Coopersville United Methodist Church 105 N 68th Ave. Coopersville, MI 49404 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED @Coopersville United Methodist Church JUNE 2015 NEWSLETTER VISION OF WHO WE ARE We Are A Community Called to: LIVE in Relationship with Christ LOVE Like There's No Tomorrow SERVE & Minister to Our Community. WHAT’S INSIDE? From the Pastor’s Desk, UNITED METHODIST CHURCH OF COOPERSVILLE 2 Members in Ministry, Annual Conference ALIVE+, Vacation Bible School 3 Maranda Park Party, PULSE Church Events 10:00 AM - Sunday Worship Service 11:15 AM - Fellowship Time 11:30 AM - Sunday School for all ages Wednesday - 6:00 PM - ALIVE+ for ages Pre-K - 12th grade 105 N 68th Ave. Coopersville, Michigan 49404 OFFICE PHONE: 616.997.9225 FAX: 616.997.9226 PASTOR: Rev. Cori Cypret CELL: 269.986.0732 SUMMER OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday - Thursday 8 AM - 4 PM PASTOR’S E-MAIL: SECRETARY: Kris Brandt CHURCH E-MAIL: WEBSITE: @Coopersville United Methodist 4&5 Daily, Weekly, Monthly; SCRIP, Craft Night, Blood Drive, Prayer Chain Missions/Outreach, 6 Thank You, Mission schedule Pastor Cori’s Ordination 7 Birthdays & Anniv., Camping/Campers Graduates, Building Policy 8 Special Music, Endowment June Volunteer Ministries 9 SignUpGenius, Featured Position June Calendar Recitals, Chrysalis Flights 10 WE ARE A COMMUNITY CALLED TO: LIVE LOVE CELEBRATIONS OF in Relationship with Christ. SERVE Like There's No Tomorrow. and Minister to Our Community. SUMMER WORSHIP PULSE: A MID-WEEK CONTEMPORARY WORSHIP EXPERIENCE Beginning Wednesday, July 8, CUMC with be launching Pulse, a mid-week worship experience, during our Wednesday night ALIVE+ Ministries. This is a great opportunity for anyone- youth, children, and adults- to gather with others to worship God through music with our Praise Band and a message from Pastor Cori. Pulse Worship begins at 6 pm and will last less than twenty minutes. Following worship, everyone is invited to enjoy a meal, and adults are welcome to fellowship while children pre-K-5th grades go to Kids Club, and youth 6th-12th grades meet for ALIVE Youth Group. ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2015 Every year, the various conferences in The United Methodist Church gather together to fellowship, worship, and discuss the business of the Church at an event called Annual Conference. This year's West Michigan Annual Conference is being held on Thursday, June 4- Sunday June 7. This is the 47th Annual Conference and will again be held at Calvin College, in Grand Rapids, & this year's theme is "Disciples: Made in Michigan." Each church in the Conference is asked to send both their pastor, and a lay representative to serve as a voice and vote for their local church. Representing CUMC this year is Ross Conran. Jessie Cypret will be attending as a Youth Representative from our church. If you are interested in learning about the Conference, or any items up for discussion and vote at this year's Conference, please see Pastor Cori or Ross. A complete schedule of events for the Conference can be found on the West Michigan Conference website @ http:// Page 2 PACK IT UP BAKE SALE Thank you Lisa Wilson for organizing the Bake Sale Fundraiser at County Line’s garage sale in May. Special Thank you to all who made baked goods for the sale. There was $349.25 raised. EASTER FLOWERS The Easter Flower Fundraiser was organized by Roxanne Denson and raised $185.00. Thank you all who purchased flowers. They made the church beautiful for Easter Sunday. For those of you who donated flowers to our shut-in; there ended up being 13 plants donated. I want you to know that they were very appreciated and brought smiles to all their faces and love to their hearts. Diane Seth, Lorna Brittain & Kris Brandt, thank you for delivering the flowers. The monies raised are being for the Hospitality Committee to decorate the building. THANKS FOR ARTISTS RECEPTION On Monday night, May 11th, CUMC hosted a Middle School Artists Reception, with the works of fifteen middle school artists being featured. It was a great evening of celebrating these artists. Thank you to Kris Brandt for making all the arrangements for this wonderful showing. Thank you to the Hospitality Committee