Bulletin 4-26-15 - Christ Presbyterian Church

CPC “SIP” Committee (Site Improvement Planning)
has been working for several months. They are now at
a place in the planning where they need the input of
the congregation. The congregation was mailed a
letter and survey. Please take a moment to read
the letter and return the surveys in the enclosed envelope by April 30th. It is very important that we hear from you. Thanks for your cooperation. If you did not receive the mailing, please contact the church office.
Join us Tuesday, April 28th
at 8:30 am to prepare lunches for the hungry. We also
need pre-made sandwiches; please mark the package “Casa Maria” and put
them in the freezer in the
kitchen. (no mayo please)
This Week in Ministry and Mission
Apr 28: 8:30 am Casa Maria Sandwich making (FHK)
1:00 pm Staff Mtg.; 6:00 pm Session (A/B)
Apr 29: 9:00 am Crafts (A/B); 4:30 pm Yoga (FH)
7:00 pm Choir (MC)
Apr 30: 8:30 am 1:00 pm Dominoes (A/B)
May 1:00 pm PW Bible Study (E/F);
2:00 pm PW Fellowship (E/F)
Happy Birthday You!!!
Our CPC Nonagenarians (90 year-olds)
It is our honor to celebrate everyone in
our congregation who will be turning 90
years old in 2015, or already are 90(+),
with a special Sunday Fellowship cake
& ice cream treat (and everyone else
too), TODAY!
April 26, 2015
It doesn't matter when your birthday actually falls this
year...because you are special to us all year long!
A cake will be cut following each service. Please come
if you can, an d bring your family along too.
2-4-YOUTH Tonight!
End of semester party and Graduation
Celebration! 6 PM in Fellowship Hall
How do you connect to CPC?
Just contact the church office and let us know what
works best for you and we’ll get you connected!
Wednesday Messages (Pastor Melde’s List)
Facebook (Christ Presbyterian Tucson)
Prayer Chain (Email List - Janet Rowe/Sally Lanyon)
Thursday News (Office Manager‘s CPC list)
CPC Website (www.cpctucson.org)
KIVA Newsletter (online and hard copy)
This week’s flowers
are given by
Lee Blackledge in
celebration of the
Blessing of Family!!
Christ Presbyterian Church
6565 E. Broadway, Tucson, AZ 85710
Office: (520) 886-5535; Fax: (520) 886-5686
Web-site: www.cpctucson.org
Facebook: Christ Presbyterian Tucson
Twitter: @CPCTucsonAZ
Email: christpresbyteriantucson@gmail.com
Prayer Chain: cpcTucsonPrayers@gmail.com
8:30 am Worship Celebration Service
10:45 am Worship Celebration
Prayer Requests
+ denotes, please stand, if able
+ denotes, please stand, if able
CPC Family Needing Prayers
Gathering Song
“Walk On”
Welcoming Each Other
CPC Band
Pastor Steve Melde
Celebrating the 90’s
Liz Skelly
Peggy Hadwin
Pam Cullop Family
Personal Prayer
Jim Tillema
“My Rock”
Dale Hurst
Friends of CPC
Children’s Message
Robin Gilbert
Message: Peter– Courage and Fear
Pastor Melde
“Walk By Faith”
Prayers of the Congregation
Lord’s Prayer (sins)
Helen Samoy
“I Will Trust In You”
Next Week’s Message: The Other 10 Disciples
Tom Riebe, son of Get and Judy Riebe
Ernest Barela, father of Carolyn Bothwell
Jeanie Thorburn former daughter-in-law of Eve and
Dean Thorburn
Christine McNamara, friend of Marian Rogerson
Donna Hall , friend of Debbie Luther
Gary Erickson, son-in-law of Bob & Marilyn Powers
Steve Hall, son of Norma Hall
Steven Hanson, previous member of CPC
Trish Watwood, friend of Tracie Couzens
Kay Searles, mother of Kathy Kimball
Holt Weingrad, friend of Bart & Kathy Kimball
David Waite, son of Nancy Barnwell
In Sympathy
Sunday Worship Service & Bible Study Times
Bob Ellis grieving the death of his wife, Rachel Ellis
8:30 a.m. Worship Celebration Service
(Fellowship Hall)
9:30 a.m. Sunday Funday School (all ages)
10:45 a.m. Worship Celebration Service
CPC Mission Projects
Haven Totes for Kids, Casa Maria Lunches
Those Serving in the Military
Andrew Lance, USMC
Nicholas Koch, USAF
Welcoming Each Other
Celebrating the 90”s
Personal Prayer
Cancer Treatment
Call to Worship
Jim Wade
Velva Oliver
Cal Pigman
Gene Stough
Ruth & Rolland Hankey
“Largo and Allegro”
Dr. Kathryn Snodgrass, Organ
Call to Worship
Hymn No. 113 “Christ The Lord Has Risen Today!”
Glory Be to The Father No. 577
Children’s Message
“I Repent”
Tom Messmore, Tenor
Message: Peter– Courage and Fear
Pastor Melde
Prayers of the Congregation
Lord's Prayer (debts)
Offertory “People Need The Lord”
Doxology No. 592
+Hymn No.101 “When I Survey the Wondrous”
Sharing the Peace of Christ
“Voluntary In G Major” Stanley/Wood
Next Week’s Message: The Other 10 Disciples