Covenant Baptist Newsletter Volume 18, Issue 4 April 2015 Dr. Steve Silvey, Pastor 4521 Liberty Highway (864) 261-3343 Anderson, SC 29621 Early Sunday morning, Mary the mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and some other women went to the tomb of Jesus. To their surprise, they discovered the tomb was empty. Jesus had risen from the dead. Jesus’ tomb was empty so our lives do not have to be. You and I were created by God and for God. Without Him there is a void that nothing else can fill. Please join us Easter Sunday, April 5th, as we see how the empty tomb can lead to a life that is filled with hope and purpose! This year we are offering three convenient worship opportunities for your family! 8:00 am: Worship/Nursery/Children’s Church 9:30 am: Worship/Nursery/Sunday School 11:00 am: Worship/Nursery/Children’s Church Serving Joyfully, Pastor Steve Children’s Director: Kim Shore When God created humans in His image, we were perfect. But after sin entered the world, we needed a Savior. The good news of Easter is that Jesus, God’s Son, died on the cross for our sins and then rose again. Because of Jesus’ victory, we can receive the free gifts of forgiveness and eternal life. Jesus tells us, as forgiven people, to also extend forgiveness to others who wrong us. That isn’t always easy, especially when an offender doesn’t seem Children’s Director: Kim Shore sorry. But Jesus helps us follow His example of offering love, compassion, and forgiveness—even to our enemies. Writer Peter Ustinov called love “an act of endless forgiveness.” A constant focus on forgiveness is especially important in families. Every day, hurt feelings, grudges, and slights interfere with our relationships with the people we love most. Children need to experience the feeling of being forgiven to begin forgiving others. They also must learn that forgiveness is more than just accepting an apology. It also involves resisting the urge to retaliate, get even, or make someone pay for mistakes. We become vulnerable as we allow that person back into our lives—and that’s also a big part of loving others. As you help your children understand that Jesus forgives them and that they can forgive others, share the joy and freedom that comes from both experiences. GROW KIDS Opportunities: Easter Sunday Children’s Schedule – 8:00 am Children’s Church, 9:30 am Sunday School, 11:00 am Children’s Church AWANA April Theme – Change War for WinShape! Collect all your loose change for the month of April and donate it for WinShape Scholarships! The War will be Boys vs. Girls! If the boys win, Mrs. Kim will do the Ice Bucket Challenge. If the girls win, Mr. Ronnie will do the Ice Bucket Challenge. If the overall club raises at least $500 in change, a surprise will happen!! **PLEASE NOTE! AWANA will not meet on Wednesday, April 1st, due to Spring Break** Minister of Students: Jim Upton Exchange April Schedule: April 1 April 5 April 8 April 15 April 22 April 29 May 3 No Exchange – Spring Break Easter Sunday Exchange 6:30pm Exchange 6:30pm Exchange 6:30pm Exchange 6:30pm Graduate Recognition Sunday Student Ministry Yard Sale April 25 8:00 am We will be having a church wide yard sale on April 25 for our Kure Beach Youth Mission trip. If you would like to donate any items, they can be dropped off on the porch of the white house. If you need something picked up, please see Jim or Jeff. High School and College Graduate Recognition Sunday, May 3, during 11:00 am Worship Service If you or someone you know is graduating, please let us know so we can honor you. Please contact the church office 261-3343 or by email Kure Beach Mission Trip – June 13-20, 2015 We are heading back to Kure Beach! This mission trip is for all youth. Sunday rehearsals are at 5:00 pm and are mandatory. Please see Jeff to sign up. A $50 deposit is due now! Camp Marietta Teen Week - July 20-24, 2015 th th For 7 -8 Grade Students Cost: $225 Non-Refundable Deposit: $75 To sign-up or for more information see Jim Transmission College and Career Ministry Anderson University Students If you need a ride on Sunday mornings to church, please let Jim or Christy