April 2015 Today in MS

Today in Mississippi
April 2015
April 2015
Today in Mississippi
When should I have my central heat and air serviced?
Where our members have the power
Communicators: Melissa Russo and April Lollar
For Today in Mississippi information,
call 877-7MY-CEPA (877-769-2372)
This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
CEO’s message
Robert J. Occhi
President and CEO
Coast Electric honors
its linemen!
A few years ago, Congress signed a declaration thanking the nation’s line workers
for the work they do day in and day out
many times in challenging circumstances,
to light America’s homes and businesses.
Since then, we have celebrated Lineman
Appreciation Day each April. Of course, we
are thankful for these workers every day,
not just one designated day in the spring,
but this day gives us a great opportunity in
our hectic work schedules to pause and say
thank you. We thank you for getting out of
bed at all hours of the night to work in the
heat, in the ice, in the rain and through the
storm to keep our lives going. We thank
you for the dedication and training it takes
to do this highly-skilled job. We thank you
for putting your own comfort aside for ours
and for loving what you do.
Members, if you would like to send a
message of thanks to our lineman, you can
email thankalineman@coastepa.com. We
would love to flood our lineman with
words of thanks and praise on April 13,
this year’s Lineman Appreciation Day. We
will even have a drawing for a gift card for
those who send emails. We will accept
emails until April 6, and will also have
signs in our offices allowing you to leave
messages of thanks to our linemen. I also
encourage you to use #ThankALineman on
your social media accounts.
Our linemen don’t just expect praise on
this day, though. They truly live the cooperative principle of giving back to those we
serve, and will be taking part in a food
drive for local food pantries that day as
well. We will be collecting canned goods at
the Waveland Walmart and will soon be
announcing other locations. Stay tuned to
our website and social media outlets for
more information.
to the Ward family
The tragic accident that took the lives of
Amanda and Jimmy Ward
of D’Iberville has touched each of our communities.
If you would like to assist the Ward family during this difficult
time, a fund for the family has been set up at Bancorp South.
If you would like to donate, ask a Bancorp South rep about the
Jimmy Ward Gulfport Fireman Fund.
Coast Electric offices will be closed
Friday, April 3
in observance of Good Friday.
Happy Easter
to you and your family!
Stay up-to-date with the latest
information about your cooperative,
visit coastepa.com, like us on
Facebook, and follow us on Twitter,
Instagram and Pinterest.
Regular preventative maintenance on your
HVAC system is
a must. Spring
is the ideal time of year to
have your system cleaned
and inspected. With hot
summer months fast
approaching, performing
This month’s question
maintenance on your sysis answered by
tem makes it easier to spot
Residential Energy
Management Representative and fix problems when the
Tyler Green.
weather is much more comfortable than it is on those
100-degree days, which is always when systems
seem to give you the most trouble. Regular maintenance also helps to maximize your HVAC system’s efficiency.
One of the most important things you can do
to maintain the efficiency of your heating and
cooling systems, as well as the air quality in your
home, is to change the air filter on a monthly
basis. Some filters will indicate that they are rated
for up to three months, but it is likely they will be
clogged with debris well before the three month period ends. A clogged or leaky filter makes the unit inefficient, increases runtime and ultimately costs you
them if needed to maximize the amount of airflow to
the conditioned areas of your home. Also make sure
the contractor inspects the indoor and outdoor coils
for debris, dirt and dust. Any obstructions to the air
flow through the coils in the sides of the outdoor fan
can be detrimental to the unit. The contractor should
also check the refrigerant charge to make sure the
level is correct and running at optimal performance.
These tips should help you keep a well-maintained system that will keep you cool on the hottest
summer day.
Summer is right around the
corner! Have you changed
your home’s air filter? Filters
get loaded with more and
more particles as they do their job. This actually
has the effect of making them more efficient, but
it also increases resistance and reduces airflow.
Remember to check filters once a month.
