POULTRY SHOWING CLASSES SATURDAY 20 TH JUNE, 2015. th ENTRIES CLOSE FRI. 5 JUNE, 2015. NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED. Rules 1. All Birds must be penned by 10.00am. Judging will commence at 11.00am sharp. 2. Access to the judging area is restricted to the judge and stewards. 3. It is a condition of entry that no bird may be removed before 5.00pm. and must be removed before 6.00pm. 4. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to enter all exhibits in correct class. 5. The breed name for each exhibit must be given on entry form. 6. If there are 5 or more birds exhibited of any one breed in a class, a separate class will be staged. Less than 3 the class will be amalgamated into joint male and female. 7. No responsibility will be taken by The Cork Summer Show for lost Exhibits 8. Birds showing signs of illness will be removed by the Head Steward from the tent with no refund of entry fees. 9. All cheques/postal orders are to be made payable to Cork Summer Show. Please State breed of bird on entry form. Hard Feather Asil Indian Game Old English Game Shamo Modern Game Malay Jubilee Indial Game True Bantam Pekin Dutch Japanese Sebright Rosecomb POULTRY BREED CLASSIFICATIONS Light Soft Feather Heavy Soft Feather Ancona Australop Aracuna Barnvelder Hamburg Brahama Leghorn Croad Langsham Minorcan Dorkings Silkie Vavorelles Poland Frizzles Scots Grey Marans Vonwerk Orpington Scots Dumpy Plymouth Rock Sultan Rhode Island red Sussex Wyandotte Welsummer Large Waterfowl Bantam Waterfowl Aylsesbury Black East Indian Call Campbell Crested Miniature Cayuga Appleyard (Silver) Muscovy Silver Bantam Pekin Saxony Indian Runner Bali Rouen Silver Appleyard ENTRY FEE: All Classes €3.00 PRIZES: 1st €10, 2nd €8, 3rd €5 Champion €25 Reserve Champion €10 IMPORTANT NOTICE ADMISSION TO THE SHOW Exhibitors allowed credits (see table) against entry feed and everyone will pay at the gate. No free passes will be issued but their value may be credited against entry fees at the time of making entries and before the closing date of 5th June. THE FOLLOWING DEDUCTIONS MAY BE MADE: Entries valued @ €20 – Deduct €15 from entry fees (Cost of admission for 1) Entries valued @ €40 – Deduct €30 from entry fees (Cost of admission for 2) Entries valued @ €60 & over – Deduct €45 from entry fees (Cost of admission for 3) Poultry Classes 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 Bantam Hard Feather Bantam Heavy Soft Feather Bantam Light Soft Feather True Bantam Large Hard Feather Large Heavy Soft Feather Pure Breed Duck Mixed Breed Duck Large Light Soft Feather Large Waterfowl Bantam Waterfowl Any Pure Breed of Fowl exhibited by a child under 14 yrs of age Any Non Pure Breed of Fowl exhibited by a child under 14 yrs of age.
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