Lectionary Scripture Readings for the Month of May
May 3rd – 5th Sunday of Easter
Psalms 22:25-31, Acts 8:26-40, 1John 4:7-21 & John 15:1-8
May 10th– 6th Sunday of Easter
Psalms 98, Acts 10:44-48, 1John 5: 1-6 & John 15:9-17
May 17th–7th Sunday of Easter
Psalms 1, Acts 1:15-17, 21-26, 1John 5:9-13, & John 17:6-19
May 24th Pentecost Sunday
Psalms 104:24-34,35b, Acts 2:1-21, Romans 8:22-27, & John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15
May 31st Trinity Sunday
Psalms 29, Isaiah 6:1-8, Romans 8:12-17, & John 3:1-17
Average attendance for the month of April was 94: April 5th – 139, April 12th– 89,
April 19th– 78, and April 26th – 70. Thanks for your faithful attendance during the
month of April as we strive to carry out Christ’s mission in today’s world.
Millstadt Food Pantry Wish List
The following is a list of the items that the Millstadt Food Pantry is requesting
from Concordia during the month of: May – brownie mix, canned fruit, side pasta
dishes, and dishwashing liquid. June – Instant Potatoes, Canned vegetables,
brownie mix, pancake mix and syrup. Remember the words of our Savior Jesus
the Christ: “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you
did for me.” Matthew 25:40. We collect on the 1st Sunday of the month.
for Concordia United Church of Christ
7600 State Route 163
Belleville, IL 62223
Worship Every Sunday at 9 am
Sunday School after worship
The Quilting Circle meets every Tuesday at 9 am
Choir - Wednesday at 7 pm
Food Pantry - First Sunday
Council Meeting after church - Second Sunday
Men's Group at 7:30 am on 3rd Sunday
Book Club at 11:00 am on 3rd Sunday
Women's Guild the fourth Sunday of the Month
May 3 - Communion & Ruth's 10th Anniversary as organist
May 3 - 50th Anniversary of Illinois South Conference at Gateway Grizzlies Stadium from 3-8
May 10 - Mother's Day
May 24 - Pentecost
May 27 - Mother & Daughter Banquet
June 3 - Newsletter will be printed - get your articles in to
June 7 - Chicken Dinner and Strawberry Festival - serving 11 to 3
June 7 - Pastor and Treila and students to Camp DuBois
June 21 - Fathers Day
June 22- 26th - Vacation Bible School
From the Pastor’s Desk:
Spring has sprung and the world is bursting with color and
sunshine. The dogwoods in Carol Stapf’s yard, on Route 163,
are proclaiming God’s glory and announcing to the world that YES, CHRIST AROSE.
Easter has come and gone. We’ve celebrated the resurrection and now what? Do
we put our faith on the back burner and wait for Christmas to shake off the dust
and put it back on. Or do we, like the spring flowers and trees, baste in the ‘SON’
SHINE of our risen Lord. Do we dare to live out our faith in the risen Christ and
allow his light to shine through us? Do we dare become God’s light in today’s
often dark and lonely world? I think we do! It is time for us to allow the ‘SON’ to
SHINE in our everyday walk through life. It is time for us to live out the faith that
we profess and become living examples of Christ in today’s world. Collossians
1:16 says: “For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth,
visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things
have been created through him and for him.” The HIM is Jesus Christ, we only
exist because God made us and we have no reason to believe that life should be
all about us. If we fail to give God first place in our hearts, then our purpose or
journey in life will be hallow and meaningless. Therefore, let us put on the Fruits
of the Spirit and live our lives encouraged and blessed to be God’s beloved
children. GOD IS GOOD therefore let us praise his holy name. Amen!
Peace and Happy Spring,
Pastor David
“Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted.” Matthew 5:4
Our condolences to the family and friends of Pearl Schorr who passed away on
April 6, 2015. Pearl’s celebration of life was held on April 9th with burial at
Mt. Evergreen Cemetery in Millstadt.
