Schedule for our 3rd Show Saturday 9th & Sunday 10th May 2015 Southern Trust Event Centre Aorangi Park Morgan’s Rd Timaru Best Bird in Show 2014 Barry Benseman’s Spangle Hard Feather Bantam Entries close April 24th 2015 Entries to D. Phipps 804 Seafield Rd, Rd7 Ashburton 7777 Or email Thank you For printing our schedule and for your support. ++Marked Catalogue will be full colour ++ Order now with entries for $4.00 Heartland Officials President & Show manager – Stu Phipps Vice president – Simon Raisbeck Show secretary / Secretary - Debbie Phipps Treasurer – Warren Duffy Stu 0274339066 Debbie 0272918070 Simon - 02102543751 Judges Hard Feather Fowl & Bantam – Malcolm Syme ( Shannon ) Heavy Breed – John Taylor ( Ashburton ) Light Breed – Michael Ashton ( Waipukurau ) Fancy bantam ex Pekins – Alan Jones ( Australia ) Pekins – Steven Cox ( Australia ) Waterfowl – Ian Dukker ( Hamilton ) Pigeons – Barry Rae ( Oamaru ) Cage birds – Bruce Karton ( Timaru ) Egg ( P )Junior/children – Karen Taylor ( Ashburton ) Entries Entries close April 24th 2015. Send to D. Phipps 804 Seafield Rd Rd7 Ashburton 7777 or email An exhibitor’s fee or A Friends membership to Heartland Poultry Club Inc. must be paid with your entry to make you eligible to win the major prize money. Option 1. Pay an Exhibitors fee of $15 and pay $1.50 per bird entered. Option 2. Join Heartland poultry club Inc. as a friend - See form attached to back of schedule and pay $1.50 per bird entered. Free newsletter and invitations to events. Option 3. Non-member - $3 per bird entered. Not eligible for any prize money. Birds will still be judged for best bird in show however will NOT be eligible for the prize money. JUNIORS – FREE to belong to Heartland poultry club Inc. $1 per entry Eggs & Cage birds $1 per entry to exhibitors & friends Non-members $2 per entry We are thrilled to be holding our show at the prestigious Southern Trust Event Centre. We ask you to please respect the stadium floor and not drag boxes (Please use trolleys provided) We have a storage area where we would like you to please store all carry boxes. No carry boxes to be stored under trestles. Map to The Southern Trust Event Centre Aorangi Park is on the back of schedule. Entrance for benching is through the large roller doors not through the main entrance. Benching 2pm till 9pm - Friday 8th We are trying a NEW IDEA - Saturday 9th Benching from 6 .30am – 8am At 8am ALL BIRDS NOT BENCHED WILL BE REMOVED and will not be judged. NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE NO EXCUSSES NO EXCEPTIONS Free Tea, Coffee, sandwiches and hot savouries available on benching night for owners & wheat provided for birds. Arrangement for birds sent for penning by absentee owner can be accommodated Debenching is Sunday 10th at 2pm Accommodation - Book FAST as it is a Busy weekend in Timaru Saturday Night Dinner and Awards Please join us in a fun night. Meet for drinks at 6pm. Our dinner on Saturday night will be held at Garlic and Ginger. 335 Stafford St – Heartland sign on footpath as venue is upstairs. Dinner at 6.45. After dinner we will be announcing the winner of Best in Show. We will also be presenting all the major prize money as well as presenting The SI Championship. Dinner is a 3 course $40 meal. To be paid with your entries please. FORMS FOR NUMBERS ATTENDING ARE ATTACHED TO THE ENTRIES FORMS Contact Greg & Cheryl 03 325 1236 / 027 349 7801 Order Online @ Prize list $1000 for Best Bird in Show $200 Best Heavy breed $100 Reserve Heavy breed $200 Best Light breed $100 Reserve Light breed $200 Best Fancy bantam $100 Reserve Fancy bantam $150 Best Hard Feather bantam $75 Reserve Hard Feather bantam $100 Best Hard Feather Fowl $50 