The Allen Park Presbyterian Church (USA) A Stephen Ministry Congregation April 2014 Allen Park, Michigan 48101 April 13 Worship at 8:45 and 10 a.m. Palm Sunday Children’s Palm Processional One Great Hour of Sharing Offering Collected April 18 Good Friday Community Service Worship at Noon Silent reflection in the sanctuary from 1 to 3 p.m. See back page for Easter Lily Flower Memorial Donation Card April 17 7:30 p.m. Sanctuary Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Worship Service With Holy Communion EASTER SUNDAY April 20 Two Services of Worship: 8 a.m. Chapel 10 a.m. Sanctuary Continental Breakfast from 8:30 to 10:30 in the Dining Room For a HUGE congregational event…. Friday, June 13, 2014 The Fundraising Committee of the Session is proud to announce an event that is sure to bedazzle you on June “Friday the 13th” at the Grecian Center. It’s a night out with your church family and friends, a live auction, silent auction, live entertainment, “Downton Abbey”styled class, a wide selection of dinner items, and more!!! Please see the article on page two for more on how you can help! Page 2 Death Has Lost His Sting A Note From the Session Fundraising Committee I love the story of the little boy and his father who were driving down a country road on a sunny April afternoon. The car window was open and suddenly a big bumblebee flew into the car. Because the little boy was terribly allergic to bee stings, he became panic stricken. His father, though, very calmly and quickly grabbed the bee, squeezed it in his hand, and then let it go. As soon as he let it go, the boy became frantic once again as the bee buzzed by him. The father saw his son’s petrified face. Once again he reached out his hand, but this time he pointed to his palm. There, still stuck in his skin, was the stinger of the bee. “Do you see this?” he asked his son. “I’ve taken the sting for you.” This is the message of Easter, Jesus Christ faced death for us. Because of that, we don’t need to be afraid any more. Through his victory, we are saved from all that can separate us from God. Our Lord and Savior has taken the sting. Paul puts it this way in 1 Corinthians 15: “Death is swallowed up in victory. O Death, where is thy victory? O Death, where is thy sting?” He goes on to say, “The sting of death is sin, and the power of the sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Happy Easter! The Allen Park Presbyterian Session has decided to sponsor a fundraising event. The event will be an auction of items donated from members of the church and from local service organizations and businesses. This event is meant to fund programs of the church. The date is Friday, June 13, 2014. The event will take place at the Grecian Center on Dix in Southgate. This is an auction that will need donations from the congregation. If you have a business and/or service which could offer an item to be auctioned, we need you to let us know. The cost of the tangible items are tax deductible. Examples of possible donations are: vacation rentals, time shares, vacation sites, bridal packages, family vacation arrangements, etc. Arrangements would be made by the committee with auction item purchasers for verification of church donation and tax status as contributors. All items, whether they are presented as a silent auction item or items that would be presented in an audio auction, would be readily accepted and appreciated. The tickets for this event at the Grecian Center will be $50. The cost per person of this event to the church is $20. The tax deduction, available to the ticket purchaser would be $30. This includes all food and an open bar for drinks. The event will be dressy, suits, semi-formal or formal attire. If you have an item for the auction, please call Christian Kreipke at 313-550-4153 with the item to be donated and the cost that you have invested in the item. Financial Secretary Position Available The Personnel Committee of the Session announces that the position of Financial Secretary will be available in June. This position requires a familiarity with bookkeeping practices, a familiarity with computer systems, as well as financial reports. This is a part-time position requiring approximately 20 hours per week. Interested applicants should file a brief statement that includes their background and skills as they would apply to this position along with a resume. All applications are due in the church office by 4 p.m. on Monday, April 7, 2104 (ATTN: Personnel). Church Van Ministry Our Sunday Morning Handicap-Accessible Van Ministry would be happy to pick you up at your home if you are uncomfortable driving to church so that you can attend the 10 a.m. worship service. If you are interested, call the church office during regular business hours at 313-383-0100, ext. 11. Exploring Membership If you are interested in learning more about joining our church, we encourage you to attend these upcoming classes. Classes will take place on Saturday, May 3, 10, 17 and 31 from 9:30 a.m. until 11 a.m. We will provide free childcare upon request. Coffee and snacks will be