hTQl JTT ter u ETIT7 ± T oJ I < 1 r t i TI r r tr J< t T == 1 J > I j 1 rr s a 4 11 MT STERLING ADVOCATE WEDNESDAY Lh > mF AT RTJ 7 TS AY CO 7 ed y Sfc CJ J1J f t 3 == Wh Z ° ROCL NOVEMBER 25 2l a fri > 1903 + LTS 117 3 4 F2RSaC C 5 OZC to PURCHASE 1 we sold men from far and nearIlUloud in praise of former purchases and completely captivated bu the immense stock and close prices we show now on r Por iq Suits Overcoats Pants Handmade Boots j 44igh Top Shoes Aanan and Heywood Dress Shoes Stetson and Swan Hats Shirts Neek a i l Hawes wear Underwear Raincoats Gum Boots Felt Boots in fact everything man or boy wears 2l lOur fU GUTHRIE CLOTHING t l We buy for cash prices are closest because our expenses are less You are asked to join the Largest Stock Lowest Prices CO J J 1FAtT1aid iff i r crowdseefor yourself u l OBSERVATIONS Lick at center CORRE8PON DEN CE OLYMPIA i IL iw HSfI rLAND ACCIDENTS On Ifour statements are true trade 1 and Hiigh STOCK AND CROP ITEMS IJ Saturday at High Bridge a > tivt th us f rtClotM COMPLETE JBeckhamr < ¬ = j 1u I 1 Votesf I it ais j i L G Wills of Sage bought of stack of lumber toll on J W Rule R C Baker near Bowen 225 acres STOOPS Both legs and his left arm were of land of which 70 acres is botom II Fodder is selling at 26o per shock broken His arm was amputated lland for 3500 Bob Pickett of Aarons Run has at Lexington Mrs James Moborley has bought moved to the Bridges Bros farm Belknap 202764 Monday John McDonalds handI of Chas Frazier his farm near Everyone is trying to get their wascaught in a collar press at the Sideview containing 115 acres at tobacco ready for market Home Steam Laundry and drawn in 72 per acre The trouble with the trust bus ¬ and painfully mashed to the elbow The official returns are all in n Brent Bro of Paris bought of ters is that they always bust But for the new the race for Governor The full felt covering which James Kennedy before they bust the trusts and Joe Thompson had just been put on the accident returns are as follows There The two small children of Law ¬ would have been the more serious their 1903 crop of hemp at 500 were 439235 votes cast all over per hundred rence Fassott have been quite sick the State Beckham 229014 Ira Vilhelm of Lexington a C Belknap 202704 Macbeth Demaree Pro ¬ 0 freight brakeman was knocked hibitionist 4800 Nagle Socialist John M Hickey presents John her son Josiah Coonsfrom his train at E K Junction on Griffith Sunday in Macbeth at Grand 2039 i Schmutz Socialist Labor morning midnight after and J T Lane sold some shoats to His headand Opera House on Friday evening 608 Ed Sledd at 250 per head instantly killed Bridges Bro sold some to Squire both legs were out off His lamp November 27 This gigantic pro For Thsnissirias Diner still burning was found clutchedduction of Macbeth isa moral John Trimble at 240 per head For you wo have all kinds of Crimes and retributions Mrs Sarah Taul and Mrs Wm i in his hand The supposition is tempest fruits and vegetables turkeys Mallory are visiting relatives iti that the pipe of the water tankIcome whirling past us like the chickens cranberries ducks rab ¬ Clark county knocked him off When missed rushing of a resistless hurricane bits birds oysters and celery The Miss Nora ONeil has returned the crew went back and found him The very prologue of the play is best pork beef sweet potatoes and to her homeat Washington Ky spoken in thunder and lightning We carry all kinds of dried evaporated and a complete line of the to after a visit relatives here everywhere we have storms and Jr Schober Laird ladies fine canned vegetables and fruits Cos Richard Trimble of Aarons Run slumber shuts up the senses of the PUNCH shoes GRAVES SAM GREESWADE it has rented a residence of Jas Gill body to let out the secrets of the aspie and will move to it Jan 1 See our 