www.culturenl.co.uk Dance groups…performing arts groups…Pather Artworks… Beetroot Recording Studio…creative writing…music… visual art…photography…Summerlee Photomedia studio… Bellshill Cultural Centre…drama…craft…dance… exhibitions…Wishaw Musicworks January - July 2015 facebook.com/cultureNLArts twitter.com/Arts_NL 2 ARTS IN ACTION Contact the arts development team Arts Classes, Workshops Events and Exhibitions in North Lanarkshire January - July 2015 For further information tel 01236 632828 Arts Development Officer (Visual Art) Tel 01236 812814 Arts Development Officer (Performing Arts) Tel 01236 812527 Arts Development Officer (Music) Tel 01698 632828 Arts Development Officer (Photography) Tel 01236 638463 Beetroot Studio Tel 01236 760315 Pather Artworks Officer Tel 01698 351559 Wishaw Musicworks Tel 01236 632828 Arts Outreach Manager Tel 01236 812585 Creative Writing Tel 01236 812589 For general enquiries about Community Arts classes and activities Tel 01236 632828 www.culturenl.co.uk 3 CONTENTS 2 Dance 26 Mission Statement & Service Standards 4 Drama 28 Arts Development Contact Details Community Arts Classes 7 Beetroot Studio 32 Visual Arts & Craft 8 Exhibition Programme 33 Creative Writing 13 General Information 37 Photography 14 Venue Directory 39 Music 22 4 ARTS IN ACTION Service Standards What Can You Expect From Us? Service Standards: We will strive to ensure that your experience when visiting one of our facilities, attending one of our classes or contacting us by any means is positive and enjoyable. Our staff will be easily identifiable, will treat you with respect and courtesy, will provide you with accurate and relevant information and advice and will welcome your views on the service. Additionally we will ensure that our staff: • Will maintain equipment in good working order and will regularly carry out inspections to ensure its safe operation. • Are attentive, helpful and polite • Respect your privacy • Take responsibility for your enquiry • Use language that is easy to understand • Deal with your enquiries, requests and concerns promptly • Maintain the confidentiality of your enquiry. • Offer assistance with any forms we may ask you to complete We will ensure that our service is well publicised and well used and will aim to increase the number of events and classes and attendance at these, every year. We will aim to offer you value for money by maintaining our show ticket prices and venue hire costs at well below the average, when compared to similar events and venues in Scotland. We will process all telephone and postal bookings for Venues and Community Arts activities within 7 days of receipt. 5 How Are We Performing? We will issue ticket requests received in writing, or by email and the internet, by telephone or through the library service the next working day. We will promote equality and fair treatment. We will maintain equipment in good working order and will regularly carry out inspections to ensure its safe operation. We will aim to continuously improve the quality of our service for our customers. All facilities, exhibitions and activities will comply with current UK health and safety legislation. We will issue hirers of facilities and equipment with an itemised invoice one month in arrears. We will investigate and respond to all written queries regarding invoices issued or charges made in writing within 14 days. We will treat all complaints seriously using clear and accessible procedures. We will respond to complaints in writing within ten days. We will learn from your complaints. The Community Arts section is required to collate statistical information on a quarterly basis. One of the Community Arts key performance indicators is uptake of the Passport to Leisure Scheme. Our target for this year is 20.5% of users and the results below show how we have performed in the last year. Tutors for Community Arts activities will be appropriately trained in the relevant art form. Our uptake of Passport to Leisure Scheme in 2013/14 was 21%. We will aim to continuously improve our services for our customers. 36,871 people attended Community Arts classes in 2012/13 and 32,847 in 2013/14. We will consult with you on our performance through a variety of means throughout the year and will publish the results at least once every 12 months in newsletters, on our website and in leaflets and posters at facilities. We will provide information on our service via Arts in Action, website, social media and posters. In 2013/14 the number of complaints received was 1. This complaint was partially upheld. We also received 5 compliments in 2013/14. Number of Community Arts classes held per week 91. Number of venues in which Community Arts classes take place, 19. In our most recent evaluation survey of adult class members (June 2014), 100% of respondents reported that their Community Arts experience met their needs and expectations and 100% reported that the tutor’s knowledge of their subject was adequate for their needs and that 100% thought their classes good value for money. 