Greenaway Outdoor Pool, Cloverdale, B.C Summer Swim Club Registration (2015) We will be having a Registration Night on March 22nd, 5:30pm – 7:00pm. Please print off and bring your completed registration packages and cheques to help speed up your registration process. Take advantage of our Early Bird Registration, register before April 15th and pay only $410 after April 15th $460. Our first day at Greenaway is May 19th. 1. BCSSA Registration Form 2015 2. Emergency Contact Information 3. Media Release Waiver 4. S & O Signoff Sheet ALL SWIMMERS MUST BE ABLE TO SWIM 25 METERS UNASSISTED IN ORDER TO BE ABLE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE PROGRAM. If registering for the first time you will need a copy of your child’s birth certificate or care card to show proof of age, which is mandatory as per BCSSA. Fees: Regular Season - Early Bird Registration Regular Season Alumni Program Developmental Program 3RD CHILD IN FAMILY RECEIVES 25% OFF $410 $460 $300 $190 4TH CHILD IN FAMILY RECEIVES 50% OFF *Registration Forms & Full payment is required before any swimmer may enter the pool* CANCELLATION/REFUND POLICY: All refund requests are to be submitted in writing to the Executive and decided upon at the first Executive Meeting in September. Refunds will be administered in September. 1. Any individuals registered have 1 week from May 19, 2015 to submit a request to the Executive and will receive a refund less $56 ($36 BCSSA fee plus $20 administration fee) of their total fee paid. 2. NO REFUNDS will be given after the 1 week period unless a valid medical reason is submitted to the Executive and subject to review at the first Executive Meeting in September (a pro-rated rate will be considered) If you are unable to get your registration forms in on March 22, please email Tami Hummel at and other arrangements can be made. SWIMMERS NAME: ___________________________________________ PARENTS SIGNATURE: ___________________________________________ For Office Use Only S & O Form Media Waiver BCSSA registered Program Emergency Contact Info Entered Team Manager 1 T-Shirt per child that Registers Payment Received Cheque # Payment Received Cheque # Youth or Adult (No XS in Adult) $400 Fundraising & Parent Participation Cheque XS S M L XL PO Box #34210 17790 #10 Highway, Surrey, BC, V3S 8C4 | Proud member of the BC Summer Swimming Association Greenaway Outdoor Pool, Cloverdale, B.C Swimmer Membership includes: Monday to Friday practices May to mid-August Becoming a better swimmer by building character and discipline through vigorous training, personal challenges and competition Coaching on strokes, turns, starts, training and competition Swim meet registration fees - up to eight weekend meets from May to August, plus Regionals and Provincials Championships in mid-August for swimmers who qualify Professional coaches possessing or attaining their certification through the National Coaching Certification Program with excellent training programs in place A fun, challenging, group atmosphere with lots of fun social activities A positive, encouraging and enjoyable family environment Swim meets (rain or shine) with parent involvement at all levels A Club t-shirt to show support for our team! Note: Alumni and Developmental Registrants pay separately for swim meets. Alumni Swimmer - member of Tritons for 3 years and be 14 years of age by December 31st of same year. Fee includes max 4 training sessions/week. Payment of entry fees up front for each meet entered. Cost is $300.00 DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM - Introduction to competitive swim - Is intended to introduce basic swimmers to competitive swim. This program is for kids that are able to propel themselves through the water, float and jump in on their own. The program will run for four weeks, staring June 8th at Greenaway pool. At the completion of the development program, if the coach feels your child has excelled and is ready to graduate from the development program, they will have an opportunity to continue the current season at a pro-rated rate. This group has a maximum of ten participants. Don’t wait and miss out! Cost is $190.00. Included in your registration fees are 1 Development Meet plus attendance at our Cloverdale meet. If a Development swimmer is unable to attend the Richmond Developmental Meet (July 8th), they are encouraged to attend another Developmental meet in lieu of Richmond meet in order to have a chance to be involved in a meet. In this case, please discuss with the Coach which meet would best. Swimmers that graduate the development program and wish to continue in the season will have additional opportunities to attend swim meets. FUNDRAISING & PARENT PARTICIPATION FEE: $400.00 This fee will be cashed