Reserve Hard Feather Fowl $150 Best Waterfowl $75 Reserve Waterfowl $100 Best Pigeon $50 Reserve Pigeon $150 Best Cage bird $75 Reserve Cage bird $50 Best Junior $25 Reserve Junior Every Winner of a South Island Championship Wins 20KG Bag of Feed Peerless Trophy – Best 3 Pullets for either Light or Heavy Breed. Sashes awarded for Best and Reserve of each section. Rosette for Best of Breed in each section. Ord The UPFA - Rosette Best Fancy Pigeon & The NZ Pekin club Rosette - Best Pekin Kay Sangster donated a prize for Best Prepared Pekin As we are hosting a special Red Ribbon Event for Pekins there are medals for Best of each colour and extra prize money. For a full list please visit our website Thanks to Kay Sangster, Stu Atkin, Peter Lyall & Stu and Debbie Phipps for Sponsoring the Red Ribbon Pekin Event. Show Weekend Format - PENNING BIRDS – we are trying something new. Friday 8th 2pm – 9pm Tea, coffee, sandwiches & hot savouries available. Wheat for birds will be available. Saturday 9th Benching Birds 6.30 – 8am NO LATER 8 am is cut off, any birds not benched will be put out the back until after judging. NO EXCUSSES NO EXCEPTIONS 8.15am Judges and Steward briefing 8.30am Judging begins 9am Opening to the public and exhibitors 2pm Auction starts NO PRESALES 5pm Show closes 6pm Meet for drinks at Ginger & Garlic 6.45pm Dinner @ Ginger & Garlic Birds will be feed quality Central stock feed while at the show. Sunday 10th 9am Show opens/bird sales start 10am Pekin Seminar with Kay Sangster - Book in with entries $10 1.45pm Raffle drawn and announced 2pm Debench – please take care you get correct birds. There is free tea and coffee available all day in social area, as well as a kids area and TV playing poultry &bird video. We would like to thank our sponsors and ask for you to support them as they support us. Ribbon and rosette sponsors – How’s This For Pets, Timaru Family Vet, DCS - Dynamic Computing Services, Temuka transport, McRaeway Homes & Topflite Other sponsors - Talley’s, Aoraki Trust, Tim Harris Fencing, Quigley Contractors, Central Stock Feeds, Farmlands Temuka, McDonalds, Feedmix Ltd, Rainer Irrigation, Ray White, Timaru Toyota, Timaru Harvey Norman Heartland Poultry Club Inc. Show rules and regulations 1. A junior exhibitor has to have attained the age of 8 years and under the age of 17 years at the start of the show. Any junior living in the same house as a senior and exhibiting the same breed or variety can only show as an open exhibitor. 2. Children under the age of 8 at the start of the show. 3. Birds are to be penned between 2pm and 9 pm on the Friday night or Saturday morning between 6.30 and 8am shut off is FINAL 4. Birds shall only be feed hard grains as supplied by the club on penning. 5. Birds will be watered and feed by the club while at the show. 6. Permission is given to move winning birds onto The Champion Row. This shall be done by members of the show committee. 7. Eggs will be collected and destroyed by club. 8. No person other than the judge in his own section is permitted to handle any birds at the show without the consent of the show manager. 9. Exhibitors who do not receive prize money or sale bird money is not received within 1 month after the show is requested to communicate with the secretary of the Association who will bring the matter before the committee. 10. All exhibits to be bona fide property of the exhibitor at the time entries are received. 11. If you do not want your name and contact details in the catalogue please state on entry form. 12. Cockerels and pullets must be hatched after 30th June of the previous year. 13. If birds are wrong classed they will be excluded from judging and entry fee forfeited. 