6 ARTS IN ACTION Disability Access Policy Culture NL subscribes to the Disability Discrimination Act and as such is committed to the importance of ensuring equality of access and opportunity to Council services by disabled people. This should be viewed in the context of CultureNL’s Equal Opportunities Policy, Service and Budget planning process and Creative Services Service Standards. A Disability Access Policy within Creative Services focuses on improving service delivery and so:Promote social inclusion Deliver responsive and relevant services and opportunities Develop an ongoing process relating to good equality practices Creative Services Disability Access Policy recognises the social model of disability as creating barriers, which ‘disable’ many North Lanarkshire residents from fully exercising their rights as citizens. These barriers include:Buildings and facilities that are inaccessible Information that is not given in an accessible format Prejudice, negative attitudes and stereotyping Our intentions as a service provider are to:Provide high quality relevant arts opportunities in accessible and appropriate community facilities Maintain an open dialogue with a wide range of community groups and individuals to ensure we provide accessible and appropriate services Provide information on our services in a range of accessible mediums and suitable formats Identify staff training needs in relation to equality issues Apply our Equality Policy in all aspects of our service. 7 community arts classes From Monday 5 January until 26 June for most children’s classes and 10 July for adults* CultureNL’s Arts Development Team is running a new programme of weekly arts classes which will appeal to children, young people and adults of all abilities. *Please note all classes will be off on the following dates: Friday 3 April – Friday 17 April inclusive - all classes off. Monday 4 May - all classes off. Friday 22 May and Monday 25 May - all classes off. Look out for our Easter and Summer Holiday Arts Encounters Programme for children and young people that offers a range of holiday activities that keep youngsters actively creative. We will update our arts programme and give you news and information throughout the year on our website, twitter and facebook pages, please check it out on www.culturenl. co.uk or check us out on twitter.com/Arts_NL and facebook.com/culturenlarts Classes that are operating with low attendance numbers after the initial three-week period will be terminated. Alternative options will be offered where possible, but this cannot be guaranteed. Please note that the Community Arts Team cannot be held responsible for changes of venue. Should a change of venue occur we will endeavour to inform all participants in advance. 8 ARTS IN ACTION Visual Arts & Craft Children’s Visual Art and Craft Classes 7 years+ £5.00 [all materials supplied] A wide range of arts activities is on offer including drawing, painting, clay modelling, sculpture making and printmaking. time A wide range of classes are available in drawing and painting, printing and arts and crafts. Classes for children offer skills based activities in an informal setting. For adults our classes offer tuition on a weekly basis or why not look out for some of our specialist workshops during the year. All abilities welcome. For further information on visual arts classes call 01236 812814. www.culturenl.co.uk venue Tuesdays 4.00pm - 5.30pm Stepps Cultural Centre Tuesdays 4.00pm - 5.30pm Charlotte Toal Centre, Coatbridge Wednesdays 4.00pm – 5.30pm Chryston Cultural Centre Wednesdays 4.00pm – 5.30pm The Link, Cumbernauld Thursdays 5.00pm – 6.30pm Bellshill Cultural Centre Thursdays 6.00pm – 7.30pm Airdrie Town Hall 9 Ceramics & Crafts Pather Artworks is located in a bright arts studio within Pather Community Centre. It offers children, young people and adults of all abilities the opportunity to enjoy weekly workshops in arts and crafts, sculpture and ceramics. If you enjoy drawing, painting and working with your hands, this is the place for you. Together with regular weekly classes, Pather Artworks can offer specific classes and short and long term projects for individual groups and organisations. For further information call 01698 351559. Easter Holiday Craft Eggstravaganza Age 8+, cost £7.50, Pather Artworks Wishaw Wednesday 8 April, 10.00am – 1.00pm Work with our ceramics and craft tutor for some Easter and Spring themed activity. Take inspiration from all the great thing about this time of year - bunnies, chicks, flowers and eggs. All materials provided. 