provided. Please sign up in the church office. Baptism Schedule The next Sunday that the Sacrament of Baptism will be observed is on Easter Sunday (April 20). Other scheduled dates are: May 11, 2014 (Mother’s Day) June 15, 2014 (Father’s Day) Parents having their first child baptized will need to meet with one of our pastors prior to the date of the baptism. Please contact the church office to register for Baptism. Page 3 Calling all Kings, Queens, Princes, Princesses, Jesters, and Partridges FREE! Baseline Blood Pressure Clinic on April 27 for Folks 18-50 T h e B o a r ’ s H ea d C o mm ittee Each Sunday at 9:30 a.m. in the parlor, friendly medical folks from our congregation, provide free blood pressure screenings. Early detection plays a major role in keeping you healthy and active. It can save your life! Please stop by any Sunday and have your blood pressure tested at no cost. If you're normal, especially given the annoying length of winter, you are focused on Spring blooms and warm air. But, if you're us, you're thinking of Christmas! This year we are going to host the Boar's Head once again in December. This is a great opportunity for members of our congregation - of all ages - to join together to celebrate Christ and just have some plain ole' fun (Medieval fun that is)! If you've ever wanted to be a King or Queen, Prince or Princess, Jester or, yes, even a Partridge in a Pear Tree, this is your chance. In order to make this happen, though, we need to start costuming early in the summer. Therefore, please sign up for Boar's Head in the church office soon so that we can start working towards what will surely be another great show put on by APPC! 2014 Contribution Envelopes Irene Barazsu, Contributions Secretary 313-383-0100, Ext. 18 - Did you know? The recordkeeping and proper accounting for ALL of our pledging to the church is based on the envelope NUMBER. The envelope number is the key to accurate accounting when it comes to your pledge! Please be sure to use envelopes ONLY for the year in which they are intended. The numbers on your pledge envelopes are computer-generated and can change from year-to-year! If you use an envelope from a previous year, it is possible that your contributions could be applied to someone else’s account at the church! Thank you for your faithful support. It is because of you and the many other contributors that we are able to maintain our church and its many programs dedicated to the ministry of Christ. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Irene. Save These Dates!! Baccalaureate Worship Service - June 4 Music Sunday - June 8 (Pentecost) Pig Roast Sunday - June 15 (Trinity Sunday) ►Special Blood Pressure Clinic on April 27 On Sunday, April 27, at 9:30 a.m., we are setting up extra tables and staff in the parlor and encouraging all those 18-50 years old to have a baseline blood pressure taken. The Washington Post reports, “High blood pressure triggers more heart attacks and strokes in the United States than any other cause; it kills more people worldwide than smoking, diabetes or obesity. Yet simple lifestyle changes often lower blood pressure significantly. When they don’t, drugs usually can. Get Screened!” The folks and friends of APPC are busting at the seams with talent. We invite all to perform at our Annual Spring Variety Show, as we showcase the talent of our congregation and friends in our beautiful sanctuary. This variety show will take place on Friday, May 2, 2014. Please spread the word. If interested in performing, please sign up in the church office. This will be a free show with a freewill offering to benefit our Pipe Organ Rescue Fund. One Great Hour of Sharing Offering Presbyterians respond to Christ's love for all by sharing it in tangible ways with people in need through the ministries of the One Great Hour of Sharing special offering. Since 1949, Presbyterians have joined with millions of other Christians through this special offering to share God’s love with people experiencing need. Our gifts support ministries of disaster response, refugee assistance and resettlement, and community development that help people find safe refuge, start new lives, and work together to strengthen their families and communities. Recognizing that the hope we have in Christ is lived out in our hope for one another, we respond with gifts that help our sisters and brothers around the world find the hope for a brighter future. Where does the money go? The Presbyterian Hunger Program receives 36% of undesignated One Great Hour of Sharing gifts, while the Self-Development of People and Presbyterian Disaster Assistance each receives 32%. When is the offering received? We will “officially” collect our offering on Palm Sunday. Please give generously. Page 4 These classes are brought to you by A.P.P.L.L.E. (Allen Park Presbyterian Lifelong Learning Endeavor) “Son of God” Movie Night for the Congregation - April 13 The Middle School Youth Group is hosting a movie night for the congregation on Sunday, April 13 from 6 to 8 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. They will be