From: Leslie Kell Subject: CAS :: May 2015 Newsletter Date: May 1, 2015 at 7:57 AM To: May 2015 NEWSLETTER Artists of the Month Sue Foss PRESIDENT's MESSAGE MEMBER NEWS EXHIBITS ART EXHIBIT BUDDIES GUIDELINES ARTIST OF THE MONTH TIPS, TRICKS and LINKS Officers President Sharon Bibbee Vice President Veta Winick Vision: The Creative Arts Society is a vital presence inspiring Cultural Enrichment, Community Participation, Respect for Diversity and Increased Awareness and Appreciation for and through the Arts. Mission: The Creative Arts Society is an Austin-based non-profit 501(c)3 thriving arts organization actively promoting the development of the “Artist in Everyone” for the expanding growth and diversity of our community. All Monthly meetings are at the ACC Pinnacle Campus, 1st wed. of the month 10th Floor Faculty Lounge. CAS monthly meetings start at 7:00PM with a short business meeting that is followed by the monthly presentation consisting of demos, art business panels, or information on art techniques, portfolios and other subjects of interest to artists and art lovers. Please come early to socialize and network. All Monthly meetings are at the ACC Pinnacle Campus, 1st Wed. of the month 10th Floor Faculty Lounge To see the 2015 schedule visit our website Next Meeting: Framing Tips and Tricks Wednesday, May 6, 2015 6:30 Networking and Social Hour 7pm Meeting Starts Hello everybody, Our May program has changed. I’m sure you will find this new program exciting as well as needed. Janet Fulk will present our program this month. Janet gives a great presentation from matching the mat color with the art to installing the hanging wire and dust cover. I hope you all will be there to welcome her and learn about these exciting processes. Karen Karlik Don’t forget we have door prizes at our monthly meetings. Don’t miss out on a chance to win art related gifts. We also have fresh baked goodies and coffee for your Public Relations Officer Sharon Bibbee Membership Officer vacant Secretary Martha Kull Treasurer Dennis Day Historian Joan Lawson Past President Liz Jensen We also have fresh baked goodies and coffee for your taking. President's Message Have you noticed how beautiful the bluebonnets are this year? For those who paint or photograph these beautiful flowers should have a time of their life. Seeing these flowers with the deep blues and purples takes my breath. Speaking of taking my breath, all of the shows we are participating in keeps all of us very busy. Martha and I have been working overtime to line up shows, jurors, galleries and timelines for CAS members to hang and sell our lovely art. Oh, don’t forget the West Austin Studio Tour is also coming up. The CAS board is looking for two exhibit coordinators to help Martha and I. Please let us know if you are willing to give your time and talent in helping our membership. Martha is ready to provide the training that will give you the confidence to take a leadership role in CAS. I hope you will be at the May 6th meeting as we have a great program lined up for your pleasure. See you, Sharon Committee Chairs Program Karen Karlik Exhibits Martha Kull and Sharon Bibbee Communications Denise Schneyer Veronica Primeaux • May 3 Marilyn Rodriguez • May 27 Veta Winick • May 28 Newsletter Leslie Kell Publicity Robb McKenzie When is your birthday? Please add your birthday to the sign in sheet so we can wish you greetings on your special day. Let Us Know: CAS cares about our membership and we want to know if you have a celebration or a reason we should be in touch with you. Often we hear about our members having a health issue or something going on in your life. We want to send a card to you letting you know we care and are thinking about you. So, we are asking you send the following information to Veta Winick, Birthday – month and day only Hospitalization Death Birth Graduation Graduation Special Achievement Purchase of New Home Moving Etc. If you want to participate, please send your information and we will handle it with care. Sharon You are Invited: CAS has a monthly board meeting and you are invited. You are always welcome to attend our board meetings which are held on the last Saturday of each month (except August, July and December) Space is very limited so please let Sharon know if you plan to attend. Attending the board meetings is a way to determine if you would like to serve on the board next year. The board meetings are held at the office of Austin Real Estate Partners, 9600 Escarpment