10 ARTS IN ACTION Big Cartoon Heids Age 8+ Pather Artworks, Wishaw Monday 13 July, Wednesday 15 July, 10.00am – 1.00pm and Monday 20 July, 10.00am – 11.30am Cost £16.00 Choose a character from cartoon world and learn how to sculpt it in glorious technicolor 3D. Bring along some pictures of your favourite character to work from. Come back to the studio later in the month to do the finishing touches to your masterpiece. Pottery Pets Age 8+ Pather Artworks, Wishaw Monday 20 July, Wednesday 22 July, 10.00am – 1.00pm and Monday 3 August, 10.00am – 11.30am Cost £16.00 Now’s your chance to have the pet you’ve always longed for – maybe a lovely lizard or a cheeky chimp or cuddly cat. All you need is imagination and you can create your very own, easy to care for pet. Our expert pet maker is on hand to guide you and all materials are supplied. Booking advised for all craft workshops. Call 01236 632828 www.culturenl.co.uk 11 Crafty Kids Classes 8 years + £4.50 [all materials included] Fun and informative classes that offer drawing, painting, sculpture and ceramics. Enjoy some hands on messy fun! time venue Mondays 4.00pm - 5.00pm Pather Artworks, Wishaw Tuesdays 4.00pm - 5.00pm Pather Artworks, Wishaw Adult Drawing and Painting 16 years + £6.00./PPL £5.00 Suitable for beginners or for more advanced artists! time venue Mondays 1.30pm - 3.30pm Bellshill Cultural Centre Mondays 7.00pm - 9.00pm Charlotte Toal Centre, Coatbridge Tuesdays 10.00am - 12.00pm Charlotte Toal Centre, Coatbridge Tuesdays 10.00am - 12.00pm The Link, Cumbernauld Tuesdays 7.00pm - 9.00pm Townhead Community Centre Wednesdays 7.00pm - 9.00pm Chryston Cultural Centre NEW Thursdays 1.30pm - 3.30pm Airdrie Town Hall Fridays 10.00am - 12.00pm Stepps Cultural Centre Fridays 1.30pm - 3.30pm Pather Artworks, Wishaw 12 ARTS IN ACTION Visual Arts and Craft Courses for Adults See our other short courses and workshops for adults on www.culturenl.co.uk Deconstruct and Reconstruct – Experimental Drawing Workshop Age 16+ Bellshill Cultural Centre Saturday 21 February, 10.00am - 4.00pm Cost £25.00/PPL£22.00 Working with local artist Sharon Harvey this master class workshop introduces participants to alternative approaches to drawing and encourages new ways of seeing. Through a series of timed exercises working up to a ‘finished’ artwork, participants will explore different techniques and processes. This workshop will also look at the work of various artists and examines how drawing informs their art practice. Have a go! Introduction to oil painting Age 16+ Bellshill Cultural Centre Saturday 16 May, 10.00am - 4.00pm Cost £25.00/PPL £22.00 A great opportunity to have a go at oil painting with Anne Louise Kieran, Visual Arts Development Officer with CultureNL. This workshop offer participants helpful and practical advice on using the medium. There will be a focus on exploring the work of various artists who use oil painting to different effect plus a series of short, practical exercises that encourage participants to explore the medium fully. Booking essential for visual arts workshops. Call 01236 632828. www.culturenl.co.uk 13 Adult Craft Classes Adult Studio Ceramics 16 yrs+ £8.50/PPL £7.50 An open class for adults of all abilities who wish to work on more complex work time Thursdays 9.45am - 12.45pm venue Pather Artworks, Wishaw Adult Classes 16 yrs + £6.00/PPL £5.00 Relaxed and informal classes for both beginners and experienced potters alike. Work through projects using different ceramics techniques. time venue Mondays 1.30pm - 3.00pm Pather Artworks, Wishaw Tuesdays 1.30pm - 3.00pm Pather Artworks, Wishaw Wednesdays 11.00am - 12.30pm Pather Artworks, Wishaw Wednesdays 1.30pm - 3.00pm Pather Artworks, Wishaw Thursdays 1.30pm - 3.00pm Pather Artworks, Wishaw 14 ARTS IN ACTION Adult evening class 16 yrs+ £7.00/PPL £6.00 time Tuesdays www.culturenl.co.uk 6.00pm - 8.00pm venue Pather Artworks, Wishaw 15 Creative Writing Age 16+ £4.50/PPL £4.00 Join like-minded wordsmiths to share ideas, work in progress and receive useful tips whether it’s the first time you’ve put pen to paper, or you’ve been scribing away for years. For enquiries call 01236 812589 time venue Mondays 5.30pm - 7.00pm Airdrie Library Mondays 6.30pm - 8.00pm Chryston Cultural Centre Wednesdays 1.00pm - 3.00pm Bellshill Cultural Centre Creative Writing 16 ARTS IN ACTION Photomedia Classes* A wide range of classes and one off workshops is available giving an opportunity to learn the basics of photography along with more advanced techniques. *For Health and Safety reasons Traditional Darkroom Photography Classes can only be accessed by individuals who can demonstrate to the tutor that they themselves fully understand the dangers of working with chemicals in a darkroom situation. For further information please call 01236 638463. www.culturenl.co.uk Summerlee Photomedia Studio Summerlee Photomedia Studio offers traditional and digital photography, the moving image and digital music making facilities. For further information call 01236 632828. For specific information on Photomedia classes call 01236 638463 or email peaced@culturenl.co.uk 17 Photomedia Weekly Classes Summerlee Photomedia Studio, Summerlee Museum, Coatbridge Age 15+ £5.50/PPL £4.50 All weekly classes at the Photomedia Studio, whether ’All Ability’ or ‘Intermediate’ cover the use of the camera, stills photography, studio lighting, indoor and outdoor photography and Photoshop at the appropriate level. time class Mondays 12.30pm - 2.00pm Adult All Ability Digital and Traditional photography* Tuesdays 10.30am - 12noon 50+ Introduction to Digital and Traditional