showing the movie, “Son of God.” There will be a time of discussion led by Doug Blaikie and a concession stand—just like the real movies! Please join us! All net proceeds from the sale of concession food items will benefit the youth of APPC. Youth Council Meetings Tuesday, April 29 and May 27 at 6:30 p.m. Middle School Youth Group News Times are 6 to 8 p.m. on Sunday evening unless otherwise noted. April 6: Taking Communion to the homebound April 13: Movie Night with concessions April 20: Easter Sunday - no youth group! Saturday, April 26: Youth Road Trip - at 1 p.m. to the historic Redford Theatre May 4: Ultimate Life! May 11: No youth group! May 18: Noon - Feed the needy on the streets of Detroit APPC Nurture & Discipleship Team How to Eat a Rainbow Wednesdays at 7:15 p.m. in the Social Room (now through April 9) This class will teach us how to feed ourselves and our families in a way that will improve everyone's health. By increasing our vegetable intake, we will gradually squeeze out unhealthy foods from our diet. We will find out how to sneak in veggies, how our palate can change over time, and how to make a gradual transition to a healthier lifestyle. All ages are welcome and encouraged to attend. This class is led by Lindsay Johnson-LeMieux. Just Move! Exercise Class-Women Only! (Mondays at 4:30 p.m. ) March 31 to April 14 (Fellowship Hall) Whether you crave a high-energy workout or a lowimpact stretch, this class is for you! Jean Blaikie will lead an exercise class for women only who want to learn more abut how to get up and get moving. Join us in the Fellowship Hall from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. on Monday evenings. The class will include educational tips on exercise, health, heart-rate monitoring, and information on a different super food each week. Walk/Run Club (Mondays at 4:30 p.m. ) April 6 - Mentor Night bring someone special to youth group this evening. We will have special activities including a special project led by our guest, Mike Klein. Starts April 28 All levels of walkers/runners seeking “exercise buddies” should meet outside the Fellowship Building for warm ups and stretching at 4:30 p.m. beginning Monday, April 28. Jean Blaikie will help lead you down the right path from spring to summer! April 13 - Seder meal led by Bob Morton. Please sign up for this one so we have supplies and seating. Faith and Film: “Heaven is For Real” High School Youth Group News April 20: Easter Sunday - no youth group! April 27: Extreme Games May 4: Advisor Surprise Saturday, May 10: Belle Isle Aquarium and Picnic May 18: Noon - Feed the needy on the streets of Detroit Feeding the Needy Both youth groups will be heading downtown to feed the needy on May 18. They will gladly accept donations when their menu is finalized. Please watch THE LITE. In the meantime, we need to work on replenishing our hotel-sized toiletries. (Friday, April 18 - offsite ) Four-year-old Colton claims to have visited heaven during a near death experience. His family tries to make sense of his amazing story and the things he described... things that happened before his birth ... things he couldn't possibly know. Join Dr. Christian Kreipke at the Emagine Theater in Woodhaven on Good Friday, April 18 to watch the film together and discuss afterward the possibility of near death experiences from the perspective of science and faith. The time will be announced as the event draws closer. Cost associated: theater admission. Please sign up in the church office. Page 5 Spring Camp 2014 Friday, April 25 through Sunday, April 27 $50 per person or $125 Family Price PAYMENT DEADLINE: Thursday, April 17 C A M P Navigator’s Camp Thursday, August 14 to Tuesday, August 19 $50 per person PAYMENT DEADLINE: Thursday, August 7 Director: Anna Cloutier Memorial Day Weekend - Cook-out Camp Friday, May 23 to Monday, May 26 $30 per person (covers food, but not transportation) Contact: Rev. Michelle James Shipmates Camp Thursday, July 10 through Sunday, July 13 $90 Adult/$45 6-17 years old/under 5 free Family Price: $250 PAYMENT DEADLINE: Thursday, July 3 Directors: Steven and Wendy Reimers S C H E D U L E 5th and 6th Grade Camp Sunday, July 13 to Friday, July 18 $255 per camper PAYMENT DEADLINE: Sunday, July 6 S U M 3rd and 4th Grade Camp Sunday, July 20 to Wednesday, July 23 $155 per camper PAYMENT DEADLINE: Sunday, July 13 Waverunners Camp Wednesday, July 23 to Sunday, July 27 $90 Adult/$45 6-17 years old/under 5 free Family Price: $250 PAYMENT DEADLINE: Wednesday, July 16 7th and 8th Grade Camp Sunday, July 27 to Friday, August 1 $255 per camper PAYMENT DEADLINE: Sunday, July 20 Bucket Club Camp Sunday, August 3 to Thursday, August 7 $120 does not include transportation $140 with transportation PAYMENT DEADLINE: Sunday, July 27 Directors: Chuck Ouellette and Margaret Pagnucco Choir Camp Thursday, August 7 to Sunday, August 10 $90 Adult/$45 6-17 years old/under 5 free or $30 per night (Family Price: $250) PAYMENT DEADLINE: Thursday, July 31 Young Adult Work Camp Sunday, August 10 to Wednesday, August 13 SIGN-UP DEADLINE: Sunday, August 3 