Our condolences to the family of Margie Hass who passed away on April 13, 2015.
Margie’s funeral mass was held at St James Catholic Church in Millstadt on
April 18th with burial here at Concordia.
Please keep these folks in your daily thoughts and prayers.
Terry Bailey
Ronnie & Geri Keim
Kathy Scharf
Charlotte Baxter
Joyce Krueger
Kathryn Sick
Dan Blue
Mildred Leirer
Mollie Skaer
Mozelle Bremer
Kelley Metcalf
Jason Smith
Carolyn Childers
Marian Meyer
Edie Smith
Stacey Cooper
Carolyn Myer
Judy Smith
Mary Douglas
Mel Mueller
Milton Smith
Charlie Dayton
Mindy Newsum
Marilou Steele
Mary Edwards
Marty Nungesser
Jannith Tribout
Gerry Freiderich
Quinton Nungesser
Ralph Vogt
Paul French
Cheryl Partte
Debbie Waller
Ruth Haas
Hilda Partte
Dan Whalen
Eddie Haas
Liberty Quirk
Gina Wolfmeier
Dr. Jay Haines
Kelie Reis
Anita Wright
Lucille Hise
Lorene Rice
Anne Young
Barb Jacob
Willa Sallee
Peggy Jacobs
Ron Schaefer
Deborah Young (Scott's
sister in law)
Corrine Joffray
Danny Scharf
Cory Jones
Earl & Sandy Scharf
John Young
Family of Marie French
Our service men and women and their families
1SG Jim Plant (Pastor's son-in-law's brother) serving his 5th tour of duty in
Afghanistan - Jared Bullock (from Metropolis) seriously injured by an IED explosion in
Afghanistan in Nov. Please keep the families in your prayers.
Let Pastor David know if you need a name added to the prayer list or be removed from list
Celebration of Service
Congratulations and “Thank You” to Ruth Eschmann for celebrating her 10th year
as Concordia’s organist during the month of May. Her faithful dedication will be
observed during worship on Sunday, May 3rd. The Council will present her with a
beautiful bouquet of flowers and a gift certificate to one of her favorite
50th Anniversary of the Illinois South Conference
Join the family and friends of the Illinois South Conference and DuBois Center for a day of
celebration for 50 years of fun and faith. On May 3, 2015 from 3-8 pm the Gateway Grizzlies
Stadium turn into a place of fun and celebration including -homerun derby, kickball
tournament, bag toss, horseshoes, gaga pit, washers, bocce ball, 9 square in the air, bounce
house, tricycle races, historical revue, music, concession food available, t-shirts and duck pond.
Tickets will be on sale at the gate for $10 per person or $15 for family. MARK YOUR CALENDAR
Our Chicken /Strawberry Festival is set for June 7th @ 11:00 am – 3:00pm. We
will need cakes to serve with the strawberries. Also, be looking for sign-up sheets
on the Sunday School table for volunteers. It takes all of us to make this successful.
There will also be a craft and bake sale for the Sunday School held upstairs.
On Sunday, June 7th, Pastor David and Treila, along with 8 of the children from
Concordia will be attending Camp Dubois. The children that are registered are:
Emily & Luke, Maxx & Olivia, Bryce & Macie, Noah, and Riley. This is a wonderful
opportunity to share in God’s Creation and build relationships that last a lifetime.
“Thank You” to Debbie Gain and family are once again donating a $500.00
Scholarship in Doug’s memory to help cover the cost of our children going to
camp. Also thanks to the Sunday School, Women’s Guild, & Church for their
financial help in covering the cost of Camp.
There is a sign-up list called USHER/GREETER, on the Sunday School Hall table. We
are asking that those who volunteer to serve as ushers to please try and get here
about 30 minutes early to serves as greeters also. We would like for our
ushers/greeters to hand out bulletins and assist people in finding a seat as the
sanctuary is fills up. Also, when collecting the offering we would appreciate it if
you could get a head count of our attendance. Please sign-up as you are able.