photography* Thursdays 6.00pm - 7.30pm Adult Intermediate Digital and Traditional Photography* *For Health and Safety reasons Traditional Darkroom Photography Classes can only be accessed by individuals who can demonstrate to the tutor that they themselves fully understand the dangers of working with chemicals in a darkroom situation. For further information please call 01236 638463. Children’s Photo Club Wednesdays 4.15pm - 5.15pm NEW, STARTS 29 APRIL Age 10 - 12yrs Cost £4.50 per week Learn more about all sorts of different forms of photography from a traditional ‘darkroom’ to what you can do on an iphone or ipad and more. 18 ARTS IN ACTION Drop In Sessions Wednesdays 12noon - 2.00pm and at other times by prior arrangement. Call 01236 638463. Age 15+ Cost £7.50/PPL £6.50 Adult open sessions for Digital and Traditional* Photography and Music. Apple Box Film Club Saturdays 11.00am - 1.00pm Equipment Hire The Photomedia Studio has a range of professional stills equipment, video HD cameras, video lights, portable monitors, sound kit and camcrane laptops etc that are available for hire. Call 01236 638463 for full details. Age 8 - 16 years Cost £5.50 per class. Fun-filled film making workshops for those keen on starting early on their Hollywood career. Learn animation, editing, music and digital effects, and work on some exciting projects! Weekly Classes in other venues Age 15+ £5.50/PPL£4.50 Studio Time Most days by prior arrangement. Call 01236 638463 for booking and price information. Photographic Studio available for bookings by groups and individuals for project work. www.culturenl.co.uk time Wednesdays 6.00pm - 8.00pm class Adult All Ability Digital and Traditional Photography* Bellshill Cultural Centre 19 Photomedia Studio Workshops and Events Earth Hour Photo Evening Age 16+, Saturday 28 March, 7.30pm - 9.30pm. Earth Hour is celebrated in North Lanarkshire with a commitment to ‘Lights Out’ for a large number of a services and resources in the area. Why not join a seasoned photographer to capture the impact of Earth Hour in the local community and be part of the worldwide grassroots movement uniting people to protect the planet. Full details and location to be confirmed. Please phone 01236 638463 to register your interest and receive further information when available. Evening Images - Photo Field Trip with a difference! Age 15+, Summerlee Museum, Cost £5.50/PPL £4.50 Thursday 9 April, 6.30pm- 9.00pm Booking advised - this is a popular workshop. Call 01236 632828. Enjoy an after-hours evening in Summerlee Museum in an intriguing lighting environment. Participants will work under the instruction of a tutor to explore the character of the museum and its objects. Using evening light balanced with portable flash lighting and/or constant source lighting (provided) you will see the creative ways photography can be used. 20 ARTS IN ACTION It’s Not Just About Selfies - Easter Photo Workshop for kids Age 10 - 12 yrs, Summerlee Photomedia, £5.00 per day or £12.00 for all 3 days Monday 13 - Wednesday 15 April, 1.00pm - 3.00pm each day A great chance to learn a bit more about taking photos from selfies to photograms and iPhoto to iPads, we cover it all. Learn a bit about a ‘Darkroom’ and get to use some professional studio kit. Call 01236 632828 to book a place. Wireless Flash Photography Age 16+, Summerlee Photomedia Studio, Cost £40.00 Sunday 17 May, 10.00am - 4.00pm Numbers are limited - booking essential. Call 01236 632828 for information. To book a place/pay by card phone 01236 856150. Led by photographer and college lecturer David Stanton this course is aimed at college students studying photography. Working with fashion models you will be taken through the techniques involved in controlling flash outdoors (and inside the Museum) and balancing the ambient light. www.culturenl.co.uk 21 DIGITAL PHOTO MEMENTOS – at Easter, and other Events Days at Summerlee Museum. As part of your visit at Easter or other event days make sure you take home a unique and individual memento of the day with your own or family photo on a keyring, badge or fridge magnet. Cost £2.00 per item. For all ages! TAILOR MADE PHOTOMEDIA WORKSHOPS CAN BE ARRANGED FOR GROUPS AND ORGANISATIONS. FOR FURTHER DETAILS ON THESE AND OTHER PHOTOMEDIA INITIATIVES PLEASE CALL 01236 638463 or email peaced@culturenl.co.uk 22 ARTS IN ACTION Children’s Keyboard Classes Music Classes Musicworks is now located within Pather Community Centre, Caledonian Road, Wishaw. Classes are available in keyboard, drums and guitar for children aged 8 – 16 years and adults. For some classes we can provide keyboards and guitars for participants to use. Musicworks also offers a range of specific classes for adults with additional needs. Class sizes are limited and prebooking is advisable. Classes are payable in advance. For further information call 01236 632828. www.culturenl.co.uk 8 years+ £4.50 With classes for all levels it’s a perfect way to start or continue to advance your keyboard skills in a variety of musical styles. time venue Mondays 4.00pm – 5.00pm Wishaw