The Monthly Messenger Christ United Methodist Church 8540 US 31 South, Indianapolis, IN 46227-0971 317-882-1549 Easter Egg Hunt EGGstravaganza April 2015 sponsored by the Education Committee Saturday, April 4 for ages up through fifth grade 4:00 pm 4:30 pm 5:00 pm Registration Begins The HUNT Taco Dinner in Fellowship Hall free-will offering to benefit the Worship Committee and Puppet Ministry The Good News Puppets will perform after dinner This is sure to entertain kids of all ages. —————————————————————————————30 HOUR FAMINE...This year the youth will be participating in the 30-Hour Famine. Beginning at noon on Good Friday, the youth will fast for 30 hours-ending Saturday evening after the puppet show. Along with this, we will have a canned food drive for Andrew’s Harvest Food Pantry. We want to stock our shelves with: 1. Canned Veggies 2. Soup 3. Spaghetti 4. Pasta Sauce If you would like to help, bring your canned food on Easter Sunday to help stock the pantry! From Pastor David THERE ARE SOME surprising details in the four Gospel accounts of the resurrection of Jesus - what we in the English speaking world celebrate as EASTER, while the rest of the world (no matter what the language) celebrates as PASCHA. Some of those interesting details are: ∗ ∗ ∗ Mary Magdalene - while there is some difference in the four accounts as to who was there to discover Jesus’ empty tomb, all agree Mary Magdalene was there. Angels - Angels are always harbingers in Scripture that something REALLY BIG is happening in the story, and they figure prominently in each Gospel account of the first Easter. Fear - Matthew, Mark, and Luke portray the women as FEARFUL. John has Mary as simply miserable. Mary Magdalene is named as one from whom Jesus cast out demons (Luke 8:2). At the crucifixion she is named as present in Matthew, Luke, and John. At the resurrection, she is the ONLY one who discovered that Jesus’ tomb was empty (John’s Gospel). And she was first to tell the others, including the Apostles, that she had seen the Lord (again, John’s Gospel). For these reasons, Augustine (of Hippo) called her “Apostle to the Apostles.” In a Church that has been dominated by men for 2000 years, a Church where women are either not allowed to speak, relegated to secondary roles, or (even in our United Methodist tradition) not given parity of pay and position, it was a woman who was faithful, from beginning to end, was the first to tell the good news, and the first to talk to the risen Jesus. We wouldn’t even have an Easter story without the woman Mary Magdalene. Angels were there when Abraham found out Sarah would have a baby. An angel wrestled all night with Jacob, and gave him his new name Israel. An angel told Mary she would have a baby. An angel told Zechariah that his wife would have a baby (John the Baptist). Angels were there to tell the shepherds that Jesus was born. And angels were there to tell anyone who came that Jesus was risen. Their very name means bearers of news, good news. There is no question in the Gospels, and in the Genesis stories, that angels are real and they bring good news from God. You don’t hear much about angels today, and people will question your sanity if you claim you’ve talked with one. Still, Scripture says, “Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.” Looks like another good reason to practice “radical hospitality.” Fear was the dominant emotion at the empty tomb. It stands to reason, since people were much more used to the dead staying dead (Lazarus HAD been called back to life, but that made people want to kill him along with Jesus). Fear is the standard response to the unknown. And yet Scripture says that we don’t have to be afraid anymore, because fear has to do with punishment, and Jesus has already taken the punishment we deserve, “by his stripes we are healed.” We don’t have to be afraid anymore, because the story has a new ending - Christ is risen as first fruit of the promise - death is defeated - God wins. And the remedy to fear is “perfect love” - it “casts out” all fear. And Mary Magdalene’s grieving misery was handled nicely by the love of Jesus when he said her name, “Mary.” So maybe this Easter it’s time to learn some lessons from the first Easter. ∗ Let’s let women have their rightful place, at least in the church. It’s time for the promise of the resurrection to be given a chance, and giving women credit for discovering, a