14. No birds to be removed from show before 2pm on the Sunday. 15. Best bird in show judging is done under tight supervision. All judges’ sheets will be displayed on the Saturday for everyone to see the results. All birds are eligible to be judged. Prize money will NOT be paid if the exhibitor has not paid an exhibitor fee or joined the Heartland poultry club Inc. 16. Egg section has some novelty sections in it and these sections may be judged by unqualified egg judges. 17. Birds found to be infested with pests and disease will be excluded from the competition. 18. No person other than a judge can use a judging stick at any time. 19. All Old English Game Male birds who are either undubbed or show signs of recent dubbing will be removed from the show benches. 20. AOC birds in classes – please state colour and AOB please state breed. 21. This show is held under the rules and regulations of the NZ (SI) poultry, pigeon and cage bird ass. ( INC) 22. An American Show Racer is a Fancy Pigeon to be rung with a sealed ring for young bird classes, sold by a recognised Fancy Pigeon Club or Association and is to be entered in the Fancy Pigeon section and judged by the officiating Fancy Pigeon section judge.” 23. A colour class homer is a homing pigeon to be rung with a sealed ring sold by a recognised homing pigeon club or association. They are to be entered in the homing pigeon colour classes and judged by the officiating judge for the homing pigeon colour class. 24. Homing pigeon winning prize money in mileage classes must be certified as having flown the distance. A copy of these certificates must be sent in with the entries. 25. All racing pigeon must be rung with sealed life rings, a race pigeon is allowed to have an electronic recording ring as well as a sealed ring. 26. All judges are to carry a current standard for the section they are judging. 27. Any protests must be in writing delivered to the show secretary prior to 5pm on the first day of the show. A deposit of $50 is to accompany any protest and this will be refunded if the protest is up held. 28. This schedule is approved by the New Zealand( South Island ) Poultry, Pigeon and Cage bird Association Inc. Secretary Mrs Karen Cardno 7 John St, Ocean View Dunedin 9035 phone 034811041 29. Sale birds – this year we are holding an auction, see attachment. Cage Bird Championship Heavy Breed Championship SI Champ Canary – Mule or Hybrid SI Champ Female - Orpington, Blue SI Champ Chaffinch SI Champ Budgie CYCR Hard Feather Bantam Championship Light Breed Championship SI Champ Indian Game Male SI Champ Female Aracana Fancy Bantam Championships SI Champ Female – Minorca SI Champ Male Rosecomb, Black SI Champ Male – Faverolles SI Champ Male Pekin, Black Pigeon Championships SI Champ Female Pekin, Buff or Cinnamon SI Champ Male West of England SI Champ Both Pekin, Columbian SI Champ Male Nun SI Champ Both Pekin, Birchen SI Champ Female Magpie SI Champ Both Wyndotte, Columbian Waterfowl Championship SI Champ Male Cayuga SI Champ Female AOC Pekin Quigley Contracting Ashburton Ord SPONOSRED Temuka Transport BY SPONSORED Temuka Transport BY SI Champ Female incl Lavender SI Champ Female Peerless Trophy Hard Feather Fowl Cock Hen Ckl B/ Red or L/ Red Partridge or Wheaten Duckwing Pile OEG AOC AOB Hard Feather 1 LIGHT BREED Cock Hen Ckl Plt Ancona Aracana, Lavender 21 25 24 Aracana, AOC 29 Andalusian Hamburg, AOC Campine Leghorn, White Leghorn, Brown Leghorn, AOC Minorca 33 37 41 45 49 53 57 34 38 42 46 50 54 Silkie, White Silkie, Black Silkie, AOC Light Breed AOB 3 Pullets 61 65 69 73 5 9 13 17 2 3 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 7 11 15 19 23 27 31 4 8 12 16 20 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 