Source: EnergySavers.gov
For more energy
efficiency tips contact:
Hancock County
Phillippe Michel:
Pearl River County
Scott White:
The best option to ensure your system is running
properly is to have a certified HVAC technician
inspect fan blades, electrical components and compressors for any mechanical problems. They should
also inspect the ducts for leaks and clean or replace
Harrison County
Tyler Green:
We want to work with you
to manage your energy use and save!
Energy Fair Dates and Locations:
8 a.m. - 2p.m.
• May 1 – Coast Electric’s Gulfport Office
• May 4 – Coast Electric’s Biloxi Office
• June 1 – Coast Electric’s Bay St. Louis
Today in Mississippi
April 2015
April 2015
Today in Mississippi
Providing Mississippi students
lessons for building a successful future
The Electric Power Associations of Mississippi held its 29th annual Youth
Leadership Workshop Feb. 25-27 in downtown Jackson.
Electric cooperatives from all across the state sponsored 63 of the state’s
brightest high school juniors, who came together to learn vital leadership
skills to guide them toward achieving their future goals.
Tommy Duong, Erin Geist, Savanah
Rupkey and Beth Shiyou were selected
from the schools in Coast Electric Power
Association’s service area to represent the
cooperative during this hands-on leadership
The students participated in fun and
challenging team-building activities, visited
with their state legislators during a breakfast before visiting the state’s Capitol, and
heard encouraging speeches from motivational speakers, as well as Mississippi’s top
leaders, Gov. Phil Bryant and Lt. Gov.
Tate Reeves.
Gov. Bryant, a strong supporter of the
Gov. Phil Bryant
spoke to the
students and urged them to remain in
Mississippi after college or workforce training,
focusing on the remarkable opportunities that are present for Mississippians.
“There are so many opportunities for you in Mississippi to take
on leadership roles in this state. When it comes time for
you to go into the workforce, we are leading the nation in industries like
automobile production and
“There are many
opportunities for you to take
on leadership roles in Mississippi.”
Sen. Philip Moran, Beth Shiyou, Rep. Patricia Willis, Tommy Duong, Erin Geist, Savanah Rupkey and Sen. Sean Tindell.
telemedicine, as well as making strides in our export industy. There is
a place for you to make a difference in Mississippi.”
Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves also spoke to the group, reminding them that anyone can reach their goals, despite obstacles. The students were once again
encouraged to “dream big,” and reminded that they have the ability to make
a difference in their schools and communities.
While visiting the Capitol, the group was
able to see government in action first hand
while visiting the gallery of the Senate and
were able to talk one-on-one with their legislators.
The students’ critical thinking skills were
put to the test during a Town Hall meeting,
which allowed them to discuss pressing
issues that they are facing as youth. After
discussing the issues that affect their daily
lives, they were able to work together with
students from other areas of the state experiencing those same issues, to develop soluLt. Gov. Tate Reeves tions they could take back to their schools
and communities.
Coast Electric is a proud supporter of the program. “We are proud to have
Tommy, Erin, Savanah and Beth represent Coast Electric,” said
C.E.O./President Bob Occhi. “We believe in the investment we are making
in these young students and we know they will do great things in the future.”
During the leadership workshop, three students are recognized with scholarships and this year, Coast Electric student Tommy Duong was the recipient
of the South Mississippi Electric Power Association Scholarship.
The students will travel with the youth group to Washington, D.C., in
June. The students will then have the chance to meet with Mississippi’s congressional delegation on Capitol Hill, as well as visit all of the monuments
and memorials during the seven-day tour.
Erin Geist
Harrison Central
High School
Tommy Duong
D’Iberville High School
Savanah Rupkey
Long Beach High School
Beth Shiyou
Hancock High School
Beth Shiyou (left) and Savanah Rupkey (right) works with their team to complete the Marble challenge.
Ron Stewart, program coordinator, presents
Tommy Duong with the 2015 South Mississippi
Electric Power Association scholarship.
Coast Electric
Power Association
-Gov. Phil Bryant
Students participate in challenging team-building activities designed to enhance their leadership skills.
Today in Mississippi
April 2015
April 2015
Coast Electric’s
2015 calendar
featured artist
for April
They light our way. #thankalineman
Thank a lineman!
