Cubert Parish News Nowodhow an Bluw JUNE 2015 BIRD NOTES RARE SIGHTING At the end of April a Great Blue Heron was seen on the Isles of Scilly. This species is the largest of the American herons and breeds in much of North and Central America. The bird’s appearance sparked a rush of bird watchers from the mainland, some from as far away as Yorkshire. Will Wagstaff, the Island’s resident bird expert, described it as extremely rare. This particular bird on the Scillies proved rather aloof and didn’t mix with the Grey Herons there. The bird of the moment is definitely the Red Kite. Travelling up the M5 on the 14th April, I saw a dozen or more large birds of prey overhead which I was reasonably sure to be Red Kites. Dick Twinney in the Newquay Voice on the 22nd April featured the Red Kite in his article and hoped the species will gradually spread in a South Westerly direction and establish Themselves in Cornwall. A well-known tabloid on the 23rd April quoted Paul Stancliffe of the British Trust of Ornithology as saying “The hot weather means birds migrating North fail to ‘switch off’ and fly further” into Britain. Species reported have been Red Rumped Swallows, Red Footed Falcons, a Great Blue Heron and more than 100 Hoopoes (the national bird of Israel). The Hoopoe is a truly exotic looking bird and on more than one occasion I have seen them on the Isles Of Scilly. In Cornwall, a Hooded Crow has been seen at Porthgwarra. Elsewhere in the county, Wrynecks, Ring Ouzels, Red Kites and a Hoopoe have been spotted. I hope by now that most locals will have stopped feeding the birds. There is plenty of food for them to collect naturally and putting peanuts out could be dangerous if taken back and fed to young birds in the nest. Feeding them in your garden can resume in the Autumn. Rodney Phillips Do you want to see the birds above in colour (and the rest of the newsletter) ? Sign up to our monthly email distribution list and you will !! Contact the Editor, Judy, on 01637 830150 or email JUNE 2015 SPORTS & LEISURE 2 By Lesley Clayton This year the club's Annual Meal and Presentation Evening was held at The Smugglers Den with 22 people enjoying a meal and celebrating the successes of club members. A huge thank to Sandra and Alan for organising this event. The celebratory theme continues in the club as Nicky and Peter celebrate their 70th Wedding Anniversary; an amazing milestone in their lives and we send our very best wishes to them both. The Cubert Fun Run is on the 2nd June and therefore there will be no bowls meeting on that night. The AGM will be held on 9th June, 7pm, in the Village Hall. We meet Tuesday evenings at 7pm until 9pm and also Thursday afternoon between 2pm and 4.30pm which includes a refreshment break. Anyone who would like to come along and experience a game of bowls is most welcome on the dates below. Shoes and bowls can be supplied. A warm welcome waits for you. Bowling dates for June: Thursday 4th – 2pm Tuesday 9th – 7pm (AGM) Thursday 11th – 2pm Tuesday 16th – 7pm Thursday 18th- 2pm Tuesday 23rd – 7pm Thursday 25th - 2pm Tuesday 30th- 7pm ============================================================================================ HOLYWELL & CUBERT AFC SEASON FINAL TABLE Any Enquires regarding the football team, Contact the Chairman, James, on 01637 830248, or JUNE 2015 SPORT & LEISURE CTD 3 Brilliant Result For Holywell Bay SLSC On Saturday 18 April, 27 Nippers with their parents and supporters from Holywell Bay Surf Lifesaving Club travelled to Millfield School in Somerset to take part in the National Surf Lifesaving Stillwater Pool Championships weekend. The event was open to all surf lifesaving clubs with children from 7 – 13 competing in events such as flipper race, board race, manikin race, board rescue, tube rescue, board relay, manikin relay and a medley relay. Competition was fierce between the 600+ competitors from 25 clubs who competed in boys, girls and mixed races where points were awarded to the first 16 places. Holywell Bay SLSC won a fantastic 8 gold medals, 9 silver medals and 2 bronze medals accumulating a total of 560.5 points. This resulted in an amazing 5th place overall which, for a small club, is truly exceptional. Congratulations to all our Nippers who competed and a big thank you to all parents and supporters who helped in scoring, marking, timing and ferrying equipment. Medals and certificates were presented on the beach at Holywell Bay on Saturday 2 May to every Nipper who competed. Even the wet weather did nothing to dampen the tremendous club team spirit with loud applause from fellow Nippers, parents and helpers. Any parishioners are more than welcome to come down to the beach on a Saturday morning to watch the training of our local children. Training for Nippers and Juniors is from 9.45 to 12.30 every Saturday throughout the season. Bob Heayel JUNE 2015 ADVERTISEMENT 4 JUNE 2015 SPORTS & LEISURE CTD 5 CUBERT RACES TUESDAY 2ND JUNE 2015 CHILDREN AND ADULTS 1 MILE RUN AND OTHER CHILDREN’S RACES Races will start from the field adjacent to the Village Hall, all entry fees in aid of Cubert Community projects (all finishers will receive a memento and a goody bag). 