DIVINE MERCY or Second Sunday of Easter ❖ ❖ MASS INTENTIONS FOR COMING WEEK ❖ ❖ APRIL 12 ~ 2015 Divine Mercy Sunday ~ April 12th Saturday: April 11 Join us at Christ Our Redeemer following 10:30 Mass (11:40/45 a.m.) til 3:00 p.m. for Eucharistic Adoration Vigil of DIVINE MERCY or Second Sunday of Easter 5:30 p.m. ~ Barbara & Don McKnight ! Sunday: April 12 Information about Divine Mercy & devotations available in the Narthex or at: thedivinemercy.org DIVINE MERCY Sunday or Second Sunday of Easter 7:30 a.m. ~ People of God 10:30 a.m. ~ Ray Tanguay ✝ READINGS FOR THE WEEK 12 April 2015 thru 19 April 2015 Monday: April 13 St. Martin I, pope & martyr 8:30 a.m. ~ Cesar Castillo ✝ & Jonathan Wilson ✝ ! SUNDAY: ! ! MONDAY: Acts 4:32-35; Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24; ! 1 Jn 5:1-6; Jn 20:19-31 !Acts 4:23-31; Ps 2:1-3, 4-9; Jn 3:1-8 TUESDAY: ! Acts 4:32-37; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Jn 3:7b-15 Tuesday: April 14 WEDNESDAY: ! Acts 5:17-26; Ps 34:2-9; Jn 3:16-21 Easter Weekday THURSDAY: 8:30 a.m. ~ Andrew & Virginia Rabiansky ✝ ! Wednesday: April 15 ! Acts 5:34-42; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Jn 6:1-15 SATURDAY: Easter Weekday 8:30 a.m. ~ The Fowler Family !Acts 5:27-33; Ps 34:2, 9, 17-20; Jn 3:31-36 FRIDAY:! ! SUNDAY: ! !Acts 6:1-7; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19; Jn 6:16-21 ! Acts 3:13-15, 17-19; Ps 4:2, 4, 7-9; ! 1 Jn 2:1-5a; Lk 24:35-48 Living & Deceased PRAISE ✠ WORSHIP ✠ ADORATION PLUS RECONCILIATION Thursday: April 16 OUR LORD IS WAITING TO SPEND TIME WITH YOU! TUESDAY: APRIL 14TH Easter Weekday 8:30 a.m. ~ Stan & Lillian Marszlek ✝ FROM 7:00 P.M. UNTIL 9:00 P.M. NO RSVP IS NECESSARY FOR ADORATION Friday: April 17 Easter Weekday 8:30 a.m. ~ Communion Service Saturday: April 18 Vigil of the Third Sunday of Easter 5:30 p.m. ~ Staff of Coastal Dermatology ! Sunday: April 19 ON TUESDAY EVENING: APRIL 14TH AT 6:00 p.m. Christ Our Redeemer provides a free dinner in the Parish Hall for YAM otherwise known as Young Adults Ministry which is followed by Praise & Worship in the Church and spend intimate time with Our Lord! The Young Adults are asked to R.S.V.P. for dinner to Adam Ubowski at coryoungadult@gmail.com! Third Sunday of Easter 7:30 a.m. ~ People of God 10:30 a.m. ~ Manuel Garcia ✝ Parish “Prayer Line” For Prayer Requests Call: BETH McDONALD at 897-0549 DEPLOYED MILITARY: Colleen & Robin Murray - Ricky Miller ! ! Capt. Justin Saunders SERVING MISSIONS IN AFRICA: Molly McCormick ✝ FAITHFUL DEPARTED: Kim Blaklak ✝ ~ for her family & friends Wolfgang & Gertrude Geiberger - Kevyn - Nancy Duke - Guy Jordan Rosa & Arthur Culver - Becky Sobel - Mary Frances Fuller Edward Jarzabek - James Whitmarsh - Bernice Huyser - Nancy Kirk Beverly Wheat - Jose Antonio Lefran - Marcie Norris - Joyce Scovel Mary Lou Alvadj - David Hartline - Ruby Liberatori - Nancy Grigsby Father Kevin Johnson - Shirley Ocker - Kelly Chamberlain - Steve Lillian Rusonis - Harry Kinzler - Kelly Walter - Dianne Goldberg Sally Livingston - Mikayla Crony - Bud Roepkin - Patrick Robinson Dale Peterson - Jean Richey - Baby Emma & Baby Zoey - Bill Kirk Donna Wiens - Don Riggs - Pat Garrity - Tag Bailey - Flinn Family Candice - Maddie Bunner - Bill Horsely - Tristan May - Marco Lugo Father V.A. Bracamonte - Joseph North - Pat Brooks - Pete Blaise Pat Kramer Treasures for Our Lord ~ 5 APRIL 2015 To our visitors & our members . . . thank you for your generosity Weekend & Office donations for operating Parish $19,348.75 On-Line Donations $4,002.00 Total Received $23,350.75 WEEK AT A GLANCE WELCOME WEEKEND SATURDAY APR 11TH & SUNDAY APR 12TH Sunday Apr 12th at 2:00 p.m. ~ Bible Study “The Prophets” Monday Apr 13th at 9:10 a.m. ~ Monday Morning Coffee Monday Apr 13th at 6:30 p.m. ~ R.C.I.A. Tuesday Apr 14th at 9:30 a.m. ~ “The Joy of the Gospel” Wednesday Apr 15th at 9:15 a.m. ~ Ignatian Exercises Wednesday Apr 15th at 5:30 p.m. ~ EDGE & LifeTeen Classes Thursday Apr 16th at 7:00 