58 35 39 43 47 51 55 59 62 66 70 74 63 67 71 75 64 68 72 76 78 State Colour State Breed State Colour State Colour State Colour 60 77 M/F Guinea Fowl Plt State Colour State Breed State Breed SPONSORED BY McRaeway Homes HEAVY BREED Cock Hen Ckl Plt 100 104 101 105 109 102 106 SI Champ Male Australorp Barnevelder Faverolles Orpington, Black Orpington, Blue 112 116 113 115 117 114 118 Orpington Buff Orpington, AOC Plymouth Rock Barred Plymouth Rock - AOC Rhode Island Red Sussex, Light Sussex, Coronation Sussex, AOC Wyandotte, Golden Wyandotte, Silver Wyandotte, AOC Heavy Breed, AOB 3 Pullets 120 124 128 121 125 129 122 126 130 123 127 131 132 136 140 144 148 152 156 160 164 133 137 141 145 149 153 157 161 165 134 138 142 146 150 154 158 162 166 135 139 143 147 151 155 159 163 167 Hard Feather Bantam Cock Hen Ckl Plt Black Black Red Partridge Light Red Wheaten Blue Red Duckwing Spangle Brassy Back OEG Bantam AOC 168 172 170 173 Modern Game Indian Game 201 AOB Hard Feather SI Champ Female Peerless Trophy SPONSORED BY Topflite SI Champ Indian Game Male 108 110 103 107 111 119 77 169 174 176 State Colour State Colour State Colour State Breed State Breed 171 175 178 183 187 191 195 199 180 184 188 192 196 200 203 204 205 202 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 181 185 189 193 197 State Colour 179 182 186 190 194 198 State Colour SPONSORED BY How’s this for pets Waterfowl Over 12 Drake SI Champ Male Cayuga Khaki Campbell Indian Runner Pekin Muscovy Orpington Duck AOB SPONSORED BY Under 12 Drake 213 Over 12 Duck 214 215 Under 12 Duck 216 217 221 225 229 233 237 218 222 226 230 234 238 219 223 227 231 235 239 220 224 228 232 236 240 FANCY BANTAM Cock Hen Ckl Plt Ancona Australorp Leghorn AC Minorca Pekin, Black 300 304 308 312 303 307 311 315 319 SI Champ Both Pekin, Blue Pekin, Buff or Cinnamon Pekin, Columbian SI Champ Both Dynamic Computer Solutions SI Champ Male SI Champ Female SI Champ Female SI Champ Male 301 305 309 313 317 302 306 310 314 320 324 321 323 325 322 326 328 329 330 331 Pekin, Cuckoo Pekin, Birchen 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 Pekin, Red Pekin, Brassy back, Pole cat, Furnace Pekin, Mottle Pekin, Splash Pekin, Partridge/Silver Pen Pekin, Colour Underdevelopment Pekin, Wheaten Pekin, White Pekin, AOC 340 344 341 345 342 346 343 347 348 352 356 349 353 357 350 354 358 351 355 359 360 361 362 363 364 368 372 365 369 366 370 374 367 371 Rhode Island Red 376 378 Rosecomb, Black 380 377 381 382 379 383 Rosecomb AOC Sebright 384 388 385 389 386 390 387 391 316 373 318 State Breed State Colour 327 375 State Colour SPONSORED BY FANCY BANTAM continued Cock Hen Ckl Plt Wyndotte, Partridge Wyndotte, Silver Pencilled Wyndotte, Columbian Wyandotte, White Wyandotte, AOC Fancy Bantam AOB 392 396 393 397 394 398 395 399 400 401 402 403 404 408 412 405 409 413 406 410 414 407 411 415 PIGEONS Old Old Y Y Cock Hen Cock Hen 450 454 458 462 466 470 474 SI Champ Male Fantail, White Fantail, AOC Jacobin Helmet AOB Muff AOB Clean Leg Modena AC West of England SI Champ Male Nun 478 482 SI Champ Female Magpie Best $20.00 Best $20.00 Dynamic Computer Solutions SI Champ Both SPONSORED BY How’s This For Pets Best $20.00 Best $20.00 Best 20.00 451 455 459 463 467 471 475 479 452 456 460 464 468 472 476 453 457 461 465 469 473 477 481 State Colour State Breed State Colour 483 480 484 486 487 488 489 Tumbler A/V A/C 490 491 492 493 Homer - American Show A/C AOV - Fancy Pigeon 494 495 496 497 State Colour/breed State Colour 498 499 500 501 State Breed 502 503 504 505 State Colour HOMING PIGEONS Coloured Racing Pigeon AOC 485 Thank you to Allister Bull for sponsoring the Pigeon Prize Money SPONSORED BY