17:15 - TODDLERS TROT 17:45 - FUN RUN -5-6 YEAR OLDS 18:15 - ONE MILE RUN-FOR 5 YEARS PLUS ONLY Entry fee £3.50 per person. This race will start at 18.15 and entry cut off time for booking is 18.00. Registration on the day commences at 15.30 at Cubert Village Hall. Phone entries on 01637 831160 you can also pay on the night. ADULT 5 MILE ROAD RACE AT 19:30 Start 19.30 from Jubilee Close and finishing at the lower field opposite the Village hall. DETAILS FOR THIS EVENT ON THE NRR'S WEB SITE OR CONTACT: JAN SARGENT ON 01637 830382 OR EMAIL TRAFFIC DETAILS AND PARKING There will be disruptions to the roadways around the Village hall and centre from 17.00 until 20.00. All traffic will be stopped at the following: The junction of High Lanes and the lane leading to the Smugglers. The junction of Holywell Road and Jubilee Crescent from 19.20 until 19.40. Road through village closed 19.00 to 20.00 There will also be parking restrictions on Wesley Road and Chynowen Lane between 17.30 to 20.30. Only parking for disabled and ambulance in Village Hall car park Parking for children’s races free in Church field gates open from 15.00 Free Parking for 5 mile in field adjacent to Village hall gates open from 16.00 EVENING FUN In addition to the races there will be a BBQ, bar, hot refreshments, cakes. Raffle on the night. Children’s activities /bouncy castle etc. Last Month’s QUIZ Answers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The first one piece china toilet pan Electric light bulb Pedal operated cycle Harry Bessemer Louis Pasteur Safety match Phosphorus Cartoon films Air-conditioning Barbie Doll Jubilee Joker Email : NEWS…NEWS…NEWS…NEWS Kite Surfer Rescued From Rocks PIRATE FM In a gusting onshore wind, the kite-surfer realised he could not reach Holywell Bay, so decided to go ashore below the cliffs at Kelsey Head and call Read more….. WESTERN MORNING NEWS A spokesman for he crew said that in a gusting onshore wind, the kite-surfer realised that he was not able to return to Holywell Bay in the conditions, .. Read more … Web Site : JUNE 2015 CUBERT METHODIST CHURCH 6 With the Easter Season ending on Pentecost Sunday, we are reminded of the Apostles commission at the giving of the Holy Spirit; that they were to go and spread the news that Jesus is alive and that through his death and resurrection we can be forgiven and be united with him in heaven. As Christians and as the Methodist Church in the village, we too have a commission, much the same as those followers of Jesus 2000 years ago. Our desire is for people in our community and beyond to know and experience the love and grace of God. As we meet on a Sunday, although we are often few in numbers, we are always very prayerful for the outreach work that we do through the many groups that use the Church building during the week; that as people enter through the doors of the Church, they may feel and know that God loves them and cares for them. So please come along to any of the groups and activities that may appeal to you during the week or come along on a Sunday Morning and share worship with us. Mondays: Toddler group: 10am – 12:00 Craft and Chat: 1 – 3pm Sing4fun: 7 – 8:15 Wednesday: Youth Club: 6 – 7:30 Thursday: Bible Study (3rd Thursday in the month) Services for June: 7th June - A local arrangement – led by members of the congregation 14th June – 3PM SERVICE AT ST NEWLYN EAST PIT led by Steven Wild 21st June – Gareth Jones 28th June – United service at Newquay Methodist PARENT GOVERNOR The children have finished their SATs and can now embrace the final half term of the academic year and hopefully some fine weather too. Some of you may have noticed our gorgeous new fence. The sculpted additions to the top of the green fence have been influenced by the children themselves. Every day I see something different, a VW camper van, a mermaid and a rowing boat to name but a few. The school will be starting swimming lessons and as part of the national curriculum all children have to be able to swim 25 metres by the time they are eleven. We are extremely proud of the fact that many of our children have far exceeded this distance well before the age of eleven. The lesson are rolled out to our older students first and extended throughout the school. The Summer Fayre was a great success. We had our five winners of the Cubert’s Got Talent performing twice throughout the afternoon. We really do have some very talented young performers in Cubert School. They did a great job entertaining the parents and other attendees of the Fayre. I would like to thank the PTA and staff for all their hard work putting the Fayre together and ensuring it ran smoothly. In addition, thanks to all of you who supported the event by attending, donating prizes, arranging printing, and generally being involved in making it the success it was. Niki Oatridge JUNE 2015 ST CUBERT PARISH NEWS 7 Services at St Cubert Church for June 2015 Everyone very welcome Sunday 7th June 9.30 am Welcome to a short service for all ages especially families with children Stories, activities, singing and prayers. Hot chocolate , tea and coffee and chat afterwards. Wednesday 10th June 6.0pm Said Eucharist Sunday 14th June sung Eucharist 9.30 am Sunday 21ST June Morning Prayer 9.30 am Sunday 28th June Sung Eucharist 9.30am Forthcoming events Everyone Very welcome Mondays Craft Group in the Chapel room 1pm-3pm Fridays Whist in the Church rooms 2pm Tuesdays 10am -12md book sale. A great selection of books all at 50p . Tea and coffee whilst you browse. Monday 1st June Memory Café at Crantock Village Hall 2-4pm A warm welcome to People with memory problems and their carers. Monday 15th June Memory Café St Michaels Perranporth 1.45pm - 4pm. A friendly group to support people with memory problems and their carers. We are visiting Callestick for an afternoon out with a cream tea. Transport is available from St Michaels . Please ring Alan 01872572050 Tuesday 2nd June , Don’t forget to support the toddler trot, mile and 5 mile Cubert Fun runs from the Village Hall. Notices are around the village. Registration from 3.30pm. Numbers are still available for the Monthly lottery from Kath 01637 831083 £12 per year £20 Prize per month. Forward Planning Friday 24th July Concert in Church with Kelsey Singers. Wednesday August 5th 2pm St Cubert Church Village Fete. If you have any books , bric – a - brac ,toys, nearly new clothes for the stalls please leave at the back of Church or call 831083 for collection. Raffle tickets for sale. Lots of games, children’s competition, classic cars, cream teas, dog show and much more to help you enjoy the afternoon JUNE 2015 PARISH COUNCIL REPORT 8 Report Of The Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 20h May 2015 PRESENT: Cllrs. R.L.B.Spencer, T. Malin, K. Cox, A. Percy, C.W. Longden, M. Jenkin, D. Hopkinson, Cornwall Councillor Lisa Gorman.and the Clerk: D. Hawken. 