Blvd. Austin, Texas 78749. CAS Fine Art Festival! Creative Arts Society is having a festival in October open to all members. It will be a juried show and the booth space will be $75.00. The date for the festival is October 24th. The name of the festival will be “Circle C Fine Arts Fest”. This is an indoor setting and the past 2 years has proven to be successful for sales. Karen Karlik with be the coordinator and she will need lots of help. The same hanging rules will apply to this venue as for all CAS events. Think about being a part of the first CAS Fest event for 2015. More information will follow as the event planning gets up and running. – Sharon North Hills Gallery May 6-31,2015 Texas Tones Reception: May 17, 12:15-1:15 Artists: Members of Austin's Creative Arts Society presents an all member juried show featuring the colors of Texas to celebrate spring. The Creative Arts Society welcomes artists working in all visual arts media. Hours: Monday-Thursday 10 AM-5 PM, Friday 10 AM- Noon, Sunday 8:30 AM12:30 PM, Closed Saturday Contact: 512-345-4546 Blue and Yellow by Jim Beckett Endless Summer by Denise Schneyer Austin Bat Bridge by Gail Sneden All the videos from our juried show program have been posted to YouTube. Here is the link to the CAS Channel: Thanks Robb and Dennis!! Member News Leslie Kell's "Hear the Highway Breathing" was selected for a Special Merit Award in the 5th Annual “CityScapes” Art Exhibition hosted by Light Space & Time Online Gallery. The gallery received 676 entries from 17 different countries from around the world! wow! You can see all the winners at: the world! wow! You can see all the winners at: Sue Gilliam held a Studio Open House and Sale on Thursday, April 30, 1pm to 6pm+ She offered Acrylic and collage Paintings, Beads, Pendants, Scarves, Boxes, Greeting cards, Prayer Pockets and Fabric Wall hangings. Sue says: This may be my last show so please save my contact information in case you would like to see my work some other time. I will be still be creating. 512-343-7268 From Martha: I received this info from Christina Rudofsky (ArtSpace / Round Rock Arts). Check if out if you are looking for additional opportunities to exhibit your art. Round Rock has a slew of upcoming calls for art that we have on our website, including an approaching deadline for an upcoming recycle/re- website, including an approaching deadline for an upcoming recycle/repurpose exhibit. Peggy Appleby sold 5 paintings to two clients. One was a lake scene entitled, Sunset Lake and is mixed media; a second is entitled lighthouse and is the forth watercolor lighthouse sold in the last 5 months. The other three paintings include two lake scenes and a river landscape. The Austin Art League Group 1 awarded 5 – $1000 scholarships this year to outstanding art students featured at the 39th Annual ACC Student Exhibition. Members of the Scholarship Committee meet at the Dougherty Arts Center and reviewed all the artwork. The selected artists are the following: 1. Osvaldo Bins Ely 2. Marcy Ann Villafana 3. Gayle Sterling 4. Annika Smith 5. Alyse Mervosh Marcy Ann Villafana Awarded Best of Honorable Mention for “In the Dark”, 39th Annual ACC Student Art Exhibition. Julia C. Butridge Gallery at the Dougherty Art Center. Juror – Steve Wyman. Marcy Ann Villafana - Received – 3rd Place Award “Arising” 2015 -New Members Exhibition, TVAA Downtown Gallery – The Plaza of the Americas, 700 N Pearl St, Dallas, TX 75201 Curator / Juror – Jan Partin Marcy Ann Villafana announces her work “Arising” has been accepted into Townley Gallery, 570 South Coast Hwy, Laguna Beach, CA 92651 and will be on display until May 31st, 2015. May 9th, 2015 - The Marquis Loft Downtown (2115 Runnels St., Houston, TX 7700) will Be hosting an event from 4 to 8 pm. where Marcy Ann Villafana will be debuting her art piece " A New Awakening". Eileen McKeon Butt will have artwork at the Due have artwork at the Due West show, the opening event for the West Austin Studio Tour. Due West runs from 5/1-5/17 and will be held on the ground floor of the beautiful new University Park office building located at 3300 North IH-35. Stop by and see one sample of art from each of the artists participating in West this year! The West Austin Studio tour will be held on the weekends of: May 9-10, and 16-17th. Eileen will be exhibiting a collection of new paintings at Austin Art Space Gallery and Studios, located at the Northcross Center, 7739 Northcross Drive, 78757 (behind Northcross Mall). The gallery is