chance for leading, and a voice for proclaiming has to be better than what men have managed to do with the “Good News” over the last 2000 years. ∗ Let’s get REALLY serious about welcoming people. Let’s put away labels. Let’s stop emphasizing the differences. Let’s put out the welcome mat in a BIG way, especially for people who don’t look like us, speak like Christ United Methodist Church Page 2 Passionate Worship ∗ us, fit into our molds of sameness. We live in a world just begging for God’s good news, and I’m pretty sure angels still have a job as God’s messengers. Let’s give fear a rest. Let’s give love its chance - to fill us up to overflowing with the only thing that will ever combat all the anger, all the evil, all the darkness, all the lies that God’s enemies keep throwing at us. Let’s let the misery of our many griefs turn to the joy of Easter. Jesus knows our names, and he says he’s going to call us by our name, just like he called Mary, and turned her misery into the best day of her life. God wants to do that for us, too, and just maybe it’s going to be this Easter. Pastor David Sunday morning sanctuary Worship schedule JOIN US IN T.H.I.R.S.T. A service of Praise & Worship Sunday mornings at 11:00 am in Fellowship Hall April 5 - Pastor Ted Speaking April 12 - Jerry Bristow Speaking April 19 - Greg Werner Speaking April 26 - Greg Werner Speaking Food & Fellowship in an informal setting! ...our thoughts and prayers are with Bob and Carolyn Huffman at the passing of Carolyn’s son Donald Adair Forth. March 9, 2015 was a very hard day. ...our thoughts and prayers are with Bill, Brandi, Tyler and Ruby Thompson at the passing of their 11 year old son/brother Jacob Andrew Thompson on March 14, 2015. Sunday, April 5, 2015 EASTER Pastor David Lee Preaching WHAT SIGN?: Risen! John 20:1-18 Sunday, April 12, 2015 Pastor David Lee Preaching MY SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER SAID: Forgive and Believe John 20:19-31 Sunday, April 19, 2015 Pastor David Lee Preaching MY SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER SAID: Eat Your Fish Luke 24:36b-48 Sunday, April 26, 2015 Pastor David Lee Preaching MY SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER SAID: Jesus Is the Good Shepherd John 10:11-18 Christ United Methodist Church We rejoice at the birth of Ella Kay French born February 24, 2015 to Danny and Amber French. Grandparents are Danny Sr, and Vonda French. We rejoice at the birth of Mia Grace Embrey born March 12, 2015 to Rick and Renee Embrey. Mia was welcomed home by siblings: Jordan, Lucas, Grant, and Ashley. VBS July 12-16, 2015 6:00 - 8:30 pm Look for Volunteer Opportunities Coming Soon! Page 3 From Christian Education - Terri Haehnle GETTING KIDS TO LISTEN WITHOUT YELLING When we teach parents to avoid responding to their children in anger we get a common reaction: "But my kids won't obey unless I get angry." And you're probably right, but only because you've taught your children to wait until you're angry before they have to obey. You give your kids cues to know when you mean business. Those cues tell your child that it's time to respond because your action point is coming next. There is a definite connection between action point and anger. Many parents use the energy from anger to finally take action. When parents learn to tighten up their action point, then they don't have to use anger as the motivator. In fact, anger can often be a flag that your action point isn't tight enough. If you find that you're relying on anger to motivate your children, then it's time to make a change. First, though, you need to develop a new plan. What signals do you want to use to indicate that it's time to clean up, or it's time to go? Maybe you'll use the child's name, obtain eye contact, and use the word "now" in the instruction. When you're ready to make the change, talk with your children. Explain that you have been wrong in teaching them to wait until you get angry before they start obeying. From now on you are going to tell them once, then comes the action. If your child doesn't respond to the new cues then move right to your follow through. You may use a warning at first as your children are learning to respond to new cues. This helps them see that you mean business, but don't add several warnings or you defeat the purpose. Develop a routine with your kids so that they know when discussion or delays are over and obedience is required. We don't encourage parents to always demand obedience. Children also learn from negotiation, compromise, and cooperation, but there is a time for children to respond whether they like it or not. Your kids need to know when that is and clarifying your action point will help them learn it. This parenting tip comes from Chapter 1 in the book Home Improvement, the Parenting Book You Can Read to Your Kids by Dr Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller, RN, BSN. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- Senior Spotlight Shelbie Hargis Christ United Methodist Church MYNAME IS SHELBIE HARGIS and I'm a senior at Center Grove High School. All my life I've known I've wanted to work with kids, always has been that way for me. I'm attending Ivy Tech Community college in the fall and plan to major in early childhood education and administration. I can earn a certificate to work in a preschool. After that I hope to start my career at a preschool or in a daycare facility. I currently teach the second and third grade Sunday school class and I've been looking for what God wants me to do with my talent of working with kids. I would love to continue teaching their class as well as others later down the road. I have found much love and comfort from my church family in helping guide me to where I am. I'm most thankful for the path God has paved for me and is leading me on and I can’t wait to see what's in store for me! Page 4 From Christian education and Youth WAREHOUSE 242 (for youth 7th grade and up) JAM567 (for youth 5th, 6th, 7th grade) YOUTH GROUPS - Sunday 5:30-7:30 pm BIBLE STUDY - Thursday 5:30 pm Thurs., April 2 Fri.-Sat. April 3,4 Sun. April 5 Thurs., April 9 Sun., April 12 Thurs., April 16 Sun., April 19 Thurs., April 23 Sun., April 26 Thurs., April 30 Harry Potter Study It’s a Surprise!! 30 Hour Famine Happy Easter –no meeting Harry Potter Study/ Guatemala Meeting Jesus > Religion Harry Potter Study Chili Cook Off and Jesus > Religion Harry Potter Study Jesus > Religion THE EDUCATION COMMITTEE will be honoring our high school and college graduates on Sunday, May 17 during all three services. During the Sunday School hour, the graduates and their families are invited to attend a celebratory breakfast hosted by Warehouse 242. Please find the RSVP form in the bulletin and return it to the church office, so we are able to plan for the breakfast. YOUTH BAKE SALE! EASTER WEEKEND! FREE-WILL OFFERING! All proceeds will go towards offsetting the cost of camp. Donations gratefully accepted. Please help us by donating baked goods to be sold on Easter morning. Food donations can be dropped off during the Easter WE HAD A BLAST at Skyzone, I love being with my youth group friends. We got to play dodgeball while on trampolines! What was awesome was we got to bounce for 1 hour and 30 minutes, and that is a lot of time to bounce! It was really cool that the adults got to jump with us too. Cooper Hutson Christ United Methodist Church Page 5 From Becky Morris, Music Director “God provides the words and the music, the Choir gives it life.” “All That Jazz” IN CONCERT ON Sunday, April 19 at 4:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall On this day we will welcome a vocal group of young singers from Henry Burkhart Elementary School who call themselves, All That Jazz. (They will compete in an event at Gatlinburg, Tennessee on April 24.) This is an outstanding and entertaining group from here in Perry Township. There are CUMC children performing in this group. The Chili Cook-Off / Dessert Bake-Off will follow the concert. April Music Rehearsals 5 x 5 Bells meet Wednesday mornings from 10:15-11:00 am Resurrection Bells meet Wednesday mornings from 11:00 am - 12:00 n The Chancel Choir meets Thursday evenings from 7:00-8:30 pm Music with Becky meets Sunday mornings at 9:30 am Music with Becky will not meet on April 5 OUR FEATURED CHANCEL CHOIR MEMBER FOR APRIL...Did you know? One of our choir members, as a young person, was a member of the Church of God, with headquarters in Anderson, Indiana. He especially enjoyed the many Gospel Quartets that provided music for church services. Of course, one of his favorites was the Gaither Quartet who were from Anderson. He really liked watching and listening to the piano players who accompanied the various singing groups, and he always wished that he could play the piano. When