8 Parishioners. APOLOGIES: Cllrs. A. Ratcliffe-Marshall and N. Bradder POLICE REPORT: There were no crimes reported in April. Before the meeting opened Richard Dixon and Sue Stevens, spoke against the planning application for a new dwelling within the curtilage of Roselands. They expressed their concerns about the scale of the building dominating the surrounding properties. Steve Jenkins spoke in support of his application on commons road. John Pascoe from Walker Developments spoke about the RJ Walker application at Trevemper. Mrs. Wilson spoke in favour of her planning application for a new dwelling within the curtilage of Roselands. OPENING: The Meeting was opened at 7.20 pm, by the Chairman Cllr A. Percy ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN AND VICE CHAIRMAN FOR THE ENSUING YEAR Cllr. A. Percy agreed to stand for chairman - agreed unanimously. Cllr. R.L.B.Spencer as Vice Chairman - agreed unanimously. REPRESENTATIVES FOR a) VILLAGE HALL COMMITTEE & b) ALLOTMENTS Agreed unanimously Cllr. D. Hopkinson elected as Village Hall representative. Agreed unanimously – Cllr. R.L.B.Spencer elected to the allotments sub-committee. MINUTES OF THE MEETINGS HELD ON 15th April 2015: The Minutes were approved and signed as a True Record. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 18th March 2015: The Clerk reported that he contacted enforcement regarding the state of the old Methodist Church and has received a reply. The Clerk reported that he chased up no overtaking sign but has been told that it is in-appropriate where there are already double white lines. With regards to the renewal of road markings in Chynowen Lane, these will be subject to budgetary constraints. Cllr. A. Percy reported that Lisa Gorman has indicated that the Local Bus service provision will be examined again. PLANNING: Decision Notices received: None Applications: PA15/03369 Demolition of existing garage and erection of New Dwelling and detached garage in curtilage of Roselands. - Roseland Road from Trevail Cottages to Holywell Road, Cubert for Mr. and Mrs. David Wilson Resolved: to object to the application as the proposed dwelling is too large and out of keeping with the surrounding area. PA15/03517 Outline application for proposed new bungalow set in plot to rear of 13 The Glebe - 13 The Glebe, Cubert CornwalL, TR8 5HA For Mr Rob Poyner - Resolved: to raise no objection but to express serious concerns about the parking problems in the area and concerns that this development is likely to exacerbate them. PA15/03319 Outline planning application for the demolition of existing structures and site development to provide up to 330 residential units, restaurant / public house, hotel, open space, play space, new routing for the A392 to Trevemper Road, associated infrastructure (including retaining structures and works to the public highway), access, parking, servicing and landscaping - Land North West Of Trevithick Manor Between A392 And Trevemper Road, Trevemper, Newquay Cornwall for Mr Richard Walker. Resolved: to raise no objection but to request that Section 106 monies be made available for expansion to Cubert School. The Parish Council also have concerns about the effect of extra traffic at Cubert Crossroads and request Section 106 money for further work on the Crossroads is made available. The Parish Council have further concerns that due to lack of highways consultation our Parishioners will not know about changes to the main route to shopping facilities in Newquay. We therefore request that a full Highways Consultation is held on the changes to this vital route into Newquay. Affordable housing on the new estate should be made available for Cubert Parishioners. PA15/03248 Proposed internal alterations and conversion of former stable and outbuildings to for, additional accommodation for the existing house. The Old Vicarage, Cubert, Newquay for Ms. Linda Northridge Resolved: to Support the Application PA15/03912 Demolition of existing shed and wood store in front garden. Replace with a new store and workshop. Blenheim, Holywell Road, Cubert, Cornwall for Mrs. Karen Harding - Resolved: to raise no objection to the application but request that the ancient hedge to the road is retained. JUNE 2015 PARISH COUNCIL REPORT CTD PA15/03178 Conversion and extension of remains of former barn to provide a 3 bedroom dwelling and garage, Change of use of land to provide extended curtilage and provision of new vehicular access from the highway. Land opposite Trevinton Farm, Commons Road Cubert for Mr. & Mrs. S Jenkins - Resolved: to Support the application as the Planning Committee deemed it suitable to keep permitted development rights. Resolved to allocate up to £2000 for printing and publicity regarding the Proposed dwelling as per planning application PA15/02007 - Land at rear of Sunny Cottage (Parc An Rose). Penhale – The Parish Council discussed the developers presentation. CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED: As listed, with special attention to the following items: CC - Street Cleansing Agency Agreement DCLG - Letter on Tax referendum principles T. Dickinson - Master Alex Burrows EE&E - Feedback on Complaint to Cornwall Council T. Guy - Complaint - Cubert – Commons Road CC. - Installation of