open from 11:00-6:00 on both weekends. We'll have daily live music, food and drinks, so please come by and browse or shop! More WEST... Here is the list of the 2015 Upcoming Workshops for New Braunfels Art League May 15-17 Jen Evenhus, "The Beauty of Imperfection" Pastels All Skill Levels, $375, Deposit $100 Required June 26-28 Elizabeth St. Hilaire Nelson, Painted Paper Collage Payment plans available, $445, $150 deposit,For For info contact Lisa Morales at "" July 11, 2015 Mary K Hammond, "The Language of Art" Cost: $60 For further info contact: Sandy Oberg 210-861-0751 New Members Welcome to our new members: Shawn Thomas Danny Barineaux Sumaiya Malik Nelleen McCormick David Yates Veronica Ortegon Primeaux I am a new CAS member and am very pleased to exhibit my art work along with fellow CAS members. Since graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Art from A&I Kingsville, I have played different roles in several creative fields: art teacher, advertising artist, retail merchandise display, and for the last 20 years as a graphic artist using computers. To create art in addition to photography, my favorite mediums are oils on canvas, watercolor, and pastels. I am inspired to create by my love of color, pattern, and animals -plus- an avid interest in Mexican Pre-Columbian motifs. To give you an idea of my style of work, here is a recent watercolor “Turtle” that is part of a series called “Animals With Shells.” Class I will teach on May 8, 2015 For those of you that are interested in computer graphic software such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, etc. I will be presenting a session on Behance, a creative professional network (part of Adobe’s Creative Cloud). As a member of Austin Adobe Users Group (AAUG) I invite you to attend my presentation. Information follows. Our May 8, 2015 meeting will feature a demonstration of Behance as part of Adobe’s Creative Cloud, is the largest creative professional network in the world (4 million portfolios, more than 80 million images) connecting onlinecommunities of top art schools and organizations around the world. Top companies use Behance to find and hire creative talent. This presentation will cover features that inspire and connect artists/creatives. 1. Curated Galleries 2. New Book: Super-Modified, The Behance Book of Creative Work 3. Portfolio Review Week: you can attend events in hundreds of cities across the globe. 4. Behance Team Blog: keeps your knowledge up-to-date. 5. BULLY Project Mural: artists sharing their stories on bullying, via pieces uploaded to Behance. About the Presenter Veronica Ortegon Primeaux is a graphic artist with over 20 years of experience in the field of computer generated art. She works for Texas Department of State Health Services, creating posters, brochures, presentations, and web graphics. Before then she was an art teacher in Laredo public schools and also a commercial artist creating advertising designs. In her spare time she works with oils on canvas and watercolor. Date: Friday May 8, 2015 Time: 1:15-3:30 p.m. Place: New Horizons Computer Learning Center, 300 E Highland Mall Blvd. Suite 100 (in the Wells Fargo building, across the street from the bus stop on E. Highland Mall Blvd). Turn north onto Jonathan and park in the Visitor parking area RSVP: To help our host New Horizons Computer Learning Center select a room that comfortably seats everyone, please RSVP to this free event. Jayshree Vakil Jayshree Vakil started painting over 35 years ago. She earned a B.A. in Fine Arts in 1980. She recently returned to full-time painting after a long and successful career in Advertising. Jayshree’s versatility reflects in her work through many mediums. Her paintings liberate color and lines from being purely descriptive to becoming paintings liberate color and lines from being purely descriptive to becoming free and expressive suggesting emotion. Jayshree’s imaginative creative process generates abstraction with energy, color, and feeling. Currently Jayshree is exhibiting at ArtSpace in Round Rock, TX. She has already sold three of her oil paintings over the a last 4 months. She received a Special Recognition award for her entry, “Vixens”, at All Women Art Exhibition in March, 2015. You can check out her paintings at her website @ (512) 791-3641 If you're a new member, please send us a short introduction, we'll publish it in the next newsletter! Email Leslie at Exhibit News and Sales Denise Schneyer sold one of her seascape pastels at