THE COMMONWEALTH SOCIETY OF TEACHERS OF DANCING SINGAPORE ELITE TALENT ACADEMY REGISTRATION FORM NAME (underline surname) DATE OF BIRTH F / M AGE ADDRESS E-MAIL ADDRESS MOBILE NAME OF DANCE SCHOOL TEACHER DATE TICKETS FOR THE PERFORMANCE ON 6 JUNE, 2015 TICKETS AT $20 EACH TICKET QTY ___________________ S$ ______________________ Each student will receive a ticket to watch the portion of the performance that they are not performing in. Family or friends are encouraged to come along (limit 3 tickets). 10% discount for 2014 Summer Course participants (fees only) (Please tick if applicable) THIS SECTION MUST BE SIGNED I HAVE READ THE TERMS & CONDITIONS AND I AGREE TO MY SON/DAUGHTER ATTENDING THE C.S.T.D. ELITE TALENT ACADEMY (If under 16 years of age). SIGNATURE OF PARENT/GUARDIAN ____________________________ I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE TERMS & CONDITIONS (If 16 years or over). SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT ____________________________ Full payment should be made with this application, by Singapore Dollar Cheque or Bank Draft to be made out to The Dance Agents and sent to Block 258 Kim Keat Ave, #08-22, 310258 Singapore. BANK ACCOUNT DETAILS: ACCOUNT NAME BANK NAME THE DANCE AGENTS STANDARD CHARTERED BANK ACCOUNT NO 0106836838 BANK CODE 7144 BRANCH SWIFT CODE CODE 001 SCBLSGSG I enclose Cheque/Bank Draft No _________________________________ for $ _________________ MAILING ADDRESS : BLOCK 258 KIM KEAT AVE, #08-22, 310258 SINGAPORE E-MAIL : CDWM.CSTD@GMAIL.COM | MOBILE : 84843018 THE COMMONWEALTH SOCIETY OF TEACHERS OF DANCING FEES & CLASSES Please tick the course that you would like to take part in. AGE GROUP: 4 yrs – 6 yrs (No prior dance experience needed) TIMING FEES DANCE GENRE √ 03.00PM – 03.45PM 04.00PM – 04.45PM S$280.00 COMMERCIAL JAZZ MUSICAL THEATRE VENUE JITTERBUGS SWINGAPORE Please note that two timing options are given for the courses below (morning / afternoon). *Applicants within these age groups can choose either session. AGE GROUP: 7 yrs – 9 yrs TIMING FEES DANCE GENRE √ VENUE 09.00AM – 10.00AM 10.15AM – 11.00AM S$350.00 COMMERCIAL JAZZ/ HIP-HOP MUSICAL THEATRE JITTERBUGS SWINGAPORE 03.00PM – 04.00PM S$350.00 COMMERCIAL JAZZ/ HIP-HOP JITTERBUGS SWINGAPORE 04.15PM – 05.00PM MUSICAL THEATRE AGE GROUP: 10 yrs – 12 yrs TIMING FEES 11.00AM – 12.00PM 12.00PM – 01.00PM 01.30PM – 02.30PM 05.00PM – 06.00PM 06.00PM – 07.00PM 07.30PM – 08.30PM S$400.00 S$400.00 AGE GROUP: 13 yrs ONWARDS TIMING FEES 11.00AM – 12.00PM 12.00PM – 01.00PM 01.30PM – 02.30PM 05.00PM – 06.00PM 06.00PM – 07.00PM 07.30PM – 08.30PM S$400.00 S$400.00 DANCE GENRE √ VENUE COMMERCIAL JAZZ / HIP-HOP MUSICAL THEATRE CONTEMPORARY / LYRICAL JITTERBUGS SWINGAPORE COMMERCIAL JAZZ / HIP-HOP MUSICAL THEATRE CONTEMPORARY / LYRICAL JITTERBUGS SWINGAPORE DANCE GENRE COMMERCIAL JAZZ/ HIP-HOP CONTEMPORARY / LYRICAL MUSICAL THEATRE COMMERCIAL JAZZ/ HIP-HOP CONTEMPORARY / LYRICAL MUSICAL THEATRE √ VENUE JITTERBUGS SWINGAPORE JITTERBUGS SWINGAPORE MAILING ADDRESS : BLOCK 258 KIM KEAT AVE, #08-22, 310258 SINGAPORE E-MAIL : CDWM.CSTD@GMAIL.COM | MOBILE : 84843018 THE COMMONWEALTH SOCIETY OF TEACHERS OF DANCING TERMS & CONDITIONS Bookings Allocation of places on courses will be on a first-come first-served basis. Booking forms should be received by 24th April, 2015 together with full payment. Confirmation of places, together with timetable and location of classes will be sent two weeks after the closing date. If your course is full by the time your booking is received, you will be notified, and you may decide to have your payment returned or to go on a waiting list. Cancellations Cancellations will only be accepted in writing. A refund (less 10% for administration costs) will be given up to three weeks prior to the commencement of the Course. Thereafter no refund will be given, except for medical reasons. In this case a Medical Certificate must be obtained and a refund (less 10% for administration costs) will be given. No refunds will be entertained for M.C. after the 2nd day of commencement. Class Level If after the first day of class it is obvious to the teacher that a student may be better served by joining a different level, every effort will be made to facilitate this. C.S.T.D. reserves the right to exclude any student from the course who in their opinion is having an effect on the class which is not conducive to the learning environment. No refund will be given for the remainder of the course in this case. Class Observation by Teachers Teachers will be observing classes and may participate in certain sections for the first 3 days. Certificate of Participation All students will receive a Certificate of Participation in the Elite Talent Academy, but no reports will be issued or questions entertained on a student's performance. Injury Liability Neither the C.S.T.D. nor the school or establishment in which the classes are being held will be liable for any injury sustained due to an unknown medical condition, accidental reasons or improper execution of instructions on the part of a student. However every care will be taken to ensure the well-being of students. MAILING ADDRESS : BLOCK 258 KIM KEAT AVE, #08-22, 310258 SINGAPORE E-MAIL : CDWM.CSTD@GMAIL.COM | MOBILE : 84843018
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