septic tank CC - PA14/03927 –RJ Walker - Appeal Notification Kathryn CUBERT SKATEPARK B. Tonkin - Swing on Treguth Common CC - Alleged state of disrepair of a listed building Muriel.JENKINS - Info for next Parish meeting Nigel Brabyn PA15/02007 - Erection of dwelling Banks Paul PA15/03319 - Trevithlck Manor B. Baker - Report of Sexual Pervert J. Pollard - Cornwall Councils failings and localism H. Bishop - Triangle at entrance to Jubilee Close CC - Invitation to attend an event on the “Case for Cornwall” Cormac - Chynowen Lane ANY OTHER RELEVANT BUSINESS NOT REQUIRING DECISIONS AT THIS MEETING: It was decided Cllr. T.Malin to contact Newquay voice about the Youth Park opening on 25th May 2015. Cllr. A. Percy to invite Peter Herman. Cllr. W. Longden to provide ribbon and scissors. Cllr. T. Malin reported on concerns over parking on the common off commons road. CLOSING, DATE OF NEXT MEETING: The meeting was closed at 10.45 pm. The next regular meeting to be held on Wednesday 17th June 2015 at 7 p.m. in the Village Hall. Email : Web Site : 9 JUNE 2015 ADVERTISEMENT Email : Web Site : 10 JUNE 2015 FOOTPATH ASSOCIATION 11 Perranzabuloe Rotary Club JUNE CHARITY QUIZ NIGHTS 21:00 every Friday The Smuggler’s Den Inn 5th Cornwall Hospice Care 12th Little Harbour Children’s Hospice 19th Merlin MS Centre 26th Nick Hawken Walk Free – Ovarian Cancer NEWS…NEWS…NEWS…NEWS…NEWS Search For Flasher On Moped Targeting Cubert CORNISH GUARDIAN Police are trying to identify a young man riding a moped who is suspected of flashing near to a primary school in Cubert. Officers want to track down .. Read more … Email : Web Site : JUNE 2015 ADVERTISEMENT Email : Web Site : 12 JUNE 2015 NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH 13 The Parish Council are mindful to bring this to the attention of all parishioners. Objective To set up a neighbourhood watch within Cubert Parish. The idea is to inform people of any police incidents in the parish and to alert residents of potential issues. ======================================================= Co-ordinators Wanted The work of a co-ordinator is not onerous – the procedure is that we send to prospective co-ordinators a form to be completed and returned to the office. The details of the person are checked against the Police computer to make sure they are bona fide good citizens !!! Once this is done we send them a pack of information which includes a letter for them to circulate to their neighbours seeking permission to hold on their own computer the email addresses of their neighbours. We send to the co-ordinator, hopefully by email, details of any incidents on their patch and ask them to pass on the information to their neighbours. In the first instance if anyone is interested in becoming a co-ordinator please contact cllr. Bill Longden (01637 831036, or on facebook) or David Hawken 01637 830947 clerk to the council. JUNE 2015 HEALTH & WELL-BEING 14 Cornwall Healthy Weight We have lots of fun and friendly programmes available across Cornwall to support you and / or your family with weight management, healthy eating and physical activity. All our programmes are free! To find a programme near you, to book onto any of our free programmes or to find out more information, please go to our website and click ‘join in’, or give us a call on 01209 313419 via the Health Promotion Service (Cornwall NHS) and ask for us! Healthy Weight 4-7 years – is our healthy lifestyle programme for children aged 4-7 years, who are above a healthy weight. All family members are invited & encouraged to attend together. Healthy Weight 7-13 years – is our healthy lifestyle programme for 7-13 year olds, who are above a healthy weight. Your whole family is invited to come along together. We ask that you attend once a week, out of school hours, for 12 weeks. Each session is 2 hours long. Healthy Weight 13-17 years – invites 13-17 year olds, who are above a healthy weight, to seven, personal, onehour sessions on a one to one basis. We will tailor all the sessions to your needs, so you can choose what you would like us to help you with. Healthy Weight Adults - is our 12-week weight management programme. You will find this programme suitable if you are above a healthy weight and aged over 18 years old. We run these all over Cornwall, in the morning, afternoon or evenings to fit in with your lifestyle. Healthy Weight in pregnancy - offers one to one, individual support to pregnant women, who are above a healthy weight, by offering support and education around healthy eating, physical activity and weight management. Healthy Weight Adult Course Crantock Village Hall Starting 22nd September 2015 Tuesdays 1-3pm FREE BABY MASSAGE CLASSES The next class will start on Thursday June 4th 2015 from 10-11am. It is a 6 weeks course and all materials are provided. The class is held at Happy Days Penair, St Clement Hill, Truro TR1 1TN 01872 264568. The classes are open to all families. I’ve included some of the benefits of baby massage below. The benefits of baby massage can include: • Improve communications between parent and baby • Help to calm babies emotions and relieve stress • Soothe babies and help them to sleep better • Help babies to develop awareness of their body • Enhance parents ability to develop to understand babies need • Aid digestion and help to relive; colic, wind and constipation • Help develop muscle tone, co-ordination and suppleness • Strengthen the immune system • Support bonding and attachment Nicky Smith - Manager Email: Website: Booking is essential JUNE 2015 WHAT’S ON 15 NATIONAL TRUST Tuesday 7 July Coastal Challenge Series: Carnewas and Porthcothan. We’re celebrating our amazing coastline this year by going out for a run on some of the best bits. 10k and 5k social runs with the help of