Swim Class Registration – 2015 Spring Sunnyvale- Outdoor SATURDAY: April 4 – June 13 (10 weeks) ~~~~~ Formerly known as California Dolphin Swim School ~~~~~ 凱豐游泳俱樂部 Swimmer Information Returning Swimmer: Has previously registered at Leading / New Swimmer: Has never been with Leading / Calphin Swimmer Name (First Last) Skill Level Sex Calphin (please check one) Birthday Home Address #1 #2 #3 Parent Name Home Phone Email Address Daytime Phone cell / work Pool Location and Schedule Sunnyvale Pool (South Bay) Class Selection [ 1 ] first choice [ 2 ] second choice **Skill Levels- check www.calphin.com for details!** Fremont High School 1279 Sunnyvale-Saratoga Rd. Sunnyvale, CA SATURDAY: 1:15 - 2:15 2:15 - 3:15 3:15 - 4:15 4:15 - 5:15 5:15 - 6:15 Saturdays 1:15-6:15PM (10 Lessons) Class Dates: Apr 4, 11, 18, 25; May 2, 9, 16, 30; June 6, 13 No Class: May 23 (Holiday) CHL/MST CHL/MST CHL/MST ELT/MST CHL/MST RCR/SPT RCR/SPT RCR/SPT RCR/SPT RCR/SPT GLD GLD GLD GLD GLD CRL CRL CRL CRL CRL BUB BUB BUB BUB BUB NOTE: ELT (Elite) is designed for competitive team swimmers with A+ Pacific Swimming Time Standard. CALPHIN Swim Skill Levels: MST=Master; CHL=Challenger; RCR=Racer; SPT=Sprinter; GLD=Glider; CRL=Crawler; BUB=Bubbler. * To earn early registration discount, the postmark or hand-in payment must be 7 days before the 1st lesson * One time application fee of $25 applies to all new swimmers * Mid-term drop in ok with prorated tuition: $18 for 1st swimmer, $16 for 2nd and 3rd swimmer + $10 registration fee Tuition and Payment (Check Payable to Calphin, or Cash) Swimmers (siblings only) Swim Class Tuition #1 $190 #2 $170 #3 $170 Payment Date: _ __ New Swimmer** Application +$25 Check Payable To: Check Mailed To: 34075 Fremont Blvd. Fremont, CA 94555 Cash Submitted to ____ Early Registry Discount (-$10 *) Calphin __ Subtotal $10 discount For Early Registry! Total: $ On Back of Check: _Deposit Only_ ____, Signed by Cash Receiver: ______________ Indemnification By signing the form below, I certify the above information is correct and the swimmers are in good health to swim. I also confirm that we have received, understood, and will comply with all the pool safety rules, as well as the club policy established by Calphin Aquatic Club published on the website given below. We understand and assume all incidental risks involving in swimming. In case of injury to the swimmers, we do hereby release, indemnify, hold harmless and waive all claims against the pool facility owners, management organizations; Calphin Aquatic Club, their officers and employees. I also certify that I have read, understood the foregoing message, and sign this form voluntarily. __X___________________________ Parent or Legal Guardian Signature Enrollment Form – 2015 Spring Sat v1.1 Sunnyvale@Calphin.com __X___________________ Date (510) 790-SWIM or 790-7946 (510) 796-SWIM fax 34075 Fremont Blvd, Fremont, CA 94555 www.Calphin.com
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