Musicworks (beginners) Mondays 5.00pm – 6.00pm Condorrat Library Tuesdays 4.00pm – 5.00pm Wishaw Musicworks [6 - 9yrs] Tuesdays 5.00pm – 6.00pm Wishaw Musicworks [9 - 12yrs] Summerlee Singers Cost £3.00 per session Do you sing in the bath? Hum along to the radio in the car? Join Summerlee Singers for a musical session each week in the company of others who just want to exercise their tonsils and have a bit of fun! time Thursdays 6.15pm - 7.15pm venue Reigart Suite, Summerlee Museum, Coatbridge 23 Adult Keyboard Class 16 years+ £5.00/PPL £4.50 time venue Mondays 2.30pm - 3.30pm Wishaw Musicworks Tuesdays 11.00am - 12noon Wishaw Musicworks Adult All Ability Music Workshops 16 years+ £3.50 time venue Mondays 10.30am - 11.30am Wishaw Musicworks Mondays 11.30am - 12.30pm Wishaw Musicworks Mondays 1.15pm - 2.15pm Wishaw Musicworks Tuesdays 10.00am - 11.00am Wishaw Musicworks Tuesdays 10.30am - 11.30am Cumbernauld New Town Hall Tuesdays 11.30am - 12.30pm Cumbernauld New Town hall Tuesdays 12.00pm - 1.00pm Wishaw Musicworks Tuesdays 1.00pm - 2.00pm Wishaw Musicworks Wednesdays 10.30am - 11.30am Wishaw Musicworks Wednesdays 11.30am - 12.30pm Wishaw Musicworks Wednesdays 1.00pm - 2.00pm Wishaw Musicworks Wednesdays 2.00pm - 3.00pm Wishaw Musicworks Fridays 2.00pm - 3.00pm Wishaw Musicworks 24 ARTS IN ACTION Children’s Guitar Classes 8 – 16 years+ £4.50 Future guitar heroes, your journey begins here. With progressive stages you’ll learn a variety of songs and develop a great foundation to take your playing as far as you want – whether it’s for simple accompaniment or headlining at T in the Park! time www.culturenl.co.uk venue Mondays 4.00pm – 5.00pm Old Monkland CC [level 1] Mondays 5.00pm – 6.00pm Old Monkland CC [level 1] Mondays 6.00pm – 7.00pm Old Monkland CC [level 2] Tuesdays 5.00pm – 6.00pm Airdrie Town Hall [level 1] Tuesdays 6.00pm – 7.00pm Airdrie Town Hall [level 1] Wednesdays 4.30pm – 5.30pm John McCormack CC [level 1] Wednesdays 5.30pm – 6.30pm John McCormack CC [level 2] Wednesdays 6.30pm – 7.30pm John McCormack CC [level 2] Wednesdays 4.30pm – 5.30pm Wishaw Musicworks [level1] Thursdays 4.00pm – 5.00pm Wishaw Musicworks [level1] Thursdays 5.00pm – 6.00pm Greenfaulds Community Centre [level 1] Thursdays 6.00pm – 7.00pm Greenfaulds Community Centre [level 2] Fridays 5.00pm – 6.00pm Stepps Cultural Centre [level 2] 25 Adult Guitar Classes 16 years+ £5.00/PPL £4.50 time venue Mondays 7.00pm - 8.00pm Old Monkland CC Tuesdays 7.00pm - 8.00pm Airdrie Town Hall Wednesdays 5.30pm - 6.30pm Wishaw Musicworks Fridays 6.00pm - 7.00pm Stepps Cultural Centre Children’s Drum Classes 8 - 16 years+ £4.50 If the rhythm moves you, come along and learn or develop your drumming skills. With electronic and acoustic kits as well as practice pads you’ll have every opportunity to get stuck into the variety of styles on offer. time venue Mondays 4.00pm - 5.00pm Airdrie Town Hall Mondays 5.00pm - 6.00pm Airdrie Town Hall Thursdays 5.00pm - 6.00pm Wishaw Musicworks [beginners] Thursdays 6.00pm - 7.00pm Wishaw Musicworks [beg/int] Fridays 3.30pm - 4.30pm Wishaw Musicworks [6 - 9yrs] Fridays 4.30pm - 5.30pm Wishaw Musicworks [beginners] 26 ARTS IN ACTION Dance Classes Culture NL’s Community Arts run a variety of dance classes for young people and adults in venues around North Lanarkshire. Short courses, workshops and one off events can also be devised for your group or school. For further information contact 01236 632828 Adult All Ability Dance and Movement Class £4.00 per class [carers go free] This is a dance class for adults with additional support needs that aims to take account of individual requirements. Carers are very welcome to join in. time Tuesdays 11.00pm - 12.00noon www.culturenl.co.uk venue Charlotte Toal Centre, Coatbridge NEW TIME 27 Strictly Stretch 50 years+ £3.50/£3.00 PPL If you would like to learn some gentle, fun new dance styles then this is the class for you! Each class begins with some stretching and strengthening exercises to improve general fitness and flexibility, and then you have the chance to learn anything from Abba moves to Salsa. Come on - get onto the floor! Wear comfortable clothes. time venue Mondays 10.00am - 11.00am Bellshill Cultural Centre NEW TIME Mondays 2.00pm - 3.00pm Netherton Community Centre Wednesdays 10.30am - 11.30am Airdrie Town Hall NEW CLASS Thursdays 10.30am - 11.30am Janet Hamilton Centre, Coatbridge Fridays 10.30am - 11.30am Chryston Community Centre 28 ARTS IN ACTION Children’s Theatre Drama Drama based activities for all ages, stages and abilities in various venues across North Lanarkshire. For further information on drama and dance activities call the performing arts team on 01236 812527. North Lanarkshire Children’s Theatre is open to all young people aged 5 – 12 years. Children’s Theatre members have the opportunity to participate in weekly drama workshops developing creativity, imagination and skills in performing arts as well as increasing self confidence, self expression and most of all, having fun! Payment - the terms are payable in 5 week blocks costing £20.00 