Bodmin Road Runners. Join us for a BBQ after, at Carnewas Tea Rooms £5pp. 7pm £1.50 per runner Booking essential: 01208 863821 or Saturday 11 July Pick and Paddle with National Trust and Crantock Bay Surf School. Check it out, a FREE Stand Up Paddle boarding lesson! In partnership with Crantock Bay Surf School. In the morning we’ll be tackling common ragwort, a much misunderstood native plant. Although an essential plant for 30 invertebrate species, as a landowner we have to prevent it’s spread to nearby grazing land. Then in the afternoon you’ll take a dip in the ocean, spending a couple of hours learning all the stand up paddle boarding* basics. All equipment provided, just bring some lunch, a towel and swimwear and clothing suitable for the weather. *N.B. Stand up paddle boarding is weather and tide dependant and may be replaced by surfing. Don’t fancy stand up paddle boarding? Just come along and help with the ragwort from 9.30am – 12.30pm otherwise its 9.30am – 3pm. Bring food and drink, footwear and clothing suitable for the weather and task. Free. Booking essential 01208 863821 or JUNE 2015 ADVERTISEMENT 16 JUNE 2015 WHAT’S ON CTD LETTER FROM LONDON City of my birth. Now a brief return – In transit from a northern destination, Remembering that when I was so small Everything was huge in my estimation. A most welcome peacefulness in my room After travelling, carrying, all the hassle – But soon out and about once again, Walking into the Oxford Street bustle. So I trod the famous shopping street And looked long in many a big shop Decided to sometimes break for coffee Until my weary feet shouted stop ! Back to my peaceful room, now to watch Through the little window up so high, A seeming world full of aeroplanes Minutes only apart cross the evening sky. Born here in England’s capital city I had many a chance to travel and roam, But, soon, I shall travel back to Cubert Because that is the place I now call home. Joy 17 JUNE 2015 ADVERTISEMENTS 18 JUNE 2015 CUBERT VILLAGE HALL 19 REGULAR BOOKINGS AS AT 1st JUNE 2015 DAILY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY BACK2PHYSIO CIRCUIT TRAINING FOOTPATH ASSOCIATION VILLAGE HALL COMMITTEE BAND PRACTICES SHORT MAT BOWLS BAND PRACTICES PARISH COUNCIL MEETING BAND PRACTICES PILATES TAI CHI SHORT MAT BOWLS MARTIAL ARTS BAND PRACTICES TODDLER GROUP BADMINTON GROUP BAND PRACTICES 9am ‘til late 6.45pm to 8pm (October to July) 6pm to7pm (by arrangement) 7.30pm to finish (by arrangement) 8pm to finish (by arrangement) 7pm to 9pm 9pm to finish (by arrangement) 7pm to finish (third Wednesday of every month) 8pm to finish (by arrangement) 9.15am to 10.15am 10.30am to 12.30pm 2pm to 4.30pm 6pm to 8pm 8pm to finish (by arrangement) 9am to 12noon 7.30pm to 9.30pm 8pm to finish (by arrangement) Please contact Deborah Hopkinson (01637) 830909 Or you can e mail To make a booking CUBERT VILLAGE HALL MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE COLLECTION OF GOOD QUALITY CLOTHES, SHOES, HATS, BAGS, BELTS, CURTAINS, TOWELS and BED LINEN SATURDAY 13TH JUNE FROM 10am – 12noon Items can be dropped off at the hall on the day OR please contact Liz Bradder on 831182 or Deborah Hopkinson on 830909 if you have good quality items to be stored in advance Email : Web Site : ALL PROCEEDS WILL GO TOWARDS THE HALL REFURBISHMENT PROJECTS JUNE 2015 VILLAGE HALL CTD 20 VILLAGE HALL UPDATE Many thanks to all Parishioners who have renewed/bought Lottery Tickets this year. This money will go towards the installation of a new heating system for the hall. We have just had a new suspended insulated ceiling fitted and new tables are on their way for the Committee room. Good luck everyone with your numbers and thank you all for supporting this village asset. Deborah Hopkinson (Bookings Secretary) JUNE 2015 CRANTOCK WI 21 On Tuesday 12th May, 30 ladies attended our resolution meeting on a beautiful sunny afternoon. After singing Jerusalem, the minutes of the last meeting were read by our secretary Sylvia, and duly signed by our re-elected president, Veronica. The social evening last month at Newquay W.I. hall at which Johnny Cowling provided excellent entertainment was a great success, as was lunch at the Godolphin Arms in Marazion. Members visited the mount before lunch and walked around the spectacular subtropical gardens which were a riot of colour and scent. Mary is now taking orders for next year’s W.I. calendars priced at £3.50, whilst Maggie is taking orders for next year’s W.I. diaries priced at 3.80. Future events include a strawberry supper hosted by Goonhavern and District W.I.(Fri. 19th June, 6.30pm), a wartime tea party hosted by St. Columb Minor W.I. in the memorial hall (Sat.20th June), a social evening hosted by “Beaches and Cream” W.I. at Newquay W.I. Hall(Tues. 2nd June) and lunch at Trevaskis Farm(Wed. 1st July). We are busy collecting filled gift bags for our special raffle stall at this year’s azz in the Park event on Tues. 4th August. Please bring your contributions to next month’s meeting. Gail and Sue will be attending this year’s Speaker’s Audition Day on Wed. 15th July. Josie Grant has kindly booked front row seats at Lane Theatre on Tues.16th June to see “Girl Band”. Please sign the board if wishing to attend. Unfortunately, the Spires Restaurant lunch at Truro College is now postponed until September due to the fact that the 28th May, the date previously arranged with them, actually falls during half-term week when the students are on holiday! Regarding our Annual Bulb Scheme, please give your orders to Anne Wall together with payment by next meeting. It has been agreed that Crantock W.I. will donate money to provide a tulip bulb display in the three wooden planters sited in and around the village green. The magnificent cherry tree was donated by the W.I. many years ago. Following Janis’s report as Treasurer, Veronica and Linda reported on the Spring Countdown meeting, where this year’s W.I. resolution (proposed by North Duffield W.I.) was discussed. ‘The W.I. calls upon the government to remove the distinction between personal and nursing care in the assessment of individuals, in order to advance health and wellbeing.’ There appears to be inequality in the amount of care vulnerable patients receive around the country. It is estimated that over 2 million people in the U.K. have social care related needs. Of these, half receive help in their own homes which is often unpaid and provided by friends and family members. For individuals to qualify for NHS continuing care, they must have a major primary health need. Only around 60,000 people benefit under this scheme with many unaware they have a right to receive support. One person is diagnosed with dementia every three minutes in Britain. Veronica will take our views forward to the NFWI’s AGM at the Albert Hall in June. After lovely refreshments, Sue Stevens gave an introductory talk about her life, having recently joined the Crantock W.I. as a committee member. Sue grew up in Crantock as her parents ran a guest house on Beach Road for many years. At the age of eighteen Sue left home with a friend, hitching a lift to Bristol on a China Clay truck! There Sue found work as a filing clerk with the Imperial Tobacco Company. Female employees enjoyed the gift of 20 cigarettes per week whilst men received 40! Sue married, had a son and worked in various parts of the country, even in Madrid for four years, before returning to live in Cubert thirteen years ago. Sue concluded her talk by displaying a beautiful mpressionistic wall hanging of Crantock beach which Sue created at a recent W.I. workshop. Salli Blackford announced the results of this month’s competition, a hand knitted item; 1st Marianne, 2nd Val, 3rd Sonia. Following the distribution of birthday posies and the drawing of the raffle, the meeting closed with the National Anthem. Next meeting Tuesday 9th june @ 2pm with entertainment from Dew Vardh (2 Cornish Bards). Competition - a poem written by you. Anne Wall JUNE 2015 Children of Sharon Grace Charity News 22 Dear Villagers of Cubert and Holywell. Who knows about building in India? Shall I tear my hair out now or wait for it to fall out? Usually I am known for my patience, but culture is very different in India. Let me explain; Pete (my husband) and I have just returned from a busy time out there in India; it's very hot and dusty, it's hard work, the language seems impossible to learn (we're trying), the customs are strange, the food spicy and the mosquitoes bite! But that's the challenge and we're not giving up. Many of you know the story - we sold the café and bought the bricks to build a children's home. It's just about ready. The estimate included all the electrical fittings.....but not the connection. AAAHHH – NO! THAT'S JUST GREAT ISN'T IT. These children have been born into a dirty, poor and oppressive environment, one that ruins your self-esteem and tries to teach children it's 'normal'. They are from the lowest caste (the Dalits), who have been known for centuries as 'untouchables'; denied all kinds of things; benefits, education, and fair employment. Even water. What is going on here? Well, I'm stepping out to raise what is needed so they can have hot water, lighting (it gets dark at 6pm all year round) and ceiling fans in the 50 degrees heat of May. I will be visiting every house in Cubert and Holywell with a bookmark business card and ask hopefully for £1.00 donation to raise the £824.00 needed to pay this bill. I am sure you will all help to give a chance to 22 beautiful, talented, loving children. A chance to have a home, education, food and above all – love. And electricity! Our goal is to give all these children an incredible opportunity in life; their education will include horticulture, animal husbandry, carpentry, tailoring, cooking, and music. With every 'holiday' we take over there we encourage another life skill. Over here many people take all this for granted, with children even missing school. Over there learning to read and write is the pathway to literacy and a step out of poverty. I'm writing “The Hope of Balu”, a true life story, nearly finished, about our project in India. There's not space to say here what we've been doing, but to find out more glance at the photos on our Facebook page (see below) and you will see. Many people ask 'How can I help?' And I answer; 'Go and see, go and share. Please, help these children to achieve their potential.' If you want to go, contact me. If you want to help but can't go then we'll talk, and I'll show you the new children's home down there in Vijayawada on Google Earth! SGCH is only a drop in the ocean. There are thousands of poor illiterate Dalit children on the streets of India. But like the dying starfish who was flung back in the sea, you can make a difference to “one”. Thank you. Please visit our Face Book page “Children of Sharon Grace”. Theresa Malin 01637.830967 OPINION JUNE 2015 23 JUBILEE CLOSE I share the concerns expressed by many readers about how important it is to keep our village tidy, as many of us have a great deal of pride in our community. I am a resident of Jubilee Close and for many years I have, from time to time, approached Poltair homes (the original developer of the site) and reminded them about keeping the area of waste land at the entrance to the Close (opposite the Youth Park) in a tidy state. This area was originally fenced off with some wooden fencing and has been more or less been left by Poltair for many years. From time to time they have repaired the broken fences and had a general