for hanging the artwork, and for serving as greeters and hosts for the reception. Thank you to all who made cakes and pies, and who came out to show support for the artists and their families. The night was a huge success! AMERICAN RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE May 18, there were 37 Presenting donors, 3 Double Red donation and 31 Productive donations. I want to thank all my volunteers for their faithful service in helping with the Blood Drives. Char Reffeor SUMMER OFFICE HOURS Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday - 8 am - 4 pm. Starting June 8 continuing through September 3. Office - 616.997.9225 - Pastor’s Cell 269-986-0732 Pastor Cori will be on vacation June 19 - July 3. (Call the office with pastoral concerns.) You can always reach Kris Brandt @ VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Wednesdays from 6-7:30pm is for kids & youth ages Pre-K - 12th grades. A time of worship through song & prayer and a meal for all along with individual classes for ALIVE Youth Group & Kids Club. ALIVE - YOUTH GROUP THE ALIVE YOUTH GROUP IS FOUNDED ON ROMANS 6:11. “...count yourselves dead to sin but alive to Christ Jesus.” They meet on Wednesdays from 6-7:30 pm and consist of 6th-12th grade students. They worship through song and prayer, enjoy a hot meal and then come together to hang out, to learn about God and life, and yes, even have fun! This summer, bring your kids to our Wednesday Night VBS programs. Kids Club (ages pre-k through 5th grades) will be spending the summer trekking though Everest, Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power. The ALIVE Youth Group (for grades 6th - 12th) will be walking through the Scary, Gross, and Weird Stories of the Bible! VBS programs begin Wednesday, July 8 and continue through August 26, from 6pm to 7:30. Each night begins with PULSE, our mid-week contemporary worship experience, followed by a meal, before the kids & youth head to their classes for VBS. Opportunities to serve meals and as group assistants will be coming in the next few weeks. All kids of our community are invited to join us this summer, and any Wednesday evening for our ALIVE+ Ministries. ALIVE - YOUTH GROUP ASSISTANT We are looking for adults (over 21) to assist Pastor Cori (Youth Leader) with the evening events. Sign up at go/10C0D49AFA62FABFC1-alive8 KID’S CLUB - “THE + IN ALIVE +” Kids Club is coordinated through our Education Team for Pre-K - 5th graders & is from 6-7:30 pm on Wednesdays. They worship with the ALIVE Youth Group through song & prayer, share the food provided for the evening and then go into the classroom and have a time of learning about stories from the bible along with a craft. KIDS CLUB WORKERS Your help is welcome. We need 2 adults for the bible lesson & another 2 adults for the craft. Please help out where you can. Sign up at 10C0D49AFA62FABFC1-kid Page 3 MARANDA PARK PARTY Maranda Park Parties are coming to Berlin Raceway, and Coopersville Cares is one of the organizations being recognized! On Thursday, July 9, the ALIVE Youth Group will be hosting a “Gigantic Bubbles” booth at the Party to support Coopersville Cares. The event is from 12-2, and we will be leaving the church at 10:45. There will be lunch served at the Party at 11:30. Please let Pastor Cori know if you will be going to this event; we need both youth and adults to help make this a great event! CHURCH EVENTS COMMUNITY CRAFT NIGHT & WEEKEND RETREATS ADULT FELLOWSHIP There will not be a luncheon for the rest of the summer. Look for news of starting up again in October. Have a very nice summer and enjoy your vacations. Char ALTAR FLOWER Everyone is encouraged to sign up to have flowers displayed on the Altar in church on any given Sunday if you wish. We can have more than one person/ family signed up on any given Sunday. Please put your name and the reason for giving the flowers on the chart by the drinking fountain or use All flowers are ordered and billed through Coopersville Floral at a cost of $25.00. Everyone is welcome! Bring your friends & neighbors. Come and work on any craft that you have from quilting, knitting, crocheting, card making, painting and scrapbooking, etc. There is a $2.00 fee to attend. Please notify Angie Quinlan by calling 616.366.5234 or email, if you will be attending. If you plan on attending the Friday Craft Night please rsvp by the Thursday before the date so there are enough tables set up. Here is the schedule; Friday Craft Night are 6:30pm midnight and the Weekend Retreats (WR) 9am - 5pm on Saturday. 