Wahoo December 1 - March 8 Winter Swim Team

Winter Swim Team
December 1 - March 8
No practice Dec. 24—1/1, 1/19, 2/16—2/19
Practice groups and schedule:
Developmental Team For the school age swimmer with limited experience & knowledge of competitive swimming
and is looking to try a new sport. Participants must swim 25 yards front crawl with proper breathing and 25 yards
backstroke without stopping and be able to demonstrate a front dive off the side of the pool. 4:30-5:30pm M/W or T/TH
Age Group Team Swimmers who have knowledge of all four competitive strokes and are looking to improve
technique. They should have experience with starts, turns and competitive skills. 6-7pm M—TH
Age Group Competition Team For the age group swimmer with advanced skills, who is looking for a challenge and is
willing to make a significant commitment to competition. Approval by Head Coach required. This program also includes
advanced dry-land training with an experienced youth strength and fitness instructor. Dry-land training included in price.
5:15-7pm M-Th, 5:15-5:30 warm-up on deck, Dryland 7-8pm T
Senior Team For the junior high/ high school swimmer who has knowledge of all four competitive strokes, starts
and turns and is looking to further develop as a competitive swimmer. 5:30-7pm M-TH
Advanced Competition Team For the swimmer who is participating or training at the high school level, is able to demonstrate
advanced competitive skills and training techniques and is willing to make a significant commitment to competition. Approval by
Head Coach required. This program also includes advanced dry-land training with an experienced youth strength and fitness
instructor. Dry-land training included in price. 4:15-6pm M-Th, 4:15-4:30pm warm-up on deck, Dryland 6-7 T
*All new swimmers must be evaluated before registering.
*Coaches recommend appropriate level. To schedule a Swim Evaluation, contact Kelly or Kathy.
All team participants have the opportunity to compete in three different leagues throughout the year.
Prices include league registration and meet fees.
Developmental Team (M/W)...... $200/M..... $230/NM...35-207 Age Group Competition Team (M—TH).......... $395/M..........$425/NM... 35-210
Developmental Team (T/TH)...... $200/M..... $230/NM... 35-208 Senior Team (M—TH)..................................... $385/M..........$415/NM... 35-211
Age Group Team (M—TH)......... $365/M..... $395/NM... 35-209 Advanced Competition Team (M—F).............. $395/M..........$425/NM... 35-212
REGISTRATION: Complete the following & return, with payment, to the JCC, 633 Salisbury St., Worc., MA , 01609 or bring it to the kiosk, or fax to JCC
508-754-3373. Refund Policy: Refund/credit to account shall be allowed, less a $25 administrative fee, for all cancellations or changes by participant,
if notice of cancellation or change is received by the JCC office before the starting date of the program. Full refund/credit shall be made in the event
an activity is cancelled by the JCC due to insufficient registration.
Swimmer’s Name:_________________________________________________________________________________________________
(Date of Birth___________________)  Member
 Nonmember
Phone:__________________________________Email:______________________________________ Amount Enclosed:____________
Cash Check MC Visa Credit/Debit Card #:_____________________________________________Exp. Date:__________
Signature:_______________________________________________________________________ Date:__________________________
For more information:
Worcester JCC
633 Salisbury Street, Worcester
Web: worcesterjcc.org
Phone: 508.756.7109 • Fax: 508.754.3373
Kelly Sampson
Kathy Spodick
Laura Berg
Aquatics Director, x 235
Head Coach, x 250
Assistant Coach
ksampson@worcesterjcc.org wahoojcc@gmail.com