he was thirteen years old, he met Ruth Donner, who was the organist at his church and she gave him an old player piano. His brother rented a moving trailer and with the help of friends, they managed to move the piano to his home. He took six piano lessons from a lady in Fountain Square, but they parted ways when she did not like for him to improvise when he played. He began singing in church choirs when he was a teenager. At the age of 15, he began playing the piano for the evening evangelistic services along with the organist. He became a popular person to call upon to play for funerals. In 1952 he married Marlene and a year later he was drafted into the Army. While stationed at Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri and later at Fort George Mead in Maryland, he became active in various churches including the Baltimore Church of God where he played the piano. Christ United Methodist Church Page 6 CHRIST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 8540 US 31 South, Indianapolis, IN 46227 After being discharged Office: 317/882-1549 - Fax: 317/881-8409 from the service in 1955, he Pastor David Lee: 989-3354 returned home to Indianapolis Preschool: 317/881-4804 - Website: where he formed a quartet CUMC e-mail: known as “The Crusaders Quartet” and recorded an OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Thursday 8:30 am - 12:00 noon & 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm album called Lovest Thou Friday-Office Closed. Appointments for other times can be arranged. Me. This group sang at an “All David Lee, Senior Pastor Night Sing” along side the Ted Cutrell, Parish Minister Gaither Trio on the program. Becky Morris, Director of Music In 1972 he and Marlene Terri Haehnle, Director of Christian Ed. were looking for a new church Julie Glasser, Preschool Director home and friends led them to Max Eveland, Church Growth Director Southport United Methodist Lisa Spiegel, Secretary Church. Once again he sang Carol Lee, Publications Secretary in the choir, meeting friends Rob Pfiester, Organist Wanda and Steve Brinkerhoff. Patt Quattrocchi, Parish Nurse While there, he was invited to Georganna Irish, Women’s Min. sing with a performing choral group known as Seitz and Sounds. And, that is where he met Becky and Jon Morris, BAPTISMS & NEW MEMBERS RECEIVED also singing with this group. Wednesday, March 11, 2015 In 2004 he was diagnosed with cancer and was hospitalized for 29 days. Becoming somewhat depressed, MABEL MAXINE FISHER a wonderful nurse brought in a TV and a recliner to his joined by confession of faith with baptism room and aided him in getting out of bed to watch the SUSAN MARIE WALKER “Gaither Home Coming”. With the singing of “In the Valley joined by confession of faith with baptism He Restoreth my Soul” he felt the Spirit of the Lord in that room and life began anew. Upon visiting CUMC in 2014, ROBERT WALKER joined by confession of faith he and Marlene felt at home and recognizing many Robert and Susan are married and members in our choir , quickly became a valued member. Maxine is Susan’s mother. It is his desire that he is able to sing in the choir when he ————————————is in his 90’s, if the Lord allows him to live and sing that long. Our featured choir member is Clyde McAdams Christ United Methodist Church COLTON LATOURE BOYD was baptized on Wednesday, March 11, 2015. Colton is the son of Shawn Alan Boyd & Tina Marie Rugg. Colton is the grandson of Elise Taylor. Page 7 Opportunities DOES THE JOY OF EASTER SEEM FAR AWAY? For those who have suffered a loss or who are going through a difficult time, Easter can be a time of painful loneliness and emptiness. If you are smiling on the outside, but full of pain on the inside and the joy of Easter seems far away, help is available. Our Stephen Ministers are ready to provide confidential, one-to-one, Christian care. They will listen, care, encourage, and pray with and for you. Stephen Ministers have been specially trained to meet your emotional and spiritual needs. Male Stephen Ministers are matched with men, and female Stephen Ministers are matched with women. If you or someone you know is hurting, find out ore about Stephen Ministry by talking with one of our Stephen Leaders. Our Stephen Ministers are ready to care for you! Jackie Luyk 371-0078 Pastor Ted 882-1549 Sylvia Burgess 339-2856 ————————————— EKKLESIA- mid-week worship You are invited to