Learning Journal Summary Guidelines

CONTINUING EDUCATION Business and Professional Programs
Downtown Campus, Room 229 Telephone: 403‐220‐4411 Fax: 403‐284‐5702 Email: phanlon@ucalgary.ca Learning Journal Summary Guidelines The journal given to you when you enrolled in the Certificate for Emerging Leaders is for your reflection throughout the program; only a journal summary of 5 to 7 pages is to be submitted by email upon completion of the coursework. Please do not hand in your entire journal. The best place to start your Learning Journal is with some reflective questions. You may find value in returning to these questions as you progress through your certificate:  What have I learned about myself, my emotional responses to learning; the highs and lows?  What have I learned that relates to me, my workplace and my work colleagues?  What have I learned about myself in terms of being an Emerging Leader?  What learning tasks were most difficult or easy?  What was the most significant and/or surprising learning? You might also want to reflect upon and include responses to the following as part of your Learning Journal:  A critique of seminar readings and other texts you find related to each seminar topic.  Your reaction to particular ideas, questions or comments raised in class.  Your reaction to activities and exercises.  Any “aha moments” that may have occurred to you.  Insights about your values, biases, personal preferences and leadership style.  Connections between seminar topics and workplace issues as well as personal.  Examples of when you applied learnings from the seminars and the outcome. How to write a Learning Journal Summary The Certificate for Emerging Leaders is about professional and personal development as an Emerging Leader in the workplace. The journal is a tool for you to capture your learning throughout the program. The summary paper is the culmination of your most significant learnings. The expectation is for you to review your Learning Journal entries and then submit a paper that summarizes your learning, the changes you have made in yourself and the changes you have made in your workplace. The paper should be 5 to 7 pages long, double‐spaced, following the APA Style Guide (when referencing) ‐ https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/section/2/10/. A rubric used for assessing the Learning Journal Summaries is included on the last page of this document and outlines the criteria that will be used to assess the submission. 229, 906 – 8 Avenue N.W., Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2P 1H9  conted.ucalgary.ca While we invite you to reference your course notes in a discussion of your progress, we ask that you do not submit your course notes or a direct summary of each course. The Learning Journal Summary is to be completed within 3 months of completing the final seminar and is a requirement for attaining your Certificate for Emerging Leaders. Certificates will not be granted until the summary paper is submitted and marked. Questions If you have any questions, please contact Patrick Hanlon, Program Manager, Continuing Education Business and Professional Programs at 403‐220‐4411, or by e‐mail at phanlon@ucalgary.ca. 229, 906 – 8 Avenue N.W., Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2P 1H9  conted.ucalgary.ca CONTINUING EDUCATION Business and Professional Programs
Downtown Campus, Room 229 Telephone: 403‐220‐4411 Fax: 403‐284‐5702 Email: phanlon@ucalgary.ca Emerging Leaders Program Learning Journal Summary Assessment Rubric Personal Response: the reflections that are provided in the learning journal summary Application of knowledge: evidence that classroom learning has been transferred to the workplace or elsewhere Growth/Emergence: indicates the growth that has occurred as a result of participation in the program Identification of program highlights Fails to meet requirements Meets Requirements Journal summary indicates activities that were participated in, but provides limited or no reflection on the learning that occurred throughout the program. Journal summary provides a clear reflection on the experience that occurred throughout the program and is presented in a way that emphasizes the key experiences of the program. Journal summary does not clearly identify specific learnings that will be transferred to the workplace. Journal summary does not explicitly identify growth that has occurred throughout the program. Exceeds requirements Journal summary culminates the personal and professional development that has occurred during the program, provides examples of growth and indicates potential new goals or plans to continue professional development. Journal summary indicates learning from the Journal summary describes how the program has been or will be transferred to learning from the program has been or the workplace or to personal development. will be transferred to the workplace or to personal development and the impact of this use of knowledge. Journal summary shows reflection upon the writer’s growth and emergence into new leadership roles and responsibilities. Journal summary does not specify learning Journal summary describes difficult and/or or take‐aways that stood out throughout the significant parts of the certificate program certificate program. and the learning that occurred. Journal summary culminates the growth and emergence that have occurred throughout the program and indicates how these changes have supported the demonstration of leadership in the workplace and/or elsewhere. Journal summary reflects upon significant parts of the program and the impact that those parts of the program have had or not had on growth during the program. 229, 906 – 8 Avenue N.W., Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2P 1H9  conted.ucalgary.ca