if you do not fulfill your fundraising and parent participation requirements. Please speak directly to anyone on the Fundraising Committee if you have any questions. Please see additional hand out from the Fundraising Committee. PO Box #34210 17790 #10 Highway, Surrey, BC, V3S 8C4 | Proud member of the BC Summer Swimming Association Greenaway Outdoor Pool, Cloverdale, B.C Swimsuit orders and Bathing Caps Our Equipment Managers are Tara C., and Christine S. Please contact them for Team Gear orders; they can be contacted at Payment Options We have flexible payment options - you can pay all at once or with 2 post-dated cheques. Fees must be paid in full or by post-dated cheques (Dated April 15th and May 15th) on the date of registration in order to be registered and reserve your spot. Talk to the registrar if you have any questions or concerns about options. Swim Meet Participation Cloverdale Tritons along with the Surrey Sea Lions host our annual swim meet at the Bear Creek pool on July 25th &26th. We require ALL families to be available for this weekend and participate, as this is key for the success and future of our club. There will be sign-up sheets posted closer to the Swim Meet. LOOKING FORWARD TO ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL SWIM SEASON! PO Box #34210 17790 #10 Highway, Surrey, BC, V3S 8C4 | Proud member of the BC Summer Swimming Association Greenaway Outdoor Pool, Cloverdale, B.C CLOVERDALE TRITONS SWIM CLUB PARENT PARTICIPATION AND FUNDRAISING REQUIREMENTS Parent participation is mandatory aspect of enrolling your child(ren) in the Cloverdale Tritons Swim Club. Parent participation is vital to the success of Cloverdale Tritons Swim Club as, without the support of the parent volunteers, our club would not be able to succeed. Cloverdale Tritons Swim Club is a fully non‐profit swim club and all non‐coaching activities require the support of volunteers. The Club requires the efforts of all parent(s) and guardian(s) to volunteer throughout the year, working together to create a fun and competitive environment for its swimmers. Funds raised via our fundraising initiatives, greatly reduce the fees that would be otherwise passed on to our swimming families. Parent Participation is broken down in to three areas: 1) Cloverdale Tritons Swim Meet (July 25/26 2015). Every family is required to commit to a mandatory minimum of 8 hours towards this event. Please note: This event is our biggest fundraiser of the season (+/- $3000 annually). 2) Weekend Swim Meets and Mid-Week Development Meets Each meet requires participating clubs to provide parents for on-deck support. Please note: This generally means approx. 2 hours per family of deck time per meet. 3) Parent Participation and Fundraising In addition to (1) and (2) above: Every family is required to commit to a mandatory minimum of 10 hours per season. Participation and Fundraising opportunities will be outlined on an attached document. Volunteer tracking is required by BC Gaming Policy and Enforcement Branch in order to be considered for grant applications. Please note: Families who do not complete and report their required number of volunteer hours will have their volunteer cheques cashed on August 15, 2015. We cannot stress enough the importance of parent participation within the Cloverdale Tritons Swim Club. With that in mind, we do recognize that some families have circumstances that prevent them from being able to commit to participating in any volunteering and fundraising. If you know in advance that your family is unable to commit to #3 above (the mandatory minimum of 10 hours of Parent Participation and Fundraising), we do provide an “opt out” option in the amount of $400.00, to be cashed at the beginning of the season, along with registration cheques. Thank you, Cloverdale Tritons Fundraising Team March 2015 PO Box #34210 17790 #10 Highway, Surrey, BC, V3S 8C4 | Proud member of the BC Summer Swimming Association BCSSA Athlete Registration 2015 Club Initials: CLO BCSSA Number: Region: Fraser South Athlete Information: Please Print Clearly First Name: Last Name: Preferred Name: (if different than first name) Proof: Care Card BirthDate: Birth Certificate Other Gender: M / F Witnessed Initials Mandatory DD/Month/YY (spell out month) Father's Last Name: Father's First Name: Mother's Last Name: Mother's First Name: Mailing Address: City: Home Phone: Postal Code: Father: Office # Cell # Email Mother: Office # Cell # Email Check Primary Email Is a secondary mailing address necessary? If yes, circle and please print information on the back of this form. YES / NO Medical Condition pertinent to Registration: Medication: Has the Athlete been registered with BCSSA before ? Yes / No If yes & BCSSA number not printed