125 calf skin shoe for soul The sports in and around In the exciting of terror vditeto the square inch than we- An Evening With Coons Everett Tom and ptlladies GHVRS this version of Macbeth is truly parts have been out with gun and Longfllow tlaviiaier seen jammed into any ast week in the mountains hunting a parallel without The crimes dog since the 15th instsnt A few HHilding Wait wait till the roses On Friday evening November For Sale Privately Geo Dasher and Barnes Wright that Macbeth commits are not the tried the rod and reel They all jjjpQW and see the new store which 20 the pretty parlors of Mr Cla de- of the Levee neighborhood have Commodious city residence on crimes of a cruel ruffian but of a tell wonderful stories but the e Acomtemplate erecting Pittonwere comfortably filled with moved into the house recently Clay street where now reside I has had no substantial evidence great man whose nature has been VY d members of the Epworth League vacated by Murk Trimble good house beautiful lot garden inverted of their success polluted The anglers and partly Mrs L E Griggs of Mt Sterl ¬ The and several invited guesto shade fruit and trees everything Friday at Salt from Cumberland crazed The influence evil theirntytcrepent of crime returned with occasion was the first of a series of ing was the guest of her sister in good condition you want to coiled within the fairest flower the cold wave and one with a If Mm Gillaspie week H last J xruui srhatanwnleiiaprgvingtap Evenings with the Poets inaug 1tc et1fre1l llinfi by fhno social +nd literary rlenrjr Williams of Buffalo Ilt1 buy a city residence look nt this spreads over the whole circle of hu lamentable tone said he had to rtaJn man existence not only working cover his his head ut night to preft The Cram Kautz Drug Co will department of the League The and Sam Railsof Shii p bug toneFor sale also my INSOHANCE the doom one local vicinity were Decemberday in last this open on business for of the criminal himself i en hiaenY reeling off il program was as follows t AGENCY ¬ move must to Lexing I M Grain not if Chas earlier but scattering far and wide the t weekT InvocaUoQ r t See our U8o per suit underwear J Roberson and wife visited ton to live January 1 1904 hi tthefrm was for five years with Quotations from Longfellow seeds of destruction Prices 25 All League lly the Members the colors and sizes of the family of James Roberson near HENRY R BUIGHT Peters druggist of l 50 75cts and 100 1 85 l1bas Instrumental Duet Plano x PoNon ttS GRA YES Howell and MifsGraco Mt Sterling Sunday Mt Sterling Ky 18tf rgr Tie recently bought R lot Sketch of LonRfellowsMI Life and Works T c s F a policy in relatives Will that Kissick visited Mlea Annlo T Samuel Banter Wins Tlie Day Is Done Fleming county Saturday and Recitation covers every accident and every Tariff Too High Miss Gertmdo E Throop ivin Cat Flowers and Designs The official report from the Elev¬ Heading Foots tops of Angels SundayJohn In the annual report of Col Ed illness Mice Mary llrnco Jones enth Congressional District gives TaVe 7 W Thompson and wife vis your orders with Harold Keoiution Tlio VirceJ of hs IISsr rea wards chief of the Bureau of In Coal Jamcs Harvo and Salt wife ited at Mini Debbie Cojlo phone 12 for cut flowers = sular Affairs the necessity for a Metadesigns Prompt delivery and voltatloaThe Norman BoronThos V ihroop Lick Saturday and Sunday Dr J W Waldeck of Hilltop reduction of the Dingley tariff fo gives Hunter 152 Edwards 507 t SoloTho Dredge Mrs Abncr Rogers 184t Vocal Pyr 0 c faction guaranteed the encouragement of trade wit Reading Paul Reveres Ride county family Flemipg his visited White 510 TotalHunter 6204 John White Trimble the Philippines is urged There Iis here Saturday the Stairs J ReadlngThe Old Clock on ductlon this year is far greater