take time out mid-week to refocus. Join us on Wednesdays at 6:00 pm for 45 minutes of worship through music, teaching and prayer. NEW STUDY BEGINNING APRIL 22! Ruth: Loss, Love & Legacy - by Kelly Minter is a women's Bible study of Ruth's journey of unbearable loss, redeeming love, and divine legacy. This 6-week study delves into the virtuous character of Ruth, her unique relationship with her mother-in-law Naomi, and her blossoming love with Boaz. If you've ever felt devastated, struggled as a stranger, longed to be loved, or wept along the way, you'll find a loyal sister in Ruth. Join Melody Frazee on Wednesday evenings beginning Wednesday, April 22 at 7:00 pm as she leads this study. Workbook cost is $13.00. Sign up in the narthex by April 12 in order to receive your workbook. ————————————— PROMISE KEEPERS- All men and young men are invited to join us in the parlor on Wednesday from 7:008:00 pm. ————————————— GRIEF SUPPORT- All are invited and welcome. This group meets on Thursday at 6:00 pm in the parlor. This group is for any who are hurting in any way. Be merciful to me, Lord, for I am in distress; my eyes grow weak with sorrow, my soul and body with grief. Psalm 31:9 THE ART IN THE PARLOR We wish to thank Muriel Moore for sharing her stained glass art work in our parlor. These were beautiful pieces and stunning to look at. We truly have been blessed that so many of our church family are very talented and that they willingly share for the congregation’s enjoyment. Stop by the parlor and see Elise Taylor’s water color paintings which are now on display. They are beautiful. ————————————— THE TIME IS DRAWING NEAR for our fundraising to end for our upcoming mission trip to Guatemala. This mission trip will be the first opportunity for the majority of us to go out of this country and what an awesome experience it will be. We would like to thank each and every one of you for the your monetary support. Over the next couple of months, please pray for our mission, for our hearts as we prepare to go on our journey, and for our travels. If anyone would like to make a donation or purchase stock for any of our group, the tables will remain up through April 26. Again, we thank you for your support. JOIN THE PRAYER TEAM SUPPORTING OUR MISSION GUATEMALA TEAM Sign up in the narthex. Christ United Methodist Church OPPORTUNITIES THE ELDERBERRIES+ - our “lunch bunching seniors” and their friends will meet for lunch and fellowship on Tuesday, April 14 at Oaken Barrel (50 Airport Parkway, off Main Street, Greenwood) at 1:00 pm. Call Nyla at 8811915 to reserve your spot. All are welcome and invited to bring a friend. Come and enjoy. —————————————— OUR FOOD PANTRY GUESTS QUILTING WITH A “Spot of Tea” is a mission opportunity at CUMC to help comfort children with warm handmade quilt-blankets. We combine making quilt-blankets with the relaxing atmosphere of a women’s tea party using fine china, linens, fancy table decorations, and delightful treats. Like the quilting bees of yesteryear, women gathering together for a common cause, this is a warm, encouraging, and fulfilling way to share God’s love. And what better cause then helping children in need! Are welcomed at the front door Are greeted and taken to the conference room and offered coffee cake, fruit, coffee and juice while waiting • Now our Stephen Ministers are here to pray with any wanting and needing prayer on Thursday morning • Now we are offering a morning prayer service at 8:30 am before the food pantry opens each Thursday This is Radical Hospitality & Extravagant Generosity! How might you help? • Step forward as a host/hostess • Step forward to serve • Step forward to provide coffee cake or fruit • Step forward to provide a gallon of milk or juice • Step forward to clean up If you have questions, call Carol B at 317.677.8085 or Sign up in the narthex. —————————————— PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY… This group meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. Our next meeting will be Wednesday, April 15 at 7:00 pm. All are welcome and invited. We have a lesson each month and are given a knitting/ crocheting pattern to go along with our lesson. We should have something wonderful in the end. We will be creating the cross in the dark “cross” color. Our lesson theme is the “wordless book” - where black represents sin, red represents the blood of Jesus, white represents our sins