2015: Oct 2, Nov 6&7(WR), Dec 11 FEEDING AMERICA TRUCK Here are the available dates; June 14, 21, 28, July 26, Sept. 27, Oct. 25. Coopersville Cares has a Feeding America Mobile Pantry truck at Church of the Saviour at 10 AM on the Second Tuesday of each month. Please bring your own bags/containers. Next date is June 9. AMERICAN RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE MEN’S BREAKFAST Coopersville UMC is hosting a blood drive: Monday, July 27 from 12:30 – 6:15 PM. Encourage everyone you know to donate blood. To become a blood donor, you must be at least 17 years old, weigh at least 110 pounds, and be in general good health. Every two seconds someone in America gets a blood transfusion. ART WORK Do you have artwork you would like to display in our fellowship room? Make sure they are framed and ready to hang. Contact Kris in the office and let her know how many pictures you have. She will make arrangements to have the pictures hung. BIRTHDAY SUNDAY CAKES Birthday Sunday is the 3rd Sunday of each month. Please sign up to make a 9x13 cake of any flavor to be served by the coffee hosts for the day. There are 6 cakes needed for each month. Sign up at or the sheet in the Fellowship room. Page 4 The last Saturday of each month the men of our community are invited to attend a breakfast at Coopersville UMC. It is a time of food and fellowship between men. The next breakfast is June 27 @ 8AM. Contact Pete Stammis at 837-9595 with any questions. MICHIGAN BLOOD DRIVE The Girl Scout Troop #3159 which meets at Coopersville UMC is having a blood drive on Thursday, June 18 from 3-7pm at 105 68th Ave. N, Coopersville. MI Blood will donate $10 to the troop for every registered donor. To make an appointment you can call Kris at 997-9225 or online at and search by zip code and find the June 18th date. MONTHLY COMMITTEE MEETINGS Worship -June 2 NO Trustee’s in June Finance - June 16 NO Church Council in June Meetings are held @ 7 pm & open to everyone. CHURCH EVENTS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 NEWSLETTER - JULY 2015 SCRIP/GIFT CARDS Everyone is encourage to submit articles for the Church newsletter. Our newsletter is a great way to stay in touch with everyone in our church. If you have something you would like to share with our Congregation, please do so. The deadline to submit articles to Kris @ for the July newsletter is June 16. DO YOU SHOPS, BUY GROCERIES, GAS, HOUSEHOLD ITEMS, ETC? Contact Kris in the office at 997-9225 with questions. OUR DAILY BREAD The daily devotional thoughts published in Our Daily Bread help readers spend time each day in God's Word. Each daily thought is designed to draw the listener into a closer relationship with Jesus Christ and to evoke responses of worship, love, trust and obedience. The book includes a Topic Index as well. The June, July, August issue of the booklets are on the table in the fellowship room by the drinking fountain. They are for you to keep. PRAISE BAND MINISTRIES The Praise Band rehearses on Thursday evenings from 6:30-8 PM. Rehearsals are open to all. Anyone interested please contact Patrick Conran at 616.915.1740. YOU MIGHT EVEN EAT OUT AND BUY GIFTS FOR FAMILY OR FRIENDS! IF SO THEN SCRIP IS FOR YOU. You can now purchase SCRIP without having to wait until the 2nd Sunday of each month to place an order. If there is a company you would be interested in the church having on hand, please let Gail know. We hope this will encourage more of you to use this program to increase the money we can raise for church ministries. A complete list of companies is on the bulletin board by the drinking fountain and order forms are on the table. Make checks payable to CUMC Orders can be placed online at any time, it will be processed on the 2nd Sunday of each month. The next order deadline is Sunday, June 14, please have your order & payment to Gail Holmes. Contact Gail @ 723-2422 or, with any questions. WEBSITE & FACEBOOK Stay