Double Your Meter Sales Program

Marketing Bulletin
Distribution Sales, DL_Power_Launch, LES RSM & TSSs, LES Agents, LES
Leviton Marketing Department, Lighting & Energy Solutions
June 1, 2015
Double Your Meter Sales in 2015
Elevate your sales with the best meters at the best price, in just three easy steps!
Put more money in your pockets and double your meter sales simply by converting E-Mon Distribitors to
Leviton VerifEye™. Better margins, more savings, best in industry 10 year warranty and a readily
available line of meters and software—deliver these VerifEye advantages to your customer over E-Mon
and you’ll double your meter sales.
Double your meter sales in three easy steps!
1. Get the VerifEye EZ cross document in the hands of every key player at your Distributors –
counter, inside sales, etc.
2. Show them how to easily cross E-Mon meters to VerifEye at a better price!
3. Convert your Distributor’s existing stock and sales history of E-Mon to VerifEye
We’ve made it easy and simple to help you double your meter sales with the tools included in this packet.
In the packet you will find 1) key selling points to help Distributors convert from E-Mon to VerifEye, 2) EZ
cross reference document, and 3) VerifEye Brochure. Click here to watch a short video to help you
double your meter sales!
Contact for more information.