Directors: Ellie Klein and Carrie O’Riley M E R 2 0 1 4 Golf Camp Wednesday, August 20 to Sunday, August 24 $20 per night (does not include, food, transportation or golf) PAYMENT DEADLINE: Wednesday, August 13 Director: Chuck Ouellette **Family price only includes family members living in the same household ***All camp forms are available in our church office, by email, or downloadable from our website: ****Our office manager, Rita Javorski is a notary public and will notarize all camp forms at no cost during regular church office business hours. Girl Scout Troop #70005 Happenings Our Girl Scout Troop #70005 recently finished their "Jared Box" project. A Jared Box is a shoebox-sized plastic storage box filled with small gifts, toys, cards, and games. Each box contains items selected for a specific age and gender. The boxes are delivered to hospitals and are given to chronically ill children. The Jared Boxes provide a special diversion for young patients as they receive chemotherapy and other medical treatments. Our Girl Scouts are doing wonderful things this year! For more info about the Girl Scouts, contact their leader, Kim Schmidt at 313-461-5130. The Gathering Basket (Knitting Ministry) The Gathering Basket, our knitting ministry group, will not meet in April due to Holy Week. All levels of knitters and crocheters are welcome to join us at the May 15 meeting at 7 p.m. in the church parlor. This group knits for charity and enjoys the fellowship of each other usually. Please note their usual meeting time is the third Thursday of the month. If you need a ride or have other questions, please contact Susan Hill at 313-928-2739. Sacrament of Communion For 2014, Communion will be celebrated on the first Sunday of every month at both services. Additionally, Communion will be served on Maundy Thursday (April 17) and on Christmas Eve at the 10 p.m. service. Page 6 Is Joining the Adult Choir Good for Your Health? Upcoming Bucket Club Events It’s been said that music heals the heart. But can it promote healthy aging? To find out, cognitive neuroscientist Julene K. Johnson is studying health changes in choir members at 12 senior centers in San Francisco. The professor at the University of California in San Francisco has already studied choruses in Finland and found an improved quality of life among older choir members. Another study at Georgetown University concluded that older adults who sang in a chorus for one year had fewer falls, fewer doctor visits and less loneliness than those in a control group. Choral singing, Johnson says, allows people “to use their bodies and mind while creating something beautiful.” So, YES, joining the Adult Choir is good for your health, your heart, and your spirit. For more information, please contact Wendy Reimers at The choir has rehearsal on Thursday evenings and sings at the 10 a.m. worship service three times per month and at special services. We’d love to “hear” you join us! Thursday, April 24 - Noon Join us for pizza in the parlor and an afternoon of relaxing fellowship following the busy week of Easter. The cost is $5 per person. Please sign up in the church office by 9 a.m. on Monday, April 21. The Bucket Club invites you to these events: Saturday, April 26 - 1 p.m. Join us as we head out to the historic Redford Theatre to see the Three Stooges Film Festival. You are bound to get a laugh or two in as you enjoy the rich sounds of their historic original 3 manual, 10 rank Barton Theatre Pipe Organ, played by very own, Dr. Christian Kreipke. Cost: $5 for the ticket and $2 for transportation. Sign up in the church office. Thursday, May 22 - 10 a.m. Join us as we head off to the Detroit Zoo. The cost for transportation is $2 per person. The price for admission into the zoo is $14 (15 years old through 61 years old) and $10 for those 62 and older. Please bring money for lunch. Meet at the church at 10 a.m. Please sign up in the church office because we may not hear you roar! We offer an accepting, warm Our PreSchool Open House Monday, April 14, 2014 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. - Preschool Room 9 to 11:30 a.m. or 12:30 to 3 p.m. atmosphere in which a child can grow physically, intellectually, emotionally, and Allen Park Presbyterian Church is the site of a state-licensed preschool program with morning and afternoon classes during the week. Come to our Open House and see what we are all about!! We offer morning and afternoon classes on either Monday-Wednesday-Friday or Tuesday-Thursday. Our class times are: Christian learning socially through ageappropriate activities, literacy, math and science, and curriculum that includes ageappropriate learning To receive e-mail updates and news about preschool: 313-383-0100, Ext. 19 experiences for your child. And it’s fun! Get on the waiting list now!! ChristNet is... A short stay in a safe, warm place. A fantastic meal made by loving hands. A lunch made-to-order for the next day. A chance to talk to someone who cares. A haircut, a manicure, a hug, a change of clothes. A chance to listen to someone who may not have anyone else. A