up to date with church events from our website @ While on the website, like the church on Facebook and make sure to follow us on Facebook. Check out the Sermon message from Sunday mornings, as well as links to sign up to serve on church ministries. WEDNESDAY EVENING MEALS PRAYER CHAIN Do you have a prayer request to share with your church family? Would you like to be included in our phone or email prayer updates? Contact Carol Pfahler at 837-9036 or email Lorna Brittain at PRAYER FOR YOUR LIFE Lord, I look out into the vastness of the heavens and I see the grandeur of Your infinite power, yet You look at me from heaven and see someone You know, love, and care about. Thank You that You find value in me. Amen. Page 5 The Wednesday meal is a ministry of our church to our ALIVE+. We ask that you provide a hot meal, drinks and snack/dessert for about 45 people. For those of you willing to bring food for the evening use or the sign up sheet in the Fellowship Room. Our ALIVE+ is an outreach to many in our community. The kids are truly thankful for the support they receive from the whole congregation. WEDNESDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY! Ever wanted to go deeper into a book of the Bible? Each Wednesday at 10 am, we are doing just that. We are in the midst of an in-depth study of the book of Mark. All are welcome to this time of fellowship & study. DEAR MEMBERS OF COOPERSVILLE UMC, JUNE MISSION “MINISTRY SHARES” Our June mission focus will be MINISTRY SHARES. As committed United Methodists we can do more together for more people everywhere. Please give as you are able to support our missions throughout the world. The ministry shares (apportionments) come back to many congregations through resources for local churches, camping programs and spiritual formation opportunities for all ages, support for training clergy, support for retired clergy, superintendent support in times of difficulty in congregations, and the list goes on. Ministry Share are a sign of the spiritual commitment of giving to others in the name of Christ. We thank you for supporting our mission’s projects. Our July Mission will focus on the OASIS OF HOPE in Grand Rapids. Oasis of Hope provides medical and spiritual Care, Behavioral and Mental Health Help, Counseling, Diabetic Consultation, Basic Life-Skills Education and Patient Advocacy to those who have no access to such help. There will be more information in the next newsletter. Thank you for all you do for the Missions of this Church. This year Junior Miss Coopersville, Kaylee Brocker and our 1st Junior Miss, Kristin Stuck were able to deliver 458 fleece blankets to DeVos Children’s Hospital. The delivery of these blankets would not be possible without the generosity of the churches and organizations in the Coopersville area. The child life specialists at DeVos Hospital were again delighted to be the recipient of your generosity. Many hospitalized children will come to know the outpouring of love from our community. Thank you so much for participating in the 8th annual Junior Miss Coopersville fleece blanket drive. Sincerely, Kaylee Brocker Junior Miss Coopersville 2014 DEAR CUMC, Thank you for letting us use your church for the Blanket Work Bee and supporting the Miss Coopersville Scholarship Program. Thank you for your support! Kaylee Brocker Junior Miss Coopersville 2014 DEAR PASTOR CORI AND CHURCH FAMILY, Thank you for the gift of the plant. We planted it outside and every year will be reminded of your love and thoughtfulness. The loss of Susie, Dan’s Mom, was sudden and unexpected, but her sight and health was failing and now she can see and be with her loved ones in heaven. She will be missed. Love, Dan & Cindy Shull TO ALL OF YOU PRECIOUS SOULS! Missions/Outreach Committee The Michael gift cards were totally unexpected! Thank you so much. I’ve enjoyed brightening your corner. Hopefully, what I’ve done will inspire someone else to take and improve on my approach. MISSIONS/OUTREACH SCHEDULE June: Ministry Shares July 26: Oasis of Hope August 23: Red Bird August 30: 5th Sunday collection f/Coopersville Cares Page 6 You bring much joy, blessings and service to our community. May that continue to shine from all your hearts. Your gift to me