each. time venue 5 - 8 years Mondays 4.00pm - 5.00pm Airdrie Town Hall Tuesdays 4.30pm - 5.30pm Bellshill Cultural Centre Wednesdays 4.00pm - 5.00pm New Stevenston Community Centre, Motherwell Mondays 5.15pm - 6.15pm Airdrie Town Hall Wednesdays 5.15pm - 6.15pm New Stevenston Community Centre, Motherwell 5.30pm - 6.30pm Bellshill Cultural Centre 9 - 12 years 9 - 15 years Tuesdays www.culturenl.co.uk 29 North Lanarkshire Youth Theatre Production Calling all budding actors aged 13 and over! Join our youth theatre now! Participants have the opportunity to develop skills in performing arts, to explore themes and issues and to create and perform their own work. £4.00 per class. NEW LONGER CLASSES. time venue Mondays 6.30pm - 8.00pm Airdrie Town Hall Wednesdays 6.30pm - 8.00pm New Stevenston Community Centre, Motherwell Thursdays 6.30pm - 8.00pm Henderson Theatre, Shotts North Lanarkshire Youth Theatre presents The Crazy Sexy Cool Girls Fan Club Adult Drama NLStudio Bellshill Cultural Centre Thursdays 7.00pm – 9.00pm £4.50 per class Motherwell Theatre Thursday 12 March at 7pm Tickets £6.00 /£3.50. To book call 01698 403120 As part of the national Connections Festival of 2015, North Lanarkshire Youth Theatre is delighted to be presenting this brand new piece of drama especially written for young people by Sarah Solmani. Connections is the National Theatre’s annual festival of new plays and performances for youth theatres and schools. It’s the largest festival of its kind in the world and involves more than 200 youth theatres across the UK in this prestigious event. North Lanarkshire Youth Theatre is delighted to be participating in the festival for the second time. Interested in joining our mixed ability adult drama group? Contact our Performing Arts Officers on 01236 812527 for further information. 30 ARTS IN ACTION Easter Arts Camp Age 6 - 12yrs Airdrie Town Hall Monday 13 April - Friday 17 April Monday - Thursday 10.00am - 4.00pm. Friday 12 noon - 8.00pm. Performance at 7.00pm Cost £50.00 Join our community arts team for a full-on week of drama, art, music and film that will have you creating, devising, rehearsing and performing all your own work that will be shared with friends and family on the Friday evening. Awesome! Summer Arts Camp Age 6 - 12yrs Bellshill Cultural Centre Monday 27 July - Friday 1 August Monday - Thursday 10.00am - 1.00pm. Friday 12 noon - 8.00pm. Performance at 7.00pm Cost £50.00 Don’t be bored during the long summer holidays, come along and join the community arts team for a creative week of drama, dance, art and music. You’ll have a brilliant, busy time that creates a performance for friends and family as the finale to a fun filled week. Booking essential for Arts Camps. Call 01236 632828 www.culturenl.co.uk 31 North Lanarkshire Children’s Theatre presents In Search of the Rainbow Motherwell Concert Hall Sunday 7 June at 4pm Tickets £6.00/£3.50 To book call 01698 403120 Bonnytown is a drab and dreich place to live. The town was once vibrant and exciting until the self-appointed greedy Mayor stole all the colour for himself. When the townsfolk complained, the Mayor hid all the colour in the strangest of places! The search to find the colours of the rainbow is on! The folk of Bonnytown are on a mission to bring all the colour home and bring the brightness back to everyone’s lives. 32 ARTS IN ACTION Beetroot Recording Studio Varnsdorf Way, Petersburn, Airdrie Beetroot Recording Studio is based around a pair of RADAR 24 recorders, giving 48-tracks of the highest quality digital recording format available at any price. A custom-built Euphonix ASP8024 analogue console is used for tracking and mixing (giving 80 inputs at mixdown). The studio is equipped with an extensive list of the finest outboard gear, including pieces from Avalon, Crane Song, Empirical Labs, Daking, API, Buzz Audio etc, as well as an equally impressive microphone list, including valve condensors, smalldiaphragm condensors, dynamics and ribbons from Neumann, Royer, AEA, Sennheiser, ADK, Beyerdynamic and Audix. Our control room was custom designed and built by Dr Douglas Doherty of DACS Audio. It is fitted with the world’s first monitoring system from high-end audiophile specialists Wilson-Benesch (using Quested amps), which is an extremely accurate system. Since the room itself has been designed for maximum sonic accuracy, it is a perfect space for mixing and mastering. In addition, PMC and Triple P monitors are also used. www.culturenl.co.uk The powerful PC is well-equipped with excellent music software, including Samplitude Professional 8, Cubase SX2, UAD Studio Pack, Native Instruments Kontakt, Native Instruments B4, Antares Auto-Tune, EDL Convert Pro etc. The computer system integrates seamlessly with the main RADAR system. There are now three recording areas in addition to the control room; the main live room (or ‘wood room’), a ‘guitar room’ (equipped with vintage valve amps from Marshall and Fender, as well as a large collection of boutique effects pedals) and a small vocal booth. The studio is equipped with the famous DACS headphone amp system, and these rooms ALL have video and midi feeds, making it possible to track bands completely live with maximum separation. Please call 01236 760315 to request a full equipment list. For further information on Beetroot Recording Studio contact Stuart MacLeod on 01236 760315. 