chance to give someone hope that may have none. A chance for the whole congregation to get involved. A chance to show the abundant love our church has for others. APPC ChristNet Coordinator, Kerri VanWallaghen and the Chairperson of the Mission Committee, Joanne Szalai would like to thank the congregation for their efforts in hosting ChristNet (rotating homeless shelter) at our church during the week of March 16-23. Whether you shopped, supervised, prepared meals, took time to share a meal with a guest, did laundry, cut hair, packed lunches, drove, donated or prayed, you made a difference. The following groups prepared and served dinner this year: Sunday - Phil Wilt (cook) High School Youth Group (served) Monday - Session and Friends led by Joanne Szalai Tuesday - Deacons led by Susan McCausland Wednesday - Tillers’ Fellowship Group led by Gloria King Thursday - Shipmates/Elizabeth Circle Friday - Presbyterian Women Saturday - Beverly Edwards A full report will be presented once everyone submits their time and money spent to the coordinator. All our perishable food was donated to another local homeless shelter and all of our non-perishable food was donated to our Board of Deacons. Special thanks to everyone who helped make this mission happen amid the busyness of everyday life APPC CHRISTNET COORDINATOR: Kerri VanWallaghen – 734-552-7628 MISSION COMMITTEE/SESSION: Joanne Szalai FOOD COMMITTEE: Linda Wulff and Art Hughes HOSPITALITY & FACILITIES COMMITTEE: Don Graham, Bob Morton and Alecks VanWallaghen MUSIC & MOVIE COMMITTEE: David Bjoraker, Nick Mikolajewski SAFETY/TRANSPORTATION & SHOWER NIGHT COMMITTEE: Barry Davis, Chuck Ouellette, Margo Davis and Chris Vaughan LAUNDRY COMMITTEE: Susan Hughes Page 7 SHARE Your Wednesdays at APPC (every Wednesday!) SHARE your Wednesdays with us and we'll do the cooking. We provide great fellowship, great programming and a full-catered meal with dessert. Suggested cost: $6/adult - $4 (4-14 year olds) and under 4 free or $15/family. Please sign up for dinner every week in the church office. Be sure to invite your friends and family. Dinner is in the Fellowship Hall located in the Fellowship Building. Dinner - 6 to 6:45 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall Casual Worship in the Chapel from 6:45 to 7:10 Bible Study and Adult Classes from 7:15 to 8 p.m. Wooster Concert - A Success! On Wednesday, March 19, we had the pleasure of having The College of Wooster Chorus perform at our church. The concert was lovely and exciting. We would like to sincerely thank the host families who graciously extended their hospitality to accommodate over 64 youth from Wooster College overnight in their homes. We would also like to thank Don Graham and ALL the volunteers who helped makes this a wonderful event. The freewill offering that was collected for the Chorus was over $450.00. A sincere thank you to everyone who participated in welcoming these college students and their leaders to our church and into our homes. Bravo! Did We Miss Your Birthday? We publish birthdays in THE LITE each week. If we somehow missed your birthday, please call the office and let us know. We will correct the error in our church records. We are happy to announce other special joys too - just let us know! Allen Park Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) 7101 Park Avenue, Allen Park, MI 48101 313-383-0100 - FRONT DESK Ext. 0 Kerri A. VanWallaghen, Editor, Ext. 13 Email: Website: The Church is on Facebook BE OUR FRIEND ON FACEBOOK! Twitter: APPC1 Page 8 Page 4 8 Parish Nurse’s Corner Chris Mayer, R.N.—313-575-5853 - Why Energy Drinks are harming children and adolescents Parents beware. If your tots and teens get their hands on your energy drinks, they could experience seizures, heart palpitations or other problems that drive them to the hospital emergency room. Children most at risk appear to be those who regularly consume the increasingly popular caffeine-laden energy drinks or gulp down a relatively large amount of the liquid in a short span, according to Rutgers University's poison control experts. "These drinks are made for adults. When young children drink them, they consume a large quantity of caffeine for their body mass. At the minimum, they become wired -- just as an adult would -- and it might be difficult for parents to console them or calm them down," says Bruce Ruck, director of drug information and professional education for the New Jersey Poison Information & Education System (NJPIES) at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School in Newark. "Children also might have trouble falling asleep or experience tremors, anxiety, agitation, heart palpitations, nausea or vomiting. Of more concern, they may experience a rapid heart rate or seizures. "Parents need to be aware of the risks and treat these drinks as they would a medication. Store them on a high shelf, away from view. If they have teenagers, they should monitor their exposure," Ruck adds. Energy drinks also pose hazards to adolescents, especially when mixed with alcohol or punishing workouts. Steven Marcus, the