washed away, blue represents baptism, green represents growth, and gold represents heaven. We meet in the Fellowship Hall from 9:00 am until noon once a month. Because we will be setting out a tea pot and china place setting for each attendee, advanced reservations are required. Contact Donna Pfiester at 8829867 or to turn in your reservation or for more information. • • Christ United Methodist Church Our next Quilting with a “Spot of Tea” date is Saturday, April 11. —————————————— OUR CHURCH SERVES THE LOAVES MEAL at Fletcher Place once a month (usually the fourth Monday of the month). We serve residents of the Fletcher Place neighborhood and the homeless. Our church will be serving the LOAVES Meal on Monday, April 27. We will need desserts and helpers and both need to be at the church by 1:00 pm that day. We will not be serving the meal in May due to the fact that it will fall on Memorial Day. For more information or to volunteer, contact Georganna Irish at 784-6974 or —————————————— THE ANNUAL AUXILIARY PROGRAM of the Indiana United Methodist Children’s Home in Lebanon will be Saturday, April 25 at 10:00 am. There will be a celebration of the home’s 100th birthday, tours of the home, a visit by John Wesley and music. Lunch is provided with a free-will offering (suggestion of $10.00) collected for the meal. Reservations need to be in by April 9. Please call the office with your reservation. Page 11 AS WE PREPARE FOR OUR Jubilee Year 8 “‘Count off seven sabbath years - seven times seven years - so that the seven sabbath years amount to a period of forty-nine years. 9 Then have the trumpet sounded everywhere on the tenth day of the seventh month; on the Day of Atonement sound the trumpet throughout your land. 10 Consecrate the fiftieth year and proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee for you; each of you is to return to your family property and to your own clan. Leviticus 25:8-10 The Jubilee year occurs after seven sets of seven compete years are finished. Christ United Methodist Church was founded in September of 1965. We would like to publish something each month, through this next year, in anticipation of our Jubilee Year. Please submit statements celebrating Christ United Methodist Church through your memories, experience or testimony, to the church office or Ann Moore. This month’s memories are written by Don Resener. Don joined Christ United Methodist Church on January 1, 1969. My connection with the Christ United Methodist Church property was as a young lad of 12 years of age. Our family lived on South Shelby Street, around the 8500 block, which placed us directly west of the present church. At that time these were open fields. Many a day my brother and neighbor friends would play in the vicinity of the present Fellowship Hall. The connection with the United Methodist (the Annual Conference acquired the land from the owner and placed it in the conference land bank. It was transferred to the congregation when Christ Church was established) was made and the ground was turned over to Christ United Methodist and the first Pastor Reverend Robert Hunt. After many years of being involved with the Lutherans, the United Church of Christ, and the Baptist, my wife Jewell and children Rick, Vicki, and Michael (living in Carriage Estates) wanted to become involved with a local church. We were family oriented and had a desire for our children to be active in the community. In the summer of 1967, Rick became of age to join the BSA Cub Scout program at CUMC. Not only did Rick join, but so did Jewell and she advised me that I was going to become an Assistant Cub Master. The program was being held at the Baxter YMCA as the church was in the building process. This began our many years of devotion and love for the church. We did not become members until 1969 when I became the Cub Master, which was an awesome adventure for our family and myself. With Jewell at my side we took 8 cub scouts into a group of 60 in four years. (In 1961, a Scoutmaster was needed and the membership dropped to 6 boys.) This then built to 81 boys, 50 of whom became Eagle Scouts, and the addition of a co-ed Exploring Program of teenage boys and girls that reached a membership of 55. The goals Jewell and myself wanted to share were: family group, an active group, and one that would bring our sponsor Christ United Methodist Church with us everywhere and anywhere we