Renewable Energy in the Manufacturing Sector

Webina r
18 March 2015
Renewable Energy in the
Manufacturing Sector: The Next
RE for Productive Uses in Africa
Linus Mofor
Africa n Clima te Policy Centre
UNECA, Addis Aba ba , Ethiopia
• About the UN Economic Commission for Africa
• Current uses of renewables for productive
applications in Africa; some sectoral examples
• Opportunities going forward – the African
structural transformation agenda
• Conclusion – key messages
• The only UN institution mandated to operate at the
regional and subregional levels to harness resources
and bring them to bear on Africa's priorities
• Champions the African structural transformation and
green growth agenda
• Various divisions, including Special Initiatives (SID)
• SID:
 ACPC – Hub for demand-led knowledge generation
on climate change in Africa
RE for Productive Uses in Africa
Current Use of RE for Productive Applica tions in Africa
6 Mtoe (252 PJ) in agricultural sector
22 (924 PJ) Mtoe in services sector – mainly telecoms
Source: IEA Africa Energy Outlook 2014
134,811 ktonnes cement (2009)
Energy Requirements
Dry processing: 2.93 – 4.6 GJ/tonne clinker
Wet processing: 5.86 – 6.28 GJ/tonne clinker
Technology mix in Africa: 67% dry processing; 24% wet
processing; 9% semi-dry processing with average heat
requirement of 3.82 GJ/tonne
Renewable energy use Up to 40% of coal and HFO consumption can be substituted
and substitution
with waste biomass and dedicated biomass
50% or more of the electricity used can be substituted by
renewable electrification in large-scale, grid- connected
installations that ensure reliability of supply.
1,876 ktonnes (2009)
Energy Requirements
Electricity: 13.5 – 17 MWh/tonne Al
Natural gas or fuel oil: 2.5 MJ/kg Al
E.g. South Africa and Nigeria use coal-based and gas-based
Cameroon uses hydropower
Renewable energy use
More than 50% of the electricity requirements of aluminium
and substitution potential smelting in Africa is already met with large-scale hydropower.
Potential for small-scale, off-grid renewable electrification for
non-process electricity in fossil-based smelters in South Africa
Appreciable volumes of biomass would need to be sourced
and transported to the smelter as a replacement fuel for
99,074 ktonne sugar cane (2009)
Energy Requirements
0.5 – 0.87 GJ/tonne
Renewable energy use • Bagasse use can be optimised in co-generation facilities to
and substitution
meet 100% of energy demand and provide export
• Solar thermal technologies for air and boiler water preheating or steam generation could potentially be applied to
this sector
• Small-scale, off-grid renewable electrification may be
applied in this sector and represents a substitution
Bagasse co-generation plant in Kenya
Other examples in Mauritius, Swaziland, Uganda, etc
RE in Industry
Opportunities Going Forwa rd in Africa
African Structural Transformation Agenda
New dynamic for structural transformation and green
growth in Africa – greening Africa’s industrialisation
Offers huge opportunities for RE use in industry
How to best use Africa’s biomass resources for this?
 Energy efficiency in industry must be addressed
 Need increased awareness of opportunities and business
 Above all, need policies and incentives to mainstream
low-carbon energy systems in the industrialisation
 Best opportunities in agro processing and mining
Across the agro processing sector huge potential for
energy from residues in unutilised
Key Messages
Large potential across Africa for renewable energy to
substitute for fossil-based energy in productive sectors
such as agro-processing, as well as heavy energy-use
sectors, such as mining, cement and aluminium
However, estimating the potential for renewable energy
substitution is not only industry-specific, but also highly
site-specific, requiring knowledge of the energy
requirements as well as the availability of renewable
resources at each particular industrial location
Heavy industries, such as aluminium and cement production,
are better suited to grid-connected renewables
Hydropower or large biomass facilities preferable for heavy
and continuous power demand from large industries to avoid
resource and power-output variability
Governments need to provide the right framework to
accelerate the transition to use of renewable power in the
heavy industries - some of which are currently benefitting
from heavily susidised conventional electricity
• Although the supply of energy from the grid in many
African countries is already dominated by hydropower,
smaller-scale generation facilities show great potential to
produce local, off-grid renewable energy supply for
productive uses, especially in the agricultural sector
• The potential of the agro processing and forestry sectors is
highly under-utilised
• The African structural transformation and green growth
agenda provides substantial opportunities in the agro and
mining sectors
• This needs strong policy support and promotion of best
Tha nk you