LIFE ACTIVITIES CLUB CROYDON ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Groupie Gossip APRIL 2015 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DIARY DATES This month’s Club meeting: 7.30pm Thursday 2nd April 2015 – at Dorset Gardens Hotel, Croydon Next month’s Club meeting: 7.30pm Thursday 7th May 2015 – at Dorset Gardens Hotel, Croydon Next newsletter copy deadline: 29th April 2015 - send to Alan: (tel. 9733 4888) Committee meeting: 2.30pm Thursday 14th May 2015 Venue TBA. __Next _________________________________________________________________________________________ ____ President’s Message Shirley Driscoll. 9720 5835 Greetings to all Members, I hope all members are going to participate in our talent night. I find it amazing how talented some of our members are and am looking forward to seeing more. I understand that we are not all artistic so I hope there will be some fun entries also. Christian Pastor who talks on Islam, explaining the religion of Islam, sharing about Middle Eastern Culture and talking about Muslim women in the Middle East. Vicki promises to be a most interesting speaker with stories to tell and as such if anyone would like to bring a friend to hear her speak they would be most welcome at the May meeting. For the benefit of those members that are unable to come to the club meetings, I would like to mention the interclub Bird Watching Group being run by LACVI . This is to enable clubs that have a small number of Bird Watchers but not enough to form a group of their own to join with likeminded members from other Life Activity Clubs under the umbrella of LACVI. There are no additional joining fees if you are a member of our club. Anyone who is interested should contact Edith who will pass on the details. We are waiting hopefully for a grant from the stimulus package available from LACVI to help promote our Croydon Life Activities Club and we will keep you posted of any news. Thanks to John Lunghusen this month for taking on the task of doing the newsletter while our editor is away on a well-deserved holiday. As it will soon be Easter I hope you all have a Happy and Safe Easter. Our speaker for May is Pastor Vicki Mustafa who grew up with a Muslim background for the first 21 years of her life and is now a Kind Regards Shirley ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Life Activities Club Croydon Inc, PO Box 185, Croydon, Vic 3136: Reg No.A0014068E. Website: Email: Printed courtesy of David Hodgett MP (Member for Croydon) 1 FROM THE COMMITTEE - Edith (Secretary) Membership Application Process: The membership application forms have been revised and an application process implemented to ensure that required steps are followed in order to avoid previous problems in processing and follow up. Please note that payment of membership fee must be accompanied by a completed application form (one without the other is not acceptable). The Secretary will manage new member enquiries, applications, follow up letters and/or phone contact to ensure that the new member process is followed carefully. The Treasurer, M/ship Secretary, President and Editor will be promptly advised of new member status for issue of receipts, welcome letter, receiving of newsletters and notices. Visitors at Club Nights: As visitors arrive at Club nights they will be given a VISITOR name tag and their name printed on it. This will help with introductions, welcome and inclusion in the lucky door prize. Door Prize Voucher: The President will remind all in attendance towards the end of our supper break, to place their name tags in the large basket supplied and when all tags have been collected the $25 voucher winner will be drawn from the name tags. As our membership has expanded to over 100 the bingo ball barrel will need to be replaced by collecting the name tags and drawing from this collection. In this way we will ensure that all those who have paid their combined supper and door prize $4 have a fair chance. Please note that the person whose name tag is drawn must still be in attendance to collect, otherwise another draw will take place. Correspondence: Various notices and items of interest will be displayed as usual at our monthly meeting along with a new suggestion box with pen and paper provided for member comments and ideas. Just for fun: After Alan & Marion return from their cruise, Alan has elected to produce a ‘Squizzle’ option to entertain us on a Club Night ... something to keep us guessing? Correspondence received Newsletters and notices/advertisements received will be displayed as usual at our monthly meeting, along with a suggestion box for member comments and ideas. 