April 13 is Lineman Appreciation Day and we would love
tioned at stores to take canned food donations for local food
pantries. Stay tuned to our website for information about
locations in each county. We encourage you to stop by,
thank a lineman and donate to a fantastic cause!
for you to help us thank our linemen for the great work they
do! You can email thankalineman@coastepa.com by April 6
with your thank you message and you will be entered into a
drawing for a great
prize or you can
simply use
on Facebook,
Twitter and
Instagram through
April 13 to get your
messages to our
amazing line crews.
You can also stop
by one of our
offices and sign a
banner for our linemen.
While we tried to convince our
linemen to bask in the glory on April
13, they wouldn’t hear of it! Instead,
they decided to use the day to do
something amazing for our communities. Showing concern for those we
serve is one of Coast Electric’s principles and our employees walk the
walk when it
comes to giving back! We
are working
with local
stores to host
us for a food
April 13 is Lineman Appreciation Day.
drive. Our
trucks and
line crews
will be staEmail thankalineman@coastepa.com with your story.
Help us honor our heroes.
Fill a Bucket
Food Drive!
Today in Mississippi
Time of Use
hours change April 1
No foolin’
Coast Electric’s 2015 calendar was completed with help from some talented young
artists in the service area. Artists from
schools in Harrison, Hancock and Pearl
River counties submitted artwork and winning drawings will be featured each month.
This month, we congratulate our April
artist, Olivia Prescott. Olivia’s art work
reminding us to manage our energy use is a
perfect message for the month we celebrate
Earth Day! Thanks to Olivia for reminding
us all that the greenest power is the power
not used.
What: Thank a Lineman,
Fill a Bucket
When: Monday, April 13 (Lineman
Appreciation Day) 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
Where: Waveland Walmart and
announcing other locations soon on
Why: Because our linemen love our
community and we love our linemen!
What can you do?
Donate a few cans to help us with
our Fill a Bucket Food Drive!
Five ways YOU can thank a lineman:
1. Donate canned goods at our
food drive.
2. Tell them thanks in person at our
Fill a Bucket Food Drive.
3. Send an email to
by April 6.
4. Use #ThankALineman on
Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
any time between now and April
13. (Or really, any time. We always
love to hear great feedback!.)
5. Stop by one of our offices to leave
a message to our linemen on the
signs that located in our lobbies.
Director of Member Services, Clay Sweet, presents an
award to April calendar artist Olivia Prescott.
Earth Day
Come celebrate Earth Day with Coast
Electric! We will have celebrations in
our offices April 22 in honor of Earth
Day and we hope you will join us. We
will have some fun giveaways for
adults and kids alike. Remember that
Coast Electric is your partner for energy savings and efficiency education
throughout the year and with our
staff of energy experts for your
homes and businesses, we can
always help you find ways to reduce
your energy use and save!
For members taking advantage of the savings
offered with our Time of Use (TOU) program, don’t
forget that spring hours begin April 1. That means
peak hours are now from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Monday
through Friday. All other times, including all day
Saturday and Sunday, are off-peak. If you have
water heater timers, programmable thermostats or
pool pumps, remember to change the times of
those to reflect the new hours.
If you haven’t considered our TOU rate plan yet,
We use it and LOVE it and save
monthly! Easy to follow, and
easy to save $$$.
this is a great time to start! Visit coastepa.com and
click the Time of Use link in the quick links box on
the left side of the page. You can save just for
changing the time of day you use the most electricity.
Still not sure about jumping on the TOU bandwagon? Don’t take our word for it, listen to your fellow member-owners! These are some of the comments shared on our Facebook page by those taking
advantage of TOU rates:
I love it! We set our system to
program with it and honestly
we don't even notice it! I've
bragged to several they need it
in their life! And the money
saved is a huge plus!
My average savings are about
15 percent. Between a water
heater timer and generally not
being home much during peak
hours, it works out great.
So … what are you waiting for?
With our six-month guarantee, you won’t lose money.
Try it out and let us know what you think of TOU!