Cypress Grill. This is the 3rd seascape that has sold at Cypress. Gwen Dennis sold 2 paintings at Hecho En Mexico on William Cannon. A little reminder... Just a reminder to all artists that exhibit in our CAS venues, if you sell a piece of art you need to send a check to CAS for the 15% commission. Please Don’t Forget! Reasons why you should participate in CAS exhibits... You might actually sell some art (Yes, people do buy art from these exhibits!) AND you would be able to get some of your art out of your house! It’s a great avenue to expose your art to the public. Clients and customers of the venue, their friends and families will view your art where CAS of the venue, their friends and families will view your art where CAS exhibits. Plus, you can tell your friends and contacts where to go to see your art in person. Helping install/strike CAS exhibits gives you the opportunity to meet and work with other CAS artists as you learn what it takes to install an exhibit. The more folks we have involved in these installations, the less work there is for any one individual. Exhibits & Calls For map links, please visit: TIP :: When you head out to drop off or pick up art, print out the email call and take it with you. This will insure you have the contact info for the coordinator and the correct times and locations. • Amplify Credit Union, Downtown Exhibit Coordinator: Denise Schneyer Address: 607 Congress Ave, Austin,TX (between 6th and 7th Streets) Exhibit dates: Monthly, changing the first Saturday of the month Install Date/Time: 10:00 AM on first Saturday of the month Closing Date/Time: 9:30 AM on first Saturday of the month Limit: 8-10 pieces depending upon size Medium: All 2D It is the artists responsibility to make all labels and hang all art at their shows. CAS will have a contact at the venue the day of hanging, but will not be responsible for the hanging or the labels. If you are interested in applying for this venue, the spots will be filled, first come, first served. This is a single person venue. Information about the venue.This is a small branch of the bank. There is a brick wall with a hanging system supplied by the bank. The assigned artist can hang 8 paintings on this wall and there is space for an additional 1 or 2 small/medium painting on the opposite wall. All 2015 slots are filled. • Amplify Credit Union - Brockton North Exhibit Coordinators: Mozelle Marks / Ghislaine Barillaud Address: 2608 Brockton Drive (corner of Burnet & Brockton) Exhibit dates: April 18, 2015 - June 20, 2015 Install Date/Time: Saturday, April 18 10:00 AM Closing Date/Time: Saturday, June 20, 10:00 AM Label Deadline: April 16 6:00 PM Limit: 6 per artist Medium: All 2D • Amplify Federal Credit Union - Pond Springs North Exhibit Coordinator: Martha Kull Address: 130508 Pond Springs Road Exhibit dates: About every 2 months, with a change out date on a Saturday morning. It is the artists responsibility to make all labels and hang all art at their shows. CAS will have a contact at the venue the day of hanging, but will not be responsible for the hanging or the labels. If you are interested in applying for this venue, the slots will be filled, first come, first served. This is a one or 2 person venue. This venue can also be used for some small 3D pieces. Information about the venue. The assigned artist(s) can hang 12-20 paintings and can display a few small 3D pieces as well. paintings and can display a few small 3D pieces as well. All 2015 slots have been filled. • New Venue: Amplify at La Frontera Exhibit Coordinator: Martha Kulll (interim) Address:115 Sundance Parkway, Suite 500, Round Rock Exhibit dates: About every 2 months, with a change out date on a Saturday morning. It is the artists responsibility to make all labels and hang all art at their shows. CAS will have a contact at the venue the day of hanging, but will not be responsible for the hanging or the labels. If you are interested in applying for this venue, the slots will be filled, first come, first served. This is a one or 2 person venue. This venue can also be used for some small 3D pieces. Information about the venue. The assigned artist(s) can hang 12-20 paintings and can display a few small 3D pieces as well. The June 6 to August 1 slot is open - contact Martha Kull ( if you would like this slot. • Cypress Grill South Exhibit Coordinator: Jim Beckett Address: 4404 William Cannon CAS Regular Exhibit dates: May 14, 2015 – July 9, 2015 Install Date/Time: Thursday May 14, 8:25 AM Closing Date/Time: Thursday July 9, 8:10 AM Label Deadline: May 12, 2015 Theme: Color; Late Spring; red, White, & Blue Limit: 3 Medium: All 2D • Hecho en Mexico - William Cannon South Exhibit Coordinator: Jane Fier / Marilyn Rodriguez Address: 6001 West William Cannon Exhibit dates: April 8, 2015 - June 17, 2015 Install Date/Time: Wednesday, April 8, 2:15 PM Closing Date/Time: Wednesday, June 17, 2:00 PM Label Deadline: April 5 Limit: 4 to 9 artists, 3 pieces per artist; minimum size: 16x20; Maximum size: 30x36 • Hecho en Mexico – Steiner Ranch West Exhibit Coordinator: Gail Sneden/ Sharon Bibbee Address: 4300 Quinlan Park Road Exhibit dates: May 12, 2015 - July 14, 2015 Install Date/Time: Tuesday, May 12, 2:30 PM Closing Date/Time: Tuesday, July 14, 2015, 2:30 PM Label Deadline: May 9, 2015 THeme: It's a Fiesta of Summer Colors Limit: 4 pieces per artist, minimum size: 16x20, maximum size: 48x48 Clinical Pathology Laboratories North Exhibit Coordinator: Sue Gilliam Address: 12200 Renfert Way 2nd floor – across the hall from the Women’s Center Exhibit dates: Every 3 months, with a change out date on a Saturday morning. This venue is handled similar to Amplify Downtown. It is a single person venue with an exhibit length of approximately 3 months. It is the artist’s responsibility to make all labels and hang all art at their shows. CAS will have a contact at the venue the day of hanging, but will not be responsible for the hanging or the labels. If you are interested in • not be responsible for the hanging or the labels. If you are interested in applying for this venue, the slots will be filled, first come, first served. venue. Information about the venue.This is a new branch of CPL with room for approximately 14 medium sized pieces All 2015 slots have been filled. • Juried Show: North Hills Gallery Exhibit Coordinator: Sharon Bibbee / Martha Kull Address: 7050 Village Center Drive, Austin, TX 78731 Exhibit dates: May 5, 2015 - June 1, 2015 Install Date/Time: Tuesday, May 5, 10:00 AM Closing Date/Time: Tuesday, June 1, 2015, 10:00 AM Theme: Texas Tones Label Deadline: past, jurying completed • Juried Show: Breckenridge Fine Arts Gallery Exhibit Coordinator: Sharon Bibbee / Martha Kull Address: Breckenridge, Texas Exhibit dates: June 9, 2015 - July 18, 2015 Install Date/Time: Tuesday, June 9, 10:00 AM Closing Date/Time: Tuesday, July 18, 2015, 10:00 AM Theme: Texas Tones Label Deadline: Past Delivery of Art - to Sharon's House: May 28 - 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM Limit: 6 per artist • New Venue: 3D Exhibit - Round Rock Library - Round Rock Exhibit Coordinator: Brenda Armistead / Martha Kull Address: 216 E Main Avenue, Round Rock Exhibit dates: May 3, 2015 - June 6, 2015 Install Date/Time: May 3, 2015 1:30 Closing Date/Time: June 6, 2015 10:00 AM PM Label Deadline: April 30, 2015 This will be a 3D only exhibit at the library - all pieces will be on view in a glass display case. Reception: May 7, 2015 4:00 - 5:30 PM - tentative Reminder: All artists exhibiting with CAS in 2015 will need to sign new waiver and release forms. These statements protect the artists, CAS, and the venues. We are also looking for additional spaces to exhibit, like AMOA, Austin Art Space, or other venues that we don’t know about. But we can only do all these with your help. Please think about volunteering to help hang or take charge of some of the existing (or new) venues, so you see how our process works. If you are interested in helping please let Martha Kull or Sharon Bibbee know. Art Exhibit Buddies Martha Kull North, close to Cedar Park. Charlotte Clark Westcreek area - between Sunset Valley & Oak Hill (Southwest Austin). email: cell phone: 422-9879 Sue Gilliam Arboretum(183/360/Mopac) 343-7268 Peggy Appleby South Austin (Stassney and Manchaca) Do you need someone to share the dropping off and the picking up of art at CAS exhibits? Maybe you need an art buddy. If you are interested in an art buddy or helping someone get their art to and from venues please let our newsletter editor (Leslie @ know. We will publish the list in the next newsletter. You will need to include your contact information and what area of town you are in. Guidelines All show information will be provided in the call for artists. There may be different exhibit contacts and label people for each venue. Address, hang and strike dates and times, theme, medium and limits will all be specified in each call for art. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Upon sale of artwork from show, give 15% to CAS Pieces must be ready for hanging with wire on the back. Pieces not wired will be rejected.Also label the back with name, title & phone number. Artwork should be appropriate for the general public, including children. All artwork must hang for the entire show. If a piece is sold or needs to be removed, please contact “exhibit contact for specific venue” for prior approval to remove and/or replace artwork during the exhibit. Collect artwork on strike/closing date. If you cannot collect artwork at end of show, please make arrangements. CAS will charge $10 per day for storage (payable to CAS). Second offenders will not be able to enter the next exhibit. CAS assumes no responsibility for lost or damaged goods. CAS reserves the right to refuse any artwork deemed inappropriate, arriving late or not ready to hang. Label Info: We will specify in the call for art who to email and what info is needed. Usually we need- Title, Medium, Price, Artist Name, Phone number and website if available. To be sure your information was received, you should receive a confirmation email within a few days. If you did not receive one, please check back with label person. Venues can only accommodate a certain number of pieces. In the event of a large number of entries, the show may be considered full BEFORE the deadline for label information. Pieces must be suitable for general public viewing. Can mean no nudity, or violence or other subject matter we would normally consider inappropriate for a venue. Bare branches are not a good idea. Choose something up-lifting, joyful, playful, beautiful. IMPORTANT: When emailing label info, please state in the subject header venue and label info (example: “Cypress Grill label info”). It’s hard for the label person to know everyone’s names, and this way we know it’s label label person to know everyone’s names, and this way we know it’s label info and not SPAM! Also this way if it ends up in our spam email we know what it is and it does not belong there! Artist of the Month Sue Foss I create Batik images on cloth and embellish them with embroidery to accent the nature that reflects the beauty of nature that I see all around. The work is long and complex but very satisfying. Sue Foss 512.301.0268 TIPS, TRICKS AND LINKS How to Write the Perfect Artist Statement This is a source of great consternation, procrastination, and sponatneous writer's block for many of us... the dreaded Artist Statement. And to add more pain... you really should update and polish from time to time, so it never ends! So here are some handy links for where ever you are on the artist statement journey –- from getting started to keeping things fresh... utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+a rtsyshark%2FNCiC+%28ArtsySharkFeed%29 u=754d5bf49755aedf9fab02f6c&id=933d52fccd&e=d827a43ca9 and don't forget about your bio... _______________________________________________________________________ We will be sharing our favorite blogs, resources, supplies, online newsletters and anything else that comes up in this space. PLEASE email your favorites to Leslie, let share our resources and ideas. AND if you would like to write a guest article for this section PLEASE do! Our Partners Creative Arts Society wants to thank each of you for your patronage. To find out more about our partners visit our website: Patrons of the Arts Bob and Melinda McKenna Austin Real Estate Partners 9600 Escarpment Blvd, H930 Austin, Texas 78749 Prellop Fine Art Gallery On Main Street, Salado's Historical Shopping District 1-888-461-2605 Jane McQuiggin-Hutson State Farm Insurance 2307 W. Parmer Lane Austin, Texas 78727 Ampersand Art Dana Brown P O Box 1440 Buda, Texas 78745 Cogent Concepts Design Alyssia L. Chapman, JD 512.919.0344 Pinnacle Campus 7748 Highway 290W Austin, TX 78736 (512)223-8108 Veta Winick Art Collector Austin, Texas Sharon Bibbee Artist Austin, Texas _______________________________________________________________________ Sponsor Tim Graves – Photographer Austin, Texas _______________________________________________________________________ Business Members CAS is incorporated as a non-profit, tax-exempt operation under Texas law and Internal Revenue Service code 501(c)3. CAS is organized for educational and charitable purposes. This message was sent to from: Leslie Kell | | Creative Arts Society | 2312 Sparrow Drive | Manchaca, TX 78625 Manage Your Subscription Email Marketing by
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