could. During this time, Jewell and I also served on various committees, taught children, youth, and adult Sunday School classes, and one year I was named chairman of a program called Family Program Directors - which was a great thrill. With a move for a short period to southern Indiana and the passing of Jewell, I still have tried to share, attend and support the activities of the church. Thankful for the many opportunities I have to share my life story, this has kept me from being as active on a weekly basis. Regardless: Christ United Methodist Church, the present Pastor David Lee, and all the members - I love you all. Christ United Methodist Church Page 12 BELOW IS THE INDIANA CONFERENCE PURCHASE OF NEW SITES AS SHOWN IN THE 1965 CONFERENCE JOURNAL - Road 31 and Stop 12 Road PLAN NOW TO ATTEND OUR 50th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION at Christ United Methodist Church - Indianapolis on Sunday, September 13, 2015 Sunday School followed by a joint worship service followed by our 50th Anniversary Meal Holy Week at Christ United Methodist Church Maundy Thursday - April 2 - 7:00 pm This service will include communion at tables of 12 and extinguishing of the lights, the seven last words. EASTER SUNDAY - April 5 - 8:30 and 11:00 am With an Easter garden and great choir music, we will celebrate with grateful hearts that “He arose!” Join us on Easter Sunday and bring a friend with you. Christ United Methodist Church Page 13 FROM SYLVIA BURGESS...You’re such a blessing. Thank you for everything. Thank you to Pastor David for the faithful prayers and daily hospital visits. Thank you to the Prayer Shawl ladies for the beautiful prayer shawl. It is hard to put into words the love I feel for all the prayers and expressions of care I have received from all of my CUMC family. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. FROM SUZIE, ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT, FLETCHER PLACE COMMUNITY CENTER...Thank you for your recent gift of $500.00 to Fletcher Place Community Center through Metro Ministries. Your support touches lives and brings hope when life may seem very challenging. Thanks and prayers. FROM RED BIRD MISSION...Thank you for your recent support of Red Bird Mission and Red Bird Clinic. Your contribution of $300.00 is making a difference in the lives of thousands in the Red Bird River Valley. Grace and Peace. FROM BIBLE STUDY FELLOWSHIP...Your generosity in FROM REBECCA McSORLEY AND opening your facility to Bible Study MY MOM...I want to thank you so Fellowship (BSF) is greatly much for the pink prayer shawl and appreciated. We want to thank you the little bear I received while I was in and your congregation for hosting FROM MAJOR JOSH the hospital. I love them both! I had a BSF for the 2014-2015 class year. WAGGONER...Thank you CUMC really high fever, but I wrapped the We count it a privilege to share with Church Members for your thoughts and prayers. The support we receive shawl around me when I went to you in the Lord’s service. sleep and when I woke up my fever from home is always appreciated. FROM KATE STARR...I am moved Knowing that we have the continuous was almost gone. I think the shawl and it is quite nice. Linda and Jen did that. Oh, and my mom just loved and heartfelt prayers of believers at worked many tireless hours. I truly home provides us with the shield of the pink shawl you gave her also. wish I could come back to church (I She stayed in my hospital room for all strength we need to complete our miss it so), but the doctor says I’ll the nights that I was there and the mission. Psalm 91 never walk again. I do enjoy your shawl kept her warm. I will keep this FROM DAVID & PAT HOEFFKEN (Pastor David) and Ted’s visits and all shawl forever. AND FAMILY...Our Dear Prayer the many cards. Shawl Friends, Our family is so very THANK YOU FROM grateful for your kindness and MISSION GUATEMALA, Christ United Methodist Church blessings to our family with the gift of Dolli Neikirk...Thank Ladies’ Tea and Luncheon your prayer shawls. We have felt you! Mission Guatemala Sunday, October 4, 2015 God’s presence when wrapping thanks you for your ourselves with your comforting generous gift of $500.00 2:00 pm shawls. Thank you again and may made through the Fellowship Hall God richly bless your ministry. Indiana Conference of Entertainment will be provided by the United Methodist FROM THE FAMILY OF WAYNE