2 APRIL CLUB NIGHT CHALLENGE Thursday, April 2nd HIDDEN TALENTS Awaken your inner artist. Create your very own masterpiece in any style, subject and medium. It just needs to be your own individual piece of art or craft work. For those too seriously challenged, a unique photo may be your acceptable alternative piece of art. Please give this a go and help make it a really fun activity. Send or bring along your exhibit to our April Club evening. All members present will vote for their first choice to decide our Hidden Talent prize winner ($25 voucher) and runner up ($10 voucher). Your Committee President: Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: Membership Secretary: Minute Secretary: Newsletter Editor: Activities Facilitator: Committee member: Committee Member: Committee Member: Shirley Driscoll Jim Dixon Edith Martin Peter Groszek John Lunghusen Marion Renn Alan Matthews Alan Matthews Gerlinde Duss Marianne Mullins Carol Brown 9720 5835 9723 4945 9725 1578 9722 1037 9723 9850 9725 0740 9733 4888 9733 4888 9725 2785 9723 5088 9779 9436 3 FROM THE MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY - John Lunghusen 9723 9850 Welcome to new members: Tony & Pauline Anthony, Helen Marsden and Reit Taal Calendar... DAT E 1 Happy Birthday in April to: Eleanor Jongejan 3rd, Maureen Bush 6th, Judith Cleary 8th, Robyn Watson 11th, Peter King 12th, Jevan Dartnell & Jacki Fuller 13th, Jan Cox 14th, Margaret Cherry 15th, Brian Smith 16th, Gloria Rickarby & David Hubbard 17th, Joyce Knight 21st, Wedding Anniversary Congratulations to: Roger & Pauline Ward CARE CIRCLE – Shirley 9720 5835 / Edith 9725 1578 Well it had to happen, Edith has fallen on her face, talk about not enough water in the whiskey. Seriously, we wish you a speedy recovery, and I know a few facial injuries won't keep a good girl down. We know there are many members undergoing tests or treatment for this and that during past and upcoming weeks; we wish each of you the best outcome and continuing enjoyment of your favourite Club activities. We do sincerely care about our members’ health and wellbeing so please contact either of us if you know of a member who would appreciate a card, phone call or visit when feeling under par. April 2015 DAY ACTIVITY Wed CYCLING GOLF Monthly Club meeting 2 Thu 7 Tue 8 Wed 9 Thu CYCLING SCRABBLE GOLF 10 Fri MEN’S CHAT LUNCH 11 Sat SOCIAL WALKING 12 Tue KARRALYKA (pre-booked) 13 Mon CARDS 14 Tue MEET FOR COFFEE 15 Wed CYCLING 16 Thu GOLF 17 Fri Street Orienteering Walkers 19 Sun WEEKEND DINE-OUT 20 Mon MUSIC APPRECIATION 22 Wed CYCLING 23 Thu GOLF 24 Fri ARMCHAIR TRAVEL 27 Mon CARDS 28 Tue OUT AND ABOUT 29 Wed CYCLING DORSET MORNING MELODIES AFTERNOON RUMMEKING 30 Thu GOLF Pool/Snooker ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The phone my 6yo has The phone I had when I was six 4 The phone my dad had at six GOLF – Brian & Gayle 9722 9875 Hello Golfers Another successful month with an average of 20 players per week. A few difficulties were encountered with growing numbers but these are being looked at and will be overcome. Your patience has been appreciated. Our month ended with a very successful Sausage Sizzle attended by international visitors. Hopefully they were impressed by the great Aussie welcome and the Korean National Flags that decorated the fruit. With a bit of tweaking maybe we will get onto the Tourism Australia website as a must do activity!! We are all looking forward to the Echuca Trip which Don has fully covered in his report. Gayle and I are heading off to New Zealand shortly leaving the golf in the capable hands of Jim & Gwen, thank you guys. Wishing you all a Very Happy Easter. Brian & Gayle 97229875 CYCLING – Tom Beaumont 9723 7506 Why do we ride on the tracks and the trail? To get feelings of pride as forward we sail? No, we meet people who walk to breathe the air for a while; They are happy to wave and greet us with a smile. There are mothers with prams and toddlers who wave And miniature bikes pushed by kids earnest and brave. There is sunshine and fresh air most of the days, And weather seldom deters our cycling ways. We are greeted by others who bike on the track Except for the Lycra-clad - a smile they can’t crack But there is coffee to warm us at the middle of the trail: Buoyed by refreshment on our return journey we sail A group of our LACC ladies have formed a cycling group. Well done, girls, keep it going. Tom Beaumont 5 Careful where you step Two policemen call the station on the radio. "Hello. Is that you Sarge?” "Yes?” "We have a case here. A woman has shot her husband for stepping on the floor she had just mopped clean.” "Have you arrested the woman?” "No sir. The floor is still wet." ECHUCA/ MOAMA GOLF GET-AWAY MAY 17TH/20TH 2015 Don Fuller 9725 2922 Hi everyone, we are now only 7 weeks away until our next golf get-away. The total members staying at the Sportslander Motel Inn is 51, but also we have Alistair & Merril and Daryl & Joyce staying close by, hopefully joining us