to be celebrating our first Child Care Sunday to honor our Child Care families on Sunday April 19th . We hope all church members & child care families will join us both for the church service at 10:30 and afterward for refreshments & child care open house. “The flowers appear on the Earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land.” Song of Solomon 2:12 Martha Pappas - Child Care Director April Child Services Committee Meeting - Thursday, April 16 @ 5:00pm April Preschool Chatter We are so happy that Spring is arriving in our backyard with its’ wonderful colors of yellow, pink and blue. We are looking forward to playing outside and watching God’s most beautiful time of year. The children will be planting flowers in pots and watching them grow. Also the fire truck will be coming to see us and that is a favorite for the children. Our Spring Break is March 30 - April 3. Angela Hicks, the Community Liaison Manger, has been updating the preschool page on our church website with our latest news. You will find information about summer camps, fall registration, and much more. While you are there, check out the newly launched preschool blog. This is a great way to see all the wonderful things happening at our preschool. You can find the webpage directly at: April Bible verse: “He is Risen” ~Luke 24:6 Edna Harding - Preschool Director I have really enjoyed getting to meet everyone and settle into my new role here at Clemmons Moravian Church. I look forward to using my skills as a public educator, a mom, a publicist, and a Christian to help in anyway I can. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at or call 766-6273 ext. 109 . Thank you for the warm welcome! Angela Hicks - Community Liaison Manager CMC NEWSLETTER Page 10 PROVINCIAL SENIOR FRIENDS SPRING RETREAT 2015 April 27-29 Laurel Ridge, Higgins Lodge Who Does He Say That He Is? The ‘I AM’ Statements of Jesus In the Gospel of John Spiritual Leader: Rev. Dr. Nola Reed Knouse Registration Brochures can be picked up in the Church Office HOLIDAY DAY TRIP The Young At Heart members invite the congregation, friend and family to join them on their December outing to McAdenville, NC, "Christmas City, USA" on December 15, 2015. We have reserved a 56 passenger motor coach. The cost is $22.00 per person. We will leave the church around 2:00 pm., stop for dinner and return to the church between 9:00-9:30 pm. Reservation Deadline is June 14, 2015. Contact Dianne Tuttle to make your reservations. COME TRAVEL WITH US. WE HAVE FUN! CHURCH TRIP TO GEORGIA UPDATE MAY 14-17, 2015 Full balance is due by April 5, 2015. Please make checks payable to Yadkin Tours, Inc.. Payments may be given to Dianne Tuttle or can be mailed to her at 915 S. Peace Haven Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27103. Cancellations: To be sure you receive a refund, you must cancel before April 14th, 2015. CMC NEWSLETTER Women’s felloWship Page 11 Spring has finally come. Flowers are blooming, grass is growing and the days are longer, we can go outside without heavy coats and gloves. Hurrah!!!. The Women's Fellowship General Meeting was held on Sunday March 22th,2015 following our 10:30 church service. The approved WF 2015 Budget was presented to the members. We also received information about upcoming projects . I have received several packages of holiday cards from different ladies and circles. I will be mailing them to St Jude's Ranch for Children for recycle. I hope that you will continue to send them to me as the year goes on. Please remember to only send the fronts of the cards. If you are currently not in a circle at our church or have not attended in awhile, please reconsider and plan to attend. It is a great opportunity to have a wonderful Bible study and also have lots of fun and fellowship with the ladies of our church. Happy Spring!! Martha Clopton APRIL: Circle Meetings Circle 1: Tuesday, April 7 at 10:00 am in Parlor Circle 2: Tuesday, April at 7:00 pm in the Library Circle 3: Tuesday, April 7 at 7:00 pm in the Parlor Circle 4: Monday, April 13 at 3:00 pm at Susie Stovall’s Home Men’s Breakfast Sunday, April 12 @ 8:00am in the Fellowship Hall CMC NEWSLETTER Page 12 Clemmons Moravian: Youth Fellowship Summer Sign Ups: Youth! Remember to sign up for all of our Spring/Summer events. Sign-ups are in the Weekly Word email blast, or you can contact Kevin for additional information. Be sure to be at Youth Fellowship to hear about these great opportunities. Mission Fundraiser: The Youth Fellowship will be having a Stock Sale Fundraiser for our Youth Mission Trips this coming summer. Purchase as many shares as you want, and redeem your certificates at the Stock-Holders banquet in the fall to hear a detailed account of our youths’ experience during the summer missions. The Fundraiser will run from April 26 – May 17. Sunday Events: April 5th – No Youth Fellowship, Easter April 12th – Normal Youth Fellowship April 19th – Normal Youth Fellowship April 26th – Stock Fundraiser Begins, Normal Youth Fellowship May 3rd – Normal Youth Fellowship Fun(?) Fact: In 1992 thousands of plastic yellow ducks broke free from a cargo ship on the Pacific. They floated halfway around the world for years and were used to study ocean currents. Upcoming Events: Feel free to call Kevin in the church office or email him at if you have questions or want to sign up for the Youth Fellowship mailing/emailing list. April 4th – Easter Egg Hunt/Gravestone Cleaning May 17th – Youth Greeting in Worship May 22nd – 25th – Spring Retreat Friends- things in Africa are going well. The rainy