tidy up, however in recent months this piece of land has been looking more and more untidy. It certainly does not give a good impression to visitors to the Village or the Close. I last contacted the Director of Poltair Homes in April and received an e mail confirming that he would check with his landscaping Team to see if anything could be done. I am disappointed to report that since this inItial e-mail, Poltair have not replied to any follow up e mail from me and it seems therefore that Poltair will not be taking any responsibility for upkeep going forward. Gail-lynne Milne Damage to Natural Habitat Recently some very unwelcome swings, wood and rubbish have appeared at Ellenglaze, alongside the river bank. To these adults who have bolted and screwed through trees, which have grown there for years, I would like to point out to you that there are two parks in Cubert and others in Holywell for your children to use as well as one of Cornwall’s finest beaches for them to play on. I’m sure Mr Coad, who spent many months clearing the river and surrounding area, to prevent flooding, would not be impressed with the size of wood planks and crates floating in the river or that the footpath association, who spend their time keeping the footpath clear for all of us and the visitors to enjoy, appreciate the rubbish and string left around. Ellenglaze is a place of natural beauty and wildlife; foxes, rabbits, fish, ducks, deer, variety of birds etc etc The effects of this rubbish and intrusion could be fatal to many. Please therefore value and respect the countryside and environment you are so privileged to live in and amuse your children in the appropriate parks put there for that purpose or your own back gardens and leave natural habitats alone. Thank you Lynda (a lifetime local, whose childhood was full of fun in Cubert, without damaging the countryside who appreciates the area of beauty we live in) Email : Web Site : JUNE 2015 PENHALE – RE-DEVELOPMENT Email : Web Site : 24 JUNE 2015 PENHALE – RE-DEVELOPMENT CTD 25 PROPOSALS ON DISPLAY Proposals for the redevelopment of the former army training camp at Penhale have moved forward since the well-attended public exhibition in Cubert on 25 March. Comparo Limited, owner of the site, is inviting residents and all interested in its future to view and discuss the plans at a display in Cubert Village Hall on Tuesday 9 June from 2.30 to 6pm. “We have noted the comments from the exhibition, met organisations such as the National Trust, Natural England, Cornwall Wildlife Trust and South West Water and will be ready with more-detailed plans in early June,” said Jill Parkinson of Comparo. The Penhale development team has also discussed the proposals with councillors from Cubert Parish Council and Perranzabuloe Parish Council. “In March they had concerns about the impact on local infrastructure, safeguarding the natural environment and, particularly, traffic and queuing for the NT car park in summer,” Jill said. “Our preliminary plan in March showed that we are restoring part of site to protected open land. And we are working with the local and national organisations to find and agree solutions to other issues.” For updates, visit the Penhale website: Email : Web Site : JUNE 2015 CRANTOCK MEMORY CAFE 26 This month we were transported back to the 1950s for an afternoon of music and memories! A ‘trivia quiz’ on that era invited our members’ memories of those times and led to much chatter and laughter – talk of schooldays, first jobs, holidays, fashion and many other topics brought the decade to life, especially when photographs of some of our members and helpers taken at that time were passed around. Everyone joined in the ‘singalong’ sessions, before and after a suitably 1950s tea break which included a cheese and pineapple ‘hedgehog’ and sausages on sticks (very trendy at the time!). Music included songs by the stars of the day – Elvis, Cliff, Bill Haley, Ruby Murray, Alma Cogan and the Beverley Sisters, and of course we all remembered the words! With a bit of tuition we attempted a hand jive and gave a performance to the accompaniment of ‘Peggy Sue’ by Buddy Holly - a song from 1958. Along with our usual fascinating selection of books, our display boards and puzzles the afternoon passed quickly and proved to be a great success. Our next meeting takes place on Monday 1st June from 2pm to 4pm at Crantock Village Hall. This will be followed up by an additional session on the third Monday of the month, i.e. Monday 15 th June at the same time and venue. This is a direct response to our members’ request that we meet more often and we are delighted to provide another afternoon of social activities. We are always pleased to welcome new members so should you need further information about our Memory Cafe please contact Di on 01637 830544 or Joan on 01637 831347 or visit our website JUNE 2015 YOUR COUNCILLOR WRITES 27 Hi everybody Aren’t the months going quickly; already half way through the year. The first thing I wanted to mention is an update of a meeting I mentioned last time regarding the A3075 and Cubert Crossroads. I am thrilled to say, after meeting with Head of Planning and Head of Transport and highways officers, it has been recognised it is an area of local concern. Subsequently, they have committed to produce a number of design options which will then go out to public consultation, hopefully in the Autumn. This is a positive first step that I have been pushing for a long time. It is important to note that at this stage there is no budget to deliver a scheme, but once we have a preferred design, we will be working to secure funding to deliver it. This is a long term project but rather than have a series of quick fixes, I am keen to secure funding to deliver a more