above: Club (Circle) Region: Aquatic Activity: Circle Answer Status: ALL of the following questions must be completed to register In the past 3 years has the athlete achieved a Senior National Qualifying Time in any Swimming non-BCSSA Meet ? YES NO Water Polo Has the athlete participated in any Water Polo Activity listed in the current BCSSA 'Player Eligibility' section of the rule book ? YES NO Synchronized Swimming Has the athlete been registered as an A, NS, PS or M amateur athlete from Syncro BC ? YES NO Has the athlete attained an Age Group National Standard within their current DPC age group within the past two years? YES NO 1. Did he/she train or compete for more than two (2) hours in any week in an organized swimming activity ? YES NO 2. Did he/she train or compete for more than two 1/2 (2.5) hours in any week in an organized syncro activity ? YES NO 3. Did he/she train or compete for more than four (4) hours in total in any week in all aquatic activity(s) ? If yes to any question #1-3 please explain: YES NO 4. Did he/she compete in any swim meet between Oct 1 and April 30 (excluding school related meets between Oct 1 and Nov 30)? YES NO Diving Since October 1 of last year has the athlete participated in any of the following: If yes to #4 provide Meet: Date: Registering for: (circle each) Swim Coach (if applicable): Paid Water Polo Volunteer Synchro Swim Dive Aquatic This box to be completed by Club Registrar STATUS (circle one) S The Cloverdale Tritons collects, uses and discloses your personal information for the purposes of verifying identity, registering swimmers, distributing BCSSA information, and fulfilling administrative and competitive functions of the aquatic programs within the BCSSA and its Member Clubs. It is a requirement of registration that the information be provided and, that it will only be used for the purposes indicated or purposes reasonably related. By your signature of this form you signify your consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information to BCSSA and its Member Clubs in accordance with BCSSA’s Privacy Policy. I certify that the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge: (A parent or legal guardian must sign if the applicant is under 19 years of age. By your signature, you accept the responsibility of your child in this association.) Applicant or Parent/Guardian: Signed: Date: Printed Name: Registration Not Valid Unless All Questions Answered and Form Signed O Greenaway Outdoor Pool, Cloverdale, B.C Emergency Contact Information Swimmers Name: Parent Names: Home Phone: Cell Phone: Alternate Emergency Contact: Relationship to the Swimmer: Home Phone: Any Medical Conditions or Allergies: Any Medication Swimmer is taking: Care Card Number: In case the Family and Emergency contact is not available, please fill out the following to allow the Head Coach or an Executive member to access emergency medical care. I _________________________________________, give permission for the Head Coach or an Executive member to obtain emergency medical treatment for my child, ________________________________ . If I cannot be reached or if a delay in reaching my child would be dangerous for him/her. Signed this ______________day of _______________________, 2014 at Surrey, British Columbia. Signature of Parent or Guardian: _____________________________________________ We realize that the above information is personal and private and all information will be held in the strictest confidence and will only be shared if and when it is absolutely necessary for the best interest of the child. Cloverdale Tritons Executive 2015 PO Box #34210 17790 #10 Highway, Surrey, BC, V3S 8C4 | Proud member of the BC Summer Swimming Association Media Release and Waiver Form I hereby grant permission to the BC Summer Swimming Association to: Permission granted? Yes No • Take and use photographs, videos, or interviews of me to be published in print, or electronically reproduced for the BC Summer Swimming Association website or for print material for the BC Summer Swimming Association. Yes No • Use of the first names with photographs, videos, or interviews. Yes No • Take and livestream video recording footage of me in the BC Summer Swimming Associations’ annual Provincial Championships, should I be a participant therein. (NB: It is a mandatory requirement for athlete to consent to livestreaming in order to compete in the Provincial Championships. There shall be no exception). These names, photos, videos, or interviews may be reproduced in newspapers, magazines, television, brochures, posters, promotional material, websites, or may be used in any other way, without liability on the part of the BC Summer Swimming Association, their facilities, agents and employees