executive and medical director of NPIES, emphasizes that teens and young adults are inherently risk takers. And those who are physically active face extra risk this time of year. "This is when high school and collegiate athletes start their ramp up," says Marcus. "The use of energy drinks coupled with strenuous exercise in hot weather can produce a potentially fatal situation." Risks associated with energy drinks made headlines recently when the mother of a California teenager who died from cardiac arrhythmia in 2012 sued an energy drink company, claiming its product caused her 19-year-old son to go into cardiac arrest. He reportedly consumed two cans daily for three years before his death. Brightly designed packaging appears to be one reason younger children are attracted to energy drinks. Some of the colorful containers resemble soda cans, others fit in the palm of your hand. The small containers may allow younger children to mistake the energy beverages for the drinks they typically consume. Some teens and even young adults are finding themselves in an emergency room after regularly consuming these popular beverages. A recent issue of Clinical Toxicology, the journal of the American Association of Poison Control Centers, reported that children under age 6 who consumed caffeine-infused energy drinks accounted for more than half of the energy drinkrelated toxicity cases involving child illnesses that have been reported to the U.S. National Poison Data System. This startling statistic was disclosed on the heels of the American Medical Association's call for a ban on the marketing of energy drinks to children under 18 pending more scientific studies. The concern? The ease with which children can access these highly caffeinated beverages, which could lead to a variety of health problems and even death. Individuals most at risk appear to be those who consume these drinks on a regular basis -- and that's up to 50 percent of adolescents and young adults, according to a recent report in the journal Pediatrics. Caffeine levels in drinks such as Monster, Red Bull and Rockstar range from about 6 milligrams to 242 milligrams per serving, and some containers have more than one serving. By comparison, an 8-ounce cup of coffee has about 100 milligrams. In addition to the caffeine, some of these energy drinks also contain another ingredient called "DMAA”, which is essentially an amphetamine-like compound, known in higher doses to elevate blood pressure, "which creates an even greater risk. Sales of energy drinks, which entered the American market in the mid-1980s, soared to $12.5 billion last year and show no signs of slowing. Most of these products are perfectly “safe” when used with caution and in moderation. But, it is imperative that consumers are better educated about the dangers of these beverages. Most people are under the assumption that since they sold on the open market without warnings, they must be safe. Not true! Please be informed consumers! And if you know of others who should be made aware of this information, please direct them to this website: Announcing the birth of … George Kenneth McComb Born March 27, 2014 at 10:26 a.m. 6 lbs., 1 oz., 18 inches long Parents: Brian and Maureen McComb, Sibling: Jack Grandparents: Joe and Laurie Drivinski Harvey and Lisa McComb GriefShare Workshop If you, or someone you know, are experiencing the loss of a loved one, our next 8-week GriefShare workshop began on Monday, March 31 in the parlor at 7 p.m. This is a safe place to grieve and express your feelings with others who are going through a similar experience. If you would like to attend, please leave your name in the church office or contact one of our group leaders: Norma Bentley: and Barry Davis: barry at Our Prayer List FOR Page 9 THE FAMILES OF THOSE WHO HAVE DIED Patricia Morton (Sister-in-law of Bob & Janet Morton) April 4 Gretchen Lafferty - April 2, 2014 Jean James - March 31, 2014 (Mother of Amy (Dave) Bowerman, David (Diane) Ficken John Miklos - March 26, 2014 Marjorie Sapian - March 12, 2014 (Mother of Sandra Sourbeck) Olli Koivisto - February 27, 2014 (Husband of Doreen, Father of Kathy (Tom) Hollowell and Lisa (Mike) Andrews) Robert Anthony Vella - Feb. 23, 2014 (Father of Andreana Vella) Eleanore Morton - February 18, 2014 (Sister-in-law of Bob (Janet) Morton) Ken Koehler - February 13, 2014 Keith Klein - February 12 (Father of Kaylynn (Marty) Fredrick and STRENGTH,HEALING & EMOTIONAL SUPPORT Deborah Flynn - January 17, 2014 Jean Nunn - January 11 Ruth Burkholder - January 8, 2014 (Mother-in-law of Marie Provost (Rich) Burkholder, Grandmother of Jack & Julia) Leo Waun (Father of Rick (Kathy) Waun, Grandfather of Casey and Ben Waun) Howard McKee - December 18, 2013 Jean Schrotzberger - November 19, 2013 Helen M. Smith - November 13, 2013 Ryan Celina - November 13, 2013 Bill Graham - November 1, 2013 (Father of Joan (Tom) Goddard) Harold Steele - November 1, 2013 Margaret Clark - October 30, 2013 Carol Maki - October 23, 2013 Sharron Sherrill (Friend of Karin Kozlo and Norma Bentley) Janice DeAgustino (Friend of Karen