The Sounds Familiar Barbershop Quartet Church. We are so SMITHSON (cousin of Pat and grateful for your gift as Hoeffken)...We want to thank you for The St. Andrew’s UMC together we work to the prayer blanket. It means a lot to Rainbow Junction Puppet Ministry. improve the quality of life us to have other churches praying for for the Guatemalan Guest Speaker will be - Rachel Harden us. David and Pat are so special to people struggling to Proceeds will benefit the United Methodist have in our family. In Christian Love, overcome extreme Children’s Home at Lebanon. Ezra and Carolyn Smithson poverty. Christ United Methodist Church Page 14 Preschool at cumc MARCH WAS FILLED with so many fun activities and concepts, however with only seven weeks left, we will focus on filling the children's days with as much love as we can before sending them into the summer months. BIBLE TIME WITH PASTOR DAVID: We will hear the stories of Jesus healing ten lepers, of blind Bartimaeus, the prodigal son, and Zacchaeus. Our Bible verses will be 1 Peter 5:7, Jeremiah 33:3, and Exodus 20:12. Our preschool focus will be on the letters: Uu, Bb, Rr; the number: 20, the colors of the rainbow, and the concepts of big/bigger/biggest. UPCOMING EVENTS - MARK YOUR CALENDARS APRIL 8 & 9 ARE SPIRIT DAYS - Wear your t-shirts. Check with your teacher for the day you are to participate. THE PRE-K GRADUATION CEREMONY will be Tuesday, May 19 at 6:30 pm. We will send home more information at the end of April. OUR END OF YEAR CELEBRATION will be at Monkey Joe’s on Wednesday, May 20 from10:00 am until 12:00 noon. Mark your calendar now. Details will come in April. NOW HIRING AT CUMC PRESCHOOL We looking for people who feel they have the gift and talent for working with young children. We are now accepting resumes and applications for the upcoming school year. This is a great “Mom” job which means the hours will allow you the time needed to get your children to school and be home before they get home. We love to teach these precious little ones about the love of God using the ABC’s and 123’s. If you are interested in working for Christ United Methodist Church Preschool, please stop by the preschool office and pick up an application along with the written hiring procedures. We are currently hiring for: 3 day aide and 3 day teacher. Our staff work hours are 9:30 am - 2:30 pm with a 9:00 am staff meeting twice a month. Requirements are that you *attend all special events, *meet all policies and procedures in the staff manual. The hourly wages vary for each position. INTEREST IN MEMBERSHIP AT CUMC? We have a spring membership class scheduled for April. The classes will be held from 9:45-10:45 am on the Sundays of April 5, 12, 19, and 26. (Sunday, April 19 is a meeting and greeting of the Sunday School classes and small groups.) We will be receiving new members on Sunday, May 3. We, after one Sunday, have $17,635.00 pledged to Faith Promise Missions. Thank you! Christ United Methodist Church Page 15 CHEESECAKE COOKIE CAKE BAKE-OFF The Chili Cook-Off and Dessert Bake-Off will follow the performance of Burkhart Elementary’s All That Jazz choir on Sunday, April 19 CONCERT starts at 4:30 pm COOK-OFF starts at 5:00 pm The cost to sample is just $1.00 for your spoon. Vote on your favorites with money - the one, in each category, with the most money wins bragging rights until next year! All donations will benefit projects of the Education Committee (VBS, Trunk or Treat, Back to School Night and more!) ———————————————- Non-Profit Org. US Postage PAID Indianapolis, IN Permit No. 2980 THURSDAY, APRIL 2 7:00 pm This service will include communion at tables of 12 and extinguishing of the lights - the seven last words. OCCUPANT OR Plug in your crockpot or prepare your dessert then come and hear some wonderful music which includes some of our own youth! There are over six of our CUMC youth involved with this singing group! Contest categories this year: CHILI1) regular 2) poultry 3) exotic 4) fire engine hot DESSERTS1) Cheesecakes 2) Cakes 3) Cookies Christ United Methodist Church BETTER LATE IN THE SEASON THAN NOT AT ALL 8540 US 31 South Indianapolis, IN 46227-0971 Phone: 317.882.1549 Fax: 317.881-8409 CHILI COOK-OFF Come Join Us for Worship Sundays at 8:30 and 11:00 am T.H.I.R.S.T. - 11:00 am in Fellowship Hall BURKHART ELEMENTARY’S All That Jazz choir and
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