EASTERN INDIA INTERVENTIONAL CARDIOLOGY CONCLAVE EIICCON 2015 ORGANIZED BY : CSI - WEST BENGAL BRANCH 13th & 14th June 2015 at ITC Sonar, Kolkata Organising Secretary : Dr. Dhiman Kahali Scientific Chairman : Dr. Shuvanan Ray CSI – WEST BENGAL BRANCH INDIAN HEART HOUSE, P- 60, CIT Road Scheme – VII – M, Kankurgachi, Kolkata – 700054 Tel : (033) 2355-1500 / 6308 : Fax : ( 033 ) 2355-6308 Email : csi@cal2.vsnl.net.in ; csi_westbengal@eth.net Website : www.csiwb.org.in Dear Sir, Eastern India Interventional Cardiology Conclave (EIICCON), CSI–WEST BENGAL Branch is pleased to announce their conference at ITC Sonar, Kolkata on 13th and 14th June 2015. The two days of intense course will include live transmissions of coronary and vascular interventions, lectures on recent clinical and interventional issues, interesting case presentations, debates and quiz. There will be areas of interest for all genres from interventionists to clinical practitioners, paramedics to medical industry. For the same, please find herein the tariff chart: Dr. Dhiman Kahali Organising Secretary EIICCON 2015 TA R I F F R AT E S v 6ft x 8ft Stall @ ` 3 lakhs per stall v Scientific Session – 20 minute per session @ ` 2.5 lakhs per session v CD Based Session @ ` 3.5 lakh per session. v Live Session @ ` 8 lakh per centre To The Organising Secretary EIICCON 2015 Dear Sir, We are interested to be a part of this unique conference happening at ITC Sonar, Kolkata on 13th and 14th June 2015 and wish to sponsor (Category) -................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................ And enclosing a cheque/DD No. ………………....………………….. of ` ……….......………………. Drawn on ......................................................................................................................................... Bank .............................................................................................. Branch or/and shall be sending an amount of ` ......................................................... Within 1st June 2015. Thanking you, Yours sincerely Date : Place : (Seal) l Please Confirm your participation in writing by 5th May 2015. l Send your payment by Demand Draft / Cheque in favour of “CSI – WEST BENGAL BRANCH” Payable in Kolkata. Advertisement matter for souvenir (Blank area for the companies to write their matters)
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