p.m. ~ Fourth Degree KofC Mtg DIVINE MERCY or Second Sunday of Easter ! ! ! ❖ ❖ ❖ APRIL 12 ~ 2015 ❖ WE WELCOME RALPH BLESSINGS ~ APPRECIATION AND . . . to our parish staff. He is our facilities maintenance person ensuring our church property and equipment is retained in quality condition for parishioners, guests and visitors. Many thanks to all who were at 1028 White Point Road on Holy Saturday to transform the church into its Easter splendor! Your time, talent, muscles and encouragement is evident and greatly appreciated by the Arts and Environment Committee and all those who will enjoy the beauty of Easter in our church this joyful season! PENSACOLA-TALLAHASSEE DIOCESAN EVENTS DIOCESE AT: www.ptdiocese.org AND MANY MORE THROUGHOUT DIOCESAN COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN 40TH ANNUAL CONVENTION Saturday, April 25th ~ at Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Pensacola. Theme: "Our Family- Our Future" and guest speakers are: Dr. Tom Neal, Academic Dean at Notre ! Dame Seminary, New Orleans; Sister Margaret Kuntz, ASCJ, Diocesan Office of Faith Formation and Sheila Hopkins, NCCW President-elect. For more information, contact Cynthia Lacour at 492-9911 or Kay Hale at Sacred Heart 850-438-3131, ext.13 or at 850-889-5432 or Lkhale@bellsouth.net. AWARD WINNING CHRISTIAN RECORDING ARTIST AMY GRANT to perform in concert benefitting St. John the Evangelist Catholic School and Catholic education. The concert will be held Friday, June 5, 2015, beginning at 7:30 p.m. at the Marina Civic Center, 8 Harrison Avenue, Panama City Concert tickets can be purchased at: www.marinaciviccenter.com, or call (850) 763-4696. Make plans to attend and support Catholic education. DID YOU KNOW? There are four active regions for Young Catholic Adult activities: ! Pensacola Catholic Young Adults " Emerald Coast Catholic Young Adult Ministry " (Mary Esther/Fort Walton Beach/Niceville) " Panhandle Catholic Young Adults (Panama City) " Frassati Society of Tallahassee, FL TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION When we imagine the disciples cowering behind locked doors on the first Easter, it is a matter of the greatest urgency that the doors get opened. They are not locked in as if in prison; rather, they have chosen to marinate in fear. Both the lock and the key stand on their side of the door, in their control. Christ breaks through this significant barrier with a message of "Peace." The risen Lord's word propels them through the door and along the path leading to the consoling image of the community living in harmony in the first reading today. What do we pray for in our tradition? More than anything else, we pray for peace. Every Mass is an earnest prayer for peace with God, with self, with neighbor, and for peace in the world. Yet, curiously, the peace Christ offers is deeper than the mere absence of conflict. Our tradition treasures the memories of saints who were remarkably open to Christ's gift of peace even in the maelstroms of history. St. Edith Stein and St. Maximillian Kolbe, martyrs of the Holocaust, are but two examples. At the eye of a fearful storm, they stand as witnesses to the power of Christ's rising in our lives. --Rev. James Field, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. NEXT WEEKEND’S BULLETIN DEADLINE IS MONDAY April 13th at 12 noon ~ coroffice@gmail.com KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 13527 INFORMATION ▶ CALENDAR ITEMS: Apr 16th - Fourth Degree meets in Hall ~ 7:00 p.m. Apr 19th - Rosary ~ 10:00 a.m. / Corp. Communion ~ 10:30 a.m. ! Knights in Polos Apr 19th - Wives Appreciation Lunch @ Joey’s Grill ~ 12 noon Apr 23rd - Executive Committee at COR ~ 7:00 p.m. May 7th - General Assembly (Officer Nomination) ~ 7:00 p.m. ▶ JOIN THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS ... ... ... If you are not a member of Council 13527, why not? ….. POC: Grand Knight Andy Balding at 496-0439 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIPS Deadline date for receipt of applications: Friday, 17 April 2015. For more info please contact: Kevin Knebl 897-3675 or kknebl@cox.net Four $500.00 scholarships are available – two for Catholic students & two for students of any faith based on student academic achievement, church/community activities, future academic potential, & overall citizenship. CHRIST OUR REDEEMER CCW 10TH ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS Deadline: Wednesday, April 15, 2015 to to submit completed application and paperwork. Applications available at the parish office but not on line for two $750 scholarships Awards for parish women seeking higher education will be announced in May. If you have questions please contact COR CCW Scholarship Committee Chair Dee Purka at deepurka@gmail.com RICE BOWLS FOR CRS ... Please return your “Rice Bowls” A.S.A.P. to the basket in the Narthex Thanks and God Bless you for your donations. UMBRELLAS ~ NIKE’S ~ FLIP-FLOPS ~ SKIRT ~ ETC !!! A few of many items that resides in the “Lost & Found” box under the water fountain by the Parish Office. If you think you misplaced your belongings at the church or parish hall, stop by the office Monday thru Thursday from 9:15 a.m. until 2:15 p.m. and check out the “Lost & Found” box. Do not call asking the office staff to check “Lost & Found” for you. All items that have not been claimed by Thursday, April 23rd will go in the dumpster. DIVINE MERCY or Second Sunday of Easter ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ APRIL 12 ~ 2015 ! EASTER FLOWERS Donated By: In Memory Of: Greg Muntzner & Maryann Koechel Jake & Dorothy Vallimont Chris & Mary Beth Krenek Bob & Sharon Hargreaves Dick & Patty Harp Lillian Rusonis Rod & Suzie Culkin Grace ~ Paul ~ Teresa ~ Jerry Koechel ✝ Kimberly Vallimont ✝ {Our Daughter} Frank & Emily Waits ✝ James H. Lea ✝ Fr. James Manley Jr. ✝ {Fr. Jamie} Joel & Stanley Rusonis ✝ Charles & Helen Culkin ✝ ! Grace & Jack Starr ! ! ! ! Grace & John Cutrer ✝ Aletha & Jack Starr (First) ✝ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! In Thanksgiving ! ! ! Donated By: James & Joyce McCarthy Marcie & Bill Norris Barbara Vanderbeek For Easter Flowers: ! Dr. & Mrs. Joe Agostinelli Rozborski Family Glen Prescott & Sylviz Diaz Bob & Sharon Hargreaves Nancy Kirk Vicki Remington David & Sylvia Newnom (In Honor of Our Military) DONATIONS TO ! ! ! ! ! ! THE FLOWER FUND for MONTHS of FEBRUARY ❖ MARCH & APRIL Paul & Carol Giguere Rick & Marcy Spitznagel Steve Claude & Carmen Marshall-Claude Mr. & Mrs. James McCarthy Mark & Cathy Demoreski Mr. & Mrs. Ken Swank Mr. & Mrs. Vinh Nguyen Jim & Lea Shelingoski ! Dr. & Mrs. Joe Agostinelli Charles Bobier ! Marcie Norris Vicki Remington Donna Clark ! Diane Mitchell Bob & Sharon Hargreaves Rozborski Family Peter & Denise Riley Glen Prescott & Sylviz Diaz Robert & Dr. Mary Schwartz Donald & Mary Frances Fuller (In Honor of Blessed Mother) (In Honor of Police / Firemen / Paramedics) (In Memory of Allan Porter ✝) (In Memory of Anna Myhra ✝) (In Memory of Vicki’ Husband ~ Gordon ✝) (In Memory of Donna’s Mother~ Gloria Abate ✝) (In Memory of Mom ~ Germaine Courchene ✝) March 14th-15th (In Memory of Russell & Mary Hargreaves ✝) DIVINE MERCY or Second Sunday of Easter ! ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ APRIL 12 ~ 2015 INFORMATION / GUIDELINES FOR RECEPTION OF SACRAMENTS AT CHRIST OUR REDEEMER SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE SACRAMENT OF THE SICK Anointing . . . . . . . . . Request by calling the Parish Office Call the Parish Office to schedule an appointment with the pastor before Parishioners who are facing surgery setting a Wedding Date. or struggling with serious illness may ➤ Arrangements must be made SIX request this sacrament from Father MONTHS in ADVANCE of anticipated Wedding Date. Bob at any time. ➤ Registration for & the completion of marriage preparation program are required to be married by a Catholic priest. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Prior to setting a Baptism date for your child, please call the parish office at 897-7797: ➤ to register for required class ➤ to complete necessary paperwork One of the godparents: ➤ must be baptized ➤ confirmed & ➤ a practicing Catholic who is sixteen years of age or older Sacramental Preparation for Confirmation & Eucharist Must attend minimum of 75% of BOTH RE Classes & Sacramental Prep Classes for info: call Parish Office at 897-7797 CHRIST OUR REDEEMER MINISTRIES WITH DAY & TIMES AND POINTS OF CONTACT WITH PHONE NUMBERS CATHOLIC EDUCATION: Religious Education: (Grades PreK-5)! Lisa Hall: 897-7797 Youth Ministry: (Grades 9-12) Carmen Marshall-Claude: 897-7797 Youth Ministry: (Grades 6-8)! Dalane Fox: 897-7797 Sacramental Catechesis: Lisa Hall: 897-7797 Rite of Christian Initiation: ! Deacon Jim Murray: 974-1033 Bible Study: ! Deacon Bill Schaal: 897-3949 Michele McCormick: 897-2372 Sue Marco: 897-5609 Ignatian Exercises: Maurie Ockerman: 897-1463 CATHOLIC ENRICHMENT Prayer Line: ! Charismatic Renewal: Communion & Liberation: Cursillo:! Respect Life: Sun: 8:45-10:00 a.m. Wed: 5:30-7:30 p.m. Wed: 5:30-7:30 p.m. Check Bulletin or Call Mon.: 5:30-7:30 p.m. Sun.: Tue.: Tue.: Wed.: 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. 9:30-11:00 a.m. 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. 9:10-11:30 a.m. Beth McDonald: Maurie Ockerman: Pam Deloach: Annette North: Michele McCormick: 897-0549 897-1463 897-3413 897-3783 897-2372 CATHOLIC LITURGY Music: ! Adam Ubowski: 897-7797 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Deacon Nolla: 897-6885 Lectors & Altar Svrs: Tom Toltzien: 897-5789 Altar Svrs: Deacon Murray: 974-1033 Sacristans: Patty Harp: 897-5887 Ushers / Greeters: Adolph Fejfar: 897-2586 Art & Environment: Michele McCormick: 897-2372 ! Carmen Marshall-Claude: 678-9372 FYI: CATHOLIC FELLOWSHIP Donut Brigade: ! Sun: after 7:30 & 10:30 Masses Donna & Ron Quinn: 897-2342 Welcome Committee: ! Sun: 1st Wkend at all Masses Colleen Miller: 678-2116 Single-Divorced-Widowed: 4th Sun: after 10:30 Mass Barbara Vanderbeek: 897-6551 Playgroup-4-Kids-&-Moms: Tue.: 9:30-11:00 a.m. Sarah Dieterich: 897-3795 Parish Socials Ministry: Whenever Scheduled - Check Bulletin Contact: Monday Morning Coffee: Mon.: 9:10 a.m. til CATHOLIC OUTREACH & FELLOWSHIP Knights of Columbus: ! Thu.: 1st Wk of Month Andy Balding: 496-0439 Council of Catholic Women: Fri.: 1st Wk of Month Nancy Morris: 897-4648 Priscilla Circle: ! Wed.: 3rd Wk of Month Rebecca Coley: !618-409-6850 Young Adult Ministry: ! Tue.: 2nd Wk of Month Adam Ubowski:! 897-7797 CATHOLIC OUTREACH Bereavement Ministry: Elder Outreach: ! St. Vincent de Paul:! KoC Outreach (Elderly): Habitat for Humanity: ! Sue Marco: Beth McDonald: Sharon Hargreaves: Patty Harp: Ron Rabiansky: Nitsi Bennett: COUNCILS & COMMITTEES Pastoral: Finance:! Faith Engaged: 897-5609 897-0549 279-6337 897-5887 897-3493 315-0025 Jeanette Schaal: 897-3949 Adam Dieterich: 897-3795 Pat Brennan: 897-1163 Christ Our Redeemer Parish’s website is www.corcatholic.org PARISH VISION STATEMENT: “Christ Our Redeemer Catholic Parish is: An open, diverse and vibrant Christ-centered family, inspired by the Holy Spirit to nurture and share our faith through celebration of the Eucharist, prayer, education, outreach and community.” PARISH MISSION STATEMENT: “We, the parish of Christ Our Redeemer, are called to love God, act as stewards of Christ and trust in the Lord to nurture our faith through His Presence in the Eucharist.” VICTIMS OF ABUSE: The Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee is committed to healing the hurting hearts of sexual abuse victims and has established Victims Assistance Coordinators who are experienced and trained counselors and are available to help persons who have been sexually abused. The Coordinator for the Pensacola/Ft. Walton Beach area is: Louis M. Makarowski Ph.D.; P.A. at 850-477-7181
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