The 2015 Flower Calendar is posted behind the serving table in the basement. The
cost is $25.00 per Sunday. The Altar Flowers may be purchased in honor or
memory of a loved one and are reserved on the 1st come bases. “THANKS”
Monthly Outreach Ministry
On the 3rd Wednesday of each month Pastor David, Sherri Davis and Bill Fritz do a
“Sing and Praise” worship service at St. Paul Nursing Home at 2:00 pm. We also
do the same on the 3rd Thursday of each month at Garden Place Assistant Living in
Millstadt. Everyone is welcome to join us.
Holy Week Services
On Maundy Thursday, April 2nd, we had our service of Tenebrae with Holy
Communion and the choir sang “When I Think of the Nail Prints”. Cheryl Mueth
and Mike Eschmann did our scripture readings during the Service of Tenebrae.
Once again Concordia participated in the Millstadt Cross Walk on Good Friday,
April 3rd beginning at the Senior Center in Millstadt at 11:45. We had 19 walkers
from Concordia the largest number of any participating church. The week
concluded on Easter Sunday, April 5th, with a service of Communion and
Celebration with the Choir Anthem “Majesty”.
The Men’s Breakfast Group met on the 3rd Sunday of April at 7:30 am. We
enjoyed a delicious breakfast followed by a devotional presented by Bill
Meckfessel on “Listening for God”. We have purchased a replace flag pole for the
cemetery and will be installing it soon. All males 18 and over are welcome to
come and join us.
Sunday School class is every Sunday morning after worship service
Sunday School Scoop - We are almost finished reading the Old Testament - what
great stories and lessons!
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL - only 53 DAYS until we head to Mt. Everest!! Mark
your calendars - June 22 thru June 26 - 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Register by June 1st for a free t-shirt
Volunteers are needed!!!!! Sign-up at or contact Becky for more info.
Youth Yak - Thanks to Toby & Jordan Gomric and Tony Gomric for their landscaping expertise
cleaning up the front flower bed at Millstadt School.
Choir Notes - We have been busy learning new music for upcoming worship dates. We will be on hiatus
for the summer (unless there is a need for some special music...)
The Concordia Women's Book Club
. For May is Still Alice by Lisa Genova. For June is "Leaving Time" by
Jodi Picoult
. We invite you join this women's book club. Please contact anyone
presently in Book Club or call Cheryl at 476-1403 or Marie at 2778045
Doors open at 6:00 pm. Invite your mother, daughter, granddaughter, great granddaughter, sister, friend to
join us for a evening of good food and fellowship.
To Mike and Amanda Groom on the birth of a son Jaxson Michael Groom on April 7. He joins
Tyler and Megan.
THANK YOU: To all who volunteered and worked on the window preparation and
painting on April 17th: Dan B., Mike Q, Bill W., Bill M., Jim L., & Pastor.
THANK YOU: To Dale S., Edgar and Willis for mowing the cemetery and banks in
preparation for Margie Haas’ burial.
THANK YOU: To Steve K. and Bill W. for weeding the cemetery.
THANK YOU: To John Klaus for mowing the cemetery before Easter before Willis
was released from the doctor.
THANK YOU: To Bill Wirth for raking the heavy grass on the bottoms.
THANK YOU: To Cheryl Mueth and Mike Eschmann for reading scripture during
our Maundy Thursday Service of Tenebrae.
THANK YOU: To Sherry, Sheryll and Bill F. for providing the beautiful music during
our Lenten Services. It was all wonderful.
THANK YOU: To our participants in the Millstadt Cross Walk on Good Friday.
Donna, Dave, Bill W., Jim L., Doris, Joan, Jodee, Alyssa, Shanan, Jordan, Toby,
Linda, Kaitlyn, Logan, Becky, Emily, Luke, Treila, & Pastor David.