than Edwards 6102 White 4458 MUs Lillian Hclnrlch Jjliltadtie story brick business Ernest and Bramblott Gillaspie a great lack of American ships en ¬ last year Throdp RecltntlonSandnlphonLaird Hunters 102 plurality Ire was offered a profit of Vocal 8oloTlie Day is Done of Clark county were visitors here gaged in this trade and the law The total vote cast in the famous M us Rosalind Rogers Jon his lot He is no doubt Reading The Legend Beautiful CORN Saturday and Sunday FOR BALE requires all commerce to be carried About 300 Eleventh is 10704 n Elizabeth Wyatt qualified for the business as Mrs Alfred Moore is visiting in American bottoms after July shocks and place to feed near M fras long with Mr Peters His RccltatlonThe Psalm of Life Mrs Thos D Jones relatives on Prickly Ash 1 next Springfield Church If our folks who wondered what Piano Hier is Geo J Kautz of Kings Instrumental Duet Mrs 183t J W HALL R F D No 2 would become of that enormous Ilowell and Miss urace We carry the 1largest line of Jno the Ship A conditionless policy accident stock of merchandise which Old NC a new man in Ky C S- Reading The Building of Mrs Claude Paxton B Stetson soft hats in Eastern his was our first visit to T F Rogers will bond yon written by T F Rogers Vocal SoloThe Lord Is my Helper ham Bros Co have been crowd ¬ James Wood Tiffs new one story brick He ing in their mammoth quarters GRAVES PUNCH fitter a very enjoyable and soc ¬ dies hardware and furniture see could the daily crowds with all program an Every cessful rendition of the An Old Swindling Trick Renewed stock is not all in the bundles they can carry coming appropriate collation was served by jg is new they of out store their man would then a his giving week Last nape the hospitable hostess and social Fell and J 4H Campbell know was what becoming of it I15 and 29 N Upper conversation indulged in for some as W R Godley went to Morehead LEXINGTON KY Jointly building a two story time when all dispersed to a a lot purchased a of and furniture their ie and brick business leek 58 Notice several homes feeling entertained from S Bishop which amounted to TO feet modern and attractive he a 30 gave exchange in and All persons indebted to me and instructed by an evening spent they will occupy it in January by note or account are requested to with Now Englands purest and 50 check made payable to himfebruary self on C L Hutsinpeller hard ¬ callat once at my place of business poet I tr Campbell will handle drugs sweetest The new style effects in Tailored Garments are here in the newest colors and and pay same Because of my mixtures The stock is right in fabric and design in cut in finish and most im ¬ hardware For ten years he I poor health my business has been I of all in price portant To Ladies Mr been in business here 1250 to 4000 ReadytoWear Skirts in Novelties Scotch Effects and Mannish neglected and it is now necessary whlas heretofore carry gener We have a special departmentin ing of the trick he then visited Figures 35040 1500 to raise a considerable amount of erphandise B F Alloy of our store where ladies are fitted the general merchandise store of money and I must depend on Hill has contract for finish with our fine footwear by a lady Mark Ruley do Mark and bought a customers for it Call at once wood work A stylish collection of fabrics at popular prices We guarantee to fit any cus- ¬ pair of 3 gum boots and was suc ¬ clerk Yours Truly fe were pleased to meet M P tomer if she will only come in the cessful with the play of a 25 C W HOWE 193t rrHi formetlyof Yale We wis h- store and46 fitted Our shoes re ¬ check on same parties and receiv- ¬ at l8UCeeli3sasa commission mer tain their beautiful shapes We ing the difference 22 He direct The best selections from Correct at ull times and for all occasions tbII greatest makers SV