Cnr Croydon Road and Kent Avenue Croydon VIC 3136 Acting Principal: Anne Broadribb 9723 2472 9723 1017 OSHC PH: 9723 6689 SUPERVISION FOR CHILDREN 8.45AM TO 3.45 PM Before and Afterschool Care Is available Email: Website: Banking: BSB 063124 Acc 10123065 19 March, 2015 Calendar Dates to Remember Term 1 2015 Fri Mar 27 Fri Mar 27 Tabloid Sports Last day Term 1, 2.30pm dismissal Term 2 2015 Mon Apr 13 Fri Apr 24 Mon Jun 8 First day term 2, 9am start Prep-2 Zoo excursion Public Holiday (No school) GREEN & GOLD Telephone: Fax: HOURS OF SCHOOL MESSAGE FROM THE ACTING PRINCIPAL I have many daffodil bulbs to plant at the front of the school and thankyou to Kelli and Robyn who went up to the nursery and purchased those to donate. We will get them in the ground in the coming week so if you have any bulbs or just want to give us a hand come and let us know. Any more bulbs would be gratefully received. The term is ending next week and the last day will be a tabloid sports day. All students will be involved and it is a house competition day. Treeby First National will be there to support us and help with the events. Students will be dismissed for the day at 2:30pm so the second break will be shorter to allow for the packing of bags and cleaning of lockers. GREEN & GOLD Well the days are getting shorter and soon daylight saving will finish. I always love this time as I am convinced that I am getting an extra hour of sleep. I understand the mechanics of it all but like to think I am having a nice sleep-in. It’s time to start thinking of warmer clothes and layers. Please make sure your child has their jacket in their bag even if they don’t want to put it on in the morning as sometimes they start to get cold and need a little extra warmth during the day. Make sure everything is named please. We can then return items to their owners when they turn up in the office or around the grounds. We have long sleeved shirts available in the uniform shop if your child needs to have long sleeves. Please do not get them to wear long sleeved skivvies of a different colour under their polo top as this is not part of the uniform. Girls may now wear footed tights with their uniform. The uniform shop is open every Monday from 8:45am – 9:30am. MESSAGE FROM THE ACTING PRINCIPAL CONT. Have a wonderful and safe break and we will see you back here on Monday 13th April for term two. Term two is an eleven week term and will finish on Friday 26th June. Last night was the Annual General Meeting and first meeting for the new school council for 2015. It was great to see some familiar faces and greet some new ones. Your school council for this year is as follows: Parent Representatives Pearl S – President Tiffany D – Vice President Reese S – Secretary Melissa C – Treasurer Lisa D – Parent Club Tunsawmkhai Z Rebecca B Department of Education & Training Representatives Anne Broadribb Jenny Savory David Nicholson Eric Nguy Felicity Cameron As the prep children start to bring their reading books home it is very important that you sit down and read the book with them and listen to them tell you about the story. At their age they will not be reading with a great deal of fluency or accuracy but this will develop as their confidence grows. It is just so important that they spend some time with you discussing and talking about their books. I have included the key findings of some research done by the University of Melbourne’s Faculty of Business and Economics that says – Key Findings • The frequency of reading to children at a young age has a direct causal effect on their schooling outcomes regardless of their family background and home environment. • Reading to children at age 4-5 every day has a significant positive effect on their reading skills and cognitive skills (i.e., language and literacy, numeracy and cognition) later in life. • Reading to children 3-5 days per week (compared to 2 or less) has the same effect on the child’s reading skills at age 4-5 as being six months older. • Reading to them 6-7 days per week has the same effect as being almost 12 months older. • Children read to more frequently at age 4-5 achieve higher scores on the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests for both Reading and Numeracy in Year 3 (age 8 to 9). ◊ These differences in reading and cognitive skills are not related to the child’s family background or home environment but are the direct result of how frequently they have been read to prior to starting school. If you have small children at home it is never too late to start reading to them and there can never be too much reading. Read to them in whatever language you speak at home. It is very important they hear the language and hear stories. I will be out of school at a conference for the last two days of this week but everything and everybody will carry on as usual. There will always be someone available to answer your queries. Don’t forget ‘slushie days’ are Tuesday and Thursday with students able to purchase at first break on Tuesday and second break on Thursday. These are healthy snacks with fruit juice and no added sugar. Take care over the break and we will see you ready and raring to go in term two. Anne Broadribb Many Happy Returns to the following students who will celebrate their Birthday from 16th March to 12th April 2015:Wilson Ram Xavier Tori Sophia Tild Laura Siam Nu Shayla Hannah Amy Bryce Slushie Days Prep S P/1Y 1/2H 1/2N 3/4N 3/4S 5/6B 5/6N LOTE Performing Art Quicksmart Path of Life Moo Shar Wah Ruth Tabatha Hannah, Ngun, Bayden & Wilson Delphine & Billy John Moo Tha Ku, Simon & Esther Tamikah & Angun Thang & Thivi Suan P/1Y,Mary 3/4S 5/6N Thang 5/6N & Eden Tamika, Popy, Sinead, Danielle & Amaka Tuesdays 1st Break Thursdays 2nd break Uniform Shop OPEN Mondays 8.45am to 9.30am QUICKSMART WEEK 3 AND 4 HIGHLIGHTS Week 3 and 4 Quicksmart Highlights * Sinead and Amaka were an awesome Quicksmart Team * Van Lian and Thang moved onto multiplication * Dawt Chin achieved 42 Flash Cards * Benjamin's computer scores improved with every session * Eden and Thang were the Students Of The Week * Sean and Poppy were the Quicksmart Improvers * Sasha and Dawt Chin won the raffle * All of the Quicksmart students are becoming QUICKSMART LEGENDS!!!! 