Monday Morning - April 20, 2015: April Day of Dialogue/Day of Remem... 1 of 5 Monday Morning - April 20, 2015: April Day of Dialogue/Day of Remembrance Frank, Laurence B. Sent:Monday, April 20, 2015 11:56 AM Cc: Rodriguez, Francisco C. (Chancellor); Barrera, Adriana D. (Deputy Chancellor) Good Monday morning, April 20, 2015— It was encouraging to see a full house at last Thursday’s Day of Dialogue. We had contribu ons from faculty, staff and students as we worked through discussions of Accredita on Standards III and IV. Anna Badalyan and VP Kaneesha Tarrant (just back from maternity leave) framed the standards and launched the dialogue on both resources and decision‐making along with the responsibili es of the CEO. Anna shared the results of our 2009 campus climate survey and where we were a er the last accredita on visit. We looked at the improvements that have been made since then, with conversa on focused on our academic technology and facili es and how improvements have made us a stronger college. Let’s not lose our momentum. We have almost 800 faculty, staff and administrators yet barely 100 individuals have so far taken the campus climate survey. Please take the me to par cipate in the Campus Climate Survey (link below), as the results will be so cri cal in the upcoming Accredita on visit next March. h ps:// This Tuesday marks the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide, and we are going to mark the anniversary with a Lunch and Learn event. There is so much about our world and U.S. history that are clarified by taking part in this event. Tomorrow, April 21st, from 11:15am‐1pm we will gather in the South Tent to learn about the Year of Remembrance. Powerful speakers from the Armenian Na onal Commi ee will tell the story of the Genocide from a personal perspec ve. Erik Pula an and his family, who have had the lunch truck concession on our campus since 1966, are providing lunch free of charge for all who a end. There will also be an extensive exhibit in the Library chronicling the first genocide of the 20th century. Please come and join us, bring your classes and bring the community, so we can remember together. Thank you to Anna Badalyan, Tania Yanes, Nicole Albo‐Lopez and others for coordina ng this special event. 4/20/2015 12:41 PM Monday Morning - April 20, 2015: April Day of Dialogue/Day of Remem... 2 of 5 We have a few awareness events coming up on campus this week, so feel free to stop by. Today at 1pm, the California Department on Highway Safety will be on campus reminding everyone about the dangers of tex ng or using the phone while driving. While many of us are guilty of this, we need to remember that lives have been lost due to accidents where drivers were distracted while tex ng or talking on the phone. Please come by the North Tent today to learn more. This Wednesday is the annual Denim Day that brings awareness about sexual assault vic ms. The Faculty and Staff Development commi ee has set up EAP training. Please wear some denim in solidarity. …and then on Thursday the LAPD will be in the Pegasus horseshoe informing staff, students and the community about the latest criminal trend of stealing the third seat out of SUVs. Apparently it can be a lucra ve ac vity but damaging to the vic m’s vehicle. The police will give people some ps on how to avoid such crime. Please stop by for the demonstra ons. Most of us probably have never heard of Lindenwood University in Belleville, Illinois. But apparently the athle c programs there have heard of Trade Tech. One reason is because the liberal arts university has recruited one of our student‐athletes. Lady Techster’s basketball standout Tiffany Gale has captured a scholarship from Lindenwood. LATTC women’s basketball coach Sherwyn Morgan says Tiffany was the first player he ever recruited from Jefferson High School, now she is on her way to the next level. Good luck Tiffany; we are proud of you. 4/20/2015 12:41 PM Monday Morning - April 20, 2015: April Day of Dialogue/Day of Remem... 3 of 5 Our 90th Anniversary is beginning to play out. On Thursday a ernoon, April 30th, we are going to close our offices as much as possible and par cipate as faculty, staff, and students in a 90th Anniversary Fun Day which has been a long me coming. Check out the flyer for some of the details. 4/20/2015 12:41 PM Monday Morning - April 20, 2015: April Day of Dialogue/Day of Remem... 4 of 5 One last item related to the 90th. Do you recognize this guy? If you were alive during the 1960s, you probably remember the mania surrounding the singing group the Monkees. They were bigger than Bieber and Beyoncé back then. Well, Micky Dolenz was part of that juggernaut that swept the country, but more importantly he a ended LA Trade Tech College just before ge ng swept up in the mania. He was studying architectural dra ing when Hollywood called but he has returned to his cra with a furniture design store, Dolenz and Daughters. We have invited him to our community unveiling of our 90th Anniversary LATTC Historical Exhibit on May 21st, from 4‐6:30pm in the Magnolia Hall Atrium and he is planning to come. The program will begin at 5:15pm, so make sure you join us as other notable alumni are being invited. We will be upda ng you. 4/20/2015 12:41 PM Monday Morning - April 20, 2015: April Day of Dialogue/Day of Remem... 5 of 5 Looking forward to strong week at LATTC. Laurence "Larry" Frank President L.A. Trade‐Technical College 400 W. Washington Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90015 O – (213) 763‐7052 F – (213) 763‐5366 FrankLB@la Celebra ng 90 years Training. Transfer. Tradi on. Trade‐Tech. 4/20/2015 12:41 PM
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