How’s this for pets SI Champ SI Champ SI Champ CAGE BIRDS Cock Hen CYCRC CRCYH Green Series Budgerigars Blue Series Budgerigars Grey or Grey Green Budgerigar Opaline Series Budgerigar Pink Eye Budgerigar Pied Budgerigar Greywing, Clearwing, or Cinnamon Budgerigar Any CYCR AOC Budgerigar Any Yorkshire Canary Any Norwich Canary Any Border Canary Any Glouster Canary Canary - Colour fed Canary – NON colour fed Canary – AOV 508 512 516 520 524 528 532 509 513 517 521 525 529 533 510 514 518 522 526 530 534 511 515 519 523 527 531 535 538 542 546 550 554 558 562 567 M/F 571 539 543 547 551 555 559 563 568 536 540 544 548 552 556 560 564 569 537 541 545 549 553 557 561 565 570 Hen 578 582 586 590 CYCRC 579 583 587 591 CYCRH 580 584 588 592 Canary – Mule or Hybrid Chaffinch Goldfinch Greenfinch Redpoll British Bird AOB Any Zebra AOV Finch AOV Not Parrot Family AV Parrot incl Parakeet 572 573 574 575 576 Cock 577 581 585 589 Sponsored By Timaru’s Family Vet ROSETTE ROSETTE ROSETTE ROSETTE JUNIORS Cock Hen Ckl Plt Light Breed Heavy Breed Fancy Bantam AB Hard Feather Bantam 781 785 789 793 782 786 790 794 783 787 791 795 ROSETTE AV / AC Pigeon 780 784 788 792 Any sex 796 Drake Over 12m Duck Over 12m Drake Under 12m Duck Under 12m 797 Any sex 801 798 799 800 ROSETTE Waterfowl AB ROSETTE Cage bird SPONSORED BY How’s this for pets Best Certificate Best Certificate Best Certificate CHILDRENS Male Female Poultry AB Bantam AB Cage bird 802 804 806 803 805 807 SPONSORED BY Topflite Best $10 Best $10 Best $10 Best $10 EGGS Poultry eggs (3 ) Bantam Eggs (3 ) Waterfowl Eggs ( 3 ) Coloured/Tinted (3 ) 810 811 812 813 Aged 16 - 99 Best $20 Certificate Best $20 Certificate Best $20 Certificate Painted Egg/s ( 1 – 6 ) Decorated Egg/Eggs (1–6) Displayed Egg/Eggs (1–6) 814 815 816 Aged 10 - 15 Best $10 Certificate Best $10 Certificate Best $10 Certificate Painted Egg/s ( 1 – 6 ) Decorated Egg/Eggs (1–6) Displayed Egg/Eggs (1–6) 817 818 819 Aged under 9 Best Certificate Best Certificate Best Certificate Painted Egg/s ( 1 – 6 ) Decorated Egg/Eggs (1–6) Displayed Egg/Eggs (1–6) 820 821 822 National Show Timaru – 2019 Yes we will be changing our show date and yes it will be at The Fabulous Southern Trust Event Centre Timaru. Single tier show guaranteed. First Judges booked already. EGG COMPETITION RULES Painted Egg/Eggs These eggs are painted with any of the usual media, oil, inks, water colours etc. There must be NO other adornment what so ever to provide texture not even beads for eyes. Decorated Egg/Eggs Here the egg is often painted in addition there is other decoration. In ALL cases the egg must be seen and its shape recognisable. Decoration can take form as cardboard, beads, jewels, shells etc. Displayed Egg/Eggs Unlike the other classes this is usually for several eggs. The eggs themselves must be unadorned. Exhibit consists of suitably chosen materials i.e. flowers, bark, straw, cardboard etc. that serves to highlight the clutch of eggs within the arrangement. Different colour eggs will not be penalised. Any questions please phone Debbie 033085795 (work) Or home 03 3023760 (weekends only) Heartland poultry committee welcomes anyone who would like to join us to help set up the show on Thursday 7th @ 10 o clock Show dates for 2015 Heartland May 9th & 10th Westcoast May 16th & 17th North Canterbury May 22nd & 23rd Dunedin May 23rd & 24th Nelson May 30th & 31st Taieri June 5th & 6th Milton June 19th & 20th Ashburton June 19th & 20th Christchurch June - UPFA June 26th & 27th McKenzie Easter Monday Waimate July 3rd & 4th Marlborough July 10th & 11th Oamaru July 17th - 19th National show Invercargill July 11th & 12th \ Delete
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