will be used to bring joy to those I work among at Green Acres of Standale. You lift my heart with your kind words! Love Mary Modderman ( Mary was the Lady that was hanging the artwork in the Fellowship Room.) JUNE CELEBRATION June Birthdays 6/3 6/4 6/17 6/21 6/26 6/29 Leanne Weaver Piper Adsit Jean Leussenkamp Roxanne Denson Joe Waskiewicz Addy Brink If your birthday or anniversary dates are listed wrong or has been omitted, please call the church at 997-9225 to correct it. June Anniversaries Date 6/8 6/29 Name Years Corey & Karie Kirby 19 Tod & Leanne Bauer 13 SCRIP ASSISTANT NEEDED Gail Holmes is looking for someone to work with her in promoting, collecting orders, selling, ordering, and distributing of the gift cards for our church. It would be just a couple hours a month. Please let Kris Brandt or Gail Holmes if you interested. CHURCH CAMP EXPERIENCE The Summer Camp Programs of the West Michigan Conference of the United Methodist Church are about meeting the hopes and dreams of parents, and creating lifelong, life-changing memories for young people in a safe, fun, and caring environment. Your child will have the opportunity to look back at the summer and remember singing camp songs, sensing the sounds, sights, and smells of nature, creating new friendships with kids from faraway places, and discovering an ever-greater love for God in their hearts. Your child will grow in self-confidence, resourcefulness, and gratefulness as they encounter a spiritual awakening that will unfold over a lifetime. Registration is available online at http:// The church is willing to help with a portion of the cost of camp, if you can’t afford the cost on your own. Contact Kris in the office if you need any help, also let the office know if your child is going to camp so we as a church can be in prayer for your camper. PASTOR CORI’S ORDINATION On Sunday, June 7th, 2015, Pastor Cori will be ordained at the end of the Annual Conference held at Calvin College. We invite you to show your love and support to her on a very exciting day by attending the Ordination ceremony which will be held in the Covenant Fine Arts Center at Calvin. There is lots of free parking (and admission to the ceremony is free). The ceremony will be held at 1:30 p.m. (led by Bishop Deb Kiesey). There will also be an offering during the ceremony for the Ministerial Education Fund. If you are interested in carpooling to the ceremony, please plan to meet at church by Noon. 2015 CAMPERS AT A UNITED METHODIST CHURCH CAMP The church office is pleased to announce that we have the following people signed up for a United Methodist Camp for this summer. Please pray for our Youth as they have fun learning about God. July 5-11 - Emily Ryder Wesley Woods - (CIA) Christians In Action July 12-14 - Christina Foster Crystal Springs Camp - S.P.L.A.T. - ½ week Come and Celebrate! In addition, we invite the congregation, community, area churches, friends and family to join in a continuing celebration with Pastor Cori at a reception in her honor at CUMC later that day (June 7th) from 5:30-7:30pm! July 12-17 - Steffanie Foster Crystal Springs Camp - S.P.L.A.T. If you have any questions or would like to help with the reception, please contact Wendy Brocker @ 616.262.0942 or Pam Stammis at 616.723.1115. If you would like to attend camp this summer, please contact Camp Register Pamela Stewart at 888.217.1905 or via email at Page 7 July 19 -25 - Pierson Ryder Wesley Woods - ACT 1 2015 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES RYAN CONRAN from Coopersville Area Public Schools. 2015 COLLEGE GRADUATES KRISTIE TAYLOR graduates June 12 from Baker College of Muskegon with her BBA in Human Resource Management. She hopes to start her career shortly after. Kristie is currently applying for HR jobs. STEPHEN THWAITES graduates from Baker College in Muskegon. Ceremony will be June 12. Congratulations to all our high school and college graduates of 2015. God bless your future plans and remember to trust in Him always! JUNE 14- GRADUATION SUNDAY Sunday, June 14, we will celebrate high school & college graduates. Everyone is encouraged to invite their friends and families to share in the 10AM service & celebrate this accomplishment with them! GRADUATION OPEN