or on the part of the media in which the photographs, videos, or interviews may appear to be used at any time in the future. I waive and rights of compensation and ownership for these photos, videos, or interviews. (Please Print) Name of Athlete: ____________________________ Signature of athlete (if over 18): __________________________ Signature of parent or guardian (if athlete not over 18): __________________________ Date: __________________ OFFICE USE ONLY PUBLICATION: _____________________________________________ 27462.121738.MSJ.11193847.1 BCSSA Swimmer’s Declaration of ‘S’ or ‘O’ Status BCSSA values integrity and honesty in all aspects of its organization. We encourage all members of our family: athletes, coaches, parents and/or volunteers, to respect these values and reflect them in their involvement with our organization. The following section of our rulebook is an important part of what makes BCSSA special. We ask everyone to read it, understand the intent of the rule, and properly identify the swimmer’s status below. A. SWIMMING 1. st th All swimmers must declare all aquatic participation between October 1 of the previous year through April 30 of the current year. All participation must be declared on the swimmers registration form. Swimmers who misrepresent their aquatic participation may be disqualified from all BCSSA competition within the current season. A disqualification shall take effect immediately and be in effect for twelve (12) months from the date of the disqualification. 2. 3. 4. All swimmers must compete in their designated competitor categories. An ‘S’ swimmer is an individual who trains and competes with BCSSA for an unrestricted number of hours between May 1st and September 30th of each year. From October 1st to April 30th an ‘S’ swimmer may: a) Participate in speed swimming training and/or swim meets*, provided the activity(ies) does/do not exceed a total of two (2) hours within a calendar week. A calendar week is Sunday through Saturday. A swim meet counts as one hour per day. b) Train and compete in diving, water polo, synchronized swimming with no restrictions. c) Engage in accredited and certified water safety and learn to swim programs delivered by a recreation program or school. th d) Between October 1st and November 30 in any year, engage in swimming activities for the specific purpose of competing in any swim meet which is recognized in the official program schedule of the annual swimming championships organized by any secondary school athlete association. Training for the meet must be carried out by or under the direction and/or supervision of the ‘S’ swimmer’s school. e) Non-high school swimmers, between November 1st and February 28th, may in any year, engage in swimming activities to a maximum of two (2) hours per week with their school sanctioned swim team, plus any school swim meets. These activities may be in addition to other permitted swimming activities and must be under the direction and/or supervision of the ‘S’ swimmer’s school. An ‘O’ Swimmer is an individual who: • Participated in organized aquatic activity during the winter season October 1st to April 30th prior to registration, if any activity was in excess of the provisions in point 3 stated above. • Achieved a CASA/SNC Senior National Qualifying Time in a non-BCSSA approved meet within the last 3 years. * A Winter Swim Meet is a swim meet held during the non-competitive season of BCSSA. It is defined as a swimming competition involving two or more clubs with officials appointed for the express purpose of judging the correctness of each stroke and disqualifying swimmers who violate infractions observed. Correctness shall be determined by any set of rules that are defined by a recognized swimming organization including BCSSA, SNC and corresponding organizations in other countries. 4. 5. 6. A swimmer may be registered as an ‘S’ swimmer following an ‘O’ membership on one (1) occasion only, except as in 4 (b). Any exemption requests must be brought to the BCSSA Board of Directors at the Fall Board Meeting. All ‘S’ and ‘O’ swimmers shall be treated equally. The swimmer, or the club, may exercise the right to appeal any decision under these rules to the Appeals Committee of the BCSSA whose adjudication and decision shall be final. I/we, ______________________________________ , have read the previous statements and understand the intent of the S&O rule in swimming. I am verifying that _____________________________ , is an: (swimmer’s name) “S” swimmer “O” swimmer (Please circle appropriate category) Signature of parent(s)/guardian(s), or swimmer if over the age of 18 _______________________________ BCSSA Swimmers S or O Declaration
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