Concordia United Church of Christ,
On behalf of the students and faculty of Eden Theological
Seminary, it is my pleasure to acknowledge your gift of $500.00
on March 3, 2015. Thank You! Your support of Eden means a
great deal to us. Churches are at the core of our culture and
faith, and we appreciate the work you do. More than anyone you
know how important it is to prepare the next generation of
ministers and leaders, so we are especially grateful for your help in maintaining
Eden as an ecumenical educational center.
Bryce Krug – Vice President for Institutional Advancement
Concordia UCC – Dear Friends:
Thank you for your generous donation to the Community Interfaith Food Pantry
for $420.25. You are helping put smiles on the faces of a lot of struggling families
just trying to make ends meet. With your kind donation we will be able to do just
that. Your continued support is helping to improve life for those in need in our
community. Again, thank you for partnering with us to try to prevent any child in
our community from going to bed hungry.
Jim Young, Co-Director
(NOTE: this is a portion of our Lenten Offering)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Church Council Report for month of April:
The April Council Meeting was held following worship on April12th. Dustin
Montgomery acted as Secretary in Marianne’s absents. A work day was set for
April 17th & 18th to prepare windows for the incoming Preservation Windows
which are due on May 4th. We also discussed asking Moore Asphalt to check out
the cracks in the parking lot on east side of church. It was voted to continue our
membership in the Millstadt Chamber of Commerce. Dustin Montgomery will be
replacing Mark Amesquita as our council representative on the 2-5 Year Planning
Committee. All reports were accepted as presented. Meeting adjourned with the
Lord’s Prayer.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Always keep the church informed of any corrections or additions to the Church Directory, on
phone numbers, including cell numbers, email addresses, anything that has changed. Thank you.
If you have a computer you can go on line to Concordia's web page ( ) All our organizations are listed and activities. Bill Fritz keeps that up to date.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sunday, May 17 - 3:45 pm
Please join us for the dedication of DuBois Center's new outdoor chapel at 3:45 pm on Sunday,
May 17!
Why 3:45? We want everyone to be able to attend - no matter what time their Sunday services
might be or the distance to be traveled. On that day, Sunday Dinner activities will be extended
until 3:30 pm. We'll then close out the day with a service of worship and dedication, celebrating
new beginnings, 50 years of ministry and the thousands of lives - campers, guests, volunteers and
staff - that have been touched by God's love in this sacred place. It will be a time of music and
prayer, stories and laughter. We truly hope you will join us! The new chapel is wheel-chair
accessible and can accommodate over 200 people.
Sunday, May 17
It's the last Sunday Dinner of the season and pork steaks and baked chicken are on the menu - pick your
favorite! Enjoy a leisurely drive in the country, a beautiful day at the lake and a good meal with friends
and family. Looking for something a bit more energetic? Sunday Dinners also include FREE family
friendly activities, such as pontoon boat rides around the lake, horseback rides in the arena and other
family-friendly activities including S'MORES. If you have never been to DuBois Center, a Sunday Dinner is
a great introduction. Also on the schedule is a Summer Camp Orientation for parents and perspective
campers and the Dedication of the new camp chapel. Meal reservations are due by noon on Monday,
May 11, so we know how much food to prepare. Contact us at or 618-7872202.
12 pm - 2 pm
Meal Served
12:30 pm - 3:30 pm Activities
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Camp Orientation
3:45 pm - 4:30 pm
Chapel Dedication/Worship
Concordia U.C.C.
7600 State Route 163, Belleville
(3 miles North of Millstadt)
Sunday, June 7, 2015
11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Fried Chicken with all the “fixins”
Dine-in and Carry-outs
Call 476-3377
Adults - $10.00/ Children 6-12-$5.00/ 5&under free
Quilt Raffle Chances $1.00 or 6/$5.00
Also Bake and Craft Sale
(*Note: Chicken is fried in peanut oil)