at Happy Hour. Also thankyou to everyone for getting your deposits to me early. It is a big relief once the accommodation is confirmed with the deposit. This year there is a change of venue for meals. Sunday meal and Tuesday presentation and evening meal will now be held at the R.S.L. They have been very generous and obliging by offering us a large room for the LAC group so that we can carry out our fun putting game and presentation and evening meal under the same roof Another plus is the fact it is not too far from the Sportslander Motel. Golf will still be played at the Rich River Club. Dates and times as follows:Monday 18th May Tee Off at 1pm Tuesday 19th May Tee Off at 9am This means of course, that Brian and Gayle will need time to organise 27 players into various teams BEFORE the above times. I am asking everyone if they would please donate $1.00 per person to help pay expenses of this trip. This will help cover petrol and phone expenses. Many thanks. Cheers, Don. SOME THINGS FOR NON-GOLFERS CONSIDERATION; As we all know, Echuca has many various attractions which means everyone will find something of interest. There is a large Information Centre which is situated on the Echuca side of the bridge to Moama. The staff are very helpful and you will find lots to interest you there. There are some brochures at the back of the hall this evening and also at the next meeting. THERE IS A GUIDED HISTORIC TOWN WALK which some of you may find an interesting tour to do. This is on a Wednesday, but if non-golfers would prefer to go on the Tuesday morning I shall need to know numbers to enable me to ring the guide and organise an additional tour. For the golfers, Wednesday would seem preferable so as not to be too rushed before golf. No need for names for Wed group. Enjoy your trip; Jackie. 6 Come and Try It: Street Orienteering Walkers – Edith 9725 1578 One of LAC Knox’s activities has been chosen by the Knox Council to be included as a ‘Premier’s Active April in Knox’ event. It is their Street Orienteering Walkers group. LAC Knox are inviting our members to join them in this 1 hour free public activity. We’ll enjoy a bit of physical and mental exercise and may join them for a cuppa afterwards. people. Find the answers to 20 clues. The clues are worth different points. Plan your route to maximise your score. Walk as slow or fast as you like. Enjoy the challenge and the scenery. When and where: Friday, April 17th Team Registration: 10.15am Walk: 10.30am – 11.30am Cuppa: 12 noon What it is: Start/Finish location: Knox Park, Athletics We have maps and walk in teams for an hour Track car park, Bunjil Way, Knoxfield around local streets and parks finding (Melway Map 73 D7) answers to clues. Teams consist of 2 to 5 Please add your names to the list at the meeting, or phone Edith, so that we can tell Knox how many people/teams we’ll have there. Marion & Alan will be there so you will have at least 2 familiar faces to make up a team. Note: If we have enough interest in this event, LAC Croydon may take up this activity permanently, either in conjunction with Knox or independently. OUT and ABOUT - Edith 9725 1578 Tuesday, April 28th we’re off to a Winter Warmer Special at Parliament House @ $28.50 p/h Lunch includes farmhouse bread and butter, Roast breast of chicken, roast root vegetables, and rosemary sauce with vanilla Pannacotta, berry compote, shortbread crumble for dessert, followed by tea & coffee. For those taking the 10.39am train from Lilydale, we’ll meet in the last carriage and at journey’s end it’s an easy walk from Parliament Station to arrive for lunch from 12.00 noon. Lunch is served in the Stranger’s Corridor on Level 1, where its sophisticated, elegant, dark timbers, contemporary artworks and accents of gold, red and pink tones shape an ambient sense of taste. To secure a reservation we must have a minimum of 10 in our group so please list your name at the meeting or contact Edith as soon as possible! We had a great experience when we lunched in the Stranger’s Corridor last year. If you’d like to also book a free tour of Parliament after lunch, please let me know. Add your name to the list at the meeting or contact Edith as soon as possible as numbers are limited. TABLE TENNIS – NEWSFLASH! Edith 97251578 Expressions of interest please! The Secretary has been approached by Croydon and District Table Tennis Association to meet and discuss joint promotions and what that would entail for the benefit of both clubs. They have many over 65s who play daytime and evening pennant games within their excellent facilities at 115 Liverpool Road, Kilsyth. 