comprehensive solution. At the last Full Council meeting it was agreed to support the application for a Case for Cornwall. This aims to lobby for greater devolution of powers from Westminster to Cornwall so we can make more localised decisions on some of the key infrastructure needs for Cornwall. This will include issues such as transport, housing, health & social care and education. There will be a series of information events about Case for Cornwall plus there will be a public consultation. The dates for the information events are: Penzance – 27th May, 6.30pm, Penzance One Stop Shop Liskeard – 28th May, 6.30pm, Luxstowe House, Liskeard Truro - 1st June , 6.30pm, New County Hall, Truro Bude – 3rd June, 6.30pm, Falcon Hotel, Bude Concerns have been raised about proposed changes to Trevemper roundabout. As Cornwall Councillor I feel this should have been the subject of public consultation as a highways scheme, rather than being development led. I am meeting with senior officers and it is my intention to try and secure agreement for this to go out to public consultation. Whether they will agree or not I don’t know. Until next time, have a good month. Best wishes Lisa JUNE 2015 David G Wright Compu-K BUSINESS DIRECTORY Accountants & Tax Advisers Small Business specialist Computers Computer builds, repair & maintenance Electrical 28 01637 830799 01637 871847 Philip Ashman Local Electrician JB Electrical Services Commercial, Domestic, Hospitality Electrical Work Estate Agents Andrew Hopkinson Newquay Property Centre Funeral Directors 01637 875161 Bob Chudleigh John Nicholls Funeral Service Health & Beauty Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic Foot Health Hair, Beauty Therapies, Massage, Weight Loss Heating, Plumbing, Gas Plumbing & Central Heating Engineer Domestic Gas & Oil Boiler Engineer Holidays Cottages, camping & caravan park 5* Park, Static Holiday Homes Motor Maintenance Vehicle maintenance, service and repair Painter & Decorator/ Home & Garden Maintenance 01637 851177 Mr Fixit Property Maintenance/ Domestic Appliance Repairs Pubs, Restaurants, Etc 01637 830231 St Piran's Inn The Smuggler's Den Inn The Treguth Public House - Holywell Bay Public House - Trebellan, Cubert Public House - Holywell Bay Tuition 01637 830205 01637 830209 01637 830248 Laura Villada Language Tuition 01637 830410 BACK2PHYSIO Get Fit Feet ZEST Peter Griffin Peninsula Gas Cottage Farm Treworgans Holiday Park High Lanes Garage 01637 830305 01726 861002 07527 110532 01637 830298 01637 831903 01872 571100 01637 830702 07976 358928 01637 831083 01637 830200 01872 572820 Undertakers John Nicholls Independently Owned Funeral Service 01637 851177 NEWSLETTER CONTACTS AND INFORMATION Newsletter Post Box Painted black and located outside to the left of the Cubert Village Shop entrance door Newsletter Deadline 12:00 Noon on 22nd of the month Contributions Articles, advertisements, comments, etc. can be placed in the Newsletter Post Box OR email - Editor - Judy 01637 830150 email - Payments Or Donations Cheques are made payable to 'CUBERT NEWSLETTER'. These must be received in advance for adverts. Please send to :Cubert Newsletter, c/o Cubert Post Office & Stores, Holywell Road, Newquay, TR8 5EQ OR place in the Newsletter Post Box Queries To The Treasurer Please email JUNE 2015 THANK YOU From Sandra Muir I would like to thank all the friends and neighbours who attended my dear father Robert Muir’s funeral. Also, thanks to all the staff at The Treguth pub for the wonderful send off they gave him 29 JUNE 2015 DIARY 30 Page See Page REGULAR EVENTS Day / Event Time MONDAYS Toddler Club - Term Time 10:00 to 12:00 6 Craft & Chat Club 13:00 to 15:00 6,7 Sing4Fun Crantock Memory Café (1st & 3rd Mondays) Perranporth Memory Café (2nd Monday) 19:00 to 20:15 6 14:00 to 16:00 7, 26 13:45 to 16:00 7 TUESDAYS Book Sale St Cubert Church Room Short Mat Bowls 10:00 to 12:00 7,17 19:00 to 21:00 2 WEDNESDAYS Book Sale Crantock Memorial Hall Quiz At The Treguth 10:00 to 12:00 21:30 Youth Club - Term Time 18:00 to 19:30 6 Short Mat Bowls 14:00 to 16:30 2 Bible Study (3rd Thursday) 19:30 to 21:00 6 21:00 14:00 11 7 09:45 to 12:30 3 15:00 10 THURSDAYS FRIDAYS Charity Quiz @ Smugglers Den Whist SATURDAYS Nippers & Juniors Training Holywell SLSC SUNDAYS Live Music @ Cornishman Folk Jam Night @ Old Albion (last Sunday of the month) 25 EVENTS JUNE 2015 Case For Cornwall Information Event @ 1 Mon 18:30 In Truro 27 2 Tues Cubert Races From 17:15 5 3 Wed Goonhavern WI Haircut Demo @ 19:30 May 6 Sat Charity Bike Night Ride Start In London May Cubert Short Mat Bowling AGM @ 9 Tues 19:00 2 Penhale Re-Development Proposal Display @ Cubert Village Hall 14:30 to 9 Tues 18:00 24, 25 9 Tues Crantock WI @ 14:00 21 Clothes etc Collection For The Village 13 Sat Hall From 10:00 to 12:00 19 17 Wed Cubert Parish Council meeting @ 19:00 9 19 Fri Jazz @ Offshore 19:00 18 Beginner Sequence Dance Workshops 20 Sat @ Quintrell Downs 10:00 3 Ferris Wheel Junkies @ Cornishman 20 Sat 21:00 10 21 Sun FATHER'S DAY 27 Sat Little Harbour Quiz @ Treguth 21:00 15 EVENTS JULY 2015 7 Tues Nat Trust 10k & 5K Social Runs 11 Sat Nat Trust Pick & Paddle From 09:30 12 Sun Annual Cubert Duck Race @ 12 Noon 24 Fri St Cubert Church Concert 15 15 15 7 EVENTS AUGUST 2015 5 Wed St Cubert Church Village Fete @ 14:00 7 EVENTS SEPTEMBER 2015 18 Fri Cider & Folk Music @ Old Albion 19 Sat Cider & Folk Music @ Old Albion 20 Sun Cider & Folk Music @ Old Albion The views and opinions expressed in this Newsletter do not necessarily reflect those of the editor. The editor reserves the right to refuse material for any reason whatsoever and cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions which may occur in this publication. 25 25 25
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