2/3A SEWING SENSATIONS School Council News: Hello all, I would just like to take this chance to introduce myself to you all, for those who do not know me, my name is Pearl Severinski and I am your School Council President. Currently I have three grandchildren here at CPS, two others who have gone from here to High school and I still have one more to start, next year! My own children also attended CPS, and so I have been here many years in a volunteer capacity. At the moment I run the Uniform Shop on a Monday morning with Lisa Dunk. School Council meets once a month and our meetings are open to anyone who would like to come and see how we operate. If you have any concerns you feel I can help with, please do not hesitate to pop in and see me in the Uniform shop, or just approach me in the school grounds, as I am around most mornings before the bell. You can also reach me at home on 9725 9168 after 6 p.m. If I am not available please leave a message and I will get back to you a.s.a.p. Looking forward to a busy 2015 with you at CPS! Regards, Pearl Severinski School Council President We wish to congratulate the following students who are our 2015 Junior School Council representative and were awarded their leadership badge at assembly on Monday. Sandy 3/4 N Andrew 5/6B Daniel 3/4N Herbert 5/6B Brittny 3/4S Sinead 5/6N Tho Du 3/4S Nun Tha 5/6N Chaplains Chat At school, the teachers often hold class conferences to discuss issues in the classroom or in the playground. In this article, Nigel Lane suggests using the idea at home too: Family Conferences When our children were aged between 6 and 10 we held family conferences. They weren’t scheduled events and could be requested by any family member – adult or child. Once a time for the conference had been established everyone was asked for agenda items. Invariably the children wanted pocket money and bedtimes included. These conferences continued throughout all of their growing years until they left home. Topics included employment changes, school results, moving house, clothing allowances, household chores as well as bedtimes and pocket money. We believe we gained the following benefits: An atmosphere where anything could be discussed without pointing the finger at anyone else An increased vocabulary and also greater understanding of other people’s point of view [seek first to understand and then be understood]. A ready-made opportunity to offer praise and encouragement. These times became fun and precious. We could take the opportunity to encourage them both individually and collectively, to discuss their dreams and goals [even at the youngest age] and to hold them accountable to what they wanted to do etc. Why not think through holding your own family conference? Here could be a good agenda topic: family conferences! From the outset involve the whole family in the concept, allow full freedom of speech and ideas then even the youngest child can feel valued [even more so if they are old enough to speak]. Use this tool as a source of motivation for everyone in the family – even yourself. Written by Nigel Lane. Used by permission Have a great fortnight. Karen Kepert Croydon Primary School is committed to providing an education that is inclusive, diverse and comprehensive. Through rich experiences, in a safe and nurturing environment, the students are supported to become successful, confident, creative learners and active, informed and responsible citizens of the future. Community News: Croydon Primary School does not endorse the products or services of any private advertiser. No responsibility is accepted by the School for accuracy of information contained in advertisements or claims made by them Community News Continued: Croydon Primary School does not endorse the products or services of any private advertiser. No responsibility is accepted by the School for accuracy of information contained in advertisements or claims made by them Community News continued: Croydon Primary School does not endorse the products or services of any private advertiser. No responsibility is accepted by the School for accuracy of information contained in advertisements or claims made by them Community News continued: Host Families Needed For New Exchange Students in 2015 Grade 5 & 6 Disco When: Friday 27th March 2015 Where: Norwood Secondary College Hall Byron Street, Ringwood North For All BoomTEC enquiries, phone: Tinternvale Primary School 9720 1215 Many girls and boys aged between 15 and 18 from exciting countries like Italy, France, Belgium, Germany, Holland, Canada, Japan, Switzerland, Brazil, Norway, Sweden, Argentina, Finland and Austria are hoping to come here to study for 3, 5 or 10 months from July this year and stay with a volunteer family that is willing to host and welcome them and can afford an extra member at the family table. If you feel you could do this for them for the length of their stay or even some of it, please contact Klaus Schumann on (03) 97584279 and let me know of your interest. Yours sincerely, Klaus Schumann, WEP Community Coordinator Time: 7.00pm – 9.30pm SHARP!! Tickets: $10 Limited number of tickets available on the night To avoid disappointment, pre-buy your tickets at: Tinternvale Primary School - anytime during office hours. Pre purchased ticket holders enter BoomTEC at 6.45pm No Queuing! The printing of this newsletter is proudly sponsored by: First National Real Estate TREEBY
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