know. We will send a bus as needed to pick you up and take you back. Signup for Covenant Youth Text Updates Click on the Receive Youth Text Messages Banner Check out our Exchange Facebook page at Covenant Baptist Church Presents Register by April 12! $50/person including lunch Sign up at Covenant Baptist Church or call 864-261-3343 Lunch at noon Shotgun start at 1 pm 2201 Cobb’s Way Anderson, SC 29621 To donate prizes or sponsor a hole, contact David Peebles at 864-678-0624 Yard Sale donations can be dropped off on the porch of the white house in front of the church. If you need to arrange a pick up, please contact Jim at Yard sale begins at 8:00 a.m. Between Easter and Mother’s Day, we will be receiving the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering. One hundred percent of the money given will be used to help support the nearly 5,000 Southern Baptist Missionaries ministering throughout North America. If you give by check, please write Annie Armstrong on the memo line. Thanks for your generosity and desire to spread the gospel! We are heading back to Kure Beach! This mission trip is for all youth. Sunday rehearsals are at 5 pm and are mandatory. Please see Jeff to sign up. A $50 deposit is due now! If you would like to decorate a table for the Mothers and Others Luncheon, please sign up on the bulletin board in the front hallway. For more information, please contact Kim Silvey at 934-1178. High School and College Graduate Recognition Sunday, May 3rd during the 11:00 am Worship Service – If you or someone you know is graduating, please let us know so we can honor you. Please contact the church office at 2613343 or email On Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 10th, we will have a Parent/Child dedication service. Please keep in mind this is not just a baby dedication; it is a parent/child dedication. If you desire to raise your child in a home that honors Christ and would like for us to pray God’s blessings upon your family, we would love for you to participate. Please email Anne at or call 261-3343 by Thursday, May 7th. The Chick-fil-A Connect Race will be Saturday, May 30th. Covenant will team up with Chickfil-A to sponsor a 1 mile, 5K, and 10K race. If you want to get fit, have fun, and help send a kid to camp, we would love for you to participate! Go to to register. WinShape Camp registration is now open! To register, go to Camp is July 20-24 at Covenant Baptist Church. NURSERY SCHEDULE – APRIL BIRTH – 2 YEARS (5) 8:30 11:00 Toddlers 2 Yr Olds 6:30 (12) 8:30 11:00 6:30 (19) 8:30 11:00 6:30 (26) 8:30 11:00 Anne Morgan & Elizabeth Silvey Mandy Hays & Meredith Alexander Lindsay Cheek & Samantha McClellan Clorissa Smith & Judy Simmons GREETERS FOR APRIL Date (1) (1) (3) (5) (6) (6) (6) (7) (8) 12 (1) (1) (3) (5) (6) (6) (7) (7) (8) 19 (1) (1) (3) (5) (6) (6) (6) (7) (8) 26 (1) (1) (3) (5) (6) (6) (6) (7) (8) Donna Durham & Susie Miles Toddlers 2 Yr Olds Toddlers 2 Yr Olds Toddlers 2 Yr Olds 6:30 Kristi Goldsmith & Christina Kennedy Melanie & Sarah Lollis Tasha & Abbie Lingefelt Shaunda Tenry & Kerri Donald Jerie Stone & Diane Powell Crystal Tarbuck & Mady Timms Queenna & Amelia Patterson Kelley & Haley Beak Michelle Vaughn & Tasha Lingefelt Angie & Bailey Hammond Melanie & Madison Hicks 8:30 5 CHILDREN’S CHURCH SCHEDULE APRIL 5 Preschool Lead: Preschool Assistants: Grade School Leads: Grade School Assistants: 12 Preschool Lead: Preschool Assistants: Grade School Leads: Grade School Assistants: 19 Preschool Lead: Preschool Assistants: Grade School Leads: Grade School Assistants: 26 Preschool Lead: Preschool Assistants: Grade School Leads: Grade School Assistants: Ashlyn Kelley Tricia & Michaela Hall, Taylor Powell & Julia Glenn Ronnie James, Ruth Richter, Lauren Mason, Emily Hammett & Kim Shore Jan James, Keifer Shore, Caryn Bishop, Brandy McClure & Lydia Ruth Thompson Kaitlyn Hamilton Kelley & Haley Beak, Madelyn Siler & Lauren Patterson Hannah Patterson, Mady Timms, Sydney Smith, Kim Shore & Megan Comen Dawn Sumney, Krystal Lynch, Elijah Sumney, Emily Shibley & Griffin Patterson Brantley Smith Misty Wilson, Lindsey Taylor, Julia Hollingsworth & Morgan Thompson Revonda Wood, Houston Kelley, Kim Shore, Brady Durham & Noah Upton Bobbie Flowers, Stephanie & Jessica Mattison, Joseph Long & Lori Powell Laycee Cantrell Angel & Emalee McAlister, Taylor Furbee & Sarah Lollis Abbie Lingefelt, Kim Shore, Jared Owensby, Heather Furbee & Amy Siler Mandy Woods, Austin Hicks, Christina Alexander, Michelle & Jamie Wales 11:00 Donna Durham Jerry Phillips Bob & Diane Railton Carol Dunn John Lollis Margaret Sewell Audrey Fleming Rick Fleming Crystal Phillips (1) Jean Martin (1) Joy Fisher (3) Martha Whiten (3) Stephanie Mattison (5) Shane Kimmel (5) Jeremy Crowe (6) Judy Simmons (6) Jim Simmons (7) Robin Roberts (8) Dianne Goldsmith Welcome Center (8:30) Jeff Harbin, Jimmy & Cheryl Gambrell (SS) Shane Kimmel (11:00) Irene Mullikin, Donnie Burdette & Tracie Hall (PM) Bob & Diane Railton Faye Wertz (1) Deena Wiles Dee Patterson (3) Wayne Jefferson Bob & Diane Railton (3) Teresa Jefferson Steve Miles (5) Gary McClellan John Lollis (5) Dan Litten Sherry Borchers (6) Martha Whiten Margaret Sewell (6) Shane Kimmel Stewart Sewell (6) Ronnie Stegall Carol Dunn (7) Judy Simmons (8) Jim Simmons Welcome Center (8:30) Jeff Harbin, Barry & Nancy Wood (SS) Melanie Gunnels (11:00) Mandy Hays, Crystal Tarbuck (PM) Irene Mullikin Rick Fleming (1) Jeremy Crowe Audrey Fleming (3) David Kelley Bob & Diane Railton (5) Judy Simmons Sherry Borchers (5) Dianne Goldsmith Stewart Sewell (6) Deena Wiles Margaret Sewell (6) Joy Fisher Carol Dunn (6) Greg Wiles Dee Patterson (7) Jim Simmons Donna Durham (8) Stephanie Mattison Welcome Center (8:30) Jeff Harbin, Jimmy & Cheryl Gambrell (SS) Shane Kimmel (11:00) Irene Mullikin, Donnie Burdette & Tracie Hall (PM) Bob & Diane Railton Dee Patterson (1) Deena Wiles Faye Wertz (3) David Kelley Bob & Diane Railton (3) Ronnie Stegall Jerry Phillips (5) Greg Wiles Steve Miles (5) Dan Litten Susie Miles (6) Robin Roberts Carol Dunn (6) Gary McClellan Stewart Sewell (7) Martha Whiten Crystal Phillips (8) Jean Martin Welcome Center (8:30) Jeff Harbin, Barry & Nancy Wood (SS) Melanie Gunnels (11:00) Irene Mullikin, Mandy Hays, & Crystal Tarbuck (PM) Tom Toth Join us on Wednesday nights @ 6:30 pm for our “Walk Through the Old Testament” Bible study. We meet in the Fellowship Hall. Welcome Center (8:30) Jeff Harbin (SS) Melanie Gunnels (11:00) Irene Mullikin (1) (1) (3) (5) (6) (6) (7) (8) De Fa Bo M St Su St Sh Ministry Team Steve Silvey, Pastor Ronnie James, Assistant Pastor Brock Smith, Minister of Music Jim Upton, Minister of Students Kim Shore, Children’s Director Lauren Smith, Pianist Anne Morgan, Church Administrator Crystal Phillips, Administrative Assistant Our Members Weekly Opportunities Sunday Early Service Sunday School Worship Service st rd Father & Son Bible Study (1 & 3 ) Youth Choir Practice Evening Worship th Covenant Praise Makers (5K-5 Grade) Wee Praise Choir (Preschoolers) Monday Ladies Prayer Ministry nd Senior Saints (2 Monday) Wednesday Exchange Covenant Covenant Baptist Baptist Church Church Children 4521 Liberty Highway Monthly 4521 Offerings Liberty HighwayAverages for April Regular Anderson, SC 29621 Anderson, 29621 Sunday SchoolSC & Life Groups AM Service PM Service Wednesday Exchange AWANA Regular Offerings 391 Brock Smith, Minister of Music 627 151 Jim Upton, Minister of Students 66 68 Kim Shore, Children’s Director 89 $23,411.38 Lauren Smith, Pianist Anne Morgan, Church Administrator Our Members 11:00 am 6:30 pm Tuesday nd th Ladies Bible Study (2 & 4 ) st rd Mom2Mom (1 & 3 ) nd th Empty Nesters (2 & 4 ) 10:30 am 6:00 pm 6:30 pm Wednesday Bible Study (Walk Through the Old Testament) AWANA (September-May) Exchange Worship Choir Practice 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm Saturday Men’s Ministry Bible Study th (4 Saturday) Monthly Averages for October Covenant Baptist Church Covenant Baptist Church Sunday 4521 School Liberty Highway 4521 Liberty Highway AM Service SC 29621 Anderson, PM Service Anderson, SC 29621 8:30 am 9:45 am 11:00 am 4:00 pm 5:00 pm 6:30 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 8:00 am
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