season is beginning. We are working in our gardens preparing for planting. The cows are in heat and trying to mate. The children are beginning their first quarter exams. A friend of Ray of Hope donated some money so the children could go to the beach before they started their exams .Ceci is studying very hard also. The preschool is doing well. The children come to school no matter what. They come in the rain. School is so important to them. Blessing is doing well. I am taking my vitamins to stay healthy. The children send their greetings to you. God is blessing us In Africa. Michael, Ceci and Blessing CMC NEWSLETTER Trustee Report Page 13 How wonderful it was to see the participation of the Preschool children in the Sunday Service on March 15th. The staff is to be congratulated on a job well done, and it was truly wonderful to see the many new faces that attended our Service. A special thanks to the Preschool Director, Edna Harding. With the warm hands of friendship from our members, we look forward to many new faces visiting with us from time to time. The Grace & Giving Committee continues on its mission to provide a continuous, yearlong program where we can share together our love for Clemmons Moravian Church. Many thanks to all who have met with Chi Chi Messick and shared with her your experiences. It is through these informal meetings that the committee will gain insight as to how better to serve both our members and those fellow Christians in the Clemmons Community. Throughout this yearlong program, we will also gain an understanding of how financial giving is a loving tradition of a Moravian. The financials for February are still below our budget targets. We have incurred some unscheduled maintenance work which is contributing to the higher than expected General Fund expenses. Please remember that our church operations are heavily dependent on each of us meeting our commitments to tithe and give generously. You will notice, in this month’s Financial Report, that the Trustees approved an additional $2000/month payment applied to our New Building Loan principle. This will not adversely affect our reserve and will let us eliminate our loan debt more quickly. Remember to visit our website,, to see the latest updates about our church activities. Also, Facebook and Twitter accounts are active and are an excellent way to promote and present Clemmons Moravian to your friends. ~Dave McGonigle, Trustee Chair Updates For Your Address Book Connie Hendricks & Cameron 324 Brookway West Lewisville, NC 27023 946-1535 C CM MC C N N EE W W SS LL EE TT TT EE R R CMC NEWSLETTER Page 14 Financial Report Financial Report for the Month of February 2015 General Fund February Income February Expenses Difference $ 40,446 $ 43,854 $ (3,408) YTD Income YTD Expenses Difference $ 73,637 $ 82,115 $ (8,478) Financial Report for the Month of February 2015 New Building Fund February Income February Expenses Difference $ $ $ 8,667 9,342* (675) YTD Income YTD Expenses Difference $ $ $ 14,373 18,684 (4,311) New Education Building Loan Balance: 2/25/2015 $683,032.05 *Per Board of Trustees approval, an additional $2,000 was applied to loan principal this month from Building Fund Reserves. Stock Donations - Please Note Change Clemmons Moravian Church no longer has an investment account with LPL Financial. All stock donations should be made through First Citizens Investor Services. If you are interested in making a stock donation, please contact Suzanne Howard at 766-6273 x104 or for more detailed information. Thank you. 20 19 Childcare 30th Anniv. Sunday 27 7:00pm Band 26 3:00pm RCC Joint Music Festival at New Philadelphia 6:00pm YF 7:00pm Band 5:00pm SR 6:00pm YF Newsletter Deadline 3:00pm Circle 4 (Susie Stovall’s Home) 7:00pm Band 13 7:00pm Band 5:00pm SR 6:00pm YF 6:30am Salem Cong. Sunrise Service 10:30am Worship 11:15 Resurrection Service 12 [No 8:30am service] [Church Office Closed for EasterMonday] 6 5 Easter Monday Sunday 7:00pm Trustees Mtg. (L) 6:00pm YF Comm. Mtg. (L) 7:00pm Elders Mtg. (L) 28 21 14 10:00am Knit Social (P) 6:00pm CEC Mtg. (L) 7:00pm Circle 2 (L) 7:00pm Circle 3 (P) 7 10:00am Circle 1 (P) Tuesday 7:30am Church Choir 29 7:30am Church Choir 22 7:30am Church Choir (S) 15 7:30am Church Choir (S) 8 7:00pm HWR (S) 2 Maundy Thurs- 1 30 23 16 1:00pm RCC Pastor’s Mtg. (L) 5:00pm Child Services Comm. Mtg. (L) 7:00pm HWR & Holy Communion (S) 9 10:00am All Staff Mtg. (L) 6:00pm Grace & Giving Comm. Mtg. (L) day Thursday Wednesday 6:00pm Youth Lock-In (bus) 24 5:30pm Bauguess/Strand Rehearsal (S) 17 10 10:00am YAH mtg. (L) 7:00pm HWR & Lovefeast (S) 3 Good Friday Friday 25 8:00am Pick up Youth from Lock -In 18 5:00pm Bauguess/Strand Wedding 11 4 10:00am Easter Egg Hunt 12:00pm Clean Gravestones Saturday Library (L) Parlor (P) Conference Room (CR) Fellowship Hall (FH) Sanctuary (S) Spangenberg Ringers (SR) Youth Fellowship (YF) Young At Heart (YAH) April 2015 8:30 and 10:30 Worship services every Sunday unless noted in bulletin and/or newsletter 9:30 am Sunday School (for all ages) Non-Profit Org. U. S. Postage CLEMMONS MORAVIAN CHURCH POST OFFICE BOX 730 CLEMMONS, NC 27012 (336) 766-6273 PAID Clemmons, NC Permit No. 2 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED We’re on the web! Find us on Facebook & Twitter! Ray Burke Kevin Murray Jerry V. Jones Rhonda Shronts Suzanne Howard Pastor Director of Christian Ed. Director of Music Office Manager Financial Manager “It is the mission of Clemmons Moravian Church to BE disciples of Jesus Christ.” APRIL 2015
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