Seelbach) Lillian Gadigian (Sister-in-law of Louella Gadigian) Dennis Murphy (Husband of Judy) Doreen Koivisto (Mother of Kathy (Tom) Hollowell) Dolores Jones (Mother of Tammy (Larry) Jones) Myra Rodgers (Friend of De De Sherlock) Don and Arlene Shanley Sue Stimson (Daughter of Phyllis Froehlich) Kimberly Smith (Granddaughter of Evelyn Smith) Tammy & David Bridgeman (Friends of Norma Bentley) Danielle Thurston (Michelle) Kate Patterson (Friend of Amy Bowerman) Clyde Shepherd (Friend of Butch and Linda Brunelle) Nancy Lung (Sister of Gwen Girvin) Daniel, Tori & DJ Powell (Friends of Karin Kozlo) Katie (Diebel) Trupiano (Friend of Geri Knight) Sandy Nip (Niece of Bob (Deb) Szwed) Edwin Yeske (Father of Carolyn Krizanovic) Gail Vargo (Sister-in-law of Norma Bentley/Aunt of Karin Kozlo) Beverly Markus (Mother of Kerri Van) Tonya Kujat (Friend of Karin Kozlo and Norma Bentley) Stephen Popy (by Cheryl Blevins and family) Andi Stevens (Cousin of Wayne (Megan) Cuthbert) Dorothy Jones (Mother of Tammy (Larry) Jones) Gail Rigdon (Sister-in-law of Jill & Gary Kleinsmith) Kathy Moy (Sister of Margaret Fischer) The Frew family (Friends of the Cuthbert family) Dana Holder (Friend of Karin Kozlo) Valerie Geter (Friend of Jennifer & Julius Jones) David Ray Allen (Brother of Patty Allen) Daniela Iordache (Co-worker of Andrea Seabloom) Jim Catchick (Friend of Tom Scholl) Maryanne Froehlich (Daughter-in-law of Phyllis Froehlich) Laura Krajewski (Friend of Rita Javorski) Taylor Hadley (Niece of Tracy Cruts) Valarie Bernard (Niece of Irene Barazsu) Kay Aube (Friend of Linda and Butch Brunelle) Kerry Brooks (Daughter-in-law of Vivian & Bob Brooks) Sandy Starke (Friend of Mary Ogdie) Leslie Hibbler (Friend of Phil & Nancy Atkinson) Judy Salucci (Daughter of Mary Ogdie/Sister Roger Ogdie) Nick Duckett and Laura Bruce (Friends of Jeri Knight) Ellen Farra (Niece of Ruth Holmes) Todd Graham (Friend of the Shamie Family) Richard Findlay (Shanley/Seabloom/Shamie family) Aaron Mei (Friend of Shanley/Shamie/Seabloom Family) Holly Ryan (Granddaughter of Angie Taylor) Greg Fanfalone (by Ronnie Beebe) Brandon Law (Brother of Michael Law, Jr) Sue Leszczynski (Godmother of Norma Bentley) Wendy Loomis (Niece of Wendy and Steve Reimers) Gertrude Quasada (Grandmother of Michael Law, Jr) Vicki Arcaro (Friend of Butch & Linda Brunelle) Katrina Klein FOR THOSE IN THE HOSPITAL Betty Paisley FACING SURGERY Sandra Collins (Sister of Patti (Andy) Johnson) Judy Murphy (Wife of Dennis Murphy) Jim Kinard UNDERGOING TESTS/HAVING PROCEDURES Jon King Pam Ronan (Friend of Sue Theeck) Judy Brenneman Sharon Fifer (Friend of Louella Gadigian) Diane L. Smith (Daughter of Evelyn Smith) Jim Masterson Liz Crawford (Friend of Judy Martin) Pattrica Woodie (Niece of Virgie Torok) Gavin Frew (Friend of the Cuthbert family) Cindi Miller (Mother of Kimberly Miller) Annette Cafferty RECOVERING - SURGERY/HOSPITALIZATION Ross Bohmhauer Don Mitchell Barb Cabadas Reynolds (Friend of Elaine Doran) Sue Price (Friend of Linda Brunelle) Ceil Pretty Kathy Poole Nancy Milotz Zakar (Daughter of Eugene & Beverly Milotz) Susan Theeck Dave Walters Geri Knight Ronald Green (Son of Margaret Green) Dolores Brighton Linda Balogh (Friend of Margaret Fischer) Betty Blaikie Bob Brooks Jane Hilyer Gloria Welch Carl Schleicher Dorothy Foucher Norma Ross Ken Lush Leonard Saenz Betty Bray Wally Bach Richard Henig Vern Welch Jen Forte Macaylah Whitlock Phyllis Jones Winnie Frank Bob Myers Phyllis Hartman Shirley Botu Dorothy Adams Judy Graham Joan Reckinger Virgie Torok Ruth Beattie Ben Warren Dorothy Hensel Doug Goddard Beth Wardell Mike Klein Julius Dazy Ida Mercurio Valerie Hilyer Fran Lush Doris Ward Chuck LaNoue Dot Uren Joe Melling Chuck Bray Dick Hershberger Catherine Kirby Margaret Taliaferro Marlett Gaujanian Page 10 Upcoming Board Meetings DEACONS Tuesday, April 1 (Parlor) 7 p.m. Tuesday, May 6 (Parlor) 7 p.m. SESSION Tuesday, April 8 (Parlor) 7:30 p.m. Committee Meetings at 6:30 p.m. in various rooms Tuesday, May 13 (Parlor) 7:30 p.m. COMMUNION Sunday, April 6 - Team A (plates) Thursday, April 17 - (Intinction) Deacons 7:30 p.m. Sunday, May 4 - Team B (intinction) TRUSTEES Tuesday, April 15 (Oasis Room) 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 20 (Oasis Room) 7:30 p.m. Endowment Meetings: Monday, June 9 (Tower Room) 6:45 p.m. Monday, September 8 (Tower Room) 6:45 p.m. Monday, December 8 (Tower Room) 6:45 p.m. Vacation Bible School Date: Monday, June 23, 2014 through Thursday, June 26, 2014 For ages 4 years through 6th Grade St. Frances Cabrini Church 313-381-5601 Cost: $8 per person (*no child will be turned away due to cost) Payment must accompany Registration Form Time: 6 to 8:15 p.m. each night Check-in is open from 5 to 5:45 p.m. each night. Please save the date for VBS. If you would like to volunteer your time and talent for VBS and are over 18 years old, please contact Maureen McParland at St. Frances Cabrini Parish at 313-381-5601, Ext. 1054. Is there any assurance (insurance?) they won’t end up at your house? Troop 1051 Semi Annual Non-Curbside Recycling Collection - Scouting