33 Exhibitions All our exhibitions are free of charge. CultureNL’s Visual Arts Officer, Anne Louise Kieran attends the Glasgow School of Art Degree Show each year as part of her programme of visits and meetings in preparation for curating Creative Services contribution to the North Lanarkshire Exhibition Programme. In 2014, as a mark of solidarity with Glasgow School of Art and in particular those graduating in Drawing, Painting and Printmaking, she concentrated on inviting only students from these disciplines to exhibit in North Lanarkshire. It is hoped that those who accepted the invitation will benefit from the support and exposure our exhibition programme offers after such a trying time at so critical a point in their art career. Motherwell Concert Hall & Theatre 16 March – 4 May Sophie Nicoll GSA Painting, Drawing & Printmaking graduate 2014 Using elements of painting, drawing, pattern and abstraction Sophie Nicoll’s work aims to describe and simplify the relationship between exterior and interior spaces. Often using colours associated with interior design, she is interested in architecture that inhabits both domestic and industrial sites. 11 May – 29 June Ceramics Ceramic and photographic work by class members who attend the Pather Artwork studio in Wishaw. 13 July – 31 August Paul Flynn Brady GSA Painting, Drawing & Printmaking graduate 2014 19 January – 12 March Heather McAlpine The work of local photographer, Heather McAlpine, focuses on the urban landscapes of Lanarkshire. Her work takes a documentary approach by recording architectural landmarks of ‘Lanarkshire’s Disappearing Past’ which is sure to appeal to a local audience. Paul Flynn Brady’s work is concerned with portraiture within a traditional painting genre. He paints his portraits by layering the paint and using a subtle chromatic palette. His work deals quite directly with meaning and representation. Often seemingly innocuous images are re-contextualised when positioned with a highly loaded narrative or set of references. The work is a comment on the perpetual cycle of imitation between reality and fiction within popular culture. 34 ARTS IN ACTION Bellshill Cultural Centre 21 January – 11 March Ella Porter GSA Painting, Drawing & Printmaking graduate 2014 Ella Porter creates mixed media installations comprising sculptural cast forms, free standing mechanisms which support these sculptures and 2D printed screens . “Taking aesthetic influence from interiors, my work draws links with minimal domestic settings in keeping with a showroom environment, neutral contemporary art galleries and impersonal on-line personas”. 18 March – 6 May Creative Writing – CultureNL Light A rich and stimulating selection of creative writing offerings using Light as the theme in recognition of 2015 being International Year of Light. Work is created by members of groups run by Creative Services, Culture NL. This exhibition showcases the immense talent of local writers within North Lanarkshire through an imaginative display of text, image and objects. www.culturenl.co.uk 13 May – 1 July Anna Crilly GSA Painting, Drawing & Printmaking graduate 2014 In an increasingly digital age, Anna Crilly’s work deals with the physicality of materials. She create installations or ‘material compositions’ which play with the idea of artifice in relation to brute fact. These presentations give the viewer an interesting and alternative view on images and objects within a given space. 15 July – 2 September Laura McDougall Laura’s work is the result of a long held fascination with consumer labels and merchandising. Having collected an array of visual material over many years, Laura selects, sifts and rearranges this material to create collaged artworks that are then transformed onto a ceramic surface. 35 Airdrie Town Hall Airdrie Community Health Centre 7 January – 16 February Thomas Nisbet 12 January – 23 March Eating Disorders Carers Support Group Thomas Nisbet creates meticulously detailed wildlife illustrations. He was selected for, ‘Ready Steady Gallop’ a public art project in and around Hamilton during 2014. His beautifully decorated horse drew attention to the diversity of wildlife in South Lanarkshire. On exhibition is an array of artwork depicting the journey of families caring for a loved one with an eating disorder. In creating the exhibition families were able to use art as a medium to express their own thoughts, feelings and emotions. 23 February – 6 April Kate Gallagher 6 April – 18 June Calderbank Community Art Club Heritage GSA Painting, Drawing & Printmaking graduate 2014 ‘In attempting to create work that is about profound emotion and sentimentality….’ Kate Gallagher acknowledges the inevitable failure in such an attempt. Her paintings, cartoonlike and figurative in style, try to tell a story from a uniquely personal point of view. 8 June – 3 August Airdrie Town Hall Adult Art Class - CultureNL An opportunity to view the work of highly talented class members who attend the adult art class at Airdrie Town Hall run by Culture NL. On display is an eclectic mix of paintings and drawings on a range of different subject matter and variety of media. A visual treat for all! Calderbank Community Art Club is a self-run club that meets weekly in Calderbank Community Centre. Aside from a shared interest in all aspects of the visual arts, their first exhibition at Airdrie Community Health Centre demonstrates the benefits of being part of a creative group: companionship, mutual support and a shared environment which encourages the exploration of creative activity and positive ageing. Exploring the theme of ‘heritage’ this exhibition presents a series of works that depict memories of places visited, people admired and many other aspects of local heritage that have shaped our present communities. Calderbank Community Art Group is a great testament to the skills and talents of people in their retirement years. 36 ARTS IN ACTION 24 June – 10 September Life in the Towers ‘Life in the Towers: past and present’, is an exhibition that captures the wonderful community spirit of people living in Muirhouse and how the surroundings can affect their health and wellbeing. People young and old share their marvellous tales of their own experiences of living in a high rise community. Through artistic design and creative writing primary six pupils from St Brendan’s and Muirhouse Primary Schools demonstrate what they have learned about life in the towers and share their positive experiences and thoughts of mental health. Viewers will have the chance to look at photographs which provide honest interpretations from people across Lanarkshire as to what they find important in terms of mental health and wellbeing. www.culturenl.co.uk 37 Schools Outreach Programme Selected exhibitions offer student groups inspiration together with hands on workshops provided by a professional artist. These kinds of sessions can offer the student a great insight into the artist’s work and a range of activities that stimulate and inspire. If you are interested in taking part in activities related to the forthcoming exhibition programme please call 01236 812814. General Information Passport to Leisure Hiring Passport to Leisure holders are eligible for reduced admission to classes and to many performances. For further information on the Passport to Leisure scheme, details of eligibility and how to apply telephone 01236 632828 Bellshill Cultural Centre Venues are available for hire for a variety of events and all your catering requirements can be met. For further information contact the Theatre Manager on 01698 274545. Tickets Advance Bookings call 01698 403120 or online at www.culturenl.co.uk CultureNL Ltd Summerlee Museum of Scottish Industrial Life Heritage Way Coatbridge ML5 1QD Tel 01236 632828 www.culturenl.co.uk 38 ARTS IN ACTION Airdrie Library Wellwynd, Airdrie ML6 0AG Tel 01236 758070 Airdrie Town Hall Stirling Street, Airdrie ML6 0AS Tel: 01236 638978 Beetroot Studios Varnsdorf Way, Petersburn, Airdrie ML6 8EQ Tel: 01236 760315 Bellshill Cultural Centre John Street, Bellshill ML4 1RJ Tel: 01698 346770 Charlotte Toal Centre Dundyvan Road, Coatbridge ML5 4AG Tel: 01236 710284 Chryston Cultural and Community Centre VENUE DIRECTORY www.culturenl.co.uk Lindsaybeg Road, Chryston G69 9DL Tel: 01236 856277 39 Condorrat Library The link North Road, Condorrat, Cumbernauld G86 9AE Tel: 01236 736615 Bron Way, Cumbernauld G67 1EW Tel: 01236 728200 Photomedia Studio Summerlee Museum of Scottish Industrial Life Netherton Community Centre Heritage Way, Coatbridge, ML5 1QD Tel: 01236 638463 Cumbernauld New Town Hall Old Manse Road, Wishaw ML2 0EW Tel: 01698 372983 Bron Way, Cumbernauld G67 1DZ Tel: 01236 455500 Greenfaulds Community Centre Lochinvar Road, Greenfaulds, Cumbernauld G67 4AR Tel: 01236 458115 Henderson Theatre Kirk Road, Shotts ML7 5ET Tel: 01501 821826 Janet Hamilton Centre Langloan Street, Coatbridge ML5 1HJ Tel: 01236 424986 John McCormack Community Centre Motherwell Road, Carfin ML1 4EB Tel: 01698 230419 New Stevenston Community Centre Stepps Primary & Cultural Centre 10 Blenheim Avenue, Stepps G33 6FH Tel: 01236 638 555 Jerviston Street, New Stevenston ML1 4AA Tel: 01698 732402 Wishaw Musicworks (within Pather Community Centre) Old Monkland Community Centre Caledonian Road, Wishaw ML2 0HZ Tel: 01236 632828 Marshall Street, Coatbridge ML5 5EP Tel: 01236 428047 Pather Artworks (within Pather Community Centre) Caledonian Road, Wishaw ML2 0HZ Tel: 01698 351559 www.culturenl.co.uk Dance groups…performing arts groups…Pather Artworks…Beetroot Studio…creative writing…music…visual art… photography…Bellshill Cultural Centre…drama…craft…dance…exhibitions…Wishaw Musicworks...Airdrie Town Hall... For more what’s on information log onto www.visitlanarkshire.com
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