carry tho best makes in America ed the furniture to be shipped at Circle Jand N R Ratliff are push Laird Schober dsCo that took the once to Farmers where he said he has been postponed from next Sat ¬ work on their two story twenty- prize at the Worlds Fair i Ziegler had procured a job The checks urday until Saturday the 5th A beautiful variety in new and attractive models n brick hotel and hope to occu ¬ Bros and Drew Selby fc Co best were returned Monday with the lt December 15 It will be in mediumpriced lines known to the statement that they were forgeries rge oftheir wives and we ex trade Dr R D Murray is dead at Mr Bishop thinks he will get his Long stole effect Neck Pieces n Mink Sable Fox Martin and Beaver Prices We dined t cselhipg nice Punch Laredo Tex as the result of a firm is neither furniture but 500 to 10000 Fur Coats ElecLic Seal Coats Large line to select from h them wbiletherrunaway accident Years of his counting on the recovery ol their Pff TZ CORSETS A new line just icCcivcd I life had been devotes to lighting money Godloy left in an eastern enattractivi cottage is being AND UNDERWEAR LADIES HOSIERY yellow It for Jv L White and wife fever direction and it may be he is ply ¬ MILLINERY DEPARTMENT EASTMANS KODAKSandFILMS- ing his schemes on other unsus ictesideacea are going up Mr HIOH CLASS LADIES TAILORING Special attention given to Coat Suits an DEVELOPING MACHINES ETC dOldham Bros is Co the Busy Evenlug Gowns peoting merchants Vew tayemill will soon be on sale aBees have a shelf space of 169ft bttoB We presume it was tjd tKennedys Drug FRogers Store foot which is occupied by shoes Bonds ifcbout n Trocunty with Salt We spent a few hours here inter n1I rlaUrJnto French burg and Ezel etawe noticed rvlcrluf the merchantaand waiting The for delayed train We had pleas same things not reported r telephone service between Mt Sterl ant chat with C H Graves who i ing and these and other towns basIhas recently come from Alabama to emu been mucH improved We used it take charge of Rose Run Iron Co lie and know where of vr c gpeakiFix as successor of D R Bishop he his tell not man did young is a three qf latiat and approved pat ¬ terns have been put in and nowI ago unmarried and has traveled The home vacated by talking is syand pleasant extensively j too large for a fine Bishop is Mr banks to J M Plratt of Ezel1 single man looking bawl b aG his aeeooiatea Mr Bishop who has been there some years has accepted super ratuld it not be advisable fo- for intendencj of the Stone Gap Col ¬ Judges to see that the rT P Co liery and in a few days will r a I rI Worked on before severl household goods to Gla ¬ ship his tie l of winter colDs It will economy for merchants to have morgan Wise Co Va Mr Bishop ¬ midi of their heavy goods for has friend in this city who will re and himself of gret the departure winter and spring use hauled now ant as loag as teamsters wilt haul wifeOur bent wishes attend all these roods over roads two feet deep in gentlemen above referred to and summer prices lauct endcharge business their the merchants will have hauling when they want it We are for the King t Lyons dc Co of Willington Quality Bootee for men 1L ° mcrchau u PoKcnA GRAVES i ay 1 Sharpsburghas J bI X I settle Lf1R somnro Pcs f t r 1 EIOKor J It J 1 uIh thesel l edito- ¬ ila > i upsjG Shi- w writ jfoU = rt 1 11 r essrn jWhite pricer proI ifh ¬ buain 1 I- hMlss I j Kentuckyi hlIIr I rJ andI the s J L NAATSON I e m 74 VPii ti either Fashions in Tailored Suits the Host Favored t KVW myt Colored Dress Goods wV > t i Black Dress Goods i IPOltponod ¬ Ladies and Childrens Cloaks r oft Decembari Special Sale of Fine Furs Gra- I vesKODAKS a ¬ j I R < J t i > t J fl ft ti l l > J 1 byT tJf t J L WATSON I f I f 1 It f I c L ° i J L 1 i p
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