for a Greener Tomorrow! Are you in the mood for a little spring cleaning? Bring all those metal and electronic devices that you are no longer using the south parking lot on Saturday, May 10, 2014 between the hours of 9 and 11 a.m. Metal items include the following: Garden Tools Extension Cords Kitchenware Tools Plumbing Gutters Lawn Furniture Hardware Decorations Appliances Automotive Batteries Electronic devices include: Televisions Tablets Laptop Computers Radios Computers Cell Phones Video Games Components Sorry, but we cannot take "tubed" televisions or computer monitors because the recycling plant cannot safely handle the gases put into these items. If you have an item that you are unsure of or is too large to bring to the church, please call: Paul/Gwen Hoover at 734-328-2987 Social Media! Make sure you get all the latest updates from us. Email ministry including death notices, email your address to Kerri at Be our friend on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: We have three accounts: APPC1 SHYCatAPPC MSYCatAPPC ►Please note our website is currently under construction. Watch for changes soon. Douglas H. Blaikie, M. Div, Pastor - Ext. 12 Michelle James, M. Div, Associate Pastor - Ext. 16 Dr. Rev. Keith O. Provost, Parish Associate - Ext. 51 Rev. Levon G. King, Parish Assistant Rev. William Colwell - Pastor Emeritus Judith A. Ouellette, Clerk of Session Guy L. Taylor, Jr., President of the Trustees Kip Horvath, Corporate Treasurer Susan McCausland, Intrim Moderator Board of Deacons Christine Mayer, Parish Nurse - Ext. 17 Art Hughes, Stephen Ministry Leader Krista Nappa, Kids Hope Director E. Suzan Maxey, Presbyterian Women Moderator Music Department Andrea Carlson - Young Singers Choir Director, Flutist Amy Bowerman- Youth Connection Choir Director Christine El-Hage - Pianist, Adult Choir Accompanist, Youth Connection Choir Accompanist, Young Singers Accompanist, pianist Dr. Christian Kreipke - Organist, Pianist Carolyn Marengere - Young Ringers Choir Director Page 11 Back Page Cheat Shee t Ushering Teams /Counting Teams April 6 (Communion) --- Ushering 4/Counting 6 April 13 (Palm Sunday) - Ushering 5/Counting 1 April 17 (Maundy Thursday) Ushers: Deacons April 20 (Easter) 8 am Chapel Service ------------------------- Ushering 5/Counting 1 April 20 (Easter ) 10 am Sanctuary Service ------------------------- Ushering 2/Counting 3 April 27----------------- Ushering 2/Counting 4 May 4 (Communion) --- Ushering 3/Counting 5 May 11 (Mother’s Day) - Ushering 4/Counting 6 Van Teams Team #1 Captain: Barry Davis - April 6, May 4 Team #2 Captain: Bob Ammon - April 13, May 11 Team #3 Captain: Chuck Ouellette - April 20 Team #4 Captain: Kevin Vaughan - April 27 Sunday Coffee Hour April 6 ------------------ Deacons April 13----------------- Deacons April 20 (Easter) -------- No Coffee Hour April 27----------------- Dorcas-Rebekah Circle May 4------------------- Shipmates May 11 ----------------- Shipmates Sunday Front Desk Volunteers April 6 ------------------ Irene Barazsu April 13----------------- Diane Anderson April 20 (Easter) -------- Virginia Harmon April 27----------------- Patricia Frazier May 4------------------- Irene Barazsu May 11 ----------------- Virginia Harmon Wendy Reimers - Adult Choir Director, Handbell Choir Director, Pianist, Accompanist, Organist James Sargent - Pianist Ruth Beattie - Organist Emeritus Weddings at APPC - To book a wedding, contact Rita Javorski to reserve your date with a $100.00 deposit at 313-383-0100, Ext. 11 or Anna Cloutier, Wedding Coordinator Sextons: Michael Harris, Sarah Klein, Natalie Marengere, Rachel Marengere, Randall Nicholls, JR Whiteford Funeral Sextons: Chuck Ouellette, Katy Rodriguez, Ellie Klein, Gary Robinson, Randall Nicholls T H E GO O D WO R D Kerri A. VanWallaghen, Editor Kerri A. VanWallaghen - 7101 Park Avenue, Allen Park, MI 48101 313-383-0100, Ext. 13 - Cell: 734-552-7628 GET THE SCOOP ON WHAT’S HAPPENING AT APPC In your INBOX or on FACEBOOK! APPC Email Ministry for the Latest Info available! To receive emails from APPC, send your request to: PLEASE DO NOT DELAY DELIVERY! Contains time sensitive information for April 11, 2014 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Allen Park Presbyterian Church (USA) 7101 Park Avenue Allen Park, Michigan 48101-2091 (313) 383-0100 - PERMIT NO. 1 PAID US POSTAGE BULK RATE Easter Flower Memorials If you’d like to order an Easter plant to decorate the chancel this Lenten season or to donate to the Flour fund (this benefits the Deacons Food Mission) in memory, in honor or in celebration of loved ones, please complete this order form and return to the church office. A special booklet will be distributed on Easter Sunday. The price is $25. EASTER FLOWER/FLOUR Please PRINT clearly! In (CIRCLE ONE) loving memory REQUEST FORM honor of: celebration of: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Given by ___________________________________________________ (as you would like printed in the booklet) ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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