7 MEET FOR COFFEE - Edith 9725 1578 Tuesday April 14th, from 10.00am on, will see the first of what is intended to be a monthly get-together for morning coffee at a local cafe. Members are invited to drop in to Wyreena’s Conservatory Cafe, 13 Hull Road Croydon, for a cuppa and a chat. Not necessary to book, but if you could please indicate your interest on the sheet at the April Club Night then we will have an idea of numbers expected. Friends and others interested in our Club will be very welcome to join us. SOCIAL WALKING GROUP – Joe 9803 0669 We had an enjoyable walk at Mullum Mullum Park last month with a new Member, Val, joining us. Our next walk will be at Warrandyte, walking along the riverbank from Webb St. car park opposite the Community Centre (Mel. 23 F11) Meet at Devon St Croydon. car park, for car sharing at 11 a.m. on Saturday 11th April. BYO picnic lunch. We’ll have a short walk before lunch and a longer one after lunch. All Welcome. POOL / SNOOKER – Steve 9720 5835 At long last we are able to offer pool and snooker to our members. The first pool day will take place at 2 Custer Grove Bayswater Nth on the 7th of April and will regularly be held on the first Tuesday of the month from 2.30pm The first snooker day will take place on the 14th April from 2.30pm at the above address and will take place on the 2nd Tuesday of the month WEEKEND DINE OUT – April: Kathy & Haydn 9801 0999 Our Dine out on Sunday, April 19th at 12 noon has been booked for a return visit to Mr Fox at Ringwood Golf Club, 352 Canterbury Road; Phone: 8822 4174. Large windows provide a clear view of the Dandenongs and rolling fairways in the foreground complement a pleasing menu that makes this licensed venue a pleasant location, not far from home. Please note your name on the attendance list at the meeting or phone the conveners so that our reservation numbers can be confirmed. Members and friends are welcome. 8 MEN’S CHAT GROUP - Jim Dixon 9723 4945 Fellows, for your diary the next men’s chat group is booked at the Kilsyth Club in the West Wing for lunch at 12.00 noon on Friday, April 10th. CARDS 500 – Gwen (9723 4945) & Maxine (9735 4719) The game of '500' is as popular as ever with near capacity attendance. Dates for April are Monday 13th and Monday 27th. Venue is the Glenn Frost Room, behind the Croydon Library. Time 7.30 pm. . AFTERNOON RUMMEKING - Marianne Mullins 9723 5088 Our afternoon was enjoyable after a three month absence, we are looking forward to our next games on the last Wednesday, April 29th at 1.30 pm. New players welcome. SCRABBLE - Pat (enquiries to Edith 9725 1578) The March ‘Scrabblers’ had good games and welcomed a new player. We hope you enjoyed yourself Maree and look forward to seeing you again. Our next meeting will be on Wed. April 8th at 2pm. ARMCHAIR TRAVEL - Edith 9725 1578 Our travel adventures continue at Edith’s on Friday, April 24th at 1:30pm when we usually have some amazing YouTube insights into exotic locations and different cultures. Afternoon tea provides a good opportunity for a chat and break before continuing with the second half of our program that is currently following Michael Palin’s fascinating journey around the 18 countries on the Pacific Rim. If you have travel videos that you would like to share with us, please let me know. We welcome new armchair travellers to come along and join in our ‘very inexpensive’ tours. Edith Thank you from Carol Thank you so much for the friendship of members. The cards, phone calls, visits, flowers and all things nice to eat. I really appreciated your caring and thoughtfulness. Carol 9 MUSIC APPRECIATION - Joyce & Daryl Knight 9738 0721 The March Music Appreciation at Maureen and Ray's home was well attended and enjoyed by all, with an excellent variety of mostly classical items 16 in all. Following afternoon tea we saw a DVD of Classical Destinations with views of great cities and famous composers . The next Music Appreciation will be on Monday April 20th at the home of Jan and Ron Cox. at 1-30 pm. ph 9723 6654. KARRALYKA THEATRE - Norma Grindlay 9727 0756 Tuesday, May 12th at 10.30am In his stunning one-man show, Ian Stenlake will perform many great musical theatre hits from shows he has been the Leading Man in. Having starred in Channel 9’s Sea Patrol for seven seasons opposite Lisa McCune, Ian is at home on the stage as he is on the screen. With his incredible stage presence and beautiful baritone voice, this show should not be missed. Please book and pay for this May performance at the April meeting. DORSET MORNING MELODIES – Edith 9725 1578 Wednesday, 29th April we meet up at 10:15am @ $12 (pay on entry) for the Helen Reddy & Linda Ronstadt Show at Dorset Gardens. Entry price includes a $2 venue voucher along with tea/coffee, muffins, scones, jam and cream. Book with Edith to ensure a place at our friendly LACC reserved table. Some of our group enjoy lunch together in the bistro after the show. You are welcome to invite along a friend. 10 11
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