HOUSE Everyone is invited to Ryan Conran’s High School Graduation Open House. It is on Sunday, June 14 from 1-5 at 105 68th Ave. N, Coopersville. Contact Jerre Jean at 997-6607 with any questions. MEMBERSHIP CLASS Are you interested in becoming a member of Coopersville UMC? Do you desire to take a more active role in this community of faith? We will be holding a Membership Class this fall for all those interested in learning more about this church, The United Methodist denomination, and our roles as believers. If you are interested in learning more about membership, please contact Pastor Cori at the church office, or email at 2015 SPECIAL MUSIC The Coopersville United Methodist Church invites you to bring Special Music to our congregation during our 10 AM Sunday Worship Service. We ask that you contact the church office and provide your name(s) and the name of the song(s) you wish to sing/play. Church office number is 997-9225 and email is MEMORIAL ENDOWMENT FUND The Coopersville UMC Memorial Endowment is a permanent fund, which provides perpetual support for our church. Your gift to the endowment continues a lasting legacy to Coopersville UMC. Only the interest from the fund can be spent, not the principal that anchors the endowment. The interest from the endowment about 4% can be reinvested or used by the Trustee Committee for capital improvements on the building. Administrated by the Coopersville Area Community Foundation which is an affiliate of the Grand Haven Area Community Foundation. Consider honoring your loved ones by giving a gift to the Endowment Fund. BUILDING USAGE UPDATE - EFFECTIVE JANUARY 2015 Here are the updates on the Building Usage Policy. “Contributing members” give financial support on a weekly or monthly basis and are charged to use the building for personal events to pay an amount that helps cover the cost of utilities, and wear and tear on the facility. Contributing members pay $100.00 to use the church facility. Non-contributing attendees pay $200 to cover the cost of using the facility. Ministry events and Outreach Ministries do not pay to use the church. Payment due with completed building usage form. Cancellation of 30 days prior to event will warrant full refund otherwise only half the fee will be refunded. A complete copy of the Building Usage Policy can be seen by asking Kris in the office. Page 8 JUNE VOLUNTEER POSITIONS ALTAR FLOWERS June 7 14 21 28 LCD EDITOR/OPERATOR June Carol Pfahler ________________ ________________ ________________ 7 14 21 28 June 7 14 21 28 7 14 21 28 June Denise Sernick Karolyn Holmes ________________ ________________ CHILDRENS MESSAGE June ________________ Carrie Schoenborn ________________ Carrie Schoenborn 7 14 21 28 WEDNESDAY EVENING MEALS June 3 10 17 24 7 14 21 28 7 14 21 28 3 10 17 24 June ALIVE Youth Group Char R/__________ ________________ ________________ 7 14 21 28 _______/________ _______/________ _______/________ _______/________ KIDS CLUB CRAFTS 3 10 17 24 ________________ Karolyn Holmes Diane Seth Wendy Brocker BIRTHDAY SUNDAY CAKES June 21 June N/A Jerre Jean C/______ Jerre Jean C/Karie K Jerre Jean C/Diane S Karolyn H/_______ ________________ ________________ ________________ COFFEE HOSTS COUNTING OF OFFERING KIDS CLUB LESSONS June N/A Jerre Jean Conran Wendy Brocker Mary Waskiewicz 7 14 21 28 USHERS June ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ DOOR GREETERS June Wendy Brocker Kathy Thwaites ________________ Wendy Brocker June June ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ 7 14 21 28 LITURGIST NURSERY 7 14 21 28 June Gail H/Ross C Gail H/Ross C Gail H/Ross C Gail H/Ross C SOUNDBOARD OPERATOR WORSHIP ASSISTANT 1 2 3 4 5 Diane Seth Diane Seth Wendy Brocker ________________ ________________ ALIVE YOUTH ASSISTANT June N/A _______/________ _______/________ Karie K/________ 3 10 17 24 N/A Diane Seth _______________ Wendy Brocker A blank line means this ministry is available. Use or the clip board in the Fellowship Room to fill a position. SIGN UP GENIUS.COM is for Volunteers to sign up for church positions; Altar Flowers, LCD Operator, Worship Assistant, Door Greeters, Soundboard Operator, Liturgist, Ushers, Coffee Host, Children’s Message, Counting of Offering, Birthday Sunday Cakes, Wednesday Evening Meals, Kids Club (2 Lessons, & 2 Crafts), ALIVE Youth Group Assistant, potlucks and etc. Please sign up as you feel called. There will continue to be a sign up sheet in the Fellowship Room for those of you who are not on the internet and are willing to volunteer. Contact Kris Brandt if you have any questions. 150 CELEBRATION In 2016, our church will be 150 years young. Pastor Cori mentioned at the last Church Council meeting that we need to come up with some ideas for the celebration. What do we want to do to celebrate this great anniversary? Several suggestions that were made at the meeting are: potluck, cook book, box social, a new bell, contact former pastors, and check old records. If you would like to help with any part of the celebrations; planning, executing, fundraising, or have an idea, please share with Kris in the office. JUNE CALENDAR 2015 6/1 6/2 6/3 6/4 6/7 6/9 6/10 6/11 6/14 6/16 6/17 6/18 6/21 6/23 6/24 6/25 6/27 6/28 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Recitals with Jerre Jean Conran Boy Scouts Troop #4 Worship Committee Meeting NO Bible Study - Study of Mark NO ALIVE + 6:10 PM Body Power Sculpt Class 6:30-8PM Praise Band Ministries 10:00 AM Worship Service 11:15 AM Fellowship Time NO Sunday school for all ages NO Epic of Eden Bible Training Class 5-7 PM Reception 10:00 AM Feeding America Truck @ COS 7:00 PM Trustee Committee Meeting 10:00 AM Fountain View Service Bible Study - Study of Mark 6-7:30 PM ALIVE + 6:10 PM Body Power Sculpt Class (last one) 6:30-8PM Praise Band Ministries SCRIP Orders Due 10:00 AM Worship Service - Graduations 11:15 AM Fellowship Time 11:30 AM Sunday school for all ages 1-5 PM Open House for Ryan Conran 6PM Epic of Eden Bible Training Class (last one) July Newsletter Deadline 7:00 PM Finance Committee Meeting 10:00 AM Bible Study - Study of Mark 6-7 PM ALIVE + 3-7 PM Michigan Blood Drive 6:30-8PM Praise Band Ministries Happy Father’s Day 10:00 AM Worship Service 11:15 AM Fellowship Time NO Sunday school for all ages NO Church Council Meeting NO Bible Study - Study of Mark 6:00 ALIVE + 6:30-8PM Praise Band Ministries 8:00 AM Men’s Breakfast 10:00 AM Worship Service 11:15 AM Fellowship Time 11:30 AM Sunday school for all ages TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH - 150TH ANNIVERSARY Trinity Lutheran Church is celebrating its 150th anniversary this year. We are extending a unique opportunity to you to participate in our Christian Arts Exhibit or our Christian Faith Inspired Arts Market set to happen on July 10th, 11th, & 12th, 2015. God has given us all unique abilities, talents and gifts. It is these gifts that set us apart as individuals. It is our hope that you will be inspired to take part in this wonderful celebration by exhibiting, donating or selling at our Arts Market or participating in our Art Exhibit. Visit their website @ for the Art Exhibit or Market Registration forms. Thank you for your consideration. Trinity Lutheran 150 Anniversary Art Committee 1379 Harding St., Conklin, MI 49403 - 616.723.4344 RECITALS The piano students of Jerre Jean Conran will perform on Monday, June 1 at 7PM at our Church. Everyone is welcome to attend and listen the the talents students that she has. There are students from our church. Contact Jerre Jean @ 997-6607, with any questions. UPCOMING CHRYSALIS FLIGHTS Chrysalis is a three-day course in Christianity for young persons. Chrysalis is similar to and grew out of the Walk To Emmaus movement. The purpose of Chrysalis is to be a source of spiritual formation for Christian young people, conveying the essentials of Christian faith and practice in the context of a Christian community. This summer, two Chrysalis Flights will be occurring. The Girls Flight will be June 19-21, and the Boys Flight will be July 17-19. These Flights are open to teenagers age 14-18, who have finished 9th grade. Currently we have two girls and three boys that will be attending this summer. Be watching for more information on how you can pray for and support these